Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

(draft) Vol 3, Ch 31. ♥♥ Pride Comes … (CW: Extreme Distension)

Wrath screamed in Bonny’s mind when the strange lion kin grabbed his sword hilt.

She ignored it until a sense of ominous, focused pressure emanated from him. Her aura resonated with the pressure, then the still screaming demon inside her. The world slowed as her fury aura activated.

He was still several yards away when he activated his skills. “[Quick Step!][Flash Cut!]”

Then he was in front of her, sword blurred mid-swing.

Time crawled as she flinched back and tilted her head up. She felt the blade as it sliced into her throat, cutting through her carotid arteries and jugular veins by fractions. Fractions of inches and fractions of a second. It felt like minutes, hours.

She could name each infrahyoid muscle as the blade crawled through them, pain and cold and heat following. Her larynx parted like water and her vocal chords snapped like strings.

The tip of the blade scraped along her vertebrae, slicing in, but not quite through. Only the angle of her head saved her.

The blade completed it’s cut and she fell back, her slack head leading the way. Hot blood sprayed from her open neck as the lion-kin spun his sword and returned it to it’s sheath.

She couldn’t speak, but she could cast.

Silent casting was something she had used before. She’d practiced with it since and found it carried less power. It was like the gods wanted to hear their skills as they were used. She hadn’t tried shouting louder when casting, but wondered if that would add power.


She chain cast her healing skill, focusing on arteries first, then veins, trachea, and muscles. She needed to keep blood in, stay conscious, breathe, and move her head. Her esophagus could wait, her vertebra could wait, everything else could wait.

She hit the ground, head first. The back of her head hit and slid, tilting it back up, closing the wound.

People were screaming. Her people. Her friends.


She was still bleeding. The spells weren’t enough. There was too much of a gap or things were misaligned.

The screaming faded and the world dimmed.

Then Death was there, white skull mask and dark hood hiding her face as she leaned over and peered down at Bonny.


Bonny tried to smile up at Susan, to say they would be together soon.

“I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THIS.” Death said as she gently straightened Bonny’s head. “BUT HE HAS CUT MANY THREADS BEFORE THEIR TIME. STOP HIM.”

Then Susan was gone and the screaming resumed.


Her mana was low.

Violet, tell everyone to stay back. I am alive.’ Bonny thought as hard as she could to the slime girl. ‘I need the Crown.

She waited a moment, then pulled on the Arcane Crown. It popped into existence on her head.


The world faded and the gods were arrayed before her, above her. Both her gods and her demons. Courage, Recovery, and Justice stood to her left. Compassion and Hope to her right. Lust and Wrath were bound before her and Pride stood opposite.

Pride took the form of a lioness, confident and calm.

Bonny was still on her back, but found she could move here, in the liminal void outside of time. She felt at the wound and found it was still open, but was a clean cut. She reached in, feeling, sensing, aligning what she could in the slippery mess of blood and gore.


Recovery smiled down at her.


It didn’t matter if they weren’t in a physical reality. If universal time paused, then she had more of it to work with.

“I want to offer a deal.” Pride’s voice was poised and self-assured.

‘[Mending!]’ Bonny tried to speak aloud on the next cast and croaked out her spell. “[Men-ding!]”

“I will wait.” Pride said.


It took a long time before Bonny felt she could do something other than cast her healing spell. Her regeneration aura helped, but even with the clean cut, there was a lot of damage and it required a lot of healing.

“What deal?” Her voice was broken and rough, but understandable. She sat up and the supernatural beings rearranged themselves. They were all in their small avatar forms, including Pride, though the lioness seemed to be slightly larger than the others.

“My champion is a fool. I wish to work with you.”

“Why? [Mend-ing!]”

“He failed to kill you.”

“Did you want him to?”

“I was uncertain of his success. He would not listen.” She paused for a moment. “He often does not listen.”

Bonny choked out a laugh. “Pride. [Mending!]”


“What do I have to offer? [Mending!] I don’t like killing people.”

“You have many things to be proud of. Impress me and I will join you willingly.”

“How? Do I need to kill him? [Mending!]”

Pride frowned. “No. I do not require killing. That is what he takes pride in. He believes this world is a game and that no one else is real. He practices with the sword and kills anyone he can.”

“[Mending!]” Bonny was beginning to feel like herself again. “What do I need to do?”

“What are you the best at? What do you take pride in?”

Bonny looked around at the gods and demons to surrounding her. “I’m pretty good at fucking. And at healing.” She pointed to her neck, which now showed a faint scar line.

“I do not require healing. Fuck me.”

Bonny drew in a deep breath and shook her head, turning stretching it extra far to test her muscles and feel the tension.

“I was just decapitated. Almost decapitated. I’m not exactly in the mood.”

“Do you need to be?”

“If you want me to do my best, then yes.”

Pride considered. “Do what you can. I cannot replace my champion without a suitable alternate candidate.”

Bonny sighed. “Really? What the fuck is wrong with you? There’s someone dead out there. Maybe more than one. Right now, your champion is about to try and cut my head off again. My friends are all mid-panic and you want sex?”

“They do not matter. Only you are worthy of my attention.”

Bonny looked around. Both Courage and Pride were lion kin. She stared at each for a moment before saying. “Courage is prettier than you.”

Pride frowned at her. “Negging will not work on me.”

“Won’t it? Aren’t you supposed to be the best? The prettiest? Courage is loved.” Bonny pointed over at the goddess she had known the longest. “She’s happy and glowing. You’re here begging for my attention and a way out of your shitty situation. Can you take pride in being second best?”

Bonny waved at the rest of her supernatural harem without waiting on an answer. “Are you a unicorn? No, Recovery is. Fuck, even Lust is prettier than you and she used to wave a dick in my face.”

Pride’s shoulders dropped. “I do not want to go back to him.”

“Then beg. Show some humility.” Bonny knew the gods, and presumably the demons, each had a hidden dual nature. They embodied both the ideal they were named for and it’s opposite.

“I-I … will not.” Pride squared her shoulders and fixed her expression. “Prove you deserve me.”

“Fine! This may not be pleasant.”

Bonny summoned a cock. It wasn’t huge, but small. It was the smallest cock she could summon, at around four inches long and one across. She had never tried to use it before, since everyone seemed to think bigger was better.

Even though her dick was smaller than average, she was human sized and Pride was tiny. In comparison, her dick was monstrous.

“Even Courage hasn’t tried this. Are you sure you want to?”

She knew Pride couldn’t resist.

“I am better than Courage.”

“If you say so. I know you’re not entirely physical, so this should work. If you can’t take it and beg me to stop, I will.”

“I will not.”

Bonny shrugged. “Okay.”

The demon had been wearing a martial arts outfit, similar to the lion kin with the sword, but it vanished as Bonny picked her up. Pride was slightly bigger than three inches tall, but only about an inch wide. This shouldn’t work, no matter what she just said.

Bonny gently laid Pride lengthwise along her erect cock and spread the demon’s legs open, with one hand on each leg. She pressed her thumbs into Pride’s pussy and worked it for a few moments, stroking each thumb up and down, pressing in and releasing rhythmically.

Pride shivered. “I-I knew you were good at this.”

“Just wait. Remember beg me to stop if you need to.”

Bonny pressed both thumb tips in, parting the demon’s folds, then pulled her open. Wide open.

The demon gasped and paled.

Bonny paused. “Should I stop?”

Pride hesitantly shook her head.

Bonny pulled harder, wider. Opened the demoness far beyond what a physical body could do. She shifted her hips back and lined up her cock.


Pride hesitated.

“[Analysis!]” The demon was fine. The supernatural beings obviously had feelings and sensations, but the demonic body didn’t have real bones to break and was in no danger of physical harm, no matter what it felt like.

Bonny realized she hadn’t checked herself and paused to recast her skill. “[Analysis!]”

She was healthy and recovered, so she turned her attention back to the demoness. “You’re doing great. I’m going to go ahead, okay?”

Pride nodded.

Bonny pulled down on the demon’s legs and pushed in with her hips. It was tight and difficult and Bonny’s cock head squished down tight around the hard erectile tissue beneath it.

“You are, by far, the tightest pussy I’ve entered. You should take pride in that.” Bonny smirked.

Pride moaned.

Bonny pulled harder, pulling the demon’s legs out and back. She started yanking, first gentle, then harder, until her entire cock head was buried inside the little demoness.

Pride’s body was swollen, twice as wide and thick as it should be. Her legs looked broken and twisted, sticking out grotesquely to the sides.

Bonny flexed her pelvic muscle and the demon bobbed up and down on the end of her cock, arms and legs flailing.

Pride’s pussy was open wider than her body should be, with the labial folds on each side wrinkled up like an accordion. Her clitoris was stretched wide and almost flat.

Bonny ran her fingertip down the center and the demoness writhed in place.

“Does that feel good?” Bonny did it again.

Pride moaned and squirmed, her hands squeezing at her own breasts.

“Pain and pleasure. Why isn’t there a goddess of that?”

There was no answer.

The ridge at the base of Bonny’s cock head was just inside Pride’s pussy and the demon’s body tented out like an oddly shaped triangle, wide at the bottom and narrow near the top.

Bonny twisted the demoness and felt a slick wetness. So she knew something was working. She tugged the demoness further down, until her cock ridge could be seen just above where Pride’s hip bones should be. If the demoness had had any.

The compression on the tip of Bonny's cock was painful, but no more painful than the sword had been when it cut her neck open.

“That should be far enough.”

Bonny touched Pride’s center again, stroking and pressing in.

The demoness moaned and flailed, growing louder and more erratic. She started undulating, her head and shoulders rocking up and down. Bonny realized the demoness was trying to thrust with her hips, but that part of her was locked in place, so the rest of her moved instead.

“You seem like you're almost there. How are you feeling?”

Bonny teased the demoness with her fingertip again, stroking lightly. She reached up with her other hand, pressing another fingertip to Pride’s lips.

“Kiss me.”

Pride obliged.

Bonny stroked down with her first finger again and felt the demoness convulse into an orgasm. The tiny body constricted around her, compressing her entire cock head even further, however the pelvic ring just under her glans ridge tightened even further, almost cutting into her.

Pride wailed in both pleasure and pain.

Bonny drained her power with an orgasm and a kiss.

She drank in the demon's power and tasted both pride and humility. She touched the bond to the lion kin with the sword and tasted the poison of an inflated ego with no real substance behind it. She felt the false adulation of the crowd of women and felt the bonds tying them to the lion kin.

Self aggrandizing false pride. How could a demon that embodied that ideal make that kind of mistake?

She pulled on the bonds between the lion kin and his companions. They seemed so similar to her own on the surface, but so different underneath. Hers were strong where these were weak.

She fed on them. Consumed them. She grew stronger, a true strength, born of someone else's ego and insecurity.

Pride’s voice changed, reflecting more happiness and less pain. Bonny fed the demoness with need and desire as she consumed the demonic power tied to her. The demoness pulsed on Bonny’s cock with each bite of pleasure.

Bonny closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling, on the impossibly tight pussy around her cock head. She relaxed her control over her size and let her cock swell.

Pride wailed as her body stretched and expanded.

Bonny’s cock grew from four to six to eight inches long and more than two wide. She looked down to see a ring of swollen demoness, no longer recognizable except for Pride's head. The demonic body was thin and translucent, with twigs of arms and legs sticking straight out to the sides.

“Will you beg for release now?” Bonny asked.

Pride moaned.

“So, no?”

Pride moaned again, with a slight shake of her head.

“Okay. If you can withstand it until I come, then I’ll accept you as one of my demons.”

Bonny flipped the challenge, no longer being tested for her own worthiness, but now testing the demoness’ resolve.

“I’m going to shift back to the real world and finish this. Stay there and stay visible. If you want to get fucked during a fight, you're going to get fucked during the fighting.”

Pride whimpered.

"Good girl. You can do this." Bonny touched Pride’s clitoris again.

The sensitive organ was no longer a hard nub of erectile tissue, but was stretched along with the rest of her demonic body. It was less a fold than a large flat area that bulged out around Bonny's hard shaft.

Bonny pressed in with a fingernail, leaving a crease in the clitoral zone tissue.

The demoness writhed and wailed.

Bonny smiled and stroked her shaft, causing the demon to bob up and down at the end of it. She concentrated on her true body and returned.

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