Canon Fodder




Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:

Chunin Exam


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Escape the School


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:

Chunin Exam


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape










Chikyugi Necklace



I had received the Chikyugi necklace when I remembered the quest. When dismissing it, a heavy necklace appeared in my hand. It was a black steel chain link necklace with a pink heart symbol that represented the Watanabe. The same one Tsumugi had to put me under her Genjutsu. 

Since I needed to rest I simply put it on and forgot about it. Locking my door, Reina and I had as much sex as possible until the day of the exam. My father did as promised and gave me medicine to hold back my urges. I would not be as inclined to erections but I would still have them. Potentially only forced to relieve myself once or twice a day. Instead of every hour I had been on Reina after waking up. 


She too was happy that I would be getting another maid. The blonde and her had been childhood friends. The new night maid would begin to live at the house while I took the Chunin Exam. 


My parents, Mika, and Reina saw me off and I was soon on my way to the Chunin Exams. I met up with my team. Kurenai had a few words for us. The older woman had a worried look as she stared at me. 


“Glad you are feeling better,” she said, her red eyes boring into me. 


“I’m not 100%, but close,” I said.


“Are you sure you are well enough?” She asked. “We can post-” 


I raised my hand. “Do important missions end when you are sick? Then no, I can push through. I’m sure I will be all better tomorrow.” 

“Yes, you have a point,” she said. “But be careful.” I nodded. “Now, you need to know that there are no friends during this. I know 2 other teams participating were in the same grade as you. This is a cut-throat exam, people have died in the past during this test.” 


“Sounds fun,” Kiba said, Akamaru barked his agreement.

Kurenai frowned. “Be careful. There is no shame in giving up.” She said a few more pleasantries and we were soon on our way. We heard yelling as we drew closer to the school where the first part of the exam was being held. 


We walked up to the lower floor in time to see Sasuke Uchiha get knocked on his ass by Rock Lee. Well not knocked on his ass, Sakura caught him like the damsel in distress he was. 


“Lee, that technique is forbidden!” His sensei yelled over top of him. 


“I’m sorry, sensei!” Rock yelled bowing deeply. “I simply wanted to test myself.” Rock Lee was wearing his classic green jump suit and yellow leg warmers. His sensei, Guy, was wearing the same except for a green vest on as well. They both had black hair and bowl cuts, making them look like father and son. 


Behind them was Team 7. The yellow haired Naruto freaking out about Sasuke losing, the pink haired Sakura still trying to hold onto Sasuke, and the dark haired Sasuke trying to save some of his pride. 


“You fool!” Guy-sensei yelled at Rock, kicking him and sending him flying. “You must always test yourself. That is what youth is all about. So don’t go rushing into every fight.” 


Rock bowed down to the ground forcefully. When he got up he was crying. “I am sorry sensei!” His teacher was in front of him in an instant, hugging him as they both cried. 


“Damn, why can’t Kurenai be like that,” I said. 


“I would quit if she acted anything like that guy,” Kiba grumbled. 


“I think it’s sweet,” Hinata said. 


“Me too. Guy-sensei!” I yelled. He looked over to me. His eyes dry after scolding Rock. 




“I am Weston Watanabe,” I said. Bowing slightly. “It is an honor to meet you.” 


“Watanbe, yes, of course,” Guy said. Flashing me a wide grin he asked, “You’re taking the exam too? Tell me, who is your teacher?” 


“Kurenai,” I said quickly. “I was wondering if you would mind training me some day as well?” 


“Ohhh, maybe, but you would have to ask your sensei,” he said. “Besides, I already have my hands full with Rock here. Why would you want to learn from me?” 


“Of course I want to learn from the rival of Kakashi,” I said. The leader of Naruto’s team, Kakashi Hatake was one of the strongest in the village. Guy was probably the only one that could surpass him. Able to open the gates of the mind and body he could call forth strength far exceeding what was safe for a human body to handle. It would be good to try to learn it someday. 


“You’re Kakashi-sensei’s rival, no way,” Naruto said. 


“Yes, they call us eternal rivals,” Guy said with a white toothy smile. 

“Finally, someone that knows the greatness of Guy-sensei,” Rock said next to him, stars in his eyes. 


“Alright, you talked me into it,” Guy said. “Let me know when you want to learn true Taijutsu.” 


“Thank you, Guy-sensei,” I said, giving a deeper bow. I was too busy currently, but time should open up eventually. 


“Now, Rock, as far as your punishment for using your secret technique, you will have to run 1,000 laps around the village on your hands,” Guy said walking him away. 


“But sensei, the exam,” Rock said, tears in his eyes. 


“Oh right. Fine, it can wait until after. But it will have to be 2,000 laps,” Guy said as they left. 


“Yes, Guy-sensei,” Rock said. Chuckling I watched them go to turn back to Team 7.


“Naruto, what’s up?” I asked with a wave. 


He shook himself awake a little. “Weston, how have you been? Sorry, I was caught off guard by those 2 weird guys. That Guy-sensei really as strong as Kakashi-sensei?”


“He is,” I said. “He is the strongest Taijutsu user ever. Don’t underestimate him or his protege. Enough about them, what have you been up to? I heard you went on a real mission.” 


“We did,” Naruto said, rubbing the back of his head as he smiled. “It was crazy. There was this water ninja guy that had this huge sword. He was trying to blow up this bridge. And there was this huge gang of bad guys that tried to beat us up. But he ran through them after his friend died and it was awesome.” 


“....Great,” I said. “It’s sad how much of that I understood.” 


“How the hell can you understand any of that!” Sakura yelled. She was so loud my ears were ringing. 


“What? You took the bridge builder back to his homeland, but the local gangs didn’t want the bridge to be opened so they hired a disgraced ninja from the Water tribe. Then you fought him. But he was so hurt by his friends death that he turned against the gangsters.” 


Sakura’s mouth hung wide open. “Exactly,” Naruto said. “That’s what I said.” 


“There’s no way you got that from what Naruto said,” Kiba said from behind. 


“I don’t know. I’m pretty good at deciphering,” I said. “And I do know the future.” 


“Not this again,” Kiba said, rolling his eyes. 


“What? It’s true,” I said. 


“Oh yeah, what will be the first part of the Chunin Exam?” Sakura asked. 

“A test, duh,” I said. “Come on, or we will be late.” I started heading toward the exam room. 


“What kind of test?” Naruto asked nervously. 


“A written one,” I said.

“Nooo!” Naruto said. “Will there be math?” 


“Tons of math, and no multiple choice,” I said. 

“That’s even worse!” He said. “Oh man, you gotta help me Weston. I’m not good at this sort of stuff.” 


“Hmmm, I don’t know,” I said. Naruto began pleading. “Alright fine, since you let me look at that scroll I’ll pay you back.” 


“Thank you!” Naruto said excitedly. “What do I need to know?” 


“Nothing,” I said. 


“But you-” 


“The test has questions, but they aren’t the real test,” I whispered. I could tell the others in our group were listening. “The real test is to not get caught cheating.” I put 1 finger up. “...And one more big thing. But I shouldn’t tell you.” 


“Oh come on, please,” Naruto said. 

“Fine, fine, but you owe me a favor.” 


“Deal,” Naruto said. 


“Okay, the biggest part of the test is trusting your teammates,” I said.

“What?! Is it a team test?” 


“Kind of,” I said. “Just don’t worry about it. Don’t cheat. Write random stuff on the paper. And whatever you do, don’t give up.” 


“Just that?” 


“Just that,” I said. “I tell you what. To prove it, I won’t write anything on my paper.” 


“Don’t do that,” Kiba said. 


“I was whispering, why are you all so close?” I asked looking around to the others. They stepped away. “I won’t write anything at all. And I will still pass.” 


“You can’t be serious,” Sakura said. 


“We will see,” I said. “If you see me writing, I’m completely wrong, and you should panic then, alright Naruto?” 

“Okay, okay,” Naruto said, nodding. 


We walked into the testing room to see a couple hundred people waiting. People from all over the ninja world were ready to take the test. 


“Sasuke, you’re late!” Ino said jumping on Sasuke from the back. She was a light blonde haired girl that was Sakura’s rival for the dark hero’s affection. I peeled away from their group as Sakura and Ino began yelling at one another. 

Hinata and Kiba followed me. “Were you serious about the test?” Kiba asked. 


“I am,” I said. “Don’t worry, we just have to trust one another and we will pass.” 

“How do you know this?” Kiba asked. 


“I’m a great guesser,” I said. Kiba gave me an angry look. Akamaru barked. “What? You gonna tell me all your secrets. Just know, that I trust you. So I hope you’ll trust me.” 


Kiba grumbled. “Fine.” 


“What about you Hinata?” I asked. She jumped, as if shocked. “You’ve been daydreaming for a while now, what’s up?” 

“Nothing,” she said. “I uh trust you too.”

“Great, then we will be fine.” 


More drama followed Naruto as examinees streamed in. We were soon seated and papers were passed out. It was just like the manga. There were 9 extremely hard questions, then a 10th that said it would be revealed 45 minutes into the test. I watched as people panicked. Trying to copy off of people as they scrambled to find all the answers. Despite my words Naruto appeared to still panic. 


At 45 minutes the bald man running the examination said that if you chose not to take the 10th question you failed the test, along with all of your teammates. If you chose to take the last question and don’t get it correct, then you could never take the Chunin exam again. 


Some people chose not to take it. One person too scared to risk it would leave, so the rest of his team would be forced to follow. I looked around. Naruto was nervous. Giving him a thumbs up he frowned but nodded. Sweating still I put a bored look on my face as I studied the bald instructor.


Minutes ticked by. Some more people left. Naruto didn’t do his outburst about not being scared this time. I felt a little bad that he wasn’t scared enough to do it. About 5 minutes till the end the instructor said, “You all pass.” 


Surprised exclamations left people’s mouths as he said the words. “The premise of this test was to cheat,” he admitted. “You will notice that there are chunins mixed in with your group that had all the correct answers. You were supposed to cheat off of them, but do it without getting caught.” I had forgotten that part of the test. I thought it was to not cheat. 


“Think of this test as gathering intel for your village. You do what you need to get the correct information. But most of all, you have to trust your teammates. If one of you cracks under the pressure of a hard question, then you can’t trust them. You all trusted each other enough to answer the question. Which means you are worthy of moving forward.” 


Sighs escaped peoples lips. “Alright!” Naruto said standing up and throwing his hands in the air. 

“Very good job everyone,” the instructor said. “78 of you passed this time. 26 teams, now the nex-” The window burst open as someone jumped through it.  

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