Celestial Peak

Chapter 86: Mixing

Back then, there were two forces known as two opposites. The Devil Race and the Holy Race. These two forces had fought each other since the time of the Nine Chaos.

They inhabit two opposing realms, Heaven and Hell. They can never get along and the hopes of having them coexist were slimmer than the chance of catching a Dragon that happened to be the God of all beast jerking off on some ordinary campsite.

This kind of analogy was vulgar, but the idea of the Holy Race and Devils coexisting was technically as distasteful and impossible. Even if a member of each race produces an offspring from an unholy union of the two opposing sides, harmony in qi and blood can never be hoped to achieve. 

However, what if such a thing could happen? What if the God of Devils, the [True Devil God] and the Lord of the Holy Race, the [Holy Overlord] coexist in one body and became one? Or at least their bloodlines and qi to substitute their missing presence.

Such a thing was unimaginable and blasphemy for the two races. But one mortal was trying to do just that even without his knowledge.

Wang Ling was trying to mix the two opposing forces and power inside his body for him to live.

The equilibrium he got when he used his supreme spirit qi as and human bloodline as a dividing border to his [Angelic Qi] and [Hellish Qi] was flimsy.

The line could snap at any moment if any kind of external force was to shake his psyche. If those lines snap, the conflict with the two opposing power will occur again. And if such a thing happened in the middle of a battle, Wang Ling can only imagine the result.

With that predicament, Wang Ling has no choice but to pick between two options. Either, first, ignite one of his bloodlines and have it burn out and end up with a single bloodline.

Although it was practical, the consequence of burning out his bloodline will result in being unable to use that power in this life.

The second option was simpler, force the two opposing power together and form a true and stable equilibrium. These risks in him having his meridians ruptured and having to cultivate all over again.

There was also the chance of exploding and dying if this idea failed. Wang Ling being the man who sought after power even sacrificing his life just to get a glimpse of a new era did not have to think twice before deciding on the second option.

Power is only bestowed by those who seek it. Wang Ling was thousands of years old, his minds had already been tempered by many dangerous events.

He was calm and collected, only risking it if he sees a benefit in the end. If the benefit is good enough, Wang Ling will risk everything in order to obtain the said benefits.

This time, the benefits dangling in front of him was too good to be ignored. To risk his life to obtain power was his way of living. The feud of two opposing powers that cannot be quelled by time will be controlled. Wang Ling will reach the apex, and he will give anything to reach it.

Wang Ling has yet to come out of his black and white cocoon. He waited for the tribulations to come and his mind was on edge.

He waited and waited, and finally… he could feel it coming. The Mini World trembled as the barrier set up by the Holy Race was torn apart. The qi from heaven dissipated as the Mini World appeared.


An explosion followed as a thick lightning bolt struck his cocoon and disintegrated it into nothingness. Wang Ling's body bathed in lightning. His bloodlines activated, his two pairs of black feathery wings popped out of his back and a golden halo appeared floating on the back of his head.

Angelic qi and hellish qi broke out of his body and two entirely different qi appeared. The Mini World that was struck by the lightning trembled and slowly, its space became untamed.

Space fluctuated after the attack from outside exploded. Although the Mini World was made by beings that were above this realm, the shock that came from the tribulation was enough to make it tremble.

Rifts that connect to the world outside appeared all over the place. The palace was damaged and many spirit beasts that were already weak and vulnerable died from the shockwave.

"Aaarrrgggghhhh!" Wang Ling raised his head and saw there were three lightning bolts. One of the three lightning had descended upon him and was already trying to erase him from existence.

Lightning tribulation, one of the Heavenly Laws every cultivator fear. There were many kinds of lightning tribulations and all of these lightning tribulations varied in terms of strength and functions.

The lightning tribulation present right now was a [Minor Tribulation] that was supposed to be weak and bearable. But right now, the output it was showing was as strong as a [Major Tribulation].

Wang Ling was in pain and noticed the difference. It was unbearable for his current level of strength.

It was as if the heavens wanted to rebuke his existence as the one who possesses the two bloodlines of two opposing factions. Did the heavens want to erase him from the face of the realm?

Wang Ling had no idea what caused the Minor Tribulation to change, but his mind did not waver even with the pain. His mind was still focused on having his bloodline and qi becomes stable.

Focusing his mind, his level of strength quickly rose. As it did, the barrier that was separating his qi began to loosen as he commanded.

His spirit ocean trembled, the line separating the two qi suddenly broke and the angelic qi and hellish qi began to clash. Wang Ling saw this happen and pain immediately erupted inside his body.

With pain in and out of his body, Wang Ling's mind became even sharper. Using the force from the Minor Tribulation, Wang Ling began to cultivate.

As he was high above in the sky, he sat cross-legged and began cultivating. The two qi inside his body made booming sounds. Wang Ling felt his internal organs trembled and a sweet taste appeared in his mouth.

A streak of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth. Wang Ling was already experiencing internal bleeding and a minute has yet to pass.

Not only that but his clothes and skin were slowly getting torn apart. His soft and white skin had cuts and laceration appearing. However, he didn't care about the pain.

He was too focused on the fusion of his two qi that everything seemed inconsequential. The presence of his supreme spirit was still there, but not as a line that separates the two but as the binding force.

Gathering the two qi into his supreme spirit qi the clashing of the two qi became even more intense that blood started seeping out of his nose. The vibration from the fight escalated more and more.

Even so, Wang Ling pushed on. However, along the way, he noticed his cultivation was not enough to fully fuse the two qi as the pressure he could exert was lacking.

He was in a dilemma but thankfully, he did not need to look and think that hard for a pressure that was strong and constantly boring upon him.

Wang Ling momentarily moved his body on the inside and opened a path for bits of the lightning to enter his body. Lightning was dangerous and powerful, it was almost uncontainable but it was also the perfect substance to pressure the two qi into fusing.

Cultivating and thinking with logical reason still in his mind was something mind-boggling to anyone that might know Wang Ling's current situation. He was bathing in lightning with his body being damaged both inside and out.

Wang Ling's situation was something that could have killed anyone many times over with the mental strain alone. But Wang Ling was only toughing it out.

Although he does not show it in any way possible, he was already nearing his limit. His body was suffering and the concentration of fusing the two qi was something that Wang Ling was struggling with.

A minute passed and the first bolt of the Minor Tribulation was slowly dissipating. The crackling of lightning was heard and the second bolt descended from the heavens.

This time, the pressure and power the second lightning possesses were even stronger than the first one. The increasing strength of the bolts had always been something that every cultivator found wretched.

Wang Ling roared and started to feel the pain clearer. But he toughed it out as he gritted his teeth and heightened his focus on the fusion of the two qi.

The process of the fusion had been stagnating ever since he managed to get them closer. Although the lightning tribulation was helping, it was still only by a little bit.

As of now, an idea popped up his head. With the progression of his qi fusion stagnating like this, the only thing that can give it any further push was none other than the bloodline itself.

Wang Ling ignited the two bloodlines. The [True Devil General] bloodline and the [Lower Holy Lord] bloodline were ignited to the best of his capability.

The angelic qi and hellish qi inside his body roared out as his bloodline suddenly gave him a boost in his powers.

The aura of [Slaughter] and [Destruction] possessed by the hellish qi started trying to erode the angelic qi, but the aura of [Regeneration] and [Creation] countered it and something wondrous happened.

His supreme spirit qi that had been holding the two differing qi suddenly erupted with a golden light. As the two aurae of the two qi became stronger, the golden light of the supreme spirit qi rivaled its rise.

The supreme spirit qi that had been acting passively suddenly erupted with great force and swallowed the two qi by blanketing it with supreme spirit qi.

Inside the 'blanket' made from supreme spirit qi, the two differing qi fought and clashed in a fierce fight for dominance. However, as time went on, the clashes were gradually overpowered by the supreme spirit qi and were slowly getting devoured by it.

Wang Ling saw this and didn't waste any opportunity to force the two qi together. He was slowly getting closer to his goal.

As this happened, the heavens rumbled even fiercer and even before the second bolt of lightning was to become finish. The third and final bolt of lightning suddenly descended and attempted to vaporize his body.

The third lightning was too strong. It was stronger than the first two lightning bolt. Wang Ling howled in pain but still kept his focus.

Amidst the pain and the lacerating sensation of his flesh being torn to pieces by the tribulation, the fusion of his qi continued.

However, at this moment, his body started to lose vitality. The accumulated damage he got from the lightning tribulation was already showing its effect. Before he could respond to this, Wang Ling's blood churned and roared.

His True Devil General Bloodline and Lower Holy Lord bloodline ragingly circulated his body to protect him from the oncoming danger of the lightning. The aura of slaughter and destruction fought the lightning back whilst his aura of regeneration sped up his healing capability many times over.

With his full-on bloodline ignition. The two essences of his blood and qi came to full view. Wang Ling was managing to live simply because his blood didn't want him to die.

The Minor Tribulation got even stronger after this happened. Wanting to deny what had transpired, the lightning became even stronger.

However, his two bloodlines supported him. His four wings stretched out and covered his back and his halo expanded and gave him vitality to carry on.

His bloodline started to mix as both began to work side by side. The two mixed and in the end, the two found a way to coexist.

Inside his spirit ocean, Wang Ling's qi was still fighting, black and white qi was enveloped by a golden blanket.

However, at this moment, Wang Ling roared and made the golden curtain smaller. He continued doing so and soon, the angelic and hellish qi became compressed and was already mixing.

The clashing of the two ceased but they circled one another as if one was trying to devour the other. They moved in a circle faster and faster but nothing was gained other than forming an image of angelic qi existing with angelic qi.

The two qi became more and more attached to one another and soon mingled with one another. As it mingled, a burst of blinding light flashed inside his spirit ocean and the two qi 'became one'.

A perfect balance of black and white qi appeared inside his spirit ocean. The black gold spirit ocean changed in color once again. The spirit ocean was now black and white with gold supreme spirit qi swimming around it as a medium.

His energy palace, qi pillars and everything else entered a balance. The angelic qi, hellish qi, and supreme spirit qi flowed around his meridians. As it did, his body felt power like never before.

Although he was still injured, he felt refresh and as he felt power cursing through his veins, he let out a loud shout that was directed towards the heavens.


He was full of life and the Minor Tribulation didn't matter anymore. He was not wearing any clothes as those had already been vaporized by lightning a long time ago.

But still, he proudly unfurled his black feathery wings and his golden halo that was now as large as half his torso glowed with a bring light.

A silhouette appeared inside the lightning and as a feathered human not from this world was reflected. With the golden light coming from inside the lightning made Wang Ling's silhouette divine.

Many were in awe as they saw this. Amazed by the sight. Some kneeled on the ground as they thought the coming of some divine being had come.  

The lightning tribulation waned in strength and Wang Ling managed to move around freely. He rose into the air and escaped the Mini World that was now in rubbles.

He rose as the barrier of the Mini World came back and turned back the peak of the Ancient Creed Mountain back to how it used to look like. Wang Ling landed on the peak buck naked and once again roared.


Wang Ling had successfully become the first hybrid from a member of the Holy Race and the Devil Race. He was bleeding all over his body and the mystery of his current abilities were a mystery to him, Wang Ling didn't care as he announced his success. 

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