Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Taste of Victory (Kim Possible)

A/N: A Taste of Victory was a commissioned one-shot originally written in June of 2018. Posting it here and now for readers to enjoy.

Summary: Bonnie decides she's finally going to get one over on Kim. She's not going to lose out to the damn red head anymore. And that means she's gotta hit Kimmy where it hurts... her boyfriend. Ron is taken along for the ride, and things quickly spiral out of control. Of course, neither of them knows Kim's dark secret...

Themes: Cheating, Domination, Cuckquean


Ron Stoppable wasn't nervous. He wasn't afraid. After everything he'd been through with KP over the years, this much wasn't even enough to get his heart pumping. But he was still wary. Being assigned as Bonnie Rockwaller's partner for a senior class project that would make or break whether they graduated or not? Yeah, Ron figured he had every right to be wary at this point.

Not that he would let Bonnie sabotage him to the point that he didn't receive his diploma. Hell, he'd do the entire project if he had to. But then, Bonnie probably already knew that. He was half-expecting her to use that, and his mind was already whirling with possibilities on how he could either make her do at least a small portion of the work or provide evidence to the teacher that she'd forced him to do the entirety of the project on his own.

Still, it was Saturday Morning, and Ron found himself in front of Bonnie's house, staring up at the modern, extravagant residence. He'd never been to Bonnie's home before, never really cared to find out much about her home life in fact. Still, given how spoiled Bonnie was, it made sense she'd come from a fairly well-to-due family.

He wouldn't let that intimidate him. Ron had infiltrated places even more fancy than this, after all. Snorting a little, he makes his way to the front door and doesn't so much as hesitate as he knocks once, twice, and then thrice. When that garners no reaction after a minute or two, Ron sighs and settles for the doorbell instead.

As expected, the Rockwaller home's doorbell is as over the top and completely ridiculous as the residence itself, and Ron can't help but roll his eyes as it plays on for what feels like a good fifteen seconds. Still, just as he's starting to consider if he should ring the doorbell again or just leave, the door to the house abruptly opens and… it's not at all what Ron was expecting.

He was trying to prepare himself for any number of scenarios. He'd learned to do as much in his years with Kim, and he'd gotten pretty good at being ready for a great number of eventualities. He had not thought that today would be outside of his ability to plan for. What really could happen that he couldn't foresee coming a mile away? Everything from one of Bonnie's parents answering the door to Bonnie herself answering, only to tell him to get lost and slam the door in his face.

Ron had been ready for that. What he had not been ready for was Bonnie answering her front door completely naked, one hand on the door itself and the other hand on her hip as she glared at him imperiously.

"Ugh, it's you! What the hell do you want, Stoppable? Can't you see I was sunbathing?!"

He's seeing a lot more than he ever thought he would see, that's for sure. Ron's face is a full-on blush as he averts his eyes, but honestly, the blonde boy feels like he should get a pass on his embarrassment. This is mortifying, and he can't possibly begin to understand why Bonnie is so cavalier about it all, or why she opened the door in the first place. She had to know he and Kim were together, right?

In point of fact, Bonnie did know. She knew just how lovey dovey Ron and Kim had gotten in their senior year, and after so many years, even Bonnie Rockwaller had finally figured out something that Kim had learned in kindergarten. Ron Stoppable was a catch. And with that discovery, Bonnie had decided that she'd be damned if she let Kim win AGAIN.

That was why the brunette was naked right in front of Ron's eyes in that moment, bludgeoning him over the head with her femininity, secure in the knowledge that the house was empty, her parents away on vacation for the next week and her sisters unlikely to show up anytime soon, traveling abroad for their educations as they were. All in all, Bonnie had one goal and one goal only… and that was to fuck Ron Stoppable, to finally get one up on the girl who had showed her up every damn day of her life.

Unfortunately for Ron, while he'd learned a lot in his years as Kim's sidekick, none of it had helped him with girls. As such, he couldn't quite make the connection between Bonnie's nakedness and her schemes to seduce him. All he knew was what she'd told him, that she'd been sunbathing. It would explain why she didn't answer the knock after all, and why it'd taken her a little while longer to answer after the exceedingly long doorbell.

Still, keeping his gaze averted did wonders for Ron's self-control, allowing him to eventually get the words out that he needed to say.

"D-Did you forget that we agreed to work on their project today, Bonnie? I mean, we should definitely reschedule now, but that's why I'm here. I just-!"

Ron begins to back away, but Bonnie rolls her eyes and grabs him by one of his upraised hands.

"Just get in here Stoppable, we can talk about the project while I'm getting my tan! I didn't forget, but I wasn't going to give up a perfect opportunity to sunbathe when I had the house all too myself."

He really shouldn't be allowing this, but Ron finds himself dragged through the empty Rockwaller home and into the backyard all the same. And his eyes… his eyes can't exactly stay averted when Bonnie's naked body ends up right in the path of where he was averting them too! It becomes harder and harder to keep looking away as he finds himself drawn to Bonnie's exceptional backside, her big bubble butt bouncing and jiggling back and forth as she draws him along, all while explaining herself.

Ron still doesn't get how this is happening. It feels like some sort of fever dream if he's being honest. Why is Bonnie so… okay with him seeing her nude? His mouth opens and closes as he tries to find a response to Bonnie's explanation, but he really can't. His stupid, dumb hormonal brain keeps latching onto one tidbit of what she said, and that's what he finds himself responding to.

"Y-Your parents aren't home?"

It was like his last lifeline, the thought that maybe her parents WOULD be home, and they'd put a stop to this. But then, Bonnie wouldn't be naked in the first place if her mom or dad were around, at least not unless the Rockwaller's were a LOT more eccentric than Ron ever could have guessed. In the end, it's a lost cause, and all his stupid question gets him is more trouble as Bonnie twists to look back at him, giving off a nice unimpeded view of her bouncing tits as she snorts derisively.

"Course not, loser. They're on a trip to the Bahamas, or I wouldn't have invited you over in the first place for this stupid class project. No one in my family can ever know you were here, got it? Rockwallers shouldn't be seen associating with the plebians."

Seriously? Ron knew he should have been angrier at her words, but the whole situation still had the poor boy so off guard that he just couldn't bring himself to react appropriately. He wasn't even trying to avert his gaze anymore, even as wrong as he knew it was. He… it was okay, so long as he didn't touch her, right? Obviously, he was already touching her hand, but then that was more of a case of Bonnie touching him then anything else. Not like she was giving him much of a choice in the matter as they finally reached the backyard.

As completely flipped on his head as he is, Ron doesn't really notice the camera tucked away in the bushes along one side of the expansive backyard as Bonnie lets him go near the poolside, making her way over to her lounge chair where she snatches up the phone she'd left laying there. She fiddles with it for a moment, but Ron has no way of knowing that she's just sent a very special email, rather than her simply texting one of her friends or something.

Feeling completely out of place and no longer in contact with Bonnie, Ron once again tries to avert his gaze, staring at the pool, at his reflection as he swallows hard and wonders just what he's doing here. Just when Ron is getting close to gathering himself up and telling Bonnie he has to go, the naked girl flops down onto her front and calls out to him.

"Get over here Stoppable! Did you want to talk about the project or not?"

Flushed scarlet with embarrassment and shame at this point, Ron finds himself wandering over all the same. However, before he can get a word in edgewise, Bonnie holds up a bottle of lotion.

"Make yourself useful while you're blathering on and massage some of this onto me, will you? I don't want to burn."


Bonnie directs a single disinterested eye up to him as she rests her face on her arms.

"Did I stutter, loser? God, just take the damn bottle already!"

And he does, as much as he hates this. But he doesn't hate it enough to stop it and run away. That alone makes him hate himself a fair bit more, even as he grits his teeth and opens the lotion bottle up. Pouring a bit onto Bonnie's upper back, he grimaces but sets the bottle aside all the same as he finally lowers his hands to touch Bonnie's flesh, contrary to his thoughts only moments before back while they were still walking through the house.

It was… it was just a massage, right? N-Nothing sexual or sensual about it. He wasn't touching anywhere inappropriate, and he wouldn't, he definitely wouldn't do that. Trying his damnedest to find some sort of semblance of normality, Ron forces himself to focus on just why he came here.

"Right, so, the project."

Bonnie grunts, making a non-committal noise as she lays out prone beneath his hands.


Ron starts to talk, trying desperately to distract himself from what he's doing, from Bonnie's nude, admittedly rocking body. Her personality might be shit, she might just be one of the worst people he knows, but Ron can't deny that she's absolutely gorgeous, especially as the lotion makes her slightly darker flesh glisten in the sunlight beating down on them overheard.

To his relief, they do actually manage to get SOME discussion on the project done. Bonnie even contributes her own thoughts here and there, much to Ron's surprise. But at the same time, she keeps telling him to go lower, claiming he's spent too much time on her shoulders and shoulder blades. Under the barrage of incessant nagging, Ron does as he's told, but he remains hesitant and concerned, not sure what to do in the face of the fact that his hands are getting closer and closer to that delicious, fat booty Bonnie is practically pushing up towards him.

Eventually, Bonnie all but snaps.

"God, Stoppable! You're the worst masseuse ever! Put your damn hands on my ass and rub lotion into it you loser!"

Her words don't so much cow him into submission, as they start to awaken something deep and primal in Ron. His hands are suddenly on her ass, and he finds himself digging his digits into her buttocks quite viciously as Bonnie grunts and then groans beneath his grip.

"S-Shit Stoppable, not… not so rough."

Ron lifts a brow at that. Fuck her. If she's going to make him do this… grabbing the bottle of lotion, the young man pours a bit more onto Bonnie's ass, and then he gets down to business, making sure that the suntan lotion is DEEP within her flesh, mauling and kneading and squeezing Bonnie's amazing badonkadonk to his heart's content as the brunette moans and mewls beneath him.

He's kind of losing himself in the moment now, another part of him taking over that Ron neither liked or approved of under normal circumstances. But these weren't normal circumstances, now were they? As his cock grew harder and harder in his cargo shorts, the young man found himself going beyond anything Bonnie had asked or demanded of him, his lotioned hands eventually moving off of her ass and along her sides to slip under her front and grab her titties.

Bonnie gasps in surprise and barely-masked delight, before flipping over beneath him as she looks up into his eyes with lust readily apparent in her gaze.

"And what do you, ah, think you're doing, Stoppable?"

Ron doesn't give her a verbal answer. His hands are back on her tits, now fully exposed, in a second, and he digs his fingers just as deeply into her even more sensitive boob flesh as he did her ass. Her ass at least had some small amount of firmness to it from her cheerleading workouts. Her tits though? They were nice and sizable, and undeniably soft as he squeezed a handful of each. Bonnie's face twists into an interesting expression indeed as her mouth falls open and a breathy moan leaves her lips, all while her back arches and her tits end up pressed further into his hands.

It's in that moment that Ron realizes she's enjoying this. He'd… he'd wanted to get back at her, and maybe cop a feel in the process to sate his raging boner, but he'd failed in both aspects now, because not only was he making Bonnie feel GOOD, his dick was harder than ever, straining in his shorts and bulging outward, very nearly pressing down on Bonnie's crotch as he sat over her.

Pulling back as if burned, Ron stares at his own treacherous hands in disbelief, even as Bonnie collects herself and then grins wickedly, pulling back so she can place a bare foot against the bulge in Ron's pants. Bonnie's eyes go wide as she feels the true breadth of Ron's cock through his pants. Looking at the bulge is one thing, but actually feeling his throbbing warmth beneath her bare foot… Bonnie realizes then and there that Ron Stoppable is not the kind of man who needs to pack his boxers with a sock or two to feel adequate. He's MORE than adequate, all on his own.

"My, my, Stoppable. What's THIS?"

"… Bonnie…"

"Shh, no words now. Or I might just tell Kim how easily her boyfriend gets turned on by my fabulous, naked body."

Ron flushes scarlet at that, but he doesn't squirm as much as she expects him to. In fact, Bonnie finds herself shivering a little under the intense gaze he ends up leveling in her direction. Still, he doesn't say anything else, remaining quiet as she brings up her other foot, proving just how dexterous she can be with nothing more than her toes. Ron's button comes undone, his zipper ends up pulled down, and his big fat cock all but explodes out of his boxers as she finally hooks her toes into the waistband and drags the undergarment off of his member.

The rod of thick, hot fuck meat that slips out of his shorts has Bonnie licking her lips in anticipation, even as she works her toes and her feet all up and down his length, sitting up on her elbows to take in her work. She'd just gotten a world-class pedicure the day before after school in preparation for this very scheme. She'd gotten everything, in all fairness, not knowing what part of her admittedly superb body she'd be using to seduce Stoppable.

So far, that had proved prudent, because she'd used pretty much every bit of her naked body to get him exactly where she wanted him. Ignoring the way he wasn't quite acting like a squirming little worm, so much as a big dicked man as she played with his cock, Bonnie was quite confident she could seal the deal here. And then it was all over…

As Bonnie gives Ron a foot job, the blonde boy tries to contain his reactions. But in truth, all he and Kim have ever done is kiss a little. He's never gone so far as to touch her chest like he has Bonnie's. His first kiss was definitely Kim's, but every other first… Bonnie was managing to snag them all, and he couldn't truly bring himself to stop her. Even if the first part of another person's body to touch his cock was feet, Ron couldn't help but enjoy the sensations of Bonnie jerking up and down his member with her soles, her toes running along his cockhead in a way that has him grunting before long despite his best efforts to hold himself back.

In the end, there's no stopping the inevitable. Ron groans as Bonnie grins wickedly.

"Getting close, loser? Go on, do it. Cum for me, Stoppable."

It's not her words that send him over the edge, as much as she might like to think it was. But her feet really do feel good, and the sight of her body, splayed out for him, naked and exposed and most important of all, READY… it's just too much. Ron cums with another groan, and his seed sprays across Bonnie's naked form, splattering over her tits and her stomach as he cums more than either of them is truly anticipating.

Bonnie's eyes are wide, her face slack for a moment as her feet fall away from Ron's still-hard dick. She was expecting a few pathetic squirts… but honestly, she doesn't know why. This… this was what she should have seen coming from the moment his true size was revealed to her. Panting a little, Bonnie finds herself reaching up with her hands to run her fingers over her cum-cover titties. She moans as she touches herself, and before even Bonnie truly knows what she's doing, she's rubbing Ron's seed into her flesh.

It feels good, strangely enough. Licking her lips, the naked brunette tries to turn this to her advantage, looking into Ron's eyes and speaking the actual truth for once. After all, the truth advanced her plans more than a lie here and now.

"Mm, thank you, Stoppable. Your special lotion feels soooo much better than what I was using before~"

Ron just stares at her, his cock completely erect even now, throbbing and pulsating between them as it points with unerring focus at Bonnie's face from down the length of her body. Glancing between Ron and it, she can't help but grin as she opens her legs wide.

"Time to finish up, don't you think? You still need to do my bottom half."

The young man's eyes widen as he realizes what Bonnie is insinuating, his gaze darting between her wicked smile and her naked cunt, his cock only inches away from it at this point, hanging freely as it was. And yet, he finds himself hesitant at this final line. He'd already betrayed Kim in so many ways today, but this? This was… it was supposed to be special, his first time. And Bonnie wanted to take that away…

Seeing his indecision, seeing his growing frown, Bonnie realizes she's losing him. Kim's not even fucking here, and she's still winning out over Bonnie. Letting out a growl, the naked brunette reaches down and spreads her pussy lips apart right then and there.

"Fuck me, Ron. Fuck me raw for all I care. Creampie my tight little cunt. Just stick that big fat meat rod of yours in my pussy and FUCK ME!"

It's the first time in perhaps ever that she's actually used his name. Ron startles at that, and his eyes only widen further as she describes in lurid detail what she wants him to do to her, what she DEMANDS he do to her. In the end, the blonde boy is nothing more than a hormonal male, presented with a consenting, wet-and-ready female. A tale as old as time itself… and Ron just can't bring himself to resist any longer.

Still, Bonnie has been in control of this situation for long enough. His hands come down and grab at her ankles before she can so much as react. He pulls her forward a little bit, causing her to yelp as she's dragged down the length of the lounge chair, his cockhead suddenly pressing against her moist wet slit. Rockwaller stares, wide eyed at the place where they're about to be joined, but Ron doesn't thrust forward just yet.

Instead, he pulls Bonnie's legs up, and then begins to push them back.

"R-Ron, what are you d-doing?!"

In response, all Bonnie gets is a slightly uncharacteristic grin as Ron uses the career cheerleader's flexibility against her, knowing just how stretchy she and her fellow cheerleaders are from watching years of routines. Bonnie is not a slacker and is most definitely a show off. She can do it all, all the hardest cheer maneuvers. It's not just waving pom-poms and shouting cheers for this girl.

Ron uses that to his advantage, and forces Bonnie's legs back behind her shoulders, causing her ankles to lock together behind her neck as her entire body ends up a pretzel. Reaching around, Ron grabs the nape of her neck as he leans in, his other hand coming down on one of her fat tits, not framed by her pushed together arms. Their foreheads touch as Ron looks down into Bonnie's eyes.

She can't seem to look away, even as his cockhead suddenly pushes inside, a few inches of Ron's dick immediately buried inside of her. Bonnie's mouth forms into a small o, and she knows her face is contorting from the sudden sensation. It's embarrassing, humiliating even having Ron staring at her from mere centimeters away, looking into her eyes as he slowly but surely sinks every last inch of his cock inside of her.

It's as if he's claiming her, rather than the other way around like it's supposed to be. Bonnie whines and whimpers, struggling a bit but not enough to break free of Ron's grip as he pins her down and pinches her nipples, one after the other, his fingers digging into the back of her neck as if to warn her not to play games with him.

He's able to convey all of this without a word. Bonnie finds herself speechless in the face of such intensity, left to unintelligible noises as Ron's massive rod of fuck meat disappears deeper and deeper into her cunt. She wasn't a virgin, but she was fairly confident Ron had been before this. Her research had pointed to the idea that he and Kim had barely done ANYTHING.

She'd felt nothing but triumph as a result, over this past hour or so as she made Ron touch her, as she in turn touched Ron and pleasured him. This though? This didn't feel like a virgin's cock. Perhaps Ron was a natural. Bonnie didn't know. Nor… nor did she really care at that point. Folded up into a pretzel, forcing into a mating press, completely at Ron's mercy… the brunette cheerleader can't do much but mewl pathetically as the big-dicked boy finally bottoms out in her cunt, his cockhead pressing against her cervix.

He stops there for a second, and glances down between them, prompting Bonnie to do the same. The folded-up cheerleader's eyes widen at the sight of a portion of Rock's dick that's still outside of her body. Her pussy is stretched obscenely around Ron's thick girth, but the base of his cock is not touching her lower lips. Not… not yet, anyways.

"Are you ready, Bonnie?"

Ron's voice is deep, guttural as he looks back at her, gazing once more into her eyes. Their foreheads are still touching as Bonnie bites her lower lip and nods in response. She hadn't expected for things to go this way, she hadn't expected Ron to have such a big fat dick. But in the end, she was going to get what she wanted all the same, wasn't she?

The camera was still rolling, Ron was still oblivious to it's presence. And Bonnie… Bonnie was about to get fucked HARD. With her nod of approval, Ron pulls back, both his forehead off of hers and his cock halfway out of his cunt. Then, he thrusts forward again, hard. His hand grips and squeezes at her fat tit at the same time, and Bonnie cries out as the powerful thrust invokes sensations in her that she's never felt before.

After all, she's had sex… but she's never had any man who could reach so DEEP. Ron's thrust takes him right back to the entrance of her womb. His cockhead rams against the seemingly impenetrable barrier, and the sensations caused by him hitting her cervix nearly send Bonnie into spasms as lewd moans follow her loud cry.

Luckily, the Rockwaller home is on an acre of land. Their closest neighbors are ten minutes away, so her voice probably shouldn't draw anyone over. Not that Bonnie is in much of a position to worry about such things after a few more thrusts from Ron. He really starts to fuck her, not trying to take it slow, not hesitating. There's CERTAINLY no more of that, the hesitation from before. Whatever Ron she'd had to drag through her home and into the backyard, he's gone now, replaced by this intense… hunk.

Bonnie has never been more attracted to any man in her life then in that moment, as Ron mauled her titties and fucked her cunt with his big fat dick. She'd figured out that she wanted to try to steal Ron from Kim, but she hadn't really thought he was worth keeping afterwards. He was… it wasn't… she hadn't KNOWN this Ron Stoppable. All this time, and he'd been hiding this side of himself, the side of himself that folded her into a pretzel without hesitation before fucking her raw, hard and fast.

Her first orgasm is explosive, and she cries out as she shakes and spasms in her pretzel-like state, her eyes going crossed and loud, wanton moans exploding from her open lips. Her pussy juices slicken the passage of his dick into her a bit more, and Ron's able to pick up speed as a result. This in turn allows Ron to ram into her cervix a little faster, his cockhead slamming into the entrance of her womb over and over again.

Was it any wonder then, that her second orgasm came even faster than the first? This also was not part of Bonnie's plan, of course. Initially, she'd expected Ron to be a one pump chump. Alternatively, once she found out how big he was, she'd thought maybe she'd actually get SOME enjoyment out of this before he came, and it was over.

Now though? Now Bonnie finds she just can't seem to stop cumming around Ron's massive, pistoning prick. As he rails into her with greater and greater force, the brunette cheerleader absolutely loses it, crying out and moaning loudly as she tries to put words to what she's feeling. What arrives isn't something she would have said under normal circumstances, but understandably, her brain to mouth filter was currently taking a break as Ron's dick ruined all capacity for higher thought in her brain.

"F-Fuck me, Stoppable! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME! Do it, fuck my womb you big bad hunk of man meat!"

Her next climax sees her words becoming a reality. Ron's cock, slick with her juices, finally finishes the job. Her poor cervix can't hold him back forever after all, and weakened as it is, he finally manages to break through, battering down the entrance to her womb and slamming into the womb itself with a vengeance. Bonnie's voice dies then, her mouth open in a silent scream as Ron penetrates her deepest depths.

His cockhead brushes against the back of her womb, and Bonnie's eyes roll back in her head as she shakes and spasms beneath him even harder than before. The folded-up brunette loses it right on the spot, and in that moment, Ron can no longer hold back the impending release he's been trying to stave off for quite a while now.

Bonnie's clenching, clinging insides were one thing. But her battered and broken cervix tightening around his dick as the rest of her inner walls squeeze rhythmically along the length of his prick… Ron lets out a shout, a holler even as he cums. His seed pumps out of his member with just as much force and ferocity as it did from Bonnie's foot job. His cum load pumps into Bonnie's womb directly, and it paints her insides white as it fills her to the brim.

He cums just as much as he did before, if not more. Bonnie gets the creampie of her life, and even when Ron begins to pull back, panting for breath, she still feels full, his ejaculate sloshing about inside of her. Ron's eyes are a bit wide as he stares down at her, and Bonnie slowly recovers, a hazy afterglow settling over her as she smiles lazily and runs her hands up and down her own squirming, naked body.

"Mm, Ron~"

Flushing in shame at what he's done, Ron swallows thickly. However, before he can leave, Bonnie grabs him by the hand and looks him in the eye.

"We're not done yet… right?"

They share that glance for a little while, Ron seeming to consider both her and the situation, while Bonnie just realizes she hasn't had nearly enough of his cock yet. She may never have enough. Even though she's succeeded in her overall goal, her plans have been completely trashed by one Ron Stoppable, an unaccountable variable that she'd had no idea would throw such a wrench in the works.

Still, Bonnie was happy to roll with the punches on this one. She was happy in general at this moment, feeling utterly full as Ron's cum begins to leak out of her pussy lips.

"… No, we're not done. I just… I just have to text Kim. C-Cancel our date. I'll uh… I'll tell her we need more time to work on the project."

Bonnie's eyes light up at that as she finally lets Ron pull away from her. The young man immediately turns and grabs at his phone. Her lips curl into a wide, wicked grin that stretches from ear to ear. While Ron is busy texting Kim, Bonnie looks over at where she knows the camera is hidden in the bushes. If she squints just enough, she can see the blinking red light that tells her it's still recording… and transmitting.

Flashing a victorious smile in the direction of said camera, Bonnie winks and then looks back just as Ron is finishing up his text. As he turns back to her as well, Bonnie reaches down and spreads her creampied cunt for the young man to see, licking her lips salaciously as she remains folded up in a pretzel position, completely at his mercy.

"Come on Ron. We should really keep working on our 'project', don't you think?"

Of course, what she fails to miss is the way his eyes move below her creampied cunt, to the exposed puckered back door that's currently getting lubed up from the mixture of their juices flowing out of her pussy lips. As Ron moves in once more, his cock held in one hand and his other hand reaching for her, Bonnie is about to be in for a big surprise.


On the other end of the camera is a livestream with an audience of one. Bonnie had set it up so that no one but those she sent the link to would be able to access the website and the stream she had playing via the camera in her backyard. As such, only Kim Possible, who'd been sent said link through an email shortly after Ron arrived was able to watch what happened between her boyfriend and Bonnie Rockwaller.

It was supposed to be the ultimate humiliation of course, Bonnie seducing Kim's boyfriend right in front of her as the red head was forced to watch the spectacle, her heart supposedly breaking into a million pieces. Of course, what Bonnie didn't account for, and Ron had no way of knowing even as the shame of what he was doing built in his heart… was that Kim liked what she saw.

Bonnie had honestly lucked out, though she didn't even realize it. If she were a normal woman, the moment she opened the livestream and saw an uncomfortable Ron rubbing lotion into Bonnie's naked back, Kim would have leapt into action and done what she did best. She would have 'saved the day', and Bonnie very well might have ended up in traction for it.

That didn't happen, for one simple reason that no one could have accounted for. Kim Possible was a cuckquean. Instead of reacting like your average kickass girlfriend would have, Kim was helplessly, hopelessly turned on watching Ron touch Bonnie Rockwaller. Within moments of clicking on the link, she had the door to her room locked, and the shades drawn.

Within minutes, Kim was out of her cargo pants and her black top and stripped down to her bra and panties as things escalated more and more in the livestream. She touched herself when Bonnie gave Ron a foot job… she finger-blasted herself to climax when Ron folded Bonnie up and fucked her silly right there on the lounge chair.

It was undeniably hot, watching her boyfriend go to town on another girl like that. Kim lost track of the number of times she manages to cum around her fingers as she watched the livestream progress. When Ron finally finished in Bonnie and pulled out, Kim ended up prone, her face inches from the screen as she wondered what would happen next. Ron turned away to text her, and Bonnie offered her a victorious smirk that made Kim feel all the more aroused as she flushed scarlet in shame and embarrassment at just how turned on she was.

That didn't stop her from humping her fingers though as she nibbled at her lower lip. Her phone buzzed, and Kim distractedly grabbed it with her free hand, checking on the message from Ron.

Gonna have 2 cancel date Rockwaller being brat bout project. Srry.

The funny part was, it wasn't even entirely untrue. Bonnie was being a brat. All the same, Kim was surprised to find that being lied to by her boyfriend turned her on a bit too. Why was it so hot? Why was she this way? Kim didn't have answers to that, and such questions disappeared a moment later when she caught what Bonnie missed. Inches from the screen on her laptop, fingers still pistoning in and out of her cunt, the red head's eagle eyes realize just where Ron's looking as Bonnie spreads her pussy lips wide and offers her cunt to him again.

Kim bites her lower lip in anticipation as Ron moves forward. She watches as his free hand closes around Bonnie's throat, holding it but not choking her. Bonnie grows confused, and even asks Ron what he's doing… but Ron doesn't give any sort of verbal answer as he guides his cockhead down to her back door, where more than a bit of their combined juices have dripped down.

Bonnie shrieks, but there's not much she can do to stop Ron as he begins to burrow into her asshole. The sight of Kim's boyfriend, of her best friend in the whole world and the love of her life fucking another woman like that… Kim moans just as Bonnie groans, and her free hand slides back around to her shapely behind, as she considers the view before her.

Slowly, her fingers circle around her sphincter. And as Ron really starts to fuck Bonnie's asshole, Kim begins to wiggle her thumb into her moan, whimpering all the while. If t-this was what Ron wanted, she'd… she'd learn to handle it. So long as she got to watch more of him fucking other women. Kim knew that they had a long talk ahead of them after this… but she was honestly looking forward to it, probably more than she should be.


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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!

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