Case Files 013

Chapter 82: Ladyboy

As we arrived at the door of the office, we heard smattering of voices coming from inside. We walked in and saw the whole office was seated before the television. Many reporters were on the screen and behind them was Liu Yinyan's bungalow. The team of security blocked the reporters from barging in. The situation looked chaotic, it could turn into a mob at any moment.

"Liu Yinyan's daughter, Liu Fei'er was kidnapped today, is that true?" "Could this the working of Liu Yinyan's competition?" "Have the police been involved?" This was a big issue at Dong Xing City. After all, the smallest thing Liu Yinyan did would get on the news, much less something as big as this. Then again, we knew this would eventually happen, we couldn't silence everyone. Facing these reporters, the security had the same answer, "This is a private property, please leave."

"Captain Zhao." Gu Chen said softly. Captain Zhao switched off the television and moved the tea cup around his palm. "This thing has raised hell and high water at Dong Xing City. The rumors are flying everywhere, some say this is the working of Liu Yinyan's competition, others claim it was Liu Fei'er's rabid fans who were behind it. There's even one theory where they suggest Liu Fei'er has eloped. They came up with such details that you'd think they were behind this kidnapping themselves." Captain Zhao sat down and took a sip of the tea. "These people are professional pot stirrers, who know what they will say next. The upper management is under a lot of pressure and that means there's a lot of pressure on me. We have to find Liu Fei'er as soon as possible. Even if we aren't able to capture the kidnappers, we have to ensure her safety." Mary nodded while she heard that. "After all, her father is the biggest business mogul at Dong Xing City, if something happens to him or his daughter, the stocks for Rong Ding Corporation will plummet and it will bring a lot of people down with it. It's not surprising that people are worried."

I didn't know much about the stock market, I hadn't participated in it but I knew the theory behind it. Based on what Mary said, the collapse of one person would cause a horrible domino effect. I scratched my head and said, "I hear that Chen Lin's DNA is found on Liu Fei'er's lipstick?"

Guan Zhenglin nodded. "Yes, 2 people's DNA are found on the lipstick." Mary turned her laptop around, "Yes, and one of them is this man. Chen Lin, here's his picture." We leaned forward to take a closer look, this was a perfect beauty. She had an oval face, handsome features, and voluptuous body. She was about 1.75 metres tall. That struck me as weird. Gu Chen and Mary said that Chen Lin was a man but no matter how I saw it, Chen Lin didn't look like a man. Therefore, I asked in confusion, "This Chen Lin, is he a man or a woman?"

Mary answered, "Officially he's a man but in appearance, he's a woman." Guan Zhenglin frowned, "Is he trans? A crossdresser or hermaphrodite?"

I looked at Guan Zhenglin and then at a picture of Chen Lin. I commented, "He's a man but he has a bigger chest than you do, plus don't those terms mean the same thing?" Guan Zhenglin rolled her eyes at me.

Mary said, "Based on the info I found, Chen Lin has been taking shots of oestrogen since he was a boy but he hasn't had his male genitalia removed. He's 28 years old now and he has never been seen again since his prison break 3 years ago, until now." Guan Zhenglin nodded. "In that case, he should be a different category all together, a genderqueer." Then Guan Zhenglin turned to educate me. "Since you're so clueless about these things, I'll explain them to you. First, transgender is itself an umbrella term, it includes both pre-op and post-op individuals. For example, Zhang Mingliang in our previous case would be a post-op transgender person. While a cross-dresser merely is an individual who likes to dress like their opposite gender, they have no interest in transitioning. While hermaphrodite is a rare condition where a person is born with both male and female genitalia. Chen Lin technically belong under the category of transgender individual but based on his history, I would say he's more of a genderqueer person, their gender identity falls outside the binary categories of man and woman."

I nodded with confusion. Guan Zhenglin sighed and said, "Perhaps you'll understand more after you get to know his story. I just wish that you'd have the decency to respect these individuals and their choices. Stop being such a dunce, Wu Meng!"

To prevent the lecture from continuing, I changed the subject, "So what exactly has this genderqueer person done that he has been imprisoned and when did he escape?"

So Mary told us about Chen Lin.

Based on the system file, Chen Lin was an orphan. When he was small, he was adopted by a travelling circus. This was a circus that didn't have many animals, only several snakes, a monkey and a cow with 5 legs. That was because the circus relied not on the animals but humans to attract the people's attention. The circus was home to deformed individuals. There was a Siamese twin who had 2 heads, 4 eyes, 4 legs and 2 arms. They crawled about like some kind of insect. There was an old dwarf over 79. She was less than 1 metre tall and had Alzheimer. She was hunched over and looked like a giant rat. There was a man who lived inside a bottle because he was stuffed inside one since he was young and the bottle restricted his growth. The circus earned money by entertaining human nature's attraction to the grotesque, they travelled around the country. They came to a place and settled down with their big top and started to sell tickets. It was during one of the circus' tours that Chen Lin was picked up by the circus. The ringleader was a man with big boils on his face, one on each cheek, lending him the look of a toad so people referred to him as Ringleader Toad. Ringleader Toad was both a good person and bad person but he was always good to his people.

There was no one who stayed at the circus for free and their income was barely enough to survive the days. This was not a permanent job. After staying at a place for too long, no matter how grotesque it was, people would be numb to it. Therefore, they had to go around the country and the travels required money. Even though they were stretched thin on budget, Ringleader Toad still decided to adopt this boy but the boy was too normal to fit into the circus world. For Chen Lin to be a part of this family and for him not to be ostracized by the other circus members, Ringleader Toad decided to turn Chen Lin into a ladyboy, then he would be so much more normal. Therefore, since he was the age of 3, Ringleader Toad would inject Chen Lin with heavy doses of oestrogen daily, plus, Chen Lin would be given various talent lessons so that she could pull in the coins.

Chen Lin at 14 was already very mature and sexy. His Adam's Apple disappeared and his boobs grew into peaks. His penis stopped growing and remained a boy's genitalia. His skin was fair as snow and his body proportions enviable by real women. By then Chen Lin was already performing and little Chen Lin soon found himself being the main attraction of the circus. His poster started to appear, The Great Ladyboy, Chen Lin.

Chen Lin's performance was a striptease. His beautiful face, gorgeous body and burlesque training would get the crowd riled up everything time. Compared to the Siamese twin, the hobbit and the man without limbs, Chen Lin's performance was always packed because there was something alluring about someone who embraced their freakiness. Chen Lin flourished in his gender ambiguity. The climax of Chen Lin's show was at the end when he stripped down to nothing. The crowds would scream like they were crazy. 20 years ago, most people didn't have phones with cameras and the internet wasn't that common, or else we would have known about Chen Lin on the internet already.

They saw Chen Lin's bulging breasts and his boy's penis and scrotum. This strong contrast made them open their wallet and the biggest tipper would be able to come on stage to touch the ladyboy who was only 14 in person. That was the biggest draw every night. The winners fondled Chen Lin's breast and caressed his balls and dick. It was as if they couldn't believe what they were touching. This kind of life continued until Chen Lin was 18, that year, Chen Lin massacred everyone at the circus.

That day, it was Chen Lin's 18th birthday. Since it was his 18th birthday, there were 18 candles on the cake. Chen Lin looked at the cake, closed his eyes and made a wish. The story of the wish had to be traced back to several months before his birthday. Like usual, Chen Lin took the stage to perform but this performance was different from the rest because during the last segment, Chen Lin's penis got erect. Since he was born, this was Chen Lin's first and only erection. That day, a 20 plus girl was sitting in the audience.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Liu interrupted, "Chen Lin likes girls?!"

Guan Zhenglin sighed, "Gender doesn't decide a person's sexual orientation, okay? You people are reacting this way because prejudice has been deeply carved into your bones. Since a man can be gay or straight, why would you assume Chen Lin didn't have that right of choice?!" Xiao Liu was instantly silenced and Mary picked up the story.

Chen Lin fell in love with the girl at first sight. She was chubby and beautiful.

"Look, the tranny's penis is standing up!" Someone shouted.

"Oh, it's real but even at full erection, the thing is so short. That's interesting!" Another person added.

"I wonder if he can ejaculate or not!" Someone cheered.

"How is that possible, his balls are so tiny, I don't think they can even produce semen!"

The screams and comments of these people drifted into Chen Lin's ears as he stared at the girl who sat in the middle of the audience. The girl peeked at Chen Lin's penis with a red face, she had no idea Chen Lin was looking at her. Only those who hadn't been in love would believe that love would come slowly. Real love struck like lightning and in that moment, Chen Lin fell in love with that woman. And it was also the first time Chen Lin felt the sting of shame.

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