Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Mother Knows Best (X-Men: Evolution)

A/N: Mother Knows Best was a commissioned one-shot originally written August of 2018. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Mystique has a fool proof plan for slowly breaking Rogue down into the obedient daughter she should be. Any day now, Rogue will finally realize what she's missing out on. But until then, Mystique will just have to SHOW her.

Themes: Brainwashing, Futa, Fucked Silly


"And here we are. Ready to go in?"

Rogue can't help but smile a little at her friend's enthusiasm. Risty Wilde was always pretty excitable. In fact, the goth-punk was a bit contradictory, given the way she dressed and styled herself, while acting so chipper and upbeat. But when she was alone with Rogue, it was like she was more… REAL, or something. They really had become fast friends in the short time they'd known each other, and in all honesty, Rogue really appreciated the time away from the X-men.

"Heh, you know it. Let's go."

As they both hop out of Risty's beat up car, Rogue stretches and at the same time surreptitiously makes sure all of her precautions are in place like usual. Gloves and clothing designed to minimize the amount of skin she was showing off. Not because she wanted to come across as prudish or conservative… no, while she ultimately ended up dressing very conservatively, it wasn't by choice and Rogue tried to be as unique as she could be all the same.

If she could have, she would have happily exposed all of her skin… well, maybe not all. That would have been a bit much, even for her. But while she wasn't a slut or anything, the idea of getting to be as scantily clad as some of their classmates appealed to the mutant, who couldn't touch anyone for fear of her skin contact killing them.

Ah, but she was really letting herself get drawn into a particular sort of mood, now wasn't she? She should have been happy, after all she was currently walking with her friend towards Risty's apartment, where they intended to spend the entire weekend watching bad movies and hanging out. It was pretty much the best way to spend the next two days that Rogue could think of, if she was being honest.

Unfortunately for her, even as she forcibly turned her thoughts back to such happier things, Rogue was unaware that she was in fact completely wrong. About pretty much everything. Risty Wilde wasn't her friend… she was her mother, plain and simple. The young girl was nothing more than a disguise for Mystique, the latest persona that the older female mutant had taken on to spy on the X-men and keep a close eye on her daughter.

Despite what Rogue might think, Mystique did care for the young woman, in her own way. The shapeshifting mutant had designs for Rogue, designs that the Brotherhood WOULD see come to fruition… but she also wanted Rogue to be happy, she wanted the girl to accept her place at Mystique's side willingly.

Alas, what one wants and what one gets is often very different. Mystique had learned that quite early and quite often in life. So much so, that she'd known better than to truly believe Rogue was with them, even for the brief time that she swore allegiance to the Brotherhood. So, during that small length of time, Mystique had taken matters into her own hand, calling in a favor from the villain known as Mastermind.

He'd slipped a few trigger phrases into Rogue's mind for her, and given who she was and who she represented, Mystique was confident that that was ALL Mastermind had done. Of course, she'd also been there at the time to oversee everything. It's not like she trusted her adopted daughter alone with that man.

Regardless, as Rogue follows 'Risty' right up to her apartment door, 'Risty' pulls out her keys and unlocks it. They step inside the apartment, and the goth-punk girl lets Rogue move past her as she closes and locks the door behind them. And then she says it.

"Hey, Rogue… Aggravating Armadillos Annoy Altogether, don't you think?"

A stupid sentence, to be sure… but it was one of the trigger phrases and so long as it worked, Rogue wouldn't be too confused. Meanwhile, if it didn't work, she'd certainly be a little puzzled, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.

"I… um… I…"

Rogue tenses for a moment, and then stops dead in the middle of the apartment's foyer as she sways from side to side. A second later, she turns and smiles at Risty, seeming perfectly oblivious.

"So, ready for those movies, Risty?"

Grinning, Mystique has only one response to that, a question of her own as she cocks 'Risty's' head to the side.

"Tell me Rogue, what do you think of your mother?"

Blinking at that, Rogue pauses very briefly… before smiling brightly as her eyes light up.

"My mom's great! I love her so much. She means the world to me, but you know that already Risty!"

Chuckling darkly, Mystique lets the disguise fall, much to Rogue's surprise.

"Yes, I suppose I do know that, sweetheart."

Rogue's eyes widen, and she pauses for only a moment before smiling yet again.

"Mom! What are you doing here?"

Mystique smiles mysteriously as she steps past Rogue, her all blue form on display, her red hair trailing down her back.

"Why else would I be here? I'm going to spend some time with you, Rogue. Go ahead and retrieve the items in that drawer over there for me. Then you can put it on instead of that ridiculous dog-collar. Or beneath it, I really don't care which."


Rogue hurries over, happy and eager to obey her mother. But then, of course she was. Mystique watches on fondly as the young mutant pulls the power-nullifying choker from the drawer, staring at it in wonder for a moment before moving to put it on. In the end, Rogue chooses to slide the dog collar back over it, and once that's all in place, she turns back to Mystique, clearly hoping to be told she'd done well.

Rather than TELL her, Mystique goes about showing Rogue how pleased she is with the skunk-haired teen. Sweeping the curvy young woman into her arms, Mystique plants quite the deep kiss on Rogue's lips, even as she runs her hands down Rogue's sides and along her back, before ultimately centering her palms onto her ass, her fingers squeezing and groping Rogue's plump butt cheeks as she makes out with the girl.

Rogue, meanwhile, doesn't resist one iota. She's certainly a little surprised at first when Mystique kisses her, but the young mutant quickly surrenders to the older's will, happily kissing Mystique back and moaning into her mother's lips as she melts into the blue-skinned woman's arms. Its everything Mystique has been waiting for all week, ever since she, as 'Risty' made plans with Rogue for this little weekend get-away.

Now, at least for these next two days, Rogue was once again Mystique's and Mystique's alone. And no one, nothing was going to stop or change that. Still, as much fun as it might have been, she couldn't just remain here indefinitely, kissing her daughter silly in the front area of her apartment. Eventually, Mystique draws back, smiling as Rogue stares at her with glazed-over eyes, breathless and panting heavily.

It's not just the trigger phrase that's affecting her right now. Oh no, it's all of the physical skin contact that she's simply not used to. Sliding her hand around to one of Rogue's own gloved hands, she takes it and guides the girl into the apartment's living room, leading her right to the middle of the room, and positioning her there for a moment.

"Stay right here, daughter dear. You can do that for me, can't you?"

"Of course, mama. Anything for you."

Mystique just grins as she steps away from Rogue, who remains exactly where she's told her to. Pouring herself a drink, the older mutant finds herself idly musing on just how she wants to play with Rogue today. What game does she truly want to explore with the younger woman? Having an obedient daughter to satisfy her every whim is always a treat… but she hadn't had Mastermind put multiple different trigger phrases in Rogue's head just to never use any but the one.

Perhaps this weekend, she'd have fun fucking the willfulness out of her rebellious daughter instead. Licking her lips, Mystique drops down onto the living room's sofa, drink in hand, and shapeshifts her clothing away. It was never there to begin with of course, she hadn't worn real clothing in decades. But now her beautiful blue body is on full display, her nipples hardened and her pussy lips glistening as she regards her gorgeous daughter.

Rogue wasn't even fully grown yet, but she was already curvy and voluptuous, past even a point that Mystique could contend with in her natural form. She COULD have easily mimicked Rogue's measurements, but honestly… those breasts were just too big for her to enjoy for too long. At least on her own body. She enjoyed them quite a bit on Rogue's body, as busty as the younger mutant was.

Just like she enjoyed Rogue's wide hips and fat ass as well. What were the kids calling it these days? Her daughter was… thicc. That was the word for it. Rogue was THICC. Smirking slightly, Mystique reaches down between her thighs. She runs her fingers up and down her blue slit for a moment, before eventually settling on her clit. Rogue is watching her right now, her normally pasty-white face full on blushing… so Mystique decides to give her daughter a show, before she moves onto the main event.

Pinching her clit between her thumb and her index finger, Mystique lets out a lilting gasp, followed by a low moan as she begins to draw it out. Literally, at that. Slowly but surely, changing her form even as she makes it look like she's pulling her clit out of her body, Mystique grows a nice, big, fat, futa cock right above her slit. She could manifest the massive male genitalia easily and almost instantly without this show, but there's something wondrous about Rogue's wide-eyed, jaw-dropped expression as she makes a big deal out of it.

Eventually though, Mystique has a cock. A large blue cock resting between her legs. Beneath it, she turns her pussy into a pair of balls in a nut sack, not bothering so much with a show on that end, because the sheer size of her new girth made it, so Rogue couldn't see down there anyways. And once her normal genitalia were exchanged for a male's, Mystique leans back, spreading her legs wide, and sips from her drink.

Then, she smacks her lips and speaks another four-word trigger phrase.

"Bouncing Bubbles Baffle Biologists."

Such silly things… but at least they're easy to remember and extremely unlikely to be said by accident. Mystique watches as from one moment to the next, Rogue's happy face twists into unhappiness, anger, and just the smallest sliver of fear. Her adoptive daughter tenses up… but she can't move, not from the middle of the room where Mystique put her.

Because she's still obedient, like this. She's just not HAPPILY obedient anymore. She'll do whatever Mystique says, and she won't even think about trying to escape or trying to harm her dear mother. But that doesn't mean she likes it. No, quite the opposite in fact. Every other bit of Rogue is now back to normal, meaning the young woman despises Mystique and hates her.

As a rebellious teenager daughter should. Because deep down, Mystique knows her adoptive daughter still loves her mama. And it's up to the shapeshifter to make Rogue remember that. Crossing her arms over her chest, Rogue scowls at Mystique, carefully avoiding looking down the naked mutant's body to what she's now packing between her legs.

"Well? You won't get away with this forever, Mystique. You might be blackmailing me, and I might have to do what you say, but I promise you, one day you'll be sorry!"

Ah, of course. She thought she was forced into obedience by blackmail. But, if anyone was actually there to ask Rogue about the specifics, she wouldn't be able to explain exactly what she was being blackmailed with. That was fine though, Mystique had no intentions of going down that rabbit hole. Instead, she was here to have fun with her delicious, darling daughter. Waving a hand dismissively, Mystique ignores Rogue's words and goes straight for the kill.

"Go ahead and strip, sweetheart. Let me see that gorgeous body of yours. Everything below the neck, alright?"

Rogue frowns, but there's nothing she can do but obey, in the end. Everything save for that ugly dog collar and the power-nullifying choker beneath it goes off, falling around Rogue haphazardly on the floor. Not like she can move from the middle of the living room to set her clothes somewhere else after all. She's still under orders to remain where she is, at the end of the day.

And that's just how Mystique likes it. She admires the view for a long moment, enjoying the swell of Rogue's full breasts, her wide hips, and her cunt lips. The girl was shaved down there, completely bald as she flushed in embarrassment under Mystique's leering gaze. Rogue squirms a bit, clearly unused to being seen as a woman, as an object of affections. Everyone who truly interacted with her knew what she was capable of and knew how deadly she was.

But Mystique… Mystique looked past that and saw the beauty that Rogue represented. It was much easier to do so with the power-nullifying collar and the trigger phrases guaranteeing Mystique's safety, but even still… she would always adore, admire, and love Rogue for how beautiful and powerful she was. Though that didn't mean the girl didn't need to learn her place.

"Good girl. Now, come over here and show me how good you are at sucking cock next."

Rogue's eyes widen, but it's an order all the same. As she walks over, Rogue's blush and stutter are just so adorably cute as she finally finds herself forced to look down at Mystique's big blue dick, slowly descending to her knees before the older mutant.

"I-I've never… I don't…"

Of course she hasn't. Or… she THINKS she hasn't. As far as Rogue is concerned, she's brand new to all of this. She's brand new to any intimacy in general. But this isn't the first time Mystique has enjoyed the trigger phrases that Mastermind gave her, along with Rogue's body. Far from it, in fact. If Rogue could remember the countless other times Mystique had choked her on a massive futa cock, she might have had an easier time of what the shapeshifter was going to demand of her next. But no… no, she didn't know what she was doing, she couldn't remember all the times she'd done it before. And if Mystique was being honest, she kind of liked that.

"I don't want to hear excuses, daughter of mine. I want to see results. You won't be allowed to stop until that cute purple lipstick of yours is smudged around the base of my member. Understood?"

Rogue shivers, bites her lower lip, and glances between Mystique and the massive length before her more than once. But in the end, she also nods in agreement. What else can she do? Mystique is 'blackmailing' her, after all. Grinning wickedly, the blue mutant watches as Rogue leans in and opens her cute mouth, her pouty lips spreading wide as she takes the tip of Mystique's member between them.

A wince or a grimace spreads across Rogue's face, though whether it's because the taste is not to her liking or because of the action she's being forced to take, Mystique couldn't say. Ultimately though, Mystique also doesn't care. Rogue is a rebellious teenager, and sometimes rebellious teenagers have to be made to do things they don't want to do. That was what her book on parenting said, anyways.

This was just one such thing. Rogue needed to learn to listen to her mother… and now she was, even as she slowly bobbed her way down Mystique's length, taking inch after inch past her lips until she was hitting the back of her own throat. But once glance up at Mystique's eyes found nothing but apathy there. Mystique couldn't afford to show weakness right now. This was an important part of their little dance, of Rogue learning and slowly accepting her place as Mystique's daughter.

Even if she wouldn't remember this later when Mystique had to reset everything, there would eventually come a time when her body, conditioned from all of the times prior, would finally give in completely, taking Rogue's mind with it. And then she would have the obedient daughter she'd always dreamed of, without having to resort to these silly trigger phases.

Mystique longed for that time to come… but for now, she settled for enjoying Rogue's throat as the younger mutant steadily begins to stuff it with Mystique's big blue dick, forcing her lips further and further along the girthy futa member as she follows Mystique's order. Those purple-painted pouty lips get further and further down Mystique's shaft, leaving a fresh ring of lipstick on Mystique's cock each time to mark Rogue's progress.

Oh, but it's so hard for the poor dear. She's not having an easy time of it, not at all. And that makes it all the hotter as she perseveres and succeeds nonetheless. Mystique smiles, and then her lips part in a louder moan than from before as she grabs a handful of Rogue's hair, right when the younger mutant is finally reaching the base of her cock.

"Yessss, just like that sweetie… now hold it."

Rogue freezes, even as she chokes and gags on Mystique's dick. She holds it because she has no choice, though in a few moments her body will rebel completely and then she'll have no choice but to try and pull back. It will be instinctive, reactive… involuntary. That's okay though, Mystique is well aware of Rogue's limitations and she won't need that long for this. In fact, the blue-skinned shapeshifter only needs a moment more before Rogue's spasming, tightening throat coaxes a huge load of cum from Mystique's freshly-made balls. The first load that this particular set of male genitalia has ever produced.

It feels good, but then Mystique has long since learned the joys of male pleasure. Men had it so much easier then women in that regard, but also so much harder. They got horny faster, they got aroused easier, and they reached climax quicker than most women ever could hope to. Only a minority of the female side of the species could ever hope to match a man's sex drive, and that went for both humans and mutants, at least from Mystique's personal experience.

But then, she was as fluid as the rains. Her sex drive was tied to nothing but her own will… and Rogue awakened a desire in her so potent that she didn't even need a phallus to want to bend the younger mutant over and just fuck her until she was begging for more. Though, as was the case right now, it DID obviously help quite a bit in that endeavor.

"There it is Rogue… drink, dear heart. Drink it all."

Mystique's tone is breathless as she relays that order, but Rogue hears and obeys all the same. The younger mutant's first cum load slides down her gullet and into her belly as she swallows and swallows and then swallows some more. Mystique watches her gulp all of that white, hot cum down in its entirety before she lets her daughter pull back. Then, she watches in mild amusement and with hooded eyes as she gives Rogue a minute to recover.

Such a thing would take a lot longer than a minute of course, but Mystique is an impatient woman, and has no reason to try to curb that defect of her personality.

"Up. Come sit on my lap, precious. Let me look at you."

Rogue rises, and Mystique pulls her up onto her lap the moment the younger mutant is in reach. She turns Rogue around so that her big, pale ass is pressing against Mystique's cock, and she smiles as it immediately and inadvertently begins to hot dog her length between its nice, fat cheeks. Rogue gasps at the contact, feeling the wetness of her saliva and the remnants of Mystique's cum pressing up against her skin, and between her butt cheeks.

"Mm, that feels good… Go ahead and lift yourself up. Take my member up your delicious derriere, won't you?"

Rogue's face whips around at that, her eyes wide and her lips curled down in dismay at Mystique's order. But she see's no mercy in her adoptive mother's eyes, even as Mystique runs her hands along Rogue's sides, groping her fat ass from where it's practically spilling out over Mystique's legs.

"B-But… it'll never fit."

"You let me worry about that, Rogue. Now listen to your mother. That's a good girl."

Shuddering, unable to resist in any meaningful way, Rogue turns back away as she lifts herself up just enough for Mystique's cock to slip out of her ass crack and down to the actual entrance of her back door. The moment that Rogue feels the tip of her adoptive mother's massive futa cock at her anus, she tenses up… but then she reaches back, and grabs hold of Mystique's length to hold it in place as she slowly starts to impale herself on the phallus.

Mystique watches this happen. She ENJOYS it happening. Her futa member actually leaks a steady supply of precum as her balls churn from the delicious sight of Rogue's pasty-white bubble butt descending onto her blue shaft. And that's only the visual. The actual sensation of her cock slowly being clenched down upon by extremely tight ass muscles as it disappears into Rogue's bum inch by inch is just… sublime.

There's no other word for it. Well, fantastic might work. Blissful too. Ecstasy? Alright, so there were plenty of words for how lovely Rogue's ass felt as she was forced to impale herself on Mystique's futa member. And if nothing else, Mystique could fall back to exquisite to describe the sensations she was feeling in that moment.

"Yesss, that's it my dear. Just like that, sweetling. Go on… more. You can take it. I know you can take it."

And she did, know that is. She knew because this was not the first time Rogue had taken it up the ass. Shit, this wasn't even the biggest cock Mystique had made to butt fuck her daughter with. There were times where she was a LOT more annoyed with Rogue then she was today, times where Rogue and the X-men had just foiled a plan and Mystique had taken out all of her frustrations on her adoptive daughter in a grotesque display that left even the arrogant, haughty shapeshifter a little ashamed of herself.

Today was not one of those days though. This weekend was a weekend like any other, where she would show Rogue how much she loved her, and she would wear down the younger mutant's resistance just a bit more, so that eventually Rogue would come back to her of her own free will, because she would NEED Mystique, just to be happy.

That was the end goal… but right now, the pleasure of having her cock stuffed into Rogue's absurdly tight little asshole while the mutant's fat butt cheeks rubbed against Mystique's crotch and thighs was certainly fantastic. And she couldn't really hold back anymore. Reaching up and around, Mystique grabs hold of her adoptive daughter's tits. She squeezes and gropes them even as she pulls Rogue all the way back against her own breasts, holding her daughter to her chest in some lewd mockery of parental comfort.

Rogue whimpers and whines, but then she's been squealing her little heart out as she slowly impaled herself on Mystique's prick, so this is a good step in the right direction. Licking at the young woman's earlobe, Mystique murmurs to Rogue, even as she pinches the girl's nipples.

"You're going to have to earn a fucking in your pussy, dear daughter. But don't worry… you're already well on your way."

And then she starts to fuck Rogue from below, and it's just as stupendous as Mystique already knew it would be. Just because she'd forced the girl to impale herself on Mystique's dick didn't mean the sitting shapeshifter was going to leave all the work to Rogue. Oh no, Mystique was something of a power-bottom… always had been, always would be. She was a leader… but also the sort who never went higher than second in command. Magneto was her superior. He was the one who had the vision that she so desired to see come true.

Rogue though, Rogue was just a rebellious teenager who needed to be taught her place. Who needed to be taught obedience to her mother. And Mystique was happy to give it to her.

"Oh Goooooood! Oh MY FUCKING GOOOOD!"

Mystique laughs as Rogue cries out to the ceiling, clearly not have expected the burst of movement or the actual pleasure that was wracking her voluptuous form as Mystique pounded her ass from below.

"No God here, precious! He's a human concept… and we are so much superior to them. Take it, sweetheart! Take it all!"


Her refusal is understandable when an orgasm wracks Rogue's body a moment later. The poor dear had been trying to hold back the pleasure, as she always did, but in the end she'd failed. Mystique groans as the young mutant's ass muscles tighten up even more harshly than before, while at the same time her pussy squirts out, spraying cunt juices all over the coffee table in front of the sofa they're reclining on.

Well, Mystique is reclining on. No part of what Rogue is currently going through could be called reclining, heh. Grinning savagely, Mystique speeds up her pace, tasting blood in the water and going right for it as any self-respecting shark would. Sure enough, getting Rogue to cum again from the ass-fucking she was receiving wasn't at all hard… and the more Rogue came, the easier it was to make her climax.

By the time Mystique filled her daughter's bowels with a second load of seed for the day, Rogue was sweaty and moaning and whimpering as she shook her head back and forth. Still the rebellious teenager, still trying to deny the pleasure and what was happening to her… but in the end, a lot less resistant to Mystique's touch and her big fat cock than before.

Smirking evilly, the blue-skinned shapeshifter draws Rogue off of her phallus. She stands then, holding Rogue in her arms, bridal style. She's not surprised when the younger mutant clings to her, and a bit of reinforcing of her muscle mass gives her enough strength to carry Rogue from the living room, to the apartment's sole bathroom and shower.

"Let's get you cleaned up, my dear."

Rogue just moans at that, whimpering as Mystique takes her into the shower. Of course, she fucks her daughter there too. That's when Rogue finally gets it in the cunt, once the hot water is pouring down on them both and Mystique has grown randy again. With the two of them soaped up, she takes one of her daughter's legs and hooks it over her own shoulder, slamming home into Rogue's exposed, wet pussy lips a moment later.

It's a sign of just how far she's come with Rogue's physical conditioning that the young mutant cums on the spot, despite her lack of desire and her willfulness. Mystique doesn't let that give her pause though. She fucks Rogue up against the shower wall with as much fervor as she ever does, and once she fills the girl with her seed, she lets Rogue slump down to her knees, exhausted, so that she has easy access to her daughter's hair for washing.

The rest of that day and the next go in a similar vein. Mystique has no intention of wasting a single moment of her time with Rogue, no intention of just letting her rest or anything as silly as that. When you're trying to break down someone's resistance, you don't give them a break, you don't let them recuperate and recover and reaffirm their intention to fight back against you.

… Mystique hadn't learned THAT from a parenting book, but she certainly knew it to be true from years upon years of experience. Regardless, Rogue didn't get a single moment to recover as Mystique enjoyed her daughter's body as well as spent time with the young mutant doing all sorts of fun activities. For instance, they went to sleep with Rogue sucking Mystique off to completion, and she woke up with the younger mutant still resting against her blue thigh, absently suckling at just the head of her cock.

Then, on Sunday, they had a lot more fun indeed. She offered to order Rogue pizza, and though she tried to hide it, Rogue did light up just a teensy bit at the idea. So of course, Mystique made her daughter place the order for them while also bouncing up and down on Mystique's cock. That was particularly fun, because Mystique got to grab hold of Rogue's slow-moving hips partway through the call and take control of the pace of the riding.

At the start, Rogue tried to keep slow while still remaining in constant motion as Mystique had ordered her to, her breath hitching a few times, but nothing that kept her from talking to the pizza parlor on the other end of the phone. Probably some pimple-faced boy, from what little Mystique could hear of his voice. But then, about halfway through… well, Mystique decided not to let Rogue cheat the game anymore.

Needless to say, the call ended soon after as Rogue finished up her order and blocked all attempts from the boy on the other end to ask why she was suddenly moaning and crying out in such a way. Whether or not he recognized the sounds Rogue was making didn't matter a lick to Mystique. She was just having fun embarrassing her little girl, as was a mother's prerogative. It was probably the best release she had over that weekend, filling Rogue's cunt with another load of her cum and enjoying the afterglow for the thirty-five minutes that it took for the pizza to arrive.

She gave Rogue a break then, leaving her daughter to recover in the living room as she answered the door in her Risty disguise. The delivery boy had looked curious as all hell, but she hadn't let him inside of course, so he got to see nothing at all. Smell on the other hand… well, the apartment DID have a certain sort of pungent scent to it by then…

Regardless, they consumed the pizza, the two of them, and then they settled in to actually watch one of the bad movies that 'Risty' had initially invited Rogue over to watch in the first place. By then, they were lounging on the couch spooning, and Rogue was just starting to get into the movie and just starting to forget Mystique's cock pressed against her pale backside… when of course, Mystique just slipped it in.

This caused her daughter to stiffen up, but in the end, she gave Rogue no orders and also made no demands of the younger mutant as she slowly, steadily fucked Rogue to climax after climax. Instead, she simply enjoyed the lazy fuck, caressing Rogue's body, playing with her tits and ass, and just casually taking her daughter's clenching, squeezing cunt with deep, languid thrusts time and time again.

It wasn't the last fuck of the night, not by far… but it was the start of them winding down. After all, tomorrow… things would have go to back to normal, unfortunately. For now, anyways, Mystique could not rely on Rogue to remain loyal indefinitely, especially if she let the girl go back to all those telepaths while still under the control of one of the trigger phrases. They would notice immediately, that was almost certain.

So, in the end, after one last night in each other's arms, everything was cleaned up, everything was put back to right… and Rogue removed the power-nullification collar as Mystique shifted back to the Risty persona and said the final trigger phrase to reset Rogue's mind and leave the younger mutant none the wiser. By that point it was time for them to get ready for school, and soon enough they were out of the apartment and back in 'Risty's' car, driving on their way.

And as the disguised shapeshifter glanced sidelong at her daughter, she found herself smiling slightly. Because Rogue was distracted. She was lost. She was staring out the window as if she needed something but couldn't figure out what it was. She'd been doing that more and more, these last few times they'd done this.

It wouldn't be long now. Soon, Mystique would break through to her rebellious daughter. Soon, Rogue would choose the right path. She would choose to stand beside her loving mother. Or perhaps she would choose to kneel… Mystique wasn't picky.


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