Canon Fodder


“Where are we?” Hancock asked as she looked around. 


“My Makuramoto,” I said. “As you can tell from all the pillows and cushions.” I had pulled just her in of couse. A simple glance at the Chikyugi heart necklace was all I needed as I poured chakra into her. “But technically we are in your mind.”


“My mind?” She asked amazed. “How?”


“One of my skills,” I said. “I am a trained ninja.”


“Really?” Hancock asked, like a young girl meeting a childhood story. “Can you disappear into shadow?” 


“I could,” I said. “But I can do anything in here.” I changed the surroundings to that of the top of a mountain range. More specifically the mountains from the Lord of the Rings.


My dark haired beauty gasped as the scenery changed. “How are you doing this?”


“Secret ninja powers. I can make anything in here,” I said. “Anything I’ve seen.”


“Amazing. I have not been to a mountain like this,” she said. She looked down the cliff face beside us. I afraid as she leaned over a little. “Why are we here?”


“Because I thought the Nyun woman was being a little invasive,” I said. “I wanted to talk to you without her present.”


Hancock nodded. Turning to me she acted like a shy girl on her first date. Her hands behind her back pushed her cleavage out more as she studied me. 


I snapped my fingers and we were in the Makuramoto. Sitting down on a sofa I decided to go her speed. Relaxing as I laid on the couch. She studied me. Cautious until she got the nerve to sit across from me at another sofa. 


Holding her hands together as she sat cross legged I let her gather herself. “Barely a 10th of a second has passed since we entered. We have about 10 to 12 hours in here. All the time you need to say what you want.”




“Ninja secret,” I said. 


Hancock frowned. Rolling her eyes she asked, “what do you want to talk about?”


“That depends on you. Apparently you’re the one with the illness,” I said. “Hancock, I don’t know what’s going on with you. But I have places I need to be. I can’t spend weeks here. My crew needs me. You understand that, don’t you?” She nodded. Biting her full lips as she studied me. “You have been less than nice to me since I showed up. Walk me through what is afflicting you.”


“I don’t know,” she mumbled. “This is new to me. I’ve been told since I was a child that men are evil.”


“I thought other pirate captains ran off with men.”


“That’s why men are evil,” she defended. “They trick captains to fall for them. Making the Kuja pirates weaker.”


“Ah right. How did I trick you again?” I asked. 


“You…didn’t,” she admitted. 


“And your attitude toward me?”


“I’ve been fighting this feeling,” she said. “This desire to be with you.”


“Well that’s nice to hear,” I said. Twisting, I sat facing her on the sofa. “You know I did all that stuff so you would like me.” Hancock quirked her head. “That’s right. I summoned that sea king. And I fought it to make you fall off your ship. Then gave you CPR. Then dragged your ship for 3 days to get you back to your island.”


She slowly understood I was joking. “Yes. I knew it all along.”


I laughed. “Wow. The pirate empress made a joke. I feel honored.” We stared at one another. Both mirroring the smile of one another. “What would you like from me Boa Hancock? Miss Shichibukai? Miss Captain of the Kuja Pirates?”


“So many titles,” she said with a frown. “Do you know this is the longest conversation I’ve had with a man?”


“Nope.” I looked her up and down. “How about we start there then? Talk. Tell me about yourself.” 


“Like what?” 


“Tell me your life story. Tell me everything. We have time. I’m the only one listening. You don’t know where to go? Then we start with a conversation.”


“You don’t want to hear about that,” she whispered. 


“I do. What was it like growing up here?”I waved my hand and some hot chocolate was set upon a coffee table between us. She grabbed a cup. Complimented the taste and began.  


Her mother was one of the pirates on the island. Although she didn’t know who exactly was her mother. Raised by the community she and her sisters joined the Kuja Pirates as cabin girls. 


They were knocked off the boat during an attack when she was 12. Captured by slavers they were sold to World Nobles. She was in tears by this point. But momentum kept her going. 


She talked about the abuse, physical and sexual, that the world nobles put her and her sisters through. Forcing them to eat devil fruits for entertainment. This made it easier to torture them. Dipping them in large pools of salt water to watch them slowly drown only to pull them out just before death. At that point I joined her in her tears. 


Eventually Fisher Tiger freed as many slaves from the nobles as he could. The girls escaped and Elder Nyon found them. Protecting them until she could get them back to the Amazon Lily  island. 


After becoming older she joined the Kuja Pirates again. With her ruthlessness she quickly made a name for herself. Eventually taking the pirates over. 


A few years back the Marines started their Seastone coatings of ship hulls. Allowing them to traverse the Calm Belt. Something only the Kuja Pirates could do. Since their island had no allies she made a deal to become a Shichibukai. Which was a strong government sanctioned pirate. She wasn’t allowed to pirate anymore. But was forgiven for her crimes. Given marine protection as long as if they called on her for help, she would come. 


By the end I was holding her hands over the coffee table. She was quiet as she studied me. Exhausted from the small talk that turned into a couple of hours as she recounted everything she could remember. 


“Thank you for trusting me with that,” I said. “I’m sorry you’ve been through so much.”


“It’s the past,” she said. Nervous as I studied her. 


I waved my hand and small pastries and cakes filled the table. Her eyes widened. “Eat as much as you want. It’s all non-fattening.” Hancock laughed. Taking one with whipped cream all over it she ate it in one bite.


“Are we really in my mind?” She asked. 


“Yeah. About a second has passed.”


“Incredible,” she said. “Can we exit?”


“If you want,” I said. “You aren’t trapped. We leave when you want.” She took another pastry. Moaning happily as she tasted it. 


“No. Nyon is annoying,” she said. 


“I gathered that,” I said. “You seem better though. I’m not sure what else to talk about.”


“It’s your turn,” she said quickly. “I shared everything of me.”


“I did tell you I lost my memories,” I said. 


“So what do you remember?” She asked. 


I walked her through waking up on an island shore. Washed up. Begging for passage on a merchant ship only for it to sink too. Treading water for days. Then finding the straw hats. I talked about Luffy’s dream. Zoro, Sanji, and Nami. Their own problems. Logue Town and my ultimate separation from them. 


“They sound nice,” she said. “I remember when I first went to sea. I was always so lost. People yelling at me to do this or that since I didn’t know what I was doing. I always wanted to start with a new crew. Learning as we went.”


“Never thought of it like that,” I admitted. “Guess it is nice. But they’re going through their own crap right now. And they’re right in the middle of it,” I said. 


“How do you know?” She asked. “It’s not like news travels quickly across the belt. Often times I will see a bounty and next week hear that they were captured months ago.”


I considered lying. But I was starting to like her again. “I can see the future,” I said. 


“A ninja power?” She asked without hesitation. 


“No, something else,” I said. 


“Oh yes? Tell me my future then,” she said picking up one of the last snacks. 


“Hmm nothing for a few weeks,” I said. “My captain will be thrown here in a couple of months.”




“Yes. If you don’t mind helping him. I’d appeciate it,” I said. 


“With what?” She asked. 


“To save his brother's life,” I said. “I’ll probably try to make it here around then too.”


“You will?” She asked. A little excited. 


“Yeah. I’ve been working on a plan to save his brother. But I’ll need your help.”


“I’d love to,” she said. A sweet smile on her lips. 


“Ha, you don’t know what you need to do,” I said. 


“Is it dangerous?”


“A little. But I think you can stay out of danger,” I admitted. “It will involve a lot of my ninja techniques.”


“Tell me about it,” she said. 


“I can’t. I guess I can see a future. I don’t know if it will happen.”


“Anything else I should know about the future?”


“I think I remember the Shichibukai being disbanded,” I admitted. I quit reading around Wano. And that sounded familiar. 


“What?!” She asked, fear in her eyes. 


“Yeah. About 2 and a half years from now,” I admitted. 


“That’s not good,” she said with a frown. “Are you sure?”


“Yeah. Pretty sure. Again, not tomorrow. If I were you, I would look for other allies besides the world government,” I admitted. 


“Who?” She asked. 


“One of the emperors? Shanks maybe.”


“Red hair?” She asked. “Why him?”


“He practically raised my captain. And we will be declaring war on Kaiden and Big Mom in a few years,” I admitted. 


“You will?!” She asked. “Why would you do that?”


“Because they are not good people. And they’ll get in the way of my captain becoming the Pirate King.”


“You really believe it, huh?” Hancock asked. 


“I know it will happen,” I said. I didn’t know the end of One Piece. But I knew it would happen. 


“You have a lot of confidence in your captain,” she said. 


“No, he’s an idiot,” I said. “I have confidence in he and the crew. A kingdom isn’t made by an individual.”


“That’s surprisingly insightful,” she said. 


“I’m a surprising guy,” I said. “Thanks for believing me. And not saying I’m crazy.”


“You haven’t lied to me yet,” she said. 


“Oh my poor Hancock. That’s all men do. We lie, cheat, and steal. You know that above all.”


“I do,” she said, nodding. “But I guess you’re very believable.” I smiled a toothy grin at her. 


“So are we best friends now?” I asked. 


“I thought we were married now,” she said. Surprise on her face. I gave her a confused look. “We are holding hands. That means we are married.” I pulled my hands away quickly. She burst out laughing. “I am joking,” she said. 


“Dang. You got me,” I said frowning. She continued to laugh. Her eyes sparkling. “You have a great laugh.”


“Just laugh?” She asked. 


“Great everything?” 


“Yes, that sounds correct,” she said. Leaning back in the cushions her arms draped the top of them. Her wide gap of cleavage growing larger I couldn’t help but stare. “What is this room for?” She asked finally. 


“This one? Sex,” I said bluntly. 


“Sex?” She asked, a slight blush on her cheeks. “How?”


“One of my ninja skills.”


“You have very interesting skills,” she noted. “How does being a ninja require you to have sex with someone?” 


“I am a master of gathering information,” I said. “How many secrets are shared between lovers? You are naked with someone. Showing them a side of you few see. Of course it’s a time and place to bear your soul and sins to them.”


“I must agree. You got all mine,” she admitted. “Without the fun part.” She had a deep blush on her cheeks with the last admission. I eyed her. Growing more bold as I began to cast Lust Aura. 


“This was foreplay,” I said. “Leading up to the fun part.”


“Oh yes?” She asked cutely. Her lips pursing as she studied me. “Show me what you can do.”


She was on the pile of pillows instantly. Her eyes widened as I stood over top of her. My hands glowing with chakra I bent down. Fingers running along the valley of her cleavage she shivered. Eyes fluttering as I kissed her. 


She moaned in my mouth. Her hands grabbing at me as I moved to be over top of her. Hancock’s legs opened. Her kimono bottom revealing her milky white legs. 


My fingers moved to her breasts. Parting the upper part my simple touch against her nipples caused her to cum. Squeezing my clothes as her body shivered and voice cracked she gasped in surprise when it was over. 


“You-can-do this in my mind?” She asked. 


“In real life too,” I said. “Another ninja skill.”


“Tell me your secrets,” she mumbled. Her large eyes drawing me in. 


“How about I show them to you.” Our clothes disappeared instantly. She looked down to my large dick. Fear in her eyes as I poked it over her entrance. 


“This is my secret number one. I’ll be gentle,” I promised. Kissing her she ignored the large member and moved into the kiss. Moaning as I parted her lower lips she came when I was halfway in. That was only the start. 


Not forced to go slow with her imaginary body she was soon yelling loudly as I used her for all she was worth. Pulling out all the way. Slamming in the full length.


Hancock began to squirt as I plowed into her. Yelling and crying out as I went faster. My mouth latched onto her nipple as I pulled her large breast away from her body. 


It had been a long time since I was in the room. My skills had grown. Every 3 thrusts she was cumming. A continuous stream of her squirt assailed me. Pushing me to use more chakra on her. Use her more. 


When my cum splashed against her womb she had a sightless stare and voiceless scream. Unable to process as my chakra enhanced semen painted her insides white. Her perfect thighs and breasts jostled as I pounded into her with every spurt.  


I hadn’t had sex with anyone in One Piece world. Maybe my chakra did affect the women like it did in Naruto world. 


Hancock sighed as the last of my cum spurted out inside her. The woman’s long legs wrapping around my ass as she pulled my chest to her. Kissing her neck she let out gasps as aftershocks moved through her. 


A long time later she came to her senses. She had been humming and stroking my hair as she held onto me. 


“What was that?” She mumbled slowly. 


“Sex,” I said. 


“I’ve had sex,” she said. “With men and women. That was not sex,” she said. Her body shaking as if a chill ran through her. 


“Women too eh?” I asked looking up at her. 


“Of course. The isle of women is not a sexless place,” she said, a wide smile on her lips. Unashamedly staring at me. 


“That’s hot,” I admitted. Kissing her thick lips. “I have skills. Related to the bedroom. Hence this room.”


“So it would only be like that in here?” She asked sadly. 


“No, this mirrors the real world,” I said. “I think it’s better out there. My skills work more strongly when it’s real.”


“Take me out,” she said quickly. I frowned. “Take me out of here. I will have you in my real body.”


I chuckled. “You heard Nyon. We shouldn’t risk pregnancy,” I said. 


“She is a liar,” Hancock said. “She simply does not like when others are enjoying themselves.”


I laughed loudly. Kissing her again she wrapped her arms around me. “We have time in here. We can enjoy it.”


“Fine,” she said. Her cunt tightened around my shaft. “But it has been a long time since I’ve had a man. Erase the others from my memory.”


“I can do that,” I promised. My hands and dick were coated in chakra. Squeezing her large breasts she came as I simply stayed buried in her. Her body writhing I began to hump into her mid-orgasm, causing her to cry out louder as her lower half raised up. Watching me impale her the princess was quickly forgetting everything outside the room. Only she and I existed as I came into her over and over. 

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