Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Changing One’s Stripes (Harry Potter)

A/N: Changing One's Stripes was a commissioned story originally written in three parts back in March-May of 2018. Enjoy!

Summary: Harry Potter is a metamorphmagus, though he doesn't know it. Tonks is smart enough to see the signs though. And she's more than happy to help out.

Themes: Loving Sex, Transformation, Rough Sex


Harry Potter was frustrated, in more ways than one. He was a little sick of being treated like a child. At fifteen years old, having survived attempt after attempt on his life over the last few years, Harry liked to think he could look after himself. Even if he was small and a little lanky, he was a wizard, wasn't he? Besides, he'd been told more than once that being small was for the best. And his life experiences had shown that as well. Staying small let him remain unassuming, at least until he started at Hogwarts.

Even then, even with his shocking popularity, staying small was apparently good for seekers, and if he was being honest, playing as Gryffindor's star seeker was one of the few bright spots in his life. It had been more than a little frustrating having the Quidditch Cup cancelled the year previous because of the damn Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Of course, there had been a LOT of things wrong with Harry's fourth year, such as the attempts on his life and the horrifying resurrection of Voldemort himself, but even with all of that, Harry couldn't help but regret the loss of Quidditch quite a bit. Regardless, now he would be going into his fifth year, Voldemort was back, and everything was turned on its head.

At least… at least he wouldn't be spending the rest of the summer at the Dursleys'. Letting out a happy sigh as he walks up the steps of Grimmauld Place, Harry can't help but smile, even as Remus looks back and gives him a grin.

"Alright there Harry? Come on, everyone is excited to see you."

And he was excited to see everyone else as well. The two of them slip inside of the old manor, and past the covered painting in the front hall. They find everyone waiting for them in the dining room, and before Harry can get far at all, he has an arm around his shoulder from Sirius. His Godfather looks as happy to see him as Harry is to be there, even as he pulls him close.

"Harry! Glad to see you in one piece! Would have come myself but… well, you know. Dumbledore recommended against it…"

Harry knew quite well, as annoying as it was. The Headmaster's recommendations were more orders than anything else, even if Dumbledore did keep up the kind, grandfatherly act. It was… well, it didn't matter what it was, because Harry's thoughts are subsequently derailed by his best friends stepping up in front of him. Ron has a smile on his face, but it's a little tentative, even as he reaches out and claps Harry's shoulder.

The red head is still nervous, still hesitant… as he damn well should be, given his behavior during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Unfortunately, Harry had a depressing shortage of real friends despite his overwhelming popularity, so he wouldn't hold it against Ron, no matter how much it had hurt.

"Hey there buddy, good to see ya."

Harry gives Ron a smile and nod of his own, but then Hermione is in his face and Sirius is stepping back with a laugh as the beautiful brunette witch pulls Harry into a full-blown hug.

"Harry! Ugh, it took far too long to get you here. Honestly, there was no reason for you to stay with those miserable people any longer than necessary!"

The short young wizard can't help but blush at the contact with Hermione. Here was another way in which he was becoming more and more frustrated. Hermione had… blossomed for lack of a better word in their Fourth Year. It was crazy, but she was an utter bombshell now, and Harry couldn't help but notice. The way she'd looked at the Yule Ball on Krum's arm had… well, needless to say, Harry was a little flustered by the time Hermione pulled back.

Even though they were the same age, she was taller than him now. It was the first time he'd noticed… and it made him feel oddly insignificant, even as he put on a brave face and gave Hermione a smile and a nod.

"G-Good to see you too Hermione."

Before he can inwardly curse himself too much over that small stutter, Harry found himself assaulted by another target of his increasingly frequent wet dreams. This time, Harry can't help but blush profusely, even as Molly Weasley holds him close, fussing over him as she inadvertently rubs her insanely sexy, insanely stacked body up against his own. Or more accurately, she rubs HIM into her, what with the death grip she has on him.

"Oh Harry, sweetie~ You haven't been eating enough again, have you? Come, come! Let's get some food in you!"

It was honestly unbelievable, how exceptional Molly Weasley looked over popping out seven kids. Her figure could have been called hourglass if it wasn't for the absolutely massive tits she sported. As it was, there was no other way to describe the Weasley Matriarch except as stacked. Harry couldn't possibly see her as any sort of mother figure… not when he'd had a crush on her since the first time he laid eyes on her back when he was eleven.

Damn hormones, damn puberty… as Mrs. Weasley pushes him into a chair and begins to load up a plate in front of him with food, Harry glances around the room and nods and smiles to everyone else there. It's not many people, mostly just Ginny and Tonks. Ginny… Ginny is basically her mother, just not fully developed. Harry can't help but crush on her as well, even though she's a year younger than him. The girl is hot, exceedingly so, and even with about half her mom's tit size and maybe two thirds her mom's ass, she's still unbelievably hot.

Tonks… Tonks is pretty much one of the most average witches Harry knows. He also knows that she's a metamorphmagus, and he's always wondered if that played a part in the purple-haired woman's body type. He wasn't entirely sure how metamorphmagus abilities worked, to be fair, but perhaps she had control and for some reason WANTED to look unassuming?

Regardless, he doesn't pay Tonks much mind. As rude as it might be, Harry finds his focus on the much hotter, much sexier women all around him, even as everyone sits and eats and talks over him. Harry is more than a little tired by this point, so he stays quiet, only speaking up when someone asks something of him. All in all, he just… he needs some rest.

Eventually, Harry stands and slips out of the room. No one notices the boy go, even though he really should have been the man of the hour. But that's just fine by Harry. The only way it could have really been nice was if one of those gorgeous witches downstairs followed him up, maybe for some alone time and-

"Wotcher, Harry~"

Harry stops dead and his face goes aflame as he glances back to see Tonks behind him. She… wasn't exactly who he'd been hoping for. Though to be fair, his little fantasy was just that in the end, a fantasy.

"… What is it, Tonks?"

Grinning slightly, Tonks crosses her arms over her chest… and then Harry's eyes go wide as he watches Tonk's breasts grow beneath her shirt to truly impressive sizes.

"Saw how you reacted to Molly's hug back there. Like 'em voluptuous, Harry?"

Harry's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish, even as he stares, fixating on Tonks' now huge rack. She's even bigger than Mrs. Weasley now, by a slight margin. Not enough to be grotesque but more than enough to be enticing. Snickering at the expression on Harry's face, Tonks places one hand on her hips and smirks easily.

"You know Harry, you don't need to be lusting after us older women. You're a hero in your own right. A badass like you should have a girlfriend, one who will take care of your needs so you're not rubbing one out to the thought of Molly Weasley in nothing but a 'Kiss the Chef' apron."

Harry's pupils dilate at the mental image and Tonks giggles again, even as her teasing hits home. And just like that, the metamorphmagus decides to end the conversation then and there, turning around and leaving. Harry's jaw drops open all over again as he stares at Tonks' ridiculously over-sized rear end. She was insanely voluptuous in that moment, her body an obscenely attractive caricature of the best features of all the girls downstairs.

Shuddering, Harry squeezes his eyes shut… and then slips into his room, hoping to take care of some urgent business before getting to sleep. He wasn't going to bed without relief, that was for sure. All the while, Tonks' words fill his thoughts. A girlfriend? Just what was she playing at?


The next morning wasn't much better for Harry. He paid a lot more attention to Tonks, just to make sure she didn't do anything crazy, but his eyes did routinely stray to the other hotties around the breakfast table. Of course, Tonks didn't let up just because there were more people around. The metamorphmagus still flirted with Harry, even if she did couch it in terms of being proud of him and impressed by his bravery.

She got Hermione and Ginny and Molly to all agree with her too, and Harry had to swallow hard to keep the blush from covering his face for longer than a few seconds. It was just… it was just too much. But when he confronted her about it out in the hall before she had to leave for her shift, Tonks just grinned and gave him a wink and some advice.

"Look Harry, a big damn hero like you? You're a wizard any woman would love to be with. I gotta go, but you need to stop selling yourself short. Live a little, Potter!"

And then she was gone again, just like that. Grimacing, Harry thought more deeply on Tonks' words. Was she right? Was he holding himself back? He knew plenty of beautiful young witches close to his age. Why couldn't he date one? Why couldn't he find a woman to love? The thought woke his libido and caused his dick to rise, and Harry spent a minute more just getting that back down again. But even still, by the time he was no longer hard, he'd come to a decision. He was going to ask one of them out.

What could go wrong?


"… Oh, you're seeing someone?"

Ginny looks remorseful, even as she nods her head apologetically. Harry feels like a complete idiot, even as he blushes and looks away.

"R-Right… sorry, I guess I should have known. You're a pretty witch, a-anyone would be lucky to have you."

"You're too sweet Harry. I really appreciate that, and I'm sure you'll find someone too, soon enough!"

Harry lets out an explosive sigh and smiles sadly, nodding as well.

"Yeah, sure… well, talk to you later Ginny."

"Alright, by Harry…"

That had been a bust. Harry felt lower than dirt. How… how had he not known Ginny was already dating? How was Ginny dating before he was? It was… it was just so frustrating! It felt like everyone was leaving him in the dark. How was he supposed to avoid making a fool of himself when he didn't know what was even going on with the people who were supposed to be his friends?

"Harry James Potter!"

Harry whirls in the hallway at the sound of Hermione's angry voice. There's no one else around as the beautiful brunette bombshell stalks up to him, her features stormy. He's not sure what he's done wrong, even as she glares at him. Was she… was she hoping he'd ask her first? The thought crosses Harry's mind to ask Hermione out now, but after he just struck out with Ginny… and she looks upset with him to boot…

"Hermione? What's up?"

Growling, Hermione crosses her arms over her chest.

"Don't 'what's up' me, Harry! I expect this kind of behavior from Ron, but not from you! Asking Ginny out when she already has a boyfriend? Are you trying to hurt their relationship? Do you know what kind of pressure that puts her under? Honestly, Harry!"

For a moment, he just stares at his best friend. How could she… did she truly not understand that he hadn't known? That seemed impossible. Perhaps Hermione truly was blind to how she and Ron and the others had all hurt him. Whether she was being actively malicious or just willfully ignorant, Harry can't quite defuse the fury building in him as well. It'd been there for a while, in fact… and now he's ready to explode.

"Maybe if I'd known she was even SEEING someone I could have avoided that, Hermione! But my friends don't tell me ANYTHING, now do they?! You don't write me letters, you don't send me packages! How am I supposed to know anything about any of you when you ignore me for half the summer, pretending I don't even exist?! Maybe if my best friend told me the important things, like the fact that one of YOUR best friends has a boyfriend, I wouldn't have put Ginny in a bad position like that!"

Hermione's eyes are wide as Harry towers over her, his face twisted in anger. He's really building to a full head of steam, when a voice suddenly calls out that cuts through all the red settling over his vision.

"Alright, that's about enough of that! Come with me Harry!"


Tonks had come back from her shift to find Harry and Hermione arguing. She was able to get a fairly good idea of what had happened while she was gone, but that wasn't the important bit. Even if it was technically her fault for Harry striking out with Ginny, there was something far more important garnering Tonks' attention. Specifically, Harry had been two inches shorter than Hermione when the boy had arrived at Grimmauld Place the day before.

In that moment however, Harry was actually taller than Hermione, and the bookish brunette witch wasn't cowering or crouching or anything like that. He'd sprouted four inches in total from the looks of things, just to glare down at his best friend, filled with ire that she'd probably earned. Quite suddenly, Tonks understood why Dumbledore had wanted her to stay at Grimmauld Place for the rest of the summer.

Quite suddenly, Tonks knew exactly what Harry was… and what she had to do.

"Alright, that's about enough of that! Come with me Harry!"

Before the young wizard can even protest, Tonks is dragging him away from Hermione, who stands there with a bit of a strange look on her face as she watches the pair leave. She makes no effort to follow however, much to Tonks' relief. In the end, she's able to drag Harry straight to her personal bedroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

Harry growls as he finally recovers from Tonks' hasty intervention.

"What the hell Tonks?! What was that all about?!"

The young man is still upset, and not only his body but his posture shows that as well, even as he growls deep in his throat. Tonks just regards him in silence for a moment, before ripping the bandage clean off right then and there.

"Potter. You're a metamorphmagus."

The out of nowhere claim completely puts the young wizard off guard. Harry blinks dumbly at the slightly older witch.


A wide grin spreads across Tonks' face. She steps forward and places her hands on her hips.

"You're a metamorphmagus, Harry. And I'm going to teach you how to harness your abilities."


Harry can't help but stare at Tonks in disbelief.

"Me? I'm a metamorphmagus?! That… that can't be right. I'm nothing special, Tonks."

Okay, even as the words come out of Harry's mouth, he winces, knowing how dumb that particular statement was to make. Judging by the way Tonks' eyebrows lift, she knows it too.

"Really Harry, nothing special? Which one of us took out a Dark Lord when they were one again?"

Flushing red, Harry glances to the side, rubbing at his arm.

"I really can't see how I can take credit for that. It was probably something one of my parents did before they died, rather than something I did. I just-…"

Tonks cuts him off with a sharp slash of her hand.

"Maybe, but then, which of us has dealt with You-Know-Who every single year since arriving at Hogwarts, like clockwork? Because I can tell you now, it's not me."

Harry blushes even deeper, unable to exactly argue with Tonks' words. Still, he wasn't… he couldn't…

"Think Harry. Just THINK. You were just arguing with Hermione, right?"

Blinking at that particular blow up, Harry shrinks on himself even further, shoulders hunching as he lets out a sigh.

"Y-Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. I need to go and apologize to her, that was-."

"Not my point, Harry! THINK! Are you taller or shorter than Hermione?"

Blinking dumbly, Harry considers the question for a moment. But the answer is obvious, right? He's had years of standing near the girl to know it.


Tonks smirks as if she's managed some great victory. And perhaps she has. Stepping forward, one of her hands leaves her hips and she presses a finger against Harry's chest as she leans in.

"Now, consider the argument you just had. It was only a minute or two ago, you can't have forgotten the details yet. Were you glaring up at Hermione while you read her the riot act, or were you towering OVER her?"

Harry's mouth opens and then closes as he cuts himself off from his immediate answer upon realizing it's not true. He wasn't… he hadn't… he HAD been towering over Hermione while he yelled at her. He'd never been taller than her before, and he knew he hadn't had a growth spurt over the summer, because he'd gotten a face full of tits along with a hug from what felt like every beautiful witch he knew when he showed up at Grimmauld Place a day before.

Which, in the end, meant one simple thing for Harry James Potter.

"Holy shit, I'm a metamorphmagus."

Tonks looks delighted and smug as she nods her head confidently, finally withdrawing her finger from Harry's chest now that he's seen the line.

"Yes, you are, Harry. Yes, you are."

Harry stares down at his hands for a moment.

"How did I… how did I not know?"

Tonks shrugs her shoulders at that.

"Easy. Neglect."

That garners a flinch from Harry, and he looks at Tonks with wounded eyes. But she's not judging him or anything like that if anything she's sympathetic as she reaches out and rests a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Harry, wizards and witches already need more in the way of sustenance than most muggles. Why do you think Hogwarts does feasts for literally every meal of the day? A growing magical being needs all the food they can possibly take. Now, combine that with being a metamorphmagus… and well, there's a reason beyond my ability to shapeshift that I've never so much as gotten fat in my life. We put away food like its nothing. But for you, a boy who's only been getting Hogwarts feasts for the last few years… well…"

Grimacing, Harry is forced to acknowledge the truth of her words. So his body was small and his talent as a metamorphmagus had been suppressed by the neglect of his relatives. The first bit was nothing new to him, since Madame Pomphrey told him he needed to eat more every time he was in her care… so, frequently. But the latter bit… well, not even Pomphrey had apparently realized Harry was a metamorphmagus on top of it all.

Still, now he knew right? Mouth dry, Harry finally looks up into Tonks' eyes.

"So… what now?"

Tonks' grin is a little infectious as she plants her hands on her hips again.

"Didn't I already say? Or did you forget in the midst of all this? I'm going to teach you how to harness your abilities Harry! One step at a time! I didn't have anyone to help me along when I was growing up. At least, not anyone with the skill. My parents did their best, but there's only so much a non-metamorphmagus can do in that regard. Luckily, you've got me to guide you through it!"

He couldn't deny that that sounded good. Finding himself with a grin of his own, Harry bobs his head up and down in agreement, then glances around Tonks' room.

"Okay so… how do we begin?"

Pulling her wand out of her sleeve, Tonks begins to cast silent magic, even as she explains what she's doing to Harry.

"We start with privacy spells. Locking charms on the doors and windows, and a general silencing charm on the walls, floor, and ceiling. We'll be able to hear each other… but no one should be able to listen in."

Harry blinks in confusion at that.

"Why would we need that much priv… acy…"

His question trails off and his eyes go wide as Tonks, once she's made sure that they're not going to be disturbed, sets her wand aside and pulls her shirt right over her head. Harry's jaw drops open, even as Tonks gives him an impish little grin, before reaching behind herself to undo the clasp on her bra as well. And just like that, Harry finds himself staring at his first pair of naked, exposed tits. The purple-haired witch shifts this way and that, amused by the way he seems mesmerized over her jiggling, bouncing breasts.

"My eyes are up here, Harry."

"Uh huh."

"… Which means you should probably look away from the tits at some point if you want to learn anything."

With great effort, Harry tears his gaze off of Tonks' breasts and looks her in the eye. He's feeling more than a little toyed with though, and his own eyes are wounded.

"What is this Tonks? Why are you messing with me like this?"

Tonks smiles, even as she grabs hold of her relatively nice knockers.

"I'm not messing with you Harry. This is just lesson one. First of all, its much easier to practice enlarging and shrinking with stuff like this first. So, watch and learn."

And like that, Harry's eyes are back on Tonks' ta-tas, even as they grow bigger right in front of him. Harry's eyebrows lift, and he watches Tonks make her breasts as large as Mrs. Weasley's one moment, before almost flattening them out entirely the next.

"You need to push your thoughts into the part of your body that you want to change. You have to focus on making it bigger or smaller, and then use your inner magic to do exactly that. Do you understand, Harry?"

"… Buh…"

Harry's really not following the technical conversation here. Tonks lets out a laugh though, rather than getting upset with him. The next thing the young wizard knows, he has his hands on Tonks' tits, her own hands holding his in place as she grows and shrinks her breasts right there in his grasp.

"Let's, mm, try some hands-on exercise, s-shall we? There you go Harry, v-very, ah, good… feel the flow of the magic? Yesss, just like that."

This doesn't feel like much of a lesson at this point, but that doesn't mean Harry isn't enjoying himself immensely. His fingers dig into Tonks' soft mammaries one moment, and the next he's grinding his palms down on her nipples as his hands lay flat against her shrunk chest. It's… an experience, to say the least. His first time fondling a pair of tits, and they're magical tits at that. Harry's mouth is no longer dry at this point. In fact, at this point one might say he's salivating.

Thus, when Tonks suddenly takes things up a notch, Harry can't bring himself to mind too much.

"Time for lesson two!"

The very aroused female metamorphmagus grabs up her wand and before Harry can even react, she's vanished his clothes and lightly banished him back towards her bed. Harry lands on the soft mattress and a moment later Tonks is crawling on top of him, her own clothing gone as well as she once again sets her wand to the side, grinning coyly, even as her hands grip at his painfully hard cock.

"Mm, is this for me, Harry?"

What is he supposed to say? No? Maybe there's a world out there where another Harry was somehow raised piously enough to avoid temptation, but he imagined that Harry also wouldn't have dabbled in magic in the first place. As it is, he's a growing teenage boy with an extremely healthy libido… and Tonks is basically offering to take his virginity right then and there.

"Y-Yes… yes, it is."

It was the only answer that he could possibly give, and while Tonks giggling at it makes Harry flush a bit more, he doesn't try to take it back. A moment later, she's sinking down on his cock and Harry's eyes are going wide as he gets to feel the velvety, wet embrace of a woman's cunt for the very first time. The young wizard begins to pant, and when Tonks guides his hands back to her chest, he squeezes instinctively, molesting her perfectly perky tits without even realizing that they're no longer changing size.

Instead of shifting her own body, Tonks rides Harry as she tilts her head back and lets out soft cries. Every once in a while though, she'd look down at him with smoldering eyes and say one simple thing.

"Deeper Harry. Fuck me deeper."

And Harry does his best. He thrusts up with his hips to meet Tonks' crotch, and though he's already ball's deep inside of the beautiful witch, it actually does feel like he's getting deeper with each and every bounce of Tonks' body across his cock. Tonks seems to agree, quite vocally.

"Yes, Harry! Just like that! Just like that! Deeper Harry! Go as deep as you can, fuck me, fuck my WOMB!"

He gets to the entrance of said womb in just a few minutes, but Tonks' cervix stands ready against the onslaught of Harry's thick, hard, throbbing cock. He pounds against the entrance of her cunt more than once, and in turn, Tonks finally cums. Her mouth opens wide as her eyes go crossed, and Harry watches with his hands still on her tits, even as the female metamorphmagus climaxes beautifully across his cock.

It IS his first time though, and one can't expect much from a teenage boy on their first time. When Tonks' orgasms along his length, Harry can't hold back a second longer. With a loud groan, the young man cums as well, his seed pumping right into Tonks' womb, filling her to the brim and then some. As he coats her inner walls with his sticky, hot cum, Harry's fingers squeeze all the harsher into Tonks' malleable breasts.

For a long moment, they're both frozen in ecstasy. And then it all comes crashing down. But it's a good sort of 'crashing down', and Harry finds himself with a panting beautiful witch laid out across his chest. This… this felt good. More than that, it felt RIGHT. When Tonks climbs off of him however and grabs his wilting cock, he finds out the true thrust of this 'lesson'.

"Do you see this Harry? Do you see what you managed to do with some encouragement?"

She's smiling as she strokes his softening prick. His very large, softening prick. Harry stares at his own dick owlishly, just now realizing HOW he was able to get so deep inside of Tonks' cunt.

"You went from average for your size to impressive for just about any man, and you did it in just a few minutes. Well done Harry. Well done."

Harry flushes a bit at the praise, but he can't help but feel a little chagrined. Was there nothing more than a lesson to the intimacy they just shared? Tonks seems to read his face, because she bites her lower lip in thought for a moment before speaking.

"You know Harry, I've never properly thanked you. It might seem silly, but whether it was you or your parents… its because of that night that someone like me, a Half-Blood Metamorphmagus, gets to be an Auror instead of some sadistic Pureblood Death Eater's plaything… or worse. You and your family gave me and so many others like me the chance to become what we were meant to be. Never forget that, hero."

Leaning down, Tonks gives Harry a chaste kiss atop his forehead. Then, before he can really do or say anything, the witch curls into his side and Harry finds himself covered in a blanket as Tonks quickly falls asleep with her arms wrapped around him. Alright, so maybe there was a bit more to the intimacy they'd just shared after all.

Harry licks his lips, even as he wraps an arm around Tonks. Belatedly, he realizes he's actually bigger than her right now, somehow. Is that… is that him, or is it her? Glancing down at his body, Harry realizes its him. He's built a bit taller, slightly more muscular, and all around more masculine. It was Tonks' words that did it. Had to be. She'd bolstered his confidence, and by extension, his self-image.

He shrinks a little at that realization, but Harry thinks on what Tonks' said and realizes she's right. There's no reason for him to be so small and unassuming anymore. He's in control now, his body is HIS to command. He just has to focus. Though, right now he really wanted to sleep. His first time had certainly taken a lot out of him. But Harry wasn't too embarrassed by that, because it'd clearly taken a lot out of Tonks as well.

Glancing down at the other metamorphmagus' head of purple hair, Harry smiles happily. This certainly wasn't how he was expecting the day to go. But in the end, it was what it was. He'd learned something about himself, and he'd lost his virginity to a beautiful witch. Tonks was… well, he hadn't looked at her as much as he'd looked at some of the others at Grimmauld Place, but she was more than decent.

And beyond the superficial, there was the witch who was helping him learn how to harness his abilities. Harry could scarcely wait to try new forms. As he drifted off, he couldn't help but fantasize about Tonks and the many different forms SHE could take as well…

This… this was the beginning of something beautiful, he just knew it.


As Harry slowly wakes up, the corners of his mouth lift into a slow smile as he nuzzles into the soft pillow beneath him, curling into the warmth at his side. Never has he felt more satisfied, more content. Never has he slept so damn well. It's only when his cheek brushes against a familiar nub that Harry realizes it's not a pillow, but a breast. And that was a nipple.

Blinking dumbly, the young wizard's eyes open as everything begins to come back to him. Tonks is still held in his arms, but at some point, during the night they've gone even further, entangling one another with all their limbs. As he instinctively begins to pull away to sit up, Tonks wakes at his side, her full pouty lips curling upwards into a soft smile of her own as she opens her eyes as well.

Harry stares at what the witch has become. She's still her, at least mostly. He can see the Nymphadora Tonks he knows beneath the changes well enough. In truth, the changes don't even really mask her, more like they meld into her almost perfectly, making her look more like an enhanced version of herself than a new person entirely.

All the same, Harry can't help but look at the way Tonks has gotten curvier, her hips wider, her ass plumper, her tits bigger. There's been a rather large improvement to her bust, that's for sure… and she's just so absolutely gorgeous. Harry's mouth doesn't seem to know whether it should go dry or whether it should salivate as he opens and closes his lips a few times.

Tonks of course notices the staring, and her own lips curl into a wicked, coy smile as she strikes a pose on her side, her fingers running up the curvier slope of her body as she flaunts what she has to offer to him.

"See anything you like, Harry?"

Blushing at being called out, Harry lets out a bit of a nervous laugh, even as he rubs at the back of his head, scratching through his messy mop of black hair.

"I… y-yeah, but uh… why do you look so different now?"

Maybe it was a dumb question to ask, given everything that had already happened. But it was the foremost question on Harry's mind. It just kind of slipped out. All the same, Tonks gives him a look that just screams 'really?' and Harry blushes in embarrassment, even as the beautiful witch grabs him by the hand and all but drags him out of bed.

They're before Tonks' floor-length mirror in moments, and Harry stops dead at the sight he sees there, looking at himself for the first time… and realizing just what has happened over the night. He's no longer the short, scrawny boy he was before. He's no longer subconsciously conforming to what he believes are the expectations of the people around him. Instead, he's an inch taller than Tonks, and even looking slightly broad-shouldered.

He's still got a sleek, lean build to be sure. He's still got a Seeker's Build, though in all fairness, if men like Viktor Krum can be professional Seekers, there's really no one 'build' for any wizard who wants to play in the position. All the same, Harry's body is still built for speed and agility… he's just a lot more fit now. He feels… he feels manly for the first time in his life.

Tonks drapes herself over him from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder as she smiles at him via the mirror.

"You're a metamorphmagus Harry, and I know you understand and accept that now, but you don't fully know what that entails. Not yet anyways. Essentially, metamorphs like you and I change ourselves subconsciously to fit what we believe people close to us want or expect from us. Except, it becomes a bit different when a metamorphmagus ends up close enough to someone to be intimate with them."

Licking her lips, Tonks runs her hands along Harry's pecs, sliding them over his defined abdomen and eventually bringing them to his cock as she begins to stroke it casually.

"Needless to say, the opinions of others no long matter to either of us nearly as much as the opinions of each other do. We're going to be subconsciously changing ourselves to suit each other, because we're lovers now Harry, and that's what metamorphs like us do for our lovers."

Harry lets out a shuddering breath and a quiet groan as Tonks pays extra attention to the tip of his cock, massaging it with her fingers and palm. She grins at the vocalized enjoyment of her ministrations, before continuing on in a rather carefree tone.

"Of course, there's a reason that I've not had any long-lasting relationships before you Harry. Once a metamorphmagus is fully trained… only another can possibly keep up with them in bed and dare I say it, even in life. You're going to be better than everyone else in a whole new way soon enough… but luckily, you've got me here to show you the ropes."

Licking his lips as well, Harry finally turns from the mirror to look at Tonks directly. Their noses are half an inch from touching as he stares into her eyes.

"I-Is that so?"

Grinning wickedly, Tonks gives him a nod, before slowly sliding around to the front of him. Then, the beautiful witch moves into a crouch, sinking down until she's eye level with his cock, balanced on the balls of her feet as she looks up into his gorgeous green eyes.

"Yes Harry. It is."

Harry watches her, even as Tonk's lips open up and her tongue snakes out. Literally, as it so happens, because her tongue continues to move out of her mouth long after it should have been stopped. As Tonks elongates her flexible mouth muscle, she slides it around Harry's hardened cock, causing the young wizard to let out a hiss, his hands immediately coming up to grab ahold of Tonks' brightly colored hair.

Once Tonks' tongue is fully wrapped around Harry's cock and licking at his balls, the metamorphmagus herself moves in a bit more, her mouth opening almost impossibly wide as she takes him past her lips. Harry groans then, even louder than before from the sheer sensation of Tonks' warm, wet mouth combined with her writhing wet tongue.

What follows is a blowjob to end all blowjobs, especially when she takes him right down her throat as well, sliding her lips closer and closer to the base of his cock without so much as tearing up or gagging a single damn time. Staring down into Tonks' loving eyes, Harry can only gasp and pant at the pleasure, lips parted perpetually as he feels every bit of what she's doing to him.

This is the power of metamorphs like him and her. And Harry is a fast learner if nothing else. Tonks proves herself able to do things with her tongue and her mouth and her throat that no other witch or even muggle could do in a million years. The magic she works on him as she easily and effortlessly deep throats his cock is a magic only a metamorphmagus is capable of.

Suddenly, Harry finds himself cumming without warning. The pleasure had been building to be sure, but then Tonks does this thing with the tip of her tongue on his nut sack that sends his churning balls right over the edge. Letting out a curse, the young wizard fills his lover's throat with his seed. To her credit, even then Tonks doesn't gag or choke. Her eyes do widen in surprise momentarily, but then she's swallowing and swallowing and swallowing some more.

Tonks takes every last drop of Harry's cum and outright drinks it down like it's nothing, despite how big his load is. And when she's done, she pulls back, her tongue slowly untwining from around Harry's cock, until it falls away and slips back into her mouth with a slurp. Grinning up at him, Tonks slowly rises from her crouched position until she's once again eye to eye with the young wizard.

"See what I mean, Harry?"

Harry stares at her for a moment, and then finds himself grabbing onto her a moment later. Tonks lets out a surprised yelp at the sudden aggression, but Harry simply picks her up and throws her onto the bed, before climbing on after her.


Tonks barely has time to question his motives before Harry is between the female metamorphmagus' legs, his own tongue licking at her cunt. Focusing on what he wants to do, the young man concentrates all of his willpower towards his ultimate goal of pleasuring his lover. He wants to fuck the delicious witch before him silly, but not with his cock…

Slowly, just as Tonks' did, Harry's tongue starts to elongate. His eyes move up the slope of her body, and over the crest of her breasts, he meets Tonks' own gaze even as he smiles wickedly. At the same time, his tongue begins to move into the beautiful witch's cunt, inch by inch disappearing up into Tonks' passageway.

Moaning and whining, Tonks laces her fingers through Harry's messy black hair, gripping tightly even as he begins to truly eat her out as only a metamorphmagus could.

"M-Merlin yes Harry, just like that…"

Tonks is already breathless as he goes to town on her, but Harry isn't content with that. Even when her back arches and her hips rise up to meet him, he isn't satisfied. His hands move to grip at her butt cheeks, and he all but feasts on her cunt as he lays there between her legs, both showing Tonks what he can do, and exploring his own limits at the exact same time.


She climaxes, and her pussy juices end up all over his tongue and face, but Harry still isn't satisfied. He can go further, he can do more… and he WILL do more. Elongating his tongue and continuing to bury it in Tonks' cunt, Harry finds himself searching for something he's not even sure exists. But then, it has to, right? Eventually, he comes to the end point he's seeking out. His tongue bashes against the entrance to Tonks' womb and finds itself stymied by her cervix.

He's not getting past that, not with just his tongue. But then, Harry swiftly finds he doesn't need to. Tonks climaxes the moment he hits her cervix, and as he continues to writhe his elongated tongue along her insides, she begins to cum again and again from the way he's eating out her cunt. Harry can't help but grin as he reduces the older witch to a melted puddle of goo. Tonks isn't capable of anything more than gibberish by the time he finally retracts his tongue.

Her blowjob had been good, but he rather thought he'd one-upped her at the end of the day. Of course, that just left him horrendously turned on, ultimately. When Harry finally leaned back from the absolutely thrashing he'd given Tonks with his tongue, he found himself rock hard and in need of some sort of relief on his cock.

It was… it was just a stray thought at first, but the more he looked down upon Tonks' wiggling body and fucked silly face, the more he found himself wanting to claim the last hole she had left to her. He wanted… he wanted to make every bit of her his. And so, without another thought, Harry grabs the female metamorphmagus by the hips and flips her over onto her front.

Even then, it's only when his cockhead presses against her absurdly tight sphincter that Tonks realizes what he's doing.


Grinning, Harry massages and kneads Tonks' bountiful buttocks with both hands.

"Don't worry Tonks, we'll take it slow."

And in all fairness, slow is exactly how he takes it. Harry's never done anal before. He doesn't want to hurt Tonks. Luckily, they're both metamorphs, and that means they can both make the process a bit more… manageable. Harry's cock actually grows smaller at first as he penetrates into Tonks' ass. At the same time, Tonks' behind begins to self-lubricate, making it all the easier for him to enter her.

As he buries himself in her back door, Harry's cock begins to grow again, first to its 'normal' size, and then past that. Tonks pants and moans louder and louder, while Harry grunts and groans in response to just how amazing her back door feels. All the while, his digits dig into her plump posterior, groping her ass cheeks to his heart's content.

It feels amazing, and the more Tonks loosens up, the more Harry is able to expand his cock, until he's fucking her back door with the same thickness and length he'd used on her cunt the night before. Of course, Tonks isn't one to be outdone, all the same. To get even, the beautiful witch uses her own abilities to squeeze and contract her sphincter.

Harry finds himself stuck for a bit, even as Tonks looks over her shoulder at him and grins impishly. It becomes a bit of a contest at that point, as the two jockey for control of the anal plundering. Tonks uses her control over her ass muscles to massage and play with Harry's cock, all while Harry makes sure the size of his member is perfectly adjusted to just so slightly stretch Tonks out at all times, no matter how tight or loose she's left herself.

That's how he fucks her, and Tonks vocally expresses her enjoyments through louder and louder moans as he pounds into her back door from behind. The two metamorphs lose themselves in that moment, in each other, and when they finally reach release, it's a mutual bit of satisfaction. Their orgasms arrive at the same moment, both of them explosive. Tonks ends up spraying her pussy juices all over the bed beneath them, while Harry fills Tonks' ass with his seed, only to pull out halfway through and cover her from the nape of her neck all the way to the back of her thighs with his cum.

Only once they're done can either of them think of anything beyond sex. Panting heavily and slowly catching their breath, the two metamorphs simply pause for a moment, as if to process what they've just done with one another, the things they've explored with their abilities. Then, Tonks is up off the bed and dragging Harry to her personal shower.

Only once the two are inside, hot water pouring down over them, does she speak, giving Harry a knowing grin even as he finds himself offering a goofy smile right back.

"What did I tell you, Harry? Only a metamorph can keep up with a metamorph."

He can believe it. After all they just did, he thinks he might just be in love with one Nymphadora Tonks. Impulsively, he pulls her into a deep, passionate kiss. She happily reciprocates and the two of them spend quite a long time in the shower not actually showering.


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