Canon Fodder


“You’re joking, right?” Hisako asked as we walked down the stairwell. “You can’t just gift a superpower.” 

“I can. Just this one,” I repeated. “Do me a favor and don’t tell anyone else about it.”

“This is crazy,” Hisako said. “You’re crazy. How do you keep doing this shit? I’ve been with the X-Men for over a year, and I’ve barely seen any action. You’re with them for a week and get the Hellfire Club and a secret society of ninjas on your tail.” 


“I’ve pissed off more people than that,” I said, but left it. “You sticking around for this?” 

“And miss you getting your ass kicked when you can’t deliver? Fuck no,” she said. 


I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh ye of little faith.” I came up to Demoness’ door. Matilda was back in her normal day clothes. Behind me were the 2 ninjas I allowed to join. The rest had retreated a distance away. 

“You sure about this?” Matilda asked. 

“I’m sure. Care for me to awaken this power in you too?” I asked. 

“Really?” She asked, surprised but excited. 

“If you tell me your history with this group, sure,” I said. 

Matilda hesitated but Elektra chimed in as we walked into the large apartment. “We were lovers,” Elekrta said. The group of girls around me stiffened as if some taboo was said. Matilda blushed and looked down. 

“Uh…cool. I mean, kind of obvious. To each their own and all that shit. I asked her history with the group. Not you,” I said. Elektra opened her mouth and did a very un-ninja thing by blowing a raspberry. 

“Oh,” she said, dejected. “Sorry.”

“No problem. So what? You guys train together in ninja preschool or something?” I asked, sitting on the couch in Matilda’s place. The 2 women stiffened.

“That’s not far off from the truth,” Elektra admitted. Sitting in an arm chair across from me. There was no TV. The apartment was large, mainly because of the large glowing billboard that shined into it. The one I just slashed with my Nen Blast. Matilda was blind she didn’t care if it shined into her place since it couldn’t keep her up all night. Sofa, a few chairs, there was an island in the kitchen and 2 bedrooms. A bathroom down a hall, it was clean and simple. 


Matilda hesitated but sat on the other side of the sofa from me. Hisako took the other arm chair, and the last ninja that kept their mask on stayed standing. 

“Go on,” I said to Elektra. She eyed Hisako. 


“Who are you exactly?” She asked the X-Men. 

“Uh…Weston’s friend? Partner? We are in our own little superhero group sort of thing,” Hisako said. She eyed Matilda. “I swear I’m really good at keeping secrets.” The red headed lawyer frowned but nodded. It wasn’t like Hisako didn’t know her secret identity now. Elektra had said Matilda a bunch as it was. 

“Matilda and I were part of a group called the Head,” Elektra said. “After her accident that made her…visually impaired.”

“You can say blind,” Maddy said, her eyes closed. 

“You’re blind?!” Hisako asked, but everyone ignored her. 

“After the accident she came to train with us after our mentor found her. Stick always had an eye for talent,” Elektra said with a smile. 

I held back laughter. I always forgot how much Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had ripped off Daredevil’s story. Given powers by ooze. Fought the Foot ninja clan. Oh and had a mentor named Splinter. Almost too funny since the Ninja Turtles were more popular than Daredevil. 


“The Head trained youth from all over. We focused on fighting. Maddy and I moved up through the ranks rather easily. But everything must end.” She had a sad look on her face. “The Head eventually tests us. If you pass, you join the Hand. If not, you join the Heart.” 


“I didn’t join either,” Matilda clarified. “I left before the test.” 

“I assume drama ensued because of it,” I said.

“Of course,” Matilda said, annoyed. 

“You left without warning,” Elektra said.

“I left because I was done,” Matilda said, the same level of anger in her. “I have no interest in the politics of the Hand or Heart. I am done.”

“Yes, Stick stepped in and stopped them from coming for you,” Elektra said. “But enough of the old. I am serious. If you cannot deliver, Bastard, we will have an issue.”

“Wow, now I am regretting the hero name. Kind of hurt my feelings by being called Bastard out of the blue like that,” I admitted. I needed to think of something else, but I worried I might have told too many people. “Anyway yeah I can deliver. Question is if you can deal with the awakening.” 

“What does it require?” Elektra asked, more than a little intrigued and desperate.

I looked from her to Matilda. “Sex,” I said with as straight of a face as I could. “We can all do it at the same time. It helps when a rabbit watches, but I’ve seen it work when a goat is in the room.” I paused. “Oh and I will need one of you to wear a Superman outfit.” I kept my face straight for a long time. As Elektra got angry Matilda barked a laugh. 


“I’m joking of course,” I said. Still unsure how the hell I talked so many women into having sex with me for chakra. “No, it’s a very normal awakening but it can be deadly if you aren’t trained.” I stood up. I wished I had something to write on, but honestly I knew I would mess the explanation up if I did. 

“The ability is called Nen,” I said. “Nen is your lifeforce.”

“Lifeforce?” Elektra asked as she leaned back. Recovering from her anger as everyone in the room gave me their full focus. 

“Yes. This ability will allow you to awaken and use your lifeforce. Each and every living thing in the world has it. You let it off without realizing. Learning to sense and harness your Nen will allow you to do amazing things, and live for hundreds of years if you can master it.”

“No way,” Hisako said.

“That was how it was explained to me,” I said with a shrug. “Sorry, haven’t confirmed it yet. But when you can control it, you stop leaking your lifeforce. Allowing you to live longer.”

“How is using it different than leaking it?” Matilda asked. 


“You can only use so much lifeforce. Your body naturally cuts you off before it starts affecting your longevity and health. What I will be doing is forcefully opening your aura nodes, which are how the Nen will be released from your body in a huge rush. Hence why this method is dangerous. All of your lifeforce will try to escape, so you have to learn to control it before you die. Once you’ve gotten control of it you can then begin to train it. Making your available lifeforce pool larger.”

“This idea has been tried in many clans,” Elektra admitted. “Many claim to have mastered it. Few have though. For instance the clan of the Iron Fist can harness Ki.” I had forgotten about the Iron Fist. I knew his name was Rand, but that was it. 

“It’s different from Ki. More versatile.” I picked up a piece of paper. Charging it with Nen I was surprised I hadn’t tried this. As I connected my Nen to the paper I was able to control its shape. I made it stiff as a board. Throwing it as Wing had done in the manga I aimed it at the exterior wall. The paper sliced through the wall and the brick behind it, then imbedded in the electronic billboard across the street. Sparks flew where it hit.

“What the fuck?!” Hisako said as she got up and stared out the window. “How the hell did you do that?” 

I played it like I meant to do that much damage. I hadn’t realized how good I had gotten with Nen. “Sorry,” I said to Matilda, but she didn’t seem to care, her eyes were wide as well. 


“Amazing,” Elektra said, running her hand where the paper went through the wall. “I’ve never seen such a fine cut.” Her attitude toward me was changing by the second as she sat back down.

“What else can it do?” Matilda asked. 

“Again, it depends on the person. I specialize in Enhancement. I can make myself stronger. Make other objects stronger as well, as you saw with the paper.” 


“You’d be hella deadly with a phonebook,” Hisako whispered. 

“You can learn to emit your aura, alter it, transmute it’s nature. It all depends on your own capabilities. But like I said, not everyone can learn it. Only the best of the best can manage to use it.” 


This was the main reason I had decided to teach it to them. If the Hand became a problem I felt I could beat them, but also they would be good training partners. I could practice my Nen more. Llearn from them. I doubted that Hunter x Hunter had the only genius Nen users. I doubted the Hand would spawn anyone as strong, but still, it was worth a shot. 


“Why have you requested my second in command then?” Elektra asked, pointing at the other ninja in the room. 

“What’s your name?” I asked the girl in the costume. She looked to Elektra who nodded. Taking off her mask it was revealed to by Psylocke as I guessed. Dark purple hair, Asian face, tan skin, she was as gorgeous as Elektra, and younger. About my age I knew her from the X-Men comics. 


“I am Betsy Braddock,” she admitted slowly. 


“Perfect,” I said. “I assume you know that you’re a mutant? That little psionic purple knife you made with your hand. It’s a lot like my friend Hisako’s mutant ability.” 

“What about it?” Betsy said, hesitant to say anything. 


“Well I am not sticking around to teach you Nen,” I said to Elektra. “And Nen is not something you can master over a weekend. I suggest a little joint operation. Betsy here, as a mutant, would be able to join the group I am in. I can teach her Nen as well, she can pass those teachings onto you.”

“But-” Betsy said, but was cutoff by Elektra. 


“A joint effort?” She asked. “Who would hold her loyalty?” 

“Whoever she wanted,” I said. “I would probably tell the leader of our group she is trained by the Hand. I would expect her to train some of the students at my school. Simple fighting techniques.”

“Ohhh,” Hisako said. “Now I get it.” I flashed her a thumbs up but kept my game face on. 


“What do you say? I can awaken Nen in you. You can train it. In a few weeks you could be ready to learn the next stage of training. There are a lot of tips and tricks I know, but the majority of the uses for it are gained through practice. These tips I can pass along to Betsy here, who can pass them along to you. If you continue to not bother my or Matilda’s affairs, and you feel it is worthwhile, I will awaken Nen in other people of your choosing.”

“How long to learn the flight and other skills you have shown?” Elektra asked.

“Flying? No, that’s a different power I can’t teach. You might be able to learn to fly with Nen, but I haven’t figured it out. This is simply awakening and harnessing your lifeforce.” 


She thought about it for a long time. Mulling over her options she eventually nodded. “Great. Shall we start?” I rubbed my hands together, getting excited. 


“Where do you need me?” Elektra asked. I was caught off guard by her desperation, but I was sure there was a reason she wanted more power. 


“The sofa. Shirts off if you can,” I lied. I could do it with the shirts on, but I wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity. Elektra eyed me, skeptical. Matilda hid her smile but then lifted off her shirt. She really did want to learn how to use Nen. And it was worth every bit just to see her rack. I thought the Demoness suit had some support, but no they were really that perky. Small areolas they bounced with every movement of her muscular frame. I stared at them for long seconds, frozen in place. 

“You said it would help,” she said. 

“And it does,” I said, not looking away. I finally did when Elektra lifted off her shirt. She was more tan than Matilda. Darker nipples, they were nice, but my eyes were quickly back to Maddy’s. 


“Weston, eye on the prize,” Hisako said. 

“They are,” I said.

“Americans, have you never seen tits before?” Elektra asked.

“I’m sure I’ve seen more tits than you. How can you call yourself a lesbian and not appreciate the subtleties of each pair?” I asked, locking eyes with her. 

“I do appreciate them. And have intimate knowledge of that particular set, but it is time to work.” 


I frowned, “got me there.” I shrugged and walked around the sofa. I needed to be a little mysterious so I let out a long breath. Rubbing my hands together I made them heat up with friction. My hands moving to Elektra and Maddy’s upper backs I sent a Spark into each of them. They jumped as the nerves fired in their bodies. 

“What’s that?” Elektra asked. 

“Like I said. Only I can do this,” I said. “I’ll explain as you need to know things.” She quieted and I made the Spark pleasurable. Both girls jumped again, their chests jiggling for me as the thin stream of electricity ran along nerves in their back, up to the brain and down to their tits. Copying the nerves firing of the girls in Domination world the women both felt tingly pleasure in their breasts. I continued it for a few seconds then decided I had my fun as they squirmed slightly. 

I pulled my hands away. “Okay, you are going to feel heat. I am going to push a special kind of Nen into your body. Your aura nodes will forcefully open, potentially expelling all of your lifeforce. It will be slow, but there is no saving you from this. If you can’t harness and bring the lifeforce back into your body you will grow old and die in the matter of hours.”

“How long did it take you to get ahold of it?” Elektra asked. 

“30 minutes,” I lied. I was pretty sure it took an hour. “But I was much younger than you. I’m sure you can do better than that.” I tried to think back when this happened to me. “Your Nen is in a stunted state. I am going to shock it awake. Again, you will have to get a hold of it.” 


In all honesty I shouldn’t have used this method to awaken it in Hancock, Nami, or Robin. I didn’t understand the subtleness of Nen back then. If I had used too much I could have damaged their lifeforce, too little I wouldn’t have opened the nodes all the way. I was cocky and lucky back then. Now, I was confident.

Hovering my hands over their backs I asked, “Ready?” Both nodded. I pushed Nen through my hand into them. Allowing the power to build up. 


“I feel it,” Elektra noted. “It’s hot.”

I ignored her. Building the power up higher I coated their entire bodies all at once then like a switch I felt their own activate and push my nen back. I pulled my hands away. Both women gasped as they opened their eyes. 

“I see it,” Elektra said. “It’s like smoke.” 

“I feel it,” Matilda said. “It’s so warm and…strong.” 

“This is your lifeforce. Time to concentrate. Close your eyes and focus. Your aura is the power of your blood as it passes through your veins. Every microscopic part of you adding up to give you life and longevity. You’re wasting that longevity right now. You have to focus it. Bring it into your bodies.”

The girls closed their eyes and tried. I could feel them struggling, but as seconds turned into minutes I felt a changed in Matilda. The smoke like aura condensed and coated her skin in a protective barrier. 

“Perfect, Maddy,” I said. “Now draw it all the way in.” 

“I’m not sure how,” she admitted. 

“Like holding a breath. Your body acts as your lungs. The Nen is your breath. You have control of it, show it who's boss,” I said. She nodded then the aura winked out and was no longer visible. None of the power was. No lifeforce leaked from her anymore.

“Very good,” I whispered. She turned to me smiling but I was focused on Elektra. “You’re doing great. I lied, it took me an hour to get it right. You have plenty of time. No rush. Breath in and out. This is a part of you. Not some alien thing. Simply accept and-” Her aura hardened and coated her body. She let out a smile as well. Standing up the aura hovered over her skin like a translucent armor. 


“How do I do the other stuff?” She asked. 

“You need to wait on that. At least a day. You’ve used up a lot of lifeforce,” I said. “Bring it back into yourself and I’ll go over training.” She frowned but nodded. Closing her eyes it took a bit but eventually the aura was back into her body. 


“Very good,” I said. “Both of you.” I looked at Hisako who appeared completely lost, and Betsy who was extremely excited. She hid it well, but her Haki was obvious. “I take it you are happy with the results?” I asked Elektra. 

“I believe so,” she said. “Normally I would think this was a crock of shit, but I actually feel this Nen.”

“Good. You’re very talented, both of you,” I said. “Now the other part of our bargain. Hisako would you mind taking Betsy to the apartment?” 

“Shouldn’t we review with the professor first?” She asked. 

“She’s a mutant. I’m sure he won’t mind,” I said. She shrugged and walked over to Betsy. 


“What about awakening my Nen?” Betsy asked, revealing her first bit of emotion. She wanted to begin sooner rather than later.  


“Do you think she is ready for it?” I asked Elektra. 

Elektra turned to her, considering then nodded. “If anyone else can, it is Betsy.”

I nodded. “I’ll try to awaken it in you tomorrow night,” I promised. She nodded, hiding a smile and walked out with Hisako. The X-Men gave me another look, shaking her head as she walked out. I hoped she would keep my secret, but wasn’t too worried if she didn’t. 


“Alright, now that we are mostly alone, Elektra, please send the 4 watchers away,” I said. She stiffened, but instead of denying it, she pointed at the window and I felt the 4 ninjas leave the side of the building. “Good. Now Nen isn’t an immediate powerup. It will take weeks before you can use it in a fight. So tell me what the issue is in the Hand.” She opened her mouth but I cut her off. “Don’t give me a tale about no issues. You agreed to a powerup way too quickly. You need strength for some reason. What is it?”

She closed her mouth then turned away. Both women still had their shirts off, but I wasn’t about to point it out. I discreetly got my fill of the view whenever they looked somewhere else. “Just a power struggle,” Elektra said. “I was mainly hoping to have you back, because I fear I can’t trust anyone.” She eyed Matilda as she said it but then turned to me. “But you seem like a powerful ally. I see now why you beat my people so easily. What would it take for you to join my side?” 


“Best sex of my life,” I said without hesitation. “And I’ve had pretty damn good sex.” Before she could answer I clarified. “But I’m not interested in joining some long drawn out will they won’t they fight. I don’t mind going against bosses. But the day to day can be handled by someone else. You are my student now. If you need some help with some big baddie I’m not against lending a hand.” 

Elektra opened her mouth to retort then blushed and shut it. “Why do I feel comforted by that?”

“Because I am reliable,” I said. “Nen could be the most powerful tool in the world for you. I’ve seen masters use it to rip apart military tanks with their bare hands, turn it into lightning, make clones of themselves. Any and everything is possible, but it takes time. I will give you some exercises and in a week or so I will be able to identify what type of Nen you have.” 

“Okay,” she said with a smile. I went over the whole changing water spiel then talked about charging it into items. Discussing this or that method of use she had question after question. And by the end of it all I had forgotten why I came there in the first place. 


“You know, you said that you were the only person that could use this,” Elektra said. “Yet you talk about all the things you’ve seen people use Nen for.” 

“Is there a question in your statement?” I asked. 

“Where did you see all this?” 

“Not this world,” I assured. “That’s all you get.” She frowned but was soon out the door. Opting to take the window she was quickly gone leaving Matilda and I alone. She had put on her shirt, much to my annoyance, but sat on the sofa with a smile as she watched me. 

“What?” I asked. 

“Nothin, just thought for sure I’d spend all night fighting Hands,” she said. “Ended up learning some ancient Chinese secret instead. Very different turn of events.”

“You get used to it,” I said. 


“Around you? I believe it. Been one thing after another with you,” she said, but didn’t seem mad about it. 

“Me? No, since I met you I can’t catch a break,” I said, giving her a smile. “Who knew lawyers were so high maintenance?” 

“Lawyers do tend to draw drama,” she said, standing up. 


I laughed but got up as well. Tired, I passed her to head for the door but was stopped as her Haki spiked. Not fear or anger like I was used to from such a change in Spiritual Energy. But pure lust. My hand had come close to hers and she thought I was going to make a move for her. Matilda’s Haki said she wasn’t going to stop me either. I didn’t see why I should let the situation pass me by. 


I was on her in an instant. Her eyes closed, our lips were up against the others as we grunted in one another’s mouth. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around me. My erection forming quickly, our mouths were latched on for dear life as I moved her to the room I guessed was hers. Dropping her on the bed she laughed as I pulled up her shirt to get another look at her chest.

The perfect perky tits were missed in the short time and my mouth was on one then the other in an instant. I felt Maddy’s Spiritual Energy ebb and flow, moving from want to need. She had a perfect body. Abs, muscles, thick veins, and scarred up skin from long hours of training. Her red hair in disarray I looked up at her with a wide smile. But to my regret her Haki began to emit worry. 

“Weston, we shouldn’t,” she said, biting her lip as she stared down at me. Her unfocused eyes on me I had to remind myself that she was blind. Her Haki was a mix of wanting to maintain a sense of professionalism since I was technically her client, and hesitation by the fact that I was younger.

“I really don’t care,” I said. “I’ve been wondering for a while. Since you have such heightened senses, I assume touch is a huge turn on for you.” Electricity began to spark across my fingers. I moved the fingertips across her skin, miniature bolts of lightning shooting into her. She gasped and moved back. 


“What are you doing?” She asked, her breath hot as my electricity moved to her nerves. 

“Testing,” I said. “What you like. What you don’t like.” I did the same with the other hand, making more of her body come alight as pleasure spread from my hands toward her vagina. “Simple touch is enough to set you off?” 

She gasped, shaking her head as it hit her pillow. Matilda couldn’t back up anymore. I increased the flow of power and pleasure, forcing nerves everywhere to come alight. She began to pant. Her toes curling and feet kicking as she became ready to cum with no foreplay or penetration. 

“So…should I stop?” I asked. My face in front of her as I let the power die down. She was gorgeous, eyes closed or not as her slim body writhed against me. 

“I don’t want anything too serious,” she admitted. 

“Fine with me,” I said and shot her with the rest. Her lower body exploded with pleasure as her body became lit up and she came hard. Crying my name, her hands dug into my shoulders as I laid on top of her. Her chest rocking up and dropping she showed how powerful the orgasm was. I continued to map the path of it, learning the process so it could become more and more powerful someday. 

When the orgasm ended she was struggling for breath as I undressed. When I was nude I began to help her as she kicked her jeans and underwear off. I could tell it had been a while for her. Maddy was almost desperate to have me inside of her. As soon as her legs opened I was penetrating her. She shuddered, gasping as I forced my way in slowly. Groaning, she let out cute grunts from the pain of it. 

“Fuck it’s been a long time,” she said.

“Ever had a man?” I asked as I became buried in her drenched cunt. She shook her head. 


“Dated one once, but…” 

“Don’t care,” I said, kissing her. “You’re mine now.” She didn’t have an answer for that. Her long legs widening I pushed them to the bed as she did the splits. Forcing Sparks into her, the nerves along her body began to crackle with power again. Hands and cock working in tandem to build her orgasm up she was gasping loudly as I did all the work. 

My strong body made the bed bounce and creak under the force of my thrusts. She was able to take all of it and was cumming again. As she cried out, legs shaking with the strength of another orgasm, I continued on. Feeling her pussy constrict around me like a vice. 

“Fuck,” I groaned. I got a notification forcing me to slow down. 


Do you want to Bond Matilda Murdoch?




I thought about it, but still wasn’t sure what bonding did. I wasn’t sure if this was going to happen all that often with her so I clicked No and sped up again. 

“Don’t cum in me,” she got out, but her Haki said she regretted saying it. She wanted me to cum in her just for the feel of it. 

I sped up and as I pulled out her hands wrapped around my dick and jerked me off expertly onto her chest. I was breathing in and out heavily as I finished. My lower half jerking with each movement as she started playing with my balls. 

“You’re still hard,” she noted. Hope in her voice. 

“I could go all night with you,” I said. She laughed but then frowned.

“I don’t have condoms,” she admitted. I was about to say I did in my Inventory but she offered, “Want to do anal?” 

I hesitated for a moment but then quickly nodded. “There’s lube over there,” she said, nodding toward a nightstand. I moved over to it as she took her shirt off the rest of the way and wiped the thick globs of cum off. 


Coating my dick in the lube I moved back and she was holding her legs over her head. Presenting her ass and perfect pussy to me. “You like anal, don’t you?”

She bit her lip, shaking her head. “I love it,” she whispered. My dick got harder, picturing Elektra using a toy on her ass and licking her pussy in the exact position. Moving into her tight hole slowly her feet shivered in excitement as I entered. I watched amazed as the nerves fired in her ass. My first girl that liked anal since getting my Sparks skill I began mapping the nerves as I began to move in and out slowly. Going deeper with every thrust. 

What surprised me was the nerves tied back to the cluster of nerves her pussy used to cum. I had guessed they were different, but no. As I began to trace the lines I moved my thumb to her clit and she groaned. I saw now why she was in the position.


Fucking her ass with increased fervor I flicked her bean with my thumb. As I got used to the motion I started sending Sparks into her. She came with a scream. Her legs vibrating with the force of the orgasm she began to squirt as I continued playing with her clit. The blind woman’s eyes wide as her mouth opened and closed she lost herself in it. 

Watching the nerves in her ass fire as well, it was different than a vaginal orgasm. I would have to test adding those nerves to the orgasm I forced. I continued fucking her tight ass. Maddy lost strength in her arms, letting her legs go I grabbed them and really started fucking her. 


My strong hands grabbing onto the back of her knees I used them like handles to help pull myself into her with more force. Maddy cried out with every thrust. Gritting her teeth she actually began to shed tears. Slightly worried I was hurting her I slowed but her Haki was pure ecstasy. 


My hips smacking into her hard I groaned and felt her orgasm build again. Letting her ass take all of me over and over her body told me to go harder. I obliged, Maddy grabbed the pillow above her head and squeezed it against her face, screaming into it. Her nerves lighting up like Christmas lights she came again. Different from the one I caused earlier, more nerves than usual fired in her. 

No wonder she liked it in the ass. The euphoria moved to the tips of her toes and into her brain. She kept yelling into the pillow trying to be quiet while she showed her true feelings. When the orgasm ebbed I pulled out and let her legs fall to the bed. 


“Holy fucking golden balls that’s good,” she said with a laugh. 

“I’m not done yet,” I said. Grabbing her hips I flipped her over. Reapplying some lube I dove back in and began anew. This time my hands were on her perfect tits, pulling her nipples she cried out into the mattress, loving the pain. 


I risked it, making my Spark not as pleasurable. I mixed some actual electricity in it. Sending the power into her she came again. Her body convulsing her ass tightened and I came into her with all I had. Groaning as I filled her ass up she continued to cum uncontrollably with the mix of pain and pleasure. 


I held myself inside of her for long seconds as I released her nipples. She jolted and jerked as I let go. Turning her head she asked, “What the hell was that?”

“Some more of my power,” I said. 

“C-can you do it again?”

“Yep. Stick with the ass-”

“No, already sore,” she said. I extricated myself and she groaned as she laid down on her stomach. “I hurt so good. Um I can’t move. There is a gas station a few blocks away. Get some condoms and I can-” She stopped as I pulled a stack outside of my Inventory. “Oh…can I get a break?” 

“I’ll go slow,” I said, applying the condom to me. Turning her over she winced but I began kissing her again. It took time but she slowly reciprocated. When I dove back into her pussy it wasn’t long until I was using some pleasure and pain Spark. She came just as hard. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head she struggled to speak as she squirted again. Body shaking, writhing underneath me, I was in heaven. Pulling her to sit up she was dead to the world as I began to fuck her with true force. Finally able to sate some lust I was glad I hadn’t jumped world. All my effort was starting to pay off. 

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