Bully Lord




A twisted smile played on Lemon's lips. "Didn't know you were such a good punching bag, nerd," he sneered. Before James could react further, Lemon's gang surged forward like a pack of ravenous wolves. One of the bullies, a wiry boy with a mean streak a mile wide, launched himself at James' right side, landing a stinging blow square on his shoulder. The impact sent a jolt of pain shooting through James' arm, momentarily paralyzing it.


As James flinched from the blow, another bully, a hulking brute with fists the size of hams, lunged from his left. His fist connected with James' jaw with a sickening crack. The world seemed to tilt on its axis as a wave of dizziness washed over James. He stumbled back, his vision blurring at the edges.


Disoriented and reeling from the double assault, James flailed his arms in a futile attempt to ward off the blows raining down on him. A flurry of fists and kicks connected with his body - a jab to the ribs, a kick to the shin, another punch to his cheek. Each blow chipped away at James' resistance, the pain a relentless assault on his senses. He felt like a ragdoll being tossed around by a group of sadistic children.


Just as Lemon raised his leg for another vicious kick, a sharp voice cut through the rain-soaked night air. "Freeze! Police!" A figure emerged from the shadows, his silhouette etched against the dim glow of the streetlamp. Relief washed over James in a tidal wave as he recognized the stern face - it was Officer Khan, his father.


Years of pent-up fear and frustration boiled over within James. He had always dreaded the possibility of his father intervening at school, fearing it would only make him a bigger target. But as the situation escalated, the blind terror had morphed into a desperate need for help. Just before intervening the robbing, he'd stolen a moment in the alleyway, his heart hammering against his ribs as he dialed his father's number. With trembling fingers, he'd explained the situation in hushed tones, the words tumbling out in a rush. Thankfully, his father, on patrol nearby, had been able to dispatch a nearby unit to intervene.


The sight of the police officer, his figure radiating authority even in the dim light, instantly deflated Lemon's bravado. The other bullies exchanged nervous glances, their bravado melting away faster than ice under a summer sun. Officer Khan strode towards them, his voice booming with authority. "What's going on here? Explain yourselves!"


Lemon stammered, his earlier arrogance replaced by a pathetic whimper. Emdad, emboldened by the arrival of the police, piped up, accusing them of them of trying to steal his phone. James, still catching his breath, managed to corroborate Emdad's story through gritted teeth.


The police swiftly apprehended the bullies, confiscating Emdad's phone as evidence. James, shaken but determined, insisted on pressing charges. As the officers carted the bullies away, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and resentment, Officer Khan knelt beside James, his usual stern expression replaced with a hint of pride. "Good on you for standing up for yourself and your friend, James," he said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "That was brave."


James managed a weak smile, the pain in his stomach a dull throb. He had never felt so vulnerable, yet strangely empowered. Today, the nerd had fought back. And while the battle may have left him bruised, it had also shown him a strength he never knew he possessed.

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