Canon Fodder


“Just do it!” I yelled across the wide gap. 


“I-I can’t,” Kato yelled. It was a good 30 foot span between buildings. An amount even I had been hesitant to try without chakra assistance, but the suit had done it. 


“Kishimoto did it,” I teased, pointing at my busty friend. 


“It’s not that hard,” she said, letting out a sigh. “Just believe you can, and you will.”

“Like the Matrix,” I offered. She nodded. “Now you jump over here, or we will jump over and throw you.” Kato didn’t like that idea. He gritted his teeth. Walking back across the building top he psyched himself up and ran. Wearing street clothes over his suit I didn’t see the suit bulge, but it had to. He sped up and leapt with all he had. Screaming as he did. He went up and up, then overshot. 


Landing hard about halfway across the building roof, Kishimoto and I laughed as he rolled to a stop. “Good, good,” I said walking up. He was breathing heavily as he got up. 


“I did it,” he said with a big smile. 


“You more than did it,” I said. “Be careful you don’t use too much strength. These suits don’t have infinite power.” 

“You guys sure have been training hard,” he noted. “Sorry I haven’t been able to make the last couple.”

“No problem,” I said. “You’re working, and we have been lucky Gantz hasn’t called us back. That model guy and his stalker haven’t joined in training at all.” 


“Yeah,” Kato said. A frown on his face he watched as Kishimoto ran away. Letting out a yahoo as she jumped to the next building. 


“You good to go?” I asked. He gulped but nodded. “Alright, you’re it.” I tagged him and ran away. It wasn’t long until the guy was chasing after us, but after the 3rd building jump he got scared again. “Let’s throw him,” I said. Kishimoto nodded as she ran back the other way toward him. A big smile on her face there was another on mine as I watched her body jiggle with each movement. 



“You’re so sexy in black,” I noted as we got back to my apartment. Kishimoto looked back at me, in her T-shirt and tight jean pants she quirked up her eyebrow. 


“I’m not wearing black,” she teased. 


“You are,” I said. Walking up to her I began running my hands along her body. She shivered as I did. My fingers reaching into her shorts I felt the black leathery skin of the suit underneath. Rubbing her mound I whispered, “I want you.” 

“I hurt,” she mumbled, but still let out a gasp as I kept rubbing. “You haven’t given me a single night’s rest.” 


“You say you hurt everyday,” I noted, not stopping my exploration of her at all. “Yet you still scream my name.” 


“You feel so good when you’re inside. But before that, it hurts so bad,” she mumbled. A blush on her cheeks. 


I released her. “Do you want to stop?” I asked. Kishimoto turned around quickly. 


“No,” she said without hesitation. Grabbing onto me as she pressed her chest against mine. “I uh just never expected…this.” 




“A boyfriend,” she said. “It’s um different.” 


“Different good? Different bad?” 


“Different good,” she said with a nod. “I uh don’t have the strength you do. I mean you keep going and going.” Kishimoto blushed. “I love it. But after 1 or 2 rounds I’m spent. Then you’re hard and ready to go in the morning. And the weekends, you could stay in bed all day. It’s like you’re not human.” 


“I have trained a lot,” I said. Pretending to frown. I had been waiting for this. “Sorry, it's a side effect of what I can do to you.” My hands moved to her body. She could feel increased pleasure even through the suit. “It’s not normal to be able to make you cum like this. Because of my skill I am extra horny. All the time.” 


“How did you keep your hands off me before we…went all the way?” She asked. 


“Because I’m not a rapist,” I said with a laugh. “A lot of focus. But now that the floodgates are opened. It’s kind of hard to close them.” I had to stop chakra flow in all the world’s except Naruto world. I hated doing it. I wanted to not have to in Gantz. 


“Would you be…against, um, adding someone?” Kishimoto asked nervously. I held the smile off my lips. 


“A guy?” I asked, angrily. 


“Oh god no,” she said quickly. “I um just feel all this pressure to keep up. And you’re so amazing. I just want to make you happy.” 


“Are you breaking up with me?” I asked, slowly prodding her, trying to see it from all angles. 

“No!” She said, her eyes big. “Never. We don’t have to. I can keep going.” 


I frowned. “Come here,” I said. Taking her to the bathroom I began stripping down. She smiled, doing the same. We were soon in the shower as I rubbed her body with soap. Her curves felt heavenly as she let me explore. “I think I understand what you’re saying,” I said. “You want someone to lighten the load.” 


She nodded. Moaning as I began to knead her back muscles. “I’m sorry that I’ve been all over you. I didn’t mean to make you feel overwhelmed. But I understand. How would you like to go about it?” 


“I um have no idea,” she mumbled. 


“How about we just see how things go,” I offered. My hands moved to her chest. She gasped, cumming hard as her legs began to wobble. “I’ll try not to demand so much of you. And if we happen to find someone willing to help, we can at least try.” Kishimoto nodded, gasping as she caught her breath. 


“You’re so good at this,” she mumbled. Growing more bold she dropped down to her knees. Taking my large glans in her mouth she pulled up her tits to sandwich my shaft. I smiled big. Pulling back I began fucking her tits for the 2nd time that day. Since she hurt so much she had been offering it more to help make it easier. 


I groaned. My large dick burying in her tits, the head popped out and she would lick it. Her eyes on mine as I used her tits. She squeezed them together harder. I didn’t bother with Endurance chakra. Speeding up it wasn’t long until I was humping hard into her melons, cumming loudly. She licked the head as a long spurt of cum shot in her mouth. Moaning as it did she was soon kissing the head. 


It wasn’t long until I was ready again. Carrying her out of the shower her fear of the pain was gone as soon as I entered her. Cumming with a single thrust she yelled my name again and again until I came as far as I could inside her. I apologized again, asking for one more round, then I would be sated. That turned into another 2 and she was passed out by the time I was done. I felt a little bad manipulating her, but unlike Nami or Robin I didn’t know her deepest secrets. 



We walked into the Gantz room as a group. Kato, Kishimoto, and I. We had heard the ringing in our ears and arrived together. Talking as we walked. As we did the room was empty but soon began to fill with the newly dead. I was surprised when the model and his stalker were 3-D printed. I had warned them to come, but apparently if you didn’t Gantz would just teleport you. The male model cursed as we got in the room. 


“Should have practiced,” I told him. He frowned but nodded. “Have your suit at least?” Lifting his shirt he showed it underneath. “What about you stalker girl?” She was in the corner, staring at us behind her long bangs. She didn’t answer. “Whatever. Okay, you, move,” I said. There was a man behind the Gantz ball. 


He wore glasses and looked like a family man. “But uh-” 

“Just trust me, move away from the ball,” I said. I walked over and lightly nudged him away. I kicked away a buddhist priest and another man. 

“If anyone has questions you can ask me,” the priest said. 

“Good to know,” I said. Then she began to appear. Tall, she had long dark braided hair, thick full lips, pale skin. D or large C cup breasts, she was stunning. She wore a hoodie jacket with a black shirt underneath and jean shorts. Her eyes wide it wasn’t until she was fully formed that she stumbled back in surprised. 


“Where am I?” She asked. 

“If you have any questions, just ask,” the priest offered again. He had a stoic all knowing look to him. 


“You are dead,” I said. “Step away from the ball.” I grabbed her shoulder and took her to the window that looked out over the city. “All of us are dead here.” It looked like everyone coming was there already. I looked to all of them. “This ball here is Gantz. All of you new people here, I know that you died before coming here. As did I.” I began to strip my clothes revealing the suit. “In a few minutes Gantz will gift you all with suits like this. I will pass them to you. We have all died and been given a chance at another life. But in exchange we have to kill aliens.” 

“Ha,” the priest laughed. “Preposterous.” 


“Believe if you want. But either way, the foes we will face can kill you again. This time you won’t come back. So if you want to try to live, you do as I, Kato, or Kishimoto say.” I looked around to all the guys and the new girl. They had a mix of emotions across their faces. 


It wasn’t long until the music played then the picture of the target appeared. I remembered which mission it was then. The angry demon faces of the alien targets were a reminder. It was the mission where everyone but the main character died. I cursed. This one was a scary one because the aliens killed most everyone. It was going to be a hard fight. But also a good test on where my strength actually was compared to the aliens. 


Gantz released the sides. I began asking names from those written on the suitcases. People took them. 


“Is that a gun?” A guy asked, moving toward it. He wore camo, but since he was overweight I doubted he was in the army. 

“You are not the first people to grab them. Last time I almost got shot by someone pointing those guns in my direction. If you want them you need to agree to rules.” 

“Who put you in charge?” The guy asked angrily. 


“I did,” I said, not backing down. “Rules, or you don’t get one.” The guy squared his shoulders. “Trust me, you don’t want to do this.” I kept a bored look in my eyes.  The guy continued to glare but slowly backed down. 


“Fine,” he said. “What are your rules?” 

“Simple, hold it by the barrel until we leave this room. After that don’t point it at people,” I said. 

“I can do that,” he said. 

“Good. Put the suit on,” I said. He frowned but nodded. A couple of the new guys refused to, like the priest. But the others were. Kishimoto was soon grabbing the hand of the new girl and taking her to the back room to help her change. I wondered if she would ask the Lara Croft lookalike or if I would have to. I knew the new girl was rather horny after dying. Back in the canon she had given herself to the main character, allowing him to lose his virginity.


Once everyone was dressed, I passed guns to those that wanted them. One guy made the mistake of trying for the grip. My hand was on his and I squeezed until he yelped. Then he was good enough to hold it by the barrel. For once we were ready before the teleporting started. 

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