Canon Fodder


It was finally Saturday. I was working on some final touches for my custom costume. When I turned in the quest for defeating the Nomu a new screen popped up. Basically an avatar creation screen from a video game. 


It asked me to scan some clothes as a basis. I chose my current hero costume. The screen was soon filled with a virtual reality image of my outfit. From there were different characteristics to change. 


Color, Style, Emblems, Length, Accessories, Materials, and Armor were all able to be changed. I changed the hoodie to have 2 layers. A poly exterior to protect from rain and a cloth interior. The pants were a thick black canvas. My Watanabe heart emblem emblazoned on the front and sides like sakura petals. 


There was still a hood on the top but it extended down further. Obscuring my face more. Then I was able to add a lightweight Kevlar like material in the pants and top. Hard and lightweight. I also decided to add a lower face wrapping. Kind of like Kakashi’s mask that covered his mouth. It could be scrunched up to hang around the neck, or pulled up to obscure my face more. Making my face look like I was a real ninja. Hood over my head, and mouth/nose mask so only my eyes could be seen. 


I finally accepted the design and the costume appeared on my bed. Trying it on the jacket top was the comfiest hoodie I had ever worn. The pants weren’t half bad either. I didn’t see an option for combat boots but my current ones were good enough. 


After that I stored the costume in my Status Screen, packed up and headed out. I left the school for the first time in a while. A skeleton crew on weekends, most of the students that lived on campus went home as well. I didn’t since they had the best training facilities there. 


I jumped on the bus. Heading across town there was a villain attack in the street so I was delayed. Getting out and walking became the only course of action. I eventually got to my destination. I knocked on the door and was greeted by another invisible person.  


“You must be Weston,” the man’s voice said. I considered making a ghost joke but I preferred to make a good impression. 


“That I am Mr. Hagakure,” I said. Feeling like a kid again I reached out my hand. He took it and we shook. 


“Toru is just finishing up, come in,” he said. I was escorted into the house. The only odd thing about the invisible family home was there were no mirrors or family pictures. Other than that the family was normal. 


“Toru has mentioned you a few times,” Mr Hagakure admitted. “I hear you’re the one that beat the villain that attacked the school.”


“I had help,” I admitted. 


“Well thank you for making sure our daughter was alright.”


“She can take care of herself pretty well.”


“Yes, but we still worry.” I was saved from the awkward conversation by Toru and her mother coming downstairs. At least I assumed it was her mother. It was just floating clothes to me. 


“I take it you’re the one in the dress, Toru?” I asked. She wore a pale yellow dress covered in flowers. Since she couldn’t wear makeup I wasn’t exactly sure what took her so long. Women didn’t change, visible or not, 


“I am,” she said. Her hands at her sides, I could tell she was nervous. I wore a simple button down shirt and jeans. But I held out a bag toward her. 


“A gift,” I said. She walked over. Pulling out the black hoodie of mine it was annoying that I couldn’t tell if she was smiling or not. 


“Your costume?” She asked. 


“I upgraded. I don’t know. Thought you might like it after…” I didn’t say after she slept in it. 


“I love it,” she admitted. Holding it to her chest. She ran it up to her room. I introduced myself to her mom. I made a compliment on her beauty and how her daughter looked just like her. Her parents laughed so at least they got my humor. We said some pleasantries then were out the door. 


“What are we doing for this date?” Toru asked as we walked to the bus stop. 


“I thought you were the one planning it.”


“Me? No,” she said. 


“That was the deal, I pay, you plan,” I teased. She slapped me in the stomach. Her sleeveless dress gave me no warning. “Fine. 3 guesses.”


“Umm movie?”


“There’s an idea. I didn’t think of that,” I said. “What else you got?”




“You like food too? Jeez, I was way off,” I said. 


“What the heck did you plan then?” She asked. 


“1 more guess,” I said. 


“If you say go to your apartment, I will leave you,” she said quickly. 


“Uhhh then we can do a movie,” I said. She began to groan at me. I laughed loudly. Enjoying her reactions. “I’m joking. I’ll show you when we get there.”


We got onto the bus heading downtown. “Why did I agree to this? I knew you were just going to tease me the whole time.”


“You love it,” I said. “Why are you pretending to be annoyed?”


“I’m not. You annoy me a bunch,” she said with a haughty attitude. 


“I can tell. That’s why I had to beg you for a date. I’m sure it’s everything the movies made it out to be for you, too.”


“I’ve been on dates,” she said quickly. 


“With boys?” I asked. 


“One, yes,” she said. 


“Were they invisible too?” I began to whisper. “Are they with us right now?” She slapped my chest again. “I’m joking. I’m sure you’ve been on tons of dates.”


“I have. So far this is top 5,” she said. 


“Well it’s my best one,” I said. 


“Why’s that?” She asked slowly. 


“You’re here,” I said. She quieted. I was sure she was embarrassed or blushing. 


I was starting to get a better sense of Toru. People hadn’t seen her for years. No one knew what she looked like. Despite how she acted, Toru liked the attention I gave her. But she didn’t want me to know that I had an affect on her. 


So used to people looking past her. She didn’t know how to react when someone paid attention to just her. I didn’t mind her attitude. She was a high schooler. Not sure how to act or react. I was simply enjoying my time with her. 


We got to the zoo. It was rather busy. I bought tickets and we walked around. 


“When was the last time you were here?” I asked. 


“A field trip a few years ago,” Toru admitted. “You?”


“When I was a kid. Think we went as a family, back before my mom died.”


“I can’t imagine what that’s like,” she whispered. 


“Sorry. Don’t mean to bring it up. Just…been on my mind,” I said. “Umm what about why you’re a hero?”


“Who doesn’t want to be a hero?” She asked happily. “Oh my gosh they’re so cute.” Pointing at the koalas excitedly. 


“You ever been tempted to just go in the cage? You could hold one,” I said. 


“I did that once,” she admitted. “With the penguins. I regretted it. They’re meaner than you think.”


“How old were you?”


“6,” she said. “I thought I’d get in trouble. But my parents admitted to doing something similar when they were younger. They just told me not to do it again.”


“Oh no, my girlfriend's parents are villains,” I said. “Sounds like an overly long manga name.”


She was quiet. Eventually asking, “am I your girlfriend?”


I looked down at her. “If you want. Kind of thought that’s what this was leading to. I mean, we did sleep together.”


“You make it sound worse than it actually was,” she whined. 


“I thought it was great. You really thought it was bad? Maybe we aren’t dating,” I said, holding onto my chin as I thought. 


“I didn’t mean it like that! Ugh why do I let you tease me!” She groaned as she threw her hands in the air. At least I assumed she did. 


“You like it. Don’t hide it. I like teasing you,” I said. She became quiet. “So want to be my girlfriend?”


“Are you going to stop teasing me?”


“No. In fact it will probably get worse, to be honest. But I’m a great kisser,” I said with a toothy grin and suggestive eyebrow raise. 


“Fine, you talked me into it,” she said. I reached out, grabbing her invisible hand. 


“Cool. Was it the kissing that sealed the deal?” I asked. 


“Maybe…” she grew quiet. We moved to an aquarium part of the zoo. “Why do you make me feel this way?” Toru whispered. 


“Like what?” I asked. Our hands still holding onto one another. 


“I don’t know. I went to UA because I want to focus on being a hero. But you keep distracting me.”


“I can stop,” I said. “We don’t have to da-“


“Not that,” she said with a sad sigh. “I guess I didn’t expect this. What I mean is… you don’t even know what I look like. I could be ugly.”


“Hmm true. I mean, right now you look like a turtle.” I angled my view so her face was that of a sea turtle swimming in the water. “But you also look like her or her or that dude selling balloons.”


“Not funny.”


“It is to me,” I said. “I don’t know. I just find myself attracted to you. Could be your touch, or smell, or attitude. Who knows. But I’m enjoying my time with you. Maybe it was fate I met you in that girls bathroom. I was peeping and yet you still gave me a chance.”


“You were not peeping,” she said. “I know peeping.”


“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Takes one to know one sort of thing?” I asked. She didn’t answer. “Holy cow. You like to watch, don’t you?”


“I don’t,” she said quickly. 


“Lie,” I said. “A pervert invisible girl. I should have known.”


“I don’t. You make it sound so bad,” she whined. “I just find myself in weird situations.”


“Like what? You have to tell me,” I said as we left the aquarium section of the zoo. 


“I shouldn’t,” she said. 


“Oh come on. I call boyfriend privileges,” I said. 


“There are privileges?” She asked. “Like what?”


“Well I get to kiss you when I want,” I said. “You can’t tell anyone my secrets. And you have to tell me all the hot gossip.”


“What do I get out of it?”


“You get to kiss me when you want. You get to steal the clothes of mine you want. And…piggyback rides.”


“You already give me those all the time,” she said. 


“And yet you want more,” I said confidently. 


“Maybe. Alright. Give me one and I’ll tell you some of the weird stuff I’ve seen,” she said. I soon had her on my back as we continued to walk through the zoo. 


She had some interesting ones. Toru admitted to catching no less than 50 couples doing it. Somehow she always found herself walking in on something happening. I suspected she might have done it on purpose. But didn’t tease her too bad. Toru then talked about the crimes she had walked in on. 2 separate robberies. 5 muggings. One of the muggings she stopped herself. Cementing her desire to become a hero. 


We left the zoo and continued our date at a restaurant. We talked more and it was natural. I found myself liking her more and more. I decided to give Reina and Hina a date like this when I went back to Naruto World. 


So far I’d found girls I liked in every world. Except Gantz at least. But there were future girls there I would want. Nami was still a little confusing. I didn’t want to push her. Saeko wanted me because I was strong. But Toru was enjoying me for me. I found my time with her to be a great break from training. Experiencing a high school romance. No need to go fast. Just whatever speed the girl was comfortable with. 


“Do I need to get you home?” I asked as we left the restaurant. 


“Not yet,” she said. “I’m so full of food. Let’s go for a walk.” 


“Sounds good,” I said. She initiated holding my hand this time. We walked down the street. Then over to a park. It was dark out but there were plenty of people in the area. A nice lit path through a large park area we headed along at a leisurely pace. Enjoying the night air. 


Conversation had died down a little but we were comfortable with one another. Doing a few loops around the park she eventually sat us down at a bench. 


“This has been perfect,” she said. “I thought for sure you wanted to go to your apartment.”


“I mean, I do. I slept a lot better with you,” I admitted. “But that's the 2nd date idea.”


She giggled. “You need to know I’ve never done anything like that,” she said. 


“Really? You were like an expert. I can’t get it out of my mind,” I said boldly. Moving closer to where her face should have been. I could feel her hot breath in my face as I moved closer and closer. 


We were soon kissing. There had been a few during the date. Randomly. A peck here or there. When she was on my back she would plant one on my cheek between her invisible escapade stories. 


This kiss was much stronger. Toru was soon sitting on my lap, facing me as we made out. My eyes closed I didn’t hesitate to grab her ass under her dress and begin channeling chakra. Just a hint. But enough for her to feel more pleasure. 


Her tongue was in my mouth and all I could picture was how stupid I probably looked. Kissing the air. But she soon forced the image out of my mind as she began grinding her crotch on my rock hard dick. 


As it became more intense she pushed away. “We shouldn’t. We are in public. People will know,” she whispered. All the while she grinded herself on me. 


“Not if you take off your clothes,” I offered. “No one would know you were here.”


I felt her shiver on me. I could tell she liked the idea. I was starting to think she wanted this to happen. There was more to the invisible girl than she let on. 


“Just so no one sees,” I whispered, playing the devil. “You can put your clothes back on if you don’t like it.” She shivered again. Her shoulders twisting around as she looked this way and that. Then the skirt of her dress lifted. Ever so slightly it went up. Then more until it was off and laying on the bench seat next to me. My dick bulged at the idea of her naked on me. I couldn’t see it but I could imagine it. 


She moved for my face but I stopped her. Grabbing her waist I directed her to face away from me. She did slowly. My large dick was planted between her ass cheeks as she sat on my crotch. 


Then I began to explore. First kissing her neck she moaned. My fingertips coated in Pleasure Touch I moved them down her neck to her chest. All the while her quivering ass jostled around my dick. 


My hand moved to her nipples. She had C-cup breasts. But large areolas, I could just barely feel the ridge of them as her breast transitioned to them. Erect nipples poking up she must have been covering her mouth to stop the moans of pleasure as my chakra covered hand moved around her nipple over and over. 


The other hand slowly moved from the bench to her waist. More chakra coating my fingertips she couldn’t quiet the moan as my hand moved down. First dipping into her belly button. Then up as it moved to her mound. 


I was surprised to find sharp pubic hair. Only a few days from being shaved. But I wasn’t done exploring. My fingers moved down to her lower lips. Her squeezed together legs restricted my entrance.  


“No one can see you. You feel so sexy. Let me do this for you. I know you want it,” I whispered as I kissed her neck. Ever so slowly her legs widened. 


I moved 2 fingers down her moist lips. One hand pinching her nipple I pulled my other fingers up to lightly graze her clit. 


She cried out as she came. Her body trying to pull away I held her tight. Pinching her nipple the other hand played with her small bean. Making her curse and gasp as the orgasm extended. When she stopped shaking I stopped touching her in those places. Toru relaxed on my chest. Letting out a loud sigh as all the tension left her body. 


“I can’t believe we did this,” she mumbled. 


“You wanted it to happen,” I said, biting her ear. She didn’t deny it. 


“Am I weird?” She whispered. 


“What makes you say that?”


“I don’t know. I’ve known you for like a month. And before you I couldn’t get anyone to notice me,” she mumbled. “And now I’m telling you all my secrets.”


“What secrets?” I asked. 


“This stuff,” she whispered. I let her continue. She eventually did. “Yes, I’ve fantasized about this sort of thing. In public. And yeah. Maybe I have watched more than my fair share of people doing it. I don’t know if it’s the quirk or me. But I like it.”


“Fine with me. I like it too,” I said, kissing her cheek. “I think it’s hot. A part of me has fantasized about doing this to you in class.” My hands began exploring her front again. She moaned. 


“Especially in math class,” I whispered. “I imagine you going to use the restroom. Coming back naked. No one knows but me. And I’m the only one that does because you sit on my desk.” She grunted. Shaking again as I played with her. My fingers doing laps around her lower lips as my other did the same to her opposite nipple. 


“I like to sleep in that class. My head on the desk. Would it be so farfetched to bury my face between your invisible legs? Eating you out while no one is the wiser.” She began to cum again. Stronger this time as I sped up my finger movements. 


She didn’t bother to quiet herself. Her body shivering as she felt her strongest orgasm yet. She practically gushed out liquid and when she finally finished she was breathing in and out hard. 


“You are such a perv,” she got out. I chuckled. 


“Takes one to know one.” Toru giggled and sadly got up. I expected her to go for her dress but instead she went for my pants. Not unbuckling them but moving her hands to my knees and then up. 


“Can I…repay you?” She whispered. I looked around. No one had walked past since we started. It was getting late. 


“I would appreciate it,” I admitted. I was getting a little uncomfortable with how rock hard my dick was. I felt her hands move up my thighs. It wasn’t long till she found my dick. One hand then 2 went to it. 


“This can’t be real,” she mumbled in amazement. 


“Only one way to find out,” I reminded with my best smolder. She hesitated but moved to my zipper. Slowly moving down it was a surreal feeling to have someone invisible grab your dick. For the first time with her I channeled Lust Aura. 


Toru gripped the base of my dick and struggled to pull it out of my fly. She barely succeeded and held out her prize with both hands. 


“This is huge,” she gulped. “Just how…”


“Gifted,” I said. 


“This would tear me up,” she said. 


“Just the first time,” I said. “But I’ll be gentle.”


She gulped again. “Not tonight.” I nodded. And then the tip of my dick disappeared in her mouth. My head shot back as I enjoyed her mouth sucking on my glans. She moaned as the Lust Aura made her hornier. Sucking on my dickhead her hands began to move up and down the shaft. 


I was curious why she didn’t need much direction. But I guessed her hobby of watching gave her some pointers. 


I couldn’t look at my dick as it disappeared into her, it was too scary to see the tip gone. But I could sure enjoy it. She got a few inches down. Going down that length she sucked powerfully. More and more into it as I let out my own moans. 


I checked every now and then to make sure no one was walking up. But mostly I relaxed. She was into doing it. Licking along my length. Sucking the side of it then the top. Only to plop off and moan happily. 


It took a long time. Longer than it had when I made her do it, but eventually I felt my cum churning. “I’m gonna cum,” I whispered as she sped up. Toru never stopped. My shaft fully lubed from her saliva by that point her strong hands moved up and down it as her mouth licked and sucked the head. 


I came hard. Large spurts of cum shot into her mouth. She took the 1st 2 but by then her mouth was full from my chakra filled semen. The last 3 large spurts landed on her face. Giving me the first glimpse of her. 


3 lines of cum streaked across it as she swallowed my load. Then I watched as the tops of the lines slid down and disappeared in her mouth. 


“That’s hot,” I said with a sigh. 


“You’re not the only one daydreaming in math,” she whispered. 


The cum gone from her face I kissed her. “That was perfect.” She giggled kissing me back. “Want to come to my place?”


“I-I do. But I don’t think I can get away,” she said. 


I frowned but nodded. “Date 2 then?” Putting my dick away I pulled my chakra back to stop the intense lust. 


“Yes,” she said. I helped her up but grabbed her dress. Throwing it over my shoulder I princess carried her. She didn’t fight it and I felt her head relax on my shoulder. 


Before we left the park she made me drop her and we were holding hands once more. Nothing had to be said as we rode the bus to her house. I walked her to her door. Gave her a very respectable kiss. Whispered some less respectable things in her ear, that I hoped made her blush, and headed back to school. All in all one of the better dates I’d been on. 

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