Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 85 – Bone Dragon

----- Lefiya POV -----


My blade completes its arc as two monsters fall, blood pouring from their slashed necks before promptly bursting into dust.

Regaining control of my mind, I continue the chant.

"Penetrate, arrow of absolute accuracy."

Feeling the magic power concentrate toward my sword, I aim the tip of the blade toward a level 5 monster that Celty was stopping with her barrier magic.

Control it, Lefiya.

Don't let it loose just yet.

My sword gains a bright yellow glow as the blade starts to hum at the pure power churning within it.

And then, just as it reaches the breaking point of an ignis fatuus, I release it.

A beam of white energy releases from the tip of my sword, penetrating the head of the monster a moment later, instantly killing it.

This was a combination of sword and magic I created myself after watching Ais use her wind enhancement so easily with her sword.

With a single swing, a hurricane was formed from her blade, and with a thrust, an air blast followed suit.

So, I thought, why couldn't I do that too?

And this was a result.

The beam of Arcs Ray was concentrated to the size of a coin as its penetrating power and speed increased tremendously.

I was proud of my new move, and I felt even prouder when thinking of how far I had come.

But... it was not enough.

I glance to the side to see Ais dance through the air, using her wind as if it were an extension of her body, before landing in front of some lizard-like monsters.

Swinging herTempest Faith, a tornado erupts from its edge, quickly travelling through the air before dicing up her enemies, leaving nothing but blood and dust in its wake.

...Yes, I had come far... very far... but it wasn't enough just yet.

I couldn't get complacent, not now.

"Keep going! We might be able to clear a good section of the canyon at this rate!" Leon says from the front.

Smiling at the familiar confident voice of my old teacher, I run up to Ais, making sure she doesn't get too far ahead.

The battle, which had been going on for a good few hours, had been quite chaotic.

But a controlled type of chaos, if that made sense, like whenever the Loki Familia entered a deep floor in the dungeon.

But that was mostly due to Leon and Sirius, who were killing all the stronger enemies that could mess up our formation before they caused any problems.

All in all, it was going well, almost... too well.

I know I shouldn't tempt fate like that, but I couldn't help but feel that way.

This was Dragon Valley we were talking about here! 

The resting place of the world's greatest catastrophe!

And we were cleaving through these monsters like a hot knife through butter!

But... if there was one problem... it would be-

"Ais!" Celty screams from behind us. "Stop going ahead like that! Aren't you a veteran adventurer!?" 

"Sorry... It's just... No, it's nothing." Ais says solemnly from my side.

"Haa, it's fine, at least this much is not too big of a deal," Celty says. "Look, I know you hate monsters more than most, but the beasts here won't be escaping. Being reckless like that is only good for them, understand?"

"Yeah... sorry." Ais returns.

I was worried about my friend whom I absolutely did not have a crush on.

She had been weird ever since coming here last night, which I assumed to be because of her hate for the Black Dragon.

But still... wasn't this a bit too much?

I thought after a good night's rest, she would return to normal in time for the first battle, but with how she is now...

I remember Riveria talking about how Ais was a cute, but reckless child.

One who always ran head first into a challenge in order to get stronger, regardless of the danger it posed.

Was Ais like this in the past?

"You guys! Switch in!" 

Noin's yell breaks me out of my thoughts as I start chanting for Luminous Wind while jumping forward, Ais being a step faster.

Minutes pass as the fighting continues, with monsters dying left and right to my blade or my magic, both working in perfect harmony.

Well... maybe 'perfect' was a bit much, but I was doing pretty good!

Suddenly, I hear cracks echo from ahead to the right.

Wait... to the right? But that's just a canyon wall-


An explosion launches chunks of dirt and large rocks toward the battlefield, crushing a few monsters in its path.

Our progress instantly halts as an ominous silence descends throughout the area.

A few rocks tumble from the side of the cliff while the dust slowly settles.

The suspense was palpable... as if you could taste the tension in the air.

From the falling dust cloud, the outline of a large figure slowly reveals itself while the foreboding sound of faint clicking echoes through the canyon.

I gulp down the saliva gathered in my mouth as I feel my knees tremble in fear.


This... was fear.

The type of fear I felt the first time I saw the Goliath back when I was a level 2.

But why was I feeling fear now?

Hadn't I grown?

I've been in the presence of Balor for spirit's sake!


The clicking stops, descending the area into a deafening silence once again.


The figure releases a beastly roar, creating a shockwave that drives away the remaining dust, revealing the previously hidden figure.

It was hideous.

A bony frame, covered in rotting flesh and faded scales here and there, with piercing red eyes and sharp claws.

This... was a Bone Dragon, or at least something close to it.

But a Bone Dragon was a level 4, maybe level 5 monster.

This presence... this sense of dread... it was like-

"Get back! That's a fucking level 8!"

Its eyes twitch before shooting toward me as I instantly feel a chill run down my spine, freezing me in place.

Time seemed to slow as the monster raised its claws and I could feel a small drop of sweat make its way down my nose.


Why can't I move?

C-Come on, Lefiya! Move!

You can't just die here! You got to move!

But no matter what I did, or how much I begged, I just couldn't move my body.

Wait, my body?

Feeling the orbs of stardust around me, I grasp at the connection, willing the magic to launch forward.

Time returns to a regular pace as what was left of Luminous Wind flies toward the monster's arm.


Timing it so the orbs explode upon contact with the monster, I wait to see the eruption of pure power.

But instead of the expected explosion, I see the monster's scales light up in a deep red as the orbs of stardust suddenly disappear.

Y-You're kidding me, right?

Why didn't that work?

Suddenly feeling an impact on my stomach, I'm sent flying backward away from the Dragon as I see the monster's claws slam down where I had been an instant before.

I... almost just died.

Yet again, I needed to be saved!

 "Lefiya! You okay?" Celty says from my side.

"Y-Yeah..." Taking a shaky breath in, I regain my composure before standing back up.

But, who saved me then?

A blur of white and gold passes through my vision as a sonic boom echoes through the air.

Of course, it was her...

"Tsk. That dumb girl. I thought she had gotten better since the Great Feud, but I guess that was a big fucking farce. Heading into a fight like that..." Kaguya says from my side.

"Not the time! Sirius and Leon are up ahead, so we'll have to hold out against it for now. From what I saw, it seems to have a high magic resistance or even nullification, but I don't know if that's just something unique to Lefiya's magic or if it's all magic." Lyra says before turning to the rest of the group.

"You guys! The monsters seem to be stunned for some reason, so take out as many as you can! We won't advance until that thing is dealt with!"

"Got it!"

Their collective yell breaks me out of my shock.

The grip on my sword tightens as I clench my teeth in anger.

What the hell are you doing, Lefiya?

Ais is over there, fighting that monster, and saving you.

What the hell are you standing around for?

Looking forward, I can see Ais leaping from surface to surface with the aid of her wind, launching slash after slash of wind magic to no avail.

I guess it wasn't just my magic that was affected.

Just as I'm about to jump in and support, a hand presses down on my shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lyra asks.

What am I doing?

What kind of question was that!?

"To help of course!" I respond.

"Did you absorb Ais' stupidity or something? You're a level 3! What do you think you can do to that thing?"

She... was right.

B-But I couldn't just stand here!

"Did you forget you're main strength or something? You can use any magic an Elf can, and while attack magic doesn't seem to work, supporting is another story. What, don't tell me Nine Hell didn't teach you her barrier magic..."


She was right, how embarrassing.


"Don't worry about it. Just calm down and stall-"


Hearing the exclamation of pain, I look over to see Ais' body launching through the air before slamming into the canyon wall.

The Dragon doesn't waste the opportunity as it quickly leaps toward Ais with its claws extended forward, its body a blur due to the speed.

But right before impact-


-A figure appears, as the sound of clashing metal echoes through the air.

----- Kaguya POV -----

I got there in time.

That was too close, way too close.

I don't know what I would say to Sirius if his disciple was cut down the one time he had gone ahead of us.


But fuck!

This fucker was fucking strong!

Even though I was staring it in the eyes, activating Satsui, the paralysis seemed to have next to no effect.

So this bastard was definitely a level 8, or at least close to it.

As much as I hate to admit it, I- no, we can't do anything against this thing.

Especially with it's magic nullification.

But that's fine.

I didn't have to win, I only had to wait until those two monsters returned.

As a level 6 of the Astraea Familia, protector of justice, and inheritor of the Gojouno style, I will not fall here.

"So come! You wretched beast!"

The pressure on my blade increases, causing my arms to tremble.

A little more...


Just as my endurance reaches the breaking point, I angle my sword, allowing the monster's claw to regain its movement, instantly plunging deep into the rocky wall beside me.

Using its moment of vulnerability, I bring my sword overhead, angling the blade so that it cuts through the air with as minimal resistance as possible before arcing it downward, aiming for the monster's wrist.

Another sound of clashing metal greets my ears.

Shit, it didn't cut through!

What the hell is this thing made of?

Maybe I need an upgrade to poor old Higanbana here.

Well, even though I couldn't deal any damage, I did enough.

Leaping back, I land deftly on the ground as the battered Sword Princess crashes down beside me.

"Stupid girl! Are you fine to continue?" I say, my eyes still focused on the monster ahead.

"Hack! Cough! I-It's... Ais..."

"To hell it is! The Ais I've come to know is a silent airhead with a dedicated ambition to get stronger! Not some suicidal maniac with a death wish! Come to your senses!"

"Y-Yes ma'am!"


From her tone, it seems she's realized her mistake.

Well... I couldn't scold her too much, as she not only saved Lefiya but also bought us some time to get organized.

But it was still reckless.

The monster finally pulls its claw free from the wall before turning to face us once more.

"Listen, girl. We are not aiming to kill here, understood? Just stall until Sirius or Leon get back. And don't die."


As if waiting for our short conversation to end, the Bone Dragon chooses that moment to attack, the ground crumbling beneath its feet as it jumps toward us.

Luckily, with its extremely high durability and strength, it was not too fast for us to be unable to react.

Feeling the dirt compress under my feet, I bound to the left, dodging the monster's crazed charge.

Alright, Kaguya, it's time to use that head of yours.

Magic is unusable, making this a much harder fight, but at the same time, making me one of the most qualified adventurers for this, as I mainly used the sword.

But... my sword didn't penetrate.

Could it be a heavily defended point?

No... looking at its body covered in scales and bones, it seems to be its base durability.

Then, what about weak points?

Monsters must have a weak point.

It does not seem to run on blood or breathing, so the lungs, heart, and arteries are useless.

But, what about its head?

I could aim for the eyes, although they are quite small.

Too small for my usual slashing technique to do any damage.


And what about its magic stone?

Usually, for skeleton-type monsters, the magic stones are located in the chest area, protected by the ribs, but I can't see anything like that with this guy.

Could it be in its skull?

I believe Gryphons are known to have their magic stones in their heads, could this be the same?

Seeing the monster's leg flex, I jump away just as it pounces towards me.

Just as it lands, it twists to face me once again before I even hit the ground.

But luckily, just before it could capitalize, a shining wall stopped it in its tracks.

Thanks, Lefiya.

Dammit. At this rate, I won't even have dealt an attack on this thing.

How... how shameful!

A Gojouno does not run from a foe, and if we are destined to die, we do not let it be in vain!

So come on, Kaguya!

If there's no feasible weak point...

"Then just make one." I mutter under my breath with a smile.

Sheathing my sword, I crouch down into an iai stance, my hand resting gently on the hilt of my sword.

I had trained with Sirius a number of times since his introduction to the God of Martial Arts, and suffice to say, as a swordsman, he had surpassed me.

Of course, I was still better at human-against-human combat without using special powers, such as parrying, feints, and the like, but Sirius' technique had overshadowed mine.

And while it was uncouth, I was jealous.

He had already mastered magic and had amazingly strong skills, so couldn't he have left swordsmanship to me?

But, befitting my nature, instead of whining and complaining about the injustice like a child, I took hold of my anger, honing it to sharpen my blade and fuel my training.

Connecting with the atmospheric magic power?

I knew nothing of the sort.

I was a swordsman, not a mage.

But... instilling my emotions into my blade... weaponizing my 'intent'...

That, I understood.

I had never stopped to think why my slashes could do so much damage when the physical sword never touched my opponent, I just did it.

And that was the key, I didn't have to think.

I just had to do it.

So... closing my eyes, I will my blade sharper.


Even sharper!

Enough to cut through anything!

Opening my eyes, I release my sword from its sheath, the blade gleaming under the sunlight as it whistles through the air.

It was nothing special.

The slash was not faster than normal, nor was it heavier.



The effectiveness was a different story.

The monster, now missing its left claw, quickly regains control of its movements as it glares at me with absolute hatred.

Uwah~ I think I made it quite angry~


Suddenly, Ais appears from behind the monster's neck.

Her body was coated in wind enchantment, likely boosting her speed, yet her sword was mostly normal, with only some wind coating the back of the blade, pushing it forward.

Smart girl.

But... in screaming her attack like that... she lost her element of surprise.

Maybe not so smart.


Her blade hits true, digging deep into the Dragon's neck.

But not enough, as the Bone Dragon had twisted away before she could do any fatal damage.


Lefiya seemed to notice the danger the Sword Princess was in now.

Her sword was stuck in the monster's neck and her balance was nonexistent.

A terrible situation.

But she was lucky.

We had stalled for long enough.

"Haa... what the fuck was that, Ais?"

Sirius scoops up Ais as he passes by, his free hand pulling Ais' sword out of the monster.

Throwing the girl and her sword onto the ground, he unsheathes his black blade while turning to face the monster.

"You're definitely getting a scolding later. But don't worry, girls... I've come to save the day."

As glad as I was that he was back... could he stop talking and just kill the damn thing now?

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