Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Galactic Human Empire (Mass Effect)

A/N: The Galactic Human Empire is a commissioned fic originally written in three parts from February to March of 2018. I'm compiling it into a one-shot for ease of reading here. Enjoy!

In a galaxy where humanity, united under a single Empire, strikes out into the stars before anyone else... just what is the fate of the races that SHOULD have come before them? What will befall the Asari, when they haven't even stopped their tribal infighting by the time the humans descend upon their world?

Themes: Dark, Rough Sex, Slavery


"Eight! Stop your lollygagging and come along!"

A tug at her collar punctuates the shrill voice, and the Asari Matron known only as 'Eight' winces as she's dragged away by her Mistress. She'd gotten distracted again, and she only had herself to blame. Still, it was hard, going from a backwater colony world to the Citadel itself. Living in a place that barely housed fifty people for most of her first three centuries, only to be brought to the massive, beautiful installation that was the center of galactic civilization… it was a bit of a jump.

Was it any wonder then that Eight found herself consistently caught up in staring at the pretty sights around her? Keeping her head low, the naked blue alien woman follows after her Mistress, knowing that her Master would hear about her lapse in judgement when they arrived home. He would no doubt wish to punish her, and she would take it, as she was supposed to.

But then, he would punish her regardless, most nights. The sadistic human male seemed to delight in it. He always had, even from a young age when she'd been in charge of rearing him while his parents worked oh so hard to get him to where he was now. The young man who'd inherited her was not deserving of most of what he had, but Eight should not have been thinking about such things. It was not her place to question a human. Not her place to question what he did and did not deserve.

The Great and Bountiful Galactic Empire. Founded by humans, led by humans… bountiful FOR humans. Only the Turians were given any sort of freedom, any sort of autonomy. Every other race had been integrated into human society in little more than a serf role, used as cheap labor in the case of the Krogan, or as nimble-fingered surgical assistants in the case of the Salarians. Quarians were used by human engineers on a regular basis, while Elcor and Hanar were beasts of burden, each in their own way.

Meanwhile, the Asari… well, the Asari had only ever had one use to the human race, hadn't they? When the Galactic Empire had discovered Thessia thousands of years before, they'd discovered a species fighting amongst itself, locked in a state of tribal war… ripe for the taking. The Asari had not stood a chance, and in the end they'd caved, capitulating to the humans in every possible way.

They'd served as nurturing caretakers, pleasure slaves, and more ever since. Eight only knew this because she'd been lucky enough to learn it from the Asari that had come before her. That was also how she knew she was currently in her Matron stage of the Asari lifespan. With hundreds upon hundreds of years left to go, she wasn't sure that she'd be able to last to the end of her natural life.

Perhaps if the next to inherit her was a bit kinder… but no, humans were almost universally headstrong and domineering. Aggressive to a fault, her mentor had once said… though not within earshot of any human, of course. The Asari that she'd been bought to replace had been over nine hundred years old when Eight had met her.

The Matriarch, because that was what the Asari had called herself in private, had stolen quiet, secret moments away with the young Asari child, teaching her all she could of their culture, before she finally passed away. Ah, but no… 'passed away' was a bit too kind. They euthanized Eight's mentor, in the end. Once Eight was deemed old enough and trained enough to fully take over all of the aged Matriarch's duties, their human owners had decided to do away with the other Asari. Apparently, upkeep of two slaves instead of just one was too difficult on a small colony planet like the one she'd found herself on.

Eight had spent the rest of their lives hating her original owners. She'd done her best to sabotage them in any small way she could… but she'd fallen in love with their children, as she'd been left to nurture and raise them. That was the great trap, in the end. No reasonable Asari could look at any child, any infant, even an alien one… and wish them ill. The Asari species as a whole was instinctively motherly.

She'd raised those children as her own, despite their human status. They'd grown up and they'd owned her, just like their parents had. They'd been nicer about it… but they'd also been better parents, and she hadn't gotten the chance to develop the same rapport with THEIR children as she had with them. Slowly, her position in the household had deteriorated back to slave once more.

And that was what she was now… what she should have always expected to be. Eight winces as her mistress tugs rather violently on her collar, leading the naked Asari out of the public eye and down a hall towards the family domicile. The human woman who holds her leash isn't even related by blood to the original people to buy her. But she is married to their son, and she is human. In the end, that is enough to make her mistress.

Led inside the domicile, Eight waits as patiently as she can to be released so she may begin her daily chores. Instead though, the mistress keeps ahold of her and calls out to her husband, to the master.

"Oi! Dave! We've got a discipline problem again! The idiot won't stop looking up at the sky!"

The young Master (but then, all humans are young where she's concerned, aren't they?) snorts derisively from where he's lounging in a chair, drinking an alcoholic beverage.

"Well what do ya expect? Bitch grew up on a godforsaken rock, just like I did. Hell, even I find myself staring once in a while on my way to work. The Citadel is a far cry from home. In a good way, mind you."

Eight is a little surprised to hear her Master defend her. So is her Mistress, judging by the grumbling as the human woman crosses her arms over her chest.

"Well she needs to learn to keep up with me! Honestly, I almost got pulled off my feet by her stupidity! You need to punish her Dave!"

Ah, and now here it comes. Her Master did indeed love to punish her-

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get to it later. Watchin' the game right now. Besides, the baby's been crying for like twenty minutes. Send the bitch to clean her up."

Immediately, the Asari Matron is inwardly panicking. Crying? For twenty minutes? Truly her Master was a despicable excuse for a human being! Rather than get upset though, his wife just snarls and lets Eight's leash go. The hardlight zips back into her very solid collar, and Eight moves towards the baby's nursery, wincing as a fresh cry comes from the infant's room. Oh yes. The child definitely needs to be changed. And it looks like she's the only one in the domicile willing to do it.


The next several hours are exhausting for the Asari Matron, but finally, night falls and the Master and Mistress, as well as their child, go to sleep. Eight is left alone in her small corner of the living room, chained to the wall as she tries to catch some rest of her own in quite the uncomfortable position. She's afforded a pet bed, but it barely fits her body, and in the end she's found that the best way to use it is as a seat, her back pressed against the solid, metal wall behind her.

She's just beginning to drift off, when a hand suddenly closes over her head crest, and another closes around her throat. Eight's eyes snap open and she looks up into the face of her wickedly grinning Master as he stares back down at her.

"Did ya think I forgot about your punishment, bitch? You upset the missus something fierce today…"

Eight shivers, and averts her gaze, not daring to look him in the eye any longer. A derisive snort leaves the human man's nose, and then he's working at his pants. Moments later, a thick cock is slapping her in the face, drawing a gasp from Eight's throat as she breathes in his scent. This… this is the worst thing that the humans have done to her. Done to her species.

She'd never have known if it wasn't for her mentor revealing this secret to her. Eight and all Asari born alongside her and after her, were bred to be sexually submissive to human males. It was something in their genetics, which the Galactic Empire prided itself on perfecting. They'd made the newest 'batch' of Asari all those centuries ago to automatically react to the smell of human cock.

Just as Eight was now. Her mouth was watering completely involuntarily, and her pussy was growing wet as her Master rubbed his dick all over her blue face. When he finally presented it to her lips a few moments later, the Asari Matron instinctively opened up, taking his cock right into her mouth and straight down her throat.

"Fuck yeah bitch, there it is. Choke on my cock you silly little whore. God yes, always so damn tight…"

"Gagkh. Gagkh. Gagkh."

She could have suppressed her gag reflex. It was something one of her previous master's, his ancestor by this point, had taught her how to do. That one had absolutely loved getting his member deep-throated, but he hadn't reveled in causing her discomfort, so he'd made sure she knew how to properly swallow a human cock without choking.

This one though, this Master preferred she choke. Eight forced herself to do so, gagging along his smelly length as her nostrils flared and drew in his delicious scent. If she didn't gag, he'd only go rougher on her. As it was, her Master pounded her throat raw anyways, and only pulled out when he was finally ready to cum, painting her blue face and her head crest with his seed.

Eight doesn't dare wipe it out of her eyes. Instead, she simply keeps them closed and waits for what he will do next as she breathes raggedly, her sizable, exposed chest heaving right there in the open. After a moment, the chains holding her to the wall are released, and Eight finds herself dragged upright and pushed over the back of the nearby sofa.

Her legs instinctively spread, and her ass lifts into the air to expose her sopping wet pussy lips. She's a bitch in heat right now, like she always is when the Master brings his cock to bear on her. She can't help it, thanks to the humans breeding her race specifically for this purpose and few others. Biting her lower lip as the cum dribbles down her face and off of her chin, Eight shudders as she feels his fingers probing her pussy for a moment.

"Mm, ready for me as ever, aren't you slut? Heh, yeah you are. Too bad. It's punishment time."

That's the only warning the Asari Matron gets before her Master slides his slick fingers from her cunt up to between her big blue ass cheeks. His digits thrust cruelly into her sphincter, and Eight's eyes go wide as her mouth drops open, her tongue hanging out. No sound comes from her throat though. Even surprised like this, the Asari has been well-trained. Choking on his cock was one thing. Screaming in pain and discomfort would only invite more of it, when her noises subsequently woke the mistress and their child up.

Instead, Eight keeps herself quiet, even in the midst of agony, even as her Master trades his slick fingers for his not-at-all lubed-up cock. He presses into her barely loosened back door without a care in the world, and a moment later he's impaling her poor asshole on his dick, thrusting into her and burying inch after inch of his member in her bowels.

Tears stream down Eight's face, mixing with the cum that he's painted onto her. She sobs in silence, knowing that he can't see her, knowing that he wouldn't punish her for crying even if he could. Her Master likes her tears, likes to see her despair. His fingers dig into her flesh as he begins to pound away at her back door, and Eight's entire body jerks time and time again against the back of the couch as she receives quite the butt-fucking from her 'beloved' Master.

The railing of her poor ass continues for several minutes, and then he's cumming again, her Master filling her bowels with his seed as he groans loudly, burying his entire length in her poor, stretched out asshole. And then he's done, pulling out of her and letting her slump over the back of the couch for a moment. Eventually though, his hand comes up and grabs her head crest again. Eight finds herself dragged back over to her corner by said crest, and locked into place once again in but a few moments.

She doesn't bother with protesting the treatment. She most certainly doesn't bring the fact that she's both covered in cum and leaking it to her Master's attention as he walks away. Doing so would only invite further punishment, and she truly does need her sleep before she has to do it all over again tomorrow.

This is her life now. This is the life of every Asari in the Galactic Human Empire. They live to serve, and they serve with their bodies more often than not. The one thing that Eight has over the humans is her longevity, but that can be more of a blessing than a curse and she's not quite sure how much longer she can last, if things don't change with the inevitable deaths of her current master and mistress.

As the Asari Matron drifts off into a restless sleep, she can only hope that the young child, asleep in the nursery, will be a kinder soul than its parents.


She was special, in a way. Old enough to remember the time before the humans had come. Old enough to know how terrible those days were.

"Anise! Anise darling, where are you at?"

Slowly, the beautiful Asari rises from her cushion, where she'd been reading one of the preapproved texts provided by her Master. With a slightly placid smile on her face, Anise walks from her bedroom and down the hall, into the kitchen where that very same man is awaiting her. Her Master smiles at the sight of her.

"Ah, there you are. That's a good girl, come over here for me, won't you?"

Bowing her head, the Asari does just that. When her Master nonchalantly undoes the button holding her top together with one hand, she raises no protest, even as the form-fitting garment bursts open, her absolutely massive mammaries bouncing and jiggling, exposed. Of course, her Master barely pays that any mind. He's seen them do it often enough.

Anise is not her true name. At least, it is not the name she was born with. These days, it is the only name she answers to, and even in her heart, even in the deepest recesses of her mind, she views herself as Anise. As one of the oldest Asari left in the Great and Bountiful Human Empire, she would technically qualify as a Matriarch under the old ways. At eight long centuries of life, Anise had seen much. She'd seen her civilization go through war after war, until finally the humans came and brought with them peace and control.

There was a reason Anise had lived so long. Unlike so many of her peers, the purple-skinned Asari had seen the true, glorious nature of what the humans were trying to do. She saw what they could accomplish. In the end, she'd helped them. She'd helped her Master's great, great… many times great grand-father. And as her reward, she had been allowed to serve him and his family, his children's children, for the last few centuries.

Anise's full lips part slightly and a light exhalation of breath leaves them as her current Master directs one of her nipples down into his glass, squeezing and receiving a steady stream of creamy milk for his trouble. This was their morning routine, in the end. Her Master drank a cup of her breast milk with his breakfast every single day, and Anise happily provided it to him.

She had not always had breasts this large of course. When the humans had first come to Thessia, she'd been young. A Maiden on the verge of becoming a Matron. Even then Anise had seen the hate and the loathing and the self-destructive tendencies that had lived in her people's heart. Over the centuries, her figure had filled out. She'd grown ever so slightly in other ways, but it was her tits that had truly expanded.

Eventually, one of her masters had taken note and asked her outright if she'd like to please him in an entirely new way. Anise, always one to see to the happiness of humans had acquiesced without even knowing what he meant. Within a week, she'd had breasts a size larger than before, and that could lactate on command, a store of warm, creamy-smooth milk always stored in her mammaries.

In the centuries since, her masters had all quite enjoyed the taste of her lactation. This one truly did, probably because his mother had died in childbirth, and his father had used her to breast feed him in the end. When he's done filling his glass, her current Master finally turns away from the work he's doing on his omnitool, grabbing hold of both her tits and lowering his mouth to them.

Anise stands absolutely still, gasping and mewling but never once moving as her Master pays homage to those that came before him by worshipping her purple breasts. He drinks straight from the tap as he likes to say, and he licks and sucks and kisses her soft, pliable tit flesh to his heart's content for a good several minutes before pulling away and moving to take his breakfast and his milk from the kitchen into the dining room.

The aged Asari composes herself, and then follows a moment later, walking in as her Master is sitting down and scooting his chair forward, grabbing for his utensils. There is no one eating with him. Her Master is growing older by human standards, and yet he has no wife. His hair is not yet grey of course, and thanks to advances in medical science, the richer humans have lived longer and longer these last few centuries… but still, one would expect a human male to be married at the age of fifty.

It was not her place to question his judgment though. Anise would never dare, even if she'd practically raised him, even if she'd breastfed him. Hers was to obey and serve. His was to make the decisions. That was the right of the human race. They were the ones who had managed to set aside their differences, rising up from their planet and bringing Order to the galaxy.

Slowly, Anise lowers herself to her knees. She does not move too quickly, she does not rush. Instead, she crawls under the table with her hips swaying sensually, and she takes her time to make sure she's positioned properly. Then she waits, kneeling beneath the table right in front of her Master's legs, until finally he spreads them apart.

That is her cue, and Anise takes it, her dexterous purple fingers moving up and tugging at the drawstring of his pajama bottoms. Licking her lips, Anise pulls said bottoms down until her Master's cock, long and thick and already half hard, bounces up from its confines, nearly smacking her in the nose. It doesn't though of course, because Anise has had quite a lot of practice in this.

Every cock is different, she's found. And yet, in the end many of them are very much the same. Grabbing hold of her Master's shaft, Anise strokes up and down his length, watching him grow before her eyes with as much delight as she had the day before. This too is part of their morning routine after all. Eventually, Anise moves forward and opens her mouth wide. She takes her Master's shaft past her lips and right down her throat, swallowing continuously as she sucks inch after inch down her esophagus.

There is no choking, no gagging. Anise does not have a gag reflex. Her first master had had it removed to make her duties easier on her. None of his descendants had ever cared to reverse that decision, at least so far. It made the act sucking a cock far more pleasurable for Anise. Well, that and the fact that there were pleasure receptors embedded inside of her throat as well, a part of the same procedure that had removed her gag reflex.

Anise's eyes roll up in her skull as she bobs her head up and down on her Master's cock. Her continuous moans are muffled by the massive intrusion in her throat, but they only make it more pleasurable for the human man sitting in front of her, as vibrations reverberate up his length. One of her hands moves under his shaft and cradles his junk, massaging and kneading and groping his balls quite expertly.

Even with all of her training and all of her advantages, it still takes Anise several minutes to draw out her Master's first load of the day. Such is the willpower of humans. Such is the strength of the human race. When his seed does finally come, the aged Asari happily swallows it down, with the same ease with which she'd swallowed his cock. There is no gagging or choking here. Anise does not spill a drop as she drinks and drinks and drinks.

This is her morning meal, and she would not miss out on it for the world. This is the first Master to feed her this way, and it makes Anise extremely happy to know that the man she'd watch grow up cares for her so much that he's willing to change his body. He'd altered his ejaculate so that it would have all of the nutrients she needed to survive. So long as she got a good, healthy dose of his seed in her belly two to three times a day, she would never grow hungry and never be malnourished.

Sliding her plump lips off of her Master's cock with a pop, Anise takes great care to put the slowly softening member back into her Master's pajama bottoms, tucking it and his balls away before beginning to retrace her journey. Crawling out from under the table, the Asari rises to her feet and stands at the ready at her Master's side, watching him finish his breakfast, waiting to hear if he has any daily orders for her.

This is where the usual morning routine ends. What happens next changes by the day, and it is completely at the whim of her Master. Sometimes he gives her some tasks to complete around the house for the day. Sometimes he even took her with him, in which case she would need to get dressed. Other times, he-

Her Master rises quite suddenly from his chair and grabs her by the back of her neck. Anise gasps as he forces her in front of him, bending her over the table. The purple Asari is quick to arch her back and lift her hips. This causes her ass to move up into the air, and a moment later she feels her Master's cock against her big, fat bubble butt (as one of her previous Masters so liked to call it.)

This was also something he sometimes did, if the morning blowjob wasn't enough for him. Moaning wantonly, Anise shakes her ass, even as her Master takes hold of it and grips it tight, his cock hot-dogging her behind.

"God, Anise. I quite love your body; do you know that? You Asari, such exquisite creatures… my records put you at eight hundred and thirty-two years old. You age like fine wine my dear."

She doesn't respond, not with words anyways. He hasn't asked her a question, after all. But she does moan some more, especially when he slips his cock off of her ass-crack and down below to her ready-and-waiting pussy lips. Her hungry cunt swallows her Master's thick, long cock whole. Inch after inch of his length slides into her pussy and her tight, slick insides clench down around him as he thoroughly invades her.

His cockhead pierces right through her cervix and directly into her womb. But then, of course it does. This too is a modified part of her, something she was happy to give up in order to better accommodate her Masters as they enhanced themselves and fucked her with bigger and bigger cocks over the centuries. Humans had evolved, and she'd had to adapt the only way she could… through science.

As her Master fucks her womb directly with his big, hard throbbing meat rod, Anise throws her head back and cries out her orgasm, cumming around his cock in no time flat. Her next climax hits almost immediately afterwards, and then they don't stop coming. It's not always this way. Every Master is a little different, Anise has found. But this particular Master, on top of loving to drink from her tits directly, also loves it when he can fuck her silly in a good fifteen-minute quickie.

That's exactly what he does, plowing her senseless right there over the dining room table as Anise's voluptuous purple-skinned body bounces and jiggles against the hefty, sturdy piece of furniture. His hands come down on her upturned ass as he fucks her, and he smacks her fat posterior silly before he's finally done. His cum spills into her womb only after her eyes roll up in her head and her tongue hangs out of her skull.

By the time he pulls out of her, Anise is using the table for support, and doesn't even have the strength to stand up. Her Master lays one last smack across her ass as he tucks his cock away again, and then his voice fills her ears.

"Take an hour to yourself sweetheart. Then clean this up and tidy up the house. I'll see you later, for lunch."

And like that, her Master is gone. Anise doesn't actually know what he does, but like his ancestors, he's extremely well off. The home they live in is a massive, modern technological marvel. Slowly but surely, the aged Asari rises from her prone position across the table. She rests a hand atop her abdomen, right over her cum-filled womb, and she smiles.

There's nothing more satisfying for Anise than to satisfy her Master. Though he's given her an hour, the Asari feels recovered in far less time, and ten minutes after he's departed for work, she's busy cleaning up as her Master ordered, tidying up their home. In the end, she returns to her cushion and her book well at ease, completely and utterly content.

There she sits, waiting for when her Master will arrive home for lunch and call for her again. Depending on how stressful the first half of his day has been, he very well might use her for some relief once again. Anise doesn't dare hope though. She will be allowed to suck her Master's cock for the much-needed nutrients in his seed while he eats his lunch. Anything beyond that… is simply icing on the cake, as humans would say.

One way or the other, Anise will be happy with what is given to her. As she believes all Asari should be.


"C124. Step forward, face the camera, stand still."

See-One does exactly that, even managing to hold back her shiver as she stands there in the nude, feeling the camera's lens on her, feeling it recording her naked flesh. The young Asari resists the urge to bite her lower lip. She resists the urge to do anything that will see her punished again for disobedience.

"Alright, you're done. Step back and rejoin your handler."

The uncaring eyes of the owner to the equally uncaring voice giving her orders, follow her as she obeys. Her handler is a bit different, a smile on his face as he welcomes her back with a stretched-out arm.

"Very good, See-One. Go on, join the others. Now that we're through the security check, we can board the ship and get you situated."

Bowing her head, See-One obeys once more. It is all she can do, all any Asari can do. It is what they are born and bred and raised to do. Obey, obey, obey. For most, this was not an issue. For See-One… she was one of the difficult ones. Many a night had been spent up late, wishing she WASN'T one of the difficult ones. Many a day had been spent trying to restrain her impulses, her 'attitude', as the handlers and instructors called it.

Her fellow maidens saw her as a pariah, due to just how often she failed in that restraint. The number of punishments that See-One had suffered… well, they'd certainly taught her to be more careful, more cautious, more… obedient. She hadn't had an incident in three weeks now. Perhaps that was why her handler was being so kind. Didn't want to deal with her having an 'episode' when they were so close to boarding.

That was okay though. See-One had already weighed her options and decided she didn't want to have an 'episode' either. This planet… she'd been born and raised here. And See-One had finally decided that no matter what happened next, no matter where they were taken, it was better than this dreary, dead world. And so she walks forward and joins the others. None of the other Asari maidens so much as look her way. Each is as nude as she is, but none have ever questioned why only humans wear garments, as she has.

Each wears a collar with a letter and three numbers inscribed onto it, just as she does. But none have ever questioned why humans have names, and they do not… like she has. Pressing her lips together in a thin line, See-One keeps her head forward, eyes straight. She shivers a little, but then steadies herself. Soon enough, they're ordered forward, and along with nearly a dozen of her sisters, See-One enters the massive cargohold in front of her.

They're guided along for a little while. Eventually, they begin to split off. One by one, their handler drops them off at individual rooms. Finally, it's only See-One left. She keeps her face carefully blank, even as her handler gives her a smile and gestures towards a door.

"Here you are See-One. This is it… and goodbye. I won't say it's been nice, because we both know it hasn't. I'm sure you'll enjoy your new life very much."

There it is. The malice. The disgust. The thinly veiled anger at just how 'uppity' she could be. His word, not hers. See-One was honestly more grateful that he didn't decide to hit her one more time than anything else. Instead, she just bows her head, and the handler snorts before walking off. Then, the door opens and she walks into the room, ready to face her future.

The room itself is surprisingly sterile. There's someone inside of it wearing a white coat and holding a pad.

"C124? Go on and stand in the middle of the room, up on the platform. Keep your body straight. Legs together, arms to your sides. If you don't, you might lose a limb."

Moving forward, See-One is careful to obey. She stands completely still as instructed, and once the white-coated human has ascertained that she's in place, they press a button on their pad. Quite suddenly, See-One cannot move. Her body no longer responds to her mind, as the floor opens up beneath her and a dozen metal appendages crawl out, grappling at her form.

She can understand why they would stasis her for this. If they hadn't, she would undoubtedly be freaking out. Inwardly, she still is, but outwardly, her placid, pliable body remains completely loose as the metal appendages have their way with her, quite literally. The only thing the Asari doesn't understand is why she has to be conscious for this at all.

More appendages come down from the ceiling, and needles press into her light blue flesh, delivering some sort of payload. The person in the white coat stands and approaches her.

"Your handler specifically requested you be awake for the process. Apparently, you're a problem child. This won't be pleasant, C124. You will not enjoy it. Alas, I don't make the decisions, I simply run the program. I have been instructed to inform you of your fate, as if an animal like you is supposed to understand. Though, I suppose they do explain your possible paths when they teach you how to be good little pets, don't they? Hm, then maybe the words 'Breeding Cow' will mean something to you after all."

See-One can't move a single muscle, but her eyes can still widen, her pupils dilating in fear. The human notices that and chuckles.

"You do then. Amusing. Well, that's to be your fate, as it stands. They'll use you up for a few centuries, and then if there's much of you left, they'll sell you to some private citizen for a discount. If there isn't… well, you know. Anyways, the process is pretty much operated, and while I do get off a little on all of this… I have my own pet waiting for me back in my quarters. This is goodbye, C124. Once it's done with you, you won't understand Galactic Basic anymore. Unfortunate side effect of the procedure. Have fun."

The human is gone in moments, as See-One rages inside the confines of her mind. Her rage is forced to stop a moment later when the pain comes. And then the pleasure as well, and her mind, her sense of self, her very soul, starts to slowly break apart under the pressure. Unbeknownst to the captive Asari Maiden, the massive ship she's in slowly begins to rise from the world she'd been so desperate to escape, filled to capacity with her and her kind. It flies off into the black of space, heading for its ultimate destination.


See-One wakes up with a shriek of rage and claws violently at the man who has her in his arms. He responds by hitting her across the face, which sends the Asari Maiden falling back, sprawled on the metal floor. Her eyes are wide and her chest heaves as she looks around wildly. The… the pain… the pleasure. It's gone. At least, mostly. There's still a bit of pain, mostly centered around her busted lip.

"Hah, Dan you alright in there? Having some trouble with the merchandise?"

"Hey, fuck you Mike! This one is rabid, practically feral! But nah, I got her. She and I are gonna come to an understanding REAL quick like."

See-One blinks and focuses on the voices. Her head finally stops swimming, and she looks up into the grinning face of the human who'd backhanded her. He doesn't look anything like any human she's ever seen before, dressed in ratty clothes covered in pieces of armor. Though, he does have a leer on his face that she's seen many a time before. And a gun in his hands that she more than knows the use of.

"You see this girlie? You know what it does?"

A glance back at machine behind her shoes a bunch of inert, metal appendages. They're covered in fluids, some of it blood, some of it… other things. See-One shivers as she realizes that she's been spared her fate… and slowly but surely, the Asari Maiden begins to understand what's happening. Pirates. The ship has been boarded by pirates. The red light blanketing the room and the sirens booming in her ears probably should have clued her in earlier, but the young, 'uppity' Asari had a lot on her mind, to be fair.

"Ugh, you really are feral, aren't you? Fucking cunt, I'm talkin' to you!"

The gun is waved around again, and See-One refocuses on her inadvertent rescuer. Flushing a bit in embarrassment, she nods her head slowly.

"Y-Yes… I know what it does."

'Dan' blinks and then grins savagely.

"Good. That's good. Cause you're going to do what I say, aren't you? Going to be a good little alien slut and follow my instructions to the letter. Or else."

See-One blinks again, and then, much to the pirate's consternation, smiles and nods.


Dan looks more than a little confused by that.

"… You fuckin' touched in the head or something? Ugh, I don't got time for this. Get the fuck up and out into the hallway."

She stands and obeys. It's alright though. Now that See-One knows her fate, now that she knows what her handler intended for her… nothing truly can be worse than that. And she discovers, over the next little while, that she's right. Her and a countless multitude of her sisters are guided by pirates off of the ship and through an airlock.

Many of the Asari stolen from the cargo ship are placed in containers, wedged in there a hundred at a time. See-One isn't interested in that sort of life, and before she can even get close to one of those containers, she presses herself up against 'Dan's' side.

"Mm, Master…"

Blinking, the pirate looks at her dumbly for a moment, before grinning wickedly.

"Oh? Softening up real quick now, aren't you slut? You're one of the smart ones, I bet. Pegged me as a Captain from the beginning? Hm… fine, I'll give you a test ride. C'mon."

She actually hadn't pegged him as anything. But See-One was certainly observant. While MOST of her sisters were being forced into the massive containers by the hundreds, some were being dragged away by a few of the pirates, down corridors. She'd taken a leap, and it seemed she'd landed on something solid on the other side.

It's not long before the Asari Maiden finds herself inside Dan's quarters. It's not longer before she finds herself pressed up against the wall as the pirate kisses her heatedly. In that moment, his knife is within her reach… but See-One does not reach for it. Asari were not taught how to use weapons or kill, after all. As rebellious as the young maiden was, she wasn't capable of truly fighting back.

Luckily, she had no need to fight back. As the pirate captain forces her onto her hands and knees and begins to work at his belt and his pants, See-One waits in trepidation and anticipation. And then, a moment later, she takes her first human cock right up her cunt as he simply shoves it in with zero fanfare. A cry leaves her throat as her purity is robbed of her, but See-One doesn't truly mind. She was expecting it, even.

"Fuck you're tight! That's right slut, move your hips. Give it all you've got, and just maybe I'll keep you around. How's that sound?"

To others, it might not have sounded very good at all. See-One was sure that some of her sisters were meant for better things than a pirate's bed. But knowing her fate gave the Asari Maiden a clarity she hadn't had before. She still had her mind, she still had her intelligence, her freedom of thought… all thanks to the human male currently railing her from behind.

With that frame of mind, See-One finds it surprisingly easy to get into things, arching her back and moaning appreciatively as she slams her hips back into the human's pistoning cock. Of course, what she doesn't know is that she didn't completely escape the… transformation unscathed. Her body has been rewired, and her cunt is more sensitive than it should be. The first orgasm hits her in under a minute, and as See-One squeals, she finds the pleasure doesn't stop, building and building and building some more as her cunt walls squeeze down tightly along the pirate's shaft.

"S-Shit, you really ARE a slut. Hah, god your species was MADE to be fucked!"

Maybe… maybe he was right. Fucking was better than See-One had ever expected. As her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lulls out of her mouth, the light blue Asari allows all thought to flee her mind as she gives herself over to the pleasure… over to this pirate captain who now owns her. She'll prove herself worthy of his bed. And maybe more, if the opportunity arises.


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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!

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