
CHapter 27 2/2

“I am familiar with that uncomfortable feeling of being overly full dear, it does me no good to see another girl in need. Come, come, the dairy is this way…” Melly waved a hand at Vivi and gestured for them to follow. After a moment's hesitation, and the sound of Flora loudly spitting up bits of mud and blades of grass, they followed her. 


Fey expected them to have to journey some distance to reach the supposed cowkin dairy, but that proved not to be the case as Melly took them down the street and turned into a side alley, a sign hanging above a pair of rather ornate doors declaring it:


Goldborough Dairy. The best of Bine, Pure Organic Cowkin Milk. 


Fey stared up at it. “Er, this is very hmm.”


“We are running a business you know, businesses have to boast to get customers,” said Melly, producing a key and then pushing through the heavy oaken doors. Bemused, the band followed in behind her, Vivi leaving a trail of milk in her wake.


The inside was spacious, and comfortable, a strange blend between a dairy and a mansion. Extremely comfortable and expensive looking chaise lounges were scattered between wooden frames that had glass nozzles and long clear rubber tubes, in fact the tubes were everywhere, snaking between the furniture, past tables and coffee tables stacked high with creamy puffy flaky pastries and donuts and selections of cheeses, to sets of huge ceiling height glass tanks part filled with milk. 


There were a number of enormous breasted cowkins lazing across the furniture, some so large that their boobs spilled across their bodies hiding their torsos from sight entirely. Fat fist sized nipples tenting the delicate partially transparent cloth resting across their heavy chests. To Fey’s surprise there were also a couple of bovines, that is fluffy golden cow girls, although their chests were significantly smaller and far more reasonable than the cowkins. She supposed that must be because they hadn't been bred for it like the cowkin girls apparently had.


A cowkin girl wearing a pair of red spectacles and presenting several feet of smooth skinned cleavage, enough to get lost in, approached. She adjusted her glasses and peered between the members of the band, her brow rising seeing Flora’s pregnancy, a slight frown appearing seeing Ellaria’s astonishing beauty, and then her mouth flapping open seeing Fey’s throbbing erection.


“What is the meaning of this Melly~? You can't just drag in a band of troublesome adventures, especially a band as troublesome looking as this!”


“Oh they are definitely trouble Bess, more than you are imagining no doubt, but they also paid me a lot of money, and Vivi here is genuinely suffering, as you can see.”


Vivi whimpered, her paws grasping at the cloth of her skirt as milk spritzed across the ground.


“Hmm. past capacity, high density, nipples irritated, needy behaviour,” said Bessy examining the fox girl over her spectacles. After a moment of thin lipped thought she nodded. “I suppose we can make an exception for one suffering so. My Skill is telling me that the gnome one and the… invisible one is close to overflowing as well.”


Melly blinked. “Invisible one?” 


“Yes, I can see two enormous spheres of milk floating right beside you. Put out your hand.”


Melly, now very confused, reached out to her side and yelped when she touched hot breast flesh, her fingers sinking into the invisible softness. A gasp came from where she touched.


“S-s-sorry!” wailed Kayla, “I wanted to say something but I didn't at first and then it was too awkward to say it later!”


“Wh-why is there an invisible and extremely pregnant girl with you?” said Melly turning eyes on the band.


“Magical accident. You know how it goes,” said Ellaria.


And they did, as the words ‘magical accident’ had a magic all of their own. Melly tried to give the spot where the invisible otterkin floated a sympathetic look, completely missing looking at where her head was of course.


“You have a milk related Class?” said Fey blinking down at the bespectacled cowkin. She was having trouble keeping her eyes up and had the strangest feeling that she was going to fall into the excessive amount of cleavage that spread Bessy’s blouse.


“Oh yes, Milk Mage, it makes quality assurance a breeze. We wouldn't be one of the most reputable dairies in the city without it.” She glanced between Vivi and Flora. “I don't imagine that you will be taking your, ahem, milked output, with you correct?”


Ellaria shook her head. “No, my Dimensional Bag is less than ideal for that.”


“Very well, in that case I suppose we can purchase it off of you, although since you are quite clearly of inferior quality compared to our gold grade milk, and we are in the position of power, we will be purchasing it at copper quality base rate.”


“Hah!” said Vivi, “You think Fey induced milk is copper quality? I have no idea what copper quality means honestly but I assume it is bad! And Fey did not give me some crappy copper cow milk, this is prime grade nutted horse milk, all of us are!!” The declared boast was spoiled somewhat by her nipples spraying milk for feet across the floor causing her to shiver.


“Erm, I don't think that's quite how that w-works Vi,” muttered Fey.


“What in the heavens are you blathering about?” said Bessy adjusting her spectacles.


“Check! Go on! Check it!” said Vivi, a fierce look of pride on her face. “Use your smug quality Skill or whatever.”


Bessy squinted at her and then snorted in derision. She snatched up a gold clasped wine glass from the nearest table and approached Vivi. She sniffed superciliously as she looked between Vivi’s fat and engorged nipples before deciding on the left one. With a flick of her hand she spun the glass in her palm until it came to a stop held under the nipple and then she expertly flicked the top of Vivi’s breast with her other hand. Vivi let out a shriek of surprise and a gush of milk instantly spilt into the glass, the cowkin smoothly moving the wine glass to catch the milk as Vivi jerked and shook, not a drop lost as it filled.


At last Vivi shuddered to a standstill and bared her teeth at Bessy. “What the hell!”


“Hmpph. you did ask,” said the cowkin raising the glass to her face. 


She turned the glass, spinning the milk, letting it breath. Then she drew in a deep long breath, her nostrils flaring as the creamy scent entered them. She blinked in surprise, her head jerking back.


“What?” she exclaimed, incredulous surprise on her face.


“What is it Bessy?” said Melly, suddenly paying much more attention to the thunderstruck cowkin.


“I- I haven't scented anything like this-”


Without hesitation, she raised the glass to her lips and sipped. A light gasp escaped as she pulled the glass away, her eyelids fluttering as a shiver ran up her body. The front of her blouse became instantly soaked through as her own huge nipples released enthusiastic gushes of milk in sympathetic response.


“G-gods, what is this? But how? How is it...”


“Haha! Told you so!” said Vivi crowing over the cowkin.


Melly stared at the red spectacled cowkin. “You aren't saying what I think you are saying are you Bessy? No way... it can't be…”


Bessy shook her head. “I can't deny it, it’s what we only thought of as theoretically possible, it’s Platinum grade milk, my Skill is telling me it might even be on the top end of that, edging into an even higher grade that we hadn’t even considered a possibility.”


A wave of shocked and outraged gasps spread throughout the room and Fey realised that all the Cowkins and Bovines had been listening intently to the conversation. She also thought she could see gold coins appearing in Bessy’s eyes as she looked over Vivi’s boobs, a hungry expression appearing on her face. Well, now she understood why Vivi apparently couldn't get Wummy to absorb her milk. It truly was as ridiculously rich as Vivi said it was.


She felt a nudge and looked down to see Ellaria subtly looking up at her. “This might be trouble. Let me handle things, just go along with whatever else they want for now,” she whispered.


“Ahem,” Bessy cleared her throat, looking over the band in an entirely new way. “It would be my honour to offer the large chested amongst you the opportunity to work at the Goldborough Dairy, assuming you each have the same level of quality as the vulpine claims. The Goldborough is the best dairy in the city, you will become our premiere production for only the most noble of the nobility.” A pen and paper had appeared in her hands from somewhere and she was scribbling notes.


“Nah,” said Vivi, “That sounds lame and unwarrior like. I want to go out and kill stuff as violently as possible, not sit around eating donuts and getting milked all day like a lump.”


Bessy's face twisted through several different shades of irritation before she managed to school her expression to stillness.


“How much are we talking?” said Flora, a certain monetary interest in her voice.


Bessy looked up at the floating gnome, swift calculation happening in real time. Then she scribbled something on the paper and held it up. 


“Okay I’m in. Sorry guys I’m taking temporary maternity leave for the rest of my preg-.”


“If you quit over bloody milk Flora I’ll make you eat your own breasts.”


“I changed my mind, I'm back in the band.”


Ellaria took a step toward the cowkin. “I hope you aren't trying to poach my band mates miss Bessy. You should know that in the adventuring world captains have been on occasion known to kill each other for such a slight. You do not understand the seriousness of the issue upon which you tread. What you say next will be chosen very, very, carefully.”


Bessy blinked and looked into the elf’s beautiful eyes which were currently swirling with a compacted crimson fire. Dangerous. She swallowed nervously, suddenly very aware of just what being an adventuring band captain meant.


“R-right, this will of course be a band contract then, just like a, uh, adventuring job? I think that’s how that goes yes?”


Ellaria’s eyes quickly returned to normal and she gave the sweating cowkin a pleasant smile.


“Excellent! A job contract we can certainly negotiate.”


Fey watched, feeling slightly bemused as Ellaria moved to the nearest desk and began slamming down sheets of paper and swiftly and calmy writing, her hand steady and confident. She had sometimes seen her do something similar with privately contracted jobs before, during negotiations, and sometimes even with the AG itself.


A hand tugged at her leg and she looked down to find a short cowkin girl with large curving horns, floppy cow ears, and cute pony tailed blonde hair looking up at her. She struggled to look her in the eyes however due to the simply ridiculous cleavage the short cowkin sported. In fact she was genuinely unsure how the cowkin was standing upright as her breasts extended over four feet away from her chest.


“Heya!” piped up the cowkin. “Fey right? You can call me Taylor. I thought you could come watch so you aren't left out and feel sad!”


Fey blinked at her then looked around. Vivi and Flora had moved on into the room surrounded by dozens of cowkins who were pulling and tugging at their hands and clothing, directing them, and judging by the awed look some of the cowkins were giving to an invisible spot that they rested their hands on Kayla was there too.


Not wanting to be left behind she trotted after them, the huge breasted Taylor having to make a chest wobbling about face to catch up.


“Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, how is it that you aren't falling over?” she whispered down as the short cowkin girl caught up to her.


Taylor looked up at Fey, her eye’s catching a snatched glance at the stiff horse dick bobbing along beside her, before looking back down at her chest.


“Oh this? Well, it’s a bit embarrassing really. It’s a magical bra, it floats and carries my girls. It's true that if I didn't have it I wouldn't be upright, I wouldn't even be able to move even, they are soooo heavy you have no idea!” She looked up at Fey’s own very large chest, albeit more suitable for her large centaur size. “Well, maybe you do know.”


“I get it I think, Flora would be doomed without her Class.”


“Mmhm! I'm jealous of that power, seems very convenient.”


Fey eyed the tall glass tanks as they approached. There were a lot of them, over a dozen spread throughout the large room, each of them were marked around the base with a gold emblem which she noted had what looked like a milk bottle upon it. She noted that many of the tanks were joined together with clear tubes so that any milk collected would be mixed and blended.


“That's a lot of tanks,” she mused.


“Oh yeah, there’s so much demand these days, we struggle to keep up. It wouldn't be so bad but that bloody dragoness drinks three barrels of our stuff for breakfast and dinner. We can't exactly say no to her, who wants to piss off a giant war mongering dragoness?”


“L-Lady Alexandria?” said Fey, she did not like how this dragoness seemed to have her claws in every little part of the city, she truly was an unavoidable presence in Bine.


Ahead of them the cowkin girls had begun dragging around the furniture, shifting the chaises out of the way and moving the wooden frames, lining them up in rows.


“Uh, I thought it was just us? Why so many frame thingies?”


“It’s cheaper for us to do it at the same time.”


“It is?”


“You’ll see.”


Flora seemed pleased by the attention being lavished on her and was gorging on several cream puff pastries as she lowered her self down onto one of the frames, her breasts hanging over a wooden beam. A pair of cowkin girls were waiting and lifted a pair of huge glass milking nozzles, each over a foot long, the bases rimmed with black rubber and the top part covered in various gauges and valves which the clear tubes emerged from.


With a grunt, they pulled Flora’s blouse covering out of the way and rammed the nozzles home onto her turgid nipples. Flora nearly bit her tongue off as they locked on and pressurised. She glared down at the cowkin girls.


“Do you mind being a bit more careful?”


Beside her similar things were happening with Vivi and Kayla, although in Kayla’s case they had to be guided by Kayla’s words as finding her nipples was tricky while invisible.


Soon they were ready and then the other cowkins were putting themselves in their own milking frames, bent over the wood, their breasts hanging down, their fists clenched tight on a bar in front of them, their skirts hiked up over hips, rears perked up in the air, cow tails flagging high.


Fey blinked at the rows of girls with their behinds exposed, ready and waiting for something.


She looked down at Taylor who had gotten into her own milking frame. The cowkin pulled up her skirt exposing her pussy to the air.


“What the heck Taylor? What has this got to do with milking?”


“How do you think we maintain our reputation for having the creamiest tastiest milk in the city?”


“By mooning the girl behind you?”


“No silly.” 


A bell suddenly rang from somewhere out of sight and a door at the end of the room opened. To Fey’s surprise a half dozen men filed through, tall muscular men with oiled bodies and enormous pectorals and artfully wrapped leather straps aimed to emphasise their erections. They wore knights helmets on their heads masking their identities. The effect overall was not a little bit absurd, they looked like gladiators who had gotten lost.


“Erm, is this going where I think it’s going?”


“Really really good sex is the trick for the best milk you see, but unfortunately the courtesans decided to unionise and we’ve been butting heads with them ever since. They keep asking for more and more of a cut, we’ve been countering by doing mass milking to save time and money but they still won't stop trying to leverage on us. It’s really such a terrible situation.”


The cowkins around Fey began whispering excitedly and more than a few pairs of hips squirmed in anticipation.


“That’s…certainly something,” said Fey watching bemused as the glossy oiled men neared.


Flora suddenly caught sight of them and a cackle of laughter exploded from her mouth. 


“Are these little baby carrots really supposed to satisfy us? HAH!”


“I, uh, think that your expectations might have been a little bit skewed Flora,” said Fey under her breath. Really, the men had perfectly reasonably sized penises for humans. It was just next to her…


She felt a slapping on her leg and looked down to see Taylor trying to get her attention.


“You know, if you felt like it you could help little old me with my milkiness.” She lifted an eyebrow suggestively, a small smile curling the corner of her lip.


Fey looked her over, a short girl with wide hips, a cow tail flagging in the air as her legs shifted, a little rivulet of clear fluid running down her inner thigh from her swollen labia. Her extremely large breasts dangled over the wooden bar she was bent over, a pair of glass nozzles attached to each swollen nipple. She noted that the cowkin’s eyes kept rather obviously darting under her barrel to where her suddenly expectant horse cock throbbed.


She could mount this cute little cowkin, rut her unlike anything she had ever imagined, open her eyes to what a real breeding was.


“But won't this courtesan union get mad at me? At you? I don't want to get you in trouble…”


Taylor flashed her a fierce grin. “I read the contract top to bottom, they only specified male or toy based stimulation, nothing about a female centaur with an enormous throbbing cock!”


Fey was already moving. With a grunt she reared up and her front legs slammed down on the frame around the cowkin making her yelp in surprise. Her cock stiffened and thumped up between Taylors legs, slapping her up the belly so hard it left a red mark in the shape of her dick, a hot quick cock kiss that lifted her up into the air before dropping her back down, a cup of hot precum splattering up the underside of her breasts.


Taylor gasped and jerked forward, desperately holding onto the wooden frame with a white knuckle grip, her breasts swaying violently back and forth.


Fey growled and lifted her hips back, aligning the tip of her thigh thick dick with the small girl’s pussy, hiding it from view due to their sheer difference in size.


“H-hey slow down, I only meant h-heavy p-petting! Wait! You won’t fit!”


Fey ignored her and the pressure just increased and increased, squashing her buttocks and thighs as she pressed in against the cowkin’s core.


The centaur shoved forward and Taylor mewled as the intense pressure jumped dramatically, her pussy spreading so wide her insides were touching down on the rough tip of Fey’s dick, smeared out by the sheer pressure being applied. Taylor gasped, her breath catching in her throat, the pressure was too much, she felt like she couldn't breathe, like a weird inverted constipated feeling but much much stronger.


She choked as Fey thrust against her, once, twice, and then on the third her pussy stretched impossibly wide and slipped around the edges of the broad head. The horse dick pushed inside, spreading her cunt in the most intense way, turning every stretched wide nerve cluster into a source of extreme pleasure. The huge press pushing deeper and deeper, parting her body, stretching her far beyond her limits.


Fey’s hips kept going until the cowkin’s belly tented out with her dick and crashed into the back of her enormous breasts, her stomach and pelvic floor muscles contracting desperately around Fey, squeezing on her length like a vice. This, of course, only exacerbated the pressure on Taylor’s nerve clusters.




The sound of fluid hitting the floor filled the air as a squirt of steaming girl cum sprinkled down from her sloppily contracting pussy, her love nub squeezed free from its hood as her labia stretched paper thin around the horse cock penetrating her, 


Taylor barely had time to come to terms with the fact she was being fucked by a large centaur before Fey dragged back, a loud and obscene slurking queef filling the air as her pussy was forced to form and then break a vacuum around the massive penetration.


Fey’s hips pulled back until only the head was inside of her, and then sawed back in with a rolling motion, thrusting her bulging belly out even further than before, parting her milky breasts. 


At that moment the magical sensors in the milking nozzles detected that she was in a prime state to be milked and jerked to life. Not that her breasts needed much encouragement as milk exploded from her stiff erect nips, spraying so loudly against the glass that it was audible.


The nozzles suckled and slurped, jerking up and down on her nipples as they rhythmically pumped and drew more and more milk from the wailing cowkin. Fey was happy to keep them going by keeping the cowkin girl in a perfectly ravaged state. 


However, the nozzles weren't quite prepared for the Fey effect. The needles on all the gauges of the nozzles immediately red lined and the glass swiftly went from transparent to an opaque white as they were entirely filled. What was more the transparent rubber tubing leading from them, now also white, bulged in girth, swelling in thickness as the sheer amount of milk being forced into them exceeded capacity. The milk charged down the tubing to one of the many glass tanks and hosed into it, hosed into it so fast that it sprayed against the other side of the tank, drumming against the glass, the milk line visibly rising as more and more and more poured into it at a stunning rate.






Fey continued to relentlessly piston in and out of the cowkin who jerked back and forth on the milking frame like a helpless doll, her legs dangling and kicking at the air as she was lifted on the length. A floppy limbed cock sleeve for the centaur to use to relieve herself, helpless to do anything but be lost upon a sea of mind melting pleasure. 


Fey’s real-time ruination of the short cowkin had hardly gone unnoticed, everyone in the room sans Ellaria and Bessy were staring wide eyed at them.


“H-holy shit, is that actually happening, is she really taking all of that thing?!”


“She looks like she is losing her fucking mind, does it really feel that good?”


“Are you kidding? Look at her! When has any of the guys ever gotten that reaction out of any of you?”


“Not to mention the amount of milk she’s producing, look the nozzles are redlining! They can't keep up!”




“F-fuck, do you think she would do me? Imagine how it would feel to be that stuffed and stretched out with dick…”


“Gods I’m getting so fucking wet just watching-”


“Like one of the horses at the stables but-”


“The guys are kinda unimpressive now, okay really unimpressive-


“D-Do me! Do me next!


“No me!


The room descended into shouted arguments and desperate pleas as Taylor’s bleated cries of ecstasy rose higher and higher, the horse dick tenting her belly pushing further and further between her breasts until the tummy covered shape of Feys dick was thrusting out from between her cleavage in front of her, the cowkin well and truly turned into a living cocksleeve.


One of the men seemed to be getting increasingly agitated as he looked around at the desperately pleading girls all with eyes for Fey and flatly ignoring the excessively oiled guys. 


Having had enough the man strode toward Fey and rose a hand to catch her attention.


“Excuse me! Excuse me! Just what is that you think you are doing? You are not part of the courtesans union, you are breaking the rules by copulating with one of our clients!”


The effect was slightly spoiled by the boos and jeers of the girls.


Fey ignored him, continuing to thrust and saw into her living cock sleeve.


“N-nearly there,” she groaned.


“I will call the city guard if you do not immediately-”


“Hnngawwwwd!” groaned Fey as her hips suddenly slammed home, her entire body stiffening up as she came.


"HHHAAAHHHhhhh... HHHAahhh... Hhnnnnn...AaaAAAHHHhhhh!!!!!” screamed the cowkin.


Taylor’s belly immediately blimped outward, ballooning in size as piping hot horse spunt sprayed into her womb, blasting her most sacred place with thick white cum that flooded and multi inseminated her eggs and instantly induced a state of hyper hormonalness. The flood of milk hosing from her breasts doubled and then doubled again, the tubes swelling and making a creaking sound of rubber in distress. Milk entered the glass tank, the stream so strong that it sprayed across to the other side in a horizontal line before shooting off in every direction.


Meanwhile, Taylor’s tummy had grown massively, surging outward in bursts as it rapidly filled the milking frame and then spilt between the gaps.


The man backed away in disbelief as the cowkin grew until she was filling the space underneath Fey and pressing up into her barrel.


Perhaps fortunately for the structural integrity of the room it wasn't long before Fey’s powerful ejaculations came to an end, her previous sessions with Tami and Ellaria had well and truly reduced her output for the time being. As it was her back hooves just started to lift into the air as the milking frame broke apart and the last spurt of horse semen left her length to join the rest in the cowkin’s stretched out womb.


“H-how?!” said the man stumbling back in disbelief, “Y-you can't, this makes no sense, you can't just fill a girl with that much cum! H-how can our business compete with that?!”


Fey remained silent as she pulled back from the gabbling senseless Taylor, her still rock hard three and a half feet pulling free of the cowkin’s reddened gaped cunt with one final wet sloppy shlurking sound, a slurry of cum coming with it.


“You don't compete, you watch helplessly, ashamed, as I take your girls and open their eyes to a new world of pleasure, moulding them to me so that you can never hope to satisfy them again.”


The man was forced to step back as Fey moved to the next cowkin in the row of miking frames, her broad cowkin hips thrusting at the air, her tail flagging up as she mewled to be taken by the dominating centaur.



Bessy was pouring furiously over the ridiculously long contract that Ellaria had written out, a myriad maze of clauses and sub clauses and nested back-linked footnotes, it was truly a terror of the written word.


A flustered Melly grabbed Ellaria’s arm and frantically whispered, “I hope you know what you are doing, you do know what kind of a situation you’ve gotten yourself into right?”


“Yes, Bessy here wants to get at my bandmates' milk.”


“That's the least of it, the whole goddamned dairy union is going to be coming for you! You’re literally the only source of platinum grade milk on the planet!”


“I had surmised as much. I have no intention of my band becoming pseudo slaves for some monopolistic greedy union. While we are in Bine I will offer our services as we are in financial need, but this will be only a temporary arrangement. Once we leave the city we will no longer be under any form of contractual obligation.”


“She’ll never sign something like that,” hissed back Melly.


Ellaria lazily glanced over to Bessy who had just finished signing her name to the contract, a pleased look on her face.




“I’m a band captain Melly, I eat, breathe, and shit contracts. Every two bit idiot from here to the sea tries to cheat adventurers out of their hard graft, no captain lasts long that can't deal dirty.”


“Gods,” said Melly running her fingers through her hair, “The Dairy union isn't something you can just cross Ellaria, they will send people after you, bad people, they won't care about breaking any law, platinum grade is worth the risk.”


“Did you know that there is only one single organization with offices in every single town and city in the world? An organization that has more reach than any church or any government? An organization that has diffused itself so completely into the public's consciousness that people don't even notice that it has by far the largest military force in the world as well as counting many of the most powerful mages and warriors alive today amongst its ranks.”


“Wh-what, what are you saying? There isn't anything like that, that's insane! No way would that exist.”


Ellaria gave her a flat stare, making her think about what she had just said.


Her mouth dropped, “But that doesn't count! It’s just a guild!”


“Is it? In any case a small organization like the dairy union of this city would only require the AG to move its foot slightly for it to be crushed like an ant. The dairy union foolishly poking around where it shouldn’t, plus a few nudges here and there of my own and things could go quite badly for them.”


“How would you-”


Ellaria grinned, “Few have studied as much as I on the AG. There are ways given the right situation. I highly suggest you convince this dairy union you are a part of not to come after us.”


Melly shook her head. “They won't listen, but I will try.”


“Good enough.”


They paused as Taylor’s wailing reached a peak and Melly’s eyes went very round as she watched the cowkin expand in size, becoming a feminine lake of cum.


“....Say, I don't suppose you could convince the centaur to ride me too?”



Fey felt more than heard the clack clack of hard round objects moving against each other, of course the feeling of them pressing up against her length was more immediate. Each time she thrust into Flora’s womb her penis pushed apart the objects, eggs more precisely, their hardness pressing deliciously against her flesh. It felt surprisingly good, and she enjoyed the idea that she was railing one of her already well bred broodmares, perhaps breeding her moreso, making her larger, milkier, even more gravid with her offspring.


The rubber tubes going from Flora’s diamond hard pink nipples were writhing across the ground as the sheer amount of milk being forced through them made the rubber groan and creak. Although that was nothing compared to the bursting sprays of milk inside the glass tank they led to.


Unlike the other tanks this tank had been especially designated, a golden shield at its base replaced with a platinum one, and in volume too it was greater than the others, which was fortunate as the gnome was producing an impressive amount of milk.


Flora howled, her fingernails drawing long lines of red over her breasts as she was rutted relentlessly, brutally, Fey’s hips slamming up against her rear over and over, sending ripples down her pregnant belly.


“Ahn! G-gods it’s s-so Ahn! M-much bigger than Ahn! L-Last tiiiiimeeee!” 


Wailed Flora as the humping accelerated until with one mighty slam Fey hilted into the gnome’s pussy, horse legs slamming up against her pregnant belly, sheathing herself to the base in hot tight shortstack puss. 


Jizz exploded into the gnome’s already stuffed womb, hyper virile horse cum spewing between the eggs, rapidly filling up the gaps and then pushing outward, inflating her, ballooning her body larger. The milk spraying from her nipples into the suckling pumping nozzles massively abruptly increased in output, splits starting to appear in the rubber tubes as they doubled in girth, thin sprinkles of milk spraying from along the tubes. At the same time a full on torrent of milk exploded into the platinum grade tank, the milk level quickly reaching the roof, hitting capacity, and then pressurising.


The dangerous sound of the tank creaking and fracturing filled the room as the last of Fey’s immense output tapered off and the gnome girl was left quivering atop her throne of a body, a mix of eggs and boiling hot horse cum stretching her tummy out. Her breasts at least were now a much more reasonable size as the nozzles slowed and stopped, unable to slurp anymore from her.


With a groan Fey pulled out, her length sliding from Flora’s quivering cunt before sliding down her belly, drawing a line of white. She stumbled back, her front hooves coming down on the floor with a thump. 


Breathing heavily Fey wiped a strand of hair that had fallen across her sweaty face away and looked around. The room was filled with the sound of softly whimpering women, each lying atop their own cum filled bodies, arms and legs hanging limp over the arcing curve of their tummies, their gaped reddened cunts exposed to the air, twitching and fluttering, long lines of horse cum rolling down from their cavernous pussies.


No girl had been left unravaged, all of the girls who had bent themselves over a milking frame and presented themselves had been fucked until they howled themselves hoarse, stretched out in a way that only Fey could manage, made to feel things they never could have imagined.


The results showed for themselves in that the many many interconnected gold quality tanks were now filled to the brim, just like the platinum tank which was attached to Flora, Vivi, and Kayla, the latter two just as stuffed full of cum as Flora. 


Fey felt a sense of pride well up in her at seeing her conquest.


“Gosh you’ve no idea how long I’ve been waiting Fey, I feel like my legs are underwater I’m so goddam wet, that was torture to watch.”


Fey blinked and turned to find Melly looking over her shoulder at her.


She’d strapped herself down on the last milking frame that remained whole, a pair of extra large nozzles attached to her breasts. She moved her hips in a figure of eight in Fey’s direction causing Fey’s still hard length to stiffen and slap noisily up against her under barrel, splattering the cum it was covered in every direction. Fey had to agree with Melly, she was indeed very very wet, her inner thighs glossy with the juices that washed down her legs, her muff so swollen and fat with neediness that her pink inner lips barely peeked from between her folds, although her thumb thick clit had no problem at all standing erect and proud, twitching as her pussy performed instinctive kegels in anticipation.


“You sure you want me and not one of the guys?” said Fey, her eyes moving over to the males who were huddled in a corner, watching Fey fearfully, little spurts of white surrounding them where they had masturbated as they watched Fey single handedly destroy the dairy.


“No! Are you kidding? I just watched you turn some of the most staid and prim girls I know into moaning slutty cock addicts, that would never happen unless you are giving them a life altering fucking. I- I want that too!”


Fey smiled. Then she jumped on the cowkin, her front hooves slamming down on the frame as her cock scraped against Melly’s thighs before pushing between them.


Melly squealed as the boiling hot horse flesh touched up against her exposed inner thighs, rising, rising until it was scraping across the surface of her fat muff, a steaming spray of girl cum streamed from her pussy as it touched, her body on a hair trigger.


“F-fuuuckkkk” groaned the cowkin, biting down on her lip. “I’ve never cum from just a touch before...”


If this was the reaction from just being touched- gods she was so turned on that she felt like she was burning alive, her heartbeat a smith’s hammer pounding in her chest so hard that she felt the vibrations in her gut. She wanted, no, she needed to be penetrated by that impossible three and a half feet of horse dick, to be used by this monstrous centaur, to be made small and feminine beneath this vast wild beast of a stallion.


Fey aligned herself and heaved against her, putting to use her outsized strength.


And then, with a loud SCHLPOP! Fey pushed into her. 


Melly howled as her fat pussy was forced to stretch around the thigh thick dick, going from puffy and engorged to paper thin as she was stretched around Fey. Her pussy went mad as its already extremely on edge state was beyond overstimulated, flesh glistening with her dew, beads of clear fluid became streams and rivulets, running down onto Fey’s dick, outlining its veins and crevices before rolling around the underside to drip drip to the floor below.


Fey didn't go easy on her like the others, she thrust forward until her medial ring slammed up against her cunt and then forced it inside, Melly was left with her mouth hanging slack as her belly tented up between her breasts.


She barely had time to comprehend how she was being so utterly used before Fey began to saw back out. Her sloppy pussy quelched and sucked against the massive thing as it withdrew, every little vein and bump tearing up her insides, scraping her walls in a way that no other could, dredging out a shocking amount of sticky sloppy pussy juice as it did to pour onto the floor below.


Then Fey sawed back in. 


Melly howled, her voice rising higher and higher, her body already devastated by this intruder yet there was always more, more dick to be forced inside, more stretching, more Fey, it just didn't stop, it broke her mind that there was so much of her, she couldn't contain her, Fey was too much for any one girl.


Over and over Fey thrusted up into her, each time lifting her rear up into the air, her legs dangling, each time tenting out her tummy further and further. Her milky breasts wobbling back and forth, her collar bone slamming into the handhold bar each time the centaur pistoned, feet of dick slamming in and out of her pussy like no other man could manage.


Melly drew in deep gasping breaths as she tried to get air to keep up with her ravaging. It wasn't enough. Even hyperventilating, drawing in as much as she could from the musky fog filled room, it just wasn't enough, it was like trying to keep up with some primeval ancient thing, a thing more brutish than modern sensibilities, a thing that was built primarily to breed, to multiply, to spread its seed.


And then it spread its seed into her. 


Fey roared and crashed up into Melly flattening her soft thighs and ass cheeks as hard horse muscle pushed against her, smashing her against the milking frame as her pussy slipped to the wrinkled base of Fey’s dick, her huge horse testicles slapping up between her thigh and slamming into her painfully erect clit.


Fey exploded into her and her belly billowed outward, heaving with horse cum as it rippled and rolled larger, distending with the spraying gushing ejaculations. Fey obliterated her insides, instantly impregnating her, sending signals to her body that it needed to be ready for many many many children. 




Screamed the cowkin as she was turned into a condom for the centaur. Her belly rapidly filled the space between the frame and then bulged between the posts and then Fey’s legs, spilling outward faster and faster.


But her breasts did not seem to want to be outdone, her body’s hormonal state enabling more milk, more production, the nozzles around each fat nipple groaned and the clear tubes coming from each quintupled in girth, milk spraying madly from dozens and dozens of gaps as the tubes held together by a thread. 


Then the milk met the tanks.


Which was a problem as Fey had already helped fill the tanks to capacity and then some. 


The sound of glass groaning and bolts breaking filled the room, a great creaking sound as metal began to twist and tear. 


And then the tanks failed.


Dozens of ceiling-high tanks ruptured, a tidal wave of milk instantly filled the room, more and more, a wave a half dozen feet high rolled across the room before sloshing back, miniature waves and whirlpools forming as it settled.


Fey looked around in surprise. The room was a lake of milk five foot high dotted with the domes of various women, their bellies holding them above the milk line, like islands that the various pieces of floating furniture sailed around.


Well, it wasn't her fault the dairy couldn’t handle the milk of its own girls, at least the platinum tank was still whole as it had been separate. Fey licked some milk from her fingers. To her surprise she recognised the taste from her breakfast cereal. Apparently Rina was one of the dairy’s customers.


Across the room, standing on the now floating desk, Bessy wiped her milk covered spectacles with a cloth and returned them to her face with a shaking hand. She swallowed as she looked around in disbelief at what had been done to the dairy.


Then she turned on Ellaria, her face swiftly going as red as her spectacles as she descended through several layers of outrage, then anger, then all the way down to screaming fury.




Ellaria wiped a little of the cowkin’s spittle from her cheek.


“Nothing. You skimped out on paying for more storage space and couldn’t handle a surge in supply. Obviously.”


Bessy’s hands rose, making grabbing motions like she wanted to strangle the elf.


“You are going to pay for this, this is your goddam fault! I’m going to have you and your band working from dawn til dusk to pay off this chaos!”


“I think not. I refer you to subsection one hundred and fifty seven sub-sub-sub-sub-sub clause eight-nine, subsection three, paragraph eighteen’s footnote’s small print. Here, you will need a magnifying glass for the text size,” said Ellaria, producing a magnifying glass from her dimensional bag.


 The cowkin boggled at her before furiously sorting through the contract’s papers, coming to the right spot. Her eyes darted left right, bringing up the magnifying glass and squinting.


“It says Magic Mog shall not be liable in any way shape or form for the destruction of Goldborough incorporated’s milking tanks and any resultant property by one Fey Swifthoof.” she looked up at Ellaria wide eyed. “How did you know?”


“I didn't, but I know Fey,” she grinned, “Never bet against a big dicked centaur.”

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