Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 3. Shopping

As Freja led the group to a nearby crafting and shopping district, located near the southern end of the docks, they were continuously interrupted by Bonny stopping to help people. Like the earlier trip, each person in need caught her attention and she couldn’t leave them alone.

Some of the citizens were still damaged by Zeal’s poison and Bonny healed those she could. She didn't point out Zeal to those she helped, or vice versa, but she could sense Zeal's regret for her part in their injuries. It wasn't that Zeal felt sorry for those injuries, but that she felt responsible for Bonny giving time and effort to correct what had been done.

This time, instead of handing out money, Bonny gave out fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries and sips of nectar from the Cornucopia and Cup. It was enough to satisfy for the day, but she vowed to find a better way.

Once they arrived at the market street, they spent some time checking out several shops. Bonny knew what she was looking for, for most of her companions and kept an eye out.

Miu and Freja were easy. Lupa as well, even though she wasn’t quite an official Companion yet. One of their first stops was at a leather craftsman that smelled faintly of urine and ammonia.

“What can I help you with?” The proprietor was a small beaver with a scar down one arm.

Bonny hopped forward to shake his hand. “I might be able to fix that, if you want.”

He glanced down, then shook his head. “Nah, it doesn’t bother me.”

“Okay. I want a modified bridle and two collars with leashes.” Bonny pointed out Miu, Freja, and Lupa. “One collar should be engraved with ‘Miu’ and one with ‘Lupa’. The bridle should be modified with a leather pad for her tongue instead of a bit.”

Miu immediately blushed red and sank to her knees, hiding her face in her hands, letting out a muffled cry. “Boonnnyyyy!”

Lupa just wagged her tail and lay down. Her mouth was open in a wide grin and allowed her tongue to hang out.

The leatherworker looked at Bonny, then at the three. “I can make the collars, but I’m not sure ab…”

“It’s fine. You may take my measurements.” Freja’s voice was calm, but her dark skin was flushed and her star was a bright red.

Adelina giggled and flew in circles above Bonny's head.

When the leatherworker started taking measurements for the three, Willowbelle stepped next to Bonny. She still carried her withered sapling. “I may have an idea of how to save my tree without leaving you."

Bonny turned to her. “Great. What can we do?”

“Do you smell the urine?”


“The shop smelled like urine when we came in. It’s fading now, because of your aura. Can you turn it off?”

“Turn off the purification aura? Why?”

“My sapling needs fertilizer. No one around you has defecated or urinated since I joined your group.”

“Fertilizer? You mean you want to, uh…” Bonny grimaced and didn’t finish her question.

Willowbelle picked up on Bonny’s unfinished statement and shook her head. “No, not that, for now at least. Urine. It’s good for plants.”

Bonny considered. She thought back to some of her nursing classes and organic chemistry. At some point they had gone over components of body fluids. “Urea! It's mostly nitrogen. It can used as a fertilizer and obviously does something for leather. So, you need me to turn off the cleansing aura until you can pee on the plant?”

Willowbelle nodded. “You, preferably.”

“Uh, why me?”

“Your connection and essence. Your urine will be high in magic and other energies along with the nigh-troe-jen.” She pronounced the unfamiliar word slowly, sounding it out.

“Okay.” Bonny concentrated on her aura, reminded again of the need for practice and training. She would talk to Kanae about it later. She mentally flicked off a switch for the one aspect of her aura. “I’ll need something to drink.”

Willowbelle cupped her hands and a small rainstorm flickered into existence above them. It quickly filled her hands and she held them out for Bonny to drink from. A lot of the water seeped through, soaking both girls during the process.

“[Create Water!]” Bonny tried as well, but like before, she just managed a drizzle that leaked out as fast as it rained.

Willowbelle created more water for Bonny, until she felt full. When they turned back, they found everyone waiting on them.

“I have some leather cups, if you need.” The shopkeeper pointed at some leather products.

Bonny grinned. “No thanks, we’re fine. How long until those are ready? How much do they cost?”

“It’s an unusual request." He gave a number, then continued, "How about half up front and I’ll have it ready later this afternoon.”

Bonny asked Freja to pay, since she held most of the money in a small bag she kept in a saddlebag.

Eloisss was difficult to shop for, but Bonny found a small flat vial at the next shop and planned to get a leather cord from the previous shop when they went back.

They stopped by a blacksmith after that, only to find that metal was either unavailable or expensive. When they asked about it, he replied, “The city guard is asking for weapons and armor for the monster attacks. If it keeps up, we’ll need a new source. All the blacksmiths in the city have been asked to ration existing iron and steel.”

“What if we help deal with the monsters?” Freja asked.

“Bring me a note from the guard captain and I can help you. It will still be expensive though.”

They left Bonny’s vambraces and greaves to be repairs as well as he could, and moved on.

Adelina got a small necklace with tiny wooden symbols for light and wind, her preferred elements. While at the woodcarver, Bonny also asked for a small piece to be carved into a like a heart.

“Thank you, Bonny!” The fairy flew in rapid circles around Bonny’s head, while her dress made of sunbeams strobed on and off.

Violet was easy to please, but expensive.

“What do you think of this one?” Bonny held up a purple gown that laced up the back.

[[it is pretty, i like the color]]

“We’ll get it then. How about these?” Bonny pointed at some leggings and a garter belt.

[[yes, i like leg sleeves]]

Bonny laughed and grabbed them.

[[my legs might not fit]]

Violet didn’t have distinct feet. Her legs ended in blobs that merged together. When moving, she usually oozed along rather than taking steps like the rest of them.

“That’s fine, we can work on it. Besides, I can wear these when you don’t.” Bonny had made sure to choose items that either laced or tightened into a size she could wear.

They spent some time trying on the clothes and getting opinions from the other companions. Eloisss and Kanae were the most outspoken and preferred Bonny wearing tight or short dresses and skirts.

Miu selected and tried on a few herself, but stuck with pants and a tunic, preferring practical clothes that wouldn't catch on underbrush.

Bonny held out something similar to a sundress from Earth. "I want to see you in this. No underwear."

Miu blushed, but tried it on. She held the hem down when Bonny tried to peek under it, but her tail rose and quivered in a playful manner.

Bonny eyed Miu's tail and grinned at the cat girl as she made her decision. "We'll get it. I want you to wear this when we get back to the room."

Eloisss and Freja eventually both chose similar shirts, but neither needed clothing for their lower bodies. Kanae refused clothes, but since she stayed in fox form most of the time, it wasn't really a problem.

Adelina, Willowbelle, and Zeal also refused clothes. Adelina and Willowbelle because it was unnatural and Zeal because she wanted nothing to interfere if she needed to shift to protect Bonny. Neither were concerned with the opinions or complaints of citizens.

Iolana had stayed quiet and tried nothing on, until Bonny turned to her. They had left the last shop and were standing in the corner of a small square. People flowed around them.

The harpy had kept up with them, though she had hopped around awkwardly to do so. The frequent stops had given her time to rest and stretch her legs. No one had commented on it.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know you well enough to choose a gift. Is there anything you want or need?”

The red-tailed harpy shook her head. “You owe me nothing. Your healing is more than I can ever repay.”

Bonny reached out pulled her into a hug, one arm around the harpy’s neck and the other sliding under her stump and around her lower back. Iolana draped her good wing around Bonny in return. It was soft, warm, and comforting. “I’m happy to help, but you also owe me nothing.”

After a minute, Bonny released the harpy and turned to Zeal. The dragon girl stayed near Bonny, always slightly behind her.

“I’m not sure what to get you either. I don’t think a collar would work since your other form is much bigger. What do you want?” She avoided saying the word dragon out loud.

“Nothing. I am yours.”

“I know, but I still want to make you happy.”

Zeal dropped onto her hands and knees. “Then use me. Sit on me like you did in court. It makes me happy to be of use to you.”

Bonny watched for a moment, then sighed and sat down. She patted the dragon girl’s ass lightly. “Fine.”

Some of the people moving near by looked over, curious or confused. Bonny’s companions closed ranks slightly and ignored the crowd.

Kanae had stayed in fox form the whole day, even while practicing. During sparring, she had used illusions to hide and distract. Now she sat in front of Bonny and laid her head on Bonny’s knees.

The fox carried nothing and owned nothing. A collar or necklace didn’t seem like it would work since she could change forms. Bonny reached out to scratch her head. “You indicated you want to resume your, uh, service. Right?”

Kanae yipped and wagged her tails.

“Is that what you want as a gift?”

She yipped again.

“Fine. When we can do that when get back to the room. I’ll check you daily for corruption. If it shows up, we’ll have to stop. Okay?”

Kanae rubbed her cheek on Bonny’s knees.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I apparently need more meditation and aura practice. Are you able to help with that too?”

She yipped.

"Okay. Thank you.” Bonny looked around at her companions. “Other than that, how often does your sapling need watering, Willow?”

“Daily should be fine.”

“Are you fine with my promise as well?”

Willowbelle smiled. “Of course.”

Bonny summoned the Cornucopia and Cup. “Lets eat something, then head back to see if the leatherworker has finished yet.”

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