Canon Fodder


I woke up in the nurse’s office. My mouth was drier than an ex’s humor. I tried to move for the pitcher of water, but my body didn’t budge. Looking down I was at least not handcuffed. Channeling my mana I pulled the water out of the pitcher and began pouring it into my mouth. 

When I was done the door opened to reveal the old nurse of UA. She was a short woman in a doctor’s jacket. “What are you doing up?” She asked. Walking over she waved her hand and I passed out once more. Dreaming soundly I had a good one of Reina and Hina going on. We were swimming on our journey to the new village. Of course we forgot our swimsuits. More than happy to stay like that I ignored the muffled voices around me. 

It was night outside when I opened my eyes again. Darkness showed from a side window. I grumbled. “Turn off the lights,” I ordered as my hand went to my face. Someone followed the command as I sat up with a groan. Looking down, my body appeared way better than I expected. My skin was still a little pink but other than that, fine. I expected to be in bed for a week. 


“You were very beat up,” Recovery Girl said as she walked over from her desk. “I am used to dealing with Midoriya. You are a new face.” 


“Weston,” I grumbled. “Got any more water?” She nodded, grabbing another pitcher she walked it over. I grabbed it and poured it down my throat. The water splashing over my face I sighed as I finally quenched my thirst, but I kept drinking. Huge gulps, unbothered as the water kept pouring over me. 


When I felt my stomach couldn’t fit any more I put the pitcher on the side table. I let out a long sigh. Looking up to Recovery Girl with a smile she frowned at me. “I put a lot of work into healing you.”  


“You kiss my booboos away?” I asked. “You could give me more if you wanted.” 


She chuckled. “Oh, you know how my power works, good,” she said. “But while I do have to kiss you. Your body does all the healing. And you had a lot of damage.” 


“Yeah, I don’t like to use that skill if I can help it,” I said. “But could have been worse. Might have opened more gates.” 


“I don’t know what that means, but you shouldn’t ever do what you did, again,” she said. She sighed, “However, from what I hear there should have been a lot more injured.” 


“Yeah, everyone okay?” I asked. 


She nodded. “You’re the only person in my ward today,” she said in an old tired voice. “But I would prefer no one is in here.” 

“I don’t know, I like your kisses,” I said with a wink. “Maybe I’ll injure myself for more of them.” She cackled as she shook her head. 


“You have visitors if you’re ready to see them,” she noted. I shrugged but agreed. I had hoped it was Toru but I was unfortunate to have Aizawa and All Might walk in. Aizawa had some bandages around his mouth, but his limbs were at least okay. I remembered him having broken arms when he took the Nomu on last time. 


“Young Weston,” All Might said in his deep booming voice. “I am glad you are okay. I came to apologize for not being there to help with the fight today.” He stood over top of me, but I felt awkward being so low on the bed. Turning, I got off the mattress slowly. I was out of my costume and in patient scrubs. 

“No problem,” I said. “The villains said you were their target. I’m guessing those Nomu guys were meant to go against you specifically.” 


“Yes, that is what I hear,” All Might said. “I only arrived when you were falling. I was able to catch you, but you had already beaten the monster.” I had noticed my quest was complete so I knew that part at least. 


“Thanks for catching me. Kind of lost my head there at the end, don’t remember much,” I admitted. 


“Yes…which is another reason we wanted to talk to you,” All Might said. He eyed Aizawa next to him. 


“When did you receive another quirk?” The teacher asked. The dark eyed teacher boring his gaze into me. 

“Receive?” I asked. 


“There are individuals out there that can bestow more quirks on people,” All Might said. “That is the only way we know of to have more. One such individual has been known to gift powers.” 

“Oh All for One, right?” I asked. They both stiffened. 


“How do you know that name?” All Might asked, his fist clenching. I realized my mistake. 


“Internet,” I said. “I read a lot on you before joining in preparation for my own hero work.” That sounded right. All for One was the main bad guy and had been alive for a long time. I thought about what to do. But I knew they wouldn’t trust me if they thought I worked for All for One. “I don’t have any extra quirks,” I admitted. 


“Young Weston you were seen-” 


I had plans for My Hero Academia. Big plans. My mother killed, I was out for revenge. I didn’t want these people knowing all of my skills. Not yet at least. There were people I wanted to kill, and they wouldn’t be as easy to get to confess as Landslide was. I needed other skills to use against them. So I decided to keep my Naruto World powers a secret for now. 


“What I did earlier was part of my quirk,” I lied. They gave me a confused look. “My quirk is Give and Take. At least that’s what I call it. I can Take energy from around me, or Give energy. Heating or Cooling the area. But some time ago I thought, why just stop at hot and cold energy? Why not kinetic energy? Why couldn’t I absorb that?” They nodded, seeing where I was going. 


“Unfortunately, that didn’t pan out,” I said with a frown. “What did work is what I call Potential Energy. But really it is Potential Strength. What I did earlier was draw upon my potential strength. I took my future potential strength. Borrowing it for a while.” I could see they were slowly getting the idea of the complete fabrication I made up. 


“I can regulate how much strength I pull, giving me intense power for a short amount of time. But when I do I have a pretty bad Blowback. I end up worn out beyond belief. Either my body can’t handle the increased strength. Or the Potential Strength I borrow is from right after I finish the move. So I don’t have strength anymore because I used it all.” 


“A very interesting quirk evolution,” All Might said, believing every word. 


“But dangerous,” Aizawa noted. 


I nodded. “I have trained to become a hero for years. This power is still new to me. Which is why I only use it when it is important. I am sorry for stepping in, Aizawa-sensei. I just knew I could help, so I had to act.” 

I had been tempted to tell them I actually had a quirk that allowed me to borrow other quirks from interdimensional versions of me, but I decided to keep it simple. I could save that if I was forced to show more of my powers. It was Give and Take. Maybe I gave other versions of me my powers for a short time and took theirs while I was at it. The skill was ambiguous enough to let me say pretty much anything. 


“Yes,” All Might said. “We both understand the need to help. And with young Midoriya constantly hurting himself, it is hard to judge. I know I am glad you are on our side. And you trusted us enough to tell us your power.” 


“Are you going to continue to train this power?” Aizawa asked. 

“I was planning to on my own time. If I use it in short bursts I only hurt a little. For now I would like to stick to the original use of my quirk,” I said. Aizawa nodded. I guessed he had been planning on adding it to my training, but I didn’t want that. 


“Thank you again, young Weston,” All Might said. “I fear that the damage would have been worse if you had not done what you did.” 


“That’s what heroes are for,” I said. They were soon out the door. I let out a sigh of relief since they had believed it so easily. “Can I go?” I asked. Recovery Girl gave me another once over. I asked for more kisses, but she refused. I was sore, but walking out of there soon enough. 


As I stepped out I was almost stampeded over by an invisible force. I pretended to be hit harder and fell to the ground with her. “Begone evil ghost!” I yelled trying to push the clothes away. I looked down. “Oh it’s my best imaginary friend.” 

Toru smacked me in the side. And I groaned for real this time. “Sorry,” she squeaked, pushing herself up.

“You should be, you hit hard,” I said, getting up slowly. I was still in my scrubs but had a bag with my hero suit in my hand. “I need more Recovery Girl kisses,” I said, holding my side. I looked at Toru. It was weird to not know what she was feeling without facial expressions, but I had enough experience with girls to guess. “But Recovery Girl is tired, I’ll need to demand some from you instead.” 


“I-I-” she tried to say but I grabbed her hand and began walking us down the hall. 


“Walk me through what happened,” I said. “I don’t remember much after fighting that beak guy.” 


She was quiet for a time but as she recovered said, “Momo, Tsuyu, and I did what you said. Helping the others out of their own disaster zones. By the time we had everyone you were glowing and your skin was all red. Then you started hitting that Nomu thing and knocked him out. All Might caught you when you passed out.” 


“So everyone saw my fight?” I asked. She didn’t answer. “God dang it Toru, stop nodding. I can’t see it.” 


“Sorry,” she whined. “Yeah, most everyone was there to see it.” 

“Did I do anything embarrassing?” I asked. 

“Besides yelling as loud as possible?” She asked. 


“I was yelling?” I asked. “I seem to remember a lot of pain, ugh annoying. I wanted to look super cool fighting it.” 

“You’re such a show off,” she said teasingly. “Next you’ll want a video of it.”

“There are videos?” I asked excitedly. 


“No!” She spat. “At least none that I saw.” 


“Dang. I wanted to see,” I admitted. We continued walking. “You okay?” 


“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said. “You?”

“No,” I groaned. “You hit way harder than the Nomu.” She hit me again. “Stop, I give,” I whined. 

“I’ll beat you up if you don’t stop teasing me,” she whispered cutely. 


“I believe it,” I said. 


“What was that anyway?” She asked. “That strength wasn’t normal.”

“An evolution of my quirk.”

“An evolution?” She asked. 


“Yeah, quirks don’t always stay the same. You get stronger. Learn more about them.” 


I opened the door to my room. Walking in, she didn’t hesitate to join me. Inside was a lot more lived in than when I moved there the week before. Bed sheets, some simple weights in a corner, a TV mounted on the wall, papers on the desk, it was an actual room. 


“What are we doing here?” Toru asked tentatively as she noticed where we were. 

“I am sleeping,” I said. “Not sure about you.” Walking to my chest of drawers I opened them up to pull out some sweatpants. Taking off my scrub shirt I wasn’t shy about it. Turning around I said, “Unlike you, I am not invisible. You will have to turn around… Unless you want to watch. Which I am all for.” I assumed she was blushing because her clothes quickly turned around. I dropped my pants and put my sweats on. 

Deciding against a shirt I thought it better to show off my thick muscles. “I am starving, but beat,” I announced. Grabbing the remote I turned the TV on. “Want to watch TV?” I asked, laying on my bed.


I ignored her as I found something to watch. “I don’t think I’m supposed to be here,” she whispered, but was closer to the bed. 

“You can leave if you want, Toru,” I said. “But I am exhausted. If you want to make out we will have to do it now before I fall asleep. Otherwise you’ll have to settle for cuddling.” 

“Cuddling?” She squeaked. 

“Yeah,” I said. Sitting up I reached out. I felt her hand grab onto mine. Pulling her to me I laid us down. Her next to me on the bed I could feel her stiffen up. “Relax, Toru. Just laying in the same bed. Nothing is happening except watching TV.” I moved her next to me and I began to spoon her. My arm under her invisible neck we faced the TV. 


I felt the exhaustion take me for a bit. Relaxing completely since I woke up, my mind was calming down as I smelled her hair and reached my arm over her waist. “Thanks for staying,” I mumbled. Letting out a big yawn I smacked my lips. “You’re a lot comfier than sleeping alone.” I felt her nod. Kissing the back of her head I laid my head back down. 


“I should go…” she whispered. 

“If you want,” I said with a bigger yawn. “Grab one of my shirts for pajamas if you want to say.” Rolling over I left it up to her as I drifted off to sleep. 

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