Canon Fodder


I didn’t realize Nami hadn’t said a word until it was too late. We arrived in Yuba and split off to search for the rebel base there. The others began searching for water after we had a nice long walk and talk. I left out the Kuja Pirates but told them about everything else. I was formerly introduced to Chopper and Vivi. And I felt all special inside because they already knew all about me. 


Chopper was a 3 foot tall reindeer. He had brown fur and wore a dark pink hat. He had eaten the Human-Human fruit and had the intelligence of a human. 


Vivi was Alabsata’s princess. Tall, long blue hair, perfect skin, she was a beauty. She somehow joined Baroque Works and found out the leaders identity. Then enlisted the Straw Hats because they couldn’t say no. 


After introductions we split up. When I walked into a sand covered home I ducked in time to be missed my Nami’s bow staff. 


“You idiot!” She spat. Swinging again. 


“Nami, what’s wrong?” I asked. Worried she knew something I hadn’t told her yet. 


“I thought you were captured!” Nami yelled. “Your bounty raised but we didn’t see anything else on you.”


“I said I’d be fine,” I replied, dodging another swing. 


“That doesn’t mean you will be,” the fiery redhead spat. Tears in her eyes. She swung again. I grabbed her hand and pushed her to the wall. 


“Don’t lie,” I said. “I know what this is really about. You don’t want to pay up on the bet we made.”


She hesitated then cracked a smile. “What bet?”


“The one where I said I would get here before you,” I said. 


“You didn’t get here before us,” she said. “For all I know, you just got here.”


I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Dang. You got me there.” Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me. I moved in for a kiss. She fought a little. Trying to push me off. But I kept moving closer. When my lips touched hers she moaned in my mouth. 


I ignored everything else as we kissed. No Robin or Hancock on my mind. Simply Nami as our tongues entwined. My dick pushing into her she dropped the staff and began to pull me into her. 


“You’re beautiful even in this,” I said. She was wearing heavy clothes to protect from the sun. 


“I’m in my bikini underneath,” she whispered. 


“You tease,” I said. Kissing her again. “I missed you.”


“I missed you,” she said. “We all did.”


“Who cares about those guys? What about you? Anything bad happen?”


“I-I got sick,” she admitted. I frowned. Worried. “The last island. Some kind of flu. Hit me hard. That’s when we found Chopper.”


“You okay now?” I asked. She nodded. 


“I just had a lot of fever dreams. You were in them.”


“Sexy fever dreams?”


She giggled but shook her head. “No. Bad ones. I saw you get killed. And it hit me hard. When we got here I expected you to be waiting for us.”


“I’m sorry. I knew Crocodile was a bad guy. I didn’t know where you all would port.”


“I know,” she said. “But you’re here now. I feel a lot better now.”


“Good. Me too. I’ve missed being your body pillow,” I said. 


She giggled again. Kissing me. “Good. I could use a good night's sleep.”


We said some more lovey dovey things. I decided to ignore Hancock for now. When I was with Nami she had all my focus. Separating we walked around outside and found the others talking to an old guy. 


“Toto, what happened here?” Vivi asked. Tears running down her cheeks as she talked to the old man. 


“Sandstorms,” the old man said. I looked around, most everything was covered in sand. Buildings had dunes of it surrounding them. He was the only person around the large town. 


“Sandstorms…but-but this was an oasis,” the blue haired princess cried out. 


“Yes, it started 3 years ago. Almost daily a sandstorm hits this area. Covering the area and the oasis. No rain for 3 whole years,” the old man mumbled. A shovel in his hand he began to dig the sand at his feet. “When the oasis disappeared, the merchants did as well. When the merchants left, so did the people. The rebellion had to move somewhere else.” 


“Where?” Vivi asked, still crying. 


“The oasis by Nanohana,” the old man said. 


“Damn,” Luffy said. “We came here for nothing.” 

“It’s not nothing,” Vivi said. “Mr. Toto. We will stop this.” 


“I want to believe you,” the old man said, still digging. “That is why I dig. In hopes of bringing this oasis back to life. I will dig. I believe in the king still. In your father. But I cannot fight. All I can do is try to bring this oasis back. In hopes that when my fool son stops his useless rebellion, he has our oasis to come home to.” 

I was slowly remembering what was going on. Crocodile caused a drought in the area. People blamed the king for some reason. Under Crocodile’s employ was a devil fruit user that could change his face to anyone’s…like me. Only he couldn’t swim. But the devil fruit user had pretended to be the king on some occasions. Giving him a bad name.


Toto’s son was an old friend of Vivi’s. He wholeheartedly blamed the king for all of his problems. Starting a rebellion to bring him down. It was dumb, but Crocodile had been manipulating the kingdom for 3 years in hopes of stealing it from Vivi’s father.  


Seeing the old man’s resolve I couldn’t help but roll up my sleeves. A shovel close by I began to dig next to the old man. “You’re right,” I said. “There is still water down there.” I began to quickly throw the sand away. “I can almost feel it.” I extended my chakra down as far as possible, but was just out of reach of it. “Come on, guys. Dig.” 

The Straw Hats were soon scrambling to get shovels. Each of us were strong. Zoro held 3 shovels, one in each hand and one in his mouth as he attacked the dirt, flinging it high and far. Luffy didn’ bother with the shovels and stretched out his hands. Scooping it out in huge amounts. It wasn’t long until we had a deep hole. At least 15 feet down. I started making a ramp out of it. Digging to the side we worked fast. 


When we had a nice trench dug I stopped us. Closing my eyes I extended my water chakra downward. Further and further it went until I felt the pressurized water deep below. “Everyone out. This is going to be big,” I said. The others began scrambling out of the hole. I began to pull the top layer up. But it was stuck. Pouring chakra out in huge amounts as I pulled with all I had. 


It slowly began to rise. A thin amount simply snaking it’s way upward to me. I pulled and called it to me. Then before I could react it passed some sort of barrier and shot up. A huge geyser of cool water hit me full force, knocking me in the air. I flew a good 20 feet out of the hole. Sand and water covering me I cursed as I stripped down. 

Water still spraying from the well that was dug the Straw Hats laughed as it rained down on them. I noticed the old man with tears in his eyes as he stared at the water. His hard work finally paid off. 

The hole we had dug filled up quickly. The pressurized water coming to an equilibrium slowly as it bubbled up from the hole, enriching the sand with water for the first time in years. 


“I knew it,” the old man said as I walked up to me. “I knew it was there.” 


“You did,” I said. “The oasis will return.” 


“Thank you,” the old guy said, bowing his head. “Now I simply have to wait. Wait for the king to stop this stupid rebellion.” 

“That’s why we are here,” Luffy said with a laugh. His stomach ballooned out with water. 


“Wait,” I said. “Why are we here?” I asked.


“To stop the rebellion, haven’t you been listening?” Nami asked, sighing. 

“No, I mean how many people are in the rebellion?” I asked. 

“Hundreds of thousands,” Vivi said sadly. 

“Why don’t we just go beat up Baroque Works?” I asked. “I mean, thats a hell of lot less people to fight. Hell, that’s why I joined them. So I could get intel on them. If I had known we were going after the rebels, I would have been working on them.” 


“Why are we going after the rebels?” Luffy asked, his head turning to the side as he stared at Vivi. 

“Because Baroque Works is Crocodile!” She yelled, angrily. “He has an 80 million berrie bounty on his head. There is no way we can beat him. The rebels, I know their leader. I can talk them out of fighting.” 


“That’s dumb,” Luffy said. “I want to beat this Crocodile guy up.”

“Yeah, he’s a dick,” I said. “He wanted me to kill you. He might send someone else to finish the job.” 


“I-I can’t ask you to go after him,” Vivi said. “He is too strong. We just need to get to the rebellion. I can stop it.” 


“Then I quit!” Luffy said sitting down. His belly sloshing with the movement. “I quit, I want to beat up this Crocodile guy, and if I can’t do that. Then it isn’t worth it to me.” 

“No!” Vivi said. “No, you all have already done enough for me. I can’t let you risk getting hurt.” 

“But you get to risk getting hurt?!” Luffy asked angrily. “Do you really think the rebels will listen to whatever it is you have to say without proof? We need to beat up Crocodile.” 


“But you could get-” Vivi said, more tears in her eyes. 

“We are friends!” Luffy said. “Why would we let you risk getting hurt, without risking it ourselves?” I was surprised by Luffy’s intelligent comments. I thought maybe he was growing, but I wasn’t going to hold my breath. 


“Don’t worry,” I said to Vivi as she struggled to think about what to do. “If anyone can beat Crocodile, it’s Luffy.” 


“Do you really think so?” Vivi asked, still crying. 

“Of course, we know his weakness,” I said with a smile. I bent down grabbing a handful of water. 


“We do?” Sanji asked, skeptical. 

“You all think I was just lazing around here for the past week? Getting massages every day and spending all of Crocodile’s money?” I asked with a smile. That was true. I knew his weakness from the manga. “I’ve done my own investigation on how to beat the Shichibukai.” 


“How’s that?” Nami asked, intrigued. 


“Crocodile is really a cat,” I said. Luffy perked up. “Just throw some water on him, and he will go running.” 


There were stars in Luffy’s eyes. “Is he really a cat?! I thought he was a crocodile! Is he like one of those fish-men you kept talking about?” 

I struggled so hard not to burst out laughing. “Did-did you think we were going to fight a crocodile man?” I asked slowly. Tears forming in my eyes. 


“Well yeah,” Luffy said. 


I slowly turned to the rest of the crew. They had dejected looks as they turned away in shame. “Are you telling me, you sent him here without telling him the bad guy was a real person?” 


“We tried!” Nami said quickly. “He wouldn’t listen.” 


I covered my face to stop myself from laughing. Joy filling my chest from the simple exchange. I had missed this place, and Luffy.

“I love you, Luffy,” I said. “You are a great captain. You have my undying loyalty. Never change.” Luffy smiled big, giving me a thumbs up. “But no, he isn’t a cat or a crocodile. He is a man. But unlike normal men. If you sprinkle some water on him, he gets weak and runs away.” 


Luffy’s big smile slowly faded. “Don’t worry, he has giant crocodiles at his place that you can fight.” His smile came back quickly. 

“Alright! Let’s do this!” Luffy said. 


“Tomorrow,” I said. Looking up the sun was slowly setting. “It gets cold at night.” 

“But it’s the desert,” Luffy said. “It’s supposed to be hot all the time.” 


“Not at night,” I said. 

“But…its the desert,” he said again. 

“I know I am going to regret telling you this,” I said. “You know how in other places they have green grass?” He nodded. “That means there is water. Water holds heat. So when it cools down at night, it doesn’t get super cold because of that heat in the water. Here in the desert there is no water. So when it gets dark it gets cold quickly.” 

“But it's the desert,” Luffy said. 


I knew I would regret it. “No water. No heat,” I said as simply as I could. 

“But water is cold,” Luffy said.


“Oh my god,” I said. “The desert gets cold at night because of magic.”

“Like your ninja magic?” He asked, his eyes wide. 

“Exactly,” I said. “I learned a cool new ninja magic. Want to see?” He nodded quickly. With a wave of my hand the pool of water froze. Expelling the heat out of the top of my head as I pulled it from the water. 


“Are you telling me,” Nami said, her fist tightening. “That you can make stuff cold, now?” I nodded excitedly. “And we have been sweating since you joined up?” 


“I uh forgot?” I asked. She gritted her teeth as Luffy, Usopp and Chopper stepped out onto the ice. I began to pull the heat out of the air around me. Cooling us off. “Better?” I asked. She still had an angry glare. 

“Oh, Zoro,” I said. “I got something else cool you will like.” I pulled out the ankle and wrist weights. Tossing them to him one by one he caught them easily. 


“These are nice,” he said. I walked over and showed him how to buckle them on. He was soon moving around just as easily as I did in them. “I might be able to get more, want some?” 

“Hell yeah,” he said, pulling out 2 of his swords. Slashing the air as he got used to the weights. 


“I want to try,” Sanji said, picking up one of the ankle ones. 


“Of course,” I said. Chewing my lip I decided on finally checking. “World Escape.” 


I was soon in the room. Without hesitation I walked into the Naruto Doorway. It didn’t take long for Reina and Hina to appear beside me as we left Konoha. 


“Hey girls, I forgot something,” I said. 

“What is it?” Reina asked with a frown. 

“I’ll be quick, I have to find Guy,” I said. Dropping my packs I was soon running around trying to find him. It didn’t take too long. He and Rock Lee were sparring outside of town. Guy sent me to where the weights were made. I bought another couple of sets and to my delight they both fit right in my status screen. 


I was soon out the door and catching up to the girls. “What was that, young master?” Reina asked. I formed a seal and made another shadow clone. 

“Nothing important,” I said. “I um feel the need to hurry this trip along.” I admitted. Grabbing the girls I had 2 clones. 1 for the luggage, and one to hold Hina. “Let’s get to the next village quickly. I could use a round with you both.”

“We just had sex,” Reina said, not sad, simply teasing. 

“And yet I haven’t had my fill,” I said. We were soon running. The girls on my back we headed off to the next village. We made it in record time and I spent the night having sex with them. After 24 hours I said World Escape again and headed to One Piece World. 

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