Canon Fodder


“What’s the plan?” I asked as we got on the ship. 


“We have literally done nothing but plan,” Nami said angrily. 


“I know the general plan,” I said. “What’s our plan for the blockade of marine ships?” Pointing ahead was the ocean. Through the center of the Alabasta island was a river called Sandora. The Straw Hats had docked in the river close to where I found them by Yuba. Unfortunately the river didn’t go all the way through the island. Our ship was fine. But with 1 exit the line of marine ships on our way was quite the sight to see. 


“Fuck,” Nami said as she stared out other the railing. 


“My thoughts exactly,” I said. The other Straw Hats soon joined us at the aft of the ship by the orange trees. “Guess we have to fight our way out.” I couldn’t remember how they escaped before. But fighting sounded right. 


“Robin!” I yelled. “Nico Robin! Come out!” 


 “Who are you yelling for?” Nami asked. 


“All Sunday! Quit your hiding and come out!”


“I’m coming,” she said angrily as she walked up to the back deck. 


“Isn’t that the Baroque Works lady?” Luffy asked. 


“Yeah,” I said. “Everybody. I want you to meet Nico Robin. I was hoping she could join the crew She’s a good guy now. She helped Vivi and me out to save you guys from Crocodile’s cage. And she helped stop a bomb from going off. Very little of course, I did most of the work. But she told me where to look.” Robin glared at me. Her normally placid face showing her true feelings. 


“Ohhh,” Luffy said. “Right. It’s cool with me.”


 “Luffy,” Nami said. “We need a little more thought than that.”


“We can do that later,” I said. “I’m sure you’ll all come to join in on welcoming her to the party. Right now we need her help to get out of this marine blockade.”


“She can help?” Zoro asked skeptically. 


“Oh yeah. Robin is super strong,” I said. “So another planning session. We need to get out of here. Then to the East side of the island to grab Vivi if she wants to join us.”


“To get there,” I said, turning back to the marines. “Looks like we need to knockout about 8 ships. I can handle 4. Nico can handle one. So Usopp you’ll have to man the cannon to take one down. Zoro and Sanji on one. Luffy on the other?”


“H-how am I supposed to take one down?” Usopp asked. “We have 1 cannon.”


“You’re an expert sniper. Figure it out,” I said. 


“I don’t need this love struck idiots' help to take out a ship,” Zoro said. 


“This moss head has a point. I’ll take 2 while he takes one,” Sanji said. 


“No showboating. I’m jumping up there. If sails are up I’ll turn them around and break rudders. Destroy masts. Sails. Whatever. Nami’s driving. Chopper on standby for emergency medicine when Usopp shoots himself.”


“I-I’m not gonna shoot myself,” Usopp said. He didn’t sound too convinced about it.  


“Let’s see. Whoever gets done with their ship first and gets back to the boat, picks dinner.”


“Yosh. Let’s do it,” Luffy said. 


“What about cannon fire?” Nami asked, hiding her worry. 


“I think they’ll be too worried about us,” I said. “If not, Luffy you’re on project cannonball bounceback.” We were soon happy with the plan and got to it. Running around the ship as we finished stowing supplies we were setting sail in the matter of minutes. 


Robin stood with me at the front of the ship as I watched the marines grow closer. “How’d you know I’d be here?”


“I didn’t. I hoped,” I lied. “I’m glad you are. I need all the help I can get to keep these guys alive.”


“I see that,” she said. A small smile on her lips as we drew closer to the line of ships. They were nice enough to let us leave the river and get to the ocean before trying to hail us. 


“Straw Hats! Give up now!” A voice said over a megaphone. I had expected Smoker. But I hadn’t seen him since Rainbase. 


“How’d they know it was us?” I asked. 


“No idea,” Luffy said. Behind him was our Jolly Roger sewed into our sail. A skull and crossbones with a straw hat on its head. . “One of the great mysteries.” 


“Alright!” I yelled. “We want to give up!”


“What?!” A few of them asked. 


“What? We are pirates. Of course we will lie. Let’s us get closer.” 


Robin chuckled, shaking her head as we headed to the line of ships. “Sorry guys!” I said. “You’re gonna have to get on my back if we want this to go quickly.” I made 3 shadow clones. 


“I’m not getting on your back!” Zoro said. 

“Can you swim faster than I can run on water?” I asked. 

“Maybe. Let’s test it.”

“Later,” I said. “Come on. Don’t make it awkward. Unless you want me to princess carry you?” 


“I am not running at a marine ship on your back,” Zoro said emphatically. I looked to Luffy. He smiled big. Stretching out his arms he grabbed Sanji and Zoro. “Wait! I changed my mind!” Zoro yelled but it was too late. Luffy threw the 3 of them through the air straight at a ship. My clones and I jumped off the ship. Running along the water we channeled chakra and sped up. 


By the time we were on the first row of ships they finally began firing their guns. We were too quick this time though. After training for months with weights and our chakra my clones and I whizzed by, almost able to see the trajectories of the muskets. 


The 4 back shops were anchored. Running to the back of the ships we broke rudders. Then running around to the anchor chains we put our strength into it pulling all 4 out from the wood they were bolted to. Nothing keeping the boats in place they began to drift as marines on board began to panic. 


I looked to the other 4 ships. One was on fire, I guessed Usopp did that. Zoro had slit a sail on another ship, and Sanji busted one of their masts. Luffy simply grabbed one of the cannons of his ship. Jumping to the crows nest he pulled it up then dropped it on the deck. Smashing the mast down, and a large part of the deck. The last ship was the furthest East and was turning in a wide arc. Robin had used her growable limbs to take the helm and force them into a different direction. 


I smiled big. My clones and I ran around our ships. Jumping to the one Sanji and Zoro were on they accepted a ride. Luffy was soon jumping to our ship with his rubber momentum. There were a few shots fired our way, but none were close as we got back to the ship. Far past the line we were on our way to the East. 


“That was fun,” I said as my clones disappeared. 


“You know, we do something nice for people, and still you manage to piss off the marines,” Nami said at the helm. “We are all going to have bounties soon enough.”

“I’d be surprised if we didn’t already,” I said. “Government won’t like it that we beat a Shichibukai.” 


“Even though he was bad?” Nami asked, surprised. 

“Especially then. You seen any news on what Crocodile did? They’ll hide it and paint us as the bad guys I’m sure.” 


Nami grumbled but we soon were getting repositioned on the ship. “I missed you,” I said, sitting on the railing near the helm. Nami eyed me, hiding her smile as I took my old spot on the ship.


“Not going to check on your quarters?” Nami asked. 


“...Should I?” I asked slowly. But she didn’t answer. I left it for later. 


“Think Vivi will join back up with the crew?” Nami asked as the silence stretched on. 


“No,” I said. Nami frowned at me. “Sorry, I know she is your friend. But she has a country to learn to run.” 


“You’re supposed to lie to me to make me feel better,” Nami said. 

I laughed. “How about this, I don’t think she will join us right now,” I clarified. “Someday though? I think she just might.” 


“What makes you say that?” 


“Just a feeling,” I said. “Once a crewmember, always a crewmember.” Nami side eyed me, but her smile was back. “Feel better now?” 


“I do,” she admitted. Robin walked out of the inner cabin. “What about her?” 


“Robin? She’s harmless. I think she will make a good crewmember,” I said. 


“What makes you say that?” Nami asked. 


“Talk to her,” I said. “I’m sure you’ll find common ground.” 


“And leave the helm to you?” She asked. 

“I’ve been practicing,” I said. She didn’t believe me. “I just have to keep the land to my left. Not too hard.” Nami rolled her eyes but left me to it. Going down to the deck she and Usopp were soon interviewing her. I let the canon happen. Robin would win them over with gold or comedy I was sure.


I spent the time at the helm thinking about what to do next. Much funner islands were ahead of us. But also a lot harder fights. I was mostly offstage for the fighting this time. I didn’t want it to be that way every arc. I needed to push myself to grow stronger. All Might was stronger than I remembered in MHA. I was lucky to beat the Nomu, and the foes there would only grow stronger. 


I could probably handle the zombies in High School of the Dead, but I wasn’t gaining too much strength from that. It would be good to finish the story and know what happens, but other worlds were interesting to me. I really wanted to finish Gantz. The story happened rather quickly, and who knew what help the gear and strength from quests there could get me.


Nami came onto the upper deck with a bag in hand. “What’s that?” I asked. 


“Mine,” she said quickly as she hid it behind her. The redhead soon sat in my spot on the rail. Digging in the bag I caught a glint of gems. 


“Diamonds?” I asked. “Where did you get that?” 

“Robin gave them to me,” Nami said. I held back a laugh. “She is a very generous person.” 

“Are you sure she gave them to you?” I asked. “And didn’t ask you to hold them?”


“Hold, give, same thing,” Nami said. Then the money grubbing cat burglar began looking through the bag. Her eyes sparkling at the jewels inside. I chuckled and continued on my way around the island. Eventually I saw the dock on the East side of Alabasta and drew close. There was a blue haired figure at the end of the dock. Waving at us as we got closer. 


“Man overboard!” I yelled. I drew eyes and pointed to the dock for the others. They were soon hanging off the edge of the port side of the ship. Waving madly as they yelled for Vivi. The girl held a megaphone in hand. Yelling at us as we got closer and closer. 


“I can’t go with you all!” She yelled. “Thank you for what you have done for me and my home!” There were sad exclamations from the crew as we drew closer.

I could hear her voice crack as she continued a nice break up conversation. “Even though I still want to go with you, I love my country, so I can’t come along!” There was a long silence, and we were soon within yelling distance. This time she dropped the megaphone and yelled as loudly as she could manage. “But if there is one day where we meet once more, will you take me as a friend?!” 


The main crew looked around to one another. As we past the dock we yelled as one, “Of course!” Vivi cried openly as we drifted past. Waving us forward, no more words necessary as we headed off to our next adventure. It was a sweet moment. 


Robin walked over to me as I managed the helm. She grabbed it from me, turning it to help dodge a rock outcropping straight ahead. 

“Thanks,” I said, rubbing the back of my head. “I suck at driving this thing.” She nodded, taking over the helm as I moved to my spot. The others in the group continued to yell and wave at Vivi. 

“I’m glad you’re here,” I admitted. 


“You said that,” Robin noted. A smile on her lips. I knew it was fake, but appreciated her gesture. 


“I know. But I mean it,” I said. “Wouldn’t be the same without you.” We were quiet, watching the crew as they cried for Vivi. Mainly Luffy, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Usopp. Zoro had already fallen asleep on the fore. “Look at them. Isn’t it nice to be missed like that.” Robin pretended to not be listening. “How long have they known her? Less than 3 weeks?” 

Robin stopped pretending not to listen. “Just think how they will rely on you in that time,” I said. “This crew accepts quickly and wholeheartedly. I want you to remember that. Whatever happens in the future, you are a part of the crew. I don’t care if it’s a day or a year. When you need us, we will be there.” 


“What are you saying?” Robin asked. 

“I’m saying…trust in them. I think they’ll surprise you,” I said. I got up from my spot. “Nami! Robin kicked me off the helm!” 


She looked over then straight ahead. Studying our course with a simple glance. “She’s better at it than you are!” 


“But it was my turn to drive!” I yelled back. 


“You got a turn?” Luffy asked. “How come I don’t get a turn?” 


“Yeah, me too,” Chopper said excitedly. 


“You’re too short,” Usopp said. 


“I am not,” Chopper whined.

“Oy shut up, I’m trying to sleep!” Zoro yelled. 


“Don’t tell Nami to shut up!” Sanji yelled. 


“I’m going to kick all of your asses if you don’t shut up!” Zoro said. 


“Sanji! I’m hungry,” Luffy said. 

“Can we go fishing?” Chopper asked. 

“Will you all shut up!” Nami said. “I’m trying to figure out why the Log Pose is acting weird.” 


“What’s wrong with it?” I asked as she walked up the steps. 


“Look at it. It’s pointing up,” she said. She was right. The red needle on one side was pointing at about a 45 degree angle upward. “Everything should be at sea level. Why would it be pointing upward?” 

“A sky island,” Robin and I said as one. 


“A what?!” Luffy asked excitedly. 

“An island in the sky,” I said. 


“That-That’s not possible,” Nami said slowly.

“Oh, it very much is,” I said looking up to the clouds. Feeling the excitement of the next adventure. 


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