Canon Fodder


By the time I felt well enough to fly I was already bored of this whole thing. I had the addresses of 5 warehouses that may or may not be related to my quest for answers. I wasn’t some computer genius, I basically googled some crap in a computer and crossed my fingers I was looking at the right crap. 


I had no idea how Batman did it. Looking for clues all night like Blues Clues, and hoping to catch a break. They always showed Batman getting the bad guy, not the hours of surveillance he did to get to the bad guy. I was never much of a fisherman, which was what this was. Hoping and praying I was at the right spot for a break. 


At least that was how I felt approaching the first 4. A leisure stroll flying in the air from one to the other they had checked out. I mean, they were shipping companies. Trucks came in, dropped stuff off, or picked stuff up, then left. It wasn’t overly shady. Although I did see one guy changing his time sheet. Lucky for him, I wasn’t interested in ratting him out. 


They were all pretty standard, but the 5th warehouse stuck right out to me. Not only did one of the trucks leaving have the same type of barrel that was in my accident, but the warehouse was haunted. Not the normal ghost lurking around. I couldn’t see ghosts of course. I had been looking with my Spiritual Energy, but I hadn’t had any luck yet. No, it was the garden variety devil haunting the place. 


They were in a skintight blood red devil suit. Head to toes were covered in red, even their eyes. 2 small horns poking out the top of their head they moved around very stealthily on the roof of the warehouse. Normally I wouldn’t be too interested in shaming people and their kinks. For some reason though, I thought I knew this person, or at least thought I did. If they weren’t a chick at least.


“What are you doing?” I asked, causing the woman to jump. Which was my new favorite pastime. She twirled around and her glorious rack bounced with her. She was definitely a D-cup. Only her mouth was visible. I was positive I knew her. The female version of Daredevil, aka Matthew Murdoch, or whatever this woman was named in this world. 


“Who are you?” She asked, her eyes staring at me but not seeing me. 

“Oh, Zetsu, you couldn’t see…or whatever you do,” I said, dropping down to land on the warehouse roof. “I’m Bastard.” 

“Bastard?” She asked, tensing up. It was dark outside so she didn’t stick out too much, but I could see all with my Observation Haki. If she was the gender bent version of Daredevil like I assumed. She basically had Observation Haki as well. She too had the same sort of backstory I did. Except the chemical that landed on her ended up blinding her. While also making all of her other senses superhumanly active. No one should have been able to get the drop on her. 

“That’s the new superhero name I picked out,” I said with a nod. “Work in progress.” I couldn’t help but continue to eye her up and down. Basically a sexy devil Halloween outfit I was getting a dominatrix vibe. “So what are you doing here? Thought you stuck around Hell’s Kitchen.”

“You know me?” She asked, stepping back again. Her muscles tense, she was ready to attack me at any moment. I acted bored, like I wasn’t ready to do the same.

“I’ve heard rumors,” I lied. I hadn’t heard anything on the devil of hell’s kitchen, but I felt like I knew her story. “So what? Out for a field trip?”

“This is Hell’s Kitchen,” she said, annoyed. 

“Fuck. They really need to put up signs. Are we close to the river?” I asked, turning to where I thought the river was. She attacked once I turned. Closing the distance to me I twisted and smacked her across the face. She turned the motion into a somersault, showing how lithe she actually was. “Woah there, don’t even know your name.” 

“Demoness,” she hissed.

“Of course,” I said, rolling my eyes. “We heroes and our theatrics.”

“You’re a hero?” She asked, skeptical. “Without a mask?” 

“Dang, you can tell that?” I asked. “Thought you were blind.” She stiffened, telling me I was right. “You’re probably right, I should put it on.” I pulled my hoodie and facemask out of my inventory. Throwing the black hoodie with the pink Watanabe hearts on I rested the facemask around my neck. Still reminiscent of Kakashi’s facemask it was my preferred style of hero costume.


“A hoodie?” She asked. “What are you? 15?”


“What are you? 25? Dominatrix ass costume,” I grumbled, knowing full well she could hear me. “I know Halloween is coming up, but I didn’t think any of the shops were open yet.”

“Fuck you,” she barked. “This is armored.” 

“Doesn’t look it. Pretty skintight-” I stopped talking, sensing a vehicle heading into the warehouse below. Moving to the side of the flat roof I looked over the edge to see a short limo head inside. “What the shit?” I mumbled as Demoness moved to watch as well. The black car was weighed down pretty heavily. Focusing my Observation Haki I could feel 3 strong people in the back, and a driver in the front. 


“Is that Kingpin?” I whispered seeing the huge Spiritual Energy. 

“How do you know that name?” Demoness asked. 

“I hear things,” I said, chewing my lip as I thought. “We need to make this quick. Why are you here?” 

“I’m not tell-” 


“About 3 months ago I was in a car accident. Family was killed. Weird chemical spilled on me and gave me superpowers. I tracked the chemical to Oscorp which somehow led me to this place,” I said. “Don’t have time for your territorial bullshit. Tell me why you’re here.”

She hesitated, growling then spat, “Some disappearances around here. Young people. Followed who I suspected was doing the deed here.” 

“Shit,” I mumbled. “Alright, work together or apart?” I asked. 


“I’m not-” 

“Suit yourself Sadi-chan,” I said, jumping up and flying to the roof hatch. Breaking the lock on the hatch with a simple tug I jumped down the man-hole to catwalks at the rafters of the warehouse. Large Air-Handler Units maintaining the temperature in the warehouse all around me. I guessed whatever was stored there had to be within a certain range of temperature. Moving through the catwalks Demoness followed me, but I ignored her. 

Mind focused on the people below most were simple workers. Running forklifts this way and that to store boxes in large racks. The catwalks were an obstacle course of pipes and electrical conduit. Making my way around I needed to make a point to practice with my Nen more. This stealth wasn’t for me. 


When I got to the limo parked inside the warehouse, it was empty, but an interior office building had it’s lights on. The catwalks ending I looked around and risked it. Jumping down I floated to get closer to the 1 story office building. I heard the loud booming voice as I came up. 


“What are the delays?!” A voice I assumed was Kingpin said. I risked it and took a peek in. He was about 7 feet tall, black skin, white suit, purple shirt and tie, and pure fuscle. His fat and muscle was rather imposing. The king of the underground world was someone I did not want to have to fight. 


“We keep drawing eyes,” another man said. “I grabbed who they marked, but I’ve been told to spread them out.” He was a tall man, over 6 feet, all muscle, buzz cut hair, and flak jacket. Ex-military most likely, but I couldn’t place him as a villain of note. 

“You are getting paid a lot of money for these kids,” Kingpin said. “I have investors to please, and promises to keep. I expect the quota to be filled, Barracuda.” The name didn’t mean anything to me. 


“Yes, sir,” the man said, holding back his anger. “I need more names then. More people to look into.” 

“You’ll have it. Now tell me, how are our other plans?” Kingpin asked. 

Demoness began to descend as they talked about other streets and people I couldn’t place. Instead of jumping down she used her weird stick/rope weapon to vault down from the rafters. She was a mix of annoyance, anger, and confusion.

“What’s going on?” She reluctantly asked. 


“Kingpin is paying this Barracuda guy to steal kids or something,” I said. “How old were the people that went missing?” 

“14 to 17,” Demoness admitted. “Is it related to your thing?”

“No idea. I assume,” I said with a shrug. “How do you want to play this?” 

“Play what?” 

“Well we got Kingpin here, talking about kidnapping. This isn’t my first rodeo, but not my 3rd either. Do you beat them up? Ask them questions?” 

“You’re asking me how to be a vigilante?” She asked, some amusement in her smile. 

“Sure,” I said. “I usually just kill who gets in my way, but I’d rather not do that.” She hesitated, her senses telling her I wasn’t lying. “What do you suggest?” 

“Follow them,” she said. “Try to find the people before something bad happens to them.”

“Makes sense,” I said, disappointed. I hadn’t come there because of the disappearances. I wanted answers. I saw a truck with a barrel that had the Oscorp label, but I hadn’t seen any others like it inside. I hoped I wasn’t barking up the wrong tree. 


“What about the shipment?” Kingpin asked. 

“Just left,” Barracuda said. “Why exactly are we working for that asshole?” 

“I decide who I work with,” Kingpin clarified, picking up the cane in his hand. “Connors gains from us as much as I gain from him.”

“Connors?” I mumbled.

“Do you know the name?” Demoness rasped. 


I thought back. “I think so? But the one I’m thinking of should be a doctor…that works for Oscorp.” I needed to get in touch with Gwen. Was she working under Doctor Connors, aka the Lizard? Was that what tied my thing to Demoness’ thing? Doctor Connors? 

I was brought out of my thoughts as Kingpin left the small office. Demoness was already moving to hide on the other side of the building. I followed, watching it all with my Haki. As Kingpin walked around the building 2 people that hadn’t been moving followed behind the large man like bodyguards. 


As they came around the building I got a good look at them. They were both much smaller than Kingpin. One was a man with dark hair and purple skin. Like the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka, it was hard to look at him. His skin tone was only made funnier because he was in a business suit. 

Next to him was a woman. About 5 foot 8 inches she felt quite powerful. Black hair cut to her shoulders she was kind of familiar, but I couldn’t place her until I got the quest. 


Marvel World Quest 4.2:

Save Jessica Jones from Killgrave's control.



Hero Costume



“Goddammit,” I cursed, looking at the purple man. I had never read a Jessica Jones comic, but I had watched the season of the show with David Tennant. I didn’t know if Killgrave was supposed to have purple skin but as I studied them I noticed a thin line of Spiritual Energy connecting both of their minds. 


“Follow Kingpin,” I said to Demoness as I stepped away from the building and pulled my mouth mask up. She tried to grab me but I moved too quickly, blocking the path of the king of crime. “What up, Fatman?” 


Kingpin frowned, stopping a few paces from me. His 2 guards stopped next to him. Jessica’s eyes were unfocused, but Killgrave was ready to attack me. “Who are you?” Kingpin asked, his deep voice booming in the warehouse. 

“I am Bastard, at your service,” I said with a slight bow. “Normally I don’t like to make appearances but you seem to be in league with people I want to get to know?” 


“Job applications are done through HR,” Kingpin said, acting the business man as he walked around me. I jumped forward moving to punch him in the face but Jessica was on me in an instant. She was stronger than I expected as she tried to break my arm. Twisting with it I slapped her across the face adding some Nen and Spark to it. She flew back, hissing as she rubbed her now numb face. 


“I don’t take kindly to rejection. Ask my exes,” I said, fixing my hoodie. “Now, I’m not sure what's going on here, but I have questions-” 

“Deal with him,” Kingpin said, looking to Killgrave. Walking away I was no longer a person in Kingpin’s eyes. Which was fine with me, my target was the grape. 


Instead of Killgrave moving for me though he yelled, “Jessica, kill this man.” Spiritual Energy shooting from his to her mind she jumped up and flew for me. I didn’t think she could fly in the show.

“Shit,” I said, grabbing her shoulder and twisting us to slam her into the ground. She absorbed the hit, landing on her hand and kicked me away. Thrown hard into the office building I covered my body with Nen and flew back toward her. Our fists meeting one another’s faces we were evenly matched but I pushed Nen out from my hand. Adding a little kiss to my punch, it threw her away. 

“Kill yourself!” Killgrave ordered and I felt the command seep into my mind. I threw it off with a hardening of my resolve and shot him with a bolt of lightning. The man convulsed and fell to the ground but wasn’t out. I moved to hit him but was stopped as Jessica came at me again. I grabbed onto her as Demoness did. 

The woman in red grabbed her arms so I kicked Jessica in the gut. She coughed up bile from the hit but I kicked her again and again. Flying upward, going up to the roof in an instant Demoness panicked and let go. I dropped down, catching her, but realized she could have probably landed easily enough on her own. My hands accidentally grabbing where they shouldn’t. I didn’t find a new handhold as we descended.


When we were back on the ground I hissed, “I told you to follow the fat one.” Kingpin’s limo had already driven off. I couldn’t feel it in my range anymore. 


“You looked like you needed help,” she said, a mix of anger and I guessed blood lust. She liked to fight. 


“I can’t have you here, this guy can control people,” I said, pointing to the purple man as Jessica landed beside him. She helped Kilgrave stand back up as I considered what to do. I didn’t want to hurt Jessica if I didn’t have to, but she was proving more than difficult. I didn’t know she could fly. 


“He controls people?” Demoness asked. 

“Yes, this girl is being controlled by him.”

“How the hell can you tell that?” 

“One of my many skills,” I said then shot a huge gathering of Spark at him. Jessica stepped in the way, yelling out as she took the hit. 

“Kill him!” Killgrave said, but instead of the order coming to me it went to Demoness.

“Fuck,” I said as Demoness made a swipe for me. “Don’t-have-time-for-this,” I said in between her attacks as I blocked them. Jessica was already recovering and I was getting tired of the fight. 

“Summon Tabi!” I yelled and the blue/black cat appeared next to me. She looked up at me, bored as Demoness continued to attack me.

“Your sex adventures got weirder,” Tabi noted. 

“This isn’t sex, it's a fight,” I said as Demoness tried to swipe my feet out from under me. I floated up then dropped down putting some Nen into a punch. It connected with her face knocking her down as Jessica came in to attack me. 

“You sure? This red girl is wearing something you would be into,” Tabi said. 

“You’re not wrong, but I want to meld,” I said. Punched across the face by Jessica I got the amount of Nen correct and barely felt it. She went for my balls but I blocked it. 

“Really? You can’t handle them on your own?” Tabi asked. “You know I was sleeping, right? The girls in the dorm were having this thing called a pillow fight and you happened to-”

“Tell me about it later!” I yelled. “Just come here.”

She yawned widely but then began to grow. Her body losing it’s form she turned into a blue and black flame then it moved to me in an instant. My body covered in flame I felt the chakra call to me like an old friend. Channeling it out into 3 balls I continued to fight against Jessica as I poured chakra into the focused attacks. Floating above my head they grew and grew until I shot 2 into Jessica and 1 into Demoness. 

Both women were thrown back. Making another condensed ball of chakra I flew at the escaping Killgrave. Hitting him in the back with the chakra attack it drilled into him, breaking bones as I pushed him into the floor. He cried out in pain as Tabi dislodged from me. 

“You really needed me for this?” She asked.

“No,” I said. “Just made it quicker, and I need a second pair of eyes for a minute.”

“For what?” She asked. 

“To watch the girls while I take out the trash,” I said. I grabbed Killgrave by the hair and picked him up. “Keep an eye on those 2. I’ll be back in a bit.” I lifted off the ground and began to fly away.

Holding up Killgrave by the hair he began to yell as we left the warehouse. “Shutup,” I said, wiggling his head. “I’m sure you got some money stashed away somewhere. Tell me where it is or I’ll kill you.” I was sick of running out of money. The nice thing about villains was they usually didn’t like banks. After I got his stash I could probably get rid of him discreetly. No one liked a villain that could control people. I doubted anyone would miss the Smurf. 

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