Borderlands: Conquest

Chapter 11: Vault

Fyerstone with the absence of Alexander slowly started to grow into a sizable town, its crimson banner fluttering against the wind. The previous population was approximately in the hundreds not it reached a thousand. Numerous individuals were armed and trained under Joshua. The days had gone quickly and word quickly spread far to those around. 

Fyerstone was safe.


Joshua turning his attention to his ECHO device allowed the transmission to enter the room.
"How are your efforts in recruitment?" 
"Positive, we've got at least two hundred and fifty men trained and equipped under our command."
"I'm sure you've ensured that loyalty remains firm within the populace? We don't want another Marcus." 
"It'll be dealt with in due time, current concerns are over expansion and arming the populace. The current silence around the area is deafening. One could say it's almost too quiet." He answered. 

"A strong foundation is far more important, than a tall tower." 

Taking a peak down at the files below his desk he briefly scanned the names highlighted, his hands glossing the paper.

"I'm aware, I've had their training increased and have ensured screening. We've slowly removed anyone who's shown suspicious behaviour." 

"What about the reinforcement of our borders?" 

"We've separated the inner and outer court of fyerstone. Barricades are still up but we've recently been blessed with useful refugees." 

"A new mechanic?" 

"A few, but there's one particular genius who's done the most in increasing security. He's armed the perimeter with self-arming turrets and electric fences although I find his behaviour strange." 




"It's best if you meet him yourself. He's got ideas but I told him to wait until you're back."

"Are you talking about Scooter? We've met I guess he finally brought his family." 

"Ah, that would be the one."

"I'm guessing he requires resources? We can't exactly risk holding the mines yet. Not everyone has the necessary training to occupy and transport."

"That's the thing he's the owner of some sort of 3D printing vehicle maker, it spawns four-wheeled trucks. The typical vehicles of bandits." 

"Yes I've heard"

"He calls it Catch-a-ride."

"It's catchy at least." 


Paused for a few moments, Alexander merely continued the conversation.

"So what's the catch on the vehicles? There is no such thing as a free lunch."

"The vehicles spawned from the machine are fragile and are prone to decay. Unlike average vehicles that are manufactured, the constructed ones retain only eighty per cent of the durability and decay/rust at an accelerated rate."
"I'm guessing that wasn't a design flaw, the man's got good business practice."

"An attempt at partnering has come up short."

"He's smart, he knows what he's worth."

"He has his moments."

"Regardless, keep up the good work. We'll need to catch up properly later, until then Graham." 
"Until then Lex." 
Having disconnected their communication drives, he sat back on his chair overseeing Fyerstone - the small village grew into a bustling town. Slowly homes were built and walls were set. 

With Alexander's pet beasts helping survey the air and land any worries of ambushes were minimal - attacks from the Crimson lance having stopped after Alexander's earlier slaughter. Lost in thought he replayed the scenes in his head.
To others it was a fear-inducing sight, to watch as a single man cleaved through men like water. It was unseen to the naked eye, murder wasn't strange on Pandora but to see it done so swiftly was something the average Joe never saw.
But to Joshua, it opened a new door of thought. 
'Powers mystical and powerful, legends only foretold siren but what of others? Would it truly be strange to say that there isn't more to this word besides the Eridians? And if there wasn't, perhaps, Alexander was a descendant of one.'
'The man while lethal, is oddily seen as heroic even under the slaughter. Maybe this is a blessing a sign from the universe that I had been made anew under the burns. That my suffering was merely the birth of something greater."
Turning his gaze to the people, he overheard one of his men propagating to the general public. Efforts of recruitment were waged on the refugees to increase security but also assimilation. Soon an effort on mandatory education for the youth would begin.
Gone were the faces of grit and tyre, now a new age would flourish under Alexander's command. The man had single-handedly forged a town from death to life, a second wind the doctor would say.
"So I implore you to equip yourselves under the banner of The Legion. Men, Women, young or old, how long should we continue to suffer in this world of unruliness? Truly, I tell you that with our hands alone we can make a better future! Can we truly trust those corrupt corporations who wage war against the people? I say no!" 
'One day, Pandora will his greatness. I merely await the hour'
"Hi, sugar." 
"What can I do for you." Joshua greeted, his eyes quickly scanning the figure ahead. 
Baring large hips and a heavy cleavage the woman bolstered both a mean figure and an alluring face her voice honey to the ear. But, if there was anything that his years in the military told Joshua, it was that beauty often came with danger. 
And no one survived in Pandora, clean. 
"How about I help you take off the bandages, dear? Maybe I can help remedy you." She smiled promiscuously her cleavage bouncing in front of him. An average man would fall for the witches' tricks her charm was impeccable, but the burns on his skin made him all too aware of intimacy. 
"I'm afraid I'll have to deny, what is it you want from me?" 
"I heard all shops require a permit. I've come to acquire one." She answered.
"I'm guessing you are Moxxi. I've only recently approved your citizenship, so you've read over the documents?" 
"Of course, while I'm a bit saddened by a few of the laws and regulations I'll take them over running the bar outside the borders." She smiled, slipping the paper from her breast. 
"It is indeed safer, here." Joshua voiced.
"I've never seen such a town as protected as yours. I've got to say I'm impressed with how your leadership is running things around here." She complimented. 
"That wouldn't be me, it's only thanks to the Mayor that we're still standing."
"You're not the Mayor?" 
"No, I'm his stand-in. Is the sale permit all you will be requesting Mrs Moxxi?"
"Would I need one to build my bar? I'll be sending my son and daughter to work on construction soon." 
"Depends on the location and size. A tent or small hut isn't an issue but a building is something else. I'll send you the necessary document over, until then I'll have some matters to attend to."
"Can't we work on something out, sugar? I can make it worth your while." She hinted before revealing a briefcase in front of him, the amount equal to a few hundred thousand. 
"My hand can't be bought with money," Joshua remarked before quickly dismissing her, her attempts with flirtation and bribery failed.
"What kind of man is he... Bloody munchkin foot licker" She heaved under her breath, the accent slightly escaping her mouth. 
Walking past her, Zed entered static.
"Business is booming!" Zed smiled.
"I'm relieved but also concerned at the statement." Joshua smiled.
"Seeing as that nice lady with the bazookas walked out upset, I hope you didn't turn her down harshly since you're not exactly the firm walker?" 
"I'm not gay Zed." 
"Are you sure? Any man would've taken that chance if they could you know. Your guards keep telling tales about her." 
"I'm just pulling your leg partner. I haven't exactly run into open wounds and the sort since your teams have been running things. The town's gone through a second wind, haven't seen children laughing around here since I was a kid."
"The guards are doing their job then." 
"A bit too well, haven't had to close up any open wounds in weeks. It's been harming my business."

"Well, at least usually checkups can be charged. Diseases are still a thing." Zed smiled, before handing Joshua an ointment.

"Here's another bottle, sorry I couldn't cook something faster."

"You've done a good service doctor." 


"You know how I feel about being called a doctor." Zed voiced slightly.

"Your achievements speak for themselves." 

"Still it's a tad awkward hearing it from you." 

"Don't wet your pants over the compliment. I have matters to attend to." Joshua waved off before resuming his duties. Paperwork stacked tall with numerous needs and wants piling. 

The days were growing longer, a storm was brewing over the horizon. 

"I'm having trouble seeing how that's my problem." Wickem voiced, the bandit leader having heard rumours of Atlas' growing desperate attempts at finding the vault key. With it came the culling of entire towns, the homes of many trashed and slaughtered under the wishes of the corporations. 

Atired with woolen threads and steel boots he continued to humour the mysterious voice. 
"You're going to find out real soon, why it is." A voice snickered from Wickems ECHO device, the impression left ominous.

A tint of uncertainty lifted within the room as he peered into the dunes of Pandora—the sudden shift of atmosphere, not merely a mental one.
"So you've sent your goons out here." Wickem sighed lighting a cigar, the smell of petrol and musk waffling in from his subordinates.
"We've got trouble, boss." 
Taking the time to appreciate the cigar he left the taste linger on his tongue, a swift jug of beer drowning his current worries. 
"So I can see, what's the psycho's doing right now?" 
"The usual rubbish, stims and booze."
"Good, push 'em to the front. Keep yourselves on the rooftops. Don't let them dig any deeper." He sighed.
He wished he had been born on any other planet than the one here. Too many scars ran here and life wasn't getting any easier.
"What can you see?" 
"It's Steve Junior's Horde, twenty technicals equipped with machine guns. I can see they've got a few stim-heads themselves, they're going to push our front head-on... I'd brace for impact." 
"Fuck it, we're leaving. Take as many of our mentally sane men and make your way out. There's no point protecting this area, any longer." 
"Are you sure?" 
"I'm sure."
"But where would we go? We've been camped out and we found the vault!"
"What's the point, either we die here or risk having to sell the vaults content to some corporate asshole. I'm not risking it any longer, now go! Times ticking." He spat before rushing towards the outskirts of their base. 
The hundreds of psychos and afflicted men stationed at the front were now about to reach their doom, Wickem now fleeing the area. 
"Fuck, I could've sold the truth months ago... Of course, I had to be too greedy. Couldn't have just listened to that weird scientist chick. Had to be an asshole."
Turning to face his back he quickly saw twelve adult Skags chasing behind, their eyes set on devouring him.
"Fucking hate it here..." 
Elsewhere the crew of vault hunters alongside Alexander were quickly transversing the mounts of sands in an attempt to locate the Erdian mine location; ties to the vault may be paramount to their success.

As they trekked through the Eridian ruins, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the ancient structures surrounding them. The air was heavy with anticipation as they delved deeper into the heart of the site.

"So, what's your story?" Alexander asked, breaking the silence as they navigated through a maze of crumbling corridors.

Mordecai glanced at him, a wry smile playing on his lips. "I could ask you the same thing, kid. What brings you to Pandora?"

Alexander shrugged, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "Just looking for answers, I guess. The Vault seemed like as good a place as any to start."

Lilith nodded in understanding, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. "It's not just answers we're after. There's power in that Vault, power that could change everything."

Roland frowned, his brow furrowed in thought. "I'm not so sure about that. Power tends to bring out the worst in people."

Brick grunted in agreement, his massive frame casting a long shadow against the ancient walls. "I've seen what power can do. It ain't pretty."

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden commotion up ahead. The sound of screeching filled the air, followed by the unmistakable flapping of wings.

"Looks like we've got company," Mordecai said, his hand drifting to the hilt of his sniper rifle.

Sure enough, a swarm of Rakk descended upon them, their razor-sharp talons gleaming in the dim light. Without hesitation, the Vault Hunters sprang into action, their weapons at the ready.

Roland and Brick took the front lines, their gunfire echoing through the chamber as they mowed down the approaching creatures. Lilith phased in and out of existence, her Siren powers wreaking havoc among the Rakk ranks. Mordecai picked off stragglers with expert precision, his sniper rifle a deadly extension of his will.

Alexander fought alongside them, his movements fluid and precise. He dispatched Rakk after Rakk with calculated efficiency, his mind focused on the task at hand.

As the last of the creatures fell, they regrouped, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. "Nice work, everyone," Roland said, his voice calm despite the chaos around them.

Brick grinned, wiping a streak of blood from his cheek. "That was fun."

Lilith nodded, her eyes scanning the chamber for any signs of further danger. "Let's not get too comfortable. There could be more where that came from."

Mordecai reloaded his rifle, his expression serious. "Agreed. We need to stay sharp."

They pressed on, their senses heightened as they ventured deeper into the ruins. The air grew colder, the walls closing in around them like the jaws of a hungry predator. They moved in silence now, each step a calculated risk in the face of the unknown.

Suddenly, they entered a vast chamber, its ceiling lost in the shadows above. Strange symbols adorned the walls, glowing with an otherworldly light. In the centre of the chamber stood a towering structure, its purpose shrouded in mystery.

"What do you think that is?" Alexander asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lilith shrugged, her eyes fixed on the structure. "Only one way to find out."

They approached cautiously, their weapons at the ready. As they drew closer, the symbols on the walls began to pulse with rhythmic energy, casting strange shadows across the chamber floor.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled, and the air was filled with the sound of chittering. From the shadows emerged a horde of Scythids, their insectoid forms skittering across the chamber floor.

"Here we go again," Roland muttered, his weapon raised.

The Vault Hunters sprang into action once more, their movements a blur of motion as they fought off the advancing horde. Roland and Brick formed a solid wall of firepower, their bullets tearing through the Scythids with deadly accuracy. Lilith danced among them, her powers wreaking havoc on their ranks. Mordecai picked off stragglers with expert precision, his sniper rifle a deadly extension of his will.

Alexander fought alongside them, his mind focused on the task at hand. He dispatched Scythid after Scythid with calculated efficiency, his movements fluid and precise.

As the last of the creatures fell, they regrouped, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. "That was close," Lilith said, her voice tight with tension.

Roland nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "Too close. Let's keep moving."

Suddenly sparks flew out immediately blinding the vault hunters, footsteps inching ever so close to them. Disorientated they opened their eyes to the current scene. 

Commandant Steele stood tall and imposing in front of them, her figure silhouetted against the eerie glow of the ancient Eridian ruins. She was clad in heavy, black armour, every inch of it adorned with the crimson insignia of the Crimson Lance. Her helmet concealed her features, casting her face into shadow, but her aura of authority was unmistakable. 

Surrounding her were a dozen Crimson Lance soldiers, their weapons held at the ready as they formed a protective perimeter around their leader. Their armour gleamed in the faint light, a stark contrast to the dark, foreboding atmosphere of the ruins.

The chamber itself was vast and cavernous, its walls lined with intricate Eridian carvings that pulsed with a faint, otherworldly light. Strange symbols adorned the floor, casting eerie shadows that danced and shifted with every movement.

As Commandant Steele surveyed the scene before her, her expression remained inscrutable, her eyes hidden behind the visor of her helmet. But there was a palpable tension in the air, a sense that something momentous was about to unfold in the depths of the ancient ruins.

As the Vault Hunters stood before Commandant Steele and her Crimson Lance soldiers, tension hung heavy in the air like a shroud. Steele's piercing gaze swept over the group, her eyes narrowing as she assessed each of them in turn.

"And what brings you to this godforsaken place?" Steele's voice echoed through the chamber, cold and commanding.

"We're here for answers," Lilith spoke up, her voice steady despite the tension. "Answers about the Vault."

Steele's lip curled in a derisive sneer. "The Vault," she scoffed. "You think you'll find answers here? Foolish."

"We have reason to believe that the key to unlocking the Vault lies within these ruins," Mordecai interjected, his tone calm but firm.

Steele's eyes narrowed, her gaze flicking over the group. "Is that so?" she mused, her tone laced with scepticism. "And how exactly do you intend to find this key?"

Before anyone could respond, Steele's gaze settled on Alexander, a flicker of recognition crossing her features. "Ah, you're the one we've been looking for," she remarked, her voice tinged with malice. "The one who's been causing trouble near Fyrestone, killing our soldiers. Who else walks around wearing a gas mask."

Alexander's expression remained impassive, but there was a steely resolve in his eyes as he met Steele's gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, his voice calm but firm.

Steele's lip curled in a disdainful sneer. "Don't play dumb with me, boy. I know who you are. Fyerstones "Crimson Beast" Xander. I'm surprised none of the bounty hunters came your way. The price on your head was more than enough."

Her gaze then shifted to Roland, her expression hardening with contempt. "And you," she continued, her voice dripping with scorn. "You're a disgrace to the Crimson Lance, a traitor who killed his superior. You should have been executed for your betrayal."

Roland's jaw clenched, but he held Steele's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I did what had to be done," he said, his voice steady despite the bitterness in his tone.

Steele's eyes narrowed, her gaze flicking back to Alexander. "So, where is it?" she demanded, her voice sharp with authority. "Where are the other pieces of the Vault key?"

But before Alexander could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the chamber, drawing everyone's attention. With a sense of dread, the Vault Hunters turned to see Tannis, the reclusive scientist, standing at the entrance, a sinister smile playing on her lips.

As the tension simmered in the chamber, Steele's expression hardened with dissatisfaction. She had ordered Tannis to remain protected and away from danger, yet here she stood, inserting herself into a volatile situation.

Steele's gaze flickered with annoyance as she regarded Tannis, her voice edged with impatience. "What are you doing here, Tannis? I told you to stay out of this."

Tannis merely smiled, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, but where's the fun in that?" she replied, her tone light and airy.

Steele's jaw clenched, frustration mounting within her. She had known Tannis to be unpredictable, but she had hoped that the scientist would have the sense to stay out of harm's way.

Meanwhile, the Vault Hunters exchanged incredulous glances, their expressions a mix of disbelief and frustration. Lilith's eyes narrowed with suspicion, while Roland's brow furrowed in concern.

"Great, just what we need," Mordecai muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with irritation.

Brick grunted in agreement, his fists clenched at his sides. "This complicates things," he growled.

Alexander remained silent, his gaze fixed on Tannis with a mixture of wariness and annoyance. He had suspected that she was hiding something, but he had not anticipated her brazen interference in their affairs.

As the tension in the chamber continued to mount, Steele's dissatisfaction was palpable, a silent acknowledgment of the complications that Tannis's presence had brought to an already precarious situation.

As the tension in the chamber reached its peak, Tannis stepped forward, a small device in her hand. With a quick flick of her wrist, she activated the gadget, and a high-pitched screeching noise filled the air, piercing the helmets of the Crimson Lance soldiers.

The soldiers cried out in pain, clutching their heads as they were momentarily stunned by the sudden assault on their senses. Steele's eyes widened in surprise as she struggled to maintain her composure amidst the chaos.

"What... what is this?" she demanded, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Tannis smiled smugly, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. "Just a little something I whipped up," she replied, her tone nonchalant. "I call it the Frequency Disruptor. It's quite effective, as you can see."

The Vault Hunters wasted no time taking advantage of the distraction. With a nod from Roland, they sprang into action, swiftly disarming the stunned soldiers and making a break for the exit.

"Move!" Roland shouted, his voice barely audible over the deafening screech.

The Vault Hunters dashed through the chamber, dodging enemy fire as they raced towards the exit. Lilith used her Siren powers to create a protective barrier around them, deflecting bullets and shielding them from harm.

Mordecai aimed with his sniper rifle, picking off enemy soldiers with deadly accuracy. Brick charged forward, his fists swinging as he pummeled any foes that dared to get in their way.

Alexander followed close behind, his mind racing on how to react to the foreboding situation. 

As they rushed deeper into the Sheridan site, Tannis fell into step beside them, her expression smug but triumphant. "Well, that went better than expected," she remarked, her tone tinged with satisfaction.

Roland nodded in agreement, his expression grim but determined. "We need to keep moving," he said, his voice urgent. "We can't let them catch us."

The group hurried out of the chamber and into the corridors beyond, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls as they made their escape. 

As the Vault Hunters stood amidst the vast dune clearing, the tension between them was palpable, underscored by the weight of their conflicting motivations.

Tannis, normally aloof and immersed in her scientific pursuits, now found herself at the centre of a high-stakes standoff. She knew the power of the Eridian Vault could change everything—unlocking mysteries that had eluded Pandora for centuries. Yet, she also harboured reservations, keenly aware of Steele's ruthless ambition and the potential consequences of unleashing such power.

"The vault... it's right here," Tannis announced, her voice betraying a mix of excitement and caution. She gestured towards the gaping entrance, its ancient architecture a testament to the Eridians' advanced civilization.

Lilith exchanged a wary glance with Roland, her Siren powers humming with unease. "And you have a plan for opening it?" she asked, her tone probing yet wary.

Tannis nodded, her demeanour composed but guarded. "Yes, I believe I have deciphered the mechanisms," she admitted, her gaze flickering towards Alexander and the others. "But unlocking the vault won't be without its risks."

Alexander stepped forward, his scepticism evident. "What kind of risks are we talking about?" he questioned, his voice tinged with caution.

Tannis hesitated briefly before responding. "The vault holds unimaginable power," she explained, her words measured. "Opening it could unleash forces that we may not fully understand."

Steele, standing at the periphery, observed the exchange with keen interest. Her eyes glinted with ambition, a hunger for the vault's secrets evident in her calculating gaze. "And what's to stop us from taking what we want?" she interjected, her voice cool and composed.

Tannis met Steele's gaze with a steely resolve. "I'm not here to play your games, Steele," she replied, her tone firm. "I know what you're capable of, and I won't let you use me as a pawn in your ambitions."

Steele's expression hardened, a flicker of frustration crossing her features. "You think you can stand in my way?" she challenged, her voice tinged with arrogance. "I've worked too hard to let anyone—including you—stand between me and the vault."

With a swift motion, Steele's hand shot forward, her fingers closing around the pieces of the vault key held by Alexander and Tannis with a predatory grace. The others watched in stunned silence as she claimed the ancient artifacts, her smirk widening with triumph.

"Tannis, you've been a useful pawn," Steele taunted, her voice dripping with scorn. "But it seems you've outlived your usefulness."

Alexander's expression darkened as he watched Steele steal the pieces of the vault key, a sense of betrayal gnawing at his gut.

"I'm going to make you choke on your words." 

But Steele ignored their protests, her attention already focused on the swirling depths of the vault. With a flicker of her hands, she summoned the power of her Siren abilities, a shimmering aura enveloping her form as she prepared to teleport.

The air crackled with energy as the vault's mechanisms sprang to life, ancient gears grinding against one another with a deafening roar. A sense of foreboding washed over the group as they watched the portal begin to shimmer and warp, its purple hues pulsing with an ominous intensity.

Steele's smirk widened as she gazed upon her handiwork, a sense of triumph evident in her eyes. "It's time," she declared, her voice filled with manic fervour. "Time to claim what's rightfully mine."

As the pieces of the vault key fell into Steele's possession, a surge of energy coursed through the ancient mechanism. With a deafening rumble, the massive stone doors of the vault began to groan open, revealing the yawning abyss within.

The air crackled with anticipation as the portal widened, its purple energies swirling and pulsating with an otherworldly light. And then, with a final, thunderous roar, the vault's defences gave way, and the darkness within was unleashed upon the world.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as a monstrous creature emerged from the depths of the vault, its form obscured by shadows and writhing tendrils of darkness. The Destroyer had been awakened, its hunger for destruction unleashed upon the land.

Steele's eyes widened in awe and terror as she beheld the creature before her, a primal force of chaos and destruction. "This... this is incredible," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and awe.

Tannis watched in horror as the creature emerged from the vault, her heart sinking at the realization of what they had unleashed. "We've made a grave mistake," she murmured, her voice heavy with regret.

As the group stood frozen in terror, the colossal eye of the Destroyer fixed its gaze upon Steele, its malevolent intent unmistakable. With a deafening roar, the creature lashed out with its writhing tentacles, snaking them towards her with lightning speed.

The void has seemed its prey, the ancient horror hungry for destruction.

Steele's eyes widened in horror as she realized the danger she was in, but before she could react, the tentacles closed in around her, ensnaring her in their deadly grasp. With a sickening crunch, they tightened their grip, crushing her body with merciless force.

A strangled cry escaped Steele's lips as the life was squeezed from her, her form contorting in agony as the tentacles constricted around her. And then, with a final, bone-shattering snap, her body went limp, her lifeless form falling to the ground in a heap.


The battlefield quaked beneath their feet as the monstrous eye of the Destroyer fixated on Alexander and the vault hunters, its malevolent gaze piercing the air like a dagger.

The scent of ozone hung heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid stench of burning flesh and the metallic tang of blood.

"We can't keep this up forever," Lilith shouted over the cacophony of battle, her voice barely audible above the roar of the Destroyer. "We need to find a weakness!"

Alexander nodded grimly, his eyes scanning the creature for any sign of vulnerability. "Keep it distracted," he called back, his voice steady despite the chaos around them.

"I'll see what I can do." He murmured his aether pouring into his eyes, the abyss now clear to see. 

With renewed determination, the vault hunters redoubled their efforts, their weapons flashing in the dim light as they launched another volley of attacks against the creature.

Lilith summoned torrents of fiery energy that crackled and roared through the air like a raging inferno, while Roland's assault rifle barked with each shot, the sharp tang of gunpowder mingling with the metallic scent of spent casings littering the ground.




Mordecai kept his sights cold on the destroyer's eyes, his sniper barrel continuously firing against the beast reigning with unprecedented force.

"You ain't eating me fucker..." 

But the Destroyer was not so easily deterred. With each blow it absorbed, it seemed to grow stronger, its tentacles thrashing with renewed vigour as they carved through the earth with a deep, resonating rumble.

"We're barely scratching the surface!" Mordecai shouted, his hands frantically reloading cartridges, the empty cases slowly starting to pile under his feet. 

"We need to find its core!" Roland called back, his expression grim as he fired another round into the creature's hide. 

'Every creature got a core right?' he thought within his heart. 

As the battle dragged on, the vault hunters found themselves pushed to their limits. Lilith's flames licked at the creature's hide, leaving scorched marks in their wake, the acrid scent of burning flesh mingling with the smoky haze that hung thick in the air.

"We can't keep this up much longer," Brick grunted, his muscles straining with the effort of each blow. With the tentacles unleashing a barrage against their quarter he maintained himself as a steady barricade.

Frustrated, Alexander redoubled his efforts, his ethereal core pulsing with raw energy like a beacon in the night. With his gushing with vigour, its glow started to be apparent to the others, Its mysticism encapsulating the area. 

"We need to find another way," Lilith called out, her voice tinged with desperation as she dodged another tentacle swipe.

With his senses heightened and his core gushing with vigour, Alexander's perception expanded, allowing him to see beyond the physical realm into the spiritual plane that overlapped with their own. And there, amidst the chaotic swirl of energies, he saw it—the anchor that bound the Destroyer to this plane of existence.

It floated in the air like a shimmering spectre, a soul chained to the monstrous creature's essence. Its presence pulsed with an otherworldly glow, its chains binding it to the Destroyer's will like shackles of ethereal energy.

A surge of determination flooded through Alexander as he realized the key to defeating the creature lay in severing its connection to this anchor. With a steely resolve, he focused his energy, channelling the power of his ethereal core into a focused beam of pure energy.

As Alexander's beam of energy surged towards the anchor, slicing through the air with celestial force, a voice echoed through the battlefield, faint yet unmistakable.

"Please... don't do this..." The voice, tinged with desperation, belonged to none other than Steele, her soul bound to the anchor that tethered the Destroyer to this realm.

Alexander paused, his gaze locking onto the shimmering form of Steele's soul as it writhed in agony. Yet he remained cold in his response and continued to ignore her. 

'Dumb bitch, hurry up and die...'

Steele's voice grew more desperate, her cries echoing through the ether as the beam of energy bore down upon her. "Please... have mercy..." she begged, her words filled with anguish.

But Alexander remained unmoved, his focus unwavering as he unleashed the full force of his power upon the anchor. With a final, decisive strike, the chains binding Steele's soul shattered, sending her spiralling into the void as the Destroyer's form began to waver and fade.

Inch by inch, they carved away at its defences, drawing closer to victory with each passing moment.

And then, with a final, decisive blow, the creature let out a deafening roar before collapsing into dust, its monstrous soul vanishing into the ether as its life force was extinguished once and for all. Caving into itself, the beast exploded, its flesh flushed into the surrounding space. With the portal closed this was the end of the destroyer.

As the dust settled on the battlefield, Alexander approached the crumbling remains of the Destroyer with a sense of purpose. His footsteps were silent, his form cloaked in the shadows as he moved with an almost ethereal grace.

Reaching out with a trembling hand, he hovered it over the decaying form of the fallen creature, his eyes narrowed in concentration. With a deep breath, he focused his mind, reaching out with his newfound abilities to draw in the residual energies that lingered in the air.

The air crackled with energy as Alexander's hand began to glow with an otherworldly light, tendrils of power swirling around his fingers like ghostly wisps. With each passing moment, the glow grew brighter, its intensity pulsing with raw, untamed power.

And then, with a sudden surge of determination, Alexander plunged his hand into the heart of the Destroyer's remains, his fingers sinking into the flesh with a sickening squelch. Sssshhhh The air around him seemed to thrum with energy as he drew in the essence of the fallen creature, its power coursing through his veins like liquid fire.

For a moment, he wavered on the edge of control, his mind overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the energies he had unleashed. But then, with a fierce determination, he seized hold of the power within him, bending it to his will with an iron grip.

As the last traces of the Destroyer's essence flowed into him, Alexander felt a surge of exhilaration coursing through his body. 

[Vintorium Libary Open]

[Acessing Aether]

[Consolidating energy]

[Flow restricted]

[Energy constricted]

[Regeneration unlocked]

[Ability unlocked: Aether regeneration]

[Current status]

Health: 97% - currently fatigued (Burning through Aether to maintain humanoid form)

Aura: 100/1000 (1 per second)

Current abilities:

Energy projection 

Physical empowerment

Mind Control 



[Expand (+/-)]


"Fuck, that felt good..." Alexander muttered under his breath, his voice a low growl of satisfaction.

Having checked over his core he noticed that his pool of Aura, it had decreased but in turn granted him aura regeneration. It was a larger boon then stated, it allowed him to live without constantly hunting. 

The dust settled around the battlefield, the air thick with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid smell of burnt flesh.

The Destroyer lay defeated, its monstrous form slowly disintegrating into a pile of gooey residue that stained the cracked earth.

The taste of victory was bittersweet, tinged with exhaustion and the lingering stench of death.

Alexander stood tall, the ethereal glow of his core pulsing rhythmically within his chest, casting eerie shadows across his coffee-coloured skin. His pitch-black eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the remnants of the battle. Still wearing the gas mask, he kept it held, ensuring his eyes and face remained covered.

Lilith, still crackling with the residual energy of her Siren powers, approached cautiously. "What did you do, Alexander?" she asked her tone a mix of awe and wariness.

"Just handled the situation," Alexander replied, deflecting the question with a nonchalant shrug. "It's over, that's what matters."

Roland, ever the soldier, eyed him with suspicion. "Handled it how?"

Alexander, shrugging his shoulders, merely voiced his situation, "Let's just say I used everything at my disposal."

Mordecai, leaning on his sniper rifle, chuckled darkly. "Well, whatever you did, it worked. One hell of a fight."

"Glad you think so," Alexander replied, his tone casual.

As the group made their way back to Fyrestone, the tension between the vault hunters and Alexander remained palpable. The dusty, arid landscape of Pandora stretched out before them, a constant reminder of the harsh world they inhabited. Each step kicked up a cloud of dust, which tasted bitter and dry, a constant irritant in their throats.

The atmosphere was thick with unspoken questions, the silence broken only by the crunch of their boots on the rocky ground. Finally, as they approached the outskirts of Fyrestone, Roland decided to address the elephant in the room.

"Alexander," Roland called out, his voice cutting through the quiet. "We need to talk."

Alexander, walking slightly ahead, turned to face the group. His pitch-black eyes glinted from behind the gas mask, giving nothing away. "About what?" he asked, his tone guarded.

Lilith stepped forward, her fiery gaze fixed on him. "Back when we first met, you were hostile. You remember? Why?"

The question hung in the air like a thick, suffocating fog. Alexander's eyes shifted slightly, a sign he was considering his response carefully.

Mordecai, ever the blunt one, added, "Yeah, you weren't exactly friendly. You got a reason for that?"

Alexander sighed, the sound muffled by his gas mask. "It was to protect Fyrestone," he said finally. "Atlas soldiers have been hunting me, and I couldn't take any chances. I had to make sure you weren't a threat."

Roland crossed his arms, his expression sceptical. "And how did you figure out we weren't Atlas soldiers?"

Alexander's gaze met Roland's, unwavering. "It wasn't that. You were time bombs that could've exploded at any time. You staying at Fyerstone put a target on us all. I couldn't allow that."

"So what changed?" 

"We killed the real threat" Alexander stated.

"Don't act like I didn't give you food and water back then. I even armed you with equipment." 

"No shields though." Lilith quiped.

"They were a luxury at the time."

The vault hunters digesting Alexander's words took time to accept them as truth. 

Roland internally processing the series of actions that occurred, voiced his opinion "I get it. We've all had to make tough calls."

Lilith nodded, her fiery eyes meeting Alexander's. "We can understand that. But next time, a little heads up would be nice."

Alexander chuckled softly. "I'll keep that in mind."

As they continued their journey back to Fyrestone, the air of distrust began to dissipate, replaced by a fragile sense of understanding. The taste of the bitter dust was still there, but now it mingled with a sense of camaraderie.

Upon reaching Fyrestone, the group was greeted by the sight of the large town. the sudden growth astonishing to the others.

Joshua Graham current second in command emerged from one of the buildings, his calm presence a stark contrast to the harsh environment. His eyes, hidden behind his bandaged face, he seemed to take in the entire group at once.

"Welcome back," Joshua said, his voice steady. "I see you've all made it in one piece."

Alexander merely nodded. "I brought the vault hunters. Thought they could use a place to rest."

Joshua nodded at each of them in turn. "You're all welcome here. Fyrestone is a haven for those who fight for a better future. Although if you wish to stay for a while, I'll have to ask you to carry some documentation."

Roland stepped forward, his military demeanour still evident. "We appreciate your welcome but we'll only be here for a few days at most."

Joshua's gaze turned to Alexander, a silent exchange passing between them. "In that case, you're free to stay until then."

Lilith, her curiosity piqued, asked, "So what's the plan now?"

Alexander looked around at the group, a sense of purpose in his eyes. "For now, we rest. Gather our strength. And then, we figure out our next move. There's more out there. More vaults, more mysteries. But for now, let's enjoy the peace we've earned."

Mordecai smirked, leaning on his sniper rifle. "Sounds like a plan. Got any good booze in this town?"

Brick, ever the straightforward one, laughed. "Yeah, and maybe some food that doesn't taste like dirt?"

Joshua chuckled. "We'll see what we can do."

As they settled into Fyrestone, the bonds between them grew stronger. They shared stories, laughed, and planned for the future. The taste of victory was still bittersweet, but now it was tempered with the promise of new adventures and the comfort of newfound allies.

Brick, looking more serious than usual, leaned against a wall. "I'm gonna find my sister," he said, his voice determined. "She's out there somewhere, and I need to bring her back."

Mordecai, surprisingly sober, nodded. "Guess I'll tag along. Got nothing better to do."

Lilith raised an eyebrow. "Brick has a sister?"

"Yeah," Brick replied, his tone softening. "She left for this planet moons ago. I've been looking for her ever since."

Roland placed a reassuring hand on Brick's shoulder. "We'll help if we can."

Alexander, appreciating the camaraderie, nodded. "You guys do what you need to. I'll keep Fyrestone safe and see if I can dig up any info that might help."

Brick gave a grateful nod. "Thanks, man. Appreciate it."

Lilith and Roland exchanged a glance, then turned to Alexander. "What about you, Alexander? You gonna stay here?"

"For now," Alexander replied. "Fyrestone's a good base, and I have a feeling there are more secrets to uncover around here."

As night fell, Alexander stood on the edge of town, looking out into the wasteland. Joshua joined him, his mask reflecting the pale moonlight. "You did well, Alexander," he said quietly.

"Thanks," Alexander replied, his voice thoughtful. "But there's still so much more to do."

With dusk now settling onto the sanding planes of pandora, the vault hunters quickly dozed off into the dream, two particular vault hunters finding themselves in each other's embrace.

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