Born in Sunagakure, he has been fighting against Konoha for decades

Chapter 17

"Brother Sunagawa, do you know? You are so popular now that you are considered the number one expert among the young generation in our Sunagakure Village! Sign it for me now so you don’t have to wait in line in the future!"

Downstairs from Kazekage, Maido happened to run into the currently very popular Mirai Sandai. He immediately took out a small notebook and a pen and stretched it out in front of him and said.

The Mirai Sandai is relatively positive, even if Now that he is famous, there are no swarms of bodyguards to go out. I heard from the outside businessmen in the village that Shimura Danzo, the disciple of Konoha's Senju Tobirama and the friend of the villain, had an affair with Uchiha Kagami and Sarutobi Hiruzen two years ago. The love triangle is a bit famous. When I went out to the second level, I was already supported by everyone. I really thought of myself as a big star.....

Look at how low-key this future generation is. They don’t even wear a mask when they go out.......ヾ(^?^)?

".....Shinto, what’s the matter with you coming to Fengying Tower?...(^し^)"

Future reluctantly took the pen and notebook and opened the notebook........Oops! It has the signatures of many people, even the first generation who has passed away. This kid also has a hobby of collecting the handwriting of famous people.

Although the red color was inexplicable, I still felt a little naughty when I thought that my signature was next to the first and second generation adults. After writing my name with a swish of pen, the future third generation asked with a smile, The depression of being inexplicably famous for more than half a year was gone in an instant!

"Didn't I hear my uncle mention psychic beasts before? I've always liked small animals, but you know that the psychic beasts in our village are all crooked melons and cracked dates, so I came to the archives to see what else there is in the ninja world. Small animals that no one adopts, such as snakes and toads."

The small book of Zhendou results was carefully put away. This was his greatest wealth. After a few decades, the people above him died, and their autographs were worth sky-high prices.

Although he served as a martyr Dou inherited the inheritance from Gong Lie's family, but those properties are real estate, and they don't belong to him alone. He has to share them equally with Handsome Scorpion's father, and Qianyo is still alive, so even every stitch in the family has to be shared with her. Register.......

"....snake? toad.....Your hobbies are quite special......(-_-ll)"

The next three generations will sweat profusely.

It’s really weird. Normal people don’t like raising snakes and toads. This kid actually came to Fengying Tower to find the psychic beasts of snakes and toads.........

"Haha, I'm leaving first....."

Seeing the expression on Future Sandai's face, Manato knew what he was thinking, and didn't bother to explain to him. He laughed dryly and walked towards the archives room.

I secretly despise you, you know what a ghost you are! The most common things in my mouth are snakes, toads and slugs, but they are protected by immortals.......

"Shinto, is school out now? Why do you come to Fengying Tower when you have time? You haven’t been here for almost a year......"

"Ah, Aunt Chiyo asked me to come to the archives room to help him check information........Damn it! There is so much information here, wouldn't my uncle just throw in all the history?σ(⊙▽⊙a"

As Lieto's eldest nephew, Manato is a frequent visitor here. The guards of this generation are still those same people, so they all know him. Along the way, Manato came to the archives room unimpeded and met Inoue, the administrator who guards the archives room. After saying hello and walking in, there wasn't even a complete tailed beast sealing technique in Sunagakure Village. Naturally, there weren't any seals in places like the archives room, which was next to the Kazekage's office.

Toumato walked into the archives room and took a look. Looking around, I almost bit my tongue, it was really.....Too much!

Looking at the layers of files that were higher than the hill, his scalp was numb. He was persuaded to quit at the primary stage.

"Haha, of course there are more. The first generation of adults spent many years collecting this information. There is almost all information from the Warring States Period to the present."

Seeing Manato's deflated look, Inoue, the manager of the archives room, laughed and said, almost everyone who comes to the archives will be shocked by the amount of information here, because there are too many, even if he works here all year round. , he likes to look through the information in it when he has nothing to do, but it took him ten years to read it.

"Uncle Inoue, you are rich and knowledgeable. Is there any information on psychic beasts such as snakes and toads?."

Mato looked at Inoue expectantly. The reason why Inoue came to be the administrator of the archives room was not because of his strength. Generally, the administrators of important places like archives must be at least elite jounin in terms of strength. The place is like the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple.

All the important information is here, but this Inoue is a different kind, with so-so strength. He is the kind of jounin who often gets killed, but this Inoue has a good mind and a super memory. Qiang, he can remember almost everything he has read, which is why Liedou asked him to manage the archives.

The information in it is dead. If someone burns it one day, wouldn't Inoue still be there? , at worst, just let him write it down silently.....

But Lidou's move is really vicious. It took Inoue ten years to read the information in it. If he had to write it down, he would be like this for the rest of his life.....

"A snake, or a toad-like psychic beast?.....It seems that there really is, but there are only a few words in the information. It just says that in the legendary psychic world, there is a place called Dilong Cave, where snake-like psychic beasts live, but.....These were all recorded during the Warring States Period, and these are recorded above....."

Inoue thought about it for a moment and then said to Manoto

"that's it? Are there any records of toads such as Mt. Miaomu?"

Hearing what Inoue said, Shinto was a little disappointed. The records on this damn thing are not clear to him yet. Why did that stupid uncle throw these information here without any details?.....

"There is no more, but I have an impression in my mind of all the information I have read, and there is indeed no record of Miaomu Mountain and toad-like psychic beasts."

Inoue shook his head affirmatively. It's not that he was bragging. He might not be able to fight with him, but when it comes to memory, he was chosen by the first generation of adults to work here as a high-tech white-collar worker because of this advantage. This is his specialty!

"Sigh! It seems that I have no connection with snakes and toads......"

Manoto turned around and walked out of the archives in disappointment.

After leaving the door of the Kazekage Tower, I really looked at the sky. There were no clues about snakes and toads. The only thing I knew clearly was the slug. Do you really want me to pick up that big fat sheep Tsunade in the future?(⊙_⊙)?

Think of those majestic mountains....Well, it's quite fat, fat but not greasy.....

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