
Chapter 34 1/2


Previously on Centaurus: The band return to Bine where they meet with an artificer, there they discover that the eggs are in fact extremely strong and nigh-indestructible. Meanwhile a duo of tumblers down on their luck stalk Fey seeking flexibility, the Fey hunting club freaks out seeing what Octavia brought them, and Kayla gives birth and Flora becomes pregnant… again.

Now, Chapter 34:

Vivi watched as the enormously egg filled gnome girl lazily drifted up over the roof tops. The city guards who were struggling to make their way through the departing crowds were only able to look on helpless as their target floated away, escaping.


“Wummy, best you hide too, I doubt it would be a good thing if the guards see a slime monster in the city.”


The tentacles slithering around her began to draw back in, slurping back up inside of her pussy until only one remained. The tentacle caringly patted her pregnant belly and then retracted too only leaving the ones hidden beneath her clothing outside. 


Vivi shivered and closed her eyes as it sucked up inside, her trousers acquiring a fresh wet spot as her juices rained down inside.


Opening her eyes once more she found a human looking at her aghast, looking at her belly her breasts, her legs.


Vivi scowled.


“The fuck you looking at? If you have a problem then fight me, step up and meet my fist!”


The man looked somehow even more aghast at this suggestion and he turned and hurried away.


The vulpine sighed. She wondered if Wummy would ever be accepted by normal society and not seen as a terrifying people eating monster. The only people left now who didn't seem to have an aversion to continuing to remain in the street were a group by an overturned food stall, a group with Octavia. The apparent Fey Hunting Club. She noted them carefully clutching the drawings she had made earlier, holding them tight, warily looking at the others as though expecting them to make a grab for them.


She paused as a thought occurred to her. There would be so many girls reading these newsletters and jilling themselves silly over them and really they would never even see Fey let alone experience her, or maybe not even know many of the stories were actually true and that Fey was real. Now that made her feel bad, they would never know! 


That was not a good thing in her opinion… maybe her drawings had been a good idea after all.


The club was talking with Octavia now, nodding their heads, then to Vivi’s alarm she pointed right in her direction and the group of girls looked at her, then down at the clutched drawings, then back up.


Vivi waved at them uncertainly and then Octavia skipped over, the club cautiously following in her wake.


“Look this is the one who drew them, tell them Vivi, they don't believe me because you look like a uh,-”


“A what?” said Vivi pursing her lips.


“Really strong? Look it’s her okay, she drew them.”


Vivi looked between the uncertain group of girls, hardcore fan girls clearly quite obsessed with Fey. An idea occurred to her, maybe even a really good idea, one that she could use to finance a sword to far surpass her previous one.


“I’ve had an idea that might have a bit of interest, but… I want a cut.”


“A cut of the newsletter for the drawings?”


Vivi waved her paw vaguely, “No, not that, something else, something that certain people will want even more than the stories or the drawings,” she eyed the girls, “A copy of the real thing.”


The group looked at her blankly, especially Octavia.


“Look, just follow me and watch, I can make it right here, I saw everything I needed inside the artificer’s shop.”


She entered the shop once again, struggling to fit her pregnant belly through the door. The Fey Hunting Club followed, approaching the door like nervous antelopes. Of course, the loxodon elephant girl couldn't fit, which caused a jam meaning most of the the club were left stuck outside peering around her doorway blocking body.


Inside the dwarf was still busily working with the lenses, he had constructed some kind of device which must have held at least fifty of the many coloured disks of crystal, one in front of the other. He looked far from done and seemed to be dragging free a second mechanical device.


The thing that interested Vivi however was in the centre of the expansive room. The large tree in a large pot. She approached and peered at the taps piercing its surface, the occasional droplet of rubbery sap falling free.




She moved toward one of the tables butting up against the enormous pot. On the table there were several blocks of wood along with dozens of pieces of wood tooling equipment.




Vivi picked up a pair of carving knives and casually spun them in her paws, then brought them to the surface of the nearest block of wood. As she did so two dozen glossy white tentacles picked up every other wooden carving implement and brought them to the surface of the wood too.


In moments they were in motion, and then only a few minutes later they were done, twenty six appendages working at once made for extremely quick work, and Vivi was able to orchestrate all of it. 


At the same time that was happening tentacles were pulling vats and buckets of white sludge from rune marked crates, the tentacles poured gooey fluids and shifted things around as the wood they were carving was finished, was flipped into the air, then dunked in one of the white filled vats. Vivi pulled a lever on the side experimentally, a plume of steam sprayed directly into her face and she coughed and spluttered, trying to keep it away with her other paw as she jammed the lever back up. 


The vat came apart as she did so, steel sides falling away leaving a white cube in two halves which Wummy grabbed up, the wooden carving within swiftly placed to one side. In moments she had the two halves of the white cube clamped together on the table and was pouring a self heating bucket of something pink, gooey, and semi transparent into a hole at the top. Then, once that was done, a tentacle hesitantly picked up a device with a snowflake rune imprinted on its side.


Vivi shrugged. “Hey, it can’t be worse than trying to operate that blacksmith’s furnace, right?”


The tentacle gave her a slightly disbelieving look but pressed it down on top of the white cube. The device flashed and ice crept over the top of the cube, crusting it with frost.


“Sorry, what is it that we are doing here?” said Octavia stepping forward.


Vivi grinned. “I haven’t always had access to pens and paper and stuff, it’s not exactly something you find out in the wild... But a knife and some wood? I learned to carve well before I learned to draw.”


She ran her paw over the ice, brushing it away, and then dug her claws into the now solidified pink that was below it. The stuff was surprisingly pliable and squidgy and she was able to pull it free as Wummy pulled apart the two halves of the cube, the floppy foot long length flopping wildly in her paws.


She turned around and held the thing up.


“What the hell is that?” said Octavia.


“This? It’s a copy of that.” She pointed at Fey who was at the far end of the room standing awkwardly by the large contraption the dwarf was still building.


The Fey Hunting Club looked at Fey, then down beneath her barrel where her length lazily bobbed up and down with her motion, then back to Vivi who held a length of pink, semi transparent rubber, a length that looked rather suspiciously like a smaller version of what was beneath Fey's barrel, in fact, it looked EXACTLY like what was beneath Fey’s barrel down to every vein and bump almost perfectly replicated on a smaller scale, only a few casting issues created bubbles and rough parts around the base.


“Y-you can't just make a Fey dildo!” said Octavia aghast.


“Well I did,” said Vivi Smugly, “It’s cast too so I can make a bunch, I’ll make various different sizes as well, don't worry you’ll get one, I’ve even got a name, Good Centaur Dildos, I want to advertise them in the newsletter.”


“N-not that!” said Octavia trying desperately to hold back the Fey Hunting Club who were now trying to shove past her, “How do you think these girls obsessed with Fey are going to react when just your d-drawing-ingS-”


She cried out as the terrier kin rushed between her legs and a human grabbed her arm and shoved it aside, a dozen others pushed and shoved forward behind, and then with the loud sound of trumpeting the doorframe started to break away from the wall as the far too large to fit Loxodon forced her way forward.


“Uh, I can make more though, wait! Hold on a second!” said Vivi as the terrier lunged for her.


The wall started to crumble.


At the far end of the room the dwarf suddenly stepped back from peering through his great egg analysing device, the egg nestled at the centre of the construction.


“I believe there is life in there, yes.”


“That's all you have for us? Life? It is an egg you know, life is what I would expect.”


“Well It’s rather hard to see lass, the material the egg is made from is not normal, er, I can tell youse the shadowy shape I see has six limbs so it’s clearly some kinda lizard or stubby centipede, mebe some kinda spider-”


“And not a centaur? Look, Fey has six limbs, four legs and two arms.”


“I toldjya centaurs don't come in eggs this is clearly summin else I-”




The wall around the entrance shattered as the nine foot tall Loxodon girl burst through the far too small door, a tide of girls from the Fey Hunting Club who had been stuck behind came with her and they charged at Vivi who yelped and fled. The elephant girl roared and chased after the vulpine, rows and rows of counters crashing to the ground as she stampeded past, girls clambering over the fallen things, hands grasping, greed in their eyes.


The mob charged after the vulpine, headed straight toward the enormous lens construction and Fey, Ellaria, and the dwarf. 


Vivi stumbled as her belly caught on a desk and the terrier managed to grab hold of the Fey dildo and lifted into the air victoriously... for all of one second before she was brutally tackled into a table and a full on brawl broke out, fists and backhanded slaps flying through the air.


The Loxodon being so large and slow to react was left on the fringes of the brawl, unable to even get close to the greatly desired object as it quickly moved from hand to hand, she bellowed in frustration, then, losing her temper she turned on Fey.


“Do you have any idea how few Loxodons there are this far from the jungles? NONE! I need a dick I can actually feel and a pair of hips that don't shatter like glass and get crushed flat when I bounce on them dammit! It’s been too long! These teasing maddening writings constantly being given to me are driving me to distraction!”


“Uhm-” said Fey backing away in alarm.


“I’ve read all the damned stories, I want- I fucking want that! You did it with Lady Alexandria and survived without being crushed or snapped so you can survive doing it with meeee!”


“B-but I d-didn’t!-!”


Too late the elephant girl charged forward and Fey cried out before a sheet of flame went up, Ellaria stepping between them.


“Fey, go out the back, clearly things are-


The enormous mechanical construction of lenses fell with a crash of shattering glass and twisting metals, as well as a dwarvish scream about the expense.


“ -getting out of hand here.”


Fey looked around, but seeing it was clearly hopeless, and her presence was likely only making things worse, she turned and fled through the nearest doorway. She found herself in a back room full of random assortments of artificers materials and more importantly the exit. She grabbed for it, twisting the handle, shoved through, and burst out into fresh air, then quickly turning she slammed the door shut behind her.


She let out a sigh of relief.


“H-hey! You almost kicked me!” came a voice.


She blinked expecting to see some bystander, but there was no one there, in fact there was no one there at all.




“I needed some time alone... so I went out the back and waited on the step for you guys to be done with the egg and, well whatever Vivi was doing.”


“You’re not pregnant anymore?”


“No, but I am still invisible. I’m not sure what's worse, this empty feeling or no one even being able to see me!”


Fey’s shoulders lowered. It was pretty clear the otterkin was going through a rough time, she just wasn’t sure-


The door suddenly shook, streamers of dust falling from the walls above as something heavy struck the wood. 


“Uh, w-whats that?” said the Kayla.


“Trouble, we should go, m-maybe.”


She reached down making a guess where the invisible otterkin sat on the step and finding something soft she picked it up. Not with a little difficulty, the otterkin’s chest was very large and even with the levitating bra she was wearing it was awkward. Fey settled her on top of her own breasts and quickly trotted toward a corner, another alley leading from the back alley they were in.


She almost got away unseen, but then with a crash the wooden door was ejected from the doorway and crashed into the wall opposite.


“Give me it like the stories!” roared the Loxodon girl smashing her way free, rubble pouring over her shoulders, “I promise I won't crush your pelvis much! You're strong, you'll be fine!”


Fey ‘eeped!’ And fled down the alley away from her. The sounds of thumping pounding feet followed behind and she accelerated, darting from alley to alley, the press of buildings here an endless warren.


Unfortunately, the loxodon wasn’t slow, in fact she was shockingly fast once she got going, if a little clumsy. Fey glanced behind to see her turn a corner and demolish a wall as she bounced off it and stormed forward, eyes alight with hunger, trunk reaching, eager to grab her.


They were going to be caught and there was nothing she could do, the terrifying Loxodon was unstoppable.


A flash of red caught her eye ahead and she blinked as she spotted a number of teddy bears hauling a cart laden with crates down an alley.


“Hey, you’ve got to help me!”


The teddy bear riding on top of the crates turned to see her, a red scarf fluttering in the breeze. He quickly took in Fey, then the Loxodon just turning the corner at the end of the alley, then he waved his blunt paw to follow and jumped off the crate.


Fey, not sure what else to do, chased after him as he darted into an alley. This alley seemed different than the others, even narrower, and as they progressed it split into many many more, a spiderweb like maze. The thundering steps behind slowed, but still came on.


Then the bear stopped.


“Wh-why are you stopping?!”


The bear pointed and Fey realised she was standing outside a door, a heavy door, one with a huge chained padlock on it, the door seemed to be part of an enormous building several storeys tall, a warehouse far larger than anything else they had passed by in the alleys so far.


“I- I can't go in there, it's locked!”


The bear pointed at the lock this time with emphasis.




The sound of a wall collapsing and angry trumpeting came from behind. “Give me snu snu!” came a distant bellow.


Fey grabbed hold of the lock and pulled on it, dragging the chain from either side.


The lock groaned as metal began to fail, flashes of colour sparking as magical runes came apart across its surface. All at once it broke with a flash of light and a dozen chunks of metal fell around Fey’s hooves. She didn't hesitate and grabbed the door handle, opened it, and slipped inside, closing it behind.


“Did she see?” whisper hissed Kayla.


They held their breath, slumped against the door, listening, waiting.


The sound of heavy feet came closer, closer, angry breathing, and then… it passed, the steps leaving them behind.


They let out a breath at the same time.


“I think you dodged an arrow there Fey, Loxodons are famous for being erm, scary brutal in bed, and nearly as strong as dragons…”


“I got the impression... “ said Fey faintly.


After a moment she struggled to her feet, her hooves clicking on the flagstones. She hesitantly stepped forward, amongst the shelves, the shelves of the warehouse…?


The massive shelves towered over Fey even with her size and height, their tops dark in the shadowed ceiling, tall intimidating things crammed with books of varying sizes, all covered in a layer of dust, decrepit weathered covers, aged and split and worn away, titles barely visible and often unreadable.   


Fey sneezed as the disturbed dust tickled her nose, the few beams of light that filtered through the tall windows highlighting a million motes of dust suspended in the air.


“What is this place?”


“I… don't know,” said Kayla. 


Fey blinked down at her, for once actually able to see the otterkin girl, or at least her outline, the motes of dust swirling around her unable to pass within her body and so loosely showing her shape.


The motes roiled and an invisible arm lifted, a small hand reaching for the nearest shelf and gently touching the cover.


“It says, ‘Hydromancer, water magicks.’ Hey, you don't think this is a Class library do you?”


Fey looked around at the dusty disused shelving. “I don't know but it seems a bit unused and abandoned if that is what it is, erm, and all the books look old?”


“Then maybe not a Class library? Maybe a storage place for old Class books? Maybe ones that are outdated, or, uh, damaged? That has to exist right? I doubt a Class book can last for centuries without needing to be replaced right?”


Fey rubbed her chin. “That makes sense, I think you are probably right, but that maybe means they are dangerous too? There was a huge padlock on the door remember, an enchanted padlock, I doubt just anyone would be able to break in here, I nearly couldn't break the lock and I'm, erm, really strong…”


The dust moved suggesting Kayla was nodding her head in agreement


“Then this is perfect!”


“It is?”


“Yes! I just need…” the dust shimmered as the otterkin looked around. She soon spotted what she needed, a dusty disused desk, and rushed over to it. A moment later the draws were being rapidly dragged out and tossed to the ground, each of them empty and barren, that is until she pulled free the last draw and something clattered within.


The dust billowed and rose as she stood up, a clear cracked crystal seemingly floating in the air held by an invisible hand.


“Erm, Kayla I'm not sure that it is a good idea to do this without a professional. We don't know anything, these books could all be broken for all we know, or banned, or- or dangerous!”


The crystal moved slightly as though the fist clutching it was white knuckle gripping it.


“I don't care anymore Fey, I'm tired of being useless, and if the perfect Class for me exists it could be in here! A class with as much Affinity for me as Lily’s Class is for her! I could catch up to her with a perfect Class, I could help! I don't know if that class is here, but I’m going to look!”




But the crystal suddenly darted away, fleeing down between the towering shelves, the dust swirling violently as the invisible otterkin passed by.


Fey blanched and tried to follow, running between the shelves after her, flickering beams of light passing by as she passed between bookcase after bookcase.  One passage three, five, and then Kayla was simply… gone. Any indication she was there nowhere to be found. Fey turned her head desperately searching for a sign of her, a whirl of dust, a floating crystal, but there was nothing.


“Kayla!” she cried out again, but no one answered, only the dark shelves, her voice absorbed into the silence.


She slowly came to a halt in the still warehouse. “Dammit Kayla... I didn’t know you were this desperate…”


She trotted forward, vaguely hoping to catch sight of the otterkin, but was only greeted by more shelves, more darkness. The warehouse was vast and without end and an invisible otterkin would be near impossible to find if she wished not to be.


A few minutes later she turned a corner and was bathed in light from a wall of tall windows, an open space amongst the shelves. She had apparently reached the other side of the building.


The space was not empty however, a long red silk dangled from the shadowy ceiling far above. Fey blinked at it, the silk was clearly quite out of place, the red bright and unfaded, which it wouldn't have been had it been left here long enough to bleach in the sun. 


It was clear that the long red silk was a new addition, someone had placed it here recently, maybe very recently. She turned her head at a sound and caught sight of a multicoloured thing crawling on the shelves, a patchwork of brightly coloured scraps, a thing with eight legs and a striped tail. The thing scuttled up the shelves like some mad insect and disappeared over the top.


Fey eyed the spot where it had disappeared in alarm. A spider?


“Uhm, h-hello? W-we didn't mean to trespass, really we didn’t know, and uh, it was an emergency! An elephant was trying to get me!”


The sound of frantic whispering came from the shadows, what sounded like two voices arguing.


“If there is anything I can do to make up for breaking the lock I’ll do it! p-please don't call the city guards…”


The whispering increased in intensity and then suddenly cut off as though reaching an agreement.


The sound of someone clearing their throat followed. “We will accept something in return for your, uh, vandalism! As payment!”


Fey blinked as something scuttled above and she turned her head back to the red silk to find a large spider slowly easing its way down, the silk curled around their splayed limbs. 


Fey warily took a step back, but then the spider became clear up close, what she thought were legs in fact appeared to be sleeves, empty sleeves behaving like they were filled with regular arms, in fact as the thing drew near she realised that she was actually looking at a cloak,  a cloak made of patchwork with six sleeves emerging from the sides of the cloak that reached out and clutched the silk.


The spider reached the bottom of the silk and came to a stop. Then in one incredibly graceful motion it pivoted, limbs swinging in all directions as it rolled around, the head of the cloak flopping back revealing a human like head, a human like head with white hair and large yellow eyes, like a lemur.


“We will accept payment for your crime! Payment in the form of s-sex!”


Fey looked over the ‘spider’, now realising that it was just a rather attractive girl wearing a cloak, apparently a magical one going by the way the four empty sleeves moved of their own volition.


She also caught sight of a white leotard beneath the cloak and a lot of naked skin.


“Erm, are you sure you are librarians?”


“Yes! We are absolutely librarians who do bookish things all day and nothing else!”


It’s just, I haven't heard of any librarians who wear leotards before...?”


The lemurkin froze up momentarily, but then sprung into motion, the silk spinning around her as she flipped and spun before coming down in a three-point landing on the ground. 


Her arm reached to the side and the cloak dramatically whipped around, spinning, a flurry of colour that flicked from her bloody and whirled through the air before landing casually on a desk by the windows.


Fey stared at the lemur kin girl who was left behind. Her body was sleek and attractive, the body of a gymnast, her extremely revealing leotard made that clear, in fact very little was left to the imagination as the thin material quite clearly outlined a puffy camel toe at the bottom of a deep V, even the slight bump of her clit pressing out against the stretchy white fabric.


This was the least librarian like clothing that Fey could imagine.


“We are librarians, uh, just we are also librarians who moonlight as t-tumblers. Hey, don't give me that look, you would find a hobby too with a job as insanely boring as looking at dumb dusty books all day. And there’s nothing like tumbling through the air as the crowd oohs and ahhs watching every inch of my body with their eyes, every flex and stretch, every time I do the splits!”


She suddenly lowered to the ground as if to demonstrate, her legs reaching out either side, her camel toe squishing down on the sun-warmed flagstones.


“I... see?” said Fey, not seeing at all.


The lemurkin lifted herself by her hands, her legs rising into the air still doing the splits before she spun them in a circle and around above her head and flipped into a standing position following it up with an elegant curtsey, her lemur tail waving in the air.


“Names Zoey, member number one of Head-Over-Heels, Tumblers for hire, acrobatic performers with fans across the continent, uh, I uh, m-mean, that is when we’re on break from being l-librarians, and b-book stuff.” the lemurkin tugged nervously at her leotard.




“She’s lying.” came a voice, which caused Zoey to look stricken.


Fey turned to see another spider descending from the ceiling, this time from a white silk that lowered with it. 


It spun at the end and landed gracefully, the cloak already being flung away through the air, somehow folding as it spun until it landed on the same dusty desk, a neat shape next to the messy shape that was Zoey’s cloak.


A grey furred squirrel girl was revealed with an impressive bust which was desperately kept in place by a dozen strips of white silk, softness spilling over the top and bottom, and doing little to keep them from bouncing with her motions. At first glance she was wearing panties, but on closer inspection, her ‘panties’ were actually just two inch wide strips of silk that wrapped around her hips and converged on her muff, the V so deep that her pink clitoral hood was partially visible, the strips covered little on her rear too, only a comically small percent of her cheeks while squishing them in from being drawn tight. Above her tightly bound cheeks a huge fluffy tail emerged that filled the space behind her.


“Lying about being librarians?” said Fey squinting at the incredibly lewd looking squirrel girl.


“What? NO! She’s lying about being number one in our business, I am number one.”


“Business? I thought you were librarians?”


“Y-you can have a job and still run a business too you know, that's a thing!”


“Quite,” said the squirrel girl adjusting a pair of armless spectacles balanced on her nose, just about the only libraryish part of her, “We are ah, both librarians, yes. My name is Penny, number one tumbler of Head-Over-Heels… and we,” she glanced at Zoey, eyes narrowing, “Apparently want payment in the form of… sex?”


“Yes! I have heard that there is a female centaur with a p-penis that can do, erm, mind blowing life changing things to a girl in the city and fortunately for you that sounds like an acceptable exchange for breaking the, uh, lock.”


Fey crossed her arms under her chest, not easy due to her size.


“You are very peculiar librarians,” she paused and looked around at the endless dusty bookshelves, “Although I suppose anyone having to work here would go slightly mad and want to do something exciting, although why you wear such… n-naked, clothing is uhm…”


“Gosh you have no idea, we wouldn't get half the business we do if we didn't, you know how much a bunch of horny nobles is willing to pay to see me lift my ankle over my head?”


Zoey didn't wait for an answer and demonstrated by lifting her left leg into the air unbending and pivoting her hips until her leg was pointing straight up in the air with her arms wrapped around it, a standing splits.


Fey’s eyes were drawn magnetically to the slim section of flesh that was covered by the leotard, a single thin white band of stretchy fabric that stretched over her pussy, so narrow that her puffy muff poked out to either side and the pinkness of her labia could be just barely seen.


Fey swallowed, her throat a little dry. The air was rudely broken by the sound of heavy flesh smacking hard up against flesh from below her barrel.


She realised the lemurkin was doing it on purpose of course. It didn't change the fact that it was an incredibly erotic sight. Her athletic body was a sight to behold, just the way her inner thighs smoothly arced in toward that one spot barely hidden by her obscene snow white leotard, skin-tight fabric outlining her folds.


Zoey gave her a small smile, an expert exhibitionist catching a fly in honey.


“F-fine, but then, I d-don't want the issue of the lock to come up again, o-okay!”


Zoey lowered her leg, still unbending, in a graceful arc until she was standing normally. Fey almost wished she had kept the pose.


“Of course! Just a quick casual fuck to take the edge of the day, nothing consenting adults can't agree to and enjoy!”


She flicked her hand up at the ceiling and a dozen different lengths of silk began to slowly descend seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Fey looked up at the sight in wonder.


As that was happening Penny quickly rushed up to Zoey and dragged her aside.


“I can't believe this, have you not seen her p-penis Zoey?!” she furiously whisper hissed.


“Yes it is a little on the large side.”


“Large side?! It's bigger than my leg! She makes regular horses look small! It’s never going to fit! I know we’re ahem, more flexible than most folk due to being acrobats, and the ah, fun we’ve had in the bedroom, gods know you’ve used big enough strapons on me, but that's like a fricking strip bean compared to that monster! I’m actually going to die if she puts that in me!”


“Not to worry, she’s a magic centaur.”


“That doesn't make me not worry!”


Zoey set her lips in a line. “Look it will be fine okay, I’ll go first, just watch me and see.” she glanced at the spectacles balanced on the bridge of the squirrel girl's nose. “And where did you get those anyway?”


“These?” said Penny touching them, “I found them here, in this warehouse. Hey you were the one who wanted to pull off being a librarian! These glasses are the only damned convincing bit about us! Have you seen what we're wearing?!”


Zoey shrugged lightly, a little guilty, “Fair, I guess, I just went with the spur of the moment, but forget that, we’ve got what we want-


“What you want.”


“-What we want, and you will really really want it, imagine being able to do a septuple point triple flip twist in switch-back silks, we’d get dragons looking to hire us let alone low nobility and two bit merchants, we’ll sky rocket in fame! Everyone on the continent will be talking about us for real!”


“...Everyone? ...Really?”


“Yes, one hundred percent. Now watch me seduce and fuck this centaur.”


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