Burning Phoenix - Saga 1

Arc 1 - Chapter 33: Just Let me Play a Bit Longer

(Luke and Gwen’s group)

In the darkness, there was a red light.

For every second, the red light would turn on and off, the culprit being a 14-year-old girl.

Many people under these circumstances wouldn’t fight toe to toe with a disturbance of sight. If someone were to take away the ability to see for half a second, many would lose their focus.

Except for Luna.

(Random Blood Eagle Member #6) We need backup! We need a backup—

A blood eagle was slashed by Luna, her eyes narrowing at the many squads of blood eagles that continued to fire their bullets at her. Luna narrowly dodged every single one of them, her legs swinging with adrenaline and anger.

Swishing her way to each squad near her, all they could do was try to defend themselves in the half-second darkness, but even then, her way with the two swords created a yo-yo motion as she sliced each chest she could find.

Upon her ballad, Luke was taking cover from behind with Loraine.

(Luke’s thoughts) I know she’s done this many times but how?! Hope isn’t here so how is she this confident?!

Her legs were in perfect sync with her body, her arms in complete control over the swords she carried in both arms. Her speed was unpaired with many of the blood eagles' aim and precision, leading them to miss every shot, despite her vulnerability when she slices their comrade's chests.

Dealing with one to two squads worth of blood eagle members, Luna continued to jump sideways, bouncing off the walls to reach her enemy. As she was on the verge of reaching another squad, they made sure that their guns were pointed at any possible sideways jump that Luna would do.

(Random Blood Eagles Member #7) Steady!

Two blood eagle groups were in the middle of the hallway, holding up a little firing squad. Seeing this, Luna stopped and decided to extend her arms so that the tips of the blades scratched the old wooden walls.

(Random Blood Eagles Member #7) And now!

The two blood eagle groups consisting of five in each group pulled their triggers in unison, hoping that Luna wouldn’t escape the incoming deathtrap that was soon to come.

Luna devilishly smirked at them, her eyes hanging low as she wielded her dual-wielding twin double-edged blades in her hands. As the bullets were about to hit the mad woman, Luna vanished.

(Random Blood Eagles Member #7) What? Where is she?

(Luna) Turn around.

Rapidly turning around, the blood eagle member looked to see Luna in the back of him. He was about to point his gun toward Luna but was slashed too.

With one down and nine to go, the rest of the blood eagles took a few steps towards the direction of the second floor, walking backward with their guns shaking violently in their hands. Seeing that fear was taking a toll upon them, Luna continued to slice each chest she could find.

(Random Blood Eagles Member #8) Just open fire—

A nylon rope snuggled up to two blood eagle members in the back row. As the two Blood Eagle members fell, they landed on their right shoulders on the wooden floor.

(Loraine) Gotcha ya!

(Random Blood Eagles Member #9) Just cut the rope!

Pulling out a knife, one of the members tried to free himself, using it to cut off the nylon rope. With little to no avail, the rope didn’t budge, as the knife was being dented rather than the rope. The blood eagle member looked up at Loraine, his eyes in shock.

(Random Blood Eagles Member #8) Did you use a blessing?!

(Loraine) Yessir! There’s no point in escaping! It’s meant for people to be trapped, no matter the person!

The other blood eagle tried to break free by tucking in his gut. While trying to wiggle his way out,the rope, it somehow tightened.

(Loraine) You should’ve never done that … otherwise you’ll slowly start to lose oxygen until you die!

(Luke) I got this Loraine.

Walking past Loraine, Luke pointed his right hand towards the two blood eagles in the bind. Having the Uzi in his right hand, he then shot out not bullets, but darts, white darts that had a needle to them.

Slowly, the two blood eagle members went deep into sleep, causing Loraine to unbind them.

As the nylon rope on her hand was being rapidly pulled back, it was absorbed into Loraine’s palm, the entire 10ft rope being condensed inside of Loraine like human storage.

(Loraine) Mmm … Rope is yummy!

(Luke) This is why you're a benchwarmer…

Luke looked up to see that Luna had dealt with the crowd of blood eagles all on her own, his eyes widened by how many unconscious bodies were lying around her. Seeing her face, blood was splattered on her cheeks and nose, following a steady stream of sweat pouring down her right and left temples.

Half of her swords were covered in blood. Once Luna made eye contact with Luke, she tilted her head as she folded her arms.

(Luna) What?

(Luke) Oh nothing. You just look tired, that's all.

(Luna) I’m not tired! You’re tired!

(Luke) But you dealt with almost all of them by yourself.

(Luna) W-Whatever! Let’s just back up Gwen…

As the three dark angels made their way to the opposite side of the hallway, they noticed a lot more bodies that were unconscious. As Luke looked down, he saw that they were already dealt with.

(Luke) Can’t believe Gwen took half of them down all by herself too…

(Luke’s thoughts) And in half the time.

As the three walked, they saw that despite the number of bodies, there was one person that they didn’t find.

(Luke) Hey, where’s Gwen?

Luna put her hand to her chin, looking down as she walked with them.

(Luna) Probably looking for that piece of shit Maverick.

(Luke) I don’t know why Gwen hesitates on getting him…

(Luna) I swear, the next punch will be his nuts!

(Luke) I just wish we’d be the ones to take care of him, you know. He’s escaped Gwen numerous times, he’s not just going to pop open—

The door a few feet in front of them swung open.

As the man barely clutched the right side of his stomach tightly with his left hand, he barely had the strength to keep his legs steady. His other hand clutched the door handle as he gasped for breath.

Looking to his right, he saw the numerous henchmen unconscious.

But then he looked to his right, his face looking down at Luke, Loraine, and most of all, Luna. As he clutched the right side of his stomach, Maverick licked his lips and toned down his breathing, a sight unusual for a person who is agonizing in pain.

(Maverick) I would’ve liked to kiss you beautiful, but I must get some rest~

Barely had the door handle onto his right hand, Luna didn’t hesitate on lunging forward to tackle him. Extending her arms so that she could pin him, Maverick fell as the door to the room he wanted to enter opened. Leaving the door wide open, Luna successfully had enough room to put her body weight on Maverick, her hands on his neck as her fingertips drove themselves to his airways.

But then.

(Blood Eagles Member #3) Get off of our boss.

(Blood Eagles Member #4) Or else.

Two Blood Eagle members, a man and a woman, pointed their guns towards Luna. Seeing that the two masked blood eagles had their fingers on their triggers, Luna pulled her hands off of Maverick’s throat, yet still had her weight on him.

Maverick didn’t want this position to end, so he smiled creepily and started to laugh in tired breaths.

(Luna) What’s that smell?

(Maverick) sniff sniff … oh … So you guys chose lust over loyalty… I should’ve known … Well you guys are the town pump and town bike after all.

As the stench of love and god knows what filled the room, Luna and Maverick couldn’t concentrate as the stench was just … pungent …

(Maverick) sighs … the least you guys can do is help me take care of Luna. I don’t think you guys can fight her 2 vs 1 so at the very least, I don’t know … shoot her legs?

The two blood eagles nodded with each other, placing their fingers on the trigger as their cold stances didn’t cause Luna to falter.

(Luna) You think you can shoot me here?

They shot their handguns straight at Luna, but Luna vanished instantly.

Now free, Maverick readily got up, taking a couple of steps back towards his two soldiers as he pulled out his personalized handgun. He began to laugh, his breaths raspy and low.

(Maverick) pants … oh I love this two-year game of tag! What’s your next move?! You’re going to appear out of the hallway?! Come out from the roof?! Come through the floor?!

Maverick then looked towards the window as he spread his arms wide. His eyes narrowed when he saw a little light coming from out of the window. With his two blood eagle soldiers standing back towards the closet, they pointed their guns towards the window.

Maverick noticed the tension with his soldiers, so he gestured for them to put their guns down.

(Maverick) Oh … Daring are we?

In that single instant, the light came crashing onto the little window, causing many sharp glass pieces to spread across the floor and room. The glowing ball of light came into the form of a tall woman with freckles, and her body began to form on the ground as she bent down on one knee.

Slowly standing up, Gwen’s light started to fade out, her stature resorting to a human figure rather than to that of a person made out of light. As the two blood eagles pointed their handguns toward Gwen, Maverick signaled with his right hand to stand down.

(Gwen) Maverick…

(Maverick) Been a while huh Gwen?

The two tall figures with freckles and dark brown hair looked at each other. Gwen’s eyes sharpened as Maverick lifted his head.

She then walked slowly towards Maverick, using her right hand to rub the back of her head. Luke noticed Gwen giving an unusual smile as she put her left hand onto her hip.

(Gwen) Maverick, Maverick, Maverick, why do you always have to take things to another level? Can’t you just turn yourself in?

(Maverick) You know I can’t do that Gwen, I’m a cursed man.

(Gwen) You’re not cursed.

(Maverick) No … we’re both cursed.

Gwen stopped right in front of Maverick, his towering height looking down at her as he continued to clench his fists tightly. Not only were his fists crushing his knuckles, but his face started to warp into a devilish smile as he put his left hand onto his mouth.

(Maverick) You see Gwen … cackles … I’m not like you in terms of will … cackles … oh man, sometimes I just want to—

Maverick then saw a fake plant that was near him, and at the drop of a hat, Maverick used his right hand to grab it intensely and …

Gwen grabbed a hold of Maverick's arm, her ability to stop Maverick from lashing out caused the two Blood Eagle members to take a couple of steps back.

(Gwen) Please Maverick … playtime is over …

Gwen looked downward onto the floor.

Maverick saw her face with a pushed-down frown, her eyes not bothering to look at him. Taking a couple of steps back, his back was facing the doorway as water started to gently form in his eyes.

(Maverick) Just let me play a bit longer…

The light to the third-floor hallway was brought back, eliminating the need for the half-second red alarm.

Maverick sprinted outside the hallway, his stomach already recovering as he managed to run more efficiently as he didn’t have to crawl or limp. With Maverick escaping, Gwen tried to run towards Maverick, but a gunshot was heard.

Falling onto the wooden floorboard, Gwen placed her right hand on the right side of her stomach. Feeling something warm and sticky, she brought her hand up towards her face, and as she examined it.

(Gwen’s thoughts) Oh no…

The wooden floorboard was beginning to soak under the light blood that was gently streaming out of Gwen. Looking back to see who shot her, she saw two Blood Eagle members pointing their guns at Gwen, with the short and feminine Blood Eagle member having smoke coming out from her gun.

Gwen’s eyes started to clench tightly, as she gripped her right side much more violently. As her body clenched every muscle to its breaking point, Gwen started breathing rapidly, her eyes opening and closing rapidly.

(Blood Eagle Member #3) Finish her.

Aiming at the back of Gwen’s head, the blood eagle was about to pull the trigger, until—

The feminine blood eagle member dropped her gun.

Or rather the blood eagle member dropped her gun that also had her hand.

Turning her entire attention to her left hand, she noticed that her hand was entirely cut off clean. Seeing the horror of her used-to-be hand spewing out a river of blood, with her bone sticking out like a sore thumb, the blood eagle member leaned against a wall as she shrieked with agonizing pain.

Luke turned his head to see Luna emerging from the shadows, clenching her swords.

(Blood Eagle Member #3) MEREDITH!!

Pointing his handgun and putting his finger on the trigger immediately, he began rapid firing at Luna, his gun shaking violently as he unloaded his cartridge at the swordswoman.

Vanishing again, she managed to get near Gwen who was clutching her stomach with her right hand. Bringing her hand closer to Gwen’s back, Luna then started to drag her by her nape, being a little rough as she made her escape.

(Blood Eagle Member #3) You’re dead!

Reloading his other cartridge, the Blood Eagle member rapidly fired another round of bullets, trying to hit Luna as she escaped. Just as those bullets were about to target her, a young man managed to push her out of the way.

Tackling her down along with Gwen, Luke narrowly dodged the incoming bullets.

(Luke) Luna! Run to the others.

Standing up, Luke had his eyes on the enraged masked blood eagle. Aiming his Uzi ready, Luke prepared to fire, but the blood eagle member was faster.

Seeing the rain of bullets barreling towards him, Luke closed his eyes, his breath slow and steady as he left his arms motionless and his legs still.

Upon instinct, Luke dodged the incoming bullets by jumping to his right, using his left leg to thrust himself from harm’s way. As he slowly opened his eyes, he continued to charge headfirst into the enraged blood eagle member.

(Blood Eagles Member #3) You can’t dodge this!

The member continued to shoot at Luke, but with his little power, Luke continued to dodge the point-blank bullets with ease. Seeing that Luke was untouchable, the member threw away his gun and decided to charge him back. Reaching up to him, Luke then pointed his Uzi at him to get a clear shot.

Shooting the dart, Luke hit the blood eagle straight in the heart, causing the man to stumble down hard, as he laid onto the wooden floorboards motionless. Seeing the member fast asleep, Luke slumped to the wall, his legs giving in on him.

Swiping his side bang away from his right eye, he looked at the others who barely managed to get to the third floor.

(Miles) Is the fight over?

(Luke) Yeah…

(Miles) Oh shit! Hope, treat Gwen’s bullet wound!

(Hope) On it!

As Hope sprinted towards Gwen, she noticed the amount of slashed and unconscious bodies that lay all around the hallway. Seeing that the slashes came from none other than Luna, Hope’s fists began to shake gently, her face looking downward as she finally came towards Gwen.

Placing both her hands on Gwen’s stomach region, Hope closed her eyes, her elegant seating causing Luke and the other boys to gaze in awe.

A beautiful yellow light emerged from Hope’s hands, causing Gwen’s eyes to relax. Hope let Gwen rest on the wooden floorboard, as she put a hand onto her back.

(Hope) Try to relax a bit for now. You can’t move much when you’re barely healed—

Instantly, getting up, Gwen checked her stomach that the injury was gone. Dumbfounded, Hope stood up rapidly as she looked up towards Gwen, pouting.

(Gwen) Thank you, Hope, but I’m taking it from here.

Putting herself in the middle of the hallway, Gwen then did the dark angel's salute, by thumping the left side of her chest with a curled-up fist and sliding it to the right side of her chest. The dark angels’ ears perked up.

(Gwen) The Blood Eagles raid is now over. Even though Maverick escaped yet again, we’ll get him next time…

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