Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 123: Blood Demon vs Hair Demon – Blessing and Named Items! (II)

The sudden tink making the sabers shudder surprised not only Kai but also the Hair Demon.

Kai gawked at the Fangs in his hand, distancing himself from Nyra, who had stopped mid-air, standing on a thin strand of hair. This made little sense to him. He had used these sabers against Beyblades, and they were Uncommon-graded Items.

If he had lost a percentage or two of Quality, then Kai would have made his peace with it.

To lose 25% Quality, of both sabers, and in one move…

It was beyond imagination!

"Ara…" Nyra giggled coquettishly, putting her hand over her mouth. "Fighting me without a Named Item?! Tch-Tch! Here I thought you recognized my powers when you marched into the museum with that confident walk of yours. Wasn't it you who was sending those pathetic paper creatures to spy on me? You do know that I have a Blessing, right?"

Kai's heart thumped.

Meg had told him about these Blessings.

Exceptional members of elite organizations or priests and priestesses from the various Temples could have these powers. Blessings generally were a part of a power that belonged to some main storyline Character or some Magical Beast, yet their Potencies were vastly higher than any equivalent graded Skill.

That's why when Kai had sucked out Meg's happiness the first time, she had wrongly thought of that as a Blessing.

That was also the reason for the High Priest to order her to kill him, Meg had guessed. As they already knew Kai wasn't a member of some major organization, then in their opinion, Kai was definitely a rookie reared by another Temple. And the rivalries between all the Temples ran deep in Chaos' Valley.

Then there were Named Items.

These Items weren't the replicas collected from the Random Worlds, or crafted by the Contestants in the Primordial Tower, but these were the original items possessed by the main storyline Characters in their respective Random Worlds. There were strict conditions to turn such items into Named Items. Still, given the same grade, nothing could match a Named Item on the same footing.

Yes, her having a Blessing explains this Named Item, Kai thought, his lips pressing into a thin line. It must be the same sword that the original character Yura had from the Random World of Inuyasha.

One thing you must never forget, master, Meg had told him. 9 out of 10 times, only a Named Item can match another Named Item. So if you are to face someone with a Named Item in the future, always go for the owner and not the Item.

"Crimson Mist," Nyra told him, flashing the steel in his eyes. "It can cut through all flesh and bones in a single slash. Now die!" She lunged at him, raising the sword high.

The irony was that Kai also had Named Item. Several, to be precise.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Original). The 3 Custom Pokeballs. The Regional Pokedex. Even the Rock Cake, though it was a Consumable Item and didn't belong to him.

However, contrary to the definition, only those Items that directly contributed to the offensive or defensive abilities of a Contestant were called Named Items. Once again, if one needed to make sure if the Item was Named or not, the Primordial Tower Trade Market was the greatest and most trustworthy platform.

Kai gritted his teeth and sent the Fangs back into Inventory.

These were the only sabers he had for now, and the best available for him in the Primordial Tower Trade Market. He couldn't afford to spend Mission Credits and get something better if these sabers were to disappear. At least not until he was done with this Main Mission.

Thick pillars of hair came at Kai, trying to bind his hands and legs. He slithered away effortlessly from them, but then more and more hair kept coming.

Nyra was within 10 meters of him, but there was nothing he could do to her.

His Telekinesis was useless without weapons to control, and on a strong opponent like her when he had yet to master his new Ability fully. He could use Skill, but if he failed to kill her in 30 seconds, then the cooldown of 5 minutes would be his death.

I didn't expect that I would lose the use of my sabers, Kai thought, dodging the puppets hacking at him. Good thing the Fangs were just one part of my plan.

Kai's hand flicked, and he took out four Kunais, two in each hand. As he slithered out of hair pillars, he threw them at the incoming Nyra. Surprised, she was about to run head-on into them. Suddenly, one of the hair pillars chasing Kai changed direction and became a wall between the Kunais and her.

The Kunai hit the hair-wall, and fell to the ground, making a crunching noise.

They were paper Kunais.

Kai couldn't store Meg's Origami in his Inventory, as they weren't Items. So he had emptied his MRB and stuffed it with many Origamis instead. These Origamis were the most important part of dealing with this Hair Demon.

Nyra laughed. "So it was you indeed," she said, looking at the crumpled papers. "What it is? Elementary Origami Creation?"

Kai didn't reply. He dashed away from her, took out an Origami sword, and threw it at her.

"Humph!" Nyra harrumphed. "I have enough of your bluffs."

One hair pillar flicked at the sword, and it fell apart, bits of paper raining down like snow. Kai didn't wait for her to catch up to him, though. He kept throwing Kunais, daggers, and even needles at her.

The hair pillars flicked them away. After one point, she even stopped defending against them. They just hit her and fell, not even tickling her.

Nyra snickered. "You think I am dumb, don't you?" she asked, jesting. "All you men are the same. What gives you the right to think highly of yourself when you are at my mercy? You think you will mix real Kunais or Items with fake ones, and that would fool me? Do you even have that many Items? Would you like to see me using them?"

Kai felt the danger before he could even see it.

From all around, thin strands of hair lifted like dozens of feet tall snakes. At the tip of those hairs were Kunais, the black iron glistening gray in the dark. But things didn't end there, to Kai's dismay.

Tied at the end of those Kunais were strips of paper with runic characters and symbols on them.


The name thundered in Kai's mind. There was a time when he had wondered how much death and destruction he could cause with a dozen of them. Never had he thought he would be at the receiving end of it.

Like a rain of arrows, all the Explosive-Kunais got thrown at him, leaving him no direction to dodge. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Nyra backing away, laughing and sneering at him.

Kai's face showed the utmost fear when all the paper strips lit up simultaneously.

But the moment the first explosion blinded Nyra's vision, he smiled, the corners of his lips arching like that of a demon.

It wasn't a chain of explosions.

A massive boom shook the entire museum, rocking its foundation.

Kai was around the wall opposite the DMA machine with Nyra hovering on hair in between. That wall came down too, rubble falling, rolling all over the museum's great hall. The rest of the explosion went toward Nyra, with a destructive power not less than with which it had brought down the wall.

A humongous wall of hair came between her and the incoming explosion.

It trembled, hair scorching from the fire. The explosion destroyed more than half of it, but it couldn't go through the wall's thickness. The wall, though, had done more than save Nyra from her own explosion.

It made her blind to what was going on behind the wall.

Not even Kai could have survived so many Explosive Kunais. Not without a powerful armor to enhance his Defense at least. But these days, Kai had a better and more potent alternative.

A charred figure threw 1 red capsule in its mouth, and in an instant, a red glow washed over it. Every burnt part healed, a blue skin reappearing, glistening silver under the fire flickering around him. Not even the reduced HP regeneration rate could prevent him from standing up and taking a deep breath, throwing a piece of the wall off him.

The thick smell of burnt hair spread across the museum and entered his nose.

Kai's eyes snapped open. The smile that had vanished after the explosion returned. His hand flicked again. But this time, he didn't take out any weapon.

It was another blue figure.

The paper form of Golduck-Kai.

Yesterday's Power Stone Count: 56

Bonus Chapters: 0


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