Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 89 – Quest Completion

Loading up the last bag onto the carriage, I think back on the past two days I spent here in Dragon Valley.

Luckily, the cleanup for the final extermination didn't take long at all.

This was due to nearly all the monsters not dropping a magic stone or any items, something previously unheard of.

So maybe it was better to call it unlucky, as we probably could have bought something cool with the money.

The obvious suspect was the Black Dragon's... infection, as we called it, but it was all still a mystery.

But we weren't too bummed about the loss in profit, as the reward for the quest was... very nice.

So nice, in fact, that we wouldn't receive it until we returned to Orario, as the amount of coins and treasures was too much to take on the journey home.

Anyway, after such a hard fight, the girls were eager to get their status updated by Mother Astraea, hoping that their achievements pushed them over the limit for a level up.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

Though everyone did get a giant stat boost.

One equal to the increase they had from the past month, all in one day, so even if the result was somewhat disappointing, it wasn't a completely useless waste of effort.

Mother Astraea said another fight like that would give everyone in the Familia enough high-quality excelia to level up, except for me that is.

So not much of a boost in strength, even after working so hard this past month.

But... that was for the members of the Astraea Familia.

With how hard Ais and Lefiya fought, I was almost certain that Loki would be getting some great news upon our return.

And Ais was even able to use Sword Saint arts, something I had yet to teach her.

This... changed things a bit.

The problem was, her swordsmanship was still a bit shoddy, at least compared to the perfection needed to do a strike like that.

And she seemed to know that too, as for the past two nights, she's returned from her individual training with frustration written clearly on her face.

Honestly, I was confused about how she could do that in the first place.

Maybe it was luck?

Or maybe the stress pushed her over the edge.

It could even be that her emotions boosted her technique, though I thought that only worked for stats.

Well... I guess we'll work on her technique more in the coming year, now that she can use her magic so well.

Speaking of her magic... I learned something new about my student yesterday after asking her about her black wind.

Although Ais had never disclosed her skills before, I would be a fool to believe she had none after being a prodigious adventurer for so long.

And I was right.

Avenger... created from her hate of monsters and dragons.

It was quite the skill, and it finally explained the difference in abilities she had against humans and monsters before training with me.

But... relying on hate like that... it wasn't something she should get used to.

Luckily, it seemed Riveria agreed with me, as it was more or less used as a last resort rather than being a part of her usual arsenal.

Either way, I was proud of the girl, both in her growing martial prowess as well as the fact she called Lefiya to her aid.

And as for Lefiya... she was still taking a nap.

A long, nearing three days now, nap.

She was completely fine, both Maryuu and the School District healers confirmed, she was just absolutely exhausted, in strength, magic, and spirit.

I felt quite bad, so I asked Celty to teach her a magic once she got back up as an apology.

Walking back toward our temporary residence, I put my hands in my pockets to protect them from the cold, my fingers brushing against the letter I had been asked to keep safe and secure.

Now that was an interesting story, to say the least.

----- 1 Day Earlier -----

"It has been done, Hera. Those Dragons shouldn't be bothering you any longer." Mother Astraea says to the Goddess in front of us.

"Thank you, Astraea. Your Familia is returning to Orario now, is it not?" Hera says.

"That is right. Although we will be stopping at a few places beforehand." Mother Astraea responds.

Hera lets out a soft hum of acknowledgement before walking over to her bedside table and picking up an envelope.

"In that case, I have one last thing to ask of you."

Hera then walks up and hands the assumed letter to Mother Astraea.

"Take this to Hermes once you get back to Orario, and do not let it out of your sight until then."

"I see... is it about that support for the barrier you were talking about?" Mother Astraea asks.

"Indeed. It's about time for that bastard of a husband to stop playing Grandpa and help me with this."


"Shh! Sister!"

Silence descends in the room as Mother Astraea, Hera, Alise, and I all look towards the closed door, where the gasp of Stella's was clearly heard, as well as Eleanor's hushed scolding.

Although I had sensed them following us from a while back, I decided to let them do as they pleased and bear the consequences if they got caught, maybe even pulling a prank to give them a scare.

But it seems they messed up.

"D-Do you think they heard us?" Stella says in a hushed whisper.


Why would we suddenly stop talking otherwise!?

"Of course they did, you idiot!" And there was Eleanor.

Haa... no, Ellie... I'm afraid you're all idiots.

Bringing my palm to cover my face, I watch from between my fingers as Alise opens the door, sending the four children tumbling inside and into a heap.

"Oh? And who are these children?" Hera asks with intrigue.

"They're ours. Ryuu, Alise, and I, that is." I say with my hand still covering my face.

"Yes they are, and as their mother, I'd love to know what the hell they think they're doing out here!? Weren't you supposed to stay with Ariel and Haruhime?" Alise asks.

"W-Well, yeah, but after a while, the two went up to their room alone, so we kinda... just left." Alea says.

Haru... Ariel... really?

Couldn't you have waited until nighttime at least?

I could hear Alise's teeth grinding from over here.

"Those brats... I'm gonna give them a nice Kaguya-style training session once we get back..."

Ignoring my wife's brooding, I turn back to Hera.

"So, you're going to get Zeus to help out? Barriers like these need a high-level God, right? Are there any others that fit that description?" I ask.

"Indeed. And as for your second question, other than Ouranos, I don't know the location of any other God that is capable enough, so me and Zeus will have to do. Although I suppose that witch Freya could... but then again, she's too busy keeping my promise."


"Promise?" I ask.

"Think nothing of it. Just a little game between Gods is all. Anyway... despite the Black Dragon's best attempts, the old man and I will be able to hold the barrier long enough for the world to create enough heroes and slay that thing."

Hera's tone then shifts into something more... godly, if that makes sense.

"Astraea Familia... And I suppose that blonde-haired girl as well. You are all well on your way to becoming the heroes that the world needs, so do not become complacent with your strength. Keep growing stronger, and eventually, the last shadow of this looming disaster will be purged, birthing the world anew in light."

...Damn, is this the power of a high-ranked Goddess?

Her aura... it was really something else.

"So go forth. And I wish you good luck on your travels."

Taking that as a sign, the three of us said our thanks to the Goddess before beginning to walk back home, with Alise showing off her impressive coordination by pulling on all four kids' ears simultaneously as we walked.

That's level 6 dexterity for you.

My little Sirius already knows what amazing things that can do.

----- Current Time -----

So yeah, it was quite an eventful meeting.

And from that meeting, I now had another reason to get stronger.

Before, I wanted to kill the Black Dragon to stop the future generation's fears and to make sure we wouldn't get taken by surprise, but there was never a definite time limit.

Now there was.

I had to get stronger, and fast.

Albert Waldstein was said to be the only one able to injure the Dragon, and all he had was the power of Sword Saint arts.

I, on the other hand, had much more.

Powerful comrades, the power of a falna, my magic...

With all these things helping me out, failure would be unacceptable.

Casting my gaze across the barren landscape for the last time, I internally say goodbye to Dragon Valley, vowing that by the next time I come back, it will be the day of the Black Dragon's death.

----- Stella POV -----

I was worried.

Extremely worried.

If the looming threat of the Black Dragon was not enough, I also learned that Zeus would soon be heading to Dragon Valley, leaving Bell all alone.

Do I ask Papa to help me?

If I did, I would almost certainly out myself as someone reincarnated.

He's not so stupid to believe something like 'receiving a divination'.

Actually... he might, knowing him and how he dotes on me.

But even then, the lie would not escape Goddess Astraea's sights.

But still, even with the messy situation I'm in, isn't it my duty as a mother to ensure my child is happy?

Even then, various thoughts run through my head.

Is he still in the same village?

Did... anything happen to him?

I wanted to know, yet at the same time... I didn't.

I wanted to remain ignorant of it all, or at least some part of me did.

Whether I was worried about learning a harsh truth or simply fearing my parents' rejection, the deluge of repulsive thoughts kept entering my mind.

What a terrible mother I was... disgusting...

"Stella? Is something wrong honey?"

Snapped out of my thoughts, I looked up at Mama Alise, whose lap I was sitting on as we made our way out of Dragon Valley.


I can't form a reply.

"Aww sweetie, are you sad we're leaving that place?"

She then gently caresses my face, her thumb gliding over my cheek and wiping away the tears I had unconsciously shed.

"I guess you liked it back there, huh? Well, we'll be back home soon, okay? Our real home. So just hang in there for now."

The warmth of her hand that was stroking my head was transferred to my body, giving me a feeling of comfort I couldn't quite explain while chasing all the bad thoughts away.

I wanted to say that wasn't it.

That I wasn't so childish as to cry about leaving a temporary residence.

But... I couldn't.

Was it because I thought it was useless to try to explain?

That it would only complicate things?

No... it was simply because right now, for the first time in a couple of days, I finally felt at peace.

A mother's touch was really amazing.

And my sweet Bell had never felt it once...

That's it, I won't weep pathetically anymore, thinking of troublesome futures or unchangeable pasts.

Rather, I'll look toward the future.

When Zeus leaves, Bell will likely head to Orario.

Knowing that old man, he definitely filled my boy's head full of the hero stories he loved, so he was destined to come to the city of adventure.

I'll make sure Papa keeps an eye out for him, and once I finally find my son... I'll give him all the motherly love he had missed, and tenfold at that.

My resolve hardened, I leaned back into Mama Alise's chest.

Yes, I would not abandon Bell in the future.

For now, though... I'll simply soak in these warm, calming feelings and indulge in my mother's loving affection while I still can.

----- Ais POV - 3 Days Later -----


The air screeches as I bring down my sword, the light coating of snow on the ground blowing away to reveal a clear patch of dirt.

Not enough.

Far from enough.


I had done it before, so why couldn't I do it now?

I release a sigh of frustration, causing a cloud of white mist to rise from my mouth.

It was winter now, and the first snowfall had arrived this morning.

Remembering how everyone decided to stop the caravan for an impromptu snowball fight, a smile unconsciously spreads across my face.

This family-like atmosphere... it was nice.

It brought back memories of father and mother, and while they were painful to remember, they were also pleasing.

Thinking back on it now, while it was a bit different, I also felt this type of atmosphere with my Familia. 

With Riveria, Tiona, Tione... and of course Lefiya.

Speaking of Lefiya, she had awoken a day ago.

She also seemed to be much... happier.


Especially when I looked at her.

But why did she avert her eyes from me?

And how her cheeks reddened when we crossed eyes... it reminded me of how she acts around Sirius sometimes.

How confusing...

But back to the problem... I was unable to recreate that beautiful strike.

The one that divided that Dragon in two.

While I was too focused on surviving to notice during the fight, that monster was at least a level 7, nearly a level 8.

To defeat that as a level 5 was unthinkable.

But I did it.

But if I wanted to do something like that again, I would need to make that technique mine.

Closing my eyes, I think back on the vague memories of my father's swordsmanship.

How the blade seamlessly cut through the air, cleaving a deep gash onto the boulder ahead of him.

No need for a God's blessing or any magic, my father's technique was that amazing.

But looking back on it now... Sirius' swordsmanship was nearly the same.

While the memories of my father were faint, I had seen Sirius in action many times, especially in this last month.

Okay... breathe.

Sharp yet full, allow the air to enter the lungs before expelling it at an even pace.

Raise the sword, firmly but with a gentle grip, as if one was holding a baby.

Back straight, knees bent, arms even...

Don't lose focus, and bring down the blade.

A crack echoes through the surrounding valley as I finish my swing.

And opening my eyes, I see that the land in front of my blade... remains untouched.

Another failure, huh?


"Ais? What are you doing out here on your own? We've got an early start tomorrow, so you have to get enough sleep." Hearing Sirius, I turn my head and give him a slight pout.

He still hasn't even tried to teach me anything about this swordsmanship yet, even though he knows I want to learn it so much...

"Huh? What's with that look?" He asks.


"...How do you do it?" I ask.

"Do what? Feel this happy? Well, see, the biggest reason is something only adults should discuss-"

"No, not that. How do you do that swordsmanship."

I cut off his delusional talk.

What things 'only adults should discuss'?

I was an adult, so why did he say it like I couldn't know?

Well, ignoring that, I waited to hear his answer.

"Ah, that... well, it's a little late to start now, so how about we wait for tomorrow?"

Hmm... he seems a little troubled.

Did he not want to teach me anymore?

Was it some secret technique he wanted to keep for himself?

No... Sirius wasn't so selfish.

"Why not now? Is there... something stopping you?" I ask.

"Haa... you get so difficult when it comes to training and strength, you know that?" He says exasperatedly.



"No, don't be. It's good you're so dedicated, it's just... how do I put this... to be able to do those slashes again, you have a lot to work on." He says.

What did I need to work on?

I was one of the world's greatest swordsmen, so what was I missing?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well... to start, when is the last time you've trained in martial arts?" He asks.

"Uhh, now?" I respond.

Was he stupid or something?

I was training just a second ago.

"Not with a sword, you brat! I mean your body. Training only your body."



"I don't... really remember training at all like that."

I mean, why would I?

I'm a swordsman, not a fistfighter.

"Well, that's one of the things right there. Your foundation in swordsmanship, the body, is all messed up. Actually, that's putting it lightly. In hand to hand, at least from what I've seen, you rely solely on your stats and instincts, and while it makes you a good fighter, it does nothing to increase your skills." Sirius says in a lecturing tone.

Ugh, he sounds like Riveria right now.


"What's with that look?" He then says.

"Nothing, teacher." I reply instinctively.

Right, he was telling me the things I wanted to know, so I should listen closely.

My martial arts, huh...

It's true that I've never once trained in it, after all, for me, the sword made me the strongest.

"That so... Well, since I'm on guard duty anyways, I guess we can start if you really want." He then says, causing my eyes to light up in excitement.

"Remember, we're doing the basics of martial arts, so no swords."

The excitement dims.

"Since you're more of the type to try until you get it, I'll keep my words to a minimum. Let's start with the most important. The hips and the legs."

He then unbuckles his sheath, throwing his sword to the side.

"Now, watch closely. And don't forget, we're focusing on pure technique here, so go slow and try not to use your stats." He says.

"Not use my stats?" I question.

What does he mean by that?

Stats, once engraved onto the falna, simply become part of the person using them.

I can hold back, that's for sure, but is that really what he's looking for?

"Ais, anyone that's a level 2 or above has the strength to easily crush any regular doorknob, much less a level 5 like you. Why do you think you don't on instinct? You're not exactly reminding yourself to hold back on the doorknob." 

Huh... I've never really thought about that.

"Either way, here I go."

He then steps forward, feet firmly planted on the ground, before lifting his front leg and kicking outward.

Seeing such a sight, I can only think of one thing.


Slow enough that a normal person would be able to see the motions clearly.

But that brought its own questions.

Why, when the kick was so slow, seemingly lacking any of the strength Sirius could bring out like nothing...

Why did it seem so powerful?

"That's a front kick, or a side kick if you want to get specifics. Simple, at least on the outside. But to do it perfectly like I did just then, you have to maintain perfect balance and posture throughout the movement and distribute the power correctly. No going from 0 to 100, but rather a smooth transition, understood?" He says.

I didn't understand everything, but I think I got the basics of it.

So, I nod my head.

"Good. We'll be going over the same kick until you perfect it, so get rid of that sword." 

And so, under the dazzling glow of moon and starlight, I trained with Sirius, with him doing the kick alongside me, giving me a chance to notice what I was doing wrong by watching.

I think... I finally understand, why everyone I knew cautioned me so greatly about my revenge.

At first, I thought they were doing so out of a moral obligation.

That it's dirty for my heart to be clouded with the goal of killing.

But that's... not entirely it.

Rather than being disappointed about my goal, I think they only wanted me to not blind myself to the life in front of me.

Because with fun times like these, something as simple as doing the same kick repeatedly with Sirius, for some reason... the world looked a little brighter.

And that night, I slept soundly.

Having none of the usual nightmares to interrupt.

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