Caged In

Chapter 19: Spilt Milk

I brought my hands in front of me and shoved him off the bed as harshly as I could.

" What the hell ?” He whisper-yelled.

" That’s my line, Greg. Your choices were the floor or your own room, I never said you were allowed in my bed.” I hiss angrily.

" I . . . ” he looked hastily around the room,” I don’t remember getting in bed with you.”

" Okay, sure, and I’m actually Zeus.” I grumble.

" I mean, I slept well, so if that’s any consolation -”

I lob my pillow at his face,” It’s not. Now go to your own room, the pack should be coming back any minute.”

" You don’t have to be so prissy, it’s not like I deflowered you, stupid.” He mutters.

" Oh, you do enjoy torturing me. Now that image is seared in my mind.” I growl.

He smirks before standing up and heading to the door,” Then I’ll leave you with that.” He then promptly opened the door and closed it softly.

" What a bitch.” I hiss,” I seriously, hate him !” I yell as I throw my face into a pillow.

I hear a long howl and I almost scream back at the person who howled until I realize that it was my father signaling the rest of the pack to head back home.

I guess that’s over . . .

I roll off my bed and head over to the dresser full of clothes I left here when I went off on my own. I take off my clothes that I wore to bed from yesterday and I pull a sweater and jeans on.

I walk out into the hallway to hear people laughing and conversing loudly in the kitchen. By the time I get to the end of the hall and make the left into the hallway I’m out of breath, so I surprised myself by screaming in shock as I was blinded by the sight of three dozen half naked men, of which unfortunately, Greg was one of.

He was laughing and visibly enjoying the conversation he was having with one of the pack members. I began to step toward the fridge and people would go out of their way to avoid touching me or bumping into me, which is nice, but then they would turn to the nearest pack member and say something like,” What’s she doing here ?”

And that ticked me off to no end.

What am I doing here ? Well I used to live here, and my family owns the place that you live in, yet you have the audacity to ask why I’m here ?

" Lucy!”

I open the fridge and ignore Greg’s call.

" Lucy!”

I feel someone grab my shoulder from behind, but I don’t bother turning around because I know only one person would actually touch me and that’s,” Greg, take your hand off of me before people get the wrong idea.” I pull a milk jug out of the fridge and close it as I turn to face him. Greg quickly removes his hand and shoves it into his pocket.

" What do you mean by ‘the wrong idea’ ?” He asks.

" Follow me outside, they’re all staring at us.” I say as I briskly make my way through the crowd. When I get to the patio door, Greg opens it and gestures for me to walk through first before closing it behind us.

I open the milk jug and begin drinking straight from it as I walk over to a chair on the patio.

" That’s disgusting, you aren’t going to put it back are you ?” Greg remarks.

I swallow a mouthful of milk before facing Greg with a smirk,” Oh please, my father paid for everything these people consume, it’s my right to drink directly from the jug.” Greg glares at me and I sigh,” Besides, even if I didn’t drink directly from the jug, no one would drink from it after knowing I touched it.”

" Why ?” He asks.

" Because here, in my own house where the people transform into furry monsters and think it’s normal to walk around half naked like they’re too poor to buy a shirt, I’m the abnormal one and if anyone comes into contact with me, they’re abnormal for befriending an abnormal.”

Greg laughs,” I thought it was because they hated humans.”

" Nope.” I say,” I mean, they don’t hate me either, maybe they just don’t understand me and think whatever caused me to turn out the way I am will end up spreading to infect their kids and deprive them the opportunity to loose control of their body for one night every month.” I sigh,” What ever it is, I don’t really care, it gives me privacy I wouldn’t otherwise have being the Alpha’s daughter.” I pause,” Though, they are pricks about it sometimes.”

" So basically they think you’re contagious ?” Greg asks.

" I guess.” I murmur as I go to take another swig of milk.

Greg suddenly rips the milk from my hands and puts it to his lips as he drinks from the jug.

" Greg, that’s -”

He puts the jug down and swallows the milk in his mouth as he hands the jug back to me.

" If you’re contagious, then I’m infected too.” He states.

" Greg . . . ” I whisper.

" Yes ?” He asks with a smile.

" What the fuck do you expect me to do with this, dumb ass! There’s no way I’m drinking from this now, that’s like an indirect kiss!” I flip the bottle upside down and let the milk spill out.

" What? That’s such a waste!” He says.

" It’s not like you paid for it.” I hiss,” Seriously, that’s nasty.”

Greg silently stared at the stream of milk as it hit the patio.

" Uh . . ." I look to the side," Are you okay ? You usually have something to say to me after I insult you."

Greg suddenly turned his attention back to me," Remember when I said I had to tell you something last night, Lucy ?"

" Yeah. Why are you so serious all of a sudden ?"

" I went to check it out this morning to confirm it. There was something strange about the pack lands. It felt like the energy in the land was gone just for a moment." He took a breath," I'm worried that -"

" Lucy!” Suddenly I hear someone behind me yelling my name.

I turn to see my worst nightmare running towards me.

1102 words

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