Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A New Player (High School DxD)

A/N: A New Player was a commission written in four pieces from May of 2018 to May of 2020. Posting it up now as a one-shot for readers to enjoy!

Summary: A new transfer student comes to Kuoh Academy. But Ryuken is no normal young man. With his power, he plans to take the academy by storm... unbeknownst to him, he's not the only one in Kuoh who's a little... inhuman.

Themes: Mind Control, Orgy, Breeding


Life wasn't fair. He'd learned that fairly early on and used that knowledge to navigate the treacherous world he found himself in. But now? Now the unfairness of it all was on the other foot. Ryuken couldn't help but smile at that. Knowing what he knew now, how could he not smile?

"Welcome to Kuoh Academy."

The young man bows in response to that, and when he straightens back up, his smile is soft and gentle.

"Thank you for having me."

Everything about his demeanor is meant to convey that very fact. And because of this, the person across from him can't help but smile back. Ryuken is finally here. He'd transferred to Kuoh Academy and made it official. And he couldn't help but be thrilled about that. The new start alone had made the move worth it… but it was his power that made him truly excited.

Of course, without the power he'd awakened in himself, this never would have been possible. He wouldn't have been able to force his parents to get divorced. He wouldn't have been able to pull his alcoholic mother out of the slump she was in, before his abusive shit-stain of a father wasted the rest of her family's inheritance. And he wouldn't have been able to force his cleaned-up mother to move across the world just to get away from that bastard.

It was unfortunate that he couldn't do more than that. Leaving the sperm donor who dared to call himself Ryuken's father in squalor and poverty had been satisfying, certainly… but if his power had not be limited, he could have made the man castrate himself, or throw himself in front of a moving car instead. Alas, Ryuken's ability did not work that way.

He's taken to calling it Venus' Kiss, mostly because it only worked on women. No matter who they were, if he activated his ability, they would fall under his sway. Including his own mother. She had been the first he'd used it on. She had been the first… to fall completely in love with him. Hers was not a mother's love, but then, Ryuken had never received much in the way of parental affection in the first place.

He'd take her unconditional devotion and adoration to his person over her drunken apathy any day of the week. Regardless, it was his mother that had made testing, training, and learning his power possible. It was because of her that he'd been able to work out just what he was capable of. Whenever he activated Venus' Kiss, his power would cause his body to exude a colorless, odorless gas that caused any female within its proximity to fall so completely in love with him, that they'd do whatever he asked.

Ryuken has no doubt that his mother would quite literally kill herself for him if he demanded it of her. Luckily for the woman who'd given birth to him, his hatred for his father ran far deeper than his dislike for her. And because of his age, he simply couldn't go off on his own. He needed a guardian, even now. In that way, his mother had served her purpose well.

Now they were here. Now he was enrolled in school… the perfect school, as it turned out. Kuoh Academy had been all-female until very recently. Even now, it was safe to say that the vast majority of students were young women, just coming into their own. Which made it the perfect place for someone like Ryuken to enroll. His power… his power would serve him well here.

Though, as he walked through the halls of the Academy, Ryuken decided he would wait. He wouldn't simply use his ability on his first day. He needed to get the lay of the land and decide just who he was going to start with. Wouldn't do to go off half-cocked… he hadn't gotten this far in life by being incautious, after all.


A week later, Ryuken has chosen his target. Or targets, as the case may be. The first girls he plans to ensnare with Venus' Kiss are two of the most beautiful in the school. At least, in his opinion. They're primal, feral women, not the prissy little flowers that so many of the other girls in the Academy can be labelled as.

The All-Female Kendo Club is where Ryuken will begin his conquest. The Kendo Club Captains, Murayama and Katase… THEY will be his primary targets. Not that he's going to let the rest of the club off the hook or anything. Given where he intends to start this at, they'll most certainly be involved as well.

As such, Ryuken finds himself in a small alcove right down the hall from the Kendo Club's changing room. He watches them as they enter the privacy of said room, having just finished their club activities. The young man isn't ashamed to say he's hard right now, painfully so. His erection strains against the crotch of his school uniform.

But then, what self-respecting straight male WOULDN'T be aroused right now, given what he was about to do? Licking his lips, Ryuken waits a minute. He lets the anticipation build, and at the same time he makes sure that they're all inside, and all stripped out of their kendo outfits. Then and only then does he move. As he walks down the hallway with a confident stride in his step, Ryuken activates his power.

He can't smell it. He can't see it… but Venus' Kiss is a part of him, and Ryuken knows its already at work. He can FEEL his essence wafting out of his body in all directions. His full range is about a hundred feet… more than enough to fill the entire changing room with his power as he pushes the door to said room open, striding inside like he owns the place and everyone in it.

He catches most of the girls in nothing but their bras and panties, much to his increasing excitement. Ryuken's mouth curls into a wide, wicked grin as he feasts his eyes upon the bevy of beauties before him, taking each and every one of them in. Amusingly, not every pair of eyes turns towards him as he enters. After all, there's no reason for a boy to be in here, so many just assume that it's another of the club arriving late from the dojo.

Those who do look up are the ones closest to the door, and they would normally have sounded the alarm, but they don't get a chance before Ryuken's power wafts over them, drifting into their nostrils, which flare unconsciously as they breathe him in. And just like that, they're under his spell. Their shock proves to be their undoing, and the undoing of every girl in the room.

There's quite literally not a single peep of sound as Ryuken moves deeper into the changing room, his power moving with him until every young woman is under his spell. All eyes turn towards him then, slightly glazed over as his Kiss clouds their minds, and they become completely amiable, even ecstatic to his presence among them.

It's Katase who speaks up first, the pink-haired Captain blinking before giving Ryuken a shy smile.

"Greetings Senpai. Do you need something from one of us?"

Ryuken looks the beautiful Kendo Captain up and down for a long moment, before grinning ferally.

"I've come to partake of your bodies. All of your bodies."

Such a simple, cocky statement. Under normal circumstances, it would get him the beating of a lifetime. But these aren't normal circumstances. The entirety of the female Kendo Club is under Ryuken's spell now. They're his, all his… and not a single one of them would have it any other way, not anymore. Katase bobs her head up and down happily, even as everyone else smiles eagerly.

"Of course, Senpai… if that's the case, it'd probably be best if we got rid of our underwear so it's not in the way, yes?"

Ryuken doesn't have to really give that a response. It's a rhetorical question, and Katase is already slipping out of her cute, lacy undergarments as she finishes it. All around them, the rest of the Kendo Club, Murayama included, does the same. Soon enough, Ryuken finds himself surrounded by the completely and utterly nude Kendo Club, their bodies on full display. Most of them are covered in sweat, but that does nothing to detract from their primal, lean forms. Of course, while most have some muscles, and a few even have toned abs, almost all of them have beautiful, bountiful breasts as well. Katase and Murayama in particular have curves to go along with their powerful, toned forms.

Reaching out, Ryuken steps forward and praises whatever higher force is out there for blessing him with such an amazing ability. His hands come up and each grab onto one of Murayama and Katase's tits apiece, causing them to moan loudly and lewdly for the entire room to hear as his fingers dig in and he gropes and kneads their soft mammaries right then and there.

As he continues to molest the pair of Kendo Co-Captains, they in turn gaze down at what they both want most of all. Ryuken's cock is tenting his pants at this point, straining against them. As soon as Murayama and Katase see how hard he is, their eyes light up, and even as he continues to squeeze and play with their delicious tits, the pair move forward, guiding him back towards one of the room's benches.

"Please Senpai, sit down."

"We've gone and done it now, Senpai. Let us take care of you~"

When faced with such eagerness, how could Ryuken do anything but allow them their fun. Grinning ferally, the young man settles onto the bench and watches as the two divest him of his pants and his boxers. His cock springs forth from its confines, and the sheer size of it shocks the entire club, eliciting reactions from all of them.

"S-Senpai has such a large, thick COCK!"

"A-Ah, I d-didn't know boys' thingies c-could get that big…"

"Will t-that even fit inside of us?!"

"If Senpai says it will, t-then it must be so! We have to a-at least try! For Senpai!"

"For Senpai!"

Ryuken listens on in amusement as the Kendo Club talk themselves around to servicing him. Their Captains are a step ahead of them though, and the only two girls in the room not to truly act that surprised by his cock-size. Though, they are still both a little stunned, but neither young woman is ready to let something as simple as his massive girth daunt them from their task.

Ryuken groans and slides his fingers into both Murayama and Katase's hair as they grab their tits and wrap them around his cock. He wasn't… he wasn't expecting them to do this without prompting, but he's certainly impressed by the duo's initiative. As the pair begin to give him a double tit-job, they glance between each other, and then back up at him. Murayama smiles coyly, while Katase bites her lower lip.

"Mm, once Senpai is done with us, we'll be completely ruined for other men, won't we?"

"N-Not that we'd ever even think of fucking another man anyways… these tight, fit bodies we've sculpted with our Kendo are for Senpai and Senpai alone!"

The rest of the Kendo Club cheers and nods their agreement at that, even as the Co-Captains continue their ministrations, even going so far as to add their mouths and their tongues to the mix. Ryuken can't help but be immensely turned on. Nothing quite like having a pair of girls who could break you in half worshipping you with their bodies. Murayama and Katase are certainly enthusiastic about it too, not all that experienced, but happy to learn and happy to show him what they've got all the same. Their tongues writhe across the top of his cock, even as they continue to slide their tits back and forth along either side of his member.

It won't do to leave the rest of the club in the lurch though now, will it? Ryuken briefly considers having them pair off for some background Yuri loving, but ultimately the young man decides that that won't do. This is about HIM. ALL about him… gesturing them over, Ryuken grins as the young ladies blush profusely and shuffle over into reach of him.

Thus, as the Kendo Club's Co-Captains continue to use their tits to pleasure his cock, Ryuken takes the Kendo Club members and molests, fingers, and kisses the lot of them, much to their vocal moaning enjoyment. He plays with them one after another, until finally, Murayama and Katase draw results from their work. It's not long of course. He can't hold back his release forever, though he does his best to try and savor the moment.

In the end, Ryuken cums as the pair of Kendo Club Captains bring him to climax, his seed covering their faces and their tits as he groans loudly. It feels so good, giving the two of them facials. Looking down at them as he ruins them with his cum. They really aren't ever going to have anyone but him from this moment on, so it's important that they get used to servicing his member.

Of course, as the Co-Captains begin to outright attack each other with their tongues, Ryuken's cock pulses with need once more. How can he go soft at a time like this? No, in truth this was just another aspect of Venus' Kiss. As was his massive length. He was a sex machine now, and while Ryuken might not have known where his power came from, he had absolutely no problems using it to enjoy himself.

Disengaging from the other girls he's been playing with, Ryuken grabs Murayama and Katase by their hair yet again, dragging the messy girls apart.

"If you're going to ignore me, I'm going to become irritated, you two."

The Kendo Co-Captains go wide eyed at that, and Ryuken grins wickedly as they scramble over themselves to apologize. In no time at all, he has the duo laid out on the bench he'd just been sat on. Katase is on the bottom, while Murayama is on top. The pair wait with anticipation as Ryuken rubs his cockhead back and forth across their cunts… then, reaching out, he grabs Murayama's brunette ponytail and thrusts viciously into the beautiful young woman from behind.

He takes her virginity, right then and there. Katase watches from below, eyes wide and jaw dropped as she gets a front row showing of her best friend losing her purity. In any other set of circumstances, it would be horror filling her eyes… instead, it's pure, honest jealousy as she grabs hold of Murayama's tits from below and rather viciously begins to maul them.

Of course, Murayama is a bit of a masochist. She's also just a tad sadistic as well, but then, one has to be a little bit of both if one truly enjoys Kendo. So, when Katase squeezes down harshly on her tits while Ryuken fucks into her from behind, Murayama can do nothing but moan loudly and proudly, her eyes half-rolling back in her head as her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth.

At the same time, Ryuken is pulling her head back by her hair, forcing her to arch her back entirely as he fucks her hard from behind. Her insides are tight and slick, and he quite enjoys ramming his cock into her with greater and greater force. He was her first… but she's not his. Ryuken couldn't have waited that long, not when he discovered his power, his ability months ago. Needless to say, the young man is not a virgin, nor is he inexperienced with fucking women.

But this IS his first potential orgy, that much is true. Still, Ryuken doesn't think there will be a problem. His power gives him immense stamina, and he intends to use that stamina to plow every last member of the Kendo Club into total and utter oblivion. Murayama is just the first. Katase will be the second. Growling, Ryuken brings his free hand down on the brunette Captain's toned ass cheek, spanking her back and forth as he thrusts into her again and again.

This proves to be too much for Murayama. That's about the time she begins to cum, and with her precious Senpai's cock buried inside of her, she just can't seem to stop once she starts. Orgasm after orgasm slams into Murayama's body with the same force as Ryuken is, and even Katase stops what she's doing to watch from up close as Murayama quite literally ahegaos atop her, squirting her pussy juices out from around Ryuken's pistoning prick time and time again.

The entire room is silent save for Murayama's pleasurable squeals and Ryuken's focused grunts. Every last member of the Kendo Club watches the scene before their eyes as if they can scarcely believe their luck. That will be them soon enough, after all. Sooner, rather than later as it turns out. Letting out a shout, Ryuken begins to cum once more.

Murayama's screams cut off as her jaw drops in a final, silent one. A few moments later, and Ryuken is done with her. The changing room is painfully quiet then… only for that to be split apart by Katase's initial cry as the young man who holds all of these pretty naked girls in the palm of his hand wastes no time in taking the second Kendo Captain's virginity as well.

The pink-haired girl gets the same treatment as her comrade, but there's certainly something just a bit different about fucking the girl on the bottom of a two-woman sandwich, rather than fucking the girl on top. Ryuken vastly enjoys Katase's virgin cunt, just as he enjoyed Murayama's. At the same time, the freshly fucked brunette finally comes back to herself… and she remembers how Katase treated her poor tits.

Reaching down, Murayama gives Katase's breasts the same treatment, grabbing and tugging on her nipples, even as the pink-haired girl moans loudly and lewdly. All the while, Ryuken's hands are still on Murayama's ass, groping and kneading the toned badonkadonk, even as he thrusts forward with all his might.

Being inside of Katase, fucking her as Murayama lays atop her, it's more like he's fucking both of them then it was when he was plowing Murayama senseless. The two move together, their bodies rubbing together even as he splits Katase apart with his dick time and time again. Eventually, Murayama isn't even able to properly take her revenge on her friend anymore, so lost in the excess pleasure she's getting from the two currently fucking around her.

She's basically the middle of a sandwich, with Ryuken on one side and Katase beneath her… and that alone is such an amazing sensation. She's never felt closer to her senpai or her friend. Still, all good things come to an end. Ryuken eventually cums inside of Katase, just as he did Murayama. The pink-haired girl is left just as fucked silly as well.

But he's far from done, even as he leaves the Co-Captains to pleasure one another with their bodies. Ryuken slides out of Katase's slick cunt and stands up off the bench, turning to face the rest of the room. Every last member of the Kendo Club has the same look on their face. Every last member of the Kendo Club wants one thing and one thing only. As Ryuken takes in the excitement and lust permeating the room, he slowly grins. This? This is what he's made for, what he lives and breathes for…


It's a while later when Ryuken is finally done. Cleaned up and tucking his shirt back into his pants, the young man gazes around the room for a moment, enjoying the view. It's almost as if there's been a massacre… perhaps of the sexual variety. The entire Kendo Club lies on different spots all across the floor, each and every one of them fucked silly, their cunts overflowing with his cum.

And even then, Ryuken had still been hard as a rock. It had only been his conscious will that finally made his erection go down so that he could fit it back into his pants. God, he loved his power. Grinning wickedly, the young man turns and moves to leave. He's done here after all, and he's not the kind of guy who wastes time with too much cuddling. He's not had much chance to, in his life.

Before he can get out of the changing room, a voice calls after him.

"S-Senpai, wait!"

Lifting a single brow, Ryuken turns around and looks back at where Katase is standing among the bodies of her fallen comrades, covered in his cum even now as she blushes deeply. The pink-haired Kendo Captain shivers as he looks her up and down almost dismissively.

"S-Senpai… I love you! We all love you! On behalf of myself and the Kendo Club, I proclaim our undying fealty! You will have our loyalty, our adoration, and our devotion for as long as you wish it! Our bodies are yours to command, to take and play with at your leisure! F-Feel free to give us all your big hard cock anytime, anywhere!"

As she falls silent, her beautiful breasts heaving from exertion, Ryuken considers her words. Immediately, a mental image of him fucking her and Murayama while they're in the middle of an actual Kendo Lesson comes to mind. THAT had promise… chuckling darkly, Ryuken gives Katase a nod of acknowledgement, and then he leaves.

He just might take her up on that offer… but for now, he had his next target to plan out. The Kendo Club was his… but Ryuken was far from done with asserting his dominance over Kuoh Academy.


So far, his new 'relationship' with the Kendo Club had been serving Ryuken very well. Fucking those girls was always a treat, especially the hot, fit Co-Captains who were always up for bouncing up and down on his cock, or bending over and holding onto their ankles as he fucked them from behind. Or… well, needless to say, Ryuken had fucked every last one of those girls in about a billion positions, and then some.

He never really got tired of it, neither literally due to his power, nor figuratively due to his teenage libido. He could honestly have spent the rest of his life fucking women and he figured he'd have been pretty happy with it. Still… there was something to be said about branching out. The Kendo Club girls might be enough for a lesser man, but for Ryuken, with a power like his… how could he possibly resist all the OTHER beauties that Kuoh Academy had to offer?

The former all-girls school was littered with delicious honeys of all shapes and sizes! Ignoring them just because he had a ready-to-go harem in the form of the Kendo Club just wasn't right. Ryuken was the kind of boy who wanted to sample everybody at least once… and he was also the kind of guy who just couldn't help but go back for seconds after he'd had that 'sample'.

Regardless, there was really only one girl Ryuken could see himself going after next. Most of the other guys at Kuoh seemed to have overlooked her, because she wasn't what they expected from a girl. She wasn't a proper 'dainty' flower. Ryuken found this to be frankly just a bit hypocritical, given that some of those boys were all too happy to ogle the Kendo Club still, despite none of those delicious women being classified as 'dainty' either.

All in all, Ryuken had a thing for women who didn't necessarily fit into a mold. He liked it when a girl bucked the preconceived notions of what each gender was supposed to be like at this age. Boys were meant to be horn dogs, while girls were supposed to be innocent, naïve maidens. Yet, Aika Kiryuu was neither innocent, nor naïve.

Having watched the perverted girl for weeks since arriving at Kuoh, Ryuken could safely say that Aika was one hundred percent his type, for all that 'his type' was a nebulous concept that really just came down to 'any girl who's interesting and cute' at the end of the day. Ultimately though, Ryuken had one question that he needed answered above all else.

Aika wasn't innocent, she wasn't naïve. She was a lewd, perverted girl, a horny dog of a young woman who could never be called a lady under any circumstances. BUT! Was she a maiden? That question was what led Ryuken to flop down beside the bespectacled girl at the start of their usual home period together, right before lunch. He paid her no mind all through the class, but he was very aware of her looking at him, her eyes raking over his form.

He wondered what she thought of him, how she viewed him without his Venus' Kiss affecting her perceptions. Was he handsome enough for her perverse inclinations? She certainly spent most of the class just staring at him, but Ryuken didn't bother glancing over to see the look on her face. Not until the end of class anyways, when the bell rung, and everyone moved to leave to get to lunch.

Only then does Ryuken turn to face Aika Kiryuu, looking her dead in the eye as he gives her a smile. He catches her with a dopey grin on her face, but that quickly disappears when his attention is suddenly centered on her, the perverted girl stiffening in her seat.

"Aika… could you stay and talk with me for a while?"

Her eyes dart down to his crotch, and he lifts a brow as she bites her lower lip. It was like she had X-ray vision and was staring at what he was packing with blatant desire. But that didn't make any sense, he was being very careful to control himself. He wasn't even sporting a bulge, his cock slid down one of the legs of his pants as he sat in such a way that you'd have to stare hard to make out the outline. But then, she WAS staring pretty hard.


Her eventual response is a chirp and then a strange little shimmy as she giggles. By this point, the room has emptied out, even the teacher not wanting to stick around now that they don't have to deal with a bunch of teenage brats anymore. Ryuken's grin widens slightly as he activates his power, unleashing Venus' Kiss into the air and pulling out his bento as she does the same with hers.

"Thanks, I just wanted to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell me anything about yourself? Maybe something no one else knows? I do so love secrets."

As he chows down, Aika blinks for a moment, and he can tell that Venus' Kiss is beginning to take effect as she sways slightly, her eyes clouding over and moving away from her crotch. Then, a bright smile spreads across her face as she happily states her 'secret'.

"I can calculate the size of a man's dick just by looking at their crotch! For instance, you have the biggest dick in the school… and that's soft! You beat out pretty much every guy in Kuoh, faculty and students, even when they're erect and trying to hide it!"

Ryuken pauses at that. He blinks once, twice, and then three times. A glance at Aika tells him she's entirely serious, as she gives him a lecherous, lewd grin, leaning forward and pressing her tits together beneath her top in a way that makes her desires obvious.

"… Huh. That's pretty cool."

"Do you want me to suck it for you? I'd happily get down under the table and gobble your knob you know. You could even fuck my face!"

Her enthusiasm ISN'T that unexpected. Combined with her original personality, Ryuken was expecting Venus' Kiss to make her more forward. Rather than turning her into a blushing schoolgirl who wanted nothing more than to please him no matter what innocence she lost along the way, his power instead made the female pervert into a complete and utter slut for his cock, desperate to get into his pants and prove her value to him.

That worked well for his tastes. Though, while her offer was tempting, Ryuken had other ideas in mind.

"Hm, no. I think I'll fuck you instead. From now on, you should just call me Master, alright Aika? Since we both know you'll be ruined for other men after I pound you into oblivion."

Aika's eyes dart down to his crotch once again, and she nods eagerly, in complete agreement.

"Yes, Master! I most certainly will!"

This is why he chose her for his next target. His harem of 'kohai' over in the Kendo Club were fun to play with too, but Aika… Aika was going to be a delight, that much was for sure. Chuckling, Ryuken waves a hand airily in Aika's direction.

"You're done with your lunch, right? Go ahead and set it aside. Then get up on your desk and give me a show, won't you?"

Her bento is only half-eaten when she places it over on the windowsill beside her desk, but Aika doesn't seem to care, just as Ryuken expected. Her sexual appetite fully encompasses her normal appetite right now, and his decision to fuck her seems to be causing her to vibrate with barely repressed energy as she leaps to obey him, hopping up on her desk with ease.

Ryuken on the other hand is still pretty hungry… and on top of that, he knows that he needs to establish his dominance with Aika, even if Venus' Kiss makes it so that she's already under his sway. Thus, as the pigtailed, bespectacled brunette spreads her legs wide and exposes her panties to him, Ryuken returns to eating. Even as she drags her panties over so she can begin to pleasure herself right beside him, he continues to eat.

That's not to say he doesn't enjoy the show, but he's certainly making an effort to finish off his meal as well. It's delicious after all, and he's not about to let it go to waste. Mm, but Aika is certainly delicious as well. The brunette is quick to use her free hand to unbutton the front of her uniform. Her bra flips up and her tits, not too big and not too small, bounce free as she quickly begins to grope and knead her own chest flesh for his viewing pleasure.

"Mm, Master… please Master, please don't leave wittle ole Aika without a big fat cock to teach her where she belongs~ Show me my place Master! I'm beeegging you!"

Hah, she certainly knows the right words to say. Ryuken gives up controlling his dick as a lost cause, and it quickly bulges in his pants as he eats. Sticking to one hand to continue consuming his bento, Ryuken uses the other to undo his button and pull down his zipper, fishing his cock out of his boxers to relieve the building pain that came from restraining it within the confines of his pants.

Aika lets out a lust-filled gasp as his cock bounces free, nearly fully hard by now, and pointed directly at her. She stares at his member and licks her lips salaciously, even as she continues to pleasure herself atop her desk, humping two of her digits now as she pistons her middle and ring fingers in and out of her wetter and wetter cunt with greater and greater force.

She's practically squirting by the time Ryuken finishes his meal and sets aside the empty box, finally standing up. His dick is half a foot away from her now, stretching out as he strokes it with his hand, staring her in the eye.

"Do you want this, Aika?"

"Yessss, Master! YESSSSS!"

The pervert's response is immediately, and her pussy juices flow down her fingers as she moans wantonly, staring at his cock, seeming transfixed. Chuckling, Ryuken steps forward and brings his cockhead up to her cunt. Aika's fingers immediately vacate the premises, her sopping wet hand coming up to join the dry one on her tits as she pants needily and watches him enter her. Only a couple inches in, Ryuken hits resistance as he finds that Aika is a maiden, just as he suspected.

It's funny, because one would expect a female pervert to have much better luck at getting laid then a male pervert. Especially one as cute as Aika. She might not have been conventionally beautiful, what with her messy pigtails and her glasses… but Ryuken wasn't into conventional all the time anyways, and she still had a perfectly slender body that was clearly shaping up to be a bombshell once she fully matured.

Thrusting through her virginity as he grabs her by her hair and drags her into a kiss leaves Aika squealing into his mouth, her eyes rolling up into her head right on the spot as she climaxes immediately around his massive member. Her legs snap up from where they've been hanging off to the sides, and she wraps them around his waist, pulling him in all the faster as Ryuken sinks deep into her delicious, tight, formerly virginal pussy.


Aika moans out the word into his lips, even as she kisses him and he kisses her back. Their tongues intertwine, and Ryuken enjoys just how eager the pervert girl is, making out with her quite heatedly right there atop her desk. His hands come down to her hips, bunching up her skirt as they slip under the garment. His thumbs dig into her thighs, and Ryuken starts truly fucking her right then and there, thrusting in and out of her tightening, clenching cunt with greater and greater force.

"Master, master, MASTER!"

Aika continues to cry out into his lips, her words sometimes comprehensible, sometimes not. Venus' Kiss has more than likely permeated the entire classroom by this point, and it's possible that some unintended women will end up breathing in the stuff once lunch is over. Honestly though, Ryuken could care less. This entire school was his to play with, his playground to explore and enjoy. The girls at this school, be they faculty or students… they were his too, and eventually, he'd have all of them under his thrall.

This one, this little slut… she was just the latest catch. Growling as he fucks her harder, Ryuken becomes a bit more domineering, a bit more demanding with Aika. The pervert accepts every bit of abuse he's throwing at her, mewling and moaning up a storm as he pounds into her even more roughly than before. Her body is his, and they both know it. She belongs to him, he is her beloved Master… and there's nothing Aika wants more in that moment than to get dicked forever by her Master.

She climaxes again and again around his cock, until there's a puddle of fluids on the floor beneath them that just might get them in trouble if they get caught at all. Ryuken has no intention of getting caught, nor does he have any intention of slowing down or stopping until he's broken Aika's slutty, perverted mind with his big fat dick.

That's exactly what he does in the end, leaving her with her eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue hanging out of her mouth as her entire body goes somewhat limp. He worships her exposed tits with his lips and his teeth, all while growing ever closer to that ultimate release. When it finally arrives, he pumps his seed right up into the bespectacled brunette's needy little quim.

For a moment, everything is still as Ryuken finishes up inside Aika and then pauses. Slowly but surely, the brunette begins to come back to herself. Coming down from the pleasure high, Aika pants heavily, regaining her breath as she gives Ryuken her best, brightest smile.

"That was… that was amazing, Master."

It's the perfect opening, and he just can't help himself. Lifting a brow, Ryuken gives Aika a wicked grin as he slides his still-hard cock out of her cum-stuffed cunt.

"Did you think we were done? Present your ass to me, slut."

Her eyes widen in surprise, but when Ryuken pulls back, the perverted girl hops down off the desk and spins around all the same. As a bit of his seed begins to leak out of her dripping cunt, Ryuken watches Aika flip up her skirt, grab her pert little butt cheeks, and spread them wide open, her fingers hooking into her panties to drag that aside in the same exact motion.

Her little puckering sphincter looks out at Ryuken, and the young man just can't resist. His thick, hard cock, covered in their combined juices, fits against her unsuspecting tight little back door in moments. And then he begins to push.


Aika's reaction is immediate as she lets out a guttural moan, followed by a loud groan. Ryuken doesn't stop though, even when the female pervert's hands come off of her cute little behind and flatten down on the desk in front of her for support. He simply brings his own hands down on his ass, grinning wickedly as he digs his fingers deep into her pale flesh, surely leaving red marks behind, even as he continues to burrow into her asshole, inch after inch.

She's far tighter back here than she was up front, despite being a virgin before all of this. Penetrating her back door takes quite a lot of effort, but Ryuken is quite… motivated. Slowly but surely, he forces his way into Aika's ass. Slowly but surely, her groans and her moans of pain becomes pleasurable, and she mewls as she hangs her head, panting heavily but also pushing back against him.

Grinning wickedly, Ryuken finally bottoms out in Aika's ass. Once he does, he slides his hands off of her cute little tushie and wraps them around her body, grabbing hold of her tits as he leans in close and licks at one of her ears.

"Like this, slut? Do you like having me buried in your behind?"

"Y-Yes… yes, it feels sooo good. O-oh god Master, I didn't expect it to feel so damn GOOD!"

Ryuken just laughs as Aika shakes and shivers, impaled on his prick.

"What, you never experimented with your back door? A naughty little pervert like you didn't play around with anal?"

He can almost hear the lip bite as Aika whimpers, averting her gaze.

"I-I… I was too afraid to, Master."

That surprises him a little. But he supposes he can't blame her, anal can be very scary indeed. Still, his lubed-up cock has made short work of her tight little behind, and now he's ready to fuck her.

"Are you still afraid?"

"No… No, I'm not."

"And why is that?"

"Because Master is fucking me, a-and so long as it's you, I'm happy!"

Chuckling at her honesty, Ryuken pulls out halfway and then thrusts forward with greater force then before. Aika cries out, but he doesn't stop there. Beginning to truly give it to her, the young man rails his newest fuck toy into her desk, bending her over it easily with his jarring thrusts into her backside. His anal plundering of her ass causes all sorts of fun and interesting noises to explode from Aika's mouth. She cries out for more, she begs him to use her like his personal anal whore. Whatever she thinks will get him to go harder, faster.

Most of it works, and Ryuken is happy to give Aika exactly what she wants, ramming into her behind from behind with all he's got. Her ass clenches tightly around his pistoning prick, her inner muscles squeezing down on his length as if to try to push him out. It's a lot more pressure than she ever could have exerted with her cunt, but it's not enough to expel him. No, in the end it's merely enough to milk him of his cum load, his seed eventually spilling forth from his dick once more, this time filling up her bowels in the same way he stuffed her dripping pussy full of his ejaculate.

By this point, even Ryuken is panting a little bit as he pulls out of Aika, his cock not quite softening… but also not rock hard anymore. While the young man would love to keep fucking his new love slave until he was truly, utterly satisfied, he's very aware of the time frame he has to work with, and lunch is finally coming to a close.

As the minutes tick down, Ryuken and Aika slowly get themselves put back together. To his pleasure, Aika simply fixes up her panties and her skirt, making no attempt at cleaning her creampied holes in any way. When they both leave the classroom to avoid being on the hook for the mess they've made, they find themselves going in opposite directions. Aika gives him a sultry smile as she licks her lips and wiggles her hips.

"Goodbye, Master. I hope I'll see you soon~"

Ryuken just smirks at that and wraps an arm around Aika's waist to drag her in for one more deep, passionate, domineering kiss. When he pulls back, his eyes flash with promise.

"You will, slut. You'll see me very soon."

Aika just giggles.

"Then it's a promise!"

And with that, she turns and walks away, his cum leaking from her holes, staining her panties, slowly but surely sliding down the inside of her thighs. Ryuken watches her go for a moment, before moving in the direction of his next class right as the bell rings to signal the end of lunch. That was fun… quite a lot of fun in fact. He can't wait to see Aika again, but even she is just another name to cross of his extremely long list.

Kuoh Academy is full of maidens ripe for the plucking. Ryuken intends to have them all, in the end.


The Kendo Club and their two Captains were fun. Aika, meanwhile, had been a delight. But once again, Ryuken has decided that it was time to expand his horizons. That was why he was walking down a particular hallway at a particular time of day, intercepting a particular delicious honey before she could make her way to tennis practice.

The sexy tennis club captain herself, Kiyome Abe, had been the latest of Kuoh's female students to catch his eye. A year older than him, she was slightly more mature physically in a way that his fellow year mates like Aika and the majority of the Kendo Club still had to grow into. She was incredibly busty, with gorgeous brown hair arranged in multiple drill-like curls, and she was… going to be all his.

As he rounds the corner, he sees her there, talking with a group of friends, many of them members of the Tennis Club as well. Several of them are also pretty… but he'd had his fill of group fun just yesterday when he'd interrupted the Kendo Club's lesson in order to fuck Murayama and Katase right in front of their students.

He'd taken the two Captains as they'd tried to run the other girls through drills and katas, telling everyone in the room to act like he wasn't there. It'd been fun, fucking them and then every other girl at least once, before leaving them all to continue their practice without their bottoms and with dollops of white, hot cream trailing down their inner thighs. It made for a great sight, as he'd walked out the door.

But today he wasn't looking for anything like that. Oh certainly, he'd probably claim the other girls in the Tennis Club at some point… but first, he wanted their Captain. Luckily, he'd been cultivating a very specific sort of reputation ever since coming to Kuoh Academy. In truth, he was a pervert… but then, wasn't every teenage boy a pervert, deep down inside?

He knew though that he was more perverted than most, given he woke up each morning with his own mother's lips wrapped around his cock, and that he regularly plowed the entirety of the Girl's Kendo Club, and that he encouraged Aika into becoming his slave girl and acting like his pet as she called him Master.

Yes, Ryuken was a pervert… but he was nothing like those boys that the rest of the school had dubbed the Perverted Trio. Those idiots were never going to get a girl, no way, no how. Especially not when they didn't have his power. It was thanks to that power, thanks to Venus' Kiss, that Ryuken had a sterling reputation at Kuoh Academy.

It helped that he was rather handsome as well, but in the end, a man's looks didn't matter as much as his personality… just as his personality could likewise be set aside of he had power in some form, such as financial or political… or in Ryuken's case, a more personal kind of power.

All of that is to say, Ryuken was the perfect gentleman to every lady in Kuoh Academy when he wasn't using Venus' Kiss to turn them into his fuck toys. He knew quite a lot of girls had a crush on him as a result of this, seeing him as the counterpart of Yuuto Kiba, from what he'd heard. As such, Ryuken doesn't feel any need to activate Venus' Kiss as he approaches Abe and her group of friends. Not yet, anyways.

"Ah… excuse me."

He keeps a kind, gentle smile on his face as all of the girls turn to look at him. Those who are in the same year as him almost universally blush prettily upon realizing who's addressing them. Those who are a year older, his upperclassmen, gaze upon him in an assessing manner, having clearly heard about him, but not seeming too prone to crushing on younger boys, no matter how handsome or gentlemanly they are. Kiyome falls into this group, giving him a curious look and lifting an eyebrow as he looks right at her, smiling.

It's alright… she'll be begging for his cock, soon enough.

"Sorry to bother all of you… ah, Kiyome… there was something I wished to talk with you about. Do you mind?"

Of course, it's entirely possible that she'll reject him. If she does that, he'll be forced to activate Venus' Kiss here and now… and he might just get nasty, by the end of it. Making her degrade and humiliate herself in front of her peers and her kohai would certainly be a punishment, wouldn't it? Heh, yes it would… mm, he's half-tempted to just do it.

But no, Ryuken lets none of his inner thoughts show on his face as he smiles politely and waits for Kiyome's response. In the end, the Tennis Club Captain blinks at his request, considers it for an appropriate length of time, before ultimately shrugging. She turns to another girl, likely her second in the Tennis Club (Ryuken really hasn't bothered to learn any of their names besides Kiyome's, but then, he still didn't know the names of the vast majority of the Kendo Club, and he fucked THOSE girls on a regular basis) and just shrugs again.

"How about you gal all go on without me, okay? I'll be along shortly; you can lead the club through today's activities until I show up!"

Her second nods and the group, sans Kiyome, begin to move off, leaving the busty brunette alone with Ryuken in the otherwise empty hallway. School had let out a half hour ago at this point, and no one else should be traveling along this corridor at this time of day. That made it perfect for his purposes. Kiyome turns to him expectantly, crossing her arms under her chest as she cocks her eyebrow at him again.

"Ryuken, right? What can I do for ya?"

As he activates Venus' Kiss, he wonders briefly what she thinks he's actually here for. He doesn't sense any immediate lust from her BEFORE using his power, so she can't possibly be as slutty and perverted as Aika. In the end though, does it really matter what she thought he wanted, when he's going to get what he actually wants no matter what?

As the pheromones flow out of him unseen, Ryuken watches Kiyome's nostrils flare as she breathes in his scent. Only then, as her eyes begin to glaze over slightly, does he let his kind, polite smile turn into something more wicked and sinister.

"Mm… there's a number of things you can do for me, Captain Kiyome. First and foremost, though… I think it's high time you showed me your tits, don't you?"

The brunette bombshell barely blinks as she gives him a dazzling smile.

"Of course! Anything for my precious kohai!"

Ah, he supposed that made sense. If he were the Kendo Club's senpai, then obviously to an upperclassman like Kiyome, he would be her kohai. He…wasn't sure he liked that? In the end, he was in control though, so maybe it didn't matter. The dilemma certainly doesn't plague him for long, because Kiyome has unbuttoned her already straining blouse, pulling the top of her school uniform open. Then, she'd grabbed her bra by the bottom and yanked up, letting her absolutely amazing breasts spring free. As they bounce and jiggle, he can practically hear the 'boi-yoing!' sound effect in his head.

His cock immediately begins to harden in his pants, and Ryuken doesn't bother stopping it from doing so, even as he greedily feasts his eyes upon Kiyome's tits. Oh yes, he'd made a good choice coming after this gorgeous busty brunette next. Reaching down, he yanks at his pants and pulls out his cock, freeing it of its confines as he growls an order at Kiyome.

"Get down on your knees, slut. I want to see you use your mouth and tongue to pleasure my cock."

"Of course! Since it's all my fault, it's only right that I take care of you, my darling kohai~"

Hm, as she wraps her tits around his member, Ryuken finally decides he actually enjoys the term of endearment Kiyome has decided on. Reaching out, he grabs too fistfuls of her drill-like brunette curls, forcing her to look up at him, even as she slides her breasts along his length, hard at work pleasuring him with her fat milk jugs.

"I've come to a decision… from now on, you are to take care of me in every way, as is your duty as my senpai. After all, you don't want to disappoint your dear kohai, do you?"

It's not really like Kiyome has a choice. But his words still carry a ton of weight as they cause Venus' Kiss effect on the girl to alter her mind further. His word is law, where his power is concerned, so suddenly, she redoubles her efforts, unwilling to disappoint her cute, young kohai. She is his senpai, so it's only right and proper that she do everything she can to please him.

It's interesting, watching the shift come over her as her playful and upbeat attitude becomes even more prevalent. Her eyes were already filled with some mild adoration for him thanks to his power, but now… now she was downright enamored with him, and it shows in her gaze as well as her response.

"Of course! I'll be sure to take care of every one of your desires, my beloved kohai~"

With that, Ryuken loosens his grip on her hair enough for the busty brunette to lean forward and finally take the head of his massive cock in her mouth. Even as big as her fat tits are, they can only contain about half of his giant cock at most. The rest of it, Kiyome dutifully sucks at, just as her duty as his senpai demands, giving him a truly expert blowjob-titjob combo that leaves Ryuken all the more certain that he made the right choice in targeting the Tennis Club Captain.

Once Kiyome really gets down to business, now well aware of her place in his new world order, it doesn't take long for Ryuken to let out a grunt and proceed to cum. He doesn't warn her or anything like that… he just does it. But to her credit, while some of his seed does escape the sides of her mouth even as her cheeks chipmunk outwards in a desperate bid to keep it all in, she does manage to swallow a gratifying amount, and all without him even needing to tell her to as well.

That which does fall out ends up trickling into her hands, which she cups just above her breasts, gathering a small pool of his thick, viscous cum in her palms before he's finally done. When Ryuken pulls away, Kiyome swallows down what's still in her mouth, and then brings her cupped hands up to her lips, drinking deeply of his seed in a way that has the young man's cock twitching and growing hard all over again.

Not that he couldn't have used his power to give himself another erection, because that was indeed part of Venus' Kiss abilities… but in the end, he doesn't need to. That's how exceptionally sexy Kiyome Abe is, and unable to contain himself, Ryuken growls and grabs the girl by her arms the moment she's done eating his cum, pulling her up to her feet and pushing her tits first into the nearest wall. Which actually, as it turns out, is in fact a window instead.

As her breasts smoosh and pancake against the glass, as she squeaks from his forcefulness and then moans at his manhandling of her body, Ryuken looks past her out the window, and sure enough, down below are the Tennis Courts where her entire club is currently practicing. Grinning wickedly, Ryuken wastes no time in reaching up under the skirt of Kiyome's school uniform, grabbing hold of the panties he finds there and tearing them down her legs.

She helps him strip them off of her, and he leaves her underwear dangling from one ankle, even as he lifts that leg up into the air with a hand under her knee to give himself better access to her juicy, wet cunt. A moment later he's inside of her, no foreplay, no hesitation. To be fair, fucking her tits and mouth was certainly foreplay, of a sort, and she was more than wet enough for insertion.

Regardless, he penetrates her, much to her squealing delight, and takes the Tennis Captain's virginity right then and there. Kiyome shudders at the feel of his cock inside of her, and immediately begins singing his praises.

"Oh! O-Oh Ryu-chan, you're so big! A-Are all boys as big as you?! I-It can't be, you have to be the biggest, I'm sure of it! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Don't stop, please fuck me harder, my beloved kohai!"

Ryuken grins and gives Kiyome what she asks for, quickly derailing her effusive praise as she finds herself orgasming explosively around his cock in no time at all. She loses all ability to form a coherent word, let alone a coherent sentence as he plows her through one climax after the next. Soon enough, she's straight up ahegaoing on his cock, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth, licking lewdly at the window in front of her.

As he fucks her up against the window hard and fast however, Ryuken grabs a fistful of the girl's hair with his free hand and forces her to look down at the Tennis Club practicing below.

"Look at them. I said look at them! Shouldn't you be down there with them, instead of here, getting railed by me? Where's your sense of responsibility, Kiyome?"

Forced back to her senses by his demands, Kiyome groans and whimpers as she looks down at the other members of the Tennis Club, at all of the girls practicing below.

"B-But my responsibilities to my dear kohai come first! I-I can't… I couldn't p-possibly be down there with the others when you h-have need of me…"

Grinning, Ryuken nods, though Kiyome can't currently see that.

"That's exactly right, good girl, you're getting it. Your first loyalty is to me and always will be, won't it? Everything else is secondary."

"Y-Yes… yessssss~"

That second yes is hissed out as Kiyome experiences another mind numbing orgasm. Ryuken has to thrust into her at a new angle to bring her back to her senses again after that.

"Even if I wanted to make the rest of the Tennis Club mine as well? You'd gladly turn them over to me, wouldn't you?"

"I-I would, Ryu-chan~ And I'm sure they'd love to be yours just as much as I do~

Ryuken chuckles at that, even as he continues to plow Kiyome from behind, greatly enjoying the feel of her gorgeous figure, stuck between him and the window. She's entirely right, not that she's aware of the true reasons for it. Certainly, if his power were more limited, he would have to put a lot more effort into doing things like what he'd did to the Kendo Club. Hm, in a world where he didn't have this power, for instance, he would have had to be far more thorough and slow in his methods. Perhaps wooing each of the Kendo Club members in turn and talking them into becoming members of his own personal harem.

But if he had had to go that route, there was no doubt some of the girls would probably have refused to be part of a harem. Not that that would really be a problem, but with his perfectionism, he would never be able to leave that be. In a similar fashion, Kiyome's assumption that the majority of her club members would be on board with him being their lover wouldn't be far off… but why bother with such exhaustive and time-consuming methods when Venus' Kiss was far more convenient than all that?

"You're absolutely right about that, my dear… I'm sure that we can talk them into joining this harem of mine."

Kiyome just moans throatily at that, happily thrusting her hips back against his thrusting, even as he crushes her up against the wall, plowing her steadily, railing her from behind with all he's got. All it would take would be for one of the girls below to look up and they'd see their Captain in all of her lewd, exposed glory, getting fucked up against the window half-naked by her kohai.

But none of them ever do. Ryuken keeps expecting it to happen, figuring that as they progress from stretching to actually playing against one another, their eyes might track a ball upwards enough to see what he's done to their Captain… but alas, it isn't meant to be. At least not before things come to a close. With a lustful growl, Ryuken fills Kiyome with his spunk, pumping a nice thick load of his seed into her womb as he cums for the second time that day.

In response, Kiyome lets loose an earth-shattering orgasmic squeal as she shakes and spasms against the window. As he pulls out of her, she slumps to the ground, kneeling there with her face and tits still smooshed against the glass momentarily before she finally pushes herself off. Like the "proper" senpai that his pheromones have turned her into, the Tennis Club Captain turns around and the first thing she does once she's recovered is take his cock back in her mouth, dutifully sucking him clean of their combined fluids.

As she does so, Ryuken leans forward and looks down from the window, deciding then and there that he's going to go and take the rest of the Tennis Club as well. However, before he can make his intentions known as Kiyome's lips release his cleaned cock with a pop, the brunette bombshell speaks up, making a heartfelt, but also somewhat strange declaration.

"I, Kiyome Abe, devote myself to you, Ryu-chan. Whatever you need of me, be it as Kuoh Academy's Tennis Club Captain, your sexy and loving senpai, or a Beast Tamer of the Supernatural World… I am yours."

For a moment, he almost just blows right past that, because MOST of what she just said makes total sense to him. But then that last bit hits and Ryuken looks down at Kiyome incredulously.

"Come again?"

"… I, Kiyome Abe-!"

"No, no. Not that, the last part. You're a… Beast Tamer?"

Blinking up at him, looking sexy and adorable even now as she kneels there with her tits out and his jizz leaking from betwixt her legs, Kiyome cocks her head to the side.

"I… thought you were aware. I assumed you'd approached me because of my connections to the supernatural world…"

Ryuken frowns and shakes his head.

"No, no, I just thought you were a smoking hot piece of ass and wanted to tap that before some other guy got to you. That said… tell me more."

And so, his newest acquisition tells him more. And Ryuken finally begins to learn that he's not quite as alone in this world as he thought. It turns out… he's not the only one with powers, not the only abnormal thing lurking beneath the surface of the mundane world.

Needless to say, when all is said and done, Ryuken's plans to claim the rest of the Tennis Club have been thoroughly derailed. Instead, he has Kiyome introduce him to her Trained Monsters. Both as proof that what she's told him so far is true… but also because he's a pervert, and monster girls sound like they'd be fun as hell.


"Thanks for gathering around for me, everyone. I have someone new I want you all to meet! This is my precious kohai, Ryuken!"

… He's not really sure what he expected, but he has to admit, this wasn't it. No sir, this wasn't what he had in mind at all. Maybe he should have asked more questions about the sort of creatures that a Beast Tamer tamed and trained, but really, he'd been betrayed. Not by Kiyome of course, the Tennis Club Captain didn't have the capacity to betray her beloved, darling kohai at this point. But by the internet and hentai and all of that good stuff. It'd given him very specific expectations of what youkai and monster girls were supposed to look like… when the reality was much, much different.

To be fair, it's not ALL bad. As Kiyome had explained to him, her current tamed monsters included a Lamia, a Harpy, a Mermaid, a Yuki-Onna, and a Dullahan. The Lamia and the Harpy are both exactly what Ryuken was expecting to find, based off of popular internet interpretations. The Lamia is half-woman, half-snake, with a lower snake body that would be of a rather terrifying size, if it weren't attached to an upper human half with an absolutely gorgeous rack and some delicious-looking lips.

Meanwhile, the Harpy was practically all woman, save for the wings and talons and feathers. But as far as her middle was concerned, she had tits and a cunt and an ass, just like any human woman might have. A proper monster girl to be sure. Her and the Lamia were both proper monster girls, based on everything Ryuken had learned from modern media.

That was about where the good news ended though. The Mermaid was… just plain disturbing. It's parts were all wrong! It was a reverse mermaid, like that one monster girl from Monster Girl Quest! Except, even worse than that, it didn't have a fish top with female legs… it had a fish top with hairy male legs! That was pretty bad, maybe even the worst of the bunch… but that didn't stop the Yuki-Onna from being pretty awful as well.

The Yuki-Onna, who Ryuken had envisioned as something almost elvish in appearance, a dainty female snow spirit of sorts… was just a gorilla. No, scratch that… it was a yeti, wasn't it? In this world, this world he'd been born into, this world he now had to exist in, a world where he'd gotten powers and then discovered there was a supernatural side of things just a little bit ago… in this world, Yuki-Onna were apparently big ole yeti creatures.

It didn't matter that the Yuki-Onna was female, she was literally wearing the face of a gorilla, and there wasn't one thing sexy about her. Meanwhile, the last of Kiyome's tamed monsters, who she'd also mentioned was the newest, was a Dullahan… and that Dullahan was a man. It wasn't ambiguous at all, like with the mermaid that had hairy male legs. This youkai was a man… a man that Ryuken's power likely wouldn't work on.

Brought face to face with the unfairness of the world, his soul almost crushed under the weight of it all… something in the young man snaps, and as it snaps, his Sacred Gear, the power that he'd taken to calling Venus' Kiss… evolves. A change comes over Ryuken as this crushing weight of despair suddenly alleviates. The downturn of his mouth into a frown, the growing anger and agitation in his eyes… fades away and reverses as a slow smile spreads across his face.

He feels the change to his power, the change to Venus' Kiss. Instinctively, he knows what he can do now, and it's also by instinct that he activates his power to wipe away the offending imagery in front of him. Right then and there, the three offending monsters that Kiyome have tamed… begin to shift and change.

Much like the original power he controls, this seems to go unnoticed. Once people are within the range of his active power, anything he does to them, anything he demands of them… just seems right in their eyes. They want to please him, want him to be happy, and whatever unnatural stuff happens because of his presence doesn't stick with them.

As such, the Mermaid, Yuki-Onna, and Dullahan don't even notice as they're morphed into more appealing forms. This is the evolution of Venus' Kiss, which Ryuken knows he's going to have to find another name for down the line. With this new power, this upgrade to his already existing power… he can now sexify and genderbend people to his heart's content. Not just people either… but monsters as well, it would seem.

In moments, the transformation is complete, but Ryuken stands there for a little while longer all the same, taking in the changes that his power has wrought. Instead of a fish top with hairy man legs, the mermaid is now a proper mermaid in Ryuken's eyes. With a fish lower half, she sits on the ground looking just as pretty as Kiyome's Lamia, with a good sized chest and some pouty lips to match.

Meanwhile, the Yuki-Onna is no longer a yeti, no longer has the face of a gorilla. Instead, she transforms into a pale, muscular woman. Perhaps she wasn't exactly as he'd originally envisioned her race being, but his momentary glimpse of what Yuki-Onna were REALLY like in this world seems to have colored his vision in this case, because instead of a dainty snow spirit, he's made her into a certifiable badass. She's got literal visible abs, an eight pack at least… but also a hefty rack, sizable tits that he could see himself motorboating to his heart's content while she rode up and down on his cock.

Finally, there was the Dullahan. What had originally been a male suit of armor with a male head held in its gauntleted hands has transformed into a definitively female suit of armor… with a female head held in its gauntleted hands. Honestly, that alone is pretty sexy… Ryuken can think of several things he could do with just a girl's head. And it's fine because it's not snuff and there's no gore! Even better!

For a long moment, things sit upon a plateau as Ryuken's new power finishes its work. Despite everything that's happened in such a short time, only about half a minute at most has passed since Kiyome introduced Ryuken to her tamed monsters. Juuust long enough for his silence to be a little awkward, but luckily, he ends up not having to break said silence in the end. Instead, the newly remade Yuki-Onna is the one who says something, the muscular, chesty monster girl sniffing the air, her nostrils flaring.

Stepping forward, she looks between Kiyome and Ryuken assessingly.

"Is this your mate now then, Kiyome?"

Kiyome blushes and blusters, sputtering a little at the upfront, blunt question, and glancing over in Ryuken's direction, as if looking to see how he's reacting. He supposes that makes sense; they haven't confirmed their new relationship as anything so intimate as 'mate'. So far, he's just been her beloved kohai, while she's played the role of his doting Senpai. Still, it works well enough for his desires.

"That's right. Kiyome is my mate… what of it?"

See, the Yuki-Onna is putting on a good show, being all aggressive and shit… but Ryuken can see right through her. And not just because he knows Venus' Kiss is working on all five monster girls. The others are all blushes and lower lip biting and squirming, even the Dullahan who, besides her armored figure, is really just a girl's head.

But the Yuki-Onna is trying to put on a show, trying to make herself look more impressive for him. It's obvious that she's immensely turned on by his presence… merely because the stretched top she's wearing, while it covers her breasts while leaving her ripped abs exposed, does not quite hide the fact that her nipples are rock hard, showcasing her arousal for all the world, and more importantly for Ryuken to see.

That all said, if she wants to front, then he'll front right back. Grinning at the transformed Yuki-Onna, he raises an eyebrow questioning… and watches as she immediately blushes and backs down, averting her gaze right then and there. Meanwhile, the other speak up, the Lamia and Mermaid in particular moving forward.

"Then… you are our Alpha now, are you not? Perhaps our little pack is eccentric… but that just goes to show we'd have an eccentric Alpha as well. I've never been with a human boy before~"

Ryuken smirks at the Lamia's curious tone. It's obvious now that he's got all of them under his spell, right where he wants them… so it's time to have fun with the lot of them now, isn't it. Since they're all so receptive, Ryuken points to the Mermaid and Lamia first and foremost.

"That's right. I'm the Alpha now. So, go ahead and drop those tops of yours, come over here, and get to work getting me ready for what's to come. After all, what Alpha would I be if I couldn't satisfy all of your needs?"

That certainly gets the attention of every single one of the five monster girls. Their needs being satisfied is pretty much the ONLY thing on their mind at this point thanks to Venus' Kiss… just as it will be Venus' Kiss that will allow him to last long enough to fuck them all silly and leave them wanting more. He grins as the Lamia and newly transformed Mermaid share a single glance and immediately move to obey. Pulling their tops down and letting their substantive racks pop out, they move forward, even as Ryuken meets them in the middle, pulling his cock out in the meantime.

Moments later, his sizable member is captured between two pairs of delectable breasts, while the gorgeous monster girls proceed with giving him a truly expert dual titjob and blowjob combo. Their boobs slide up and down either side of his cock, while they both lean forward and lick and kiss at the tip of his member, inadvertently kissing each other half the time as well, not that either seems to mind all that much.

Ryuken just smiles down at both of them, before taking stock of what's happening around him as he rests his hands atop their heads and enjoys their enthusiastic tongues. Kiyome is fully off to the side, recognizing that she's not going to be a part of this for quite some time. He'll probably fuck his darling Senpai at least once more today, but first and foremost, he definitely needs to assert his place as Alpha over the Beast Tamer's pack of monster girls.

Kiyome's Yuki-Onna, with her eight pack rippling and her titties quivering as a result of her full body trembling, is clearly trying to maintain some level of 'cool', despite being extremely infatuated with him. He has to admit, she looks like a total badass like she is now, and the more he gazes upon her, the more he enjoys her new looks. Of course, the more he gazes upon her, the more she blushes and trembles under the feel of his eyes on her body.

The Dullahan is… amusing to look at. Ordinarily, a Dullahan was just a set of animated armor and a head. There wasn't supposed to be a body inside the armor, and there still wasn't, technically. But Ryuken's new power didn't just stop at genderbending. It had felt loathe to stop there, so he'd let it go further in sexifying both of Kiyome's male monsters, the Dullahan and the Mermaid.

As a result, the Dullahan is now apparently more than just an animated set of armor and a head… there's now a headless female body inside of the armor, from the looks of things. This particular Dullahan now has a crotch plate that she's detached from her armor, to reveal a pair of puffy pink pussy lips, already dripping with excitement. Her plated fingers are dipping into her folds and she's playing with herself with her free hand, while the other holds her head, which is blushing prettily as she bites her lip.

Damn that's hot. Finally, there's the Harpy… who has just gone full slutty right off the bat and is currently contorted so that she can lick her own cunt, moaning wantonly while watching Ryuken get serviced by the Lamia and the Mermaid. That right there… hm, the Harpy is definitely the natural slut of the five monster girls. That's good to know.

Making eye contact with the Harpy, Ryuken beckons her over with a curled finger. Her eyes widening and her smile growing big with excitement, she does as he says, flying over quickly. Letting go of the monster girls currently sucking him off and tit fucking him, Ryuken reaches out… and grabs the flying monster girl by her hips the moment she's in range.

The Harpy can only squawk in surprise as he thrusts his face into her waiting cunt, causing her pale, lithe legs and her extremely sharp talons to drape over her shoulders before eventually crisscrossing behind his back. As he eats the Harpy out, she immediately begins squealing in pleasure, begging him for more, even as she flaps her wings aggressively, eyes rolled back in her skull and head lolled back in ecstasy.

Oh yeah, she's definitely a slutty one. For a little while, Ryuken simply enjoys the taste of the Harpy's love juices, while at the same time enjoying the Mermaid and Lamia's mouths and breasts on his dick. But he does have others he wants to get to, so he lets himself cum after a time, his seed exploding out of his cock and coating the gorgeous monster girls who have their tits wrapped around his shaft.

At the same time, he wiggles his tongue inside of the Harpy in a way he knows will get her off in just the right way and is rewarded with a face full of pussy juices and a shrieking bird girl clinging to his head as a result. If she weren't so sexy, that would be a less fun statement, for sure. As it is, Ryuken has enjoyed his time eating her out, as well as enjoyed his time fucking the two gorgeous racks that the Lamia and the Mermaid are both sporting.

Now though, it's time for the next round. As he pulls the Harpy off of his head and sets her down between the Mermaid and Lamia for the two of them to play with, Ryuken turns to regard the Dullahan, immediately causing her to freeze up, both armor and head, at having his attention on her. Her eyes go wide, and her face goes even redder as he grins wickedly and holds up his hands.

"Hey. Toss your head my way, won't you?"

Still blushing profusely, the Dullahan nevertheless does not hesitate to obey her Alpha. The female head that he's given her flies through the air, and Ryuken thankfully catches it easily enough, turning it over so he's looking down into her eyes. She averts her gaze, face red, and he grins wickedly… before guiding her mouth to his cock.

"Don't stop touching yourself, alright?"

The animated suit of armor, with its brand new cunt, obeys eagerly, both gauntleted hands now fingering her pussy. Meanwhile, Ryuken begins to slowly slide the Dullahan back and forth along his cock, groaning in enjoyment all the while as she sucks and slurps at his member quite enthusiastically. Oh yeah, she might be a shy one, but she's just as slutty as the Harpy, deep down inside.

He'd wondered if it would be weird, just fucking a head. But honestly? It feels sublime, and it's made all the better by getting to watch her body play with itself from a few feet away. Soon enough, Ryuken is quite literally skull-fucking the Dullahan, shoving his cock all the way down the back of her throat. Strangely, he doesn't feel open air or anything like that… but it's still heavenly, burying her pouty lips in his crotch against the base of his member, fucking her face with wild abandon.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

She slobbers and slurps and sucks at his dick all the while too, never stopping, never surrendering, even as she gags and chokes a little along the way. She's a good girl, he decides, a good girl who's all too eager to please her Alpha. Slowly, Ryuken walks over to the Dullahan's body, not something he's sure she notices at first. She definitely notices when he suddenly pulls her head off of his cock, which is now covered in her spittle, and spins her around to face her own dripping wet cunt.

"Assume the position for me, alright?"

The Dullahan does so, the animated suit of armor spinning around and falling flat on its… neck hole as it raises it's distinctly feminine hips into the air and shows off its juicy wet cunt. As Ryuken shoves his way inside of her, filling her new cunt with his cock, he groans at the tightness, and hears the soft cry from the head as he tears through her hymen. Angling her properly, he sets the head of the Dullahan to work on servicing his balls, letting her suck and slurp and lap at his nut sack, even as he fucks her cunt at the same time.

Never before has Ryuken done anything so depraved, but he gets the impression that he's going to be doing a lot more like this going forward, now that he knows youkai are real, now that he knows there's a bigger, broader world out there… and of course, now that he has this new power, to make what was once ugly and male… into beautiful women for him to dose with pheromones and fuck to his heart's content.

Regardless, the Dullahan feels too damn good, in the end. With a lustful growl, Ryuken cums deep inside of her new twat, coating her insides with his seed and spilling a good deal of his load out onto her face as well. Then, he leaves her head resting atop her twitching armored ass, her gauntleted fingers not even able to move at the moment, as she seemed unable to so much as lift her arms, let alone escape her rather humiliating position.

The monster girl don't seem to mind all that much. The last he sees of her before he turns to the last monster girl he has yet to touch is the Dullahan's tongue tracing out to begin lapping up what cum has ended up on her pretty face, even as more of his cum slowly slops out of her well fucked cunt.

The Yuki-Onna freezes up as he approaches. She's given in to her passion by this point, yanking down her tight-fitting shorts and yanking up one side of her top to expose a breast. She has two fingers in her cunt, and one groping at her fine, sizable tit when he turns his attention onto her and begins making his way over. Grinning wickedly, Ryuken carefully takes hold of the hand that's caressing a breast… and pulls the Yuki-Onna down to the ground, leading the way.

"I want to see you ride me. I want you bouncing up and down on my cock."

Blushing profusely, the much-transformed snow woman just bobs her head up and down eagerly, making for a delicious sigh as her ripped abdomen ripples a bit more from the movement. Laying on his back, Ryuken lets her crouch over him, lets her place the head of his cock, which is still rock hard, right up against her cunt lips. Then, he grabs her by the waist… and pulls her down. Given how strong she looks, he imagines she could have fought back physically if she wanted to… but she doesn't, because she wants this just as much as he does.

A girlish cry leaves the somewhat tomboyish Yuki-Onna as he takes her virginity as well, but she quickly recovers and begins to bounce up and down on his dick quite aggressively, gritting her teeth and staring down into his face, as if challenging herself to stay strong, to get what she wants, to be who she wants to be. He kind of likes it, that desire to be strong… so long as she remembers he's the Alpha and she's his girl, just like the others are.

He can tell she knows her place, so he simply sits back and relaxes, allowing the snow youkai to control the pace at which she bounces up and down on his dick. He's certainly not disappointed when she proves to be just as energetic as everyone else now that he's involved her. Riding him to kingdom cum again and again, she orgasms along his dick and makes him quite glad he's letting her ride him, rather than him on top of her or any other position.

There's just something so satisfying about watching a beautiful, strong woman like this Yuki-Onna fuck herself upon his cock, which he knows she's fully enamored with at this point. Watching the Yuki-Onna tucker herself out before finally cumming inside of her, only for her to slump over off of him, panting heavily on the ground at his side… yeah, Ryuken could certainly get used to this.

And he will. Standing up, he starts moving back towards the other three monster girls, who by this point have cleaned themselves up of his cum and have gone on to play with each other, moaning as they prepare one another for his cock. Gripping said cock in one hand, stroking it as he approaches, Ryuken grins wickedly.

He'll go on to fuck all of them before the day's end, and even Kiyome will get another dose of his dick, his darling Senpai as eager to satisfy her kohai's urges as ever. And when all is said and done, Ryuken will have added another six women to his harem. With five of them viewing him as their Alpha. Those five, the existence of monster girls, of the supernatural… Ryuken knows he's stumbled upon something here.

He can't wait to uncover more of it.


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