Canon Fodder


“How you doing back there?” I asked, looking over my shoulder. 

“Good,” Anne mumbled tiredly. It was getting dark out again. Sunday night was fast approaching as I flew us back to the school. I had to pay for an extra night at the hotel so we weren’t kicked out. Anne and I had spent that time wisely. 


Exploring one another as only 2 young lovers could. I found that yes, Anne really did have a skin to skin kink. Her pleasure increased the more I touched her or she touched me. 69ing had quickly turned into her favorite position to fool around. Which was fine with me. I worked on my cunningulus and she worked on her blowjob technique. 


Able to keep going, she tapped out more than once though. Asking me to do all the work as she laid there. Her perfect body more than enough of a stimulant to help me climax I had shown her what facials were. Then she demanded that I cum on other parts of her. Treating everything as new then happily licking my cum up. 


I found myself more than liking her adventurous nature. I hated having to end the relationship because it opened her up to other men trying to encroach on what was mine. I hoped my use of Sparks was enough to prove to her that I was the best possible partner, but only time would tell. 


“You asleep?” I asked. 

“Eh,” she groaned. Her arms tightening around my neck as she did. Still holding her shopping spree clothes in hand I was glad I had spent so much on her. She was worth it. “Thanks for today and yesterday.”

“Anytime,” I said. 

“Even though we are breaking up?” She asked, still a little hurt. 

“Even then,” I said. “Anne, you’re my best friend. I’m not doing this to hurt you.” More to make myself feel better as I continued my quest for a harem of beautiful mutants. “Go back to your normal life. Go-”

“Yeah, yeah, I heard you,” she said, sitting up. Riding me like a horse she held onto my shirt. “You sure this isn’t an excuse to see other women?” 

“Maybe,” I said, giving her a side eyed look and smile. “I figured you like skin contact so much. You might like more bodies in the bedroom.”

Her legs tightened at my side. “I don’t like the skin contact,” she mumbled. 

“Anne, it’s fine. Whatever we were doing I was into. You don’t need to be ashamed,” I said, tapping her leg. 


“Easy for you to say,” Anne mumbled. “My folks would tan my hide if they knew what we were doing.” Then she realized what she said. “Weston, I didn’t mean-”

“I understand,” I said, letting out a tired sigh. “Anne, everytime you mention your parents I’m not some jealous kid, angry at you for reminding me I don’t have any. Just talk. Ignore that fact about me.” I felt pain at my family’s death, but I was pretty used to it. A lot of my lives were orphans. I had okay parents growing up in my first life. I had all the nurturing I needed. “Calm it down.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled, laying back down on my back. 


“It’s fine. Gonna call your mom, or just show up?” I asked. 

“Call,” she said. “With my luck my room has turned into storage.” 

“There…a reason she hasn’t stopped by?” I asked. 


“A little bit of the fact that she was scared of me,” Anne said. “Mostly because we can’t afford it. They live in the Bible Belt. Not much as far as jobs, but plenty of faith to go around.”

“I understand,” I said. “At least you’ll have a home here if you decide to come back.”

“You think?” Anne asked. Her hands running along my chest, enjoying touching me. 

“I know. I’ll be here at least,” I said. Her arms tightened around me. The cliff we had jumped off the day before appeared ahead. I flew on in silence. Skirting over the waves until we were setting down by the boulder she sat on as I cured her weakness. 


“Can’t forget these,” I said as she was still latched to my back. Bending down I picked up her sleeve length gloves. 


“Ugh, I hate those things. Do I have to wear them?” She asked. 

“You do what you want, Anne,” I said, throwing them to the side. 


“I thought you wanted to keep stuff secret,” she said. 

“I want you to keep my involvement secret. If you want to tell people that you finally understand your power, that is on you. Just please, leave my name out of it. I don’t wanna have to try to give answers to questions I don’t know how to answer.”

“And you can’t tell me how you did it?” She asked. 

“I cannot,” I said coming back to the path at the school. Anne still on my back she finally let go and began walking beside me. 

“I love you,” Anne said. “Don’t give me that look. I know deep down you love me too. Even if you haven’t admitted it. But I want you to know that I appreciate all you’ve done for me and given to me.” 

“You really liked the semen, huh?” 

“Oh my god,” she said, slapping my chest. “You’re disgusting.”

“You did it,” I said, laughing loudly. 


“Don’t talk about things in the bedroom outside of the bedroom,” she mumbled. “That is a secret.” 

“Fine,” I said. “But you are still goin-” 

“There you are,” Wolverine/Logan growled as we walked past the trees into full view of the school. “Thought I smelled you over this way.” The shorter man touched his nose as he eyed us up and down. “Where the hell you been?” 

“Looking out onto the ocean,” I said.

“Well say goodnight to your girlfriend, kid. You got work starting,” Logan said. 

“Already? Thought that was-”


“Tomorrow, I know,” Logan said. “Something came up. Thought it was a good time to introduce you to the life. So do what you need to and meet me in the lobby in 15.”

“Alright,” I said, taking Anne’s hand and dragging her past the grumpy old man. “Sorry babe. Our night ended early.”

“It’s okay,” she mumbled. “I had fun at least.”

“Good, make sure you write. I’ll try to get a phone or something so we can actually talk,” I said.

“You know, for someone trying to break up with me, you’re becoming rather more boyfriendy,” Anne mumbled. 

“You’re right. Guess I’ll see you when-” 

“I was joking. I love it,” Anne said. “Get the phone and call me.”

I chuckled and we got onto the elevator together. “Have fun at h-” I tried to say but she was on me again. Her body latching onto me, my hands went to her ass as we kissed deeply. Pushing her against the elevator wall she began to get more and more into the kiss as it progressed. When the ding sounded for reaching her floor we hardly noticed as our makeout session became all that there was. 


Her legs wrapped around me. My hard dick resting against her pussy. She ground into me, loving the position more and more. During our last few hours of fun I thought she would have gotten bored of all the making out, but it appeared to be her favorite part. 

“I want you,” she whispered in my ear. 

“I want you,” I admitted. I had deep feelings for her.  Not some lustful teenager or my own simple desire for sex, but more of a carnal affection that I had attributed to her as we explored one another. 


“Hehe,” someone coughed. We both turned to see Alison there. I had sensed her, but wasn’t about to ruin the moment. Stepping back I released the extremely red Anne. 


“Uh, goodbye Weston,” she said looking down to the ground. 

“Goodbye Anne. I’ll try to get in touch,” I said. She nodded, looking over to Alison. Shooing the girl away Alison rolled her eyes and turned around. Anne kissed my cheek then rushed out. I shook my head and shut the door before Alison could come in. She tried to stick her hand in the door but it was too late. I was off to my room changing clothes and back down to the lobby soon enough. 


“Finally,” Logan said. “Quick points.” He began walking down the hall. He handed me a small cell phone. “Here is your communicator. You get a call on this, you answer. Day or night. Here is a rule book you can go over on the drive.”

“A rule book? I thought I’d be doing classes or some crap,” I said. 

“Classes? This isn’t college, kid. All real world experience from here on out,” Logan said. He pushed a badge against one of the doors that was marked private. It beeped then he passed me the badge. “Keep this on you at all times. Gives you access to all the secret compartments.” 

“Where are we going?” 

“Garage,” Logan said. We stepped into an elevator and were soon in the underground path under the school. He began walking us as I followed.

“Do we get cool uniforms or anything?” I asked. 

“Normally I would make fun of you for asking something like that,” Logan said. “But I’m told that some uniforms are being developed. Special armor and all that crap. For now we do this job in street clothes.” I looked down, we were both in jeans. He was in a white muscle shirt, red plaid long sleeved shirt, and black leather jacket. I was in a black hoodie. I shrugged, it worked for me. 

“What about codenames? They call you Wolverine? Why’s that?” 

“No idea,” Logan lied. “You’ll get a name soon enough. Don’t worry about it. Either you’ll pick it or someone will pick it for you.” We came up to a large door. He used another keycard and the door opened for us revealing a large garage. Walking out there were dozens of cars. We walked up to a motorcycle with a sidecar. 

“Nope,” I said, shaking my head. 


“Not sitting in a sidecar,” I said. 

“You can sit behind me if you want,” Logan said. 

“Nope. I’ll walk,” I said.

Logan barked a laugh. Clicking the keys in his hand the car next to the motorcycle beeped. “Just kidding, kid. We are taking this.” It was an old mustang. An obscure shade of green or blue, I couldn’t tell, but it was easily from the 70s. “Just waiting on-”

“Here,” a woman’s voice said. I turned to see an Asian girl walking up to us. She was quite pretty. Maybe a year or 2 older than me, tan skin, dark lipstick, she had short black hair that framed her face perfectly. 

“Weston, meet the other recent new kid,” Logan said. “Hisako Ichiki. She graduated 2 years ago and became an X-men last year. Hisako, meet Weston, the idiot that volunteered.”

“Good to meet you,” she said, giving me a smile as we shook hands. I didn’t recognize her either. 

“What’s your codename? Lady Vengeance?” I asked, giving her my best wolfish grin. 

“Armor, actually,” she said, not getting the reference. “It’s related to my mutation.” She turned to Logan. “Since I’m no longer the new kid, do I get to drive?”

“Hell no,” Wolverine growled. “Newer new kid, in back.” 


I nodded and got into the back seat as they got in the front. “Where we off to this time?” Hisako asked. 


“Hellfire,” Logan said. I was about to ask what he meant but he started the car and squealed the tires as he left the garage. Driving quickly the side of the building opened and we used a ramp to exit out the side of the school. I had always wondered what the road leading to the parking lot was for, but always assumed it was for deliveries. As we drove, Logan and Hisako talked. 

“Unwritten rules with the X-Men is we never travel alone,” Logan said. “You’ll probably spend a few weeks with me, then jump over to Scott or Peter. Depends on what kind of work we get.”

“What kind of work do you get?” I asked. 

“Mostly meet and greets,” Hisako said. “There are a lot of players out there. X-Men are still mostly new. We have been establishing ourselves as we train more recruits.”

“Recruits like us,” I said.

“Hisako is a full blown X-Men now,” Logan said. “The instructors pass or fail you after 6 months. A little probationary period.”

“Anybody ever fail?”

“A couple,” Logan admitted. “Some aren’t built for the work. Find it different than they thought, or just don’t work out.” 


“What about you, Hisako? Enjoy the work?” 

“Was I this inquisitive when I joined?” Hisako. 

“Fuck no, you were worse. Practically too scared to ask a question.” 

“True,” Hisako said. I could feel that their Haki was friendly with Wolverine, but not any more than that. I smiled wide, already moving to my next target. “Being an X-Men pays well. Lots of training, and you get to see interesting places. I was in Genosha a few weeks ago. Ever heard of it?”

“Isn’t that the man-made island off the East coast?” 

“Not technically man-made, more mutant-made, but yeah. It’s beautiful,” she said. “Whole place is run by another mutant. Professor X and their leader go way back. Been working on our own set of rules for a while.”

“What kind of rules?”

“More like laws,” Logan said. “We work a lot with the government. When they realized what we could do they put together that a rogue mutant could cause some major damage. They agreed to a few limitations and leeways for mutants. Even for those from Genosha. Accidents happen, and we are hoping to limit confusion when they occur.”

“Sounds fun,” I said. “Where we off to now though?”

“You’ll see,” Logan said. “Kind of hard to explain.” I nodded as he turned on the radio and lit up a cigar. Leaning back in the comfortable chair I was excited to get this adventure started. I just hoped there were plenty of quests coming my way. 

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