Catgirls and Dungeons

Chapter 24: Eris’ reason

A few moments later, after washing Eris’ hair and scrubbing her back, we both step into the hot bath, immersing ourselves in the calming, soothing water.

It’s nice. So very nice.

Instantly, I feel every hair follicle relax, my blood circulating more freely, and my muscles easing under the warmth of the bath. The water ripples gently around us, and I find my gaze drifting toward Eris. She floats effortlessly, her body relaxed, her breasts gently bobbing on the surface. She’s undeniably beautiful—hot, hotter than the bath itself—but my mind can’t seem to linger on that.

All I can think about is the scar. The image of it haunts me, refusing to leave my thoughts.

“Eris…” I murmur, breaking the silence.

Her eyes flutter open, meeting mine. “Yes?”

“Can I… ask you something?”

“Of course,” she replies softly.

I take a deep breath, gathering the courage to voice the question that’s been weighing on my heart.

“Why do you go into the dungeons? Do you… have to?”

After all, the dungeon is a dangerous place. Eris’ scar is the proof of that.

So, I just don’t understand.

Why she has to go into dungeons? Why she has to risk her life?

Was she… desperate or something?

Eris’ eyes widen slightly at my question, then soften as she lets out a quiet sigh. A faint, bittersweet smile touches her lips, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. She leans back, staring up at the ceiling for a moment before answering.

“Yes… I have to,” she says softly. “But thank you for worrying about me. It means a lot.”

I frown, feeling a tightness in my chest.

I don’t like that answer at all.

It’s like she’s trying to brush me aside.

It’s like… she’s telling me that it’s none of my business.

I stay quiet for a more while. The silence stretches on as I debate whether to press her further or just leave it alone.

But… in the end, I just can’t stay quiet. The ache in my heart, seeing her so nonchalant, so relaxed despite the dangers she faces, is too much to bear.

“But why?” I ask, my voice trembling. I move closer and take her hand, gently forcing her to look into my eyes. “Is it because of money? Eris, you don’t have to do this! There are safer jobs. You shouldn’t have to risk your life like this. Nothing is more important than your life!”

Yes, speaking from the experience of a person who already died once.

“Felicia…” Eris murmurs, her eyes widening in surprise. She smiles softly, and before I can react, she pats me gently on the head, like a child.

“Hey! I’m not a child!” I pout, swatting her hand away. “Just answer my question!”

“Alright, alright.” Eris chuckles softly, then lets out another sigh, shaking her head. “No, it’s not about the money,” she says quietly. “I have my own reasons for going to the dungeons.”

“What reasons?” I press, my chest tightening. “Can you tell me?”

Even though I feel like I’m prying too much into her personal life, I can’t stop myself. I’m too worried.

After all…

It’s the dungeon we are talking about.

What if, one day, Eris comes back with another scars like that on her body?

Or worse… what if she doesn’t come back at all?

I just can’t bear the thought. I don’t want to regret not stopping her when I had the chance.

Thus, I stare into her eyes, silently pleading for an answer.

And then, after a long, quiet moment, she finally speaks.

“It’s my father,” she says, her voice heavy with sorrow. “I have to find him…”

“Your father?” I echo.


As she say that, her eyes flickers, her grip on my hand tightens, and I can feel her body trembling. I can feel it, I can see it in her eyes, the sadness, the pain that’s weighing her down, haunting her like a ghost.

“What… happened?” I ask, my heart clenching. But then, I hesitate. “Actually, I’m sorry… you don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready.”

However, Eris shakes her head, a faint smile on her lip.

Then, unexpectedly, she leans forward, bringing her face so close to mine that our foreheads touch. Her breath tickles my skin, her long eyelashes brushes against mine, and my heart skips a beat, thudding heavily in my chest.

Eh? What is this? What’s happening?

I start to panic, my thoughts spiraling.

I was just asking her seriously, but now…

She’s wanting to kiss me?


However, before I can react, Eris pulls back, leaving me utterly flabbergasted.

“Haiiizzz…” she sighs deeply, as if releasing a heavy weight from within. “It was many years ago…” she begins softly. “My father was a renowned adventurer, whose dream was to unveil the secrets of the dungeons, to discover what lies beyond this world….”


Fifteen years ago…

Eris’ father was a knight of the kingdom of Zerakia, one of its most renowned warriors—an A-rank adventurer. Dungeon exploration was in his blood, and every time he returned home, he brought with him incredible stories, tales he shared with young Eris and her little brother.

Tales of fierce battles against fire-breathing lizards…

Tales of wandering through forgotten, mystical ruins, deep within dungeons where no one else had ever set foot.

To Eris and her brother, he wasn’t just their father. He was a hero. An idol. Someone they both looked up to with admiration and awe.

Back then, it was the most happiest days.

But then… everything changed.

One day, a new S-rank dungeon appeared within the kingdom. And, as always, Eris’ father was among the first to be called upon. It was his duty, and he accepted it without hesitation.

At the time, Eris thought it would be like all the other times. He’d be gone for a few weeks, maybe a couple of months. But eventually, he would return, smiling, with triumphant stories of his latest adventures, just as he always did.

But this time, he didn’t.

This time, as she waited… and waited… weeks turned into months, then months turned into years.

There was no news, not a single letter.

And then, it came.

One day, a letter arrived from the royal family. Just a single note. A cold, official message notifying them of his disappearance.

Needless to say, Eris was devastated.

She cried endlessly, her heart broken into pieces. Her world, once full of warmth and excitement, was now consumed by despair.

People around her said he was gone. They whispered that he had likely perished in the dungeon, lost forever to its dangers.

But Eris refused to believe it.

After all, how could she?

Her father was the strongest man she had ever known—he couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t be!

And that’s why Eris became an adventurer.

She had to enter the dungeons herself.

She had to find him.

Because, deep down, she believed… maybe… just maybe…

She would see him again, and tell him how much she missed him, how much she needed him.

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