Canon Fodder


The night after the battle practice with All Might my father stopped by the school. He actually looked happier than I had seen him in a while. I guessed the news about my mom’s killer being killed had hit just the right spot for him. He cried happy tears, told me he loved me, and for once asked if we could do something on the weekend. I nodded, hopeful that the good mood would last. 


I sparred the tail and arm guys after that. We fought for a good hour. The tail hero from class was a trained martial artist and showed me a few moves. The next day I got to class a little earlier. I had been training late into the night with my weights and was slowly getting better. Only running on a few hours of sleep I guessed this was due to my Physique+ ability. 


“Weston, did you see the crowd outside?” Tsuyu asked as I sat down in class. 


“I did not. No window in my room, what’s up?” 

“The media heard All Might was working here. They’re all over the front gate,” she said. That scratched something at the back of my mind. I ignored it. I felt I was strong enough to handle most any fight, so I wasn’t too worried about forgetting anything. 


Aizawa was soon walking in and people quieted down. “I have received the reports from All Might on your performance yesterday. I have my own notes from what I’ve gleaned,” he said.

He began working down the line. He told Bakugo, “Stop acting like a 7-year-old. You’re wasting your talent.” 

The white haired guy actually bowed his head and admitted, “I know.” I heard he got a stern talking to about using his quirk on me without cause. I guessed it took. 


“Midoriya, are you always planning on destroying your arm every fight?” Aizawa asked. “If you keep saying, ‘I can’t control my quirk so I have no choice,’ then you’ll never get far in this field.” 


“Yes, sir,” Midoriya said, bowing his head. 


“Weston,” He said, drawing my eyes. “The middle of fighting should not be used to talk about going on a date,” he said. I could feel Toru burn in embarrassment. 


“But sir, it’s a team building exercise,” I said without any shame. “Due to my partner’s lack of experience of working with me she was not able to anticipate my actions, thus risking our mission.” 

Aizawa rolled his eyes. “Cut the crap. Leave it off the field.” 

“I will do my best sir,” I said with a smile. He went through the rest of the evaluations quickly. 


“On to the last Home Room duty,” Aizawa said. “Sorry to spring this on you, but you need to pick a class president.” The room broke out in uproarious talk as people raised their hands or suggested themselves for the job. 


Eventually the kiss up yelled to cut in. “This is a task laden with responsibility where you must carry and pull everyone’s weight. It is a sacred office that requires the esteem and trust of those around you. The only true leader will emerge from democratic choice reflecting the will of the people. We need to hold a vote.” 


The room was quiet so I said, “That’s dumb. This is a hero class. Let’s fight to the death.” 


I drew eyes. “Let’s vote,” Momo said behind me. 

“What?!” I asked in mock anger. “Voting is dumb. Let’s vote on if we should vote or fight to the death.” I watched Toru move her gloves up to her mouth stifling her laugh, so it was worth it. 

“Is it alright if we vote, Aizawa?” The kiss up asked. 

“Do what you want. Just have the person picked today,” Aizawa said sitting in his chair. He was soon asleep. 

“I’m voting for you Momo,” I said quickly. 


“What? Why me?” She asked. 


“You ruined my chance at battle to the death,” I said. “And you’d be good. Besides, Ida there would be way too into the role.” I said the words loud enough for everyone to hear.  


“Whatever,” she said. The votes were cast and I smiled big when Momo got 8 votes and Ida got 4. 


“So then it’s President Yaoyorozu and Vice-President Ida,” Aizawa said. 

“Speech!” I yelled, but Aizawa gave me a glare. Classes went on and it was soon lunchtime. 


Sitting with Toru, Momo, Tsuyu, and the pink girl Mina, I much preferred to be surrounded by women. “You upset Ida was made Vice-President?” Toru asked.


“No,” I said while I wolfed down the rice. “I wanted him to be.” 


“What? But you said you would hate it,” Tsuyu said. 


“I said that so the people who don’t like me would vote for him,” I said. “I just didn’t want him to be president. He would take the role way too seriously. For instance, Momo here has said she would let me skip class.”

“I did not,” she said. 


“Damn, let’s mutiny,” I said.

Toru giggled but Momo rolled her eyes. “You ever take anything seriously?” 

“Training?” I asked. “I run about 10 miles a day and train the rest of the time.” 


Momo coughed as she swallowed her drink incorrectly. “That much?” She asked. 


I nodded. “Not much else to do,” I admitted. 


“What do you train?” She asked. 


“Depends. I use my quirk until I’m exhausted. Then I run till I’m exhausted. Then I hit the punching back till I’m exhausted.” 


“You can’t be exhausted and keep going,” she said.

“And yet I do. Care to join me?” I asked. 

“I’m tempted, just to see if you’re lying,” she said. 

“I hang around the gym on the 4th floor from 5 till midnight. Stop by any time,” I said. I looked around. “Oh, by the way. I heard a teacher talking about a safety drill during lunch time.” 

“What about it?” She asked. 

“It’s our first drill. Since you’re the class president you should make sure there isn’t a bunch of chaos,” I said. I remembered when Ida tried to become president. The villains were going to attack and they would blame it on the reporters outside.

“I guess,” Momo said. We went back to idly chatting until the alarm went off. 


“Security Level 3 has been breached. Students please evacuate!” Sounded out over the Public Announcement system. 


“What’s level 3?” Momo asked as we stood. 

“Someone infiltrated the school,” someone said. “Let’s get out of here.” 


People began pushing to get out of the cafeteria. “Make a microphone. Yell at those people to calm it down,” I offered. Momo nodded, unbuttoning her shirt she pulled a microphone out of her cleavage. 


“Everyone. This is just a drill. Calm it down. There is plenty of time to get out of here,” she yelled over the microphone. People slowly calmed down as she continued to use placating words. 


They slowly streamed out. I noticed Toru wasn’t in the group. Looking around I found her under the lunch table. Grabbing my plate I moved to sit with her on the floor. In her school uniform she wrapped her hands around her knees as she stared at me. 

“What are you doing?” She asked. 

“Waiting for you,” I said while eating my food.

“You should go,” she said. 


“Nah, it’s a drill,” I said. “I’m hungry.” 

She stayed quiet. Eventually she spoke as I looked in her general direction. “Sorry, I don’t do well in crowds. Someone always steps on me, trips me, or something,” she admitted. 

“I guessed they did,” I said. “Must be hard.” She didn’t answer. “That’s why I try to make sure you’re following me when we go places.” 

“I noticed,” she whispered. Tightening her arms around her knees the room was empty except for the 2 of us. It was the first time in a while we were alone. “Why are you so nice to me?” 

“Because I like you,” I said. Setting my tray of food back on the table overhead. “I thought that was obvious.” 


“But why?” She asked. “I could be ugly for all you know.” 


I frowned. “Guess I’ll have to like you for your personality then,” I said. 


Toru giggled. Surprisingly I noticed her uniform get closer to me. Ever so slowly she inched toward me. I let her make the move, and slowly I felt her lips on mine. I smiled wide, reciprocating the kiss. Channeling some Pleasure Touch in my mouth and hands I moved my hand to her back pulling her to me. Closing my eyes I let my touch tell me where her lips were. 


The kiss lingered, but there was no tongue. She slowly pulled back and I let her go. She sat back down in her spot under the table. I could hear her quickened breath as she tried to catch it. “That was my first kiss,” she whispered. 


“Good, should we go for kiss number 2?” I asked. She hesitated but we were interrupted as the PA announced the all clear. 


We groaned but got up. The room still empty, we walked side by side but instead of acting like some virgin I reached out grabbing her hand. She didn’t pull away and allowed it to happen. Her head was hanging so I knew she was blushing. Though no one could see her she was like every other girl I had met. 

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