Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 80 – Results of Training

----- Lefiya POV -----

I was currently riding with Sirius on horseback, desperately trying not to think too much about it while also avoiding the dull stares Alise and Ryuu were sending us.

As for why I was on his horse?

"Oh! That feels like... low level 3s? All the way out here? Jeez, calling this place the 'Evil Mountain' isn't just for show, huh? Anyway, there are some Goblin-looking monsters up ahead. You're up, Lefiya."

I was on monster extermination duty.

Feeling his breath against my neck, I mask the shiver coursing through my body with a quick nod before hastily jumping off.

I was originally questioning why Alea and Stella loved riding with Sirius so much, but I understand now.

It was warm... comforting... how his arms wrapped around me as he grabbed the reins, his height just tall enough so I could snuggle my head under his chin-

No! Stop! Bad girl!

"Oh, and Lefiya."

I turn back to Sirius as he gives me a small smirk, the playful kind I've come to find cute rather than annoying like before.

"No magic. This is training after all."

...Maybe it was still annoying.

Gritting my teeth, I unsheath the short sword that was attached to my hip before jumping toward the approaching monsters.

Today was the first day travelling through the Beol Mountains, as yesterday we had arrived at the base of the mountains at sundown.

Since I was going to be 'training' all day today, I was able to get a whole night's rest.

And from the fact I didn't hear a peep... well, surface monsters can't do too much against these guys.

Anyways, it's fighting time!

Seeing the group of five monsters ahead, their sickly green faces spreading out into a smile, showing off their jagged yellow teeth, I shoot forward.

Remembering the lessons from Sirius and Ais, I press my back foot against the rocky ground, bend my knees to build up power, and then release.

Shooting forward, I land just before the first monster, crouching down while slicing a deep gash across its chest before facing the next one.

While these Goblins had sharp claws, their main weapons were large rocks wielded as clubs to make up for their lack of reach, and paired with their athleticism and teamwork, these guys were really dangerous for regular people.

But I was no regular person.

Stepping aside to dodge a strike, I twist my waist, using the rotational motion to slice off another one's head.

Taking a small breath to calm myself, I think back to my training with Sirius.

'You've got a really flexible figure, you know? Even without being boosted by your status. Use that. Twist to generate force. Bend to obtain a better position. Your body is your greatest weapon.'

Right, my body is my greatest weapon.

...Even if his first words were a little embarrassing.

Two down, three to go.

Lowering into a crouch, I face the last three monsters.

Their eyes are sharp, and they have their weapons raised while keeping close enough to easily converge on me, but with enough space between them to not hinder each other's movements.

Smart little guys.

And now without the element of surprise, it's gonna be a little tougher.

Okay, let's go for the left one, and fast too, make sure they don't all surround me.

Leaping forward again, the leftmost monster swings down his jagged rock mace toward my head.

Do I parry or dodge?

While parrying is better for counter-attacks, with how telegraphed this guy's movements are, I should be fine dodging into a counter.

And so I dodge.

Shuffling to the side, I feel the air crack as the mace passes my head, leaving the monster completely vulnerable to my attack.

And so I attack.

My arm whipping forward, my sword follows as its path arcs through the air, heading straight toward the monster's neck-

Only to slice through nothing.

It had dodged, using the weight of the mace to drag himself forward.

No matter, I just had to slash downward now-

I jump out of the way as two maces smash into the ground at my previous position.

Shoot, the other two joined in.

Stepping back, I once again take in the situation while gritting my teeth in frustration.

Damn, their teamwork is really showing through now!

Alright, Lefiya! Just think back to your training!

----- 1 Month Earlier -----

"Ais! How do I get as good as you!?" I ask in desperation.

I had just started truly training my martial arts with Sirius and Ais, and... it had been hard.

Really hard.

Even after a whole week, I didn't have much to show for it, just some better movement and balance.

"Hmm..." Ais says with a troubled expression.

"Just... be faster. Be stronger. Like this."

She then takes out her wooden practice sword and faces the pole I was using for training.

Raising her sword, I hear the hiss of a sharp breath being released before a blur of brown arcs through the air.

The dulled clang I had grown used to... doesn't appear.

A beautiful swing, and an even more amazing result.

The metal pole was... bisected.

By a dulled, wooden sword!

Compared to that, I... I-!

"Haa... Ais, that isn't how you teach someone, silly girl." Sirius says from behind me.

He then walks toward me and bends down so that we're face to face.

Wiping away the small tears that had formed in my eyes, he continued.

"Listen, Lefiya. You're a mage. You don't need to have a perfect technique like Ais and I."

Nodding my head, he continues.

"You're also strong. Just by punching with no effort you could destroy any level 1. So you just need to learn how to use your stats well. So Lefiya..."

Gently lifting my chin, I'm met with his kind smile as he presses a closed fist against my chest.

"Be confident."

----- 1 Month Later -----

Right, while not at the level of those monsters of technique, I was strong.

Strong enough to deal with these guys easily, even without magic.

Isn't this what I've been training for?

I inhale, drawing a sharp breath.

There's no need for fancy tricks, just remember the basics you've been drilled in.

All those nights, swinging my sword over and over in the moonlight.

The mornings, fighting through the pain of sore muscles, fighting against the urge to down a potion.

Slowly raising my sword overhead, I go through the movement I wanted to use.

Nothing flashy, and definitely nothing special, just... good.

Good enough to use my stats to the highest degree.

A simple sword style.

Against the monsters of talent around the world, it'd mean nothing, but for this?

It was enough.

My back foot presses painfully against the ground before launching my body forward, the air whistling past my ears while my hair flutters wildly in the gale I had formed.

Next, I bring down my sword with all my power.

Dancing across the air, the blade curves along its path downward, transforming into a diagonal slash just as it reaches the first body.

Not before a rock mace appears to stop it.

But despite that, I continue.

My hips twist with the swing, and with my wrist flicking in tandem with my extended arm, I cut through the rock. 

Just before my sword can reach the flesh of the first monster, an explosion releases from my blade.

And before my eyes, I see all three of the monsters become instantly bisected, bursting into ash as their weapons fall helplessly to the ground.

My heart beats painfully in my chest as I take a deep breath in, the fresh air cooling my warm body as my lungs release the tension they had held.

I... I did it.

I really did it!

Turning my head back, I see Ais, Ryuu, Alise, and Sirius all looking at me with proud smiles, causing my lips to unconsciously spread out into a smile as well.

"Good job, Lefiya." Sirius then says while riding up toward me.

"Indeed, an impressive display of swordsmanship, especially for a mage. I think she deserves a reward for her training, don't you husband?" Ryuu says.

"I agree." Sirius says while extending his hand toward me.

"She can get her reward tonight after we set up camp."

My cheeks flush at the implication of their words as I slowly join Sirius on his horse, my mind racing over what this 'reward' could be.

----- 15 Hours Later -----

"Now, are you ready to receive your reward?"

The reward in question was nothing like I had imagined.

That was an embarrassing revelation.

Rather than anything... sexual in nature, I would be receiving one of Ryuu's magics, which was why we were out here after setting up camp for the night.

"Yes!" I say excitedly.

While it was not what I had expected, I was by no means disappointed by the circumstances.

Despite how great my magic, Elf Ring, was, it was difficult to actually receive any new magics, at least those that would be used in combat.

A magic, much like a skill, is something unique to each person, and thus teaching me how to do it is often seen as them losing their individuality.

It was what caused me to be avoided in the School District, and even now, only Riveria and Alicia have given me their magics in the Loki Familia.

So this was a rare, amazing opportunity.

"Hm, good. I should start off by saying I was fine teaching you my magic at any time, but being able to concurrently chant is vital for using this particular one. Except for my healing magic, as I imagine Riveria has taught you something better so there's no need for my Noah Heal."

"I-I think your healing magic is great though!" I respond quickly.

Ryuu, in response, chuckles cutely into her hand before brushing a few loose strands of her golden hair out of her face.

I... couldn't help but feel a little jealous of her beauty.

"No need for flattery. While I'll hold off on Spirit of Boreas to not overwhelm you, I will be teaching you my Luminous Wind. I imagine you've seen it in combat, no?"

Yes. Luminous Wind.

The magic that gave her the alias GaleLuminous Wind was a truly wonderful magic, but as she said, not one I would have been able to use before as a pure mage.

A mix of light and wind elements, likely the only one of its kind, I couldn't release my gaze from it the first time I saw it in the dungeon.

So, suffice it to say, I was very excited.

"Now, I'll go through the chant and give you a demonstration. After that, I'll guide you through your first cast."

Nodding my head, Ryuu begins her chant.

"In the sky of a now distant forest. Infinite stars scattered in the endless night sky. Respond to my foolish voice, give me now divine protection of Starfire."

The air around Ryuu trembles as magic power begins flooding her body.

Such control... such power...

I had forgotten due to my time spent with Sirius, but this girl was also a monster of talent, on the same level as Ais.

"Give the mercy of light to the one that abandoned you. Come, wandering wind, the wandering traveller. Cross the sky and run through the wilderness, run faster than anything else. Imbue the light of stardust and destroy the enemy."

Numerous orbs of green stardust form around Ryuu as she releases a small sigh.

"Unfortunately, it has quite a long chant, so it is best to begin chanting while entering combat. Luckily, it stays active for quite a while to compensate. Now, you will feel a connection with each orb, use this to move them how you see fit, and when ready, chant Luvia while focusing on one, or many, to have them explode."

She then extends her arm, shooting a singular orb toward a small rock before chanting 'Luvia' under her breath.

The orb explodes along with the rock, causing a crack to echo throughout the surroundings as a small dust cloud appears at the point of impact.

"Well... let's see how you do it." Ryuu says with a teasing grin.

This... is gonna be tough, isn't it?

----- 1 Hour Later -----

I was right!

It was tough, really tough.

Screw all the magic I knew before, Luminous Wind is absolutely the hardest one to use.

I knew that Ryuu was skilled in magic, but I had still been underestimating her.

The control, focus, and precision needed throughout the entire use of the magic was astounding.

But I did it.

And I could tell, not only would this be useful in combat, but it would also allow me to grow even stronger as a magic swordsman.

"You did great. Seems that my husband has been training you very well." 

And I was also able to earn the respect of Ryuu.

From her stories, she had a very tough time using this magic at first, as she didn't have someone like Sirius or herself to help her, like I did.

"Well, practice some more if you want, but I'll be heading back."

Turning around toward the camp, where a few people were still talking around the dwindling fire, Ryuu began walking before I called out to her.

"Ah! Thank you very much, Ryuu! I-I'll use it well!" 

Stopping, Ryuu takes a moment before responding.

"Think nothing of it. I know you'll use it well. And Lefiya..."

She then turns her head, eyes sharp while her mouth is stretched into a teasing grin, much like Sirius.

"I am not as dense as my husband."

Huh? What does she-


"We're not completely closed off to a fourth, but said fourth would have to deal with all three of us." 

Giving me a teasing wink, I can't look away as her figure, illuminated by the pale moonlight, begins walking toward the camp.

She really was beautiful.

Left alone with my thoughts, a few moments of silence passed before I fully grasped what she had said.


- A/N-

To help clear any misunderstandings, essentially for this fanfic, one's 'skill' or 'ability' relates to how well they can use their stats. Falna-granted skills and experience may also help this. In number terms (not completely accurate) of stat usability:

Sirius - 150% 

Ais, Alice, Ryuu - 125%

Lefiya, Finn, Riveria, Top-Tier adventurers - 100%

Skilled adventurers - 90%

Canon Bell - ~80%

Note that most higher-level adventurers have a higher percentage due to them needing to be skilled in order to level up.

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