Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The NEWTs (Harry Potter)

A/N: The NEWTs was a commissioned one-shot that originally came out in August of 2020. Posting it here and now for readers to enjoy!

Summary: In which Harry defeats Voldemort early, but at the cost of his memories. This turns out to be a surprisingly Good Thing?

Themes: Rough Sex, Slutty, Mind Break


The emotional whiplash of the last week had been… tough for one Hermione Granger, that was for sure. It was just… a lot had happened, all at once. A lot that Hermione didn't even know how to begin processing, let alone compartmentalizing. But she had to figure it out and quick, because her best friend in the whole wide world needed her.

… It'd started with Voldemort's death. At the end of their Sixth Year, after a year packed with secrecy and more questions then Hermione knew what to do with, the Dark Lord had managed to make his way into Hogwarts directly… only to get his ass kicked by Harry James Potter, the boy destined to defeat him. How Harry had done it, Hermione couldn't really say. He'd been pulling away from her all year, spending more and more time with the Headmaster.

Dumbledore was quick to say that Harry had been training with him a lot and that their work together in secret had played a large part in Voldemort's defeat. Hermione wasn't sure whether she believed that or not… which in and of itself was very strange, given that she'd never questioned authority figures overly much before. But she had to wonder, if only because… well…

They couldn't ask Harry how he'd defeated Voldemort, because the young man had lost a good portion of his memories. He still seemed to instinctively understand some things, but it was still a pretty bad case of amnesia, and because the cause was apparently powerful magic, the healers at St. Mungo's couldn't do anything for him.

The oddest bit about Harry losing his memories was, the more he was told about his past life, the more… belligerent he'd become. Instead of nice and almost docile when not confronted with an enemy, this new Harry didn't seem to give a crap. He was aggressive and quite hostile, especially to those who seemed to be trying to tell him they knew best for him.

He'd ended up kicking the Order of the Phoenix right out of Grimmauld Place, after a few exchanges and his inevitable discovery that his godfather had died saving him and in turn left him everything. When Gringotts had come around looking to put that inheritance to rest, Hermione was pretty sure that they hadn't expected to find an amnesiac Lord Black… but they'd rolled with it, informed him of his accounts and his holdings quite briskly, and then left the way they'd come, providing no further help.

They were goblins, to be fair… and also Harry didn't really need any further help. In fact, he'd seemed to almost appreciate the goblins' brusque and business-like attitude. Far more than he appreciated the members of the Order of the Phoenix crowding him and trying to tell him what to do, it would seem.

Hermione had… broken ranks, at one point during those discussions. She suspected it was the only reason she hadn't been thrown out on her ass with the rest of them. And in the end, it had come down to a certain difference in priorities. The rest of the Order of the Phoenix, even Ronald, had seemed concerned that this amnesiac version of Harry would turn into the next Dark Lord.

Frankly, Hermione had found that so ridiculous she hadn't even bothered arguing with them about it. It was idiotic, not to mention Hermione felt like there was a far more immediate, more pressing issue to be handled! If Harry didn't remember anything from the past six years at Hogwarts, what would he do for the NEWTs?! He might not get Outstandings in every class, and Hermione had worked hard over the years to make sure he knew all of the source material!

This, of course, had not… gone over well with the rest of the Order, especially Ron. He'd been the one to lead the charge in ridiculing Hermione over worrying about grades in a time like this. Hermione had been hurt… why weren't grades important? Weren't their NEWTs going to decide the rest of their lives? Of course, that was what the muggleborn witch had been told all her life… never realizing that the NEWTs they got would probably be utterly meaningless, when it was their blood purity and family connections that most of the Wizarding World ran on.

Hermione's phenomenal grades wouldn't do much to help her in life, simply because she was a muggleborn. Her best offer would end up being marriage to a pureblood wizard (like Ronald Weasley) and pumping out a few kids for him, while he bumbled his way through life, finding jobs thanks to his familial connections and his friendship with the guy who vanquished Voldemort not once, but twice.

But Hermione had no way of knowing that… nor did she really realize that it had already been subverted by Harry's memory loss and Voldemort's early defeat. She would eventually learn the truth of the Wizarding World, but not for now.

One of Ron's retorts to Hermione's worries about their NEWTs had been that Harry would rather play Quidditch instead. Harry had responded succinctly enough with 'What the fuck is Quidditch?'. Needless to say things had only devolved further from there. Eventually, Harry had told everyone to go to hell and kicked them out of his home with extreme prejudice. Except for her… she, he'd let stay. When Hermione had asked Harry exactly why he'd let her stay, his words had been just as succinct and concise, even as his eyes had traveled up and down her body brazenly.

"You're the only one who seems interested in actually teaching me anything. We'll meet tomorrow morning, in the study."

Needless to say, Hermione wasn't going to pass up such an opportunity. She was still loyal to Harry above all others… while also perhaps a little bit bossy. One way or the other though, she was going to make sure Harry got his full education, no matter what!

Of course, the incredibly skimpy outfit she'd decided to wear for today's lessons was… it was j-just to make sure Harry was paying attention! It wasn't like she'd noticed her amnesiac friend checking her out the day before and wanted to seduce him or anything! Really! J-Just because Hermione had grown up and out, her breasts having expanded one way and her ass expanding the other in the last year didn't mean anything, of course not!

Just because she was wearing a blouse with the top two buttons undone, and a pencil skirt that hugged her curves in a way not even her Hogwarts School Uniform had… it didn't mean Hermione had any untoward intentions towards Harry Potter! Really, she just figured that… that he'd be able to focus more on her if she was… if she was standing out a little more!

To complete the look, Hermione has her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, making her look appropriately severe, and highlighting the time she's spent on her makeup and lipstick today. All in the name of… holding Harry's attention, of course.

When the wizard in question steps into the study to find her already waiting for him, he does a double take… and then grins as he makes his way over to her.

"So then… Hermione wasn't it? What are we going to learn first?"

She can see the hunger in his eyes. B-But that just means its working. She d-definitely has his full attention at the moment…

"Since I'll be teaching you, call me Professor or Professor Granger please. As for what we're going to start with… let's try some spells first. You brought your wand, right"

Harry blinks and pulls out his Phoenix and Holly wand, holding it up almost casually.

"This thing right? Yeah, I got it right here…"

Letting out a sigh, Hermione steps forward and adjusts his grip on his wand for him, pretending not to notice the way Harry's eyes dip to stare down the front of her blouse. When had he gotten so much taller than her, anyways? Had to have been a growth spurt over the past year, he was NOT this tall or broad-chested before…

"Right then, let's start out with some easy spells. Can you cast Lumos for me?"

What follows is a quick practical lesson, in which Hermione learns something very important. Whatever happened to Harry's memories, it didn't affect his magic in any way. Or perhaps that's not entirely correct. Perhaps the two things are tied together… but at the very least, his magic hasn't been affected in any NEGATIVE way.

No, Harry James Potter has never been stronger. He's positively bursting with magical power, as well as natural, raw, magical talent that might be a result of his forgotten six years at Hogwarts or might not. He manages to cast every spell Hermione throws his way the very first try. It doesn't matter if it's a charm or a transfiguration. It doesn't matter if it's a jinx, a hex, or a curse. Even the six different types of counter-spells are as easy for Harry as all the rest.

It gets to the point that Hermione eventually has him put his wand aside and try wandless casting. It's not something that either of them have gotten to practice much, they'd only just started learning silent casting in their Sixth Year after all, and yet… Harry manages it. He manages every single spell that she has him cast, wandlessly and silently, without looking like it's any hardship whatsoever. In fact, if Hermione didn't know better, she'd say he was better without a wand then he was with it.

"How… how are you doing this?"

A note of exasperation makes its way into her shocked voice, and Hermione only belatedly realizes she's dropped the Hot Professor act and is looking at Harry almost plaintively. Grinning at her knowingly, the amnesiac young man just shrugs.

"It's easy enough. I can feel it, what you call magic. I can feel it singing inside of me, and all around me, and even in you. All I have to do is ask it to do what I want, and it does it. I guess it's not supposed to be like that?"

He sounds so nonchalant about it, so casual. He sounds so… smug, despite his lack of memories. Is this what Harry would have been like naturally? Confidence and cocky? Was this what Nature versus Nurture produced of the Potter boy? Hermione had to fight a flush, growing indignant but also aroused, all at the same time. Unbeknownst to her, she was experiencing the same exact thing that Harry's mother had experienced with his father around this point in THEIR time at Hogwarts. Lily and James had gone down this path too, albeit without the memory issues.

"W-Well… just because you can cast spells doesn't mean you can brew a potion!"

Here, Hermione is painfully reminded of Harry's memory loss. His smug look dissipates, and for a moment he looks downright befuddled as he furrows his brow at her.

"… What's a potion?"

A swell of renewed confidence fills Hermione's core as she puffs out her chest, totally unintentionally drawing Harry's eyes back to her tits. This… this much, she could do. Potion Brewing was something Harry would NEED to be caught up on if he was going to get an Outstanding on his Potions NEWT! So, with that in mind, she breaks out the cauldron and the supplies, beaming at him happily.

"I'll show you!"

To his credit, Harry crowds in close, clearly interested in learning from her. Now if only his proximity didn't mean Hermione was breathing in that delicious, manly, masculine musk of his so much…


About fifteen minutes into the impromptu Potions lesson, Hermione is forced to admit that there's a problem. She's trying to teach Harry how to brew the simplest of potions… but that requires them to be in close proximity with one another, because she's taken on the role of Potions Partner along with Professor. Which means she's very, very close to his massive bulge.

This alone, Hermione would simply soldier through and try to ignore… but the other problem was Harry's magical power. Put simply, he was too jacked up on magic to be able to brew even a simple potion. It was affecting the mixture, affecting the ingredients… hell, it was even affecting his teacher. And so, as Professor Granger, Hermione decided she was going to have to… take matters into her own hands and grab the bull by the horns. Or perhaps by the giant cock, to put it more literally.

"T-This isn't working!"

Before Harry can respond, Hermione is already unbuttoning her blouse the rest of the way and shucking it off her shoulders. Her amnesiac friend goes wide-eyed at this, but also grins wickedly, looking as hungry for her as ever. This new, more confident Harry… he wanted her, that much was obvious. So, Hermione vanishes his pants and drops to her knees as his cock swings up and nearly smacks her right in the face.

"You're too worked up, Harry… so we're going to have to help you relax a little before we can continue the lesson."

Perhaps her words would seem more truthful if Hermione wasn't nearly panting like a bitch in heat right now, or flushed and flustered like a horny little slut, or licking her lips every few words. As it is, Harry just grins down at her. He may not remember much of anything, but it seems like he's pretty ready for whatever this is.

"If you say so, Professor."

His carefree and slightly condescending voice causes Hermione to twitch, and she scowls up at him even as she takes hold of his massive cock and begins to stroke it up and down with both hands. In her bossiest voice, Hermione tries to lecture her student to the best of her abilities.

"You'll see. By relaxing you, you'll be more prepared for a Potions lesson after this. It makes perfect sense."

Harry just shrugs in response, still grinning as Hermione begins to lick and lap at his cockhead, swirling her tongue around his glans.

"Well, if that's the case… you need to relax too, don't you?"

Popping back off of his cock, Hermione prepares to respond by saying she's not at all as pent up as he is, so that won't be an issue… but before she gets a chance to, there's another pair of hands suddenly on her ass. Eyes widening, Hermione whips her head back over her shoulder, only to find a second Harry kneeling there behind her, grinning wickedly as he yanks her hips up, forcing Hermione forward until she's rubbing her cheek against Harry's shaft, and pulling her ass back and up into the air.

Her form-fitting pencil skirt is hiked up over her wide hips and fat ass in no time, and Harry tears her panties off of her body in a display of raw magical power and physical strength. Hermione, too busy gasping and moaning as his cock slides back and forth across her lips, can't get any sort of reprimand off before there's suddenly a long, flexible tongue slithering into her twat from behind.

The second Harry grabs Hermione by her ass cheeks and squeezes them hard, digging his digits deep into her butt as he begins to drive his tongue, which is far bigger than it should be, up her cunt. His sinuous mouth muscle is all over the place, and it's driving Hermione wild, even as the first Harry takes hold of her hair by the base of the ponytail and draws her back until he can push his cock into her mouth once again.

Eyes fluttering, the brunette is honestly being driven wild. It feels great, having a big juicy cock in her mouth, stretching her jaw nice and wide, while a long, sinuous tongue plays with her cunt. She can't get enough of it, even if Harry is starting to choke her on his cock. Honestly, she doesn't really care that she's gagging on his length, because his massive member is the source of that delicious musk that she's been breathing in all morning long and being directly at the source is just… fantastic.

"Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!"

She orgasms explosively a good three times from the spit-roasting, before she manages to pull back off of Harry's cock long enough to shake her head.

"W-Wait! T-There's still the Potions lesson! We need to continue the Potions lesson!"

Frowning a little at her, both Harrys furrowing their brows, the first one shakes his head.

"Thought we were doing this to help calm us both down so we could get back to that, Professor?"

Blushing, because honestly, she's barely even clothed anymore, let alone dressed or acting like a Professor at this point, Hermione bites her lower lip and nods.

"Y-yes… but at the very least, I can teach you how to stir properly~"

Putting the right sort of suggestive hint in her tone seems to actually pay dividends. Somehow, even amnesiac, Harry instinctively gets what she's talking about. The talent for sex that all Potter men have is really pulling through for the young man, and if his dad was looking down on him from heaven in that moment, he'd be doing so with pride. Even without memories, or even perhaps because of the lack of memories, Harry knows exactly what to do… and doesn't feel an ounce of hesitation about doing it.

After all, to this Harry, Hermione Granger isn't the best friend he's known since she was eleven years old. She's not the girl that younger Harry had unconsciously put in the friend zone early on, and never even considered taking her out of it. She's not the witch that Harry hadn't ever even thought of sexually in that way, not once.

… She's a smoking hot brunette dressed up like a sexy teacher, showing off her gorgeous, stacked body to him as she attempts to help him get caught up on all the things he needs to know about magic and the world they live in. That's all Hermione Granger is to this Harry Potter, at least right now. Which is what makes it so damn easy to grab her by her soft, hourglass figure and lift her up into the air in his arms… ALL of his arms.

With both Harrys doing the heavy lifting, Hermione is in the air and wrapping her arms and legs around the first in no time. The meat of a Harry sandwich, the beautiful witch can only moan as both place their massive identical cocks up against her lower holes. The front goes for her cunt and the back goes for her ass, as expected.

A flash of magic ensures that Hermione's back door is not only cleaned but lubed up, and then the two Harrys are pushing in at the same time, fitting their huge pricks into her holes. Hermione groans and cums again, albeit a smaller orgasm this time as they fill her up and stop once they've bottomed out inside of her. Shuddering in climactic bliss, Hermione's eyes flutter for a moment, until Harry's voice comes through, sounding amused.

"You were going to teach us to stir, Professor Granger?"

He's really not got an ounce of respect in his voice when he calls her by the made up title she told him to use. Almost like he somehow knows, despite his lack of memories, that she's no more a real Professor then he is. Even still, Hermione fortifies herself and claws her way back to rationality as she focuses on Harry's face and nods, swallowing thickly.

"O-Of course… s-since there are two of you, y-you can act as each other's Potions Partners f-for this… advanced lesson. One of you will have to stir clockwise, while the other goes counterclockwise. B-Begin!"

Rather than sounding authoritative and in charge, that 'Begin!' at the end comes out more as a squeak then anything else… probably because the two Harrys get started on stirring up her insides before she can even tell them to start. Whimpering, Hermione does her best to hold her voice in, even as she clings all the harder to the Harry rotating clockwise in her twat while the Harry in her ass goes counterclockwise.

But then they start thrusting along with the stirring motions, and how the hell is Hermione supposed to be able to handle that, right? In no time at all, she's squealing at the top of her lungs, positively shrieking in ecstasy as the two Harrys DP her right then and there, sandwiching her between them and fucking her long and hard.

After a little bit of her squealing, however, they stop and the first Harry grins.

"You're a little loud, Professor Granger. Wouldn't want anyone hearing us, now would we?"

Hermione is too beleaguered and dazed to come up with a response to that. Maybe if she'd been in her right mind she would have pointed out the obvious, that Grimmauld Place is warded against intruders, so surely it's also soundproofed to avoid anyone outside hearing anything that was happening inside. But she's not quite capable of such logic with two big fat cocks burrowing into her cunt and ass at once and stirring up her insides like crazy.

"Yeah, I think I want a little privacy for my 'Potions lesson'…"

Hermione doesn't get any real hints to how he intends to ensure her silence until quite suddenly there's a third Harry, floating next to her head, grabbing hold of her ponytail and turning her to face him so he can gag her on his cock, stuffing it down her throat. From them on, the three Harrys are fucking her in every orifice, and Hermione's squealing as she creams herself is reduced to muffled moaning and choking on a big fat delicious member as Harry fucks her in every possible way.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The sounds of sex fill the room. Neither of the first two Harrys ever stop their stirring, not while they're still fucking her. Hermione loses track of just how many times she cums, before they finally let loose inside of her holes. Her cunt and ass get filled with cream first of course, but the third Harry isn't very far behind, and she's choking down his seed before long as well.

She swallows his delicious load like the horny slut she is, any semblance of her sexy Professor façade thoroughly broken by this point. Seeing her for what she really is, a cum dump in desperate need of a gangbang… Harry gives it to her. Even with amnesia, he seems to have this instinctive talent for fucking… and he's oh so eager to explore Hermione's body, without all of that past baggage to hold him down.

Her best friend is gone, but so is all of his insecurities, all of his feelings of inadequacy. The original Harry Potter was raised to believe he was a freak. He was abused by his relatives, and then in some shape or form, he was abused every year that he was here at Hogwarts too. Almost like he was being molded and shaped into the perfect weapon against Voldemort, almost like he was being used all along.

But now… that Harry is gone. Whoever may have played a part in forging him into a tool, their work was completely undone. What was left in that Harry's place was a completely new man, one bursting with all the magical power of both the original Harry AND Voldemort. Not that Hermione knew it, but that was how things had ultimately come to an end with Voldemort.

It had been a case of equivalent exchange. Voldemort had inadvertently left a piece of his soul in Harry's curse scar that night he became the Boy-Who-Lived. In exchange for that piece of Voldemort's soul, as well as his own memories, Harry had effectively vanquished the Dark Lord… and gained every ounce of his magic in turn. A fair trade, Fate and Destiny and Death had all decided. A fair trade indeed.

In the end, what this means is Hermione finds herself confronted with a Harry she quickly realizes she doesn't know… but that's not necessarily a bad thing, now is it? Because this Harry is weighed down by nothing… and has no nasty preconceptions about her or anyone else to hold him back from giving her what she's wanted for so long.

Hermione Granger gets fucked deep into the night by Harry and his two clones. Though it's not always all three of them. Sometimes it's one Harry, sometimes it's two… most of the time, it's all three. Because Hermione is an insatiable slut and she can't get enough of him, can't get enough of his big fat cocks. Harry covers her face and tits with his cum, and Hermione eagerly laps it up. He licks her to orgasm, and she orgasms all over his face. He fucks her ass with two cocks at once while choking her with the third, and Hermione bounces back and forth between the dicks, happily spit-roasted.

More than once, she has to guzzle down a pepper up potion so she can continue to fuck Harry. She doesn't want to stop, and luckily he's got endless stamina. So, potion after potion, Hermione imbibes. She drinks them down and then gets right back to bouncing up and down on his cock, fucking Harry to kingdom cum once more.

Now, normally having so many pepper up potions back to back would have disastrous side effects. You're not supposed to take more than three in one day, and that's at MOST. But… there are strange side effects, as Hermione experiences the best sex she could ever have imagined. The delicious cum that she's drinking down or getting filled with or having cover her body… it's magically enriched with Harry's power.

It's having an effect on her too, giving her a little bit more power and durability herself. Magically, Hermione has never felt better… and it causes the potentially disastrous side effects of the repeated use of the pepper up potions to never show up.

Eventually though, the two of them are done. Eventually, Harry lays down to bed with Hermione curled into his side, both of them ready to sleep. It's just the one Harry now, and Hermione nuzzles his chest, a lewd, delirious smile on her lips as she lets out a pleased sigh.

She's just about ready to drift off, when a thought finally works its way through her hazy mind and her eyes snap open as she gasps in despair. They'd never managed to get back to the Potions lesson! They'd started things off well in the morning, and then spent the entire DAY fucking it all away… literally! She'd let Harry side track her, and now the amnesiac young man still didn't know the difference between a Babbling Beverage and a Blemish Blitzer!

… Oh well. This just means they'll need to study more tomorrow, won't they? And the next day, and the next day, and the next day. Slowly, Hermione relaxes into Harry's embrace, her worries melting away and a smile spreading across her face.


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