Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 5. ♥♥ Designs (submission, degradation)

Bonny did her best to ignore the intense heat and small movements that Zeal made. The dragon girl still gagged on Bonny's cock, tied in place with the belt around Bonny's hips and Zeal's head. 

Instead, she watched as the beaver craftsman went back to work on the bridle after his desire faded.

He clearly had some kind of watersport kink, but it wasn't her duty to deal with it. No wonder the shop smelled of ammonia, he probably used extra when curing leather. Or something, she wouldn't shame him as long as he did good work.

The rest of Bonny's companions watched and made small talk among themselves. Iolana seemed unsure of the group dynamics and asked Eloisss about each of their histories and why they all followed Bonny. Lupa listened as well, but stayed in wolf form.

The craftsman marked and removed the bridle, then cut the cheek straps and replaced the noseband with a smaller, thinner strap of leather. The bit was removed and a leather pad used instead. The pad would depress Freja’s tongue and prevent her from speaking. Instead of metal buckles, he used wooden pegs with keeper loops, due to the cost of metal.

When done, he fitted it to Freja and pointed her over to Bonny while he turned to finish working on Miu’s collar.

Bonny held up a hand to the centaur and continued watching the beaver as he worked. She liked making the centaur wait for her.

Miu's collar used the same buckle system as Freja’s bridle, but had only a single hole, sized specifically for the cat girl. After verifying the size, he removed it and moved over to a table filled with various tools. He turned to face Bonny.

“I can emboss her name. Do you want any other designs added?”

Bonny looked to Miu and raised an eyebrow.

Miu looked down as her face turned a beautiful shade of rose.

Bonny wondered if she could make that permanent. What would it take to keep Miu in a continuous state of embarrassment?

“Miu? It’s your collar. What do you want?”

Miu gave a surprisingly mouse-like squeak and covered her face as it grew darker.

“Come here.” Bonny commanded.

Miu obeyed, splitting her fingers just enough to see where she was walking.

When she got close, Bonny leaned forward, transferring some of her body weight to Zeal, forcing the dragon girl to support Bonny with her neck and head. Bonny tugged Miu’s hands down and pulled her into a quick kiss and hug, squeezing Zeal’s head between their hips.

The dragon girl started gagging and Bonny pulled her hips back slightly, but continued to lean forward and otherwise ignore her.

“Miu. I want the collar to be pretty. Like you. How about something from your home?”

The cat girl shook her head and buried her face in Bonny’s neck and shoulder. Bonny could feel the heat from Miu’s face radiating into her, an odd parallel to the heat below her belt.

“What about a design with a bow and arrows? Maybe some of the monsters we’ve fought?”

Miu started to nod, then shook her head.

“Just the bow? The one we made? It’s unique and yours … ours.”

A nod.

“Okay, but I want something more. Something that represents you. How about something from the forest, like … herbs? Recognizing and using them was one of the first things you taught me.”

Another nod.

“Great. Do you have some with you?” They hadn’t used any of the healing herbs since Bonny had gained her healing class, but Miu had still collected them. She had even left Bonny and Kanae alone when they were camped by Eloisss’ Rhumba.

Miu nodded again.

“Can you give some to the nice man so he’ll know what to draw?”

“Okay.” Miu whispered.

“Good girl.” Bonny patted Miu’s head and shifted her into a quick kiss. “Thank you, pretty kitty.”

Miu held on for a moment longer, then pulled away and started rummaging through her belt pouches.

Bonny motioned Freja over. The centaur had been standing and fidgeting where Bonny had stopped her. She approached, not as close as Miu had. She towered over Bonny, almost two feet taller than the bunny.

“Bend down.” Bonny raised her hands and beckoned her closer. She straightened as she did, finally removing her body weight from Zeal.

When Freja lowered her torso and head, Bonny ran her fingers under the bridle straps, tugging at it and checking the fit.

“How do you feel? Is it comfortable?”

Freja tried to open her mouth and let out a muffled, incomprehensible sound. A look of confusion crossed her face and she reached up to unfasten the bridle.

“No.” Bonny slapped the centaur’s hands away. “You aren’t allowed to remove it without permission.”

A thin strap crossed Freja’s nose and fastened under her chin, keeping her mouth closed around the tongue pad. The cheek straps were short and connected to a larger band that ran behind Freja’s ears and down to her throat. Another loop ran from the headpiece around her forehead, crossing her forehead star, but not quite obscuring it.

The normally white star was a flushed rose and Bonny wondered again, what it would take to keep it that way. To keep both Miu and Freja in matching colors. Not that Freja wanted embarrassment, at least not like Miu did. Freja wanted pain and fear - adrenaline.

Bonny used the straps to pull Freja into a kiss, a quick peck.

“Yes or no, is it comfortable?”

Freja paused and shrugged.

“Does it hurt?”

Freja shook her head.

“Good. Can you continue wearing it?” Bonny tugged at the reins, forcing Freja’s head up and down in a nod.

Freja tried to stop the motion and glared at Bonny, who grinned back.

“I think we need something more. Hold still.” Bonny unfastened the chin strap. “Open. Don’t speak.”

When Freja opened her mouth, Bonny examined the leather pad. It was an oval, slightly longer than wide, and fastened on the sides. It dripped with Freja’s saliva. Bonny put it back in place.

“Close and swallow.”

Freja obeyed, her eyes wide, surprised at Bonny’s demands and her own compliance.

Bonny patted Freja’s cheek and checked the centaur’s mouth when she opened it. The pad was still wet, but not dripping.

“Leather guy, can you make a pocket instead of a pad?”

The beaver turned from an examination of the herbs Miu had placed on the table. “What?”

“I want a pocket for her tongue. Preferably with spikes inside.”

“What?” He didn’t seem to understand.

Bonny pointed at the leather pad in Freja’s mouth. “I want a pouch that will go around her tongue. Can you do it?”

“I, uh, yes.”

“Good.” Bonny unfastened the throat latch and pulled the bridle off. “I think the rest of this is good. Freja?”

The centaur raised her head and glared down at Bonny. Her star had turned a deep red, almost as dark as her dusky coat and skin. She glanced around the room, then bowed her head and sighed.

“As you wish, Bonny.”

Bonny grinned up. “Great! I love you too, Freja. I, uh, wait.” She held up a hand and stared off into space for a moment.

While checking the bridle and talking to Freja, Bonny had mostly forgotten about Zeal and had lost her semi-erection. Her bladder had been slowly filling again and she relaxed and released it now.

Zeal flinched at the sudden stream of urine and swallowed hastily, then again, as Bonny continued to let it go. It filled Zeal’s mouth faster than she could gulp it down and a warm trickle leaked out of the corners of her mouth, running down her chin and soaking Bonny’s balls.

The swallowing sensation around Bonny’s cock was enough to harden her again and she grabbed onto Zeal’s horns, through the robe, and thrust in, flexing her pelvic muscles to twitch her cock head inside Zeal’s throat.

The dragon girl gagged again, but Bonny didn’t release her. She held tight and flexed again, until Zeal’s throat rebelled and she choked and ejected the urine she had just swallowed. It splashed down Bonny’s legs and Zeal’s body.

The urine was mostly water, with very little scent, but it was enough to notice, even over the shop's faint remaining smell of ammonia.

Bonny’s erection subsided with the mess and she released Zeal’s horns, then patted the dragon girl’s head through her robe. “That was disappointing. I expect you to do better in the future.”

The rest of the room had stopped what they were doing and stared at the two. Kanae jumped up and trotted over to sniff at them.

Bonny ignored them and released her cleansing aura in a tight bubble, enough to cover herself and Zeal, then reeled it back in. Just long enough to dry up and dissipate the mess they had made. She didn’t allow Zeal go free.

“Freja, I would like some personal designs on your bridle as well. Do you know what you want?” Bonny went back to the conversation she had been having with the centaur.

Freja nodded. “Courage, the goddess.”

“Great! I like it. I’ll let you handle the details. Another kiss?” She stretched her hands up.

Freja smiled and leaned down, her mouth opening to capture Bonny’s.

A bell interrupted them as it sounded nearby, ringing three times. Shortly after, a horn sounded, faint and distant, then the bell repeated it the warning, ringing out three times.

“Wall breach! Most likely the north gate.” Freja informed them. “We need to hurry!”

Bonny unfastened her belt, freeing Zeal and pointing her to the door. “Outside. Dragon form! Miu and Addy, you'll both come with me. Kanae, can you copy Zeal’s dragon?” She looked around at her companions as she gave them orders.

Kanae shook her head.

“How about my wings? Can you fly?”

Kanae did a funny little hop and shrug.

“If Willow will let you take a leaf, try it.” Bonny pulled off her robe and shifted, her wings, horns, hooves, and tail materializing as she talked. “Elss, can you hold onto Zeal again, even if we don’t have a rope or harness for you to hold on to?”


The horn sounded again, but cut off after two blasts. The bells across the city rang three times.

“Good, outside.” Bonny said and pointed when the bells stopped ringing, then turned to the rest of them. “Sorry, I think that’s all we can do for now. Freja, you’re the expert, but I’m don’t think you can get through the crowds in time and you’re too big to carry. Violet, teleport when I call, if you can.”

[[yes, mistress]]

Each companion slipped out the door as Bonny gave instructions, except for Adelina, who landed on Bonny’s head and hung on to one of her horns.

Kanae came running back in a moment later, a small leaf in her mouth. She eyed Bonny closely as she lifted the leaf with a paw, then she shifted, a cloud of mist condensing above her and floating down, leaving a succubus clone with three orange fox tails, all wagging excitedly. An enormous, semi-engorged dick hung down between her legs. The transformed fox girl looked down, then back up and grinned.

“I supposed I should have gotten rid of that.” Bonny sighed and dismissed her magic dildo. “Beaver guy, I’ll want some more stuff. A ring to match Miu's collar, some handcuffs for Freja, and a harness and saddle for the dragon, which ... we can measure that later. Freja, please finish up and pay him. I'm sorry we can't take you.”

“I love you. Be careful!” The centaur called as Bonny ran out the door.

Zeal was already in dragon form, crouching in the market street. The street around her was clear, shoppers and pedestrians having fled, though Bonny spotted a few heads peeking out of alleys and from behind market stalls. Eloisss had already slithered up and coiled around Zeal’s long neck. Miu was climbing on, using a knee as a step and apologizing.

Bonny stopped momentarily to speak with Willowbelle, who was holding her sapling and standing motionless by the door. “The bell was an alarm. We’re flying to the north gate. Check in with Freja.”

Willowbelle nodded. “Be careful, Bonny.”

“I will. Thank you.” She kicked off the ground and beat her wings twice to gain height, then glided down to Zeal’s back, landing behind Miu. She hooked her legs around Zeal’s wing joints and her arms under and around Miu, who was holding her bow in front of her. “I got you, kittycat. I’ll help steady you and carry you down.”

Kanae tried to copy Bonny, but had never practiced flying. She managed to gain some air, but had no control and crashed into Bonny. They worked together to get her settled down. She wiggled close in behind Bonny, her breasts and erect dick pressing into the bunny from behind.

“We can work on your flying later, but you should be able to glide.” Bonny wiggled her ass against Kanae, then squeezed her legs into Zeal’s sides as the horn sounded again, followed by bells across the city. “Let’s go.”

They lifted off, Zeal beating her wings, jostling the group on her back. They all leaned forward, holding on as best they could, both to Zeal and each other. In moments, they were airborne and flying across the city to the north gate. They had a city to save.

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