Catgirls and Dungeons

Chapter 26: Night

After our bath, we find ourselves relaxing on the inn’s rooftop. It’s part of Eris’s nightly routine—a quiet moment beneath the stars, sipping a warm, creamy mug of milk before bed. Tonight, I’m tagging along.

The rooftop is sturdier than I expected, but the wind is wild, tugging at my cloak as if trying to sweep me away. Nervously, I cling to Eris’s arm, seeking comfort in her calm presence.

“Aaaaaaa… I’m still shaking,” I mutter, my voice trembling. I try not to look down.

In my previous life, I was absolutely terrified of heights—like, seriously petrified. Becoming a catgirl has helped a little, but even in this new body, the fear lingers, though maybe just a little less than before.

I can’t help but wonder—do catgirls land on their feet like actual cats? Can they twist in midair and land safely from any height?

It’s an interesting thought… but definitely not one I’m testing tonight!

As for how we got up here… Eris turned out to be an incredible climber. She scaled the wall from her window like it was nothing, carrying me along with her as if I weighed nothing at all. My only job? Holding onto the two giant milk mugs like my life depended on them.

“But you’re right,” I finally say, glancing up at the sky. “The view… it’s incredible!”

“Hehe, told you!” Eris chuckles.

And she’s right—it’s breathtaking.

We sit beneath a vast sky, stars scattered like glittering jewels across the heavens. The moon is enormous, far larger and brighter than the one I remember from Earth. Its soft, silvery glow casts everything in a magical light. I’m absolutely awestruck.

It makes me wonder… how long has it been since I last saw a real night sky? I don’t even know anymore.

Back when I lived in the city, the light pollution was so severe it blocked out the stars completely. No matter where I stood, not a single star would peek through.

But here? The stars are alive with color—white, red, blue, yellow—all twinkling in a cosmic dance. They flicker and shift like Christmas lights, some brightening while others dim, as if the sky itself is breathing.

I raise my mug and take a sip.

The milk is sweet and creamy, hitting my catgirl taste buds.

I swallow.


The warm milk travels down my throat, fills my belly nicely, spreading warmth across my body in waves of ultimate bliss.

Japanese people were right—there’s nothing better than milk after a hot bath!

“It’s so good!” I exclaim. “Eris? Is there any sugar in this milk?” I ask, raising my mug curiously.

“Nope, just fresh goat’s milk!” she replies.

“Really? That’s amazing!” I exclaim.

“So, you like it?”


Well, I still don’t know if it’s actually the milk being better here than the ones I’m used to, or it’s just my catgirl taste buds are better. There’s no way for me to confirm it, given that my human taste buds are long gone.

Either way, I’m loving it.

Suddenly, Eris offers me her mug. “Here, try mine. It’s even better.”

I glance at it, hesitating.

It’s chocolate milk.

I used to love chocolate so much, especially chocolate milk. Even my whey protein was always chocolate-flavored. To be honest, I didn’t expect chocolate to exist in this world, but here it is, right in front of me. The rich aroma tickles my nose, tempting me, inviting me to take a sip.

It’s so hard to resist!

But I pause.

“Hmmmm… are you sure this is safe to drink?” I ask, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

“Huh? Why?” Eris raises an eyebrow.

“Erm… because… isn’t chocolate toxic to cats?”

Yes, I have to be cautious. I don’t want to die so soon!

My new life has just begun today!

“No, silly!” Eris bursts out laughing, nearly spilling her milk. “We’re Cat Furrens, not actual cats. We can totally eat chocolate!”

“Oh! Phew!” I breathe a sigh of relief. “Well, if you say so!”

I take a small sip. Instantly, the rich chocolate flavor coats my tongue in pure bliss.

“So… how is it?” Eris asks.

But oh boy, I’m soo stunned to even reply right now!


The chocolate is slightly bitter, perfectly blending with the creamy warmth of the milk in perfect harmony!

“Mmmnnnnhhhh!” I hug my cheeks in delight. “Chocolate milk is the best!”

“Hihi, so you like it?” Eris grins.


“Alright, you can have mine. Let’s switch!”

“R-really? Are you sure?”

“Of course! I’ve had too much chocolate milk lately. I was thinking of switching back to regular milk anyway.”

Well, if she says so, then there’s no more reason not too!

“Nn!” I nod eagerly, swapping mugs with her.

And just like that, Eris takes mine, and I gladly take her chocolate milk.

The moment I take another sip, it feels like I’m floating. The combination of chocolate milk, the night sky, and the cool breeze is just pure bliss.


My life is completed right now.

But then… as I raise the mug to take another sip, a thought strikes me.


Did I just… drink from the same cup as Eris?

In… In…



I know this is a super cringy anime trope.

I know that!

But for some reason, just thinking about it makes my hands shake uncontrollably. Blood rushes to my cheeks, and I glance sideways, hoping Eris hasn’t noticed.

But she catches my eye.

She stops, yet, for some reason, she suddenly leans closer, her face moving toward mine.



Her hand touches my cheek, her eyes lingering on my lips. She bites her own lip slightly.


“E-Eris?” I squeak, my heart thumping wildly.

But Eris doesn’t answer. Her face inches closer, so close I can feel her breath. My heart pounds in my chest, louder and louder.

Is she…

Is she…




I’m so panic!!!

Her thumb moves toward my lips.

But then…

She wipes away something gently.

“Hehe, you had a chocolate milk mustache!” Eris says, grinning.




I’m so embarrassed I could die right here!

“S-so what? You have a mustache too!” I shout, trying to cover my embarrassment with forced laughter as I push her away lightly.

“Wait, I do?” Eris licks her upper lip. “Oh! You’re right! Hihi…”

I can’t recover from this. I just chug my milk aggressively, hoping to hide how flustered I am.

“Cookies?” Eris offers, holding out a few to dip into the milk.

But I can’t even think about the cookies anymore.

“N-no thanks! I-I’m still really full!”

I pull my cloak tighter around me, retreating into its folds.

“Okay!” Eris shrugs and happily munches on the cookies, completely unaware of the chaos she’s just caused in my heart.

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