Bully Lord




The effect was immediate and shocking. Ryan's eyes widened in surprise, his smug grin replaced by a look of pure terror.  A thunderous crack echoed through the hallway, seemingly emanating from the point of contact between James' hand and Ryan's face.  Ryan's body convulsed, a jolt of unseen energy coursing through him. He stumbled back, clutching his face, his bravado replaced by a whimper of pain.


The world seemed to stand still for a moment.  The students gaped in stunned silence, the weight of the unnatural phenomenon hanging heavy in the air. James, his hand throbbing with a strange tingling sensation, stared at Ryan, a mixture of disbelief.


A wave of conflicting emotions washed over James. Relief flooded him – he'd completed one part of the mission, the ever-present threat of being struck by thunder receding for the moment.  But it was quickly overshadowed by a surge of concern as he witnessed the aftermath of his actions.


Ryan, crumpled against the lockers, whimpered, his face contorted in a mask of pain and confusion. There were no visible marks on his cheek, but the way his body convulsed with each whimper spoke volumes about the power coursing through him. 


A new line flickered on the blue screen hovering in James' vision: [Mission 3: Slap Ryan with Thunderclap Slap Skill (1/2). Reward: +2 CHA].  The single completed "slap" mocked him, a constant reminder that the ordeal wasn't over. 


Hesitation gnawed at him.  Seeing Ryan in such a vulnerable state, a sliver of doubt crept in.  Was another slap truly necessary? James wasn't use to fighting in real life, so he was still somewhat hesitating about whole thing happening. 


But the chilling message about the penalty echoed in his mind, and the invisible hand of the Bully System seemed to tighten its grip.


With a heavy sigh, James steeled himself.  He couldn't risk the consequences of disobedience.  Squaring his shoulders, he approached the whimpering Ryan, a strange mix of guilt and determination warring within him.


Ignoring the shocked gasps from the crowd, James raised his hand once more.  This time, fueled by a pragmatic desire to complete the mission rather than any animosity towards Ryan, he delivered a swift, open-handed strike to the other side of Ryan's face.  It wasn't a powerful blow, more akin to a boxing jab than a forceful slap.


The effect, however, was just as dramatic.  Ryan let out a startled yelp, his body convulsing as if struck by an unseen force.  There were no visible marks, but the bewildered look on his face spoke volumes. This wasn't a punch, it wasn't pain in the traditional sense. It was something strange, unnerving, and unlike anything he'd ever experienced.


A wave of dizziness washed over James as he lowered his hand. The air crackled with a strange energy, a final echo of the bizarre power he'd unleashed. The hallway remained silent, the students frozen in stunned disbelief. Ryan, still whimpering, clutched his cheeks, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and confusion.


Suddenly, a familiar blue screen materialized before James.  A triumphant fanfare blared – a stark contrast to the tense silence that hung heavy in the air.


**Congratulations! Mission Complete.**


**Reward: +2 CHA**


**Current CHA: 12**

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