Broke but Broken: Overpowered in a Fantasy School

Chapter 21: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?

Chapter 21: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?

A little of a more relaxing chapter for you guys :P

Dr Connor continued. “I will also be in charge of your training camp in two weeks’ time. Ms Reina will be briefing you all in a few days. For now, let us watch a video on the main Ability types and determine which category you fall under…”

The video began with a dynamic introduction, showcasing various Ability types in action. Each segment illustrated different Abilities, from elemental manipulation to telepathy, and how they influenced the world around them.

As the lesson progressed, he lectured us about type affinities and what some of the more popular types were. It was a far more entertaining lesson than the usual Maths and Science classes.

I was surprised by how fast time flew by. Needless to say, this was now my favourite module by a mile. Though, I couldn’t help but notice they didn’t mention anything related to 6-Stars. As Dr Connor neared the end of his lesson, he opened the floor to questions.

I wanted to ask him if 6-Stars existed, but I was afraid that my classmates would judge me for popping such an unexpected question.

I turned to Scarlette, hoping she would cover for me. “Psst, can you ask Dr Connor if 6-Stars exist?”

Scarlette looked a little confused, but it quickly turned to amusement. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

“Come on, you know how I roll. It’s weird if I’m the one asking it. You’re probably the least surprising person to bring up that question.”

She rolled her eyes and sighed. “That’s true. Frankly, I’m curious as well. Only because I believe you can qualify as a 6-Star.” She raised her hand.

“Yes? The young lady at the back?” Prof. Connor gestured.

“Good afternoon Sir, I’m Scarlette Falcon. I was wondering if 6-Stars exist?”

I noticed Kazen stirring in his seat as I glanced at the Professor, eager to hear his answer.

Unexpectedly, Dr Connor fell silent. He shifted his gaze to the ceiling, as if deliberating on what to say. Finally, he spoke. “Sorry Scarlette, I’m afraid I’m not quite qualified to answer that. The truth is, we teachers don’t know if they exist either.”

That was a bit anti-climactic. Admittedly, I was disappointed.

Scarlette frowned. “I guess they wanna keep it a secret.”

I shrugged. “Well, thanks for helping me ask anyway, young lady.”

I turned back to face the front as Scarlette glared daggers at me.

“If no one else has any questions, that’ll be it for today,” Dr Connor announced. With that, we packed up our bags and headed out of class.

After a quick, early dinner, my friends and I headed back to the dormitory, engaging in light-hearted banter along the way.

As Mira was listening to Jonah and Scarlette argue over who was more athletic, Kaede suddenly sidled up to me as we walked. She spoke in a hushed tone, “I’ll have a quick wash-up first before I head over, okay?”

I nodded. “No rush, we have plenty of time.”


Ding Dong! My doorbell chimed. She was here. I gently opened the door.

“Hi, thanks for having me,” Kaede mumbled, a touch of awkwardness in her voice.

“Welcome,” I replied, guiding her inside. “Make yourself at home.”

She was dressed in a simple loose-fitting shirt and relaxed-fit shorts, with her school bag strapped on one shoulder.

As she kicked off her slippers, I noticed she was carrying a small plant.

“Here, it’s for you. A small thank you for training me. And for protecting me the other day. Remember how we said a table plant would do well for your room’s dreariness? Well, here you go.” She shyly passed it over to me.

“Wow, uh, thanks.” I wasn’t sure how to react. It was the first time in a long while that someone had ever given me a gift. I smiled at her to show my appreciation, hoping it didn’t seem too forced.

This would be the second time she visited my room, with the first being the night of the showdown with the Horizon High students. I welcomed the peaceful contrast this time around.

I placed the plant on my study table. The table was a little too small for both of us to use, and I didn’t feel like inviting my guest to study on the floor, so I suggested the next best option.

“Would you like to study on my bed? It’s a lot more comfortable than the floor. There’s plenty of space for both of us,” I offered.

The length of my bed was positioned adjacent to the wall. I took my study materials and sat in one corner, gesturing for her to sit on the other side.

“Err you sure? Okay…” Kaede seemed a little hesitant, but she climbed onto the other side of the bed and sat cross-legged. She then took out her laptop from her bag and rested it on her lap. “So I’m having a bit of trouble with some questions for our physics assignment. Physics is your strong suit, right? Could you guide me through it?”

As I leaned in closer to take a better look at what she was pointing at, I caught a whiff of her shampoo. While it was a pleasant smell, I tried not to let it distract me. “Oh, this is easy. You know Newton’s First Law—an object stays at rest or in uniform motion unless acted on by a net force. And since F = ma, a net force will cause acceleration…”

I started rambling, getting caught up in my love for Physics. My Ability was closely related to the topic, so I made sure to pay extra attention to it. After a long explanation, I noticed Kaede staring blankly at me.

“I, uh, didn’t catch that. You’re wayyy too fast,” she chided.

I sighed. “Sorry, I got carried away there. Let me repeat it for you…” As we continued the study session, I observed her diligently picking up my advice, her understanding clearly improving with each explanation.  

After an hour or two, she started to feel a bit restless.

“Ugh… I feel like my brain’s overloaded,” Kaede groaned. She placed her laptop beside her and stretched out her legs.

I stood up. “Would you like some coke?”

“I’d love some,” she beamed.

As I walked to my fridge, I glanced back and saw Kaede casually reclining in my bed, her posture relaxed as she continued to stretch. I couldn’t help but notice how it accentuated her figure. She was lean with well-proportioned features, at a height that was neither too tall nor too short. If she were a bit more social, I could almost guarantee that someone would ask her out sooner or later.

I playfully mused over the hypothetical thought of her being my girlfriend, as frequently teased by Scarlette, but I stopped myself. It was more complicated than that. Because, once I could get myself promoted to District 1, I would have to leave all my friends behind. I could not let myself develop any feelings, be it platonic or romantic, for them.

“Here you go,” I said as I handed her a bottle of coke.

She took a sip and let out a contented sigh. “Thanks. You know, this study session has been surprisingly fun. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy physics this much.”

“Maybe it’s the company you have.”

Kaede grimaced, but a playful smile tugged at her lips. “Smooth talker, aren’t you?”

I shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant. “Just trying to keep things interesting.”

After a quick break, we resumed our revision. And before we knew it, it was close to 10 PM.

Kaede yawned. “I think that’s enough for today.”

“It was a rather fruitful session,” I commented, getting up as she packed her study materials.

“You made things seem so easy! Who knew you were such a good teacher in not just combat, but academics as well?” She got up from the bed and promptly banged her toe against my study table.

“Ow…!” she moaned, cradling her foot. As she hopped about, I couldn’t resist the urge to smirk.

“Now that’s a perfect example of an unbalanced force in action! Seems like the study table’s resistance was greater than your momentum!” I commentated, feeling awfully cheeky.

Kaede shot me a playful glare. “Very funny. I didn’t expect the study session to come with physical demonstrations.”

I supported her by the arm. “You okay?”

Her smile returned. “It’s a little painful, but I’ll live. Thanks again for teaching me.”

As she hobbled out the door, I felt a great sense of satisfaction. Could it be called that? Whatever that feeling was, it was greatly fulfilling. I almost found myself wanting to initiate another session, but I wanted to rest up. I still had another training session with Scarlette tomorrow.

My thoughts drifted to Jonah. He had said that he would come up with a new trick by next week. However, unlike the girls, he hadn’t asked for my assistance. He did strike me as an independent guy. Or maybe he wanted to surprise us all at the same time. Still, it would be more efficient for him to get me to tutor him. Maybe it was a case of a man’s pride.

I gazed at the new plant which set on my desk, feeling a little overwhelmed. Things were advancing very quickly in the school, yet I still felt like it wasn’t advancing quickly enough. Was I that desperate to leave District 4?

What’s wrong with you? Of course you want to leave District 4. You belong in District 1, remember?

Voices echoed in my head. I realised I was starting to overthink, so I decided to boot up my computer and play some chess to get my mind off things.

Administration Notes:

School: Horizon High

Name: Eiko Mihara

Gender: Female

Year: First-year

Rank: 1-Star

Division: Combat

Ability: When she activates her Ability and makes eye contact with someone, she will be able to track their location for up to 24 hours. This Ability can only work on one person at a time. The range of her Ability seems to be about 20 kilometers, or about 12.4 miles.  

Any DDLC enjoyers catch the reference?

Hope you guys enjoyed this slice-of-life episode! As always, I had a lot of fun writing the dynamics between Cadel and Kaede, maybe they feel a little bit more relatable and genuine now?
Things will be speeding up from here, so strap in for the ride! Once again, thanks so much for joining me :D

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