Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 78 – Beach Episode

After that... activity, we were given the location of the beach by that annoying guy.

My hand still ached lightly from how fast I had to swing to stop his strike, and that being him just sparring... and without using the water and storm-related skills he likely had...

Yeah, no wonder he was so famous.

He was likely the strongest level 6 in the world.

...Aside from me, that is.

Apparently, we had already missed the path, the entrance being before Lyra activated her Eagle Vision skill, so it was a good thing we ran into them before we got too far.

Plus the other members of the Poseidon Familia gave us some seafood as an apology for their captain's... eccentricities, so it wasn't all that bad of an encounter.

And so, here we were.


A collective gasp from all the girls, and a muted smile from my son.

Well, it's understandable.

A beach this beautiful... it was quite rare in this world.

You see, when there's a beach like this, especially one so close to Orario and a road, it would usually lead to a harbour, either for transport or fishing, and the start of a new town.

But due to this place being the location of the Leviathan seal, it was pristine, with not a soul in sight.

And no monsters either!

Kicking off my shoes and socks, I let out a relieved sigh as I stepped onto the gritty yet smooth beach.

The warm, soft sand covered my bare feet with each step as the spotless, golden-white shore spread beyond for a few hundred meters.

Surrounding the secluded beach were large cliffs, covered in greenery from top to bottom with a few bushes and flora reaching the coastline.

And then, there was the water.

Calm and clear, the blue-green extending to the horizon as the sandbars gave it a very... safe feeling, as odd as that sounded.

The sound of the rolling waves... the subtle scent of salt... the soothing seaside breeze...

It was everything I wished for!

Ah~! And there was even enough room for the carriages to be in sight!

Looking over the coastline, I see the beach sands end with a collection of large rocks and stones, leading naturally up to the cliffs.


"You girls start getting ready, I'll change over there." I say, pointing toward the rocks.


There wasn't really a need to change into anything, and even if I did I could do it quickly behind a blanket or a bush, but this was for their peace of mind.

Or rather, for Lefiya and Ais', as the rest of us were comfortable enough to not care about such things.

Living in a house of girls for four years will do that to you.

As I start walking forward, I feel a tug at my shirt.

Looking down, I am met by my son's upturned sky-blue eyes and reddened cheeks.

"C-Can I come with you, Papa? Please?"

Oof, poor kid.

Probably weirded out by being the only boy around, but I thought this would come later around puberty.

Oh well.

"Sure. Watch your feet for anything sharp, you don't have a falna to stop little cuts just yet." I say while grabbing his hand.

"Okay... but can't you just heal me?" He asks.

"Yeah, but it'll still hurt! Silly kid." I respond with a huff.

"Oh, right." Ah, he's embarrassed again.

How cute.

----- Lefiya POV -----

Ahh! This trip was going to be the death of me!

Sleeping in such close proximity to Ais, being able to snuggle closer to her under the same blanket...

Uuu~ I was definitely going to die on this trip!

My heart just can't take it!

Wait... trip?

Haa... Sirius' craziness must be spreading for me to call an emergency quest to Dragon Valley a 'trip'.

But taking in the current scenery, it's hard to call it anything other than a 'trip'.

Raising my head, I could see Ariel and Haruhime running across the shallow waters while Iris and Lili followed behind them at a calm gait, Lady Astraea lying under the shade of a hung canvas, Neze and Iska having a swimming race...

Yes, a perfect family atmosphere.

Looking across the shore, I spot the four kids being taught how to swim by their parents, each having gone into the water with much confidence only needing to be picked up a second later.

It was quite a comical sight.

But looking past the kids paddling with disappointed expressions, I looked over to the three who were watching over them.

There was Alise, her red two-piece bikini pairing beautifully with her blazing hair that was not tied in any way, giving her a very... mature appearance.

And then there was Ryuu, a black v-neck one-piece, revealing her... healthy, thighs and toned body. She was wearing a new hairstyle as well, her long golden hair done up in a crown braid, giving her the look of a princess.

As for why I had such knowledge of women's swimsuit styles... that was thanks to Loki.

Anyway, having watched their duel with the 'Knight of Knights', I was mature enough to admit that I had underestimated them.

Speed, strength, technique, magic... those two were well above me, and that wasn't even mentioning their telepathic-like teamwork.

But I was catching up.

Slowly but surely, I was catching up.

Those two weren't enemies or rivals, far from it... they were a goal, an ambition.

Who I should strive to become.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I glance at the final parent.

Silver hair messily held back in a ponytail, loose strands fluttering wildly in the wind.

Piercing blue eyes that somehow radiate kindness, love, and warning all at the same time.

A pure aura of confidence, not like Bete's arrogance nor Finn's calm, but something in between.

Dressed in loose shorts, the bottoms darkened from the water, and a button-up shirt, that was currently not buttoned up, revealing his chiselled chest and sculpted muscles...



Jumping up in surprise, I'm barely able to hold myself back from launching an attack as Ais' face comes into view.

"Sorry..." Ais says with a small frown.

"I-It's nothing, Ais! You just surprised me, I was lost in my own thoughts..."

I then remembered why exactly I had gotten lost in my thoughts, causing my cheeks to flush deep red as I involuntarily let out a quiet squeak.

Lefiyaaaa! Stop this!

I'm 14 and he's 19, a five-year age gap is... very much heard of.

Okay, this line of thought is getting me nowhere.


"S-So, Ais. Did you need anything?"

Turning to the blonde, I take in her current bathing suit.

A white swim dress with a golden belt around her waist, Loki made sure the swimsuit Ais brought didn't show anything more than her adventurer gear did as, according to Loki, 'Ais' back belongs to me alone!'

So... yeah.

Anyway, the same day we got Ais her swimsuit at the market, I also had to get one, as my old School District one-piece did not fit anymore.

My new swimsuit was a frilly, blue two-piece bikini, with my bottoms being in the style of a skirt.

It was... quite revealing, especially for an Elf like me, but I felt like getting it anyway.

For no specific reason of course! None at all!


Oh yeah, Ais' problem.

She seemed to be struggling to come up with an answer, her gaze sweeping across the girls who were having fun, most doing so in the water.

"I want to... it looks fun. But..."

Ais' downturned mouth becomes straight as her eyes seem to lose their usual light.

"Never again."

Uhh... Ais?

What the hell happened?

"Do you... want to go in the water?" I ask.

Seeing Ais' eyes return to normal, she curls into herself as her lip wobbles slightly.

She looks so... vulnerable.

The thought makes me a bit bolder.

"W-With me? I can hold your hand if you're scared!" 

Ohh Lefiya! What did you just do!?

"Really?" Ais asks, eyes glinting with wonder.

Did that... work?

"Yeah! Of course! L-Let's go!"

Taking her hand, I help her up before leading toward the shore, the rolling waves splashing the warm water against my bare shins.

Stepping forward a little further, I feel Ais' grip tighten as she pulls me back.

"Ais?" I ask in confusion.

Looking back, her vulnerable look had returned while her toes curled against the soaked sand.

"You won't... you won't tie a rock to me, right?" She asks with a pleading expression.



"H-Huh!? No! Of course not!"

What kind of question is that?

"Are you sure?" Ais asks sceptically.

"I'm very sure!" 

Ais lets out a sigh of relief before giving me a small smile.

It's really small, just the slight curve of her lips, but compared to a few months ago, she might as well have been giving me a big toothy grin like Tiona.

"I trust you, Lefiya."

I feel my cheeks warm up once again.

Her long golden hair, loosely flowed in the breeze while her head was highlighted by the sun behind her...

She looked really beautiful.

"L-Leave it to me!" I say with a giddy smile.

Ah~ Teaching Ais how to swim~

Suddenly, a vision plays through my imagination.

A small girl, no older than three, with long ears typical of an Elf, large dark blue eyes, and long, straight golden hair.

Dipping her toes hesitantly into the water, the young girl looks up at me.

'Mama, it's cold~'

She pouts cutely.

'Lilia, listen to your mother. She had to teach me too after all, swimming is a good skill to learn.'

Ais then walks toward the now-named Lilia with a smile, patting her head gently as Lilia clenches her fist in determination-



What the hell was that, Lefiya!?

That's not even biologically possible!

'But I know just who could make it biologically possible...'

That wretched voice, like the soft temptation of the evil forest spirits, returns with a vengeance.

Nope! Nononono-



Tripping over my own feet, I forcibly calm my rapidly beating heart as I look back at Ais' curious expression.

Returning my focus back to the world, I feel my face heat up as I notice how similar Lilia's hair was to her, a near-perfect replica.

Uuu... I definitely wasn't going to survive this trip...

----- Eleanor POV -----

I will never have children.

I had thought the same previously, though my decision was due to my disgust at the act that predates childbirth as well as the annoying noise babies often create.

But no... now this decision of mine was made out of pity.

Now that I know... how could I ever force a soul, no matter how vile, to endure this embarrassing torture?

"Way to go Ellie! You're almost there!"

Shut it, you peasant of a father!

This is not a time to be happy!

This is a time of quiet mourning, a time to respect the last remnant of my dignity that died a little while earlier.

It started as an... interesting day.

I was able to see how my Mamas had progressed in their abilities and was finally able to see them go all out, or at least close to it.

From the naive little girls I saw in the dungeon, with only determination and grit pushing them forward, the two had grown wonderfully.

Any previous doubt in my mind had been squashed.

While they may not yet have all the pieces... this Familia would be able to do it.

In time, they could slay the horrid dragon, with Papa leading the way.

Anyway, after the spar, then... it was time for the beach.

I had gone to a beach a few times before, usually staying near the shore with Meteria to keep her company and to stop any lecherous gazes from finding our bodies.

I was planning to do the same today, but embarrassingly, I had gotten pulled along with my siblings' childish excitement.

No matter, I had thought.

I will join them and wade in the calm waters, at least until they have tired themselves out.

What I had not anticipated was the current state of my body.

Instincts of swimming no longer present, and falna-enhanced strength long gone, I was left struggling to keep my head above the water as I tripped in the sand.

At that point, I was fine with dying a second time.

The shame of my predicament was enough to demolish any will I had to live.

But no, Papa just had to race over and scoop me up.

'Silly girl! You got too ahead of yourself, didn't you? Hahaha!'

Needless to say, Papa was able to learn just how much water a toddler could splash with enough determination.

That led to where I was right now, paddling with all I had to reach Mama Alise.

If my previous failure wasn't enough, I had learned my sister, Alea, was able to take to the water naturally.

The woman who had previously danced and sang on a stage for a living, beating me, one of the most powerful mortals to walk this world.

A complete farce.

But I will catch up!

No way in all the Gods of Tenkai will I be the weakest sibling!

My determination renewed, I paddle even faster, kicking my feet all the while, until I soon reach Mama Alise, her outstretched arms pulling me closer to her ample bosom.

...Dangerous, those things were.

I am just thankful my parents are not so lustful as to do anything during our journey.

...At least not yet.

But even someone as inexperienced in romance as me could notice the glances the three were sending each other.

Well, it should be expected with their current revealing attire.

If the three leave for the forest for some time, I know exactly what would be happening, as... disgusting as it is to think about.

However, I suppose it's better than their lust getting the better of them and giving me and my siblings a traumatic memory from this journey.

"Go Papa! Forward!"

Raising my head from Mama Alise's pillows, I look over to Alea, who was currently riding on Papa's shoulders, directing him with gentle tugs on his hair.

Well, at least she's having fun...

As they start heading further into the ocean, Papa looks back at me.

"Ah! You made it! Good job Ellie!"

Ignoring the warmth his simple yet loving words made me feel, I do the only thing I could think of to voice my distaste at my current state of affairs.


Look away with a pout.

"Ouch! Ellie~! You're hurting Papa's heart, you know!"

Serves you right, silly Papa.

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