
Chapter 26 1/2

Previously on Centaurus: Fey and the band return to Bine. They split up as Ellaria goes to the AG and Fey returns to Rina’s mansion. At the mansion she is tied up and dragged away by a newly empowered Tami. The horny teenager, along with two of her friends, then get exactly what they want out of Fey, and then some.

Now, Chapter 26:

Lilly yawned and stretched her arms over her head, the sleeves of her oversized blouse falling down to her shoulders. She blinked some of the sleepy crust from her eyes and put her hand on her bedroom door ready to push it open


She paused as she heard a small out of place noise coming from outside the room, like the sound of fingers tapping on marble, except with a strange rhythm.


Puzzled, she eased the door open and leaned her head through. She was met with the sight of the hallway outside, just as grand and excessively large as the rest of the overly luxurious mansion. The strange noise was coming from the end of the hall and as she watched a small rat came scampering down the middle, right out in the open.


“Wow, for all these rich city slicker’s rich slickeryness they sure can't keep their house in order. At least we kept the rats out of our little inn,” she muttered darkly, still wiping sleep from her eyes.


She was about to turn away from the rat and hunt down some breakfast when the rat suddenly squeaked and fled as behind it a horse came charging around the corner. It took Lily a moment to realise that it was in fact a horse as she struggled to process quite what she was looking at, mostly because the horse was miniscule, and strangely rounded, cute even. The horse raced toward the squawking panicking rat and behind the horse came a stampede. 


Lily’s jaw flopped open as a horde of miniature horses charged into the hall, at their head two mini white horses, and atop those horses were two miniature black-furred minotaurs. The minotaurs roared their charge, which came out as a high pitched scream, and the horde of more than fifty horses raced by, storming down the marble hall in a clatter of tiny hooves, chasing down their quarry, the unfortunate rat.


Lily lifted her hands to her face and rubbed the heels of her hands into her eyes. When she removed them she found the insane scene still there. It wasn't a dream.


“Wh-what the heck is going on?” 


Not quite sure what she was doing she turned and followed the stampeding horde. The horde raced down the hall, left, right, navigating the mansion until Lily was hopelessly lost. Then they burst out from a pair of double doors, out into the morning sun, their hooves going from ticker tackering against marble to soft grass and earth.


Then there came a voice from ahead and the horde immediately scattered, diving beneath the nearest hedges or bushes. Just in time as quickly moving feet came into view, a pair of the mansion’s servants carrying a stretcher between them. Lily was forced to scuttle out of the way as they rushed past and she had a clear view of who was lying on the stretcher. It was Tami's father, his voluminous moustache twitching, his eyes wide and unseeing with a thousand yard stare, like he had seen some great trauma. His voice rose as he passed and Lily caught some of the words.


“So big, how can she be- she the size of-, it doesn't make sense, sweet little Tami-”


Then he was gone and Lily was alone once more. 


“Why do I feel like I know exactly what I'm about to find,” she whispered. “Fey…”


She drew in a steadying breath and straightened her back, she had to see if her friend was okay. She marched onward.


She soon came to the scene of the crime? event? natural disaster? An enormous three-storey stable about which half a hundred servants were freaking out.


It wasn't hard to guess what had riled them up. Several of the stables doors and windows had been pushed open and a smooth clean bulge of belly was pushing free from each.


Amazed, lily approached around the side, sneaking around the servants, and placed a small hand upon one of the domes of skin poking through a pair of double doors. It was very very hot to the touch, Lily could practically feel the heat of the vast quantities of horse cum radiating through the taut skin.


“What the heck Fey! How much did you cum in this girl…!”


“It’s her own fault, Fey I mean. She didn't want to do it for a full day and look where it led,” came a voice.


Lily looked up to find Flora floating distantly above. She was larger than she had been, even more pregnant looking. She was moving her hands in the air, making shapes with her fingers, gesturing at something out of view.


“I’m not sure Fey would have wanted this Flora... well, maybe. How bad was she? I didn't see her when we got back from the AG.”


“She disappeared on us, I thought she’d just gone to bed, then one of the servants found, er, this, that is, Tami, this morning.”


“I- uhm, m-meant her balls.”


“Oh right. They were enormous, but after this they should for sure be back to normal. One sec.”


Flora furrowed her brow and turned her palms to the sky, then she began to lift. Tiles shredded away from the stable rooftop in a stream along with spars and beams of wood. Long blonde hair appeared amongst the tiles and then a confused sleepy face. 


“F-Flora? Is that you? Where am I?”


“You’re sticking out a roof Fey because you’ve filled the teenage daughter of our benefactor with a frankly incredible amount of cum.”


“...I did?” 


Fey blinked and looked down to find she was perched atop a vast dome of skin that gradually curved down disappearing into the darkness. It took her a moment for the memory of what happened to return. Tami accosting her, making her absorb over fifty stallions, then having her cum in her teenage friends and then Tami herself. The lustful teenager had gotten what she wanted, to become even more filled and stuffed full with horse cum, and was the size of a three storey barn, filling a large part of the large stable, her body weight now mostly made up of semen.


Fey couldn't even imagine just how pregnant the teenager was, all she knew was that Tami was going to be very very very pregnant.


She jumped as Flora’s power took hold of her and she began to slowly rise into the air.


Of course she was still sheathed deep inside of the teenager, and her now three and a half foot long horse dick was resistant to being freed. She let out a low groan and bit down on her lip as her length slowly slid up the teenager’s pussy, every rouch bump and vein of her dick tugging at the teenager’s stretched out silky insides, which were pulling back at her, desperately trying to keep her inside. 


Her hooves pawed at the air as the last few inches met the entrance, slowed, and slipped free in a rush, Tami’s puss lurching back as it released her. With her freeing came a full on torrent of cum, a burbling spray that washed down over the dome of her belly and splattered against Feys hooves in a hose of white. As the stream died, and her womb managed to close off, her pussy was left gaped wide, pathetically clutching at the air for something that was no longer there, deprived of what it needily desired.


Tami herself barely made a sound, just a soft whispered moan as she was still very much unconscious. She remained motionless, her hair splayed out over her belly, her breasts pushed up by how she lay atop her enormity, a line of drool running from her lip.


Fey looked down at her with a frown. She couldn't say she felt even the slightest bit of sympathy for the teenager’s current trapped predicament, not after she’d made her absorb those stallions, and tied her up, and made her do her friends... 


Admittedly the relief had been good and needed, but still! She had every right to be mad at the teenager…


Flora had turned away as soon as she was pulled free and was drifting groundward along with the centaur floating along behind. Fey came down with a thump, her new size and weight making her hooves impact the ground with an impressive sound. 


“It’s a good thing Tami’s father doesn't know what you did, I think he might actually physically explode if he saw thi-...”


Flora’s words died on her lips as she turned to Fey and took her in, now grounded and comparable to Lily.


“Are you… are you bigger?”


Lily stared up at Fey who now towered over the otterkin. “W-way bigger, and h-her th-thing!”


Flora drifted downward as Fey swayed and stumbled, struggling to get used to her new size. Her eyes went very round as they alighted on the throbbing length below Fey’s barrel and then even rounder as she passed behind and found Fey’s balls.


“Hey hey hey, you just turned that spoilt brat teenager into a barn sized lake of cum, why the fuck are your balls even bigger than before Fey?!”


Fey shifted her back legs nervously, the massive weight of her balls rolling from leg to leg. It was true, what she had done to Tami hadn't changed her situation in the slightest, in fact her balls were even bigger now, much much larger than watermelons and just as taut and over full, verging on painful, so stuffed full that they had zero give, pressing heavily down on her thighs, her tail hanging limply over top of them in an arcing curve.


“Uh-uhm it’s like b-before, when it gets this bad it doesn't matter how much I erm, c-cum, it just keeps getting worse! That is… that is if it doesn't feel that way when I do it, if it feels a certain way then they go back to normal… but I don't know how to find that!” Fey whimpered and trotted nervously on the spot.


Flora squinted at her. “Are you saying we don't feel goo-”


“No! It’s just- It’s just something different! Oh gods I can feel them straining larger! They're gonna burst! Wh-where's Ella? She’ll know what to do!”


“Ella isn't here, she went to the adventurer’s school to lecture some poor sap students.”


“Sh-she did?!”


“Yup. Don't worry though, I’ve already thought of something that should help.”



Ellaria shifted her hips and pulled the pencil skirt down a touch with a grimace.


“That damned tailor, bastard knew exactly what he was doing,” she muttered darkly.


She paused however catching sight of herself in the hallway mirror. She couldn't help it, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lip. She looked good, more than good. She’d visited the tailor who had contacted her, Harry he called himself, and found him halfway through making a dress. Obviously she had been correct about the tailor wanting to use her as a form of business promotion, it was just, well, a dress wasn't very useful for adventuring. She couldn't even imagine herself storming a dungeon wearing a full-on dress. No, that wasn't reasonable, and the tailor didn't seem to understand. After a short argument, which Ellaria ended by igniting a few fireballs, the tailor had agreed to make something a bit more practical. Too short notice for anything adventurer related, that would require enchanting, but something for her lecture? Once she explained what she needed the tailor had immediately jumped on the idea... perhaps a little too enthusiastically. 


The result had been a trim black pencil skirt that reached half way down her thigh, far too short in her opinion, but manageable. That was matched by a pair of tall black heels which added a few notches to her intimidating appearance, she very much approved of that part. Lastly was an extremely well fitted blouse, which her fiery red hair spilled over. 


She adjusted her collar in the hall mirror and nodded. She was ready. It was time to teach.


She turned and strode through the door, a few books on adventuring held closely under arm. 


The lecture theatre which had been filled with the hubbub of students chattering died to a standstill as she entered and a hundred pairs of eyes snapped on to her, looks of boggley eyed shock, or jaws flapping open passing across most faces.


Hmm. She hadn't been quite prepared for so many students. She supposed that the school must be having more difficulty finding lecturers than she had realised. No matter.


She stepped up to the main desk and slapped her books down on the hard surface with a crack. The students flinched back in surprise.


“From what I understand your education as of late has been wanting, not your fault I realise, most schools do not expect to have their lecturers stolen away by a greedy dragoness. Nevertheless you will find I will not be holding back, or holding your hand, in teaching you on the subject of adventuring. Adventuring is not a vocation to be taken lightly, death is a sword hung by a thread above every adventurer’s head, for every time one leaves on a job one does not know for certain whether they will be coming back alive, thus it is essential that every iota of knowledge that can potentially save your life is crammed inside of your dense little heads before you leave the safety of this school. Do I make myself clear?”


The students didn't seem any less flabbergasted, perhaps more so, and were staring at her wide eyed. At last a lupine girl with blonde fur and a pierced ear, one of a cluster of lupine girls in the front of the rows of students, slowly lifted a wavering paw up into the air, her lip trembling.


Ellaria’s eyes moved to her and she squeaked and quickly huddled down in her chair, her shoulders hunched.




“D-do w-we address y-you as y-your L-Lady or y-your H-Highness?”


Ellaria let out a sigh. Apparently this was going to be a theme with her perfected elven appearance.


She snatched up a chalk and advanced on the huge black slate at the back of the room. With a deft tack ticker tat of chalk on slate she wrote her name in curlicue elegant script ending with a flourish.


Then she rapped the chalk on the slate to get the students’ attention, not that it was necessary, they couldn't take their eyes off of her, and were glued to every motion she made, utterly hypnotized.


“The name you shall address me by is Miss Ellaria De’loquint. Do not disrespect me and we shall get on most swimmingly.”


The students looked actively horrified at the mere suggestion of disrespecting her. 


She nodded her approval. This was just like back in the day when she lectured, before she formed Magic Mog, albeit with a slightly more intimidated student body, okay a lot more intimidated. Didn't matter, she was here to do a job and ensure that the latest flock of naive idiot adventurers didn't get themselves ninety nine percent slaughtered as soon as they entered their first dungeon.


“First I will go into the not so common rules of adventuring, the ones that aren't spoken enough of and really should be, the ones that-”


She paused and rocked her hips side to side. There was a strange out of place pressure coming from her lace panties. What in the hell?


“I’m really not sure about this!” whisper hissed Lily, desperately clutching at the doll.”I’m starting to think this might be the worst idea ever! Like ever ever!”


“Nonsense,” said Flora, “Fey is in trouble, her life is in danger, what if her balls get too full and explode Lily? What then? Are you going to be responsible for our friend’s exploded balls? It will be your fault of course, since you chose not to act when it would have been so easy to save your friends balls from exploding.”


“I- wha- NO! It’s not my f-fault! I mean it wouldn't be my fault! I- I- Oh gods this is a lot of pressure to be under, I don't know what to do!”


“Pressure just like our friend's balls Lily. It’s simple, you rescue our friend's balls from exploding and potentially killing our friend, you wouldn't want Fey to die would you?”


“Never! B-but Flora- I c-can’t, this is- It’s- Isn’t there another way!?”


“You’d never be able to milk her ever again, you can’t milk exploded balls Lily, that’s just a fact.”




“Just trust me, It’s a make or break situation Lils, nothing else will work. This is the big girl decision making of a real adventurer, to save a comrade when they are in need, just like Fey would heal someone when they are injured, just like she healed you after you journeyed through the forest with Kayla. You’d be a hero.”


Lily gave her a dismayed look and then buried her face in the doll's hair and made what sounded like a muffled scream. After a moment she brought her head up.


“Fine. I’ll do it, I’ll do it for Fey.”


A big shit eating grin spread across Flora’s face. “Excellent.”


“What...what is it you want me to do exactly?”


“The doll is disconnected as I asked yes?”


“Yes, it’s just a doll right now, no connection to anyone at all.”


Lily held up the red headed doll with two toned gems for eyes, beautiful. The doll of Ellaria.


“Okay, well now we’re going to make some quick modifications, it won't be much use as is it is, it has no pussy.” 


Flora stuck her index finger in the air and a large purple rubber cock sleeve drifted into the air. Lily looked up at it in shock. 


“Is- Is that-”


“Yes, a cock sleeve, I bought it along with all the other rubber things, beads, dildos, cond-”


“But that's not going to work!”


“Yes, it is, all we need is some needle and thread and just like the centaur-doll dildo it will function, function exactly as needed.”


Lily looked down at the doll in dismay, she would have to modify this masterpiece of craftsmanship?


“It’s her life on the line Lily, now are you with me or not?”


After a moment of lip trembling Lily felt a sense of determination rising in her. She steadied herself and drew in a breath. Then she flipped a tin of sewing equipment from her pocket into the air, caught it on two fingers where it spun, then flipped it over and palmed it. She gave Flora a resolute nod.


Flora grinned. 


“What is that? What are you doing?” asked Fey trotting over.


Flora quickly drifted herself across, hiding the otterkin girl behind her pregnancy.


“Oh this?” she said, rotating the cock sleeve in the air, “This is for you. You said you were desperate right? That it needed to feel a certain way to stop endlessly getting larger right?”


“Yes? But I’ve only had that happen once, in that whorehouse with a catkin, I think she was part succubus, that, uhm, I think is why it worked honestly, at least, she felt different. But I don't know how I’m just going to be able to find someone like that on the spot right now! People don't exactly advertise being part succubus Flo!”


“Oh then that’s perfect, this cocksleeve was modeled after a succubus, it will feel just as good as the real thing I promise. You’ll cum in it and then your balls will stop growing larger, it will be easy peasy.”


Fey blinked at the cocksleeve in surprise. “That’s… awfully convenient… are you sure?”


“Absolutely, it’s a perfect copy, it will make you feel amazing, I promise.”


She stuck her head over her shoulder and whispered furiously at Lily. “You can make the feeling go both ways right?”


Lily blinked up at her. “Uh yes?”


“Good, do it.”


She turned back to Fey.


“Now Fey, just get into position like so…” she gestured at a couch that she had dragged into the centre of the bedroom they were currently in. Flora had intended to do what they were about to do anywhere, but seeing how the servants were currently still losing their collective shit over Tami she had decided it a wiser move to find an out of the way bedroom with a lock.


Fey looked skeptically at the couch, but after a moment she reared up and rested her front hooves across the back of it. The couch let out a groan at the heavy weight of her and it visibly dipped in the middle, Fey went a little pink with embarrassment at that and did her best to pretend the couch had made no sound at all.


“Perfect Fey, now this won't take long and soon your testicles won't be so painfully full.”


“J-just hurry! I can feel them swelling larger!”


Flora glanced at her rear and to amazement found she was right, she could actively see them very slowly creeping down her back legs, nearing twice the size of watermelons, simply gargantuan, pulsing with vascularity, massively swollen and churning with seed ready to be pumped into some wailing happy girl.


Flora swallowed. Okay, now she was having second thoughts, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Fey and her- but no, she’d made a promise to herself to make Flora and Ellaria do it on their way to Bine and this was the most convenient opportunity she’d had so far. It would be selfish of her to take this from Fey and Ellaria, and besides, Fey was right in that it took something special to stop her balls from growing ever larger, in her mind that something was for sure going to be found like this, she was quite aware of how Ellaria had changed after what Fey had done to her with her limit break.


Out of view of Fey’s line of sight Lily quickly finished unstitching the doll and Flora tossed her the cock sleeve. She caught it deftly and swifty stuffed it up inside, the capped end of the cock sleeve sticking out from a gap she had unstitched in the doll's belly. With a few quick motions she sewed it back up, zipping the cock sleeve into place. The doll now had a rubber pussy between its legs.


Flora smiled sweetly and the doll was snatched from her hands just as she activated the link.


The gnome flipped the doll over and shoved it beneath Fey’s barrel, positioning it so it was directly over the tip of Fey’s three and a half foot of twitching throbbing horse dick.


Then she pressed the rubber pussy of the doll against the broad flat head.



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