Canon Fodder


“I’m liking these benefits,” Future Heroine said as she lounged on the deck. From the future or not, she could rock a 2-piece. More scars littering her body than face. I wasn't shy about eyeing her up and down. She gave me a wink as I handed her a drink. 


“What can I say? I have resources,” I said handing another drink to Brimstone. Her skin already red, I wasn’t sure why she was sunbathing, but I didn’t mind the view. “Spend all your pay on clothes?” I asked her. 


“What’s it to you?” Brimstone growled, showing her sharp teeth. “You haven’t been peeping have you?”


“No. But every time I see you, you’re bringing bags of clothes to your place,” I said. “You good Giga?” I asked. The big Viking woman gave me a thumbs up. She wasn’t in a bikini but was completely nude. A nice rack but hairy bush she reminded me of a porn star from the 70s. 10 feet tall was her normal height, and honestly I couldn’t blame her. If I could grow huge I probably would as well.  


I headed back inside the main cabin. Inside Hancock was sitting at the small desk in the corner. Pouring over the papers with her parent’s hero information. She hadn’t hardly put it down. 


“Learning anything?” I asked. 


She looked up at me, her big eyes hidden behind thick glasses. “What?”

“Are you learning anything?” I asked. 

“Useful? No, but I’m learning a lot about my parents,” she admitted. “I-I never knew they did so much with their lives. I knew they had Powers, but they had a take them or leave them attitude when growing up.”

“You have a Power?” I asked. 


“Yeah, my mother’s,” Hancock admitted. “I control wind.”

“Fun,” I said. “Never thought of doing hero work?” 

She blushed, shaking her head as she moved her hair back behind her ear. “No, I never really felt the need, but now… I don’t know. I feel like I missed out on something.” 


“Well if you consider taking a crack at it, let me know,” I said, touching her shoulder as I walked passed. Her Haki emitted confusion and longing as moved by. As a librarian I guessed she didn’t have too many opportunities for romantic endeavors. I turned back around quickly, moving my mouth to beside her ear. “You’re very beautiful.” Her heart rate increased and she stiffened. Turning around I chuckled and walked over to the helm. 


Justice stood at the wheel. Wearing one of my shirts it covered up her body as she wore a captain’s hat. Her gray/blue hair slicked back she kept her ice powers at bay to help keep her identity secret with Hancock around. 

“How are the waters, Captain Cold?” I asked with a salute. She rolled her eyes, but I could feel her joy as she drove the small yacht. 

“Manageable. How is the crew?” She asked. 


“Morale is high, but if we don’t eat soon I fear Giga may resort to cannibalism,” I said. 

“Have the girls draw lots,” Justice said. “We must press on.”

“Yes, that is why you are the captain,” I said, moving closer. “Able to make the hard decisions.” I stepped up behind her pressing my erection into her. 


She jolted, looking back at me then Hancock. Biting her lip she turned back to face the windshield. “T-Tell me about our destination.” 

“Yes, captain,” I said, my hands reaching into the sleeves of her oversize shirt I got to her breasts directly. I had supplied her with a very thin bikini when I borrowed my parents boat. And by borrowed I meant took. “This island came up in my research of Emperor. He used to own the island before the Sentries 20 years ago finally put an end to him.” My hands had snuck into her tight bikini playing with her large chest as I forced her body to jolt with pleasure. 


“The island was auctioned off in hopes of helping those he hurt, but I suspect he still owns it,” I said. 

“I thought Emperor died during the last fight,” she said. It had been quite the big news when we were kids. 


“Supposedly he did. But villains and heroes always come back somehow,” I said. My right arm pulled out of the sleeve of her shirt. Lifting the front I moved my hand into her bikini bottom. She gasped, gripping the helm hard as I began to play with her clit. “Are you okay, captain?” I asked. 


“Y-yes,” she said, her legs shaking as my fingers became alight with electricity. I forced the nerves in her nipple and clit to fire off sporadically. Just a pulse, building up slowly as she struggled to not squeak. Hancock was still behind us, oblivious to what we were doing, but Julie didn’t know that. 


“Weston, please,” Julie whispered. I was unsure if that was a go or stop signal, so I did what I wanted. Building up the pleasure more I pinched her nipple and clit shooting more power into them. Her whole body shook as she moved to her tippy toes. Cumming hard but staying quiet as I kept the pleasure going. Long seconds she held on, then at once I stopped supplying her power. Dropping to her heels she took in long breaths as I pulled my hands back. 

“I’ll get you for that,” she mumbled through ragged breath. 


“Be my guest,” I said, sitting back in the chair behind me. My erection obvious I unzipped my pants and let it out. Julie looked to Hancock, her back to us she frowned but moved over to me. Still scared, but far too turned on not to keep going she dropped her thin bikini panties and sat in my lap. 


My dick penetrating her lower lips she sat there for a little bit. Trying to get used to me. “I swear you’re bigger,” she hissed. I laughed, mainly because she wasn’t wrong. When she was ready she raised up and dropped down slightly. Her peripherals on Hancock she moved frantically, trying to do this as fast as possible. 


I pinched her ass, trying to get a reaction out of her, enjoying this far too much. It was a weird feeling to have my wife behind me, someone that didn’t know they were my wife, all the while fucking someone else. I was kind of getting off on it. Julie’s tight and wet cunt caressing me I didn’t fight my own orgasm. Humping into Julie I shot more electricity into her making her stumble but she caught herself. 

Light slaps sounding as her drenched pussy hit my crotch I made her orgasm as I did. She sat on my lap, shaking slightly as I filled her up again. It was already the 3rd time that morning, I was proud of her for keeping up. Julie let out a long content sigh as she leaned back against me. 


“I can’t believe you talked me into that,” she mumbled. 

“I didn’t say a word,” I retorted. “Thanks for the fun.” I pinched her nipple and as Hancock got up so did Julie. Moving back to the helm I tucked my dick away as Hancock walked over. She didn’t even suspect what we had been doing as she talked. 

“What’s this note here?” Hancock asked. There was an R with a circle around it. 

I got up from the chair. “They were retired at that point,” I said. “See here and here too. Looks like they left the Sentries on good terms.”

“They were retired when they helped with Emperor then?” Hancock asked. I nodded. “Then why are we checking this island out? It could be any number of villains.” 

“Honestly? My gut,” I said. “I’ve been doing this a long time. Emperor was once talked about with a lot of fear. I dug into if he was alive last year, but couldn’t find anything. This was the last place I suspected he was at, but Dr. Death showed up and distracted me, then another villain, and another after that.” I had of course told her my past alias as Chargefist. She was more than a little surprised by the news, but felt that I was more likely to be able to help her. 


“So they might not be here?” Hancock asked. 

“Oh they’re here,” I said confidently. I had done some research on the island. There was something seriously shady going on there. “And so are we.” I pointed straight ahead to the island. From afar it didn’t look very big, but as we got closer the tall volcano at the back was obvious. I was getting an Incredibles vibe by the situation. Picturing a huge evil lair inside the volcano I called the other girls to us. 

“Time to suit up,” I said. Putting their game faces on the girls nodded and headed below deck. Giga shrunk a little, putting her large clothes on. I pictured snu-snu with her as she did. 



“Ho there,” a man said, waving from the dock. 


“Dad?” Hancock asked, walking to the edge of the yacht.

“Hancock! Honey, what are you doing here?” Her dad said. He was a taller man, glasses like hers he looked like an old nerd…with a 6-pack and big muscles at least. I hoped to look as good as he did at his age. 

“Looking for you,” Hancock said as someone threw me a rope. I tied it to the cleat as Hancock descended the stairs and jumped to the wood deck connected to the island.

“What’s happening?” Justice asked as they whispered to one another. 

“Nothing good,” I said, there was a mix of lifeforce and spiritual energy leaving the man’s mind and heading inland. “Watch yourselves. Anyone have psychic protection?” Brimstone raised her long nailed fingers discreetly. “You mind going with Giga and swimming around? Find somewhere else to enter the city ahead?” 

Brimstone nodded. Giga grumbled but followed. They both discreetly moved off the otherside of the yacht, Giga surprising me by becoming smaller so she wasn’t seen.

“I don’t have psychic protection,” Justice whispered. 

“Me either,” Last Heroine said with a frown. 


“Don’t worry. I’m almost immune to it. Just a precaution,” I assured. I jumped off the tall boat onto the deck. Justice and LH followed. “Everything good?” I asked Hancock. 

“I can’t believe it. You just decided to take a vacation?” She asked her dad.

“Yeah. Your mother and I are retired. We found the brochure about this island and decided to check it out,” he said as if it was nothing. “What? Worried about us?” 

“You’re damn right,” Hancock said angrily. Slapping his arm the fiery side of my wife appeared. “You’ve never done something-” 

“Let’s find your mother,” I said, walking toward them. “Mr. Brooks, such an honor to meet you.”

“Hey, I know you,” Mr. Brooks said, squinting his eyes. “Where do I know you from?” 

“You watch porn?” I asked. He frowned and shook his head. “You’re probably thinking of someone else then.” Grabbing his shoulder I pulled him away from the yacht. A few other people that worked there were wearing tight white sailor’s uniforms. They looked like they belonged on a cruise ship. 

“Where’s Giga and Brimstone?” Hancock asked. 

“Taking a shit,” I said. That was usually my go to. “We found your dad. You mind introducing us around? You said this was a vacation spot?” 

“Yes,” Mr. Brooks said. His worry gone and smile back. “We only came for a few days but decided to stay longer. There is a resort ahead. Come on, let’s take the shuttle.” We left the dock and got to a small bus. I took Hancock’s hand, sitting next to her as Justice distracted Mr. Brooks.

“Something is going on here,” I confided. 

“There is?” She asked, nervous. 

“Yes. Either psychic control or an illusion. I don’t know which. Maybe not everyone, but these people at least are under a spell of some sort,” I said. I could feel her fear take over. I put my hand on her shoulder and continued to hold her hand. “Don’t worry. Pretend you don’t suspect anything and we will figure it out.” She frowned but nodded. 


Palm trees all around I didn’t think we were in the type of climate to support that sort of thing, but there they were. In fact the temperature became hotter as we got closer to the center of the island. The bus passed through a large gate and the resort was revealed. A massive hotel in front of us there were swimming pools, tennis courts, and a huge spattering of outdoor activities and people. 

As the bus drove around a large fountain it parked to let us off. No guards or anything around I couldn’t help but notice most everyone had a wisp of Spiritual Energy connecting their minds to somewhere in the direction of the hotel resort. 


“Your mother should be playing tennis,” Mr. Brooks said, escorting us off the bus and around the massive hotel. Most everyone I noticed was at least 50 years old. A few of the staff were younger, but none under the age of 30. Everyone appeared to be wearing white or a tint of beige. 


Smiles all around Mr. Brooks stop and spoke to a few people. I watched and waited, noting the immense Spiritual Energy coming from most everyone there. 

“What’s going on here?” Julie asked, as Mr. Brooks stopped once more. Talking to another couple as if he hadn’t seen them in years. 


“My guess…nothing good,” I mumbled, keeping a smile on my face. My Haki monitored everyone around us. I didn't notice anyone watching us specifically. “I think all of these people are retired super heroes.”

“Huh?” Last Heroine asked, her eyes wide as she scanned everyone. “How can you know?”

“They all feel strong. Stronger than the average retiree,” I said. “It’s like…they were all gathered.”

“This is not good,” Last Heroine mumbled. “I don’t remember this at all.” 


“From your timeline?” I asked. She nodded. “Maybe they were never found, or this is something new. But we need to be discrete.” 

“Why?” Julie asked, nervously watching everyone. 

“Because, they are being controlled somehow. Whoever is doing it, if they can make these people attack us. It would not be good,” I said. Picturing a couple hundred geriatric once superheroes coming after us, it did not sound too appealing. Old or not, these people had the number advantage. I didn’t want to picture what someone could do with all these people under their control.


“Darling,” Mr. Brooks said, waving over to an adult version of Hancock. Hair tied back in a ponytail, there was very little gray in it. Her cleavage shown off, I could mostly see the characteristics of the Wren hero I had grown up idolizing. As she approached I received a notification. 


Hero World Quest Complete

Find Hancock Brook's parents.



Bonus Copy


Unsure what to do with the Bonus Copy I left it alone and continued to study those around us. 


“Hancock, what are you doing here?” Mrs. Brooks asked. 


“I-” Hancock stopped, looking to me for the go ahead. I nodded. “I was just worried about you. Thought it best to check that you’re alright.”

“Yes, we did leave out of the blue didn’t we,” Mrs. Brooks said, sporting a tennis racket in hand. “Sorry to trouble you. But since you’re here, stay a while. You’ll want to meet Augustus.” The name immediately had me on edge. For some reason, lately I couldn’t stand anyone with ancient Roman names. “He was just…there he is.” She pointed and waved to the young man. 


He was a little older than me, late 20s or early 30s. Strong chin, blonde hair, chiseled muscles. He didn’t wear a shirt, but instead loose fitting pants. Breaking away from the group he was talking to he came over to us. His face was a spitting image of a very old picture of Emperor I had found. 

“Well who do we have here?” Augustus asked, a smile on his lips, but his Spiritual Energy twisted enough to tell me not to believe a word out of his mouth. 

“I’m Weston Walker,” I said. The others were in their hero costumes, so it was obvious who they were. I didn’t much care if my identity was let out. Most issues that could come up from it were for my folks. They could deal with the backlash. “We were contracted to help find some people. Lo and behold here they are.” I pointed to the Brooks who stood hand in hand, blissful smiles on their faces. 

“Ah the Brooks,” Augustus said. “Well, I’m glad you found them. We are currently cut off from the mainland, but I am working on setting up communication. In the meantime, would you care for a place to stay? The hotel is mostly booked, but I’m sure we can scare together a couple of rooms.” 


He said the words and meant them. I worried that being there too long could put us in danger of whatever spell was being cast, but the Spiritual Energy connecting all the people wasn’t going to this Augustus, it was going somewhere in the resort. I would have to do some more digging. 

“Sure,” I said. “We would love to stay for a time.” As we stepped away I received another quest. 


Hero World Quest

Find out the secret of the island.



0.5+% Viltrumite Form


I let out a sigh. This form had a hell of a long way to go, but I would get there, 1 quest at a time. 

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