
Chapter 24.2

“Where did you get that?”

“I- I went after him, when you were all fighting the leader queen Kobogon person. I didn't have anything else to do! I’m - I’m just a regular otterkin girl, I’m not special- but I didn’t need to be special to beat the snot out of a tiny goblin! He got away but he, uh, dropped this in the scramble.”

“You beat up a kid?”

“Uhm, w-well when you put it like that it doesn't sound very good, but he was evil! Totally evil!”

“So you beat the shit out of a child and stole his only possession?”

“Oh stop picking on her Flo, she did good, really good, she was the one who got Lily’s doll into Fey’s hands which then caused that er, healing bomb? That allowed us to escape.”

“It wasn’t a healing bomb, it was those crystals on the wall of the cavern, they were mana crystals all of them, they super charged her healing magic and kept it going instead of letting it dissipate.”

Vivi blinked up at the gnome. “Wait, as in those expensive mana crystals that mages pay a premium for? All of them were?!”

“Yeeup, and guess who managed to grab them all and stuff them in Ella’s Dimensional bag before anyone else twigged it?”

Vivi let out a small gasp, “You didn't!”

A level of smugness appeared on Flora’s face that wouldn't have looked out of place upon a dragon lazing upon its hoard. “I ripped every last one of them right out of the walls while the others were tending to the villagers or some such waste of time.”

“Could this mean we’ve got enough for Fey to see an Arch-Soulomancer?”

Flora scratched her cheek. “Well, yes, no, sort of. Fey’s spell, unfortunately, drained them dry of mana ,and they aren't exactly easy to recharge, normally they build up from ambient mana over decades.”

Vivi’s shoulders slumped and she let out a breath. “That long?”

“I’m sure I can figure something out, but even if I don’t I should still be able to sell them for a lot, mages are the patient sort.”

“Hmm, I don’t know...”

Flora flicked her hand in annoyance at Vivi’s scepticism, unfortunately the shift in her body caused a small build up of milk to escape and she let out an involuntary gasp as the blanket she had draped over her chest became soaked through, little sprays of white filtering through the cloth and sprinkling down on the courtyard stone below.

“G-gods this is a bit much, th-they’re so freaking full and uncomfortably tight, it’s like my body is preparing for an army!”

The fox girl glanced up at Flora’s enormously milky breasts then down at her own. It wasn't hard to see that she had also been growing there too, in fact judging by the small pair of damp patches on her blouse she was soon going to be catching up to Flora. She pursed her lips in annoyance. 

“Isn't this what you always wanted? Remember when we first got out the dungeon and Fey’s chest grew? You said you wanted that.”

“Yes but not with a forty six kid pregnancy to go along with it!”

“That’s what those religious nuts said huh. Say, you don't think that's going to happen to me too?”

Flora stared at the fox girl. “Yes Vivi, you had lots and lots of sex with our ridiculously virile centaur friend, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if every single girl she’s fucked is also extremely preggers!”

It was Vivi’s turn to stare. “But that’s- that’s so many girls- s-so many pregnancies! We’re talking hundreds- thousands-!!! Oh my gods… It just didn't really seem real to me, I just...”

The gnome let out a breath of exasperation. “Nor had I honestly, it’s easy to ignore when getting the best dick of your life, there's reason to avoid thinking about the consequences when the dick is just that good ya know? You just don't want to think about it...”

“Thousands?!” squawked Kayla.

“Maybe tens of thousands, there’s been so many…” 

Vivi rubbed her belly protectively as a glossy white tentacle slipped free from her pussy and comfortingly patted her shoulder.

Flora moved closer to Vivi, in doing so a trail of milk landed atop the invisible body of Kayla. The milk rolled down her vast pregnancy which the otterkin girl was trapped on top of showing just how large she had become, nearly as large as Flora. The otterkin whimpered at the rain like sensation.

“You know even if we do pay for Fey’s Arch-soulomancer we're still going to have to deal with feeding and housing all these kids we’re going to have…”

“I… I guess we will just have to become Gold Rank adventurers then! That's the only way we’d ever get enough money to support that many kids,” said Vivi, a sudden look of determination straightening her back.

Flora snorted a breath but couldn't stop a small smile appearing at Vivi’s optimism.  

“Gold rank huh? I think I like the sound of that. Now if I could only be a little more conveniently sized.” She put a hand on her nipple, her nipples were so far out from her chest that she had to strain to reach one, squishing her softness in with her arm. Doing so caused a small waterfall of milk and she let out a long lush moan, her pink hair falling across her face as her head lifted back.

“I’m s-so fucking sensitive too.”

The tentacle shifted from Vivi’s shoulder and seemed to look Vivi in the eye, then it turned and looked at the struggling Flora, then back at Vivi.

Vivi bit her lip. 

“Uhm, you know we could do some uhm, m-milking, for the both of you?”

“M-milking!?” squeaked Kayla, scandalised.

“Right out in the courtyard? Really Vi?”

“Well no, of course not, we’d do it somewhere else. Look, I get it, you both need help emptying, and pretty soon I’m sure I’m going to be the same so we need to get used to this right? M-milking each other.” She swallowed a little nervously at the prospect.

Flora and Kayla stared at the uncomfortable fox girl, a tentacle nodding enthusiastically beside her.

“...Fine. Where do you want to do this?”

Vivi grinned weakly. “Not in the village, outside, in the forest, h-hey!”

Flora was already lifting them before Vivi had finished speaking, the fox girl and invisible otterkin joining her in the air. The courtyard was part of a building that sat on the edge of the village, right up against the village wall, so it took all of five seconds for Flora to fly them out and into the forest. Kayla spotted a surprised looking Ellaria who had just stepped out into the courtyard in time to see them swoop away. 

She swiftly floated them below the tree line where she dropped Vivi on the ground by a slim dirt path.

“This good enough? I need to be emptied soon, like really soon, they haven't stopped you know, I can still feel them growing larger.”

“Naw this is too near still, hang on.”

Vivi led the milky leaky hyper pregnant gnome aside, moving away from the small path and off into the woods.

Despite all that had happened, and the madness of their recent desperate battle against the Kobogons, it was still an incongruously beautiful day outside, the warm summer sun bathing the forest in golden light, filtering through the leaves and dappling the grassy mossy ground  with leafy patterns that pleased the eye.

She soon found what she was looking for, an idyllic glade amongst the trees, a break in the forest where emerald green grass and blue flowers pooled, a cloud of violet butterflies fluttering into the air as she stepped into their territory.

“Perfect! And so pretty!”

“What’s perfect?” said Flora looking at the butterflies sceptically. She was a city gnome of course, and she didn't have much take with some useless bugs who didn't do much but flap around and be annoying. Plus they used crummy wings, everyone knew magical floating was far superior.

“This place, we won’t get disturbed here, Wummy can come out to play without any negative comments like ‘Why do you have a slime monster in your pussy?’ Or ‘Oh my god a monster, save me!’”

“Wummy is going to do what now?”

As Vivi spoke there were tentacles pouring out of her folds, filling the space between her thighs and curling up around her. Her legs shook a little as Wummy spread and stretched her cunt wider and wider with the sheer number of tentacles, there were a lot of tentacles, the sheer pressure of them all caused her clit to push free from its hood and stand proud.

Flora eyed the tentacles, not sure she liked where this was going, she had certainly not signed up for this.

Vivi shivered, her knees turning inward as her belly rapidly shrunk down becoming merely pregnant looking. At last Wummy’s blob shaped main body squeeeezed free from her and plopped down on the grass below. Vivi let out a long gasping moan as Wummy left, her eyes rolling upward, her tongue loose as her gaped pussy slowly closed back up.

“Squee!” said Wummy, giving the increasingly sceptical gnome girl a cheerful look.

“J-just come down here and Wummy here can milk you Flo.”

“...I don't think that's a good idea, I thought you were just going to do, uh, regular milking.”

“I could, but think about it, Wummy loves girl’s fluids, so who better to milk you!”

“I- I don't know…”

Wummy will be a good girl, won't you Wummy.”


“That means yes. Probably.”

Hesitantly, Flora pulled her blanket off and floated down to the ground then alighted upon it, her massive throne of a belly holding her up in the air, flattening the soft grass, the sheer size of it pressing up her swollen breasts causing them to spray milk across the grass making long lines of spattered white along the green.

The large blob that was Wummy waved her tentacles above her joyfully and wobbled over to Flora, Flora for her part looked down at the slime dubiously, at least what she could see of the slime blob between her vast cleavage.

A tentacle tip touched down on her breasts and then gently played along the surface, surprisingly gently to Flora’s shock. That tentacle was joined by another then another, then more until over two dozen of the things were exploring her shapes and curves, feeling all over her body, tips gliding over her, dancing across her skin, slipping beneath where her breasts rested against her enormous pregnancy, affectionately stroking her bright pink hair. Flora couldn't help but bite her lip at the sensation, it felt good, no it felt great, such overwhelmingly intense attention from one single being was an interesting sensation to say the least, the slime was practically worshipping her body. 

“Okay this isn't so bad, but when will the milking part come?”

“Er, you might have to show her, I’m not sure she totally understands how breasts work yet.”

Not quite sure what the best way to approach things was Flora moved her hands between the tentacles and slipped her fingers and thumb around her sensitive and stiff nipples, then she slightly rolled her fingers forward, squeezing as she went. The result was immediate and dramatic, milk poured out of her falling down on Wummy and instantly coating the slime in white. Wummy let out a sudden SQUEE! Of surprise and lurched back her tentacles flailing in the air.

“Woah, too much Flora! You're gonna drown her!”

“Wha- no I’m not this is perfectly fine and a normal amount of milk!”

Flora relented however and the milk falling upon the confused slime came to a sputtering drippy halt.

Wummy blinked up at the gnome’s nipples, milk running from her eyes. The slime brought down a tentacle in front of her face and watched as a single droplet of milk fell from the tip to patter on the grass. What was this? Some new kind of new tasty? Hesitantly the slime sampled this new fluid. Warm and tasty? Yes, this new substance was delicious! Wummy turned suddenly ravenous eyes on the pair of swollen breasts above her. She wanted that, she wanted that inside of her, all of it, she wanted to be like the loud pink haired one with so much tasty for herself.

She released the squish feel and her very cute (in her opinion) body surged upward, quickly forming into mammal girl imitation. It had taken Wummy quite some time to understand the benefits of this mode she had acquired but she was coming to appreciate them. She was less appreciative of the shocked googly eyed expression that the pink haired one was now directing at her.

“Squee?” said Wummy tilting her head to the side.

“Sh-she c-can do that now?” said Flora.

“Erm yes, I discovered it after she kept turning into that while inside of me. She ah, has gained a lot of control over her form,” said Vivi scratching her cheek.

The slime girl looked between Flora and the ground then scrunched up her face in concentration. She stood up on tip toes and then she slowly grew a little larger until her chest was level with Flora’s atop her pregnancy. Then she put her hand upon her own breasts, running her palms across their smooth shape. She looked down with curiosity as she found her own nipples but now with a new understanding of their function. She squeezed on them, but of course, nothing happened. She let out a soft ‘squee’ of disappointment. Then her eyes locked onto Flora’s nipples, she could feel her determination rising. 

“Uhh, what's she doing Vi? What’s she doing?!”

Wummy happily shuffled forward on tip toes and then placed her hands upon the surface of Flora’s breasts, caressing her smooth skin, feeling the immense amount of tasty that must lay within, desperate to be freed. She moved her hands to the sides and then slowly, with increasing pressure, pushed them in, squeezing her breasts together. Flora’s nipples closed the distance and came face to face with Wummy’s own nipples. Unfortunate for Flora as Wummy’s nipples were the aggressive sort. Wummy’s nipples wiggled and then shifted form, widening and latching onto Flora’s, engulfing their angry pinkness in transparent slime, snapping tight around them and sucking tight.

The reaction was immediate and powerful, Flora squealed like a stuck pig and milk exploded from her hard nips, spraying into Wummy’s breasts which changed shape creating a cavity inside each breast which was rapidly being filled with breast milk, the slime girl creating her own milky pseudo breasts.

“Oh- f-fuck they’re sucking on me so h-haaard!” whined Flora as the slime's aggressive breasts pumped and drew and sucked on her own breasts, pulling free more and more milk which sprayed into the slime girl, creating a whirling pool that rapidly filled until Wummy had a pair of solid white spheres inside of each breast. She didn't stop with that however, her breasts filled but they continued to suckle and milk and the white spheres began to grow in size, expanding her breasts. 

Flora thrashed and squirmed in the slime girl’s grip but that only seemed to excite Wummy. The slime girl shifted her hips and a bloom of tentacles ringing low on her hips sprung forth and hung down like a swaying skirt. She Squee’d with joy shaking her hips back and forth letting the tentacles sway, then they descended down to the ground and began snaking their way through the grass like predatory snakes.




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