Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Depravity of Haruhi Suzumiya

A/N: The Depravity of Haruhi Suzumayi was a commissioned piece originally written in three parts from March-October of 2018. I'm posting it now as a one-shot for readers to enjoy!

Summary: Haruhi gets ahold of some... elicit reading material. Needless to say, life isn't the same. But hey, if this is the price Kyon has to pay to keep the world from ending... he'll bite the bullet for everyone else and pay it.

Themes: Reality-Warping, Dom/Sub, Bondage


At first, he'd agreed with the others, that Haruhi being exposed to… THAT type of manga was catastrophic, to say the least. Kyon had known that Haruhi was branching out from her normal readings into more amateur work, but when he'd taken her to the used bookstore after school, he'd never expected her to find a treasure trove of hentai material hidden in a paper bag in the back of the store.

Worse than that, when Haruhi had tried to BUY the perverse material, the store owner had seemed as surprised as Kyon was, and in the end the poor old man had claimed he didn't know where they'd came from… and furthermore, that they weren't for sale in his store. Haruhi, instead of getting dejected… had promptly asked if that meant they were just free to take, and Kyon had been forced to watch on in building horror as the old store owner slumped his shoulders and nodded, either unwilling to admit that they were his, or too afraid of the repercussions of selling porn to students.

Either way, Haruhi had skipped out of the used bookstore with the paper bag in her hands and a wide smile spread across her face. Kyon had exited at a subtler pace, and then he'd made excuses so he could inform the other members of the SOS Brigade of the new development, pronto. Haruhi hadn't minded, in fact she'd seemed just as eager to part ways with him as he was, mentioning something about heading home early for the day.

That should have been a bad sign in and of itself, considering how much the brunette girl enjoyed spending hours on end after school looking for paranormal activity of some sort. Needless to say though, Kyon had bigger things on his mind, even if her inevitable evening activities had everything to do with those bigger things.

Kyon's life was suffering these days and had been ever since he'd made the foolish mistake of engaging in small talk with the girl sitting behind him, his first day at North High. That day, Haruhi Suzumiya had told him outright that she only wanted to associate with aliens, time travelers, espers, and sliders, and if he wasn't one of those, he didn't matter to her one bit.

Funnily enough, he WASN'T any of those things. He was just a normal young man, with nothing remotely special about himself. Still, he should have had the sense to catch on then and stay away from the odd girl. Instead, something had pulled him towards her, time and time again. He'd noticed things like her changing her hairstyle, only to find out she'd done it to try and get the attention of aliens.

It had been HE who came up with the idea of the SOS Brigade, or at the very least, a club of some sort, led by Haruhi. She'd liked that thought so much she'd dragged him into things, and before long they'd actually had several members, not just him and her like he'd initially assumed it would be. That's when the trouble really began, even if the warning signs had been there far before then.

Haruhi's new members… Kyon hadn't been able to believe it at first. But she'd done it, even if she didn't know it. Haruhi had gone and attracted an alien, a time traveler, and an esper to the SOS Brigade, just like that. Yuki Nagato, Mikuru Asahina, and Itsuki Koizumi… apparently, the three had each come independently, solely because of Haruhi's secret power.

Not even the brunette herself knew about it of course… which was probably for the best, because she could literally control and warp reality, her subconscious having done so plenty of times by this point. His new friend was basically a god. That had not been a fun thing to learn, since it ended up proving to be a monumental pain in the ass… and one he couldn't even get away from given it was an honest-to-god matter of saving the world by keeping Haruhi from inadvertently causing its destruction.

Yeah. Kyon's life was suffering. And he was fairly certain that this new matter, involving Haruhi and the hentai doujins, would prove to be just as much a hardship as everything that had come before it. That's why he'd gone straight to the rest of the Brigade for help. Before he could even reach them however, the changes had begun. It'd started with his body, of course… or maybe that was just the most noticeable thing. His cock had begun to grow and his boxers had started to tighten. Kyon had had to stop what he was doing and hurry into a nearby public bathroom so he could adjust himself.

He'd never been that small before that point, but after, his dick had literally had to go down one leg of his boxers, and even then the tip of it was poking out from the bottom of said underwear, brushing against the inside of his pant leg in a manner that left him… seriously messed up. When he'd finally gotten to the clubroom for the emergency meeting, it'd only been Nagato and Mikuru… and both of them had been wearing… well, needless to say, they'd had sex. They'd had a lot of sex.

Kyon honestly forgot all about the hentai doujins until AFTER they'd all finished having sex, like three or four times apiece. When he'd brought up his concerns, both Nagato and Mikuru had waved them aside. In their joint opinion, even if Haruhi HAD changed the world because of some porn she'd read… it wasn't that big of a deal, nor was it a crisis. Kyon hadn't agreed… until they'd proceeded to tag team him again, and by the time he'd filled them both up with yet another load of seed apiece, the young man had finally come around to their way of thinking… or Haruhi's way of thinking, as the case truly was.

His cock was gigantic and extremely sensitive, and his stamina was endless from that point on. Things got rather… silly, around him, though it only seemed to be around HIM. Haruhi didn't turn the entire world into some sort of porno overnight… instead, only he seemed to be no longer held accountable by the rules of modern society. Only he was special. As evidenced by the next day, in the middle of class…


Kyon grunts and winces as he feels his cock growing hard within the confines of his pants and his boxers. His dick did this now, just getting erect for no reason at all. Or maybe it was the way his cockhead kept brushing against the inside of his pant leg. Given his sheer size, there really wasn't anything Kyon could do about it… but apparently, there was something Haruhi could do.


The brunette's voice suddenly rings out, distracting Kyon from his discomfort as he glances back at the young woman. She gives him a tentative smile, her face red with a blush, even as the teacher glances in her direction.


"I need to suck Kyon's dick now, so I'll be under his desk, okay?"

Kyon's eyes go wide at that, and he glances sharply to the front of the room, half-expecting the middle-aged woman who was supposed to be preparing them for university to flip out right then and there. He should have known better. Instead, their teacher simply rolls her eyes and waves a hand dismissively.

"Go on then, we wouldn't want him to get backed up now!"

All he could do was sit there in a bit of a proper state, even as some of the class snickered slightly at his expense. Meanwhile, Haruhi outright hops from her chair, a giddy, eager smile on her face. In an instant, she's crawling under his desk and Kyon finds himself scooting back a bit, sitting up straight so that there's enough room for her. He can see her face from beneath his desk as her hands reach out and begin to undo the button and the zipper on his pants, tugging them apart to get at his boxers… and the prize they contained.

"Don't worry Master~ Just relax and let your sexy little pet take care of all your troubles!"

Kyon's eyes go wider still at that. Neither Nagato nor Mikuru had gone that far the day before, the alien and time traveler both acting unnaturally slutty, but not outright calling him Master, or declaring themselves his pets. The three of them had fucked for hours on end, and Kyon was still feeling a bit exhausted by it all… but Haruhi wrapping her small hand around his new, massive cock to pull it out of its tight confines is doing wonders to wake him up fully.

As she stares in wonder at his giant schlong, stroking it up and down even as she begins to coo at it, Kyon twists a little in his chair and reaches for the open 'book' on Haruhi's desk. As expected, it's another of the damn hentai doujins she'd managed to purchase the day before… only, as Kyon flips through the pages, he finds themes that explain his current predicament permanently. The doujin, obviously made by an aspiring amateur artist, is one of those double-story types.

The first story is all about some sort of Free Use world, in which an ordinary-looking guy with a small card is allowed to have sex with anyone he wants, where ever he wants, whenever he wants. The second story is a bit more personal and private, a simple Master/Pet story, with the girl character submitting utterly to the boy character and his massive cock, until he had her screaming her release while playing with her tied up body.

Kyon couldn't deny that the doujins were pretty erotic, and plenty hot. Of course, he didn't know how much of his current arousal was from Haruhi's unskilled, enthusiastic grasp, and how much was from the porn manga themselves. Glancing down from the amateur hentai book to Haruhi's face beneath his desk again, Kyon swallows thickly at the hopeful look in her eyes, even as she slides her palms back and forth along his cock.

Realizing what he has to do, Kyon smiles tentatively.

"That's… that's good pet. Just like that."

A beatific smile spreads across Haruhi's face, even as her blush deepens. She turns her attention back to his giant cock, and a moment later she's placing her lips around his dickhead, stretching her mouth in an obscene manner, just to make it work. Kyon watches with wide eyes, more than a little impressed as Haruhi takes more and more of his dick into her mouth.

… Has to be her power, of course. Any normal girl's jaw would have dislocated already. It was the reason only Nagato had bothered to deep-throat him the day before, as Mikuru was still a baseline girl, albeit a time-traveling one. Stretchy jaws apparently weren't something they'd made normal for all humans in the future.

Haruhi was making it normal for herself right now though, probably without even knowing she was doing it. The brunette bobs up and down on his cock, and more and more of his thick shaft disappears between the brunette's full, red lips. A groan leaves Kyon's throat, especially when she finally gets far enough along his length with her mouth that one of her hands leaves the lower-half of his cock to move under and cradle his balls.

Holding the base of his dick with one hand and massaging his nuts with the other, the brunette girl bounces her head back and forth with an unequal ferocity. Funny thing is, Kyon knows Haruhi is very rarely drastically changed by her own reality-warping shenanigans. Which means… which means she might just be totally, utterly into this? And that meant he had to go along with it, just as he'd originally thought. Even as she chokes herself on his dick, Kyon comprehends that this is going to be the new norm, at least until Haruhi gets bored.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

It says something more about the brunette girl that she's even gagging to begin with. Tears are streaming involuntarily down her face, and slobber is slowly but surely drooling from her lower lip to her chin, to the blouse of her school uniform as she practically flings her head up and down his length. She's looking at him again, even as she gags, and something in those watery eyes of hers… Kyon suddenly feels a compulsion to take control and judging by the material Haruhi was making this new world off of, that was exactly what he was SUPPOSED to do.

Gritting his teeth, the young man sneaks a hand beneath his desk, lacing his fingers through Haruhi's silky-smooth locks. He runs his digits through her hair, and then he abruptly grips down, bringing her to a stop just as she's hitting the side of her hand, still pressed against the base of his cock as it is. Her small hand doesn't even fully encompass his massive girth at this point, but it makes for a good stopper, keeping her from going the last few inches down his length.

Holding her there, Kyon looks down into Haruhi's watery brown eyes and stares at her with a lifted brow. Her throat convulses around his dick, and more slobber collects on her chin, even as she stares right back at him. Finally, after a long moment, Haruhi pulls her hand away from Kyon's cock, placing it in her lap while the other continues to knead and massage his balls in a quite pleasurable manner.

With nothing obstructing him, a wicked grin spreads across Kyon's face… and he forces Haruhi the rest of the way down his cock, his other hand slipping under his desk to join the first in her hair as he holds her head and forces it back and forth along the entire length of his girthy shaft. Haruhi's eyes widen at the way he's taken sudden, and forceful command of the situation, and then they outright roll back in her head as he begins to face fuck her on the spot.


She's climaxing, he realizes after a moment. Hours of sex with Nagato and Mikuru the day before had shown him exactly what a girl's orgasm looked like, but Nagato had NOT cum while deep-throating him. He hadn't thought that was possible… but yep, that was exactly what was happening, A glance around the side of his desk showed that both of Haruhi's hands were under the skirt of her school uniform now, and the vibrations going up his shaft matched up with the muffled moans said shaft was currently stifling.

Yep, Haruhi really was that much of a slut. Kyon couldn't help but be astounded… but the more he fucked her face, the more aroused he got. It was more than just a bodily reaction, though he soon did cum down Haruhi's throat, only for half his seed to come back up and spill out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth as she promptly choked on it.

This though… this was amazing. Not just the oral sex, though it really was the best he'd ever had, even better than Nagato… but all of it. Getting to fuck Haruhi, getting to fuck Nagato and Mikuru… licking his lips, Kyon stares down beneath the edge of his desk at the brunette girl, even as his dick slips out of Haruhi's mouth with a pop. Her eyes are a little glazed over, and her lips stay open as she pants heavily. Her sizable chest heaves beneath her drool/cum-stained blouse, and it's clear that the girl is out of it and trying to catch her breath as she shudders and shakes on her knees.

Her hands are still hidden beneath her skirt when Kyon gets a wild hair. It wasn't something that the young man ever would have done before now, under ANY circumstances. It was crude, and crass, and perverse… and more than a little mean. But from the looks of things, that was what Haruhi WANTED at this point. How could he deny her? Especially when she unknowingly had her finger on the button that could end the world.

His hands still laced in the brunette's hair, it's the work of moments for Kyon to drag a startled Haruhi out from under his desk. A moment later, he's forcing her to bend over the top of it, pinning her face down in her own porn manga. Her hands slap down on the desk to catch herself, and the wet splat tells Kyon all he needs to know, though his eyes confirm what he'd already suspected anyways.

Haruhi's fingers are liberally coated in her own pussy juices, and when he reaches back behind her and slides two fingers right up under her skirt and into her cunt, he's not surprised that her soaked panties have already been slipped aside completely, and her sopping wet pussy walls cling to his digits happily as he provokes a moan from Haruhi's lips.

"Yeah, that's what I thought pet… you like this, don't you? Like what I'm doing to you, don'tcha?"

Haruhi just moans some more, her voice a bit raspy and a bit croaky from the way he'd absolutely ruined her throat. Her head bobs up and down in the affirmative though, and her hips hump away at his fingers as he pistons the digits in and out of her cunt. A wicked grin spreads across Kyon's face, only for an authoritative voice to cut into his fun.

"Excuse me! What do you think you're doing? You know that you're supposed to keep that little harlot out of sight so she doesn't distract the other students! And that big dick of yours should be classified as a deadly weapon, honestly! Exposing the impressionable young women in here to such a monstrous… fat… cock."

Kyon blinks as he glances up at the teacher. Was she… was she sexier now than she was a minute ago? Frowning slightly as he watches her and every other female in the classroom stare at his massive member, still jutting angrily out of his pants, mere inches away from Haruhi's rump, Kyon comes to a realization. Haruhi makes the rules, as she always has… but the new rules leave HIM in charge. Licking his lips, the young man offers a cocky grin towards the flushed, aroused teacher.

"I'm going to fuck my pet now. And all of you are going to watch. Do you understand me?"

Slowly, the teacher nods and the class follows. Oddly enough, when he glances around the room one final time, Kyon can't actually SEE any other male students. He doesn't mind overly much though, all of those hot young women staring at him only made him harder, rather than embarrassed as it might have before. Looking back down at his pet, the wicked grin on his face only grows wider as he gets another wild hair. He follows this one too, if only because that seems to be the thing to do these days.

Within moments, Haruhi has two new accessories. First, his own tie is now loosely wrapped around the brunette's neck like a collar and leash, formally marking her as his pet. Second, her hair ribbon is now restraining her arms behind her back, her breasts pressing down into the flat surface of his desk with no way to relieve the pressure as she moans pitifully, bound and ready for him. And waiting for him too, as even now her hips are swaying back and forth, and she's doing her best to grind her sopping wet mound against the palm of his hand, as he fingers her, much to her exuberant delight.

Kyon isn't surprised when she moans in disappointment upon him removing his fingers, but a moment later he replaces it with his cockhead, and a startled happy groan leaves Haruhi's mouth as he begins to slowly spread her pussy lips around his dick like a blossoming flower. And then he goes a step further, stretching her cunt quite liberally in order to fit his massive girth inside of her entrance.

Her hymen snaps a moment later, as the first three inches of his shaft sink inside of her, and Haruhi's cry of discomfort is mixed with a cry of sheer ecstasy. The next thrust sees more than half of his cock buried inside of the brunette, and it's at that point that Haruhi orgasms around his dick, her pussy juices slickening the passage of his member until he's sliding the rest of the way into her with ease.

His giant shaft presses against the entrance of her cervix, and a moment later he's inside of her womb, filling it with his man meat and then stretching it over his dick tip like a condom. Her belly distends a little bit beneath the desk as his cock bulges out of her front, and Haruhi lets out a long, piteous moan as her body shakes and spasms, impaled on his shaft.

Reaching out, Kyon grabs a fist full of the brunette's hair and pulls her head back to reveal she's already ahegao'd, just like one of the sluts in her hentai, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth in quite a lewd fashion. Kyon snorts derisively at that… and then, tightening his grip on her hair and slapping a hand down hard on one side of Haruhi's ass, the young man begins to fuck her, right then and there in the middle of class.

Every single person in the room is watching them, all of them female. Every student, and the teacher as well, are staring unashamedly at the absurd, crass sight. As Kyon utterly dominates Haruhi, more then one girl begins to touch herself to the sight, each and every one of them blushing like mad and hopelessly aroused. Even the teacher ends up leaned against the blackboard behind her, the pointer stick she'd been using rubbing against her sopping wet panties beneath her short business skirt.

Kyon only has eyes for the girl right in front of him though. He leans over Haruhi as he fucks her across his desk, his tie hanging around her neck, forgotten. He could have pulled on it, tugged it like a leash and made him bark for him… but honestly, the whole pet angle isn't as important to him as just plain fucking her, dominating her, CONTROLLING her!

Gritting his teeth, the young man takes out every last ounce of frustration and irritation that's been building up since the start of… of EVERYTHING, on the young woman who caused it all. And Haruhi, even though she doesn't know what's spurring Kyon on, loves every last second of it. Her voice carries throughout the room as she cries out from orgasm after orgasm around his pistoning cock. His shaft buries itself in her womb time and time again, and her womb stretches to the point of mockery, to the point of absurdity each and every time.

Kyon fucks Haruhi Suzumiya, a literal god-like reality-warper, over his desk like it's nothing, and he does it with all his might and all his force, pounding away into her mewling quim even as Haruhi begs him for more, crying out for harder, beseeching him to fuck her faster. Kyon gives all of that to the girl, all of that and more, until finally he begins to cum, and Haruhi's tongue sticks straight out of her mouth for a moment, before she goes limp in his grasp, ragdolling and seemingly passing out right in front of him, even as his seed fills her womb directly, painting it white with his cum.

Panting heavily himself now, it takes Kyon a while to pull out of the brunette girl. His seed soon follows as his cock stops holding it back, and a veritable wave of cum pours from between the girl's shaking, spasming legs. Tucking his dick away, much to the disappointment of the rest of the class, Kyon zips up his pants and slumps into his seat. He reaches out with one hand and runs his fingers through Haruhi's brunette locks. The other moves to her ass, and he begins to grope and knead her sizable rump, even as his eyes meet those of the teacher, and he holds her gaze with a piercing one of his own.

"You can proceed with the class now. I'm done."

The flushed, aroused teacher looks at him for a long moment, and then down at the pointer she's using on herself, between her legs. Her mouth opens and closes, until finally it clicks shut, she takes a deep breath to compose herself… and then she's continuing on with the lesson, as if nothing ever happened. Oh, but it definitely did, and Kyon… Kyon is beginning to feel like he could get used to this.

Maybe it won't last forever, but if this is all he has to do to keep Haruhi from getting bored for the foreseeable future… well, he's willing to take one for the sake of the world.

Truly, he's a selfless guy like that.


It was just another day. Though of course, these days Kyon's life was anything but normal. Except, what really was normal but the absence of anything unusual to one's day to day activities? In that sense, his new circumstances had become the norm now. Sex whenever and where ever he wanted it, that was the new normal.

Well, sometimes it was him who wanted it. Most of the time it was Haruhi though. That girl… she was such a slutty little submissive, and there seemed to be no end to her depravity, her debauchery. Even now, as he sat on the train with Yuki beside him, Kyon could only guess at what sort of perverse activity Haruhi had planned for them today. That was what the SOS Brigade had become now. Oh sure, Haruhi would make the bare minimum effort to dress it up, such as telling them they were engaging in 'strange activity' to hopefully draw out an esper, alien, or time traveler.

But it seemed Haruhi's main focus these days was on sex. Kinky sex, to be more specific. It felt like she came up with or found some new fetish to focus on, day in and day out. Kyon… couldn't really bring himself to care all that much. The ability he had, to fuck and have sex with any girl at any time in any place… that still existed. Haruhi was still his beloved, adoring pet who just wanted him to be happy.

That seemed to be her default now that she'd had her sexual awakening. From what Kyon could tell, Haruhi didn't have a domineering bone in her body… at least when it came to him. She loved him. That wasn't something the young man would have just assumed before all of this, but there was something to be said about sex breaking down barriers, and intimacy knocking on doors that had previously been sealed shut.

Haruhi loved him… and he loved her. It was a strange, twisted sort of love. Kyon didn't think anyone else in the history of ever had found themselves in a relationship with a reality warping goddess like Haruhi. At least, not in a relationship like THIS relationship. Kyon had a reality warping goddess at his beck and call. He had a girl determined to make him happy. And she just so happened to also be able to control her surroundings, albeit subconsciously.

Yeah, Kyon was pretty happy with how things were. It was all jus- wait a second. Kyon blinks as he stares at Yuki. He'd just glanced sidelong at the purple-haired girl to make sure she was still buried in her book… but now he couldn't help but just LOOK at her. After all, it wasn't every day that Yuki Nagato had cat ears.

His eyes flicker down to her butt, crotch, and he can see the tail wrapped securely around her waist as she sits, prim and proper, on the train seat behind him. Kyon's mouth opens and closes a couple times as he just stares at Yuki for several long seconds. This is… huh. So Haruhi had discovered cat girls, obviously. Where ever the brunette girl was, she'd suddenly decided subconsciously that Yuki needed to be a cat girl. And now… she was.

Kyon had been holding himself back on the train ride, figuring he'd get plenty of loving from Haruhi and the other members of the SOS Brigade at the off-site meet-up point they'd decided on. There'd been no reason to make a mess of Yuki so early, nor any reason to fuck around on the train with any of the other women riding it.

But now… now it was like he was being goaded on. And as it turned out, he was, in a way. Before Kyon can even make a decision one way or another, reality warps again. This time, he and Yuki are suddenly standing up, there being no more room. The train wasn't too crowded before, but now its positively packed, filled with women… and only women.

Kyon flushes for a second, before setting his jaw. Then, he very deliberately thrusts his hips forward, bumping his growing erection into Yuki's rump as the newly made cat girl blinks and looks up from her book, glancing back at him as he stares down into her expressionless eyes. She's both a cat girl and a humanoid interface now…

"Ah. Is this the perverted 'train molestation' scene that I have read about? Very well, Kyon. Go on then."

Well, how is he ever supposed to say no to such a ringing endorsement of the idea? Snorting in amusement at Yuki's attitude, Kyon begins to molest her, right there on the spot. His hands run up and down the short-haired girl's slender, slim form, and he runs his fingers across her covered chest, pressing his digits down through the school uniform she's dressed in.

Yuki's lips part and she lets out a gasp of breath, followed by soft mewling sounds. Her face quickly becomes flustered as she squirms in his grasp.

"N-Nyah… t-that feels d-different…"

Heh, so not only is she a cat girl now, she's also extra-sensitive? Well THAT was something Kyon could work with! Knowing that he's not about to be stopped by any of the women around them, the young man grabs his current 'dance partner' by the hips and walks her forward. The crowd parts, even as it also takes notice of the two. Before long, Kyon has Yuki up on a seat on her knees, facing away from him as he presses her into the train window behind the seat.

There's some murmuring all around them, and Kyon glances about, enjoying the stares from all the beautiful women that now populated the train thanks to Haruhi's subconscious reality warping. Still, it's not right for him to focus on anyone but the girl currently before him. Reaching out, Kyon flips up Yuki's skirt, not surprised in the least to see a purple tail sticking out from beneath her panties.

Yuki's cat tail swishes this way and that in the air, and struck by a sudden thought, Kyon reaches out and grabs at it, taking hold of her by the base of the prehensile appendage. Then, he tugs experimentally.


Yuki moans in that cute cat way of hers… wait, she didn't HAVE a cat way, did she? At least not before now. Kyon shakes his head as he continues to absently pull and tug on Yuki's tail.

"A-Ah, Kyon… d-don't bully me, nyah~"

Blinking, the young man realizes that that's exactly what he's doing. Even the women around him are murmuring about how much of a big bully he is… even as they absently wonder just how BIG he truly is, 'down there'. Refocusing on what he's doing, Kyon lets go of Yuki's tail and works at his pants for a moment. The button comes undone, the zipper gets pulled down, and then he drags his raging hard cock out of its confines.

It almost seems to be guided towards Yuki right now, pointing at her even as the cat girl rubs up against the window, while also shaking her hips back and forth expectantly.

"A-Ah, Kyon… I'm s-so hot. This feels strange…"

Well, only one way to help her with that, isn't there? Grinning, Kyon takes hold of the hem of Yuki's panties and drags them down her legs. He stares for a moment at her wet pussy lips, glistening in the train's ceiling lights… and then he thrusts in right then and there.


Once again, the normally-unflappable Yuki cries out so cutely as her cat ears twitch and her tail swishes this way and that. Her small form shakes and shivers, but Kyon doesn't let that stop him. He doesn't even hesitate as he begins to fuck her right there in the middle of the train with EVERYBODY watching. As expected, Yuki is very tight as he rails in and out of her. The purple-haired cat girl wiggles and writhes beneath him, but more than anything else, Kyon is focused on the way her insides grip at his shaft.

Her inner walls cling to his length, and every time he pulls out to thrust back in, Yuki's cunt tries to keep him inside of her with all its might. But it's never enough. Haruhi's world doesn't let it be enough. His submissive little reality-warping goddess can't fathom a world where Kyon isn't strong enough to just take a woman and make her his. She can't fathom a world where her beloved master gets dominated by anyone.

Kyon isn't sure if that simply means that he's stronger than ever before, or if Haruhi accomplished her world view by simply making everyone else slightly weaker than Kyon's base strength. In the end, one way or another, it didn't matter. What did matter was the way Yuki was breaking down right in front of him, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth as it presses up against the train window in such a lewd fashion.

He watches her face transform into a blissed-out, fucked silly expression even as he fucks her harder and faster… ultimately, Yuki ahegaoing like that only serves to turn him on all the more. Pounding into her from behind like this, Kyon can't help but acknowledge that the humanoid interface's earlier words were correct. This was the picture-perfect 'train molestation' experience.

Well, almost. There was another position that all such porn doujins had without fail, now wasn't there? It was a common train sex position, once the girl was completely broken to her molester's will. Which, Yuki most assuredly was by this point. Hell, Kyon wasn't sure if she'd ever NOT been broken to his will, ever since Haruhi rewrote the reality to bend to HIS whims.

By that logic, EVERYONE was broken to his will. Heh, what a silly thing to think about. Grinning wickedly, Kyon reaches out and grabs Yuki by her short purple locks. Pulling her up off of the train seat, he forces her to her feet, even as he continues to fuck into her with rough, rapid thrusts.

"N-Nyaaaah~ So haaard! Kyon, don't be so rooough, nyyyah~"

She really did sound more like a cat girl than a humanoid interface at this point. Could… could Haruhi go that far? Could she overwrite exactly WHO Yuki was, beneath her disguise as a human girl? Probably not, or if she could, she probably hadn't in this situation as far as Kyon figured. It was more likely that Yuki was just playing her new part… but that didn't mean he wasn't going to enjoy the situation for what it was.

Grinning ferally, Kyon spins the two of them around… and plops back down onto the seat that Yuki had just been kneeling over. The cat girl in question comes with him, and he drags her right into his lap as he begins to bounce her up and down on his cock, his hands around her waist. Yuki's small form shakes and shudders as she cums again and again along his dick, her insides squeezing down in a delightful manner.

That brought to mind the question of whether humanoid interfaces could normally experience sexual pleasure in the first place… but such questions could wait for another time. Kyon was more interested in the here and now. Best not to let himself get distracted by his inquisitive mind. Grinning ferally, the young man pulls apart Yuki's blouse in front of everyone.

All of the women in the train are watching at this point, but then they have been since he began to manhandle Yuki in front of them. Some are embarrassed, some are jealous, some are even visibly annoyed. Of course, even the last ones would succumb to his will if he told them he was going to fuck them right then and there on the spot.

As it is, they're safe from his predations today. Haruhi has given him a cat girl to play with as they ride the train to their ultimate destination, and Kyon has no intention of missing out on this opportunity. With Yuki in his lap and her small tits on display, the young man begins going to town on her. He thrusts up into her cunt again and again, even as her short, slender legs spread out on either side of his knee.


Her cat-like moans continue to fill the train cabin, even as he molests her chest right in front of everyone, rolling her cute, perky little nipples in between his fingers at the same time. He fucks her like that, and she enjoys every last second of it, all while the people around them, the women all around them, watch in rapt focus.

This is Kyon's life now. A constant audience as he fucks whoever he wants whenever he wants, where ever he wants. And no matter what, they're always women. He wonders about that sometimes as well. Is Haruhi changing men into women, or simply switching men for women? Either would have… interesting ramifications to say the least. Ah, but he was just overthinking things again, wasn't he?

Best to just sit back and enjoy. In fact, why was he even doing all the work at this point?

"Go ahead and ride me, Yuki. I'm gonna take a nap."

He wasn't actually taking a nap, but he did go ahead and lace his fingers together behind his head, closing his eyes briefly as he smiled wide. At the same time, the cat girl currently on his cock gets up onto her feet so she's crouched over him, then, working her sweet little tushie off, Yuki goes to work riding his member, moaning and mewling in pleasure all the while.

It's fun and all, but he's not a particularly cruel or mean guy. Not to mention its pretty damn hard to ignore a whining cat girl as her hot, wet cunt grips at your member harder and harder, squeezing down on you for all she's worth. Eventually, Kyon does participate again. Sliding his arms around her waist, the young man leans in and begins to nibble at Yuki's purple-furred cat ears, even as she bounces up and down on his cock, time and time again.

This is how they spend the rest of the train trip together, until finally they arrive at their destination about fifteen minutes later. It's at that point that Kyon finally cums inside of Yuki, his seed pumping deep into the humanoid interface's womb… if it was even truly a womb to begin with. Kyon didn't know one way or another, but he knew it felt like a womb and he certainly enjoyed the sensation of filling it with his seed.

Regardless, after that the two of them get up and Yuki fixes her clothing, even as Kyon tucks his cock away. Then, they walk off the train together hand-in-hand, off to see what silly, crazy sexual escapades Haruhi has planned for them this time. Behind them, they leave a train car full of wet panties, even if the numerous women who populated said train car may not all have liked to admit it.


It was after school, and the SOS Brigade was all hanging out in their clubroom. Well, most of them were hanging out. Haruhi in particular was not currently relaxing. Instead, she's doing her due diligence… that meaning, she's on her knees, bobbing up and down Kyon's cock as he tugs every once in a while, on her leash to remind her who's in charge.

Kyon himself is currently reading a book, an actual novel for once… and he's thoroughly enjoying it, as well as the relative peace and quiet. Needless to say, ever since Haruhi had decided she was going to be a submissive love slave, things had been a lot more chill… their adventures had dialed back considerably, and those that they still went on always resulted in lots of sex and lots of fucking. Kyon pretty much always came out on top, which was A-Okay with him.

The one thing he really had to pay attention to these days was what Haruhi was reading. So of course, he'd assigned Yuki to the task, as well as making sure himself that his lovely reality-warping slave never found out about NTR. Of course, he could also avoid that particular Bad End by simply never truly being Haruhi's boyfriend. Sure, he showed her affection at times, but only the affection a Master would show a pet.

They weren't in a real relationship, so of course Haruhi couldn't be NTR'd by some big dark-skinned men. That made sense, right? Kyon liked to think it did. About as much sense as anything else in this world did. Ah, but he could handle a little nonsense if it got his dick deep-throated like this every single day.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As Kyon tightens Haruhi's leash a bit, his eyes flicker to where her vibrating tail butt plug is currently swishing back and forth almost mechanically. Haruhi is wiggling her ass as well, but the girl, currently dressed up as a cat-girl pet, is not actually capable of moving the tail normally. Instead, it swishes back and forth because its made to do so, something that Haruhi loves about it quite a bit.

Kyon can see the appeal. Fucking Haruhi the Sex-Slave is fun, sure. Plowing Haruhi the Bondage Freak is great too. But Haruhi the Cat-Girl is adorable and sexy all at once, and Kyon groans as her throat squeezes down around his cock in the most delightful of ways, finally drawing his load from his length. Haruhi happily swallows every last drop, even as she manages a half-decent purr at the same time. She gulps and gulps, and then gulps some more before pulling back finally.

Letting her have enough leash to do so, Kyon watches as his cockhead pops out of Haruhi's mouth. Smacking her lips and then licking them, the brunette smiles up at him and raises one of her hands, curling it inwards like a paw.

"Nyah! Did you like that, Master? Nyah, I've been practicing my technique for you, hehe!"

… He could do without the verbal tic though. But hey, in the end it was just a phase. Haruhi would have a new humiliating and degrading fetish for them to explore next week, and he'd get to fuck her in some new and exciting way. For now, he'd put up with the bad and enjoy the good of this latest pet play craze.

"It was very good, pet."

Haruhi beams, before suddenly straightening up.

"Oh! Before I forget, you're going to be a little busy this weekend, Kyon!"

Blinking at the sudden drop in character, Kyon just lifts an eyebrow questioningly. Blushing a little, Haruhi wiggles under that disapproving stare, even as she smiles tentatively.

"A fellow SOS Brigade member needs your help, you see!"

Slowly, Kyon looks around the room… at all of the other members of the SOS Brigade, who all look at him in turn, each of them signaling that no, they weren't the SOS Brigade member in question. In response, Kyon pulls a little on Haruhi's leash.

"Eep! You're so cruel sometimes, Master~ I should have said HONORARY Brigade Member!"

Blinking at that, Kyon continues to stare down at Haruhi, waiting for her to explain herself.

"I… um, Tsuruya requires your assistance over the weekend, you see! So, I volunteered your help! Doesn't that sound fun?"

Needless to say, Kyon is NOT an idiot. And he's very capable of pattern recognition skills. With a sigh, he sets his book aside and reaches out, grabbing hold of Haruhi by the top of her head and pushing her down beneath his cock, to where his balls are drenched in sweat and cum.

"Ooh, so forcef-mmph!"

As she begins to lick and slurp at his ball sack, Kyon watches for a moment. Haruhi's eyes cross, and its obvious she's VERY focused on her new task, appointed to her by him, her 'Master'. Only once he's got her thoroughly distracted with cleaning up his nuts and his cock does Kyon look over to Yuki, who's already holding out a copy of what Haruhi is currently reading. Grabbing up the doujin, Kyon purses his lips together as he puts it in the middle of his novel, out of Haruhi's sight, and begins to flip through it.

He's not surprised that it turns out to be a story in which a Yakuza heiress decides to use her big-dicked, mind-blowing boyfriend to fuck all of the other Yakuza heiresses in the city into puddles of satisfied sexual fluids. The point of the story was that, once the other girls were mind broken, they would be willing to do anything for the original heiress and her boyfriend, giving the pair complete control over the city.

Of course, even the FIRST heiress was very clearly so enamored with her boyfriend's big dick that there were some truly obvious submissive undertones between the male character and her. Kyon couldn't help but snort a little, even as he continued to grind Haruhi's balls across his face. If this was what the reality warping brunette was reading, he could well imagine what his weekend would be like… not that he minded all that much. His own cock was quite large and ready for action… and with Haruhi unknowingly deciding how things would go, he had no doubts that the Yakuza heiresses would break, one by one.

He did feel a little bad that they and more specifically Tsuruya had been dragged into Haruhi's depravity, but such was life, and such was the way of the world when you lived in the reality warping young woman's orbit. With a sigh, Kyon hands the doujin back to Yuki, who carefully tucks it away. Then, he sets his own novel down yet again, and finally pulls Haruhi back from his balls, giving the gasping, panting brunette room to breathe.

"I suppose I can do this thing for you and spend the weekend with Tsuruya… but you're going to have to convince me, kitty cat. Show me how much you want this."


A moment later, Haruhi is in his lap and impaling her sopping wet pussy on his cock, even as she meows and mewls, playing the part of his pet cat-girl to the tee as she bounces on his member, fucking herself as fast and hard as possible to try and convince him. Kyon, meanwhile, slides his hands down Haruhi's sides and then onto her ass. There, he gropes and squeezes the brunette's butt cheeks for a moment, before rearing back a hand and spanking her harshly.

He continues this, even as Haruhi shrieks and cums again and again from the pleasurable pain, because honestly, he's not going to let her get away with this without some sort of punishment. It is Thursday Afternoon right now after all… which means he has less than a day to prepare for the coming weekend. Whatever… he'll handle it, because its better then some of the alternatives. He'll handle it like he's handled everything else.

Doesn't mean he's not going to enjoy himself first though. And as Haruhi continues to ride him, pounding herself down onto his cock time and time again, Kyon enjoys himself very much indeed.


He'd known Tsuruya's family was rich and he knew what was happening this weekend, but Kyon still couldn't help but be a little surprised when the end of the school day finally arrived on Friday and there was a limo waiting for him out front. He knew it was for him, because the driver had literally come into the school building to find and escort him to the vehicle.

Walking up to the limo as the driver hastily opened the door, Kyon lifted a brow at finding Tsuruya already inside wearing a rather sexy black little number and nothing else. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? Climbing into the back of the limo, the young man sets down his bookbag, even as the driver closes the door behind him, sealing him inside with the honorary SOS Brigade Member.

As soon as they're alone and the limo begins to move, Tsuruya slides right off her seat and onto her knees, spreading Kyon's legs apart and beginning to work at his trousers. His cock is out and in her hands in just a few moments as he watches the 'Yakuza Heiress' go to work on his length with her tongue. After a few moments, Tsuruya pulls back for a moment and smiles.

"I hope Haruhi told you what I need from you, Kyon."

Shaking his head nonchalantly, Kyon just sighs.

"You know Haruhi. She just told me you needed my help. You'll have to give me the details."

Letting out a tsk, Tsuruya, who he's honestly never seen dressed so feminine, or acting so feminine for that matter, slurps at his knob for a moment before shifting one hand to his balls, massaging them as she explains.

"Its quite simple… I need your help with a group of my peers. You're going to be my boyfriend for the weekend, alright?"

Kyon chuckles at that, even as he knows where this is going. He has to play dumb, doesn't he?

"Oh? Am I all that impressive, Tsuruya? I don't really come from a rich family. I don't have the connections you and your parents do. How am I supposed to enhance you in the eyes of your 'peers'?"

Smiling impishly, Tsuruya lays a kiss atop his mushroom head. And then she lays another kiss an inch below that one, along the underside of his cock. Slowly, she descends all the way to where his length meets his ball sack, before going up again. Kyon groans at the seductive nature of the kisses. Okay, so yeah, Haruhi's powers had definitely turned Tsuruya into a full-blown Yakuza heiress with an S-class rank in seduction.

Great… really, it was amazing if he was being honest. When Tsuruya gets up to the head of his length again, she pulls back once more and licks her lips sultrily.

"I don't need your status, Kyon. Because you're right, you're a commoner, so you're useless to me in that way."

Ouch, way to cut deep.

"Mm, but this… this majestic member of yours… well, there's a reason I keep coming back for more, isn't there? You broke me with this dick, once upon a time. You showed me the light and brought me around to the realization that all I really need is this big fat cock to be happy. Do you think you can do it again? Maybe say… five more times?"

Kyon cocks his head to the side, really wishing that HE got to remember their first encounter like that. It was clear Tsuruya had been made to think things happened between them that truthfully hadn't happened yet, for the purposes of this little event. Well, that was fine. Because yeah, when she put it like that, he was one hundred percent on board.

"Perhaps. You'll have to convince me though."

Like with Haruhi the day before, Tsuruya's eyes light up and the Yakuza Heiress finally takes him into her mouth, enthusiastically bobbing up and down his member as the limo continues to drive them along to their ultimate destination. Kyon groans, tilting his head back as he places a hand on the back of Tsuruya's head and begins to help her along. Soon, his cock is going down her throat and she's not offering much in the way of resistance as he chokes her on his dick.

… Yeah, this weekend was going to be fun.


As gales of hyena-like laughter fill the air, Kyon finds himself smiling fakely and wishing things would just get going already. Because right now? This wasn't fun. Still, as he fingers his glass of champagne, standing off to the side and watching the party, he takes solace in knowing the script of this particular experience before it even happens. He knows what's coming, and now that all of Tsuruya's 'friends' have been lulled into a false sense of security, now that the last of them has called their parents to let them know they're okay and that they'll be spending the night for a slumber party… it was about time for things to begin.

Which was good, because the Yakuza Heiresses, or whatever the hell they were, were all the same exact kind of girl. Oh sure, they didn't all look the same, and in fact they had a variety of different body types that Kyon was sure he was going to enjoy playing with. But they had the same personalities, one and all. He could understand why Tsuruya wanted them all mind broken and turned into cock addicts now, even if he also still knew in the back of his mind that this was all just a scenario devised by Haruhi's perverted thoughts.

"Hey! Girls! Now that we've all had a little something to drink out of daddy's private stash… wanna see his panic room?!"

Kyon smirks, even as the other girls all immediately perk-up, looking over at Tsuruya with some excitement. Well, all save for one. The ring-leader, or more accurately, Tsuruya's greatest rival, scoffs as she sets her own empty champagne flute down on the table before her, sitting primly with one leg crossed over the other as she is.

"Truly? A panic room? It can't be nearly as good as my father's."

Tsuruya grits her teeth at that, and Kyon lifts an eyebrow, making a note to break that one first. The others just sit there, glancing between the two girls until finally Tsuruya plants a false smile on her face and stands up.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to see, huh? Only one way to compare them, isn't there?"

With that, everyone is onboard to check out the panic room, even the snobbish main rival archetype. Kyon follows after them of course as the Yakuza Heiresses all file out of the room. His eyes trail over the mostly empty champagne flutes left behind, each of them with not much but dregs if that. A slow, wicked smile spreads across his face. All according to plan…

The group makes their way to the entrance to the panic room, which to be fair, does indeed exist. Tsuruya had shown it to him herself when they'd first gotten to her mansion hours before, explaining her plans to him. He had to admit, it was a pretty nice crib. For a panic room, it was well-stocked and well-furnished, with couches and beds and food to last them months.

Stepping in well after the last heiress has already entered, Kyon closes and seals the panic room behind him. That was one feature that just HAD to be right out of Haruhi's silly hentai doujin. A panic room that locked you in unless you had the code? One that you couldn't simply open from the inside, doubling as a prison for anyone lured unsuspectingly into its depths? Oh yeah, that was total doujin fodder.

Still, it worked well enough, didn't it? With the panic 'room' sealed up, Kyon walks deeper in, eventually finding the girls. Tsuruya looks ready to bite her rival's head off, while said rival has her nose up in the air and her arms crossed under her substantial bust, a snobbish, smug smirk on her face.

"Hmph, as I thought. It doesn't even have a home theater! My daddy's has a home theater!"

Positively steaming, Tsuruya happens to notice Kyon's entrance, and her eyes light up as her glare and her gritted teeth transform into a wicked grin of her own.

"That may be so, but there's one thing that your daddy's panic room could never have. One thing my panic room has in spades!"

Blinking dumbly, all of the heiresses stare at her, while head bitch asks the obvious.

"And what's that?"

Pointing victoriously in his direction, Tsuruya makes eye contact with Kyon, grinning like a loon.


That gets laughter from all of them, especially the main rival girl, who laughs loudest and longest.

"H-Him?! Your stupid commoner boyfriend?! We all thought you had brought him along to break-up with him in front of us or something! It would have certainly made for fine entertainment! Maybe you'll still do that now, hm?"

But her words have no impact on Tsuruya, who even now has a confident gleam in her eye.

"Show them, Kyon."

All eyes turn towards him, as the young man in turn reaches down and simply pulls down his trousers. He's not wearing boxers beneath them, leaving his cock to simply flop out of its own accord as jaws drop and eyes bulge out of heads at the sight of his full length. And he's not even half-hard either. Of course, even with this, one would expect derision. One would expect snobbishness and disgust and repulsion.

The real world wasn't like a hentai doujin. Just staring at a dude's cock didn't make you mesmerized and leave you needing to suck it and be fucked by it. Of course, Kyon wouldn't put it past Haruhi's reality warping powers to give him some sort of mind control prick. But at the very least, for this particular scenario, even the hentai doujin that had inspired this entire thing was smart enough to put in a reason.

Namely, Tsuruya had spiked the champagne with an aphrodisiac. For women, it made them highly aroused, incredibly horny, and positively defenseless in the face of a big fat cock. For men, it made it, so they could go all night long, and more than that, it made them produce a musk that filled the air, leaving women who inhaled it NEEDING more.

Needless to say, everyone in the room had drank the drugged champagne, Tsuruya included. Its no wonder then that she saunters her away over to him, immediately getting her hands on his cock. As she strokes it up and down, the flushed, needy young woman looks back at all her peers, her so-called 'friends'.

"This big, fat cock is all mine, ladies. But… if you want it, you can get down on your knees and beg~"

Everyone's eyes are on it… except for main bitch, who through a titanic effort of will, manages to look Tsuruya right in the eye, snarling even as her legs tremble and her knees threaten to lock together.

"You… you bitch! Y-You drugged us!"

There are gasps all around at that, and Tsuruya's smile drops off her face. Kyon lifts an eyebrow as she pulls him over, literally by his dick. He keeps up with her though, and soon they're standing right before Tsuruya's main rival, the big-tittied heiress still trying to do her best to keep her eyes off of his naked dick. But she can't stop breathing, unfortunately, and Kyon is watching as her nostrils flare, taking in his musk.

"Kneel, cunt. Kneel or I'll make you go LAST."

Tsuruya's snarl, combined with their close proximity, has its intended effect. As the other trembling, shaking young women watch on with eyes filled with need and parted lips, the main rival and the snobbiest bitch by far falls to her knees with not a bang, but a whimper, completely collapsing in the face of Tsuruya's dominance and Kyon's massive schlong.

With a wide smile on her face, Tsuruya reaches out and grabs a fistful of the Yakuza Heiress' hair, dragging her close even as she guides Kyon's dick right into her open mouth. Then, she uses her grip on his shaft and her rival's head to face fuck the other woman right there on the spot.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Kyon groans, but after a moment he decides he's not going to be entirely passive about this. He places his hand atop Tsuruya's and forces the stupid cunt who's currently choking on his dick to bob up and down even faster. At the same time his other hand wraps around Tsuruya's waist and he pulls her in close, before leaning down to capture her lips with his own as they kiss passionately, right there, surrounded by Yakuza Heiresses.

Yakuza Heiresses who left their purses and any means of defending themselves outside of the panic room. Yakuza Heiresses who were currently reduced to nothing more than needy bitches, panting with lust as they watched Tsuruya's main rival get skull-fucked right before their eyes. After a moment, Kyon lets Tsuruya pull back, and the young woman looks around the room, even as he continues to openly grope her ass.

"I don't see any of you kneeling, you skanks!"

As one, the rest of the heiresses drop down to their knees. Tsuruya grins and nods happily.

"Better. Feel free to touch yourselves until my delicious hunk of man meat gets around to teaching you your new roles in life. Not that your fingers will EVER match-up to this big, fat cock. And don't you forget it, either!"

Kyon snorts, even as the main bitch gurgles on said cock. He's getting close now… and with the drugs from the champagne in his system, he really has no need to worry about running out of steam, now does he? With a grunt, he begins to cum. For a moment, the heiress he's currently face fucking tries to swallow. Key word being tries. Its too much, the volume of his load, and in the end, she ends up blasted back and plastered with his seed in a way that surprises even Kyon… but then, he knew the drugs would affect his cum production. He just hadn't expected it to be THAT much.

Regardless, she's clearly out of it for now… and Kyon wants her to be at least coherent when he actually fucks her brains out of her skull. So rather than continue with the main bitch, he turns and grabs up the first kneeling set of holes he finds. Yakuza Heiress Number Two isn't as curvy as the first one, but she'll do. Oh, she'll do.

The following hours are a blur. Kyon fucks that one into oblivion, and then he fucks the others as well, one by one. And just like that, they fall before his cock, one after the other. By the time Saturday Morning arrives, Tsuruya is all too happy to let them all out of the panic room, and just like the rest of him, even she is dripping his seed from betwixt her legs. However, as the 'main girl' of this particular scenario, she's still mostly herself. The rest of the heiresses crawl out on their hands and knees, moaning like the bitches they are as Tsuruya delights in stroking his cock with one hand and spanking any of the young women who had once been her peers as they pass her by.

The entire party moves up to Tsuruya's room, where the reverse gangbang continues throughout the day. Tsuruya calls dibs on first fuck in this new round of fornication, but it doesn't take long for every heiress to have another ride on Kyon's cock. And when the time comes for them to check in with their families, all five young women are all too happy to give the all clear, not a single one of them telling their fathers or their mothers or whoever cares for them how they'd basically been drugged and then fucked into mind-broken submission.

They love his cock too much to risk losing it… and when Saturday ends and Sunday arrives, as the hour comes ever closer that they'll have to leave him… that's when the 'negotiations' start. After all, Tsuruya technically controls the keys to the kingdom, though if she was too unreasonable, Kyon would have probably stepped in and redistributed 'wealth' so to speak.

As it is, the negotiations are mercifully short. Tsuruya demands complete obedience from her former peers, and in return for Kyon's phone number (and their own numbers in HIS phone in case he ever wanted to call them and demand they come to him) they all agreed to Tsuruya's simplistic terms. Just like that, five young women signed their freedom away, basically making themselves Tsuruya's slaves in return for even a chance at getting another ride on Kyon's dick.

Of course, everyone knows who's truly in control. But Kyon, being the nice guy he is, backs Tsuruya up all the way. She's in charge… so long as she keeps him happy. Which is of course why she falls to her knees again the moment everyone else has left and slides her tongue along the underside of his cock before pulling back and jerking him off as she smiles up at him.

"Thank you, Kyon. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Smooching his member, she begins to slurp at his dick tip, causing Kyon to let out a contented, satisfied sigh as he smiles back down at her.

"No problem, Tsuruya. It's what friends are for, I guess."

Letting out a chuckle, Kyon tilts his head back and enjoys the umpteenth blowjob he's received that weekend. It'd been fun, all around. Though his schedule would get a little full if he had to continually satisfy six Yakuza Heiresses. And yes, he WAS including Tsuruya, given the enthusiastic way she was sucking his cock even now.

Eh, he'd get over it. Hell, by next week Haruhi could have found a new favorite doujin and all of this might be wiped away from reality completely. Best to enjoy it while it lasts and be ready for whatever was to come.


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