Canon Fodder


I was in the black room with red lights. I had been putting it off for days, but this vacation was needed. I would miss Toru, but she would be there when I got back. Without hesitation I stepped into the One Piece World. Ready to do battle. 


Still standing on the water I watched as the giant frog/fish attacked the large snakes that drove the Kuja Pirate boat. Women yelled and screamed on the boat. None risking the water as they were attacked. I waited. Counting to 100 the pain began. Dull needles sticking into my body it wasn’t near as bad as when I got to MHA, but it was still bad. 


My chakra going haywire I dropped into the water. Forcing myself to stay afloat I didn’t sink down and within a few seconds the pain passed. Breathing out I pushed chakra to my hand, allowing me to lift myself out of the water. When I was on my feet I began running at the frogman. 


Speeding up I poured chakra through all of my body. I had prepped for this for a long time. Pulling the Seastone Jitte out I coated it in seawater as I made it into a long blade. My body and mind prepped for this I knew I was ready. 


I got closer and closer, the boat and sea king growing bigger as I did. I ran up the back of the beast. Unnoticed as I used chakra to stick to the slippery skin. The frog was much taller than the boat. Able to float on the water somehow it was trying to bite the head of one of the giant snakes. I crested the top of it’s head and stabbed it in the eye. 


The frog reeled back in anger, letting the snake go. It curled up, trying to protect itself. The frog began hopping on the water somehow. Trying to shake me off it’s head. I was sticking to it with chakra with all I had. It blindly hit the boat, causing screams from the women on board. I drew the Jitte back and stabbed it in the other eye. This time it gave up. 


Sinking into the deep immediately I had to release my hold. Soon back on the water I couldn’t help but be freaked out by the idea of it coming after me from the depths. I ran to the boat. Climbing up the side I let out a sigh when I wasn’t attacked. 


On the railing of the boat I looked around. But women had been thrown overboard when the frog hit. I cursed. Running across the deck I dove into the water as I put my Jitte away. There were many women climbing back onto the boat. But not all. I dove down. Using chakra like a handhold as if I was climbing down the water.

I noticed 2 of the sisters. Both were gigantic. One with orange hair, the other with green. They had devil fruit powers and were unable to swim. I couldn’t find Boa Hancock though. Looking further away I noticed her black hair. Casting 2 shadow clones they grabbed the bigger sisters. Pulling them up by their hair as they swam back up. 

I headed for Boa, the hot sister. Moving through the water I ignored the fear of the frog coming back for more and went for her. It didn’t take long to reach her. When I did I grabbed the back of her red kimono instead of her hair as I swam us to the surface. Getting back to the surface took effort. I could have sworn I felt the frog below us. Standing guard I slowed my ascent, ready for an attack that never came. 

When I did resurface everyone was out of the water. Throwing Boa over my shoulder I climbed us up the hull. Dumping her on the deck with a sigh my clones disappeared, freaking the women onboard out more. 


“Who are you!?” One of Boa’s sisters spat. 


I ignored her, looking to Boa I didn’t think she was breathing. I began compressing her chest. One of the sisters made a move for me but I glared at her. She looked to the deck in shame. I began CPR then. Breathing in her mouth I was mostly spitballing on what to do based off TV. I began pressing her chest again. Counting to 40 as I did. When I went to give her mouth to mouth again she puked in my open mouth and face. 


I couldn’t help but reel back in disgust as she turned over, puking more. Moving back I frowned as her kimono opened. The top falling down I got a glimpse of her glorious chest but also the scar on her back. I cursed, turning around. I knew she had an issue with people seeing her back, especially men. 


I decided it was best to simply walk away a little. Let her recover. There was chatter from the other women on board, so I moved to the giant snakes. They were attached to the front of the ship with chains they could slide in and out of. One was curled up on the water, the other next to it, prone. 


Digging through my One Piece Shop there were bandages in the miscellaneous tab as well as some medicine. I bought them and approached the snakes. They eyed me but didn’t move as I applied medicine to their wounds. Buying more and more bandages it took a while but they were eventually wrapped. 


I helped pull them to the ship. Neither in any condition to move I couldn’t pick them up, but I did help them along. They were soon curled up at the back of the ship, watching everything around them. When I walked to the front of the ship the women were waiting for me. 


Boa was as regal as ever. A red kimono with flowers on it, her large chest sticking out, perfect black hair along her back, she really was beautiful. She stared daggers at me as I walked up. 

“Did you see?” She asked, angry at me. 


“Just for a second,” I said quickly. “But they look amazing.” 

Her eyes looked confused, then became angry. “No, my back!” She spat. 

“Oh, yeah but I mean-” I tried to say but was cut off as the hearts were shot at me way more quickly than I imagined they would. I had prepared myself earlier in case she used her devil fruit on me. She had eaten the Love-Love Fruit. Anyone that was in love with her would be turned to stone. And since she was the most beautiful woman in the world, she could turn any man and most any women to stone. 

As the beam hit me I think only 2 things saved me from turning to stone. One was Toru. I actually did love her. The other was the fact that Boa had thrown up in my mouth a little bit ago. She didn’t look the hottest at the moment.  My hands raised trying to stupidly defend against the attack I was more than surprised to find that I hadn’t turned to stone. 


“Ha,” I said, laughing at her. She glared at me, anger building up more. More beams hit me and I ignored them. A big cocky smile on my face as I pictured her puke still in my mouth. “Listen, dude I don’t care what kind of mark you have on your back. I had the Celestial Dragons as much as the next guy.” She gave me another surprised look. 


Boa had a deep secret. Back when she and her 2 sisters were children they were kidnapped and sold to the Celestial Dragons. The Dragons were known as the World Nobles. They were in charge of the World Government and ran the world. They thought it meant they were better than everyone, so they enslaved who they wanted. Whoever they enslaved were branded with the Dragon’s foot. Boa and her 2 sisters escaped slavery, but still had the brand. Killing any outsider that saw it. Which was why she wanted me stoned and probably thrown to the bottom of the ocean. 


“Yeah, I don’t care,” I repeated. “The World Nobles are a bunch of jackasses that deserve death. So I don’t care if you were a slave or whatever.” She looked at me more surprised. “But I have a quest. So we need to get you out of here.” 

Looking around I asked, “Who is the navigator?” A tall woman with nice cans raised her hand. “Perfect. Let’s work up a plan to get you moving. Now I know we are on the Calm Belt. But I have no idea where. Is it closer to get to the Grand Line or your island?” 



My quest still hadn’t finished so I guessed they weren’t saved yet. After talking with their navigator we were about halfway between the Grand Line and their island. The island, Amazon Lily, was only accessible by swimming, which was a death sentence, or the giant sea serpents they used to drag it through the windless Calm Belt. 

They did have oars to help it along, but it was left to me to get us out of there. Ropes attached to the front of the ship I used chakra to stand on the water as I pulled the boat in the direction the Navigator pointed. At first it had been slow going. As we gained momentum we were going a good knot or 2. I pulled for all I was worth. Chakra moving through my entire body it was sad to admit how good of training this was. 


Pulling, groaning, grunting, yelling, sweating, crying, and gasping was my world for 3 days straight. I slept a couple of hours in between but was then back to pulling. Walking on the water like it was a foothold the women didn’t question my help much. The snakes were still out of commission and the strongest in the crew couldn’t get near the water without drowning. That was the moment I decided I would not be getting a Devil Fruit. I didn’t know how the people survived. 


The isle came into view on the 3rd day, and by the time I got us close enough they had sent boats to assist. Another large sea serpent soon summoned, the boat was dragged back to the island while I collected my 40,000,000 berrie reward and rested on the deck. 


One of the cabin girls on the ship ran over. Pouring water on my face I lapped it up happily. I had ordered her to do it enough times in the last 3 days, she knew the drill. My mind exhausted I was actually thankful for the feeling. No longer worried about the Anti-hero tag in MHA I could enjoy my vacation in One Piece. 


“Enough,” I gurgled. The girl giggled and ran away. Sitting up with a groan I moved to the railing and leaned against it to hide from the sun. 


“I’m surprised you made it,” Boa Hancock said in her haughty tone as she walked up.

I eyed her long smooth legs as she walked closer. “A thank you would be nice.” 

“A thank you?!” She spat. “You probably called that sea king on us.”

“I told you I didn’t,” I said. “And I’m sick of telling you that. I literally ran into you. I’m on my way to Alabasta.” 


“Alabasta? Why?” She asked. 


“Because of you stupid Shichibukai,” I said. 


“What does that have to do with anything?” She asked angrily. 


“The Shichibukai, Crocodile. He fucked up the Alabasta Kingdom. I have to go help fix it,” I said. 

“Impossible,” she said. “You are an unknown. There is no way you could beat Crocodile.”

“Unknown?! I have a bounty,” I said.


“You do?” She asked, genuinely intrigued. “How much?” 


I hesitated. “15 million berries,” I grumbled. 

She laughed. “15? Crocodile was 80 million before he became a Shichibukai,” Boa said, a cocky grin on her lips. 

“Oh yeah? What was your bounty? I’ll kick your ass just to prove I can kick his,” I said. She stiffened as if struck. I put on a wide grin. Punching my knuckles together. “I already proved your love beam doesn’t work on me. What else you got?” 


“A pirate crew, what about you?” She asked, accepting the challenge as she balled her fists. 


“I have a crew. They’re just not here right now,” I said. 


“Did they abandon you on the water? Is that why you were out in the middle of nowhere?” She asked. 

“No, I had to fight off a bunch of marines so they could escape. And you should be happy I did, or else you would be toad shit on the bottom of the ocean right now,” I said. I had to admit, she was beautiful, but annoying. 


She bit her lip, unable to think of a retort. “Captain,” the navigator said. “We have docked.” Boa and I looked around, noticing that the other members of the crew were staring at us. We had in fact docked on the island. 


“Good,” Boa said. “Get the doctors on board to look at our mounts. Begin unloading the goods.” 


“Where is Alabasta from here?” I asked the Navigator. 

“Umm a week?” She said quickly. 

“What direction? I need to catch up to my crew,” I said. 


“Uum,” she said looking around but was stopped by Boa. 

“Don’t answer that,” Boa said. “This man still has questions he needs to answer.” 

“You try and hold me and I’ll just run,” I warned. “My crew is in trouble.” 

Boa frowned. “A day. Leave in the morning. You could use the rest.... And a bath,” she added with a sneer. I looked down at myself. My clothes were dirty, covered in sweat and grime from 3 days of working nonstop. I sighed. I had hoped to swoop in, make a good impression on Boa and head out. But this quest had turned into a pain in the ass, and her a bigger one. 


“Fine, but tomorrow I leave,” I said. She frowned but nodded. I sat down and watched the women work as I tried to relax. 

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