Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Different ‘Curse’ (Nyan Koi!)

A/N: A Different 'Curse' was a commissioned story in four parts originally written back in August of 2018. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: An incredibly smutty AU in which Junpei Kousaka is not cursed by a cat deity. No, instead he's caught the attention of another deity altogether. Can you guess which?

Themes: Fucked Silly, Breeding, Virgin Sex


Junpei Kousaka had a goal. It was a worthy goal too. He… was going to seduce and fuck his crush, Kaede Mizuno. He was actually quite proud of himself for being honest about his desires. At least, inwardly. He would never admit his plans to just anyone, especially not when he knew that his desires were perverted, deviant, and all around lewd.

They wouldn't understand if he tried to tell anyone, even his closest friends, about how he wanted to make Mizuno his. How he wanted to take her and thrust into her, claiming her virginity as his own and making her his woman. How he longed to hear her cry out beneath him, begging him for more as she called his name.

These were things every boy his age lusted after, but most just weren't mature enough to acknowledge it and work for what they wanted. Kousaka was. He wouldn't give up, no matter what. He was going to succeed in his self-appointed task. Ah, but not by wooing Mizuno. He didn't plan to court the girl or romance her into submission.

That would just be silly. That would be what one of his more awkward peers would do, in the end. They would try to find out her hobbies and her interests and they would try to conform to them in an effort to make her notice them. It wouldn't work of course. Kousaka was too savvy for that, too smart. He knew better. And honestly, in the end he couldn't really say he wanted to date Mizuno or anything like that. He just… really, really wanted to fuck her. He wanted her to be his, and he wanted to be her first. If a relationship sprung up from the sex that was his end goal… well, that was fine right?

Thing was, while he would definitely take Mizuno's virginity when the time came, Kousaka knew that he couldn't in turn give her his. There was no way that he could seduce Kaede as a fumbling, inexperienced virgin! Which meant… he had to get said experience elsewhere. He had to find a way to have sex with other women in order to truly get the knowledge he needed to properly impress, seduce, and fuck Mizuno silly!

Luckily for the young man, he already had someone in mind.

"Hey there, Kousaka!"

A pair of arms wraps around him from behind as a pair of absurdly large tits crush into his back. Kousaka saw it coming a mile away though, and he holds fast as Chizuru Mochizuki makes her presence known with one of her usual hugs. The woman is a bit older than him, a third-year college student also working as a mail carrier when she wasn't attending classes.

But she was a terrible mail carrier… and that was where Kousaka came in.

"Thanks for meeting with me, Kousaka! I really appreciate all your help!"

Heh, that was right. Kousaka was essentially Chizuru's guide, at the end of the day. She had no sense of direction, and frequently got lost. That's where Kousaka came in, helping her out on her routes. But even still, if she wasn't somewhat perverted, he would never have gone with this plan. As it was though… he couldn't back out now!

"About that, Chizuru… we need to talk about how I've been helping you recently."

That gets a blink from the older girl, and she pulls away as Kousaka turns around to regard her evenly. He makes sure to keep his face as blank as possible, not wanting to give away just how antsy and excited he's feeling on the inside. He has to maintain his confidence, even in the face of this! Or he'll screw it all up and miss his chance!

"Ah… is there a problem Kousaka? Maybe… maybe darling Kousaka wants something for his services~ Ooh, have I been taking advantage of Kousaka, and now he wants to take advantage of me?!"

She frets, pressing her palms into her cheeks and shimmying side to side, but Kousaka knows it's all an act. The mail carrier loves to tease him whenever she can get away with it… but not anymore.

"Yes. That's exactly right."

His flat delivery causes Chizuru to freeze as the college-aged young woman pauses and actually stares at him for a moment. Her eyes are wide as she regards him in silence, her lips opening but no words coming out. Pressing his advantage, Kousaka steps forward, invading Chizuru's personal space. He's still a few inches away from her, but that doesn't stop his chest from smooshing into hers. She really does have a hefty pair of tits. The perfect breasts for him to practice for his eventual conquest of Mizuno, in fact!

"A-Ah, K-Kousaka?"

"Chizuru… if you want me to keep helping you with your job, I want something in return."

Flashing a hesitant smile, the brunette plays clueless.


A growl leaves Kousaka's throat, and before he even knows what he's doing, he finds himself dragging the hapless, top-heavy mail carrier off the street and into a nearby park. At this time of the morning, the park is nice and empty. Its just them as he pushes her back into a tree and looms over her.

"I want your body, Chizuru. You've teased me long enough."

"U-Um, Kousaka, I… I…"

Clearly at a loss for words, Chizuru doesn't know how to respond. But that's just fine. So long as she's not saying no, he's doing great, right? Grinning lasciviously, Kousaka reaches out and tweaks one of Chizuru's nipples through her postal uniform and her bra.

"You can start by taking these puppies out. Let me see 'em. Let me play with 'em."

It's a gamble, of course. But then, all of this is. And on the inside, Kousaka is a big ole bundle of nerves trying to keep his cool. He can't let even a trace of his nervousness show, or Chizuru will see it and latch onto it and push him away. Hell, she might push him away even now… but then, that's the point of this. Chizuru is the one girl Kousaka knows that isn't connected to his school life and thus his social life.

If the college girl rejects him, he can just go back to working on the girls at his school instead. Chizuru is a safe way to try out his aggressive attitude, to see if it truly does work on women or not. Whatever she does next… he'll know for sure, one way or another.

Of course, when the mail carrier blushes, looks away, but then reaches up and begins to undo the buttons on her jacket, Kousaka is ecstatic. He grins wickedly at that point, unable to contain his glee as he watches Chizuru do as she's told. Her bra-clad breasts pop free after a moment, but they're still held snug by her undergarment. She doesn't make any move to touch her bra though… so Kousaka, too eager to stop now, does it for her. He pulls her bra up off her tits, watching as the truly prodigious pair of breasts bounce free.

Chizuru gasps, but Kousaka doesn't care. She's not saying no, she's not trying to fight him, she's not trying to stop him… so that means this is perfectly okay. His aggressive attitude is garnering results! Spending a moment on her titties, Kousaka gropes and kneads the perfectly soft mounds of boob flesh. But this was only phase one of his plan. He wanted more… and he would have it.

Still kneading her breasts, the young man leans in and whispers in the coed mail carrier's ear.

"Now, you're going to get on your knees and take my dick out of my pants. Then, you're going to use these big fat cow titties of yours, along with your mouth, to get me off."

He's being even more aggressive now. And the way he's talking… Kousaka is well aware that it might scare Chizuru away, even if she's already gone this far. But he's too excited to regulate himself anymore. He's too eager to hold back his lusts, to hold back the words that flow so easily across his tongue. And when Chizuru slowly sinks to her knees, his fingers tugging at her nipples lightly until they too slip from his grasp, Kousaka's wicked grin only grows wider.

She does what he's ordered her to do, to the letter. Without complaint, with barely any hesitation, Chizuru reaches up and unbuttons and unzips his pants. Her hands shake a little as she slips them into his boxers, and she gasps when she feels how hard he is and how hot his throbbing, pulsating cock is at this point.

But she pulls it out all the same, and then she leans up, so she can properly wrap her prodigious chest around his rock-hard dick. Kousaka finds himself panting at this point. Its just too hot for him not to, too arousing for him to be anything but breathless. Chizuru's eyes flicker up to meet his, but whatever she sees there doesn't do much but spurn her on even more.

When her lips touch the head of his cock, it takes every ounce of willpower Kousaka has not to cum on the spot. But no, not yet. He wants to savor the moment for just a little bit more. And boy is it a moment worth savoring. He might not be losing his virginity (yet!) but just having Chizuru's beautiful breasts wrapped around his shaft as her lips wrap around his dick tip and her tongue slurps at his member is… it's fantastic.

And after a few seconds more, he really can't hold back anymore.

"Here it comes, Chizuru!"

Her eyes widen, and she makes to pull back… but she's not fast enough. All she succeeds in doing is giving his cock free reign to spurt his load all over her face and her exposed, naked breasts. Which of course, Kousaka does with great gusto. He groans as he paints her white, as he covers her in his seed. He moans and enjoys it thoroughly, watching her as she flushes beneath her ruined face.

But that's not all.

"… Not done yet."

He mutters it, but loud enough that Chizuru hears all the same. The brunette coed yelps as he drags her to her feet. Behind them is a park bench, and Kousaka happily pushes Chizuru over it, bending her over and forcing her legs apart as he grabs her ass with both hands and gropes it needily.

"K-Kousaka! You're s-so forward… mmm…"

Chizuru moans out his name, and for a moment he can almost imagine Mizuno in her place. That is how it would go, when he finally had the experience he needed. And he was about to get that experience right here, right now with a needy slut like Chizuru. Grabbing her uniform's pants, he pulls them down. Then he does the same with her panties. His cock is still hard, even now, and he trembles a little as he brings it to bear on Chizuru's waiting cunt.

She's rather wet, when he finally thrusts into her. But there's something else as well that he's not at all expecting. Her virginity tears as he fills her with his cock, and Chizuru cries out into the open morning air, moaning loudly but also mewling from discomfort. Chizuru, the perverted older girl that always teased him… she was a virgin?

Kousaka knew that she was only a few years older than him, but he'd always assumed from how she carried herself and how she acted that she knew all about sex. That was another of the reasons he'd chosen to go after her first, after all. He'd wanted to test out his approach on an experienced sex fiend like Chizuru.

Except Chizuru wasn't experienced at all! She was a fraud, and if anything, that kind of made Kousaka mad! So, with his cum still dripping off of her chest and her face, and his cock lodged deep in her cunt, the young man begins to fuck the bent-over coed mail carrier into the back of the park bench, his length pistoning in and out of her with deep, harsh thrusts.

And at the same time, his hands pull away from her ass and then come back down again as he spanks her back and forth across her cheeks, much to her loud, vocal pleasure.


In response, he just growls and gives it to her harder.

"Chizuru… you tricked me… all this time, you were as inexperienced as I was!"

"I-I'm sorry Kousaka! Please, p-please don't stop. Feels… feels so gooood!"

Her cunt walls suddenly tighten around his cock, and Kousaka's eyes widen at the realization that Chizuru has just cum from him fucking her. Well, girls didn't really cum, did they? He'd done his research, or at least he thought he had. Girls had orgasms or climaxes, while guys were the ones who came, filling the girls with their seed.

That was the natural order of things. And if he was right, Chizuru was sure having a lot of climaxes right now, or maybe just one big orgasm as she bucked and shook and spasms between him and the park bench, her body arching and her head tilting backwards so her moans filled the air and the sky. Kousaka, meanwhile, found himself grunting and groaning as he filled her tight, clenching cunt again and again.

Sex was everything he'd known it would be. And now he knew how it felt to fuck a virgin as well… to say Kousaka was excited to eventually do this with Mizuno was an understatement. But now that he knew Chizuru was a virgin, now that he knew she was just as inexperienced as he was… Kousaka was going to have to wait on Mizuno.

He needed to have more sex with more girls, so he could be properly experienced for his crush, when the time finally came. And unfortunately, he didn't know of any other women who were experienced in such things, so he'd have to settle for his female peers, who he was pretty sure were all virgins too. That was okay though. Kousaka was nothing if not committed.

On that thought, the young man grunts and let's loose a second time, this time his seed filling Chizuru's womb as he pushes as deeply inside of her as he can, pumping her full of his cum and painting her walls white along the way. When he does finally pull out of her, Chizuru is barely cognizant… and a quick check shows that she's ahegao'd, her face the picture-perfect representation of a fucked silly slut.

Grinning, Kousaka gives the coed mail carrier a harsh spanking, causing her to yelp and fall back onto her ass off of the park bench she was bent over. As she looks up at him through dazed, glazed-over eyes, he looks down at her and lifts a single brow.

"Don't we have mail to deliver, Chizuru?"


"Ah, Kousaka… what… what are you doing here? All alone?"

It was a reasonable question, to be fair. He was in a girl's room, by himself, save for the girl who was sitting up on her bed, staring at him with wide eyes and a blush across her face. Though under normal circumstances, if he were perhaps more oblivious, Kousaka probably wouldn't have realized such a thing. Nagi Ichinose wasn't much of a girl. And her room wasn't very feminine. The Captain of the Track Club was about as masculine as they came, without actually being a dude.

As such, her bedroom was more like a guy's room, clothing strewn across the floor, posters of athletes on the walls. Even her bed clothes didn't hint too much at her more feminine attributes. But then, Kousaka knew why that was. He knew all about the wrappings she used to hide her beautiful breasts, the bindings she used to keep them pressed down so that they wouldn't be overly exposed.

He also knew that Nagi had a crush on him a mile wide. And given that he needed more experience before he could even think to approach Mizuno… well, it only made sense to come here next.

"I was let in. I wanted to check on you, Nagi. You were pushing yourself too hard today…"

Nagi's eyes go wider still at his concern, even as Kousaka meanders closer to her bed, closing the door to her room behind him before doing so. Of course, she's so distracted by his concern that she doesn't even notice him quietly turning the lock on her door so that no one will disturb them.


For a moment, she seems absolutely astonished… then, the usual confident Nagi is back and she gives him a big smile.

"Hey Kousaka! Marry me, alright?"

It's not the first time she's demanded his hand in marriage. It might not be the last. But he's well used to it by now, so rather than freaking out at such a crazy, off-the-cuff request, Kousaka just smiles and shakes his head, even as he steps closer to her and to the bed.

"No… I'm not the marrying type, Nagi. But I could give you something else, if you wanted it. I could shower you with affection all the same… we can be the best of friends, if you like."

Nagi stares at him, clearly not sure what he's trying to get at. She's a bit more sheltered then Chizuru, that much is obvious. Not that it stops her from molesting Kanako whenever she gets half a chance. Regardless, Kousaka is in range now. Leaning down, he takes Nagi's chin in hand and tilts her head back so she's properly looking up at him. Then, he kisses the track captain full on the lips.

She melts immediately, of course. He's dialing back the aggression on this one, at least to start, but just like Chizuru, Nagi is powerless in the face of his amorous attentions. When he climbs onto the bed while still kissing her, she eagerly shifts back to make room for him. And before she knows it, his hand is beneath her white shirt and playing with the bandages that she uses to bind her chest down.

It's here that Nagi goes still, tensing up as he immediately hones in on her greatest weakness. When he pulls back from the kiss he's giving her, the tomboy looks completely unsure of herself.


"I want to see them, Nagi. Don't hide them from me, alright?"

Blushing up a storm, Nagi eventually nods. She looks more and more feminine by the second, especially as he pulls her shirt over her head and then begins to undo the wrappings around her chest with her help. It's not long before her breasts are finally free. Her supple titties aren't quite as large as Chizuru's, but they're certainly pretty big in their own right, now that they're not hidden away.

Kousaka smiles at them, and even reaches out and gropes them for a few minutes. Nagi bites her lower lip and looks away as he does so, but the young man is having none of that.

"You're gorgeous, Nagi. You should show your body off more. Even if you can't have me, I'm sure any guy would be lucky to have you as his girlfriend."

Nagi flushes even deeper at that, looking back to him with a piercing gaze.

"I don't want them, Kousaka… I only want you."

Kousaka lets out a sigh and releases her tits. Crawling on top of the nonresistant young woman is easy enough, and kneeling over her, he unbuttons and unzips his pants, pulling out his cock, much to Nagi's surprise.

"Well then… I suppose you can have me. But you gotta know, Nagi… I won't be tied down. We'll be friends with benefits, okay?"

Nagi rapidly nods, clearly seeing that this is the best she's going to get. Grinning wickedly, Kousaka leans in and presses his cockhead against Nagi's cheek, rubbing it across the blushing girl's face.

"Good. Now open wide."

He's getting a bit more aggressive now, and he's well aware of it too. But Kousaka just can't help himself. When a girl, especially one as fit and badass as Nagi… just lets him do what he like with her, its more than he can handle. He NEEDS to go further. And as Nagi opens wide and he slips his cock past her lips and into her mouth, further is where he goes.

His hands close in her short, messy hair and Kousaka groans as he pulls her head further along his length. His cock almost immediately hits the back of her throat and Nagi gags a little before he pulls back. But as he looks down at her and she looks back up at him, they both recognize that he's not going to stop there. Getting a titjob from Chizuru had been nice… but now Kousaka wanted to try out the legendary deep-throating he'd heard about during his leadership.

"Keep your mouth open wide, Nagi… here I come."

To her credit, she does her best. Even as he begins to force his cock down the back of her throat with every thrust, the Captain of the track club doesn't fight back, she doesn't try to push him away. She does choke and gag a lot though, and tears fall down her cheeks along the way as he forces her to deep-throat him, face fucking her all the while.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

There's just something so good about dominating a strong-willed girl like Nagi. Something so delicious. And as her throat spasms and contracts around his pistoning cock, her tongue still writhing and trying to lick and slurp at the underside of his thrusting member, Kousaka realizes that this isn't a pleasure he can really fight again. He cums, and he cums fast.

Without warning, of course. Even Kousaka is surprised when the time arrives, so Nagi gets no inclination that it's coming before she's suddenly drowning in his seed. She chokes on the thick, viscous white cum for a moment before finally remembering to swallow. Pulling back, Kousaka gives her a bit more room to do so, and in the end only a bit of his ejaculate makes it out of her mouth before she's done. She quickly slurps that bit back up, much to Kousaka's satisfaction as he strokes his cock, still half-hard, only inches from her face.

"Do you want more, Nagi? All you have to do is ask…"

It takes her a little while to recover. When she does, her voice is raspy at first, but her answer… her answer is everything Kousaka is hoping for.

"I-I… I want… m-more…"

Chuckling, the young man pulls away from her. He stays on the bed, but he gives Nagi room to maneuver as he sits back and watches her.

"That's good… but make me believe it. How do you want me to take you? Get in any position you like, present yourself to me… and then beg me to fuck you like the girl we both know you are. Show me your femininity."

For a tomboy like Nagi who has spent her entire like trying to be masculine, it's clear that this request pushes her boundaries a bit. But the question is, does it push them too far? Kousaka doesn't think so. She wouldn't have a crush on him, she wouldn't desire him… if she wasn't still a young woman under all the macho bravado. So, he's not really surprised when after only a few moments of hesitation, Nagi begins to move.

The track captain strips out of her leggings first, exposing the lower half of her body to his gaze. He looks on appreciatively, his eyes tracing the contours of her fit, but ultimately feminine form. She had muscles, certainly, even a six pack that stood out quite nicely on her taut tummy. But in the end, her breasts were full and plump, her hips were wide and perfect for child-bearing, and her pussy… her pussy was glistening wet, with a small landing strip of hair above it, pointing down to it almost like an arrow.

Nagi looks away as she chooses her position, but she does her best to follow Kousaka's orders nonetheless. Her body on full display, the young woman opens her legs and then bends them at the knee. She then reaches down between her thighs and uses her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart for his viewing pleasure. Kousaka can't help but raise his eyebrows at that. Where had Nagi learned such a lewd technique?

Still gazing off to the side, Nagi licks her lips and begins to speak.

"P-Please, Kousaka… please, make me your f-friend with benefits and f-fuck me. Fuck my g-girly cunt and play with my girly tits and use my g-girly body to your heart's content…"

Heh, a bit more emphasis on the 'girly' thing then he was expecting, but he supposed he did ask for it. And the young woman before him had never looked more feminine then in that moment. He could barely contain himself, so in the end he chose the easiest option… he simply didn't. Nagi yelps as he launches himself forward, barely catching his movement out of the corner of her eye before he's atop her.

She looks back to him then, her gaze wide and her face flushed with arousal, and Kousaka looks down at her in return, smiling as he guides his cockhead to her spread open pussy lips and then begins to push. Inch after inch of his length disappears inside of her waiting cunt. Her virginity isn't nearly as surprising as Chizuru's was, but he still doesn't so much as hesitate to break through her hymen as he claims her pussy for his own, conquering her inner passage with his cock.

And as he conquers that part of her, Kousaka knows he's conquering the rest as well. Nagi whimpers at the momentary pain, but she's a strong girl and a moment later she's moaning at the pleasure that follows. Latching onto the bedding beneath her, the track captain arches her back as he sinks into her soft, wet, velvety depths. This does amazing things to her chest, and Kousaka has never been one to pass up a chance at fun.

He leans in and latches onto one of her nipples with his teeth then and there, causing a yelp to leave Nagi's lips as her back straightens out again in shock. Her breasts begin to fall away from him, but Kousaka isn't letting go of her nipple anytime soon, and it pulls as he teases it mightily, following it all the way down, but slowly to make sure he's playing with it as he wants.

To his heart's content… that's what Nagi had said, wasn't it? Reaching up, Kousaka grabs Nagi's other breast and gropes and kneads it, much to her reluctant satisfaction as she mewls pathetically. The strong-willed, athletic girl has been reduced to a confused, inexperienced young woman by his actions. She doesn't know how to react to everything he's doing to her, but that's just fine… because it makes her all the more genuine, in the end.

As he fucks her, Nagi's pleasure builds to a crescendo, just like it did with Chizuru. Her cunt walls clench and cling to his cock as she experiences an orgasm, her pussy juices flowing down his thrusting length. Kousaka never stops pistoning in and out of her cunt though. Not once does he pause to give her respite or allow her a chance to catch her breath.

He himself is nearly breathless as he fucks her through climax after climax, watching as the face of the Captain of the track club goes from just merely flushed with arousal, to absolutely fucked silly and lewd. Nagi's eyes roll back in her head, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth the more he fucks her. She ahegaos before his eyes, even as he continues to slurp and suck and nibble at her titties, trading off between them, groping the one not currently occupied by his mouth so that she's being beset by pleasure from her chest at all times.

It's this Nagi, an utterly broken, pleasure-stricken girl, that Kousaka ultimately cums inside of. He fills the young woman with his seed, exploding into her womb with his massive cum load. He paints her inner walls white, and only once he's left every last drop of his essence inside of her does Kousaka pull out, leaving a practically insensate girl behind in his wake.

Feeling quite adventurous, Kousaka climbs up the length of Nagi's trembling, shaking body once more. He kneels over her as he rubs his messy cock all over her face. Her tongue instinctively writhes across its surface, and he watches with an expression of glee across his features as Nagi cleans up his dick slowly but surely. Only once she's gotten all of his and her combined juices off of his member does he pull back, leaving the messy girl an absolute ruin as he climbs off the bed and proceeds to fix up his clothes.

"Thanks for the fun, Nagi. I think I'll really enjoy being your friend with benefit. I hope you look forward to being mine."

All he gets is a moan in response, but in the end that's all he really needs. Kousaka leaves Nagi's bedroom with a grin on his face, and her house with a bit of a bounce in his step. He felt it in his bones… he was another step closer to being ready for Mizuno now. But not quite there yet. No, Kousaka knew there was one other girl he could use for practice before he ultimately moved onto Mizuno.

He wanted to be as experienced as possible for when he finally seduced and fucked his crush. And with the help of his childhood friend… he would be.



As a pair of lips pucker up and get ever so closer to his face, Kousaka marvels at just how easy this was. But then, he'd always expected Kanako to be the easiest to ensnare. Here they were in his house, in his bedroom. Just the two of them, on a study session. And all he'd had to do was suggest practicing kissing for Kanako to practically leap at the chance.

It was almost too bad that she'd forsaken her Manba appearance. The skin tan, the brightly colored hair, the excessive amount of makeup… in all fairness, it wasn't really to Kousaka's tastes at all, and that was pretty much why Kanako had drawn away from the lifestyle in the first place. But it might have been fun to treat her like some sort of Manba whore. Instead, she was just his childhood friend… so he'd be a bit nicer to her.

As her lips slowly, tentatively grow closer, Kanako has her eyes closed, as if somehow, she thinks that's necessary when it comes to kissing. That's fine though, because it allows Kousaka to reach up and grab hold of her hair with one hand, taking a fistful and pulling her in all the faster as he smashes his lips against hers in a rather domineering kiss.

Kanako's eyes go wide at that, but then she sags into him, her hands coming up to rest against his chest as she leans against his body. They're both seated on his bed, as he takes the time to kiss the ever-living hell out of his childhood friend. The brunette girl is completely helpless before his onslaught of course, moaning into his lips, squirming against his body.

She wants this so badly, but then Kousaka already knew that, didn't he? He knew exactly what sort of effect he had on Kanako. He'd have to be blind, hell, he'd have to be completely oblivious not to see her feelings for him. And he'd have to be a better person than he was not to take advantage of them. Eventually, he pulls back and lets Kanako catch her breath for a moment. He's still holding her by her hair as she pants, her chest heaving.

Kanako truly is a great beauty. She's got a nice, delicious, well-endowed body, and unlike Nagi, she's never been afraid to flaunt it. Of course, her flaunting it tended to draw Nagi's attention, ultimately resulting in some unwanted touched from the track captain. Now though, as Kousaka reaches up and grabs hold of one of Kanako's breasts, it's clear from her immediate moan that HIS touch isn't unwanted at all.

"K-Kousaka. What…"

"I love you, Kanako. Do you love me?"

Eyes wide, Kanako nods quickly, but Kousaka responds by squeezing her tit a little harder, causing her to whimper as she realizes what he wants.

"Yes! I love you too, Kousaka! Please… l-let's be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Here, Kousaka pushes forward. Kanako immediately falls back of course, not even trying to resist him as he pins her down to the bed. One hand remains on her chest as the other moves down her body. He pushes the skirt of her school uniform up, and thrusts his hand right past her panties, sliding a finger directly into her slightly moist cunt. Kanako gasps at the intrusion, and her face contorts in pleasure even as it goes bright red as well.

But it's as he's fingering her that Kousaka gives her an answer she doesn't want to hear.


The girl goes still beneath him… at least for a moment. It's hard for Kanako to contain her reactions when Kousaka now knows exactly how to play with a virgin to maximum effect. Chizuru and Nagi had taught him a lot in that fashion, they'd shown him just how to go about seducing a virgin like Kanako… and eventually, like Mizuno. Just like both Chizuru and Nagi did in their own ways, Kanako liked to put up a brave front. But it was so easy to break it down, so easy to break HER down.


Rather than angry, Kanako looks to be on the edge of tears thanks to his rejection. Kousaka just smiles at that, cocking his head to the side as he continues to saw his finger in and out of her cunt.

"I can't take you as my girlfriend, Kanako. It wouldn't be right. Because I'm not a one-woman kind of guy."

Kanako's eyes go wide at that blatant admission. To be fair, it was only now as he pinned his childhood friend to his bed and prepared to take her virginity that Kousaka could finally accept the truth about himself and about what he'd been doing. Preparing for Mizuno was… an excuse, in the end. Oh sure, he still intended to seduce and fuck her next, but by this point, he also realized he intended to continue having sex with Chizuru and Nagi as well.

And so long as Kanako could accept that, he would start a sexual relationship with her at the same time. Kousaka didn't like the idea of labels or anything. He wasn't honestly looking to start a harem or something as cliché and silly as that. But he also wasn't going to deny how fun it was to have sex with the girls he'd so far fucked. And judging by their reactions to him, he knew they enjoyed it as well.

In the face of Kanako's silence, Kousaka shrugs and continues to explain.

"Before you, I fucked Nagi as well. She's gonna be more feminine now… and I bet I can get her to stop groping you in public. Unless you're into that sort of thing. Anyways, before her, I also fucked a mail woman. So, you see, Kanako… I'm an insatiable sex fiend. I'm a horny young man, and I can't be tamed or put in my place by a single woman. Not even you."

Kanako's lower lip is trembling now and she's gaining quite the mighty pout, despite his continued molestation of her body. She's also blushing on account of said molestation, but it's clear his words are having more of an effect on her then his actions, at least for now. Kousaka adds a second finger to the first, and then leans in close until he and his childhood friend are mere inches apart.

"I still want to fuck you though, Kanako. Nagi and I are friends with benefits now. If you like, we could be best friends with benefits. Or… you can say no. You can leave now, if you want. Just say the word, and I'll stop."

His voice is quiet, breathless, his eyes probably manic. Kanako stares up at him with equally wide eyes, her lips parted slightly in a way that makes him want to kiss her again. But he has to wait for her answer. He has to wait to hear her say yes, or he can't continue.

"I-I… I don't… I don't care."

Kousaka lifts a brow at that, and Kanako blushes as she looks away momentarily. When she looks back, there's some of the fire he knows her for in her eyes, but it's tempered by her arousal and her embarrassment.

"I don't care if you're with other girls, K-Kousaka… I'll be your best f-friend with benefits. Just please… please be my first time?"

A wide, wicked grin splits Kousaka's face, and he slides his fingers out of Kanako's cunt. He kind of already knew what she'd ultimately say. Once you cracked the façade, she was just another young maiden, uncertain of herself. And fingering her was a great way of cracking said façade. Plus, there was the fact that she'd gone from moist to sopping wet in the time that he'd been talking to her. Even if her mind had taken a little while to decide what to do, her body had almost immediately made the decision for her from the very beginning.

Regardless, now that he has her permission, hell, more than that, now that she's asked him to take her virginity, Kousaka can continue. Kanako wants this just as badly as he does, and he's more than happy to give it to her. Grabbing his childhood friend by her ankles, he pulls her legs up into the air and then begins to push them back.

She really is well-developed, her body more than mature enough for a girl her age. Kousaka can't help but salivate over it, even as he folds her up into a mating press. Kanako moans throughout the experience, her body only just flexible enough to handle what he's demanding of it. In the end, she takes over the holding of her own ankles without protest, and once she's done so, he moves his hands down to her thighs, groping and squeezing the pale, creamy things as he stares at her glistening pussy lips.

Of course, her panties are still in the way. Hell, she's even still wearing her uniform. That just won't do… reaching up, Kousaka starts with Kanako's chest. He grabs hold of the front of her blouse, and with a mighty pull, he tears it off of her. Buttons go flying everywhere as the brunette gasps at his aggressiveness, but Kousaka is far from done with just that. Her bra is flipped up in an instant, and he grabs and squeezes at her tits right then and there.

Kousaka is beginning to think he might just be a boob man. Or perhaps he's simply surrounded by a bunch of women who have truly spectacular tits. Or… it could be both. Either way, he doesn't really care. What matters is, he's not gonna let an amazing chest pass him by without groping it at least a little. Still, her breasts aren't why he lured Kanako to his room for 'studying'. No, that lies between her legs, where only her panties stand between him and his goal. And even then…

Rather than wasting time tearing her undergarments off of her as well, Kousaka simply pushes Kanako's panties further to the side once more, revealing her drooling quim in its entirety as he also reaches down and releases his cock from its confines with one hand and a few deft movements. Kanako's eyes go wide at the sight of his dick as it springs free and ends up landing atop her cunt. His meaty member hot dogs her slit for a moment, and she moans as she instinctively thrusts upwards with her hips towards his shaft.

Grinning at just how needy his childhood friend has gotten, Kousaka figures its time to get a move on. He doesn't tease her for too long, instead he pulls back after a moment, and reaches out to flick at her clit as he thrusts his entire cock into her cunt in one go in the next second. Kanako's eyes go wide and her jaw drops open at the abrupt intrusion. She's all folded up, so it's not like she's in a position to resist him… but it's also clear she wasn't expecting him to take her virginity in such a… callous way.

But Kousaka doesn't care. As a low, keening wail begins to erupt from Kanako's throat, he captures her lips in another kiss. This time, he pushes his tongue into her mouth and plays with her own tongue as he makes out with her. And of course, he begins fucking her right then and there as well. Kanako clearly doesn't know how to react. His childhood friend feels the pain of losing her virginity, certainly… but she also feels the pleasure that he's gotten quite good at forcing on unsuspecting, inexperienced virgins.

She's just not ready for him, she never could be. Everything he learned from Chizuru and Nagi, he's using it here and even building on it as well. Kanako never stood a chance against him, not with her feelings leaving her weak to his efforts to begin with. So, as he kisses her, as he molests her, as he fucks her… Kanako slowly gives into the pleasure. The brunette moans into his mouth and ultimately wraps her arms around his neck as she lets go of his ankles.

Thanks to the mating press he currently has her in, her legs can't unfold anyways, so Kousaka doesn't mind too much. His hands transition from her tits to her thighs, and he squeezes her sensitive, pale flesh with his fingers, even as he uses the new grip to fuck her all the harder. His thrusts are fast and hard and ferocious, everything that Kousaka knows Kanako needs. This isn't the kind of girl to be coddled, this isn't the kind of girl who wants to take things slowly. Her Manba phase more than proved that.

So, he doesn't hesitate. He doesn't slow down, he doesn't show mercy. And in the end, Kousaka is soon rewarded with the first of Kanako's orgasms as she cries out into his lips, her eyes going crossed from the pleasure of his cock pistoning in and out of her cunt. His length fills her, and in turn her pussy walls cling to him as harshly as they can, gripping and squeezing his shaft with all their strength.

She's so tight, so wet, so needy… Kousaka loves it. He loves fucking his voluptuous, soft-bodied childhood friend just as much as he enjoyed pounding into Nagi's athletic form. The two girls couldn't be more different at the end of the day, but no matter what, Kousaka enjoys them both. He can't set either of them aside, not even for Mizuno… but he's sure Mizuno will understand. He's sure that the girl will accept him and his love just like the others have.

He's not sure where that confidence comes from though. After all, Kousaka was a virgin less than two weeks ago. In that short time frame, he'd fucked Chizuru, he'd fucked Nagi, and now he was fucking Kanako. It really shouldn't have worked out so well for him, but unbeknownst to Kousaka, he was blessed in ways he couldn't begin to understand.

In another world, Junpei Kousaka was the boy cursed by a cat deity. In this world, he'd never even caught that deity's attention. Instead, he'd caught the attention of another deity altogether, one that looked down upon him even now with a favorable smile as he made use of the gifts given to him in order to conquer another beautiful woman.

And as he finally came inside of Kanako, his seed pumping into her womb just as it had pumped into Chizuru's and Nagi's before her, Kousaka groaned and tilted his head back, feeling something indescribable about the sensation of breeding another woman. Ah, but where had that come? It wasn't like he'd planned to impregnate any of his conquests. Except, he'd cum in all of them, hadn't he?

Kousaka might not have really believed in harems, but he best start accepting their reality soon, because he was now living in a harem eroge.


As he lays kisses down the side of her neck, Kousaka marvels at just how simple this was in the end. Kaede Mizuno moans and squirms under him but doesn't try to push him away or anything like that. In the end, his crush with her bright smile and her strawberry blonde hair is all his… and he's going to go ahead and take this as slowly as he can, even though the desire to speed things up and just fuck her is already growing within his chest.

It was all too easy, drawing Mizuno away to a secluded area so he could finally show her his feelings for her first hand. From the very first kiss, she melted against him just like the other women had. And he… he was reveling in how delicious her sweat tasted. Mizuno had after all, just gotten out of gym class when he approached her. While all the other girls headed off to the locker room to get changed back into their school uniforms, he'd asked her to go with him somewhere else while she was still sweaty and still in her track uniform.

The form-fitting red shorts she was wearing, along with the white tee that conformed to her bountiful chest made Kousaka happier than he could have imagined. He liked her like this, liked her tired but not too tired, just off of the end of a work-out. Mizuno smelt heavenly.

"K-Kousaka… I didn't… I didn't know you f-felt this way about me."

Pulling back slightly, Kousaka finds the strawberry blonde blushing and looking down, not able to meet his eyes. Reaching out, he takes her chin in hand and lifts her gaze so that he can look at her.

"Of course, I feel this way about you, Mizuno. You're beautiful. But more than that, you're vivacious and intelligent and… everything I could want in a girl. Please Mizuno, tell me you'll be mine."

Her eyes widen at that, but just like with the others before her, she nods rapidly in response to his request.

"Y-Yes! I… I've had feelings for you for quite some time, Kousaka. I want to be yours. I've fantasized about you sweeping me off my feet, about you… doing all sorts of naughty things to me."

Grinning, Kousaka leans in close and slips a hand up under her white T-shirt. As expected, Mizuno isn't wearing a bra right now, as he cups one of her breasts and casually caresses it.

"Naughty like this?"

Her breath hitches and Mizuno pants as she goes a little glassy-eyed from the experience. In the end, all she can really do is nod and make an affirmative-sounding noise.


"Do you want more, Mizuno?"


Grinning as she hisses out her response immediately, Kousaka pushes Mizuno's white tee upwards. Not all the way over her head or off of her body or anything, but instead just up over her breasts, which bounce free and jiggle quite nicely as soon as her shirt is bunched up in the space between them and her neck. Pushing Mizuno back against the wall a bit more roughly, Kousaka leans in and begins to lick the sweat off of her titties, playing with them to his heart's content.

Distantly, the bell rings for last call. Class is in session again, but neither he nor Mizuno are any state to go to it at this point. And that's just fine with Kousaka. He's perfectly okay with skipping class if it means he gets to be with Mizuno. Besides, this just means the likelihood of them being interrupted is now next to nil. Mizuno, meanwhile, whines as she squirms, paying much more attention to the bell.

"A-Ah, Kousaka… should we g-get to class?"

The way she asks makes it clear she's allowing him to make the choice for both of them. So, he does, when he pulls his hands down off of her breasts and rides them along her sides instead. Suddenly, he grips her hips and lifts her off the ground, causing Mizuno to instinctively wrap her legs around his waist as he carries her away from the wall and over to a nearby ledge.

The ledge is at perfect height for him to sit her down on it and continue kissing her. Perfect height for him to eventually fuck her too, as his groin grinds into hers.

"No, Mizuno. Let's not… let's enjoy one another instead."

She moans in response, happy to obey him, happy to go along with whatever he says. Kousaka doesn't question it, by this point he's used to all of the girls he goes after immediately falling for him. And as Mizuno had already said, she's apparently had a crush of her own on him for a long time. Well, Kousaka is more than happy to reciprocate that crush. More than happy to give Mizuno what she wants… while taking what HE wants.

The strawberry blonde moans as she tilts her head back, her eyes lidded from the feel of him playing with her, running his tongue and his hands over her sweaty body. She's trembling with something she can't explain… but Kousaka knows what she wants. What her body wants.

"Mizuno… beg me to take your virginity, please? I want to hear you say it…"


She mewls in protest, clearly embarrassed. But he knows she wants it. He can tell from the way her crotch is instinctively humping against his as he sidles into the space she's instinctively creating by spreading her legs wide. The ledge she's seated on IS the perfect height for what's to come… but Kousaka doesn't intend to go further until Mizuno asks him to. He really does want to hear her say it.

As he continues to play with her and tease her while remaining silence, Mizuno slowly realizes he's not going to escalate things until she does what he wants. It takes her time to gather herself, blushing all the while. The strawberry blonde was a very intelligent young woman, but this was not the kind of situation she had any experience with. She was out of her depths, while Kousaka seemed to have everything well in hand… including her.

"Kousaka… p-please… please, t-take my virginity. I want… I want you to h-have my first time. I-I always have."

A slow breath leaves Kousaka as he hears her words. After everything, it would have been Mizuno's rejection that hurt him the most, if it happened. But no, instead she'd done as he asked. She'd begged him to fuck her, to plow her silly… even if those weren't the words she used. Pulling away from Mizuno for a moment, Kousaka looks down the length of her body. She's still pretty sweaty, but she looks positively superb, what with her red shorts practically painted onto her flesh, and her naked breasts heaving and glistening from his onslaught.

Reaching down, he runs his fingers along her pussy lips, outlined as they are by her shorts. He stares for a second… and then he begins to hook his fingers into the tight-fitting shorts.


This time, Mizuno's exclamation is more of an exasperated whine then anything else, especially as he tears a hole in her gym shorts, revealing her wet pussy lips and her sweaty inner thighs. But Kousaka can't help but grin, even in the face of her irritation. He's revealed her hole now, and his hard, twitching cock is just waiting to get inside of her.

But first it has to get out of his pants. Moving quickly, he pulls his length free of its confines, not even noticing that its gotten bigger. When he started out, way back with Chizuru, Kousaka had an average-sized cock, maybe even a little less than average. But each woman he's taken, each virginity he's claimed, even beauty he's conquered… they've empowered him without him even realizing it.

So, by the time Mizuno lays eyes on his member, it's quite the bitch-breaker. She gasps in shock at his sheer girth, her eyes widening from the sight of his shaft. But Kousaka didn't come this far to be stopped now.

"W-Will it even f-fit?"

"… Yes. It will."

And that's all he says, as he slips his dick tip into her pussy lips and begins to push. Immediately, Mizuno begins to squirm and whine as he spreads her flower apart, his massive shaft disappearing inside of her inch by inch. Kousaka has to grab her by her hair and her inner thigh to get her to stay still, even while he ultimately runs up against her hymen.

For this virginity, Kousaka does pause. After all, there'd been a time where this moment was all he was working for. Now he somehow knows that there will be much more than this in his future, and he's far from finished. Still… this is a glorious moment in time all the same. And then he thrusts forward and ends it, his cock bursting through Mizuno's virginity as he captures the strawberry blonde's lips with his own before she can squeal loudly enough to attract half the school to their location.

Mizuno's eyes roll back in her head as she cums on the spot. Kousaka doesn't understand that that's his doing, but he does make notice of just how much easier his crush orgasms compared to his other conquests. Perhaps he's really just gotten that good at sex. Of course not, but Kousaka doesn't know that. His blessings are what make him a Sex God now… his blessings and his gifts.

As he continues to take Mizuno to pound town, finally giving his crush the dicking, he's been desperate to give her for so long, Mizuno bucks and moans and makes all these lovely little noises that only spur him on all the more. She clings to him, her arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him close even as her legs bounce and jump on either side of him with each jarring thrust he makes into her cunt.

Kousaka is so lost in his pleasure that he doesn't even realize he's hitting up against the entrance to Mizuno's womb. Not until suddenly, he's inside of her. His enlarged, girthy cock abruptly breaks through the strawberry blonde's cervix, and both of them are shocked by that. Mizuno's eyes roll back in her head all over again as the sensation sends her through yet another explosive climax, while Kousaka marvels at just how small his crush must be that he can enter her womb directly with his big fat dick.

Of course, the young woman he's lusted after for so long truly isn't any smaller in vaginal capacity than his three previous conquests. He's just larger than he was before. If… no, when he fucks the others again, he'll figure that out. For now, though, Kousaka is oblivious to his gifts, his blessings. He's too busy losing himself in the pleasure of what's happening right here, right now.

Of course, now that her cervix is gripping his cock in its vice grip, it's not long before Kousaka is unable to keep holding back. In the end, he erupts inside of Mizuno as she experiences yet another massive orgasm. He groans as he paints her womb white with his seed, as he breeds her just like he did all the rest. He came inside each and every one of them, filling them with his virile seed.

Of course, Kousaka had no way of knowing just how virile he now was. It didn't even matter how fertile the girls he'd chosen were, because in the end, his seed had been blessed to overcome all obstacles. In the end… Kousaka had been gifted with the means to create a line of progeny that would stretch outwards for the next thousand years.

And Mizuno would bear those progeny, just as the others would. He wasn't sure how he knew it, but he could feel it deep in his bones all the same. Slowly pulling out of the exhausted girl, he watches her for a moment in silence, staring at her, knowing that she's his as surely as any of the others.

"Mizuno? I thought I heard your voice! Why aren't you in class? Have you seen… K-Kousaka…"

Blinking, Kousaka looks up as Nagi Ichinose rounds the corner. The Captain of the track club stops dead at the sight before her, Kousaka standing there with his messy cock out and still hard, Mizuno sat up on the ledge, half-passed out from the pleasure as she leans back against the fence behind her.

"I… I…"

"Nagi, come here."

Flushing with both arousal and embarrassment, Nagi does as she's told, Kousaka's commanding tone brooking no argument. When she gets within range, he grabs hold of her and in no time at all, has her bent over right there in the middle of the area. She yelps, and then moans when he tugs down her pants and her panties, and then stuffs his dick into her cunt from behind without a single ounce of ceremony.

As he starts to fuck her, he grabs Nagi by her wrists and pulls slightly so that she doesn't fall over flat on her face. Then, he steps forward. Nagi squeals, even as she's forced to step forward with him. He continues to do this, fucking her and walking at the same time, until Nagi is face to face with Mizuno's cum-stuffed pussy.

"Eat her out, Nagi. Lick my cum from Mizuno's leaking pussy lips."

Nagi whimpers but obeys nonetheless. And as she does so, Kousaka fucks her from behind with her track pants and her panties trapping her legs in place as he plows her senseless. It feels right to the young man, dominating Nagi, ordering her around. It feels more than right, in the end. It feels spectacular.

This is where he's meant to be, Kousaka realizes in that moment. Not physically, but mentally. He's meant to be above his girls, meant to be commanding them and making them his. What he told Kanako was right. He could never be just a one-woman guy. He wants them all. And more than that, he wants them all together.

He'll have to see about getting Chizuru around some time. Gathering Mizuno, Nagi, and Kanako together for an after school 'study session' would be a piece of cake. Having the big-tittied coed mail carrier along as well would take a bit more though. But he would manage it. He would manage it, because he could. Because all four of the virgins he'd taken and made his women were indeed HIS women now.

They would grow heavy with HIS children, they would bask in the glory of HIS presence for the rest of their lives. And as Kousaka began to plan for his future and the future of his mates, the deity that had taken such an interest in the young man, blessing him and gifting him such power looked on and smiled, quite pleased with what they had wrought.

All according to plan.


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