Canon Fodder


I woke up early. I didn’t need too much sleep anyway. Getting out of bed I made myself some breakfast. My dad was already at work so I left rather than hanging around. A good hour and a half of travel later I was at the school. 


People streamed in for the first day of school. I was one of the lucky few that got in the elite class, 1-A. The school itself was gigantic. 4 towers connected with hallways it was surrounded by trees. On a huge plot of land it was where we had done the examination for entry a couple of weeks ago. 


I got to the class early, but I wasn’t the earliest. The annoying straight laced guy was there first. When I noticed him I turned around. He looked like the chatty type. Instead I headed to the administrative office. Fully staffed 24/7 I was helped by a delightful older woman. 

“How can I help you?” She asked with a sweet smile. 

“I would like to start living on campus. What do I need to do to make that happen?” 


“Usually that is left for the seniors,” she said with a frown. “Let me look up your information.” I gave her my details and I was found in the system. “Hmm you are in 1-A. And there is an open room, but it is in a block by the seniors.” I remembered that everyone in 1-A lived in the building at one point but I couldn’t remember what lead up to that. I took her word for it. 

“That’s fine with me,” I said. “What do you need?” 


“Most is paid through your scholarship, but you will need to pay 100,000 Yen for a semester. This covers the utilities and a deposit.” 

“Perfect,” I said. Pulling the money out of the Status Screen I handed it to her. She smiled at me as she got the paperwork done. I studied my Screen as she did. 



Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Save Takagi


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:


World 4:

One Piece


World 4 Quest:

Kuja Pirates


World 5:

My Hero Academia


World 5 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk



Increased Intellect



Chikyugi Necklace


Seastone Jitte



Doorway ID



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights













After last nights deeds I had plenty of Yen. I was getting better with my quirk by the day and of course I was wearing my weights wherever I went. When it took longer than expected I pulled up the MHA Store.


My Hero Academia World Shop:


Medical Supplies



Costumes weren't too special. There was some armored stuff, but they were costumes of actual heroes. Medical Supplies were for emergency First Aid for people I needed to help when saving them. Miscellaneous had the gun, ammo, and camera I had used the night before. No way to trace it I wasn’t too worried about being found out. 


“Here you are,” the assistant said, passing me a key. She gave me directions to find the room, and I was running to class. I got there before the bell rang but it was a close one. 


The loudmouth Bakugo and the class president were arguing as I walked in. Rolling my eyes I looked in the crowd for a good spot to sit. Luckily there was an open spot right next to my ghost pal. I smiled widely in her general direction. Sitting between her and the frog girl I wasn’t shy about looking her way. 


“So sweet of you to save me a spot,” I said.

“I didn’t,” she said quickly. She was wearing the school uniform like everyone else so she at least had clothes on this time. It annoyed me of course. I preferred when she was naked. 

“You don’t have to blush,” I said. 

“I wasn’t!” She spat. I laughed loudly. 


“You 2 seem close,” the frog girl said next to me. 

“We are super close,” I said. “I’m Weston.” 


“Tsuyu,” she said with a bow. Her long tongue sticking out of her mouth the dark haired girl was rather cute. 


“How many points did you end up with, Toru?” I asked. 


“62,” she said. “You?” 


“90,” I said. Tsuyu whistled next to me. “It was all thanks to Toru,” I let her know. “She carried me on her back. She may not look it but she is very strong. I saw her do a 12 foot vertical leap.” 

“He’s lying,” Toru said, her gloved hands waving in the air. 


“You’re the one that beat my score,” Bakugo practically yelled at me.


“If you got less than 90, then yeah,” I said.

“What the hell did you do to get that many?” Bakugo growled. The bell rang saving me from answering. As it did a man in a black outfit walked in. Long black hair, a beard on his face, he had a weird cloth around his neck. I knew him immediately. Aizawa. Also known as Eraserhead, he was a pro hero. 


He moved to the podium at the front of the room. Staring at us until it got quiet. A very Shikamaru reminiscent voice said plainly, “It took 8 whole seconds for you to quiet down. Life is short, kids. You need to grow up if you’re working in heroics.” People sat up straighter when he said it. He eyed everyone. “I am your homeroom teacher. Aizawa Shouta. Nice to meet you.” He looked anything but happy to see us. Bags under his eyes, bloodshot eyes, he wore a bored look. If I didn’t know his quirk I would have thought he was on dope. 


“You have assigned lockers. You will find your PE clothes in there. Please follow me, we will be doing another examination,” he said. Without waiting he headed out the door. There was a mad dash to exit as he did. I waited for Toru and walked beside her at the back as we followed the crowd. 


The locker room was a nervous event. Hardly knowing one another’s names, no one liked to be naked around a bunch of strangers. I disrobed the uniform and put on the provided clothes. They stretched in my newly gained muscles, but it would do fine. Short sleeved shirts, they didn’t cover my arm weights, but I decided to leave them on. The pants covered the ankle weights at least. 


We got outside without issue. Brought back to the large backyard Aizawa waited until we were grouped up to talk. “Sorry that I don’t bother with things like an orientation, entrance ceremony, or anything like that. I like to get right to business. And as potential heroes I want all of you to get used to the fast paced classroom I try to maintain. You understand this school’s reputation for freedom, that applies to us teachers as well. We will be doing a quick physical examination.” 

“Softball pitch, standing long jump, 50 meter dash, Endurance running, grip strength test, sustained sideways jumps, upper body exercises, toe-touch. We will test all of these. I know every one of you have done this test in your old school. But that was before UA. This time you will be doing these tests with your quirk use.”


He locked eyes with everyone. “Weston, you received the highest score for the entrance exam. Let’s start with you,” he said boredly. 


I nodded, walking up I grabbed the softball from him. Aizawa didn’t say anything so I left the weights on. I pitched some softball in my past life. A familiar feeling to the ball I gripped it and threw with all I had. I was more than pleased when Aizawa showed the result. 328 feet. 


“And with the weight off?” He asked. I frowned. I didn’t want to do a lame reveal like this. I wanted an epic one like Rock Lee had. Where everyone is betting they were little weights. But I also was curious what my record would be when we did this again. 

Unclipping the buckles on the weights I dropped them. They dented in the ground a little, but 175 pounds for each arm didn’t give me the dust cloud I wanted. Stretching, I rotated my arms. I decided against chakra this time. I wanted to know base strength. With as much focus as I could muster I threw with all I had. 

Aizawa showed the range finder screen. 2,584 feet. I whistled. “Dang, almost half a mile. Give me another, I can beat it.” 


“You had your chance,” he said. “You can put your weights back on.” He turned to the stunned crowd staring at me. I kept a smile from my lips. I didn’t want them to know I appreciated the reaction. Grabbing my wrist weights I threw them over my shoulders. “We will be testing all of your stats. Recording everything. These will be your standard, your basis for hero growth.” 


I stood next to Yuko as he started going down the list for the softball pitch. He didn’t do the whole Kakashi method of if you suck you fail for some reason. Bakugo was soon the one to stand up to the pitch. He used an explosion from his elbow to push the throw further. He got 2,305 feet. He got pissed he didn’t win and demanded to go again. Aizawa threatened to expel him that time and was on to the next person. 

“How much do those weigh?” Yoku asked. 


“175 pounds,” I said. “...each.” 

“That’s impossible,” Momo said. She was a tall woman with long black hair. I knew her of course, but I needed to play dumb. 

“Kind of not, since they are,” I said. Throwing her one of the weights it made a loud thud as it landed at her feet. She bent down trying to pick it up, giving me a great view of her cleavage. She grunted and groaned and surprised me by being able to lift it. 


“This weighs more than I do,” Momo grunted. 

“These are 250,” I said with a cocky smile as I lifted my pant legs. Revealing the leg weights, her eyes widened further. 

“You’re telling me you are wearing 850 pounds of weights on you?” She asked. 


“Wow, you did the math fast,” I said. “But yeah.”


“This is impossible,” she repeated as she walked the wrist weight over. “I know metals. There is nothing this size with the kind of density this would require.” I hadn’t thought of that. The metal must have been specific to Naruto. “Forget that, you’re wearing what? 4 times your weight at least?” She asked. “What are you, a strength enhancer?” 

“Sure,” I said with a shrug. 


“What do you mean, sure?” She asked, angrily. 


“I mean I don’t even know your name, why would I tell you my quirk?” I asked. 


She bit her lip. Closing her eyes she calmed down. “You’re right. I am Momo Yaoyorozu.” 

“Weston Watanbe,” I said shaking her hand with the one that had the weights on it. I walked over picking up the one she dropped and put it on. 


I thought the conversation was over, but she asked, “Weston, would you allow me to study your weights?” 


“Uh why?” 


“Because it is my power. I can create anything that I understand the molecular structure of,” she said. “I don’t know what kind of alloy you are using. If I could borrow a sample I could potentially make it.” 

“Hmm well these bars are sewed in,” I said. “I tell you what, if I get chance to get ahold of another pair, I will let you borrow it.” I could put anything I got as quest rewards in my status screen. I didn’t see any issue increasing the quantity. 


“Fine, anything would be appreciated,” she said excitedly. She was soon called up to throw the ball as well. 


“Were you wearing those during the entrance exam?” Toru asked. 


“Perhaps,” I said. “I got a great chance to feel your body. Did you not take advantage to feel mine?” I could practically feel the heat coming off of her face. With gloves on she slapped me again. I didn’t stop it and gave her a bigger smile when she connected with my face. “No, there are no weights there. You have to touch lower,” I said. 

“You are insufferable,” she spat. Walking away as she was called I made sure to watch her clothed ass. I was having too much fun with her to stop. 

Noticing Tsuyu next to me, I asked, “Think she hates me?” 

She shook her head. “She was saving that seat for you,” she said with a wide smile. I barked a laugh when she told me. A wider smile on my face as I watched the invisible girl do a better throw than Midoriya. 


All in all the testing was fun. I kept the weights on for the rest of it and was nestled nicely in the middle. I could have channeled chakra to do better, but I was interested in my base stats. After that we had some actual classes. In the manga they only showed the super hero stuff. The rest of the day was spent in math, history, english and other classes like that. Less fun I listened absently. Trying to get a rise out of Toru I decided to cut back on the ghost jokes, lest other people start them. 


My first day ended without incident and I went to my new room. I lived in it by myself. The only things in there were a bed and desk. I decided to buy some sheets and a blanket later. But I didn’t need anything too fancy. 

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