Burning Phoenix - Saga 1

Arc 1 - Chapter 11: I Want to Be A Soldier

(Kalemonath 22, 56 / 7:56AM)

There was a voice…

(???) Wake up…

As if laying in cotton candy, the way he laid on his bare back was enough to never want to get up. The presence and comfort he longed for was finally showing, so why would he want to—

(???) Wake up sleepy head …

(Luke’s thoughts) Who …?

The voice sounded like a woman, an adult woman, but there was something oddly different with the way the woman was speaking.

(???) Aww … he isn’t waking up.

(???) Leave him alone Gwen.

(???) Hmmm … I wonder if this works …

(???) Please don’t do that—

Luke instantly woke up, his head colliding with another.

(Gwen) Ow!

(Luke) What the—

Luke’s eyes were met with a woman sitting on the floor, rubbing her forehead. Upon seeing her, she appeared to be a tall, slim woman with light skin wearing a black leather jacket and black pants, followed by black boots and a white T-shirt.

Soon after, Luke then started to feel an annoying pain rushing from his chest.

(Luke) What did you do to my nipples?!

(Gwen) Relax, I just gave you a purple nurple … but you didn’t have to headbutt me that hard though …

(Luke) A purple nurple?

(Gwen) Yeah, have you not heard of a purple nurple? It’s where you put your thumb and pointer finger on a person’s nipple and then you—

(Luke) Okay! Okay! You’ve made your point!

(Gwen) Hey, it woke you up …

Luke began to pout, with his cheeks puffing red.

(Luke) … why are you here? Who are you?

Gwen got into a crouching position and started patting Luke’s head.

(Gwen) I’m Gwen! I rescued you, but you probably don’t remember that huh? I’m surprised you slept for 36 hours straight. I thought you were in a coma or something.

As Luke glanced around the room, he caught a glimpse of a bulky, blue-skinned figure in between the room and the outside hall. He also happened to be wearing the same outfit as Gwen with the exception of his chest being bare.

(Gwen) looking in Luke’s direction Oh, that’s Benn. Don’t worry, once you get to know him, he’ll be your friend for life.

(Benn) Maybe.

(Gwen) Always small sentences, huh Benn?

(Benn) I guess.

Gwen then jabbed her finger at Luke’s chest, narrowing her dark brown eyes.

(Gwen) But if you mess with him, you’re dead meat. Got that?

Luke gulped as he nodded. As he glanced at the shark-human, he noticed that he was relatively short-statured. Benn had short hair with human eyes and ears. In terms of shark genetics though, he had a shark nose and teeth.

(Benn) I’m going to eat.

Benn then left the room, his stomach growling.

As if in response, Luke’s stomach began growling loudly as well. He held his stomach hard, gritting his teeth. Gwen noticed this and stood up to put her hand on Luke’s back.

(Gwen) You’re hungry, huh?

(Luke) I haven’t eaten anything in several days…

(Gwen) Ah, that’s right! I’ll go get you something!

Gwen then ran towards the dining hall, her black hair swinging in her ponytail. As Luke was alone again, he looked around the room.

(Luke) So this is Kepputha…

The room that Luke was staying in felt like nothing from his own room a month prior. The closet was a normal dresser and the TV looked more brown than black. Not only that, but Luke saw more buttons on the TV and no remote.

Several minutes went by, and sure enough, Gwen brought Luke breakfast. Freshly cooked eggs, potatoes, and bacon were served, followed by plain white rice. The smell caused Luke’s stomach to gurgle even more, causing him to lick his lips.

(Gwen) Here’s your plate.

Gwen gave Luke’s food with a bright smile, and in return, Luke started inhaling the heavy breakfast that was in front of him. He gulped, which caused Gwen to back away in surprise.

(Gwen) Wow, man. Guess surviving god knows how days in the wilderness does something to a kid.

Luke gave a single nod. Once he was finished with his food, he then put the tray to the side of the bed and bowed while sitting, an old Clastine custom that Luke was taught.

(Luke) Thank you for giving me breakfast and saving my life! I will forever be in your debt!

(Gwen) You don’t have to thank me, I was just doing my job…

Luke noticed that Gewn had a badge on the right side of her jacket, near her breast pocket. As Luke looked closely, the badge was titled, “Commander Keegan.”

(Luke’s thoughts) Is she a soldier? From what group or squad?

Gwen noticed that Luke was staring at the right side of her jacket, where her breast pocket—

(Gwen) Huh, didn’t know you were a little pervert … chuckles …

Luke’s face turned bright red, his face instantly forming sweat as the misunderstanding of the situation led him to be labeled as such.

(Luke) I-I’m not a perv! I was just looking at your badge!

Luke looked away, avoiding eye contact as he started to keep his hands close to his body. Gwen’s eyes shut as she held her stomach laughing.

(Gwen) Haha … I was just kidding with you, looking ain’t a crime. But about this badge …

Gwen gave Luke a better chance to see it up close. Upon seeing the badge, it started to spark something within Luke. For Gwen, she looked at the badge, the yellowish metal reflecting its tiny light into Gwen’s eyes.

(Gwen) I was entrusted to be the leader of a future crew, an elite crew that my overseer is heavily funding. He sees me as the one to take command of them …

Gwen let out a little chuckle, her hand gently wiping the badge with her right thumb.

(Gwen) Heck. I’m not smart nor strategic, yet I’ll be the one to blame if anything goes wrong. I guess it’s just my luck huh …

Putting the badge back on, Gwen looked at Luke, her face holding back a tear from her eye.

(Gwen) … Don’t worry kid, I’m not going to recruit you. I know a place where Tician kids who survived the invasion can take shelter, many places in Lagefor are refugee camps for Ticians.

Gwen then extended her hand to Luke.

Luke paused for a moment. If he took Gwen’s hand, he wouldn't need not to worry about death and chaos, as well as the harsh training that may come out of it. He then noticed that Gwen’s hand was etched with blisters and calluses.

He also saw thin white cuts on the border of her hand and arm that were somewhat hidden inside of her jacket…

(Luke’s thoughts) How did … My mother lifted all that debris …

During the hellish escape from the city, Luke’s last image of his mom was her showcasing her true strength. Considering the possibility that Luke had some inner strength within him, Luke wanted to make sure that scenario never happened again.

(Luke’s thoughts) I think … I have to get stronger …

Luke then looked down at his own hands, hands that were covered in bruises and cuts from that horrible day.

(Luke’s thoughts) Do I really want to just sit in a shelter aimlessly? Not for my sake, but for…

Luke then remembered what his mother told him as she said her final goodbye, causing Luke to look up, facing forward.

A hint of water managed to form inside Luke’s eyes, but not so much as that it started to stroll, but enough for Gwen to notice.

(Gwen) Uh, do you need a tissue?

She tried to reassure Luke by putting her blistered hand on Luke’s shoulder, but Luke stopped Gwen, softly swiping away and holding the part of the arm where she had the cuts.

(Gwen) Hey, w-what's the issue?

Luke looked at Gwen, gripping her arm a little more tightly.

(Luke) I want …

The room was then blanketed by sunlight, the warm drizzling rays lighting the dimly lit room…

And then Luke stare at Gwen’s face, his eyes of that of not a normal boy, but—

(Luke) I want to be a soldier.

The sun's rays shone on both Gwen’s and Luke’s eyes.

Gwen took a step back, retreating her arm in place.

(Gwen) Why …?

Her eyes looked downward with utmost guilt.

(Gwen) I offered you a choice to live a carefree life. You went through hell yet you want to join in the fray again…

Her hands started to form fists from below, yet her eyes started to form droplets.

(Gwen) Why? Why do you want to put your life on the line? You’re just a kid…

(Luke) I want to survive, but in order to survive …

He then stood up on the bed, his stance overlooking Gwen as his face contorted with his fierce red eyes.

(Luke) I want to get stronger, I want to train, I want to squeal, I want to be your soldier… so, please …

Luke then grabbed both of Gwen’s hands, staring at Gwen’s face with intensity.

(Luke) I’ll be your very best soldier! Let me be a part of your crew!

Her eyes in his eyes, she felt like she couldn’t do anything to talk him out of his decision. She didn’t want any harm bestowed upon the boy, so she held both Luke’s hands with her own.

(Gwen) Can you promise me something?

Her hands were still shaking. The blisters combined with the sweat made it so that Luke had a hard time finding comfort and stability in them.

(Gwen) Don’t ever give up…

(Luke) I won’t give up—

(Gwen) Promise me you won’t! If you promise that, I’ll let you be a part of the program.

Forcing him to make that promise, Luke’s face lit up as there was a chance to get to be a part of an elite force.

His way of staying alive…

(Luke) I promise! I won’t let you down!

(Gwen) It’s settled then, oh and by the way …

Gwen then pinched her nose, took a bottle of perfume and pointed at Luke.

(Gwen) You stink!

Gwen then sprayed 90% of the bottle of perfume on Luke…


(Prominis 18, 56 / 6:00PM)

(???) Attention all future angels!

Humans are both shepherds and sheep. The shepherds are the ones that give orders and the sheep are the ones that follow those orders to the letter.

(???) Welcome to hell!

Inside a big barrage, a man dressed in a fancy tuxedo and hat spoke into the microphone.

His stature was short, and he was perceived to be overweight and in his late 40s. He had a mole on the right side of the cheek, followed by circle glasses. He had normal features, with the only thing that distinguished him was the bowl-cut hair that he had. His hair color was more turquoise than brown, despite being on the older spectrum.

(???) You thought you’d seen everything, but you’re all just getting started! This isn’t the Marines, the Army, the Navy… this isn’t even the FOC agency! This is the elite mercenary program directed and funded by me! Boris Velenksey!

The chubby man named Boris presented himself and continued to talk with the 14 kids and teens that were in the building with him.

(Boris) … This training regiment will last for four years. In those four years, you’ll be made into incredible yet fascinating soldiers who’ll turn the tide of this whole mess.

Of the 14 kids and teens present, Luke was one of them.

(Luke’s thoughts) I think I haven’t met any of the other members of the group.

Or rather, no one has met each other yet…

(Boris) After the destruction of Ticia, the countries of Kepputha, Lagefor, and Haxouburg are under heavy military alert, with Kepputha and Haxouburg defending their borders from the threat of incoming zompires.

Boris’s voice started to dim down, his face now looking more calmer and sentimental.

(Boris) And because of the destruction of Ticia, the world’s economy is on the brink of collapse … our country of Kepputha is in its worst depression in recent decades. Over 30% of the workforce of Kepputha are unemployed, Lagefor taking the brunt of it.

As Boris recalls the state of the entire world having to deal with the consequences of the invasion of Ticia, Boris takes off his hat, his eyes remembering things before the attack.

(Boris) This country was peaceful, it wasn’t perfect but it was peaceful. And in just two months, this entire country has been turned into a literal zoo. Robberies, scams, petty crime, organized crime … is a common thing in the present… That’s why …

And in just the snap of the switch, Boris then looked at the 14 kids and teens in the dark, his eyes showcasing his hope for a better future for the country he lived in for all his life.

(Boris) I chose the 14 of you to do God’s work! Traumatized! Battered! Broken! Use it for your advance!

The darkening yet booming sounds shocked the building as Boris was climaxing his speech. His tone, his stance, his heart, it was in perfect unison.

(Boris) In the depths of despair, you hid! In the periphery of chaos, you scattered! In the memories of the burial, you saw hell did you not? You’ll be courageous! The magnificent! The hero! You’ll be—

Boris then dropped his mic. Just as the mic dropped to the floor, a loud boom overshadowed the ever-cleanse of the entire building, shaking the stone walls and souls of—


The shepherd is the one that leads the sheep to do what it’s told…

Just as Boris finished his speech, he slowly limped off the wooden stage. His body shook as he exerted himself too much in his speech.

As Boris went into the other room, everyone was in thought as to what may come for them, especially Luke, who looked down at his hands that had a couple of scars from a couple of months ago.

(Luke’s thoughts) Would I go this far if the road will be hell—

Luke and the other kids immediately were hit with the intense lights, with most of them hissing like vampires as their pupils dilated with great force. The intense light, so bright, that it may be brighter than the monster…

(Luke’s thoughts) … this is nothing like the light from that monster!

Forcing his eyes open, he quickly saw the 13 other kids and teens who were trying to force their eyes to work. But there were three kids that Luke recognized in the building…

In a flash, he ran to the boys who had their palms on their faces, blocking the light.

(Luke) You guys!

Luke then ran up to a kid his age, a boy whose the same age as him with silver hair—

(Luke) Fred! It’s me!

Fred let go of his hands and saw Luke …

(Fred) Luke!

Both boys hugged each other, their arms wrapping each other warmly as the two managed to see each other again.

Two other boys came to see Luke and one of the boys joined in on the hug, his face saddened with utmost regret and guilt.

(Stan) I-I’m so sorry …

A tear started to drip from his eye.

(Stan) I don’t want to be forgiven …

(Luke) It’s ok … I think all three of you have been through a lot too …

Gary put his hand forward, his face neutral but calm.

(Gary) I’m … sorry for what I did … I think I was … a little too rash and jumped to conclusions during that time at the club …

Luke calmly took Gary’s hand and did a little handshake, both boy's hands tightening with a firm grip.

(Luke) No worries …

As the four boys were finally reunited, all four of them checked out the 10 other candidates.

(Stan) So these are our future buddies huh … We’re in for a long four years…

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