Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 10. Collared


The cat girl stood with the rest of Bonny’s companions, watching apprehensively, still dressed in her leather armor. She pretty much wore it all the time and depended on Bonny’s cleansing aura to keep it clean. It was well worn and supple, though needed some repair work in a few areas.

Bonny glanced down at the collar and ring, then back up, focusing on her.

“Please remove your armor.” Bonny smiled as Miu nodded in agreement, then set the collar and ring back down.

“Lupa.” Bonny motioned the wolf over as she dug through the other straps and goods to pick up another collar. This one didn’t have a matching ring or fancy designs, but it did have Lupa’s name embossed on the back.

Lupa stood and trotted over, her tail wagging so hard it shook her body from side to side.

Bonny knelt in front of her and scratched her head for a moment.

“This doesn’t mean the same thing that Miu’s will. I want you to wear this so people will know you’re not wild. Is that okay?”

The wolf nodded, her tail still wagging her body.

Bonny placed the collar around Lupa's neck to check the size. Unlike Miu’s collar, this one had multiple holes for different sizes and Bonny marked one that wasn’t too tight. She removed it and sat back.

“Can you transform for me?”

Lupa froze and her tail stopped so abruptly that Bonny blinked.

“I want to make sure the collar fits in all of your forms. Is that a problem?”

Lupa whined, then nodded slowly.

“Yes, you can you shift, or yes, it’s a problem?”

Lupa cocked her head, then nodded again and started to shift. She had stayed in wolf form since the first day they had met and Bonny hadn’t watched the original shift. They had been on the road back to the city and worried about monster attacks. The transition wasn’t quick, and it was full of agonizing whines, shifting bones, and painful writhing.

Once changed, Lupa lay on the floor, panting for a moment. She was just as beautiful in wolf kin form as she had been as a wolf, with a gray, silver, and white coat. She had dark line of fur running down the center of her back until it faded into silver halfway down her tail. Her hair was cut short, but started as black at the front and faded to gray and silver in the back.

She was no longer as emaciated as when they met, but still thin. She had gained weight and showed some muscle definition along her arms and legs. Her ribs no longer poked through her fur.

Bonny ran her hands through Lupa’s hair and rubbed her ears. “You’re very beautiful.”

“Th-thank you.” Lupa’s voice was soft and quiet.

Bonny slipped the collar around Lupa’s neck and fastened it on the marked hole. It looked too big around her thin neck, but wouldn’t slip over her head, at least not easily.

“I think this will work. Do you have any other forms?”

Lupa nodded, then answered. “Yes. But I don’t use them. I can look more, uh, human, or bigger, like a monster.”

“I would like to see them sometime, if you don’t mind.”

Lupa blushed and stared at the floor. She whispered her response. “Maybe. If it’s just you.”

Bonny leaned in to kiss her on the nose. “We’ll leave the collar like this. If it’s a problem, you can remove it, okay?”

Lupa nodded.

“I know we’re not intimate, at least not yet, but remember that one of my boundaries is animals. There are no intelligent animals where I’m from and it’s weird. I’m not trying to pressure you into anything, but if you ever want to, uh, fuck me, remember that you can’t stay in wolf form. Okay?”

Lupa nodded, blushed, then scurried back to her spot by the wall. She curled up and watched, but stayed in wolf kin form with her head resting on her arms and her tail wagging happily.

Bonny looked around and found Miu, now naked and standing awkwardly. She smiled, then paused and held up a finger. “One sec.”

She hopped over to Freja and turned the bound and bridled centaur to face the center of the room, then hopped back. “She should be able to see too.”

Bonny picked up the collar and ring and stepped up to the waiting cat girl.

Miu, I know you like being both shamed and praised. Have I gone too far? Pushed your limits too much?”

Miu’s blush darkened as she shook her head. Her long, fluffy tail swished slowly back and forth.

“Do I need to go further? Do more? Is there anything else you want me to do?”

“No, nya. Just you.”

Bonny giggled. “What about Elss? You’ve done stuff with her before. Kanae too. Are you open to more sex with them?”

“If you want.” Miu spoke quietly, shyly.

“No, what do you want? I’m trying to establish limits. What are you open to and what should we avoid?”

“Pain, nya. No pain … not much pain and don’t be mean.”

“Okay, that’s good. When you say not to be mean, what do you mean?”

“Don’t call me names.”

“Like ‘slut’?”

Miu nodded.

“I called you that this morning and you seemed to like it. Are you sure?”

Miu hesitated, then said, “You can say it during … sex. But not anywhere else.”

Bonny leaned in and whispered into Miu’s ear. “I’m about to put a collar on you. That’s going to show the whole city that you’re mine. They all know what I am now and that you’re my slut. My toy. My whore. What do you think of that?”

Miu shivered and licked her lips. She started purring, in a ragged uncontrolled vibration. Bonny could feel the NEED flare to life in the cat girl.

“So you do like it, but just between us?”

Miu nodded slowly.

Bonny scratched Miu’s head and around her ears, then leaned in again to add. “You’re my pretty kitty and I want people to know it.”

Miu attacked, arms wrapping around Bonny and her mouth finding the bunny’s a moment later. They kissed, lost in each other, the room fading around them for a long moment. Miu pulled away first. She was panting now, her purring still ragged. Her tail curled around Bonny’s ankle as if it acted independently and didn’t want to let the bunny go.

“S-sorry, nya.”

“You can kiss me anytime.” Bonny laughed then held up the collar. “So, what about the collar? Is that okay? To wear in public? To let people know you’re mine?”

Miu’s blush had faded slightly, but came rushing back at Bonny’s questions. She nodded, then whispered. “I love you, nya. I-I’m already yours.”

“And I’m yours. I have some words to say, a ritual of sorts. Is that okay?”

Miu nodded again.

“Kneel, please.”

When Miu did, Bonny held up the collar. It was beautiful, with Miu’s name embossed on the back, surrounded by stems and leaves of different herbs. An image of Miu’s recurve bow was marked on both sides and the front had a single hole, specifically sized for her. The leather ring matched, with fewer symbols, but their two names and a tiny bow were clearly visible.

Bonny turned the collar and ring in her hands as she studied them one last time, then looked down at her friend, her companion. Miu was the first person she met after reincarnating in this world. The first non-goblin, anyway. They had been together the longest and Miu had supported Bonny through all the trials they had faced.

She reached out and petted Miu’s head, then ran her fingers along the cat girl’s ears and through her long, straight hair. She trailed her fingertips down the side of Miu’s face and caught her chin. She pulled up slightly, tilting Miu’s face up to lock eyes.

“Will you be my pet, little kitten?”

Miu blushed and nodded slightly, held almost motionless by Bonny’s fingertips.

“Are you ready to wear my collar? To let everyone know that you belong to me?”

Miu nodded again, still blushing.

“These symbolize the bond between us, a collar and ring.” Bonny took a deep breath, then continued, making up a vow on the spot, basing it on all too famous words from Earth.

“I, Bonny, claim you, Miu, as my first companion, my pet, and my slave, to have and to cuddle with from now on. I will love and cherish you, protect and care for you, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do us part. I swear this in the presence of our Companions and before the Seven Gods of this world.”

Bonny handed Miu the ring and held out her left hand, her ring finger extended. “If you accept me as your mistress, place the ring on my finger.”

Miu did, her hands shaking. She was still purring, the vibrations rising and falling. Her tail stuck up now, quivering in excitement.

Bonny prompted Miu with a similar vow. They hadn’t discussed any of this in advance, but it felt right to Bonny. “Do you swear to love, obey, cherish, protect, and care for me?”

“I-Yes, nya. I …” Miu paused for a moment, then continued in a rush, her words speeding up as if to beat the tears leaking from her eyes and the loud purring vibration that wouldn’t quit. “… will obey and love you and protect and care for you and alltheotherthingsyousaid.”

Bonny knelt and fastened the collar around Miu’s neck.

She leaned back to admire it, then pulled Miu into a tight hug and kiss. “I love you, kitty of mine.”

This one is a little short, but I hope you still enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading,

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