Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

When You Need To Unwind (Hunter X Hunter)

A/N: When You Need to Unwind was a commissioned one-shot originally written in April of 2018. Posting it here and now for my readers to enjoy!

Summary: Everyone has their own way that they deal with stress. Not a single other member of the Phantom Troupe could have ever guessed what Machi Komacine's is.

Themes: Prostitution, Big Dick, Massage


Everyone needed some way to unwind. Even a woman like Machi Komacine. While outwardly she was one of the more taciturn members of the Phantom Troupe, that did not mean that that was the end all, be all of her personality. Running with a group of thieves, living as a criminal with a class A bounty on her head… the pink-haired girl had long learned not to wear her heart on her sleeve. To do so was to invite death, both on her and potentially on her comrades as well.

That said, without a way to detox and destress, Machi knew she would eventually snap, like so many others. One could not live the high-pressure life that she and her comrades did without some way of letting off steam, of letting loose. Everyone had their thing, their hobby, whatever it was that helped them to cope with their lives.

None knew what that was for Machi. Some just assumed she was inhuman in her ability to handle the pressures of their work without a hobby of her own. But that was just fine with Machi. She didn't exactly want any of her comrades to know the truth about her. It wasn't that she was ashamed… but she understood the strength of one's reputation in her line of work. And she'd spend quite a long time cultivating her own reputation. It wouldn't do to ruin that now.

And so, the young, petite woman who slipped in the back door of a rather exclusive and clandestine brothel with nothing more than a single muttered word did not look much like Machi Komacine. Oh sure, she still had her distinctive pink hair, but it was down rather than up, and pulled straight rather than messy as she usually had it. On top of that, Machi was wearing a cloak that would obscure her visage from anyone who might be looking, making her just yet another nameless, faceless patron of the exclusive brothel.

Once inside, Machi finds herself escorted down a hall and up a flight of stairs, to a personal room. The insides of said room are filled with all sorts of things to make her stay there all the more enjoyable and relaxing. Of course, the one thing the room is missing is what Machi needs to get started.

"Your usual will be along shortly, madam."

Of course. Machi barely spares the nondescript attendant a simple nod, even as she moves deeper into the room. She's left alone a moment later, and letting out a low sigh, Machi pulls off her cloak and then her garments as well, stripping down as she takes each piece of clothing off of her beautiful, nubile body in a slow, satisfying way.

She's not worried about being caught naked. This IS a brothel after all. On top of that, the only one who should be coming through that door at this point is 'her usual', as the attendant called him. Anyone else, and Machi is liable to break their face on her fist, clothes or no. Ultimately, the pink-haired thief relaxes, rolling her shoulders as she moves over to a raised, cushioned table on the far side of the room.

Stepping past it, Machi opens the cupboard nearby, pulling down the oils from the selection within that she most prefers. After all, this is not her first time coming here. It will not be her last, either. Machi has found something special in this place, and so long as it remains, she'll return. There's a softer smile on her face than any of her comrades in the Phantom Troupe have ever seen before, even as Machi sets the oils down on a nearby stand, before slowly moving her way onto the massage table itself.

Lying down on her front, the thief rests her face into the hole in the top of the table, letting all of the tension and stress wash out through her body as she takes deep, calm, soothing breaths. Well, as much tension and stress as she can let out on her own. If she was simply able to meditate such things away, Machi wouldn't need this place. She wouldn't need to come here to detox and free herself from the ever-building pressure of her daily life.

As it is, there's still plenty of aches and pains and tension left in both her body and her soul when the door to her room finally opens, and Machi's ears twitch towards the sound of a familiar set of feet. Her usual has gained a couple pounds since she last heard him walk, but his gait remains the same, and she knows immediately that it's him, without even having to look up. Another smile alights on Machi's face as she continues to remain face down on the massage table, calling out all the same from her compromising position.

"Hello, handsome."

Silence for a moment, and then there's a large, masculine hand on her pert little behind. A gasp leaves Machi's lips, as the fingers knead at her pale flesh for a moment.

"Hello, gorgeous."

A shiver of delight runs through the normally cold girl at that. It's here, in this room, with this man that she can truly let loose. The fact that he's a whore and that she's paying for it… well, that's not something Machi truly wants to be reminded of, now is it? Hearing him call her ma'am, or miss, or madam, or even mistress on her first few visits had very nearly ruined the experience for her. It was only his fingers, his magical fingers attached to magical hands, that kept her coming back.

Finally though, he'd caught onto her discomfort. He'd asked her if there was a way he could make the experience better. Machi hadn't even thought that was an option, as silly as it sounds. But upon realizing that she controlled every aspect of their encounters, the pink-haired thief had went about tailoring things more to her liking.

To start with… their greetings were meant to be more indicative of lovers, rather than a whore and his client. And now that they'd started their usual song and dance, Machi couldn't wait for what was to come next. Handsome wastes little time in playing with her ass while his hands are still oil-less. His groping of her pert posterior is more akin to a casual greeting than anything serious or meaningful.

His hands leave her, and Machi listens for the soft, telltale snap of one of the oil bottle's lids being opened. Then, a cool sensation, as Handsome softly drizzles the liquid up and down her back, causing her to arch it ever so slightly as a moan leaves her lips.

"I do hope I find you in good health, gorgeous."

Machi chuckles lightly at that, even as her eyelids flutter as Handsome puts down the first oil bottle and brings up the second, drizzling this one in a crisscross pattern over the first. Where the two oils meet, they produce an incredibly satisfying sensation, a light burning feeling that leaves Machi more sensitive than ever before. And a moment from now, Handsome will be making the two oils meet very much as he begins to massage her body with his big, rough hands.

"As good a health as ever, handsome. But I missed you more than anything else."

Its Handsome's turn to chuckle, and he leans in towards her ear, even as his hands come to rest on her sides. He's just out of reach of the oil, but they both know he'll get started any moment.

"Missed me… or these hands of mine?"

Machi shivers and bites her lower lip.


Her answer is breathless, and also very true. Handsome's qualities do not end with his magic hands, after all. Even as he chuckles yet again and then begins to massage her, Machi is already squirming, writhing as her inner thighs rub together a bit in anticipation of what will eventually come after the massage. Though, thoughts of that last for only a few seconds before the pink-haired thief's full attention is focused solely on the massage in question.

Handsome is VERY good with his hands. There's just no contest. Not to say Machi has had many massages from men over the course of her young life, but she knew how to evaluate both people and items… and this? This was value in spades right here. Handsome's fingers dig into her pale body in all the right places. They glide over her flesh in others. He works out every last kink she has in her back and shoulders, slowly turning her into a well-oiled puddle of jelly as he makes his way down her body once more.

It doesn't end with her shoulders and back. Of course it doesn't. This is after all a massage with a 'happy ending'. Machi shivers and her back arches when Handsome gets to her rear again. He plays with her derriere for several long moments, extending his time on her buttocks even further than his time on her shoulders and back. When his fingers run down her ass crack and the oil drips along her sphincter, Machi can't help but moan in anticipation. When he then moves onto her crotch and slides the tips of his digits between her dripping pussy lips, the pink-haired thief lets out a full body shudder as her eyes threaten to roll up in her head.

And then, almost as soon as he's started, he's done. Or at least, it feels like that. Handsome moves his hands along after teasing her so cruelly, and Machi slumps down onto the massage table again, letting out a pitiful moan as he begins to work on her thighs, and then her legs, and finally her feet. He's just as good with his hands on those parts of her body as he is the other, but now she's strung up with anticipation, her body longing needily for something more than a simple massage.

If that was all this was, then Machi probably wouldn't bother coming here. In this moment, it felt like she'd traded one stress, one tension for another. Handsome had gotten her all relaxed… and then severely riled her up in a completely different way. Luckily, he wasn't going to leave her hanging. Even as his hands pulled away, Machi could hear him stepping back and clasping them behind his back.

"How do you want to do this, gorgeous?"

His deferential tone hinted at the truth of their arrangement. Machi didn't like that, but she understood the position he was in. She'd just have to remind him that, of his clients, SHE was different. Slowly pulling herself up off the massage table, Machi finally looks at Handsome, even as she slides down to the ground, kneeling before him and his drawstring pants.

Handsome is big. He's bigger than big, to be honest. At least six feet, but probably taller. Dark-skinned, bald, and most importantly, packing it where it REALLY counted for his line of work. He was her polar opposite in so many different ways. Perhaps that was why the pink-haired thief was so attracted to him. Perhaps that was why she'd made herself one of his regulars.

Regardless, Machi reaches up and grabs the hem of his pants, staring up into his eyes as he in turn looks back at her with nothing showing on his face.

"I want… I want to see it."

Her voice is husky, even as she punctuates her words by tearing down his pants. Handsome lets out a simple grunt in response, nothing more needed at least verbally. Not when his cock has just swung up and slapped her across the face for her impetuous action. Machi moans as she nuzzles into the behemoth of a member. Handsome is big… he's bigger than big, as far as she's concerned.

And as the pink-haired thief as affirmed time and time again, Handsome's big, fat cock is exactly what she needs to really let loose. First though… well, he wasn't yet fully hard. And that just wouldn't do. Still nuzzling his length with her face, Machi lets go of his stretchy bottoms and instead reaches up to grab his cock and balls. One hand goes to the base of his length, while the other grabs hold of his nuts rather gently.

Another grunt comes from Handsome, even as Machi stares up into his eyes the entire time, all while fondling his junk to her heart's content. Ah, but she knows that will never be enough. Her Handsome is a big brute of a man, and to really get his blood flowing in all the right ways… Machi opens up her mouth, as wide as she can. Then, she takes just the tip of Handsome's big, black cock in between her lips.

Her tongue swirls around his cockhead, and another grunt leaves Handsome's throat, even as Machi outright worships the massive length before her, fondling and licking and sucking at it with all her strength. All the while, he grows bigger and bigger in her mouth, until eventually Machi's jaw is stretching to the breaking point just around his big, fat cockhead.

Pulling off of him with a gasp, Machi pants a little, knowing just how flustered she's made herself. Her entire body is blushing red and oiled up at this point, and she stares between Handsome's cock and the man's face as her heart thumps rapidly in her chest.

"G-Give it to me, handsome. Take me, you big hunk of man meat."

If anyone who thought they knew her could hear Machi now… but then, that was the point, wasn't it? This was where the pink-haired thief let herself go. This was where she truly gave in and let loose. A yelp leaves Machi's throat as Handsome reaches out and grabs her by her hair. He drags her to her feet quite roughly, and the next thing she knows, she's bent over the tall massage table, her arms and chest dangling over one side and her legs dangling over the other.

"You want me to give this to you, gorgeous? You want me to TAKE you?"

He's just repeating back to her what she already said, but Machi can't deny that there's something in the way Handsome says it that REALLY gets her engine revving. Moaning quite wantonly, Machi nods her head up and down, even as she squirms atop the massage table. It'd taken her a little while to get their 'relationship' to this point. After all, Handsome was a big dude, and he knew full well his own strength.

What he hadn't understood at first was HER strength. He'd treated her petite, short form like she was a doll who would shatter the moment he looked at her funny. That hadn't done it for Machi. That hadn't done it for her at all. In the end, she'd managed to convince him of her own strength. She'd showed him just how hard and rough he could be with her. And now? Now these things ran like clockwork. All she had to do now was give the confirmation, and he'd give her exactly what she was asking for in return.

"Yes… yes, a thousand times yes!"

Machi moans as his big, masculine, dark-skinned hands immediately come down on her tiny waist. His fat cockhead, covered in her saliva, rubs against her sopping wet slit, slowly pushing it open. Handsome doesn't stay slow for long though. As soon as he ascertains that she's more than wet enough for him, slick all the way through, the big, bald black man thrusts forward. And his gigantic cock goes DEEP as Machi's eyes go wide and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth.

The pink-haired thief's back arches and her entire body shudders as she feels his length burrowing into her, all the way to the entrance of her womb in one harsh stroke. And even then, Machi knows he's not all the way inside of her. He's pressed up against her cervix, but there's still several inches of fat, heavenly cockmeat waiting to get into her. Machi wants it all. She NEEDS it all.

His hot breath suddenly brushes over her ear, and she moans as he leans into her body, pinning her to the massage table all the more harshly.

"Remember, you asked for this."

It's code, of course. One last chance to back out, if for some reason she ever wanted to. Of course, Machi didn't want it framed as a question, so it wasn't. But they both knew what it was, and what she was to say in response. Her voice breathless and husky, and her eyes heavily lidded, Machi moans wantonly as she tilts her head back into Handsome's shoulder.

"Do it."

And like that, the massive man pulls back and thrusts into her again. A keening wail leaves Machi's lips, but that doesn't stop Handsome as he begins to really fuck her. Each forward motion slams into her cervix like a battering ram, weakening the gates to her inner most sanctum more and more with every thrust. As Handsome pistons his giant prick in and out of her cunt, Machi slowly loses all sense of thought and coherency as she lets herself be washed away in the pleasure.

For a moment, that euphoria is broken by the pain from him finally entering her womb, but then he's inside of her, sheathed all the way, and the pleasure swiftly comes back as Machi once again experiences what it's like to be the big black man's happy little cocksleeve. He literally pulls her off the massage table at one point, holding her skinny waist in both of his thick, masculine hands as he slides her up and down his dick. Her womb molds around his cockhead and he stretches it out and her out again and again as his shaft bulges from her belly in quite the obscene manner.

The experience SHOULD be body-breaking, but Machi is made of tougher stuff than that, as she's proved to Handsome more than enough times. Instead, the encounter is merely mind-breaking, and temporarily at that as Machi's thoughts go white and she cums explosively along the massive schlong barreling in and out of her stretched, squeezing cunt.

The pink-haired thief's eyes roll back in her head, and her tongue hangs lazily from her open mouth as a continuous moan leaves her throat. In this moment, there's nothing for Machi to do but take it, just as she wanted. In this moment, there's no responsibilities, no job, no comrades to look after. All there is, right here and now, is Machi and Handsome. Two people, engaged in rough, brutal sex for the sake of delicious, never-ending euphoria.

Machi cums, again and again and again. She climaxes along Handsome's thrusting dick repeatedly, unable to stop herself from slickening the passage of his cock with her pussy juices. She squeals, she shrieks, and when he drops her back onto the massage table, she pounds at its sides, even as she's jarred forward by his cock and pulled backwards by his hands.

This isn't just sex. This is pure, unadulterated FUCKING. It's exactly what a woman like Machi needs to put aside her stress, her tension, and her worries. And of course, the combined oils now massaged deep into her body only serve to extend the pleasure further still. Her glistening, naked, pale form is completely and utterly helpless before the onslaught of bliss that Handsome's cock and hands is bringing her.

He could do anything he wanted to her, in this moment. She would be unable to fight back, given how she currently is. Her body might be durable enough to handle Handsome's full length, but her mind just isn't there. She couldn't defend herself, not from him and not from anyone else. But then, that's the beauty of the arrangement. She doesn't need to, because Handsome is trustworthy. The brothel itself will watch out for it's client's interests, but Machi had made sure to pick a man who would be loyal to her.

The brothel didn't even know that Handsome was hers first, and theirs second. There might come a time when they learned it, but for now the big, bulky black man was actually pretty happy in his current job. He didn't mind it… and it gave Machi her place to go and detox without anyone else in the Phantom Troupe being any the wiser.

One day though, things might change. One day, she very well might decide to change them. That day would not be this day. Even as Handsome began to slow down his thrusts, Machi was still lost in her pleasure. When he pulled out of her altogether, all she could truly muster was a whimper of disappointment. His response, to flip her over and thrust back into her while holding her ankles and legs up in the air and far apart, is more than enough to make Machi happy again.

In this new position, Machi finds herself laid bare to the big black man currently fucking her. Handsome looks down into her eyes, even as Machi blushes up a storm. She tries her best to keep herself under control… but it's not long before his rapid-fire thrusting and his massive cock pounding into her womb once again send her off into la-la land. Machi ahegaos once more as another explosive orgasm hits her. This time, Handsome gets a nice, long view of the pink-haired thief's eyes rolling around in her skull, her tongue writhing out from between her cute little lips. She looks absolutely ridiculous, and they both know it… but in the end, that's just the sort of effect Handsome's cock has on her.

His hands come up from her waist to her relatively flat chest, but there's still a pair of breasts there, and his masculine fingers are surprisingly dexterous when he wants them to be. He plays with her boob flesh, teasing her nipples and digging his digits into her chest. Machi moans in response, her own hands gripping the edge of the massage table for dear life, even as his cock continues to slam up into her womb all the while. It's all too much. In a good way, but it's STILL too much.

Machi is just about to black out from everything when Handsome pulls out one final time. Without warning, he begins to cum all over her. But then, that's alright. Machi isn't in a state of mind to actually hear a warning anyways, and besides, this is the standard operating procedure for what he's supposed to do when he comes to his own release.

The big, bulky man's cum is sticky and hot and… just so good across her freshly fucked body. It's almost like a third layer of oil, his jizz coating her from her face down to her crotch, even as he jacks out the last few squirts across her nubile, naked form. Machi pants heavily, even as her legs fall from his grasp, drooping off the side of the massage table. He catches her before she can go sliding off completely and brings her legs up so that she's laying on her back along the full length of said table.

Resting atop the cushioned surface, Machi slowly catches her breath, even as Handsome moves off to grab a few more things. When he comes back, he pauses and looks down into her eyes. She grins after a moment and shakes her head no. Letting out a soft sigh, the hunk of a man rolls his own eyes and waits, even as Machi reaches down and scoops up the first bit of his cum on her index finger. Then, she eats it, right there in front of him.

Slowly, sensually, Machi cleans herself somewhat of Handsome's seed, mostly by consuming every last bit of it that she can get between her lips. Only once she's done does she beckon him forward. The dark-skinned man moves in and begins to clean her off. With hot towels, and his hands guiding them, the experience is almost as pleasurable as the initial massage. Machi moans and groans as he wipes her freshly fucked body down.

Once she's completely clean, the pink-haired thief slowly pushes herself up, and then hops down from the massage table. She stretches, this way and that, even as Handsome watches her in silence, awaiting any last order she has for him. There's only one of course, and it's the same as ever. Stepping in close. Machi grabs hold of Handsome's half-hard cock and strokes it, even as she leans up on her tip toes. Of course, given his height, he has to still lean down to meet her.

They kiss for a moment, and Machi's tongue slips into her handsome hunk of man meat's mouth. Then, she pulls back, smirking up at him even as she continues to stroke his cock like it's no big deal.

"Keep safe, big guy. I'll be back soon."

He inclines his head in easy acceptance of the pink-haired thief's order.

"As you say, gorgeous."

Grinning, Machi finally let's go of the dark-skinned man's big fat cock, albeit a bit reluctantly. She then moves to her clothes, getting redressed quickly enough. With one last wave to Handsome, the pink-haired thief pulls up the hood of her cloak and departs from the room, walking the halls easily to get back to the same entrance that she came in through. A moment later, and Machi Komacine is walking away from the clandestine brothel, completely and utterly satisfied.

By the time she gets back to the rest of the Phantom Troupe, she'll be her usual cold, seemingly unfeeling self. None of them will know what she's been up to. None of them can even begin to truly guess at her… activities. And that's just the way Machi likes it.


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