Canon Fodder


It had been over a week since the attack by the sand and sound ninjas. Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro had quietly headed home after Gaara stopped Shukaku’s rampage. I walked Naruto through what I had done, helped explain more how much they were alike. I hoped they still considered one another friends in the future. 


Sarutobi still died and Orochimaru had his arms destroyed. I guessed the barrier put up by the cursed seal lackeys was stronger than I realized. Tayuya escaped during the confusion when the sand ninjas attacked in force. Maybe I was a softie for girl’s whose world I rocked, but I hoped she was okay. 


Sarutobi was buried and the city was so used to getting destroyed a lot of the damage had been fixed. There were other deaths during the fighting of course, but no one I knew so I wasn’t too affected. 


Kurenai and Anko stopped me on 2 separate occasions, grilling me about what I knew. I explained I had a vision and the Hokage ignored it, which he had. If they had more questions they needed to bring it up with someone higher up in the village. 


The nicest part of it all was my gains from my quests. 



Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Save Takagi


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:


World 4:

One Piece


World 4 Quest:

Kuja Pirates


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape






World Store




Increased Intellect



Chikyugi Necklace



Seastone Jitte



Doorway ID



Chakra Absorption Scroll














My chakra had never been higher. I made a lot of money from the bets I got right. Nowhere what I needed for what I wanted in the shop, but a nice nest egg. I now had 2 Doorway IDs. I hadn’t left yet since I felt I was strong enough in Naruto for the time being. There were still plenty of things to learn in the area. But I planned to use the IDs when I did decide to leave.  


The random technique scroll turned into the Chakra Absorption Scroll. I had been a little upset that it wasn’t something epic, but in all honesty it was what I needed. It talked through the process of absorbing chakra. Which was a technique that required no chakra. It actually used the Tenketsu of your body to take chakra in. The pours that expelled chakra were also used to absorb it. 


This would be great for High School of the Dead and One Piece. I hoped I could teach others to use it. I already learned the skill. The scroll itself walked through what chakra was, the theory behind it, and the absorption itself. At first it was a very low efficiency, but as I used it I was slowly feeling it become stronger. 


Speaking of girls, I saw my main one ahead. “Hey Hinata,” I said. She practically jumped hearing my voice. “Where you off to?” 


“Nowhere in particular,” she whispered. 


“Then you won’t mind me joining you,” I said. Catching up to her I held my hands behind my head as we walked side by side. It was awkward of course, but I didn’t much care. My balls were emptied by Reina and Hina that morning. I had all the confidence in the world. 


“So why are you avoiding me?” I asked. 


She blushed. “I’m not,” she had no conviction in her voice. 


“You are,” I said. “I know the whole city is still mourning with the 3rd Hokage's passing. But every time you see me walking toward you, you turn around.” I side eyed her. “I don’t much care your reasons, but you’ve had enough time to work through whatever it is. So you will tell me what is going on. Or I will make you regret it.” 

Her head turning slowly she had a rare look of anger on her face. “Make me regret it?” She asked. 


I swung my arm quickly, slapping her ass. She cried out as I jumped away. A big smile on my face I ran backwards until she gave chase. Turning around I passed by a tree, casting a shadow clone when I was out of view. As she ran past after my clone I jumped behind a tree to slap her other ass cheek. 


She cried out. “For someone with the Byakugan, you don’t see much,” I teased. Her eyes had thick veins bursting from her temples as her anger increased. I laughed loudly, running away. My shadow clone got close to her but she poked it with her stiff fingers making it burst as she gave chase once more. 


We ran a good mile before I stopped. A nice secluded area she still wore the angry look that I was starting to really like. “You’re very pretty when you’re mad,” I noted.

Her mouth scrunched up in anger as she ran at me. I met her head on. Blocking one another’s blows we did something we hadn’t done in a long time, sparred. She was faster than I remembered. I broke a sweat quickly as I tried to keep up with her hand movements. 


When I started to lose I gathered water chakra in an instant. Pouring it on her she became angrier. Diving at me I dodged to the side. She fell over my knee and I patted her butt a few more times. She threw an elbow back hitting me in the eye socket. 

“Ack,” I said, falling back. She caught herself as I held my eye on the ground, playing up the pain. 

“Weston?” She asked, her anger gone in an instant. She took a step as I kicked her legs out from under her. Rolling to on top of her I pinned her arms to the grass. 

“Got you,” I said. Staring at her face her eyes were back to normal, but she wore a much deeper blush. “No!” I ordered angrily. “No shutting down. You will talk to me. Is it about our possible engagement?” 


She bit her lip but finally gasped, “Yes!” 


“Good, 1 word. Keep going Hinata. You can do it. I believe in you,” I said. Sitting up I pulled her to sit up with me. “When did you learn about our engagement?” 

“A-a few days before the Chunin Exam.” 


“Ah, makes sense,” I said. I thought she was extra quiet because Naruto was around. “I was told after the exam. Did they ask you, or force it on you like they did Neji’s brand?” 


“Both,” she said with a sigh. Her voice a little louder. She was acting more like the Hinata that I had slowly pulled out of her shell. “It was strongly suggested.” 

“Fun,” I said. “You know we don’t have to, right?” I asked. “If you find me that repulsive I’m sure I can get us out of it.” 

She blushed. “It’s not that.” Looking away she was quietly thinking. “I don’t know anything about this, Weston. It's not really an arranged marriage. But more of a suggestion. I never saw you like that before…” 


“Before what?” I asked. 


“Before we started working together,” she admitted. Her gray eyes staring at me, it was annoying to not have pupils to focus on. “I-I had someone I liked.” 


“Naruto, I know,” I said. “If you want him-” 


“No,” she said quickly. “I don’t know. It was more of a respect feeling I had for him since he didn’t let stuff get him down. He spoke his mind, when I couldn’t.”


“I get that,” I mumbled.




“Yeah?” I asked. 


“But, I’ve moved on from that,” she admitted. “I-I-I like you.” 


I actually felt my heart skip a beat and a wide smile split my lips. “Oh yeah?” I asked. 

She blushed furiously. Pushing her hair behind her ear as she slowly nodded while looking away. “And now I don’t know what to do.” 


“Well first, you should know I like you too,” I said. 

She slowly looked at me. Her eyes widening as she squeaked, “You do?” 


“Of course. Why do you think I always walked you home, and went out of my way to spend time with you?” I asked. 


“Because we are a team,” she whispered. 


“And I do that for Kiba?” I asked with a laugh. “No, Hinata, I like you. I always have.” She smiled widely as she slowly accepted it as the truth. “So, where do we go from here?” She didn’t have an answer. “We go back to our normal routine. No more of this not talking to me either. I like spending time with you, do you like spending it with me?” She nodded slowly. “Then let’s hang out more. Train together. Get back to normal. Who knows what the future will bring. We could hate one another in a year’s time. But I know I will stop liking you if you don’t start talking to me.” 


She frowned but nodded. “I said talk, not nod,” I reminded.

She blushed but said, “Fine. I can talk to you.”

“Perfect,” I said standing up. I reached down, helping her up. “By the way, you shouldn’t have worn white today. That um water I threw on you is a little revealing.” She looked down to her white shirt to see her black bra was showing. She didn’t hesitate to slap me. I let her do it. I was too busy laughing from the face she made to block it. 



“Better?” I asked as we got back to the main road to the city. I had given her my black jacket that covered her up. 

“Yes,” she whispered. She held the jacket tight to her body and I knew I would never get it back. 


We walked back, but I was stopped as I saw the 2 men walking toward us doing hand stands. It was Guy and Rock. Rock still had his leg in a cast, but his arm had apparently healed. They were currently walking on their hands toward us. 

“Hello Guy-sensei and Rock Lee,” I said as we walked closer. 


“Weston, good to see you,” Rock said as he continued to move quickly toward us. 

“You too,” I said. Soon I was walking after them. “Rock, I see your arm is better. Any news on your leg?” 

“Naruto is off to find the great Sannin, Tsunade. The best medical ninja in existence. We were told if anyone had a chance of fixing my leg it was her.”


“Right,” I said, remembering slowly. Tsunade would be propositioned by Orochimaru to fix his arms. But Naruto and Jiraiya would be there to offer her the position of Hokage. She would fix Rock and…Kakashi. I slowly remembered how Kakashi got hurt. He was attacked by Itachi Uchiha when Naruto left to get Tsunade. 

“Did Naruto leave?” I asked. 


“Today,” Guy said. “Mighty fine job during your fight with Neji, young Watanabe. I’ve never seen anyone take him on so easily.” 


“I had lots of practice,” I said. “Helps I knew his weakness.”

“What was that?” Rock couldn’t help but ask. Rock had never been able to defeat Neji in a fight. 


“His Byakugan has a blind spot. I will show it to you later,” I said. “I was actually hoping I could ask you to teach me how to open the 8 Gates.” That stopped Guy-sensei in his tracks. He looked up at me while still doing a handstand. 

“Why do you want to do that exactly?” He asked. 


“I fought the Jinchuriki,” I said. The rumors had gone around who beat the 1-tailed beast. “It was an insurmountable foe. And if the host of the raccoon had been fully asleep I wouldn’t have been able to do anything. I want to learn because if I’m ever in a bad fight like that, I will know I have done everything I could.” 


I nodded. “And Rock if you could give me pointers-” 


“Guy!” A voice yelled running from the city. It was one of the teachers from the school. Guy looked back. “Guy, they need you in the village to the West. Apparently Itachi Uchiha has been spotted.” Guy pushed off the ground. Landing upright he didn’t hesitate and ran through the woods directly West. The teacher passing along the news, stopped then turned around to go do something else. 


I looked to Rock then Hinata. “Should we go?” 

“What?” Hinata asked, nervously. 

“Should we go see the fight?” I asked. 


“Guy-sensei would be upset if I didn’t complete his challenge…” Rock said. I bent down looking at his face. 


“Itachi Uchiha is one of the strongest ninjas in the world. Shouldn’t we be there to cheer your sensei on?” I asked. That convinced him. He gingerly got off his hands. He tried to walk in the cast after Guy but I stopped him. “I will carry you.” 


He hesitated but nodded. I gave the lanky man a piggyback ride. I thought he was lanky anyway. In his green jumpsuit he looked skinny, but he was way heavier than I expected. Thick with muscle I held him up and we ran after Guy.

“I am sorry for this Weston,” he said. 


“No problem. When Tsunade fixes you up, you can pay me back,” I said.

He smirked but nodded. “Do you think she can?” 


“I know she can,” I said. Hinata caught up, running next to us. “But it will take risk.” 


“What kind of risk?” He asked. 

“If I tell you, you promise not to tell anyone I told you?” I asked. 

“Of course,” he said without hesitation. 


“If you want her to fix you. You will have to risk death,” I said. “She will be able to save your leg, but if she fails, it would kill you.” 

That quieted him. “How-How do you know that?” He asked. 

“Sometimes I know the future,” I said. “But the future I see, you make it through the surgery.” He was still quiet. I knew it had to be scary, but Rock could do it. “Did you know Guy is running to death right now?” I asked. 

“What?!” Rock asked. 


“He is. Itachi Uchiha could beat him. Could beat Kakashi. The 2 strongest ninjas in the village. But Guy knew that and ran toward the danger without hesitation. You have a great sensei,” I said. “That is what we have been trained to do. There will be missions we won’t make it home from. We risk our lives doing this job. Didn’t they tell you, you couldn’t be a ninja since you could only use taijutsu?” I asked. He nodded. “So, are you going to let a life or death mission stop you from taking a mission?” 


“No,” he said with as much conviction as he could muster. I nodded and I ran us to the village. Standing on the lake outside the small village was Guy, Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi. In front of them was the red cloud, Akutski members, Itachi Uchiha and Kisame. Itachi was Sasuke’s older brother. Kisame was a shark man, he had gray skin and a huge bandaged sword on his back. 


We stayed back, watched them fight, but eventually Akatsuki ran away. Making an appearance we helped grab the knocked out Kakashi and Sasuke. Though we were scolded it was worth it to see them. Akatsuki was one of the coolest bad guy groups of all anime. I was curious if I would get a quest to fight one of them someday.

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