Canon Fodder


“Fucking hell,” I said, my head still in my hands. 


“Ignore it,” Wolverine said.

“Dude, I bathed in the blood of a person,” I said. Looking up we were surrounded by the large blue vats. Each one had been a person once, or more specifically a mutant. 


“From how you act, I doubt it’s the first time,” Wolverine growled. I looked over at him, thinking about it. I’d been in so many fights I probably had bathed in people’s blood, but still. It was hard to think that my Fusion power had been someone else’s power once. Let alone 3 person’s powers.

Dr. Connors had spilled the beans on the whole experiment. He had been working at Oscorp for years. All those years spent testing and experimenting for the goal of getting his dick back. Desperate to try anything to regrow it he focused on the power of animals. The infamous radioactive spider was his first foray into harnessing the natural talents of the world’s creatures. When that proved a failure he kept it around as a reminder and dug into something new. 

It wasn’t until mutants started appearing in mass a few years ago that he started dabbling in human testing. There was a news report on a kid born with gills, back before they stopped reporting on mutants. He became obsessed with them. Year after year his other experiments failed and slowly his sanity slipped until he found himself as the underground scientist for the crime lord of the city. 


Connors admitted by the point he stuck the first person in a tank he didn’t view them as people anymore. Mutants were a plague in the world, freaks that didn’t deserve to live. He came up with a serum that would liquify them. Turning them into the blue goo around us.  


There were failures of course. The hard part for him was finding the right mutants. The people with the powers he needed to make his dream come true. His first success came thanks to a boy that lived in North Carolina. Able to fuse things together it was the missing key for Connors. 


Liquifying the kid, Connors found the ratio that was needed. Using the liquid of a mutant that could force dissimilar materials to become similar, and another that could mold anything into what he wanted he finally got the concoction right. Mixing the completed serum with the blood of different animals he was able to grant normal people the power to turn into a hybrid freak. Leaving us with Lizard, Rhino, Scorpion, and Vulture. I guessed we were lucky he didn’t find Otto Octavius. 


The barrel that I had bathed in after the accident was one of the failed mixtures of the 3 mutants. It had proved not to be able to mix man and animal, but had somehow been just the right amount to give me the powers of the 3 mutants.  


“Fucking hell,” I said, shaking my head again. Whatever had brought me to the world had manipulated everything. Acting as god as they led me to origin story after origin story and some messed up Island of Dr. Moreau plan. “So am I a mutant?” I asked. 

“No,” Wolverine said. “They tested you for the X-gene, it wasn’t there.”

“Jeez,” I said. “Then what the hell am I?”

“Lucky,” Wolverine said. “Lucky to not be born a mutant and targeted like this. Look at them all. Each of these tanks was a person. Now just some dissolved liquid. Gatorade that they were testing to give other people powers.”

I frowned, doubting it would be that easy. I was fairly certain the liquid about killed old me. “We can’t let the government have this,” I said.

“You and I agree on that,” Wolverine said. “Which is why we will be using this spare day to deal with everything here.” 

“How? We can’t flush this goo down the toilet, or the prisoners,” I said. “They’re scared people. We need to find where they belong.”

“And we will,” Wolverine admitted. “Which is why we called for reinforcements.”

“I thought we were the reinforcements,” I said looking up at him. 

“We are the…babysitters,” Wolverine said. “Those are the babies.” He pointed to the stairs and a line of mutants walked in. At their lead was a tall man in a red and purple business suit. Dome shaped helmet on his head it was obvious who it was. 

“Magneto?” I asked. 

“You know him?” Wolverine asked. 

“Heard of him,” I said. Magneto was about 6 foot 3 inches tall. Some long gray hair peeking out from under the helmet he was still very muscular. The colors of his business suit were straight out of the comic. Red undershirt, purple pants and jacket he looked like a pimp. At least he wasn’t wearing a cape. 


“Well Magneto and Xavier go back a ways. Xavier believes in working with humans, Magneto does not,” Wolverine said. “We have a truce currently. He takes in the mutant adults, we take in the kids. Usually there is a senior trip to his island, Genosha. And the mutants that can’t really fit into society typically choose to live on his island, surrounded by other mutants.”

“Woah,” I said, surprised by the forethought of it all. Xavier could build them up. Magneto could give them a purpose and life in case the real world didn’t want to. 


“Wolverine,” Magneto said walking up. “In the thick of it again this time?” 

“Actually I just showed up on the tail end,” Wolverine growled. “This is Walker. He’s been working the case for over a week.” He pushed me forward and I stumbled to a stop in front of Magneto and his posse of other mutants. There was a woman that I guessed was Mystique from her blue skin. Another that looked like Toad, he had a long tongue sticking out like Froppy in MHA. Jeez, I hadn’t thought of her in forever. I looked forward to seeing her again. There were others behind him but I didn’t recognize them. 

“Yes, Weston Walker,” Magneto said. “Charles speaks highly of you. Good to see that all humans aren’t a lost cause.” He reached out his hand. I took it, curious who could win. Magneto could control metal, so kind of like other me with water. I had Haki, if I dodged everything I could stand a chance. But I needed to get stronger and faster to be sure. 


“Thanks uh just doing what I can,” I said. Magneto nodded then turned, dismissing me completely. 

“Where is Summers?” He asked. 

“Over there. He wanted Pyro to start boiling the vats.”

“No,” Magneto said. “These are our brethren.” Waving his hand a vat was ripped off the ground. Metal on bottom and top it was easy for Magneto to control. “I will give them each proper burials.” He began picking more up. Some of the mutants started running around and I moved out of the way, letting them do the grunt work. 

After finding the other young X-Men recruits I sat down with them in a dark corner of the underground testing lab. 

“What do you think?” Hisako asked. “Worth all the effort?” 

I thought about it and shrugged. “Guess so,” I said. I brought up my quest. 


Marvel World Quest 4: Complete

Find out what caused your Fusion superpower.



Viltrumite Physiology +2%

Bonus Upgrade

Ability Evolution



Not bad at all for rewards, I felt the effort was worth the reward. Since I still had the Handicap in this world I guessed it helped increase the rarities of rewards as well. Looking over my status screen I decided to use 1 of my Bonus Upgrades. 


Which Bonus would you like to Upgrade?


Major Psychic Resistance

Minor Identity Theft Resistance


Minor Radiation Resistance

Rabbit's Foot



I knew Viltrumites could fly through space, and they never complained about Radiation, so I felt the Resistance wasn’t terribly needed. I decided to use it on Rabbit’s Foot. I hadn’t seen any difference with my luck since copying it from Domino, but luck was always useful. 


Rabbit's Foot has Upgraded to 4-Leaf Clover

Fate smiles down on you


That sounded pretty good to me. I decided to try my luck and used the last Bonus Upgrade. Unfortunately I was denied using it on 4-Leaf Clover. 



4-Leaf Clover can not be upgraded with this Tier of

an item.


Annoyed, I decided to save the spare Upgrade. I might need it for my last Bonus Copy, so I used my last item, Ability Evolution. I knew these were random so I crossed my fingers and hoped the new 4-Leaf Clover helped. 


Bond has evolved into Union

Strength between Bonds has increased.


“Fuck,” I said. I had been hoping for Fusion to be upgraded. Reading the description I was surprised I was getting any information, but it did sound interesting. With Bond I had noticed a strengthening of my Spiritual Energy. I guessed that meant that whoever I joined in Union would share in strength increases? Or was it the Bond that would increase? That sounded interesting, but I was still hesitant to use it. I might have to go back to Domination world to play with it more. Nothing else to do I brought up my Status Screen. 



Weston Walker


Current Quest:


World 1:



World 1 Quest:


World 2:



World 2 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


Dead Man Walking







World Lasting Physique






Matatabi - Level 6


1 Challenger Slot



Viltrumite Physiology



Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


3 Challenger Slots

World Escape


Berserker Mode















Major Psychic Resistance


3 Challenger Slots

Minor Identity Theft Resistance




Minor Radiation Resistance


4-Leaf Clover



Gantz Armor

Stored (23)

1 Challenger Slots

Item Choice


Bonus Copy


Bonus Upgrade


Hero Costume








The screen was filling out nicely. I had stolen plenty of money from Killgrave, so I wasn’t broke at least. Plenty of Gantz Armors to go around I needed to figure out what to use my Item Choice on. Part of me was hoping for an Infinity Gem to drop on my lap or something, but I doubted I would be that lucky. I was hesitant to use Bonus Copy. I felt I would meet someone and know I wanted their skill like I did with Domino. All in all I felt that the quest was worth it. 


“What’s wrong?” Hisako asked. 

“Just…hoped for something different,” I admitted. “Not so much death to get here. These scientists and guards had no problem dissolving living breathing mutants. It’s…a sick world.”

She nodded, leaning her head on my shoulder as she pet Tabi. We were quiet for a time, simply exhausted from all we had been doing. This whole thing had started from a trip to the Hellfire Club and ended with Velocipastor. Or wait uhhhh Velocientist. 


“You guys want to head out?” Scott asked as he walked over to us. “It’s getting close to dawn. We will be dealing with this place for at least a day.” 

I nodded, moving my arm up from Hisako’s shoulder as I stood. Helping the other’s up it wasn’t long until one of the Genosha mutants drove us to the loft apartment. I didn’t recognize them, but I was intrigued to find out more about the place. 


When everyone was back in the loft they picked one of the beds and crashed. I sent Tabi in with Hisako and decided to pay my Demoness a visit. Flying across town I really didn’t care what Colson said, flying was a part of me. He could deal with the blowback if it bothered him. 


It was about 4 am when I started knocking on Matilda’s door. To my surprise she was sitting up in her dining room. Getting up she opened the door, revealing she was still in her Demoness costume. Everything but her head was covered in the dark red leather. 


“You uh, put that on for my sake?” I asked. 

She smiled but shook her head. “No, couldn’t sleep. Went patrolling. Got back a bit ago,” she admitted. I expected to see a leather tail swinging behind her, but was reminded it was simply a costume. 

“Can I come in?” I asked. 

“Don’t know,” she said, showing some teeth in a smile. I mirrored it and pushed her in. She stepped back, her smile wider as her lust rose. Her perfect body made exponentially hotter in the costume. I kept walking toward her as she backed up. 

It wasn’t long until I was pushing her onto the bed. She let it all happen, her eyes closed as she bit her lip and slowly pulled the front zipper of her outfit down. 

“Where were you?” She asked. “I expected you hours ago.”

“I found the Doctor,” I said. “The missing people too, I think.”

“What?” She asked, sitting up. The red suit opened halfway. I got a great view of the front of her cleavage. “Who was it?”


I moved closer, pushing her back down as my body laid on top of her. She fought for a moment but let it happen. “A very sick man. He was stealing mutants. Turning their mutant abilities into some kind of potion.”

“Are they okay?” She asked, a smile on her lips as I kissed her neck, my hands sliding into her outfit. 


“We saved about 30 people,” I said. “Dealt with the zoo animals. Others are taking care of it now.”

“Then why do you feel so sad?” She asked. 

I let out a sigh, looking up into her sightless eyes. They were pointed straight up to the ceiling, not at me. “Don’t know. Was hoping for less death, I guess. I was really hoping he was turning their blood into something, not their whole bodies. I just keep thinking about it. How scared they must have-” She stopped my train of thought by kissing me. 


“It’s a pretty shitty world out there,” she said, her milky white eyes locked with me. Despite their cloudiness they were still pretty. An exotic color I had never experienced before. “That’s why we take what comfort we can when we can.” 


I frowned but nodded. Pushing the thought of the poor souls out of my mind my eyes dropped to her large valley of cleavage. “I could use a lot of comfort about now. There any way of having sex with you in this?”

She let out a sweet and infectious laugh. Her smile back on she shook her hair, red hair bouncing with the motion. “Sorry, I’d need to make alterations.” 


I frowned but nodded, kissing her again. I grabbed the sleeves of her arm as she pulled her arms out. Grabbing the bottom part of the costume I pulled hard and she was finally nude. Not long before I joined her in the buff I decided to go slower this time. My libido mostly sated the night before I wasn’t as desperate to have her. We laid skin to skin making out slowly. Her cool body against mine we took our comfort from one another as our Haki’s slowly became mirror images. Pushing all stray thoughts away as the only thing on our minds became the other.


“I told myself we wouldn’t do this again,” Maddy mumbled. 

“Oh yeah? How long did that last?”

“Dark,” she said. “I had hoped you would get here sooner.”

“Me too,” I admitted. “But duty calls. We take what we can, when we can.” She nodded, her hands moving along my side. “Besides, I thought you were sore.”

“I am,” she said, her body shivering. “I love it.” 


“My own little masochist,” I said, kissing her again. She didn’t deny it as I slowly entered her. Body shaking excitedly as I inserted her new favorite toy, she groaned loudly as I slid in. 


“You really should be wearing condoms,” she noted. 

I really needed a Fertility Control like main Weston had. “I can-” I said, pulling one out of my inventory. She grabbed my arm, stopping me. 

“Next time,” she said. “Finish in my ass.” I chuckled but nodded. Pulling out I slammed in and began running my Spark covered hands over her body. Instead of shooting electricity to specific locations for nerves I shot them into the nerves my hands passed.

Maddy gasped, shutting her eyes hard as she came. Pathways of pleasure and pain along her body coming alight wherever my hands touched she let out a low guttural squeak as she began squirting. All the while I was fucking her hard, turned on more by whatever I had accidentally done. Her body scrunching up she then extended it out, stretching out as the nerves became brighter. Dying down as I slowed my Spark I bottomed out in her, kissing her deeply as she tried to recover. 


“What the fuck,” she said. “This is like addictive sex. I felt like I was cumming in new ways.”

“I think you were,” I said, moving my hand down to touch her clit. “Keep going?” 

“Hell yes,” she said, her cunt tightening around me as I began to fucking her again. After cumming in her ass we both caught our breath as I laid atop of her. 

“You work tomorrow?”

“No,” she said, breathing in and out heavily. “It’s Saturday.”

“It is?” I asked. She nodded. “Good. Let’s do this all day.”

“W-whatever, just uh keep it coming,” she said. I nodded and flexed my dick inside of her. She cried out and was lifting her ass up to meet my groin. Both of us a groaning mess it turned into a long session. My phone went off again and again, but I ignored it. This was what I needed to feel better. A beautiful woman under me, or on top, or wherever. Just 2 people ignoring the rest of the world as they became 1. 


I've decided to take a break from Canon Fodder for a while. Over 400 chapters in less than 6 months. You have to admit that's more than most submit within 4 years on this site. I started this series to see what the draw to fanfic is, and draw attention to other stories I've written. It's been fun too. I really want to come back and finish Marvel, my ending to One Piece, revisit characters like Toru and get Weston to god-level power. So I don't think this is the end, but I'd like to recharge. I'm refocusing on my own work which was probably why I had Weston visit so many side worlds, because I missed writing my own characters. Thanks for the comments and sticking with it. Sorry for those that look forward to this series, but when I come back I hope to reread/rewrite, and readjust course if I feel the current path isn't where it should be.
Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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